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👩🏻🦰Katie: So what are three foods you can't stand? Three foods that you hate?
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Number one would be chocolate.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Chocolate?
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Yes.
👩🏻🦰Katie: That's crazy.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: I don't like the feeling you have when you put a piece of chocolate inside your mouth. It's like too hot. Like if I eat a piece of chocolate, I need to drink a lot of water.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Wow.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: It feels – I don't like it. Yeah.
👩🏻🦰Katie: I will gladly eat all your chocolate. If you have chocolate you don't want, I'm here.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Yeah. It's weird because when, you know, chocolate is very popular as a gift. Somebody is always giving you chocolate and I take it because I don't want to say to everybody like, "I hate chocolate actually." But yeah, what about you? What's something you don't really like?
👩🏻🦰Katie: Well, I have something I don't like that I think is really popular. And every time I say I don't like it, I always get the same like, "What?" kind of reaction, but I don't like ice cream.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: What?
👩🏻🦰Katie: I don't like ice cream. I don't think food should be that cold. I don't like it. Food shouldn't be too cold to eat.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Really?
👩🏻🦰Katie: It's just not…
👩🏻🦱Gilda: You don't know what you're missing. Ice creams are really, really good especially in summer.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Chocolate is really good. Chocolate, I'll take chocolate over ice cream any day.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Well, you can try chocolate ice cream.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Oh, chocolate ice cream is the worst. Chocolate ice cream is the worst. No, thank you.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: What about a second one? Do you have any second food that you don't like?
👩🏻🦰Katie: I don't like tomatoes. Which is strange because I eat lots of pasta with tomato-flavored stuff in it. But just tomatoes by themselves is not something I enjoy. Whenever I have like a hamburger with a tomato, I always have to take it out and give it to someone else. Just, I don't like it. It's just juicy and not in a good juicy way.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: I don't like garlic.
👩🏻🦰Katie: You don't like garlic?
👩🏻🦱Gilda: I like garlic in food but I don't like to see it or eat it and have this, the taste of garlic, I don't like it.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Once you've got the taste of garlic, you don't get rid of that for about three days.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Exactly. That's another thing. Yeah. So when my mom is cooking and using garlic, she ... after that, she had to remove it. She cannot leave any evidence that she was using garlic in her food. Yes.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Is there another food that you don't like?
👩🏻🦱Gilda: I would say sprouts, Brussel sprouts.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Yeah. No one likes sprouts.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Yes. It's bitter and even though some people say it's good for your body, I don't like them.
👩🏻🦰Katie: I think, yeah, sprouts are just universally hated. No one like sprouts.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Yeah. But when you are a child, your parents, for some reason always giving you that.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Yeah. Cruel.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Yeah. I don't like it. It looks like – I feel like a cow eating those things. Yeah.
👩🏻🦰Katie: Yeah. I can imagine. It's just—ugh!
👩🏻🦱Gilda: What about you? Any other?
👩🏻🦰Katie: I have one more but it's really strange. I've never actually eaten them but looking at them makes me really uncomfortable, and that's olives. I hate olives.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: No. I love them.
👩🏻🦰Katie: I can't stand olives. Just looking at them makes me want to scream.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Really?
👩🏻🦰Katie: Like I think it's the hole. I don't like the hole in olives. I'm like scared of olives. It's really strange, but no.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: I like them.
👩🏻🦰Katie: You can have my olives.
👩🏻🦱Gilda: Very tasty green, black.
👩🏻🦰Katie: No. If I see them in a jar at the supermarket—
Gilda: Better than chocolate.
Katie: Just no. No. No, no, no. I don't like them. Scared of olives. It's the craziest thing ever but no. I don't like olives. Keep them away from me.
Gilda: Good.
🚹🚺 PART - 28
👩🏻🦰Sarah: We've been hearing a lot about Mars in the news.
👨🏻🦰John: Yeah, NASA keeps coming out with announcements every year.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: We just found out that there's water on Mars - liquid water.
