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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello beautiful people listen

አንዳንዴ two people የፈለገ ያክል how they try to make it work, just they aren't mean to be.
Love can do strange things to you, but it shouldn't ever make you forget your worth. Trust me, when you least except it, someone along will come along. Someone that will teach you all the things you got wrong about love. Some people are here to teach us የሆኑ የሆኑ ነገሮችን. We must not regret these loves, but be thankful for them. When you finally cross paths with ትክክለኛ ሰዉ, everything will feel different. You will just know be patient. እና dont settle for less because you deserve the world.
Plus በምንወደዉ እና በምናምነዉ ሰዉ ተከድተን የተሰማንን pain እንደገና feel ላለማድረግ ከመጎዳት ብቸኝነትን ይሻላል ብለን እንጂ መቼም ተመችቶን አይደለም። ቢሆንም ግን የፈለገ ነገር ያክል ብንጎዳ, ሰዉ ቢበድለን ሰዉን ከመዉደድ ልባችንን አንያዘዉ የልብ ስራዉ ሰዉን መዉደድ, ሰዉን ማፍቀር ነዉ። ልባችን መጥላት እሚባለዉን ነገር አያቅም እና ልባችንን አናስጨንቀዉ የፈለገዉን ሰዉ እንደፈለገዉ አርግቶ ይዉደድ, ያፍቅር
love can do alot to a person. To a person with a good heart or to a person with a bad soul ግን አንድ ነገር we never do is stop loving the way we do ነዉ።


#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am 21 M
Ena i have a crush on this girl በጣም perfect nat ምናምን ነገር but the problem is she is out off my league plus በጌታ nat plus she has a twin sister ሁሌም አይላቀቁም so it's difficult to be my self so wtf am i suppose to do😕


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Angel
I need to vent
Hey friends, 23M, hope you're all doing well. I wanted to vent about something that has been bothering me lately. Some of my buddies have started teasing me with the nickname "ante setaset" because of my approach to relationships and intimacy. Really its makes me upset. Instead of solely focusing on sex, I value deep emotional connections and meaningful conversations. I find that I enjoy sex more when it happens after a long period of building a strong attachment with someone.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this matter. Do you think it's uncommon for a man to prioritize emotional attachment over sex? Personally, I find it incredibly fulfilling, but I'm curious about your perspectives. Thanks for understanding and supporting me.

Don't take me wrong, I have some experience on sex and I always enjoy it but I love more emotional attachement. Even if the girl is rush to do sex, automatically I will ignore her. Yihe demo selfish na arrogant endehonku eytasebebign new. What shall I do?

You guys may be think its weird but I like chubby/ fat girls, most of the time they are honest and lovers. I don't mean that the opposits are haters but they are overrated on the society, even I don't think they know about creating deep emotions.

Me, always loving connecting on a deeper level through our shared interests and values. Spending hours talking about our dreams, fears, and everything in between. Sharing stories and laughter along the way. It is refreshing to experience such a genuine connection without any pressure for immediate physical intimacy.

Discuss views on how building a strong emotional bond before engaging in physical intimacy can enhance the overall experience. It is refreshing to find someone who understood and appreciated my perspective.

The emotional connection built throughout the time is far more valuable and fulfilling than any physical encounter could have been. It is a reminder that prioritizing emotional attachment over sex can lead to deeper and more meaningful connections. What do you think?

So, that's my little views that highlights the importance of emotional attachment in relationships. I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic! You can dm me too. Love to deep convos. Thanks

#School #Friendship #HealthComplications #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just wanna scream out loud !!!
Hey it's me im 25 M ... how you guys doing i don't even know how to type vents am not good at writing but yeah im here i stay home bezu time gen ahun lay i think it's too much betam eyastelagne new i don't like the word depression but i think wedesu eyehedku new idk , i do have friends gen no one understands me they all know the sakita and techawach dude but deep inside me it's not who i am i can't even express what i'm feeling right now i'm losing myself .... Say something sewoch


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just wanna let it out thats why am here am m20 i just want real thing in the fake world i want someone that i can relay on trust on i want someone who i can call mine be with me through my up and down i dont want them to be perfect but uk being lonley sucks am not saying i was lonely the whole time i have this relationship all of them doesn't work idk why things don't work out with me idk if i am the problem or them but every time i try my best somthing happen its like some kind of cure idk i have friends that love me family's too but they only know the happy me the one with smiley face i will keep it this way i guess it been relief talking it out i feel lighter now

