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1. GARGANTUAN (ADJECTIVE): (विशाल): enormous
Synonyms: massive, huge
Antonyms: tiny
Example Sentence: Tigers and lions have a gargantuan appetite.
2. RELATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (तुलनात्मक): comparative
Synonyms: respective, comparable
Antonyms: absolute
Example Sentence: The relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known.
3. SUBSTANTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (प्रबल): sturdy
Synonyms: solid, stout
Antonyms: insubstantial
Example Sentence: He lives near the row of substantial Victorian villas.
4. EFFICACY (NOUN): (प्रभावोत्पादकता): effectiveness
Synonyms: success, potency
Antonyms: inefficacy
Example Sentence: There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment.
5. INTRIGUE (VERB): (दिलचस्प बनाना): interest
Synonyms: fascinate, attract
Antonyms: bore
Example Sentence: The whole class was intrigued by his unique question.
6. ESCALATION (NOUN): (वृद्धि): rise
Synonyms: hike, advance
Antonyms: plunge
Example Sentence: A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable.
7. UNACCEPTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्वीकार्य): intolerable
Synonyms: insufferable, unsatisfactory
Antonyms: acceptable
Example Sentence: His behaviour was unacceptable.
8. CONSIDERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (ध्यान देने लायक़): distinguished
Synonyms: noteworthy, noted
Antonyms: insignificant
Example Sentence: Snow was a limited, but still considerable, novelist.
9. MENACE (VERB): (खतरे में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil
Antonyms: friendly
Example Sentence: Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching.
10. VACANT (ADJECTIVE): (भावशून्य): blank
Synonyms: expressionless, deadpan
Antonyms: expressive
Example Sentence: I came across a vacant stare.
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1. UNRELENTING (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर): continual
Synonyms: constant, continuous
Antonyms: intermittent
Example Sentence:She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.
2. SPLENDOUR (NOUN): (वैभव): magnificence
Synonyms: grandeur, opulence
Antonyms: modesty
Example Sentence:The barren splendour of the Lake District looked stunning.
3. INDICT (VERB): (अभियोग लगाना): charge with
Synonyms: summon, cite
Antonyms: acquit
Example Sentence:His former manager was indicted for fraud.
4. INSURGENT (NOUN): (विद्रोही): rebel
Synonyms: revolutionary, mutineer
Antonyms: loyalist
Example Sentence:He signaled to the other insurgent, who obeyed and moved forward.
5. CONSENSUS (NOUN): (आम सहमति): agreement
Synonyms: harmony concord
Antonyms: disagreement
Example Sentence:There is a growing consensus that the current regime has failed.
6. AMBITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वाकांक्षी): aspiring
Synonyms: determined, forceful
Antonyms: unambitious
Example Sentence:She is a tyical ambitious workaholic.
7. COMBAT (VERB): (सामना करना): fight
Synonyms: tackle, attack
Antonyms: give in to
Example Sentence:She dedicated her life combating poverty.
8. ULTIMATE (ADJECTIVE): (अंतिम): eventual
Synonyms: last, final
Antonyms: immediate
Example Sentence:The ultimate aim of the firm’s head was to force his resignation.
9. UNDERMINE (VERB): (दुर्बल करना): subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance
Example Sentence:This could undermine years of hard work.
10. UNFETTERED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unrestricted unconstrained
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:His imagination is unfettered by the laws of logic.
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1. ANNIHILATE (VERB): (मिटा देना): destroy
Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate
Antonyms: create
Example Sentence:
A simple bomb of this type could annihilate them all.
2. INHERENT (ADJECTIVE): (आंतरिक): intrinsic
Synonyms: innate, immanent
Antonyms: acquired
Example Sentence:
Any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers.
3. PROTRACT (VERB): (लम्बा करना): prolong
Synonyms: extend, draw out
Antonyms: curtail
Example Sentence:
He had certainly taken his time, even protracting the process.
4. ABREAST (ADVERB): (के साथ): up with
Synonyms: up to date with, in touch with
Antonyms: out of touch with
Example Sentence:
In modern times, one has tokeep abreast of developments.
5.RESTITUTION (NOUN): (वापसी): return
Synonyms: restoration, replacement
Antonyms: seizure
Example Sentence:
The ANC had demanded the restitution of land seized from black people.
6. WITHER (VERB): (मुरझाना): wilt
Synonyms: droop, fade
Antonyms: thrive
Example Sentence:
The grass had withered to an unappealing brown.
7. ANTIPATHY (NOUN): (विरोधभाव): hostility
Synonyms: antagonism, animosity
Antonyms: liking
Example Sentence:
He certainly had antipathy to capitalism.
8. LIBERAL (ADJECTIVE): (उदार): generous
Synonyms: magnanimous, open-handed
Antonyms: miserly
Example Sentence:
Sam was too liberal with the wine.
9.EMPATHY (NOUN): (समवेदना): affinity with
Synonyms: rapport with, togetherness
Antonyms: distance
Example Sentence:
She'd been incapable of empathy or remorse.
10. ACCEDE (VERB): (मान लेना): accept
Synonyms: endorse, go along with
Antonyms: refuse
Example Sentence:
He did not accede to his child’s demands.
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1. APPREHEND (VERB): (पकड़ना): arrest
Synonyms: catch, capture
Antonyms: let go
Example Sentence:A warrant was issued but he has not been apprehended.
2. ONGOING (ADJECTIVE): (चल रही है): in progress
Synonyms: under way, going on
Antonyms: finished
Example Sentence:Negotiations are ongoing right now.
3. REVIVE (VERB): (फिर ताजा करना): reinvigorate
Synonyms: revitalize, refresh
Antonyms: torpefy
Example Sentence:The cool, refreshing water revived us all.
4. OPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (क्रियाशील): in force
Synonyms: effective, in effect
Antonyms: invalid
Example Sentence:The transmitter is operative.
5. ABSOLVE (VERB): (दोषमुक्त करना):exonerate
Synonyms: discharge, acquit
Antonyms: blame
Example Sentence:The pardon absolved them of all the crimes.
6. PREJUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): detrimental
Synonyms: damaging, injurious
Antonyms: beneficial
Example Sentence:The proposals were considered prejudicial to the city centre.
7. IMPOVERISH (VERB): (शक्तिहीन करना): weaken
Synonyms: sap, exhaust
Antonyms: strengthen
Example Sentence:The soil was impoverished by annual burning.
8. RELIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विश्वसनीय): dependable
Synonyms: good, well founded
Antonyms: unreliable
Example Sentence:Newspapers are no more a reliable source of information.
9. DASTARDLY (ADJECTIVE): (दुष्ट): wicked
Synonyms: evil, iniquitous
Antonyms: noble
Example Sentence:We all know the pirates and their dastardly deeds.
10. EVADE (VERB): (बचना): elude
Synonyms: avoid, dodge
Antonyms: confront
Example Sentence:Friends helped him to evade my woes.
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