👨🏻🦰John: Yes, recently they revealed that there's evidence of liquid water.
👨🏻🦰Sarah: That's crazy.
👨🏻🦰John: Last year they announced that they definitely found ice - solid water - in the soil. In the soil on Mar's surface the found frozen water. Now they found evidence of liquid water flowing.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Do you think people can go to Mars? Do you think we should send people to Mars?
👨🏻🦰John: I definitely think we can go there. We've already sent a number of spacecraft to Mars, starting with satellites many decades ago. Then there were landers, where satellites landed on the surface and sent data back to Earth. Then we sent the rovers. Little robot cars that drive around on Mars, so we've already successfully sent many missions to Mars. I'm sure we can do it with humans.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: But none of the satellites or landers or rovers, they've never come back. Do you think we could send people and they'd come back safely?
👨🏻🦰John: Well, that is a problem. We could definitely send people to Mars, but bringing them back, having the astronauts come back to Earth, would be a much more difficult problem to solve.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: So you think maybe we would send astronauts to Mars? They would never come back safely?
👨🏻🦰John: Well, if you think about the old explorers, in the olden days ... explorers used to leave their home, and find new regions and not plan to go back. People used to take a risk, and maybe they couldn't return, so I think there are people who are willing to go on a one-way trip to Mars. I'm sure there are people willing to do that, but are the rest of the people willing to send someone on that mission? I think some people will say yes, and some people will say no. I don't know what the percent would be, but I'm willing to allow someone to do that. If someone says I want to go to Mars. I know it's a one-way trip, but I want to go. I think that's OK. We should let them go.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: How about you? Would you volunteer to go?
👨🏻🦰John: Oh, no. Not me. I'm staying here on Earth.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: OK.
🚹🚺 PART - 27
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👩🏻🦰Sarah: So do you think we should sent people to Mars or Moon to spend all this money on space travel?
👨🏻🦰John: Well, I think we should. Space travel can give people hope for the future, and space travel can unite people from different countries for a common goal.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: But do any countries work together to travel in space?
👨🏻🦰John: Oh certainly. The International Space station has astronauts from different countries working together. And I think that a joint effort is the best way to do space missions. I think that we could go back to the Moon and learn much more by going there than we can learn if we don't go there.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: I see what you mean, but I think we could learn more and we could improve more if we can help the people on Earth. Think of everything we could learn from the children that can't get an education these days. Maybe the next Einstein is a poor little girl who doesn't have the money to go to school. If we spent more money on school or clean water and vaccines, maybe we could learn more from ourselves than from going to space and going to Mars.
👨🏻🦰John: I agree with you that more should be spent on education, but we don't need the next Einstein if were not doing space travel. The problem is what are people with money willing to spend it on. I think that it would be nice if we could have all the rich countries spend money on education for poor people, but if you look at the numbers, the cost of one space mission is much cheaper than the things we spend money on now.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Like what?
👨🏻🦰John: Well, the first example that comes to mind is war. One day of war is so expensive for all the governments and the militaries that are involved. One day of war costs more money than one space mission. But war goes on and on for days.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Yeah, and years.
👨🏻🦰John: So, if you think about money in terms of ... sorry ... so the money for a space mission is expensive by itself, but when you compare it to other things it's actually kind of cheap.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: I see what you're saying. You're comparing the cost of space travel to war, but I would compare the cost of space travel to the cost of, for example, getting rid of malaria. I think we could get rid of a terrible disease like malaria for as much as we would spend on a trip to Mars.
👨🏻🦰John: Getting rid of malaria or going to Mars? Well, of course I would also choose that we get rid of malaria.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree.
👨🏻🦰John: We might have to disagree this time.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: OK.
🚹🚺 PART - 26
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👩🏻🦱Gilder: Yes.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: Yeah. There are different ways to cope with it, I think.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: Yes.
🚹🚺 PART - 25
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👩🏻🦰Aimee: So Gilder, we're both teachers, and we both live and work abroad, right, from our home countries.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: Yes.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: I'm from Scotland and you're from Venezuela. So, I'm sure we both have to deal with homesickness because we're so far from our home. How do you deal with home sickness?