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Use
I need to vent
Hey am F 19
Okey chinklate west yalwn ngroch lzrgf cuz I don't have any place to do 😂....ngru endi new like sew aynafkigm mnm ena esu ngr eysasbig new even my family ksnt gize ande new ehin feeling feel margew ena demo suddenly sewochin kne lmrak mokralhu they didn't do anything eko gn I just lost interest in everything fr 😂 normal endalhone ik gn dmo bn barg new ehin ngr maskom mchlew I like lonely shon btam selam ysmagal gn dmo I have to communicate and have some people in my life gn demo ya comfort aystigim

I mean is there someone like me in here

I think ngroch btam kyrwigal kbftu manente btam ena am turning in to evil fr😭😭 bka dengay eyhonku new dengay mnm feeling feel alargim nothing happy eyargig adelm senseless honku eko people ere help😭😭🙃

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am 24 years old male I wanted to ask you about something one year ago I was in love with a girl who learns with me and she told me she was in comitted relationship but we used to talk for hours then things got harsh between us and this year after we become friends again she told me she broke up with him so I asked her if she is willing to start relationship with me she said she still have feelings for him but we still talk too much on phone my feelings for her are not stronger like the first time it is nearly vanishing
What do you suggest me to do
Thanks in advance


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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ሰላም guys🙌 ሰሞኑን አንድ ሃሳብ በጣም ሲረብሸኝ ነበር እና ላጋራችሁ ጥያቄም ልጠይቃችሁ። እግዚአብሄር የሚባለው ነገር እውነት ነው? በርግጥስ አለ? ወይስ ሰው የፈጠረው ሃሳብ ነው? ሰው በሙሉ ቢጠፋ እግዚአብሄር ይኖር ነበር?

ታሪኩ እንዴት እንደመጣ እና እውነት እንደሆነ ማስረጃ ባይኖርም በክርስትና ክክርስቶስ ሞት በኋላ ደቀ መዛሙርቱ በሙሉ ተሰቃይተው ከተገደሉ በኋላ የሮም ኢምፓየር በሓይል መግዛት ከጀመረ ቀን አንስቶ ክርስትያን የተባለ ሰው አልነበረም። ለ400 አመታት ያህል ክርስትና የሚባል ነገር ጠፍቶ ነበር። እና ከዛ ቡሃላ መጽሃፍቱን ማን አግኝቶ አሰራጨ?

ሌላው ደግሞ በውነት እግዚአብሄር ካለ ለምን ስንለምነው አይሰማንም? ፈጣሪ እስከሆነ ድረስ፤ ሁሉን ነገር ማድረግ እስከቻለ ድረስ ለምን የኛን ፍላጎት ማሳካት አልተቻለውም?

በመጨረሻም ደግሞ ለምን ፈጠረን? ሰው ነን በጣም ብዙ ነገር ያሳስተናል። ተሳሳትን፤ ሲኦል ገባን፤ ምንድነው ትርጉሙ? ሲኦል ለመግባት ለምን ተፈጠርን? ወይስ ሲኦል ገነት የሚባለው ነገር እውነት አይደለም?

ብዙዎቻችን እምነትን ከቤተሰቦቻችን ነው የወረስነው። ብቻችንን ያደግን ብንሆን ወይም ቤተሰቦቻችን ሃይማኖት የሌላቸው ቢሆኑ እግዚአብሄር የሚባል ነገር መኖሩን አናውቅም ነበር። ስለዚህ በነዛ 400 አመታት ምን እንደተከሰተ አናውቅም። እስቲ ሃሳባችሁን አጋሩኝ። በብሉይ ኪዳን እንዳነበብነው በብሉይ ኪዳን ዘመን እግዚአብሄር ከሰዎች ጋር ጥሩ የሆነ ግንኙነት ነበረው። አሁን ግን ጭራሽ ማን እንደሆነ ምን እንደሆነ ከክርስትና ሃይማኖት ዉጪ ለሆነ ሰው አስረዱ ብንባል ይከብደናል። ምንድነው መልሱ? ለምን ከበደን?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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How you depressed guys over come loneliness i really can't like its killing me inside i don't wanma be alone it sucks my mind won't be normal what should i do there is nobody truly want be with me Please advice me Please don't say ask my id im just here to get some points to make things work

#MentalIllness #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is a vent from a girl who is extremely 'homebody'.. I really enjoy every min I passed at my home.. It isn't because there are special things I do gn beka I just enjoy being home.. I prefer not to go anywhere but it is hurting me.. I don't even go to my relatives home it is very rarely tkkl endalone akakew endi balonm des ylegn neber gn beka kehedku behuala bete eskememeles yalewn seat new mnafkew am uni student(AAU)ena beka eza ena bet bcha new gize masalef mfelgew ereftm sagegn wedebet memtat enji zemed ga hedo meteyek mnamn mibalewn neger chrash enjoy alaregewm the main reason is home is the only place which I can be my self... Ena tlant my cousin called me and asked me what's wrong is me.. ezihu A. A honesh endet atmechim mnamn😔ena yemr tesemagn mnale sociable zemed meteyek yemtod sew bhon bye🙁..Gn at the same time beka endi aynet neger enjoy kalareku gdetaye aydelem mil negerm ysemagnal anyways It feels good to vent.. hv a good time😊


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is my second vent
24 M living in this shit hole
So the thing is if u see someone who is laughing and happy all the time they are trying to hide there feelings and emotions. I'm that kind of person and i want my friends to know that about me and they dont. They found me funny and sarcastic, they can't see my pain or ask if I'm okay. If u have someone around u who is always happy and energetic ask them if they are alright and thay will say that they are but u should push them to talk and then u will be amazed by how much they are holding inside and all the pain thay are going through.
This is a cry for help, a cry for friends who would care to hear me and feel my pain, I need someone to talk to. I want to get it all out. I want to feel okay
I want to feel free.

#Friendship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Guys መደሰት እና ማዘን አልቻልኩም Please help your bro here its really affecting my social circle
Whats the actual problem and solution for this?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey beautiful peoples
Here are some advices you can get from me.....and thank you for reading.

God sees not just the beginning but also the ending of every story. So if he knows that some people are not right for you, he will allow them to be removed from your life so try to accept this and have its all for good mentality.
እንዲያዉ ሰዉ ስንባል ነገሮችን መቀበል ይከብደናል አስተዉለንም ላናስተዉልም እንችላለን ግን every person that comes in our life የሆነ lesson ይዞልን ነዉ እሚመጣዉ ጥሩም ይሁን መጥፎ ik it's so hard to accept happened ያረጉትን ነገሮችን ግን ደግሞ we have to know ነገሮችን እንደ አመጣጣቸዉ መቀበልን በህይወት ዉስጥ ሰዉ ይሄዳል ይመጣል, እናንተ ብቻ ናችሁ ለራሳችሁ ያላችሁት just remember this
እና when እንደዚህ አይነት ነገር happen ሲያረግት ያንን ነገር ቆም ብሎ እሚያሳስበንን በመጥፎ ሁኔታ ውስጥ እና በመከፋት ውስጥም ጥሩ ነገሩን እሚያሳስበንን ልቦና ይስጠን። plus learn how to say temesgen in every bad or good situation.



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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey unihorse 🦄
i need to vent
I'm 21 ena i'm in real sh i was in a r/ship with some one i taught i loved him gn gize behede kutr endemalwedew aweku but he got real feelings so menager alchalkum but when some guy appeared in my life i taught i really needed to tell him so i did he tried suicide oh God ,my point is ke adisu lj gar r/ship wst megbat alebgn kendezi aynet neger bewala i'm so stressed abt it so i need some advice


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, before my question, I would like to ask you not to judge me please (although with Vent Here's standards my questions are pretty normal).

I'm 23F, and I'm graduating next year in software engineering. I had a bf. We never had sex (we did nothing of sexual nature, the most sexual thing we did was we frenched like 2 times), even though we repeatedly had opportunities. We talked about it, and we decided to wait till we get married. But I ended things because of reasons I'd rather not get into.

Ever since then though, I can't think of anything other than sex. Literally every man I see, I just want to do it with him. And what's worse is, I'm on an internship this summer, and I just gave myself up for this guy. He's this cute Italian guy (we're almost the same age), and we had sex like 3 days after I joined the company. We're not dating (we're not like bf and gf). But he's got me on a leash, everytime he calls I just go, and do to him whatever he wants to.

And some of the things he wants me do (and I eventually do) are so degrading to women, I actually lose confidence usually on my way home. But the next day when he calls or texts me wyd, I'm as horny as ever, and go to him on all fours.

And this is entirely new behavior for me. I wasn't like this before I broke up with my aforementioned ex. (For context I had sex a couple of times before him, but I was never like I am before).

So is this a psychological thing? Should I see a therapist? Or is this just a phase every woman goes through (I highly doubt that, tho)?

And please, keep the judgements to yourselves.