👩🏻🦱Gilder: It's very difficult because as you said I'm so far from my country.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: Yeah.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: And like special seasons like Christmas or during the Holy Week – it is something that we celebrate a lot, I feel really homesick especially because of the food we have.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: Yeah.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: Yeah, a particular food and also meeting with your friends, hanging out with them, going to the beach. So all those things that I don't have here is, – yeah, it really makes feel homesick. But one thing I do is I always try to go for things in the country where I'm living. So what do the locals do? Is there any interesting – and it's a sort of like an adventure because you're doing something new so you're kind of replacing something that you used to do by something new. So in a way, it's nice dealing with homesickness.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: Yeah.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: What about you?
👩🏻🦰Aimee: Well, that's kind of what I was going to say. You said replacing, I was going to say just distract yourself with other activities. Obviously, we've met new people living here and, you know, I've made some new and wonderful friends. And it's not the same as your life back home but it's a good distraction, I think. You mentioned activities, so yeah, just exploring the new culture that we're in.
And if feeling homesickness in regards to food, you know, there's a lot of delicious foods here in Japan. Delicious foods, so we can distract our needs, I guess.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: Yeah. That's one of the good things of being in Japan is the fact that you get to know people from all over the world and try so many different things. So yeah, it's a distraction. It's a good distraction. Yeah.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: One, I guess, one strategy I have as well for homesickness is whenever someone comes to visit, which is very rare but it does happen, I send them a list of things that they can fill their suitcase with to bring over for me. Foods from home and just tea bags from the local supermarket and, you know, some cosmetics or toiletries that I cannot buy here, particular brands that I like. And it's little things like that that help me, I think, deal with not having them. Basically, having them helps me deal with not having them.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: I also do that sometimes like my family try to visit me once a year so their suitcase packed of stuff Venezuela, which is very important to me. And also I try to find those supermarkets from South America like Brazilian supermarkets…
👩🏻🦰Aimee: Right. Yeah.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: Or sometimes the Filipino supermarkets, they have stuff that we have in Venezuela, so yeah, it's very nice.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: I actually used to live out in a different part of Japan where there was quite a large Brazilian population, and there were many like Brazilian convenient store. Wonderful breads, the meat was good, too. Yeah, lots of really good products. So I guess a shop like that would help you in particular.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: Yes, I guess Brazilians, they don't have the same issue that we have with homesickness because they can get a lot of stuff from Brazil here in Japan.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: That's true. Yeah. Well, of course, you know, there are international stores around. I'm lucky enough to – even in a small city like this, I have an international store that's reasonably close. So there are a few products that you can – I feel happy about, I guess. Maybe I wouldn't even buy them at home but when I see them in the shop here, I feel like, oh I can't get other things so I'm going to buy these biscuits.
👩🏻🦱Gilder: Likewise, something that you can read.
👩🏻🦰Aimee: Yeah. Well, yeah, that too. Just peel the language stick off the top and read the English below.
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👨🏻🦰John: So we've been talking about women's roles in society. And are you a stay-at-home mom or a working mom?
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Well, I guess I'm both. Right now, I'm on maternity leave and I'm on month six of maternity leave.
👨🏻🦰John: What does that mean?
👩🏻🦰Sarah: So maternity leave is when you have a job but then you become pregnant or you're going to have a baby, maybe adopt, too. So you're going to have a baby, and so you take time off of work to stay home with the new baby.
👨🏻🦰John: Oh, I see. Do you still get paid?
👩🏻🦰Sarah: I do. I get about half of my wage. So I do still get paid and I'm very grateful for that. So I've been at home with the new baby for six months. And I'm going to go back to work next month.
👨🏻🦰John: Oh. What will happen with the baby?
👩🏻🦰Sarah: So I have two kids actually. I have a toddler and a baby. And both of them will go to daycare during the day.