#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi a female here. so I don't really love this person. But since he showed some interest a few times, and since we were likely to get married, I had unconsciously accepted him as my life partner. Now I know we won't get married, he has someone he's interested in. What do I do with myself? I don't even love him but I think about him all day long. Not really thinking but some memories keep coming to my mind, and I feel sad now. I want to stop feeling and thinking this way. I don't have time for relationships so I don't want to start a new one, how do you deal with that? How do I let go? It's like, this feeling refuses to go away, it's like I'm being forced to miss it because seriously it's bothering me now. I thought maybe it was stress but I don't know anymore just tell me how to proceed and move on.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi my people habesha ppl 😁
How u doin
Today I want to share smt or need advice. Here is the thing am twenty three M and protestant . I date only orthodox chicks and I hate pro chicks idk why I don't feel confi when am around pro chicks I don't even have just pro friend(g) in my life. At the end of the day my r/ship don't last long cuz of dis religion thing and am not and plan to see pro chicks so I might end up alone in my grave yard

What is ur advice


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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so um i'm mid sized and most fits aren't that appealing on me. i mean i think i look great and i put a lot of effort into it but my photos say otherwise. i want to lose weight. i really do want to but the thing is, i have seen myself naked and i think i look amazing. what's that about, right? ever since i could remember i have had a love hate relationship with my body. no wait. it's mostly been hate directed towards my body. but now, i am fine with myself. i love my curves and everything about myself. i don't care anymore and the realization of that is freeing. i love myself and i want to further better myself. both internally and externally. i want to be a better and cooler version of myself ❤️


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey 21M here, 3rd year Uni student
These days we're on a break from campus and I'm being stuck at home really sucks, and it's getting kinda lonely in here uk being Home all the time. I need a best friend, someone I could call my own and they could call me theirs one where we know everything about each other one where we are the top priority for each other, I have friends gn ik I'm missing an important life long bond rather than a short lived weak bond, thanks for reading it🙏


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm a 26 years old guy. I have been feeling empty and lonely lately. I am desperately in need of someone to talk to.

#Friendship #MentalIllness

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Tolo comment efelgalhu yetwaweknew besocial media nw ena 3 amet dres awretenal ena zare agegnehwat eswa ergim ene achir honnn which means bekumet beletchign ena achir atmeslegnim nbr bila tsegurkn betlachewma chirash alawkehm alchign ena sira nbrch tolo hedech ena betext selsgegnhuk des blognal achir selhonkm aydebregnim normal nw alchign tadia mata be tg tinesh aweran chawm satlegn replaym satadrg tewat text sadrg sedwul atansam why min ladrg are guys beagatami eswa yalchibet ketema 2 wer koyche ehedalehu yehone nger ngrugn plssssssss


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey Guys

Since peoples who r around me and aware if wht i have been through are few i want to share my success with u (am not pretending )...I have graduated and passed the exit exam and also am requested for a job that time was very challenging for me gn kemnm belay fetari endene sra sayhon ebdesu chernet ezih sladeresegn kibr hulu lesu yhun plus yhenn tariken lemanm share arge slemalawk manm mekrogn weym አፅናንቶኝ የማያውቀውን ሰሰላፅናናችሁኝ i want to thank all of you all the comments given to me in the previous vent were very useful....wht i understood from my life is that አምላክ ምንም አይነት ፈተና ቢያመጣብን የእኛን ትዕግስት እና ፅናት ለማየት እንደሆነ ነው...i wish both of my parents were with me at this point gn alhonem i wish good rest for them in the heaven.

#School #Family

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I miss someone so bad. I like her a lot. I like thinking about her too. She's lovely to be around. She's, I don't know, an experience. She feels like the end of a good day. She isn't wild or anything, but I feel a bit more alive talking with her. We don't talk anymore. I wish we did. She makes me want to become a better person, although I'm too lazy to actually follow through. But I do hate myself some.

I wish I knew how to love. I've an idea, and I try to love, but I'm flawed. I don't think I do it right. I wish I did it right. Maybe she would have been still be around if I did. I never got to hug her. I'm not a hugger, but I hoped I'd hug her very tight one day.

I really, really miss her.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Dingle Mariamn everything is breaking me down slowly and this all happened because I stopped praying.
I had a lovely childhood at that time I had middle class parents mnm saygodl yeflkut be akmachew Ena kezam belay adrgew asdgwegnal
Even spiritually my mom used to tell me about the Bible she tried what she can at that time
And when I got in my early teenage things started changing nuro kebed ale my parents don’t seem to be happy in their marriage lots of arguments started fighting quite often
They weren’t following me and I really got hurt to avoid that
I became an addict (not drugs the worse one )
Internet is my addiction
I created false world there and it affected my grades, communication skills, socialization skills, my physique, my mentality, my connection with God everything about me got affected except for my heart.
I still have hopes in my heart that I will change everything to the better.
And because all of this I started becoming burden for them I have no income or future plan in life no aims , goals they started to fight with hurtful mind draining words
I’m not seeking anyone to blame in this short story of my life
I need help but I still don’t know why I’m doing this on the internet
I’m deeply sorry for all peoples I hurt
I wish I could say sorry to myself
Egziabher yiker yiblegn enji

#MentalIllness #Family #Melancholy #HealthComplications #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ere woooooooooo
I've to shut off instagram demo eko deactivate argew it's been just a week since i reactivated it
Ena mndnew mayew everone is graduating 😭😭
2k11 batch are graduating yaw mostly engineers
And here we med students are left wz 2 years with some months 😭😭
Eskezare never felt like this ahun gn idk
Anyone who's feeling me 😢?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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i don't know if this ever happened to you.
once upon a time depression sounded rediculous
sad songs were never relatable.
self harm was unthinkable.

this place is not for me.there is no one to talk to. my whole family doesn't want to hear me babble.if am trying to be honest with them my aunt says that i'm possessed,my dad beats me up,my brother mostly thinks i'm a joke,my mother just cries and says its probably a family curse.i wanna give them a sign that i'm on the very edge of insanity but they blame everything on my fucking phone. so tell me where is a safe place?if my family doesn't wanna deal with me who tf would?i've slowly lost my faith too.the only thing i got is my fucking arm.

i've lost hope in everything. my hobbies,my friends,religion,self care...nothing makes sense now.people compliment my hair alott and now because of that i want to shave it. my mom is the one who begs to detangle it for me because i don't give a fuck.when i was in campus like a months ago,my hair was always like tied for two weeks straight in a bun.and when i untie it it smells like a disease.please please do not judge me but one time i was on my period and i got too tired to wear a pad and i spent 5 days without it.i know i am disgusted by me every single day.

I wanna rip out my organs.i wanna stab myself between my pairs and feel the struggle to breath.thats what i think about every single day.i can't sit or stand i'm on the floor everytime.i mean who tf goes out at 10 pm in the dark intentionally hoping for something to endanger their life?i would never go out in the daylight or else i end up crying. plus i am sure i will be dismissed from campus.and then what?my parents will be ashamed. school means a lot to my dad.both my parents are hiv + and has other severe illnesses.the only thing that keeps me away from death is my sisters upcoming wedding.egzihabern new yemlachihu i don't know if i will ever make it to the new year eve. one time i overdosed my self but next day woke up nothing happened except for my teeth and my tongue turned black.

look i just wanted to say whats going on in my life.i wasn't fishing for attention... or maybe i was,deep inside maybe i want someone to save me.
it feels great knowing someone reads all  my problems though.



#MentalIllness #Family #Melancholy

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello every one am 29 F and am an introvert
The problem is i got out of rship after 7years ena
He was more lik a family tbh i dont have a single friend literally guadgam menem esu neber ena ahun lay i relized i had no social environment not that i am intersted in socializing its just i literally have no one i meant to just say hi too enkuan not as bff or smt ena i feel ok cause i enjoy being alone gin i feel like am cut out of the rest of the world ena do u think its normal to just be like this....literally selachu manem yelem ena am ok with it is it normal to be ok with such isolation


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Me and my bf met a year ago and we have been through so much already. 2 abortions and a whole miscarriage . Our relationship became so toxic for the both of us but we have so much love for each other. When I was going through those times I was lonely. He tried all he can but it wasn’t enough. When I had the miscarriage it was because I found out he cheated and I forgave him. When I had the abortions it was because he wanted me to it wasn’t my choice at all. I did all of that because I needed to compromise for us and the relationship. He has a friend who is a girl who ended up being close to me that knew about all the abortions and she ended up spreading it. And I’m a VERY lowkey person who doesn’t like my shit out there. We broke up and we got back together and I just couldn’t stay in a relationship with him when he is always hanging out with her and still friends with her. And I told him I can’t do that. He didn’t even think twice. He told me that my love for him should have been bigger than the hate I have for his friend and decided to keep his friendship with her instead of me. Am I an asshole for leaving him?


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