👨🏻🦰John: I see.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: So I signed up for the daycare before the baby was even born. It's really hard to find good daycare that you can afford, that's near your house. So you have to start planning before the baby is even born if you're the type of person who wants to go back to work.
👨🏻🦰John: I see. I don't think many men worry about getting good daycare for their children…
👩🏻🦰Sarah: No.
👨🏻🦰John: When they think about their jobs.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: No. Even when there's a family, and the mother and father both work, still it's the mother that has to do everything with the kids, usually. Usually, the mom has to for example, get the bag ready for the kids to take to daycare. They have to arrange the daycare. They have – the daycare has the mother's phone number, usually.
And so, the mom has to do a lot of extra work even though mom and dad both have full time jobs.
👨🏻🦰John: I see. Are you saying that things should be different?
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Yes. I think things should be different. I'm so lucky my husband agrees with me. And my husband, he drops the kids off at daycare and he picks them up and he does the laundry and the dishes. And it helps me to be – and it helps me focus on my career so that I can stay late at work if I need to. I can go to an extra meeting on a weekend. And it makes me feel more fulfilled that it's not my husband's job that comes first.
A lot of times women make less money than men and they put their job second to their husband. And it's not equal, and it's not fair. And so, I think that people should work on making things more equal.
👨🏻🦰John: Well, I agree with you.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Thank you.
🚹🚺 PART - 24
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👨🏻🦰John: Okay. So Sarah, you said you participated in rodeos before but I thought only men ride horses in rodeos?
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Yeah. Like 99.9% of the time, the men do all of the rodeo sports. There's like two sports for women and the rest of them are all for men.
👨🏻🦰John: Oh.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: When I said I wanted to do the traditionally male events, they said, "You can't do that. You're a woman. You have to do these other events that are not dangerous. They're safe."
For example, the men do calf roping. You work with a baby cow, a calf that's about 100 pounds. The women do goat roping.
And they work with a tiny goat that's about the size of a small dog. So I just always thought the difference was stupid. I don't want to do the easy, safe event. I want to do the difficult event and people were really surprised. And first, they said, "You can't." And I said, "I'm going to anyways."
👨🏻🦰John: Wow!
👩🏻🦰Sarah: And the first time I did the saddle bronc, they said, "Look, look, look. We got you a girl horse because you're a girl."
👨🏻🦰John: Oh my.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: And I thought, "Well, you didn't need to draw more attention to it. I just want to compete like everyone else."
👨🏻🦰John: Right.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: And my first time, I fell off the horse and I was really injured. And I was laying there and one of my friends came running out. And he said – I thought he was going to help me up and help me leave because I was really hurt. And instead he said, "Hurry up! You got to get off the – you get out of the arena because the next person wants to go."
👨🏻🦰John: Oh, wow!
👩🏻🦰Sarah: And I was really happy that he said that actually because he was just treating me the way he treated any other competitor. "Oh, get up. Be tough. You're fine."
👨🏻🦰John: Yeah.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: And I didn't want anyone to help me.
👨🏻🦰John: So he didn't help you.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Right. And I was really glad that he was treating me like everyone else. And when you see a rodeo, you'll see that the women do events where they can dress really nice. They always wear nice clothes, beautiful hat. They even have earrings and things on.
And when the men do events, they're doing events that they really have to use their muscles and get dirty, and I really liked doing those instead. I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm just saying I like to do the other one and I think that maybe other women like to do the other events, too.
👨🏻🦰John: So do you think that the situation is improving? Are more girls joining rodeo now?
👩🏻🦰Sarah: I don't think so. I think the sport of rodeo is becoming less popular. So I think in the future, there won't be more women in rodeo. There will just be fewer people in rodeo.
👨🏻🦰John: Oh, I see.
👩🏻🦰Sarah: Because the rodeo events, they're not very kind to the cows or the other animals. And as people get older, maybe they get more softhearted like me, and they don't want to make the animals get tied up or chase the animals. And so I think fewer people are interested in rodeo these days.
🚹🚺 PART - 23
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