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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello 👋
Im a g
And I'm asking girls for help 😭 my body is full of hair belly thighs chest my arm even fingers everywhere even my back idk how I can reach there I want to remove it ena what should I use ?
I don't want to end up with strawberry legs
Help me


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
እና አቃተኝ ታቃላቹ እሱን መናፈቅ ላወራው መፈለግ ግን አለመቻል ያናድዳል በሌላ አካውንት አወራሁት መጀመሪያ ይመልስልኝ ነበር ከዛ ማነሽ ምንድነሽ ገለመሌ I deleted the tg account and disappear for good 😐 and I sent him freind req by my real acc  fb he accepted me even texted me first and when I answer him, he just ignore the text then I sent him atext on telegram by my real account his replies where just made me mad for real hey my student, how is class I  am not active on fb sorry thats why i didnt answer.....

the telegram talk was better never happened He look not interested at me or he was scared that am his student. I stop talking in a week.the next semester ምንም ኮርስ አልያዘልንም ግን ግቢ ውስጥ አየዋለሁ ያየኛል ሰላም ይለኛል ሰላም ነው እከሊት ደና እኔ እመልሳለሁ እጨናነቃለሁ ከፊቱ እጠፋለሁ።እና አሁን ድጋሚ አገረሸብኝ ልርቀውኮ ጥሪያለሁ ሌሎች ሰዎች ላወራ ሞከርኩ ጭራሽ ሲያስጠሉ። አንተን መጀመሪያ ያየሁክ ቀን መቼም አይረሳኝም ሃሃሃ በጣም መቀለጃ አርገንክ ነበረኮ እንደዛ ተወጣጥረክ ተነፋፍተክ ሰርሰክ ስታስተምረን አቤት ስረብሽክ አሁን ሳስበው ያናድደኛል ምንሆኜ ነበረ ግን እንደዛ ምበጠብጥክ በቀን በቀን ተይ እንዳልከኝ ሳልመጣ ቀርቼ ራሱ ርብሻ ካለ ስሜን ትጠራ ነበራ😂 ግን ለምን በሙሉ ስሜ አይጠራኝም ለምን እንደጓደኞቼ ያቆላምጠኛል ለሱኮ ኖርማል ነገርነው እኔ ግን ልቤ ይከፈላል 😴 ደሞ ትምህርት አለቀ ካሁን በኋላ አንገናኝም አላይህም አልረብሽህም አቃለሁኮ መቼም እንደማታነበው ይሄንን ፅሁፍ ግን በቃ የሆነች ልጅ ትወድህ ነበረ ግን ከምር ፊቴ አያስታውቅምህም? ለነገሩ ይከብድሃል ከሁሉም ጋር መጫወት ማውራት አደለ ስራዬ ጉዳዬ የምልህም አይመስልህም እኔግን ወድጄክ ነበረ ስንት ወር ሙሉ ዘግቼክ ድጋሚ እንደማንገናኝ ሳውቅ ዛሬ ከፋኝ ግን እውነት ትወደኝ ከሆነ ልታወራኝ ትችል ነበር አይከብድህም ነበር😖 ይሄንኛውን ሃሳብ በልቤ ማንገስ አልፈልግም ይከፋኛል በውሸት ራሴን አታልላለሁ አይይይ ከእንደገና ላወራህ ልጀምር ነው ፈርተኸኝ ከነበረም አስጠልቼህ ከነበረም አሁን ይለይለታል
ማርያምን አንድቀን አሳይክ ይሆናል ወይም መቼምምም አላሳይክ ይሆናል ይሄኔ የምትወዳት ልጅ አለች እረዳሀለሁ ግን ከልቤ ነው የወደድኩክ ብዙ ራሴን ታገልኩኝ ምናምን አቃተኛ አቃተኝ በቃ ትቼህ መንፈቅ ቆየሁ ሳላናግርክ ሰላም ስትለኝ እየሸሸሁ ከፊትክ ብዙ ቆየሁ። ግን አገረሸብኝ ወድጄ ነው? በቃ አዚምክ ይለያል እንደጓደኞቼ ባትጠራኝ ምናለ በእመቤቴ ምናለበት ልቤኮ ይታመማልል በቃ ለደቂቃ ረሳለሁ ያለሁበትን ምናለ ብታየኝ እንዴት እንደማፈጥብክ ዘልዬ መጥቼ አቅፌክ ፊልም ልስራ ይሆን?አጭር ኮሜዲ ከዛ ለዘላለም አንተያይም😐 በቃ አቦ ወድጄሀለሁ በጣም ነው ሚደብረው ሴት መሆኔ ያንተ ፊት መንሳት ምናምን ቢዚ ሆነህ ነው ወይስ ማውራት ደብሮህ ነው? በቃ ብዙነገር ነውኮ ማስበው ግን መቼም የኔ ምትሆን አይመስለኝም ብትሆንሳ ወይኔ ጉዴ አፍርሀለሁ አይንህን ለማየት ድፍረቱ አይኖረኝም ማርያምን። በጣም ለብዙ ሰአተ የምትስቅብኝ ይመስለኛል ያንን መቋቋም አልችልም ፊቴን ቀና አድርጌ የማይክ አይመስለኝም ተኮፍሰክ ስትሄድ ተጀንነክ ምናምን ውይይይ ደሞ ሁሌ ጃኬት ጃኬት እንዳትታፈን😕☺


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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How do you all got it figured out like what you love doing, what makes you feel alive
My friends ask me what is your passion and i am like 👀👀👀
I used to have excuse which was I am young I will figure it out with time but now i have to choose a course in uni and I don't even know what to choose becha timertun tewut ena how do u guys found Passion how do I find something that makes me feel alive
Thanks in advance


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I was a girl with a plan to marry a deacon b/c they're are virgins (so it'll reduce the risk of cheating) and that I can trust his loyalty and his love because it will be unconditional since he is devoted servent of God he wouldn't judge me for my imperfections this was my reason for why I should marry deacon
But I am not sure about my virginity
I used to masturbate ( not like touching myself..I have not inserted anything inside of me just watched p*rn) sorry for my word.
I repented I needed God to clarify my soul my body what I did was disgusting.
God is great What can I say the Lord called me with the help of the almighty I started a new life
But the thing is I still don't know if I can have the teklil everyone got their own opinion about it I asked Fathers, a well known Preacher & Deacons I received different answers a confusion
All I wanted was to make my family proud but most importantly God he knows my deeds more than anyone who knows me he created me after all he knows me better so I will say this who cares if it is kurban or teklil as long as God is with us
But my friends say I should marry deacon cause it is hard to find virgins nowaday to keep his khnit
I don't want to mention how many deacons asked me for marriage I just couldn't find love.
Life isn't what you always think it will be like now I am in love with a person I never imagined to be with we both in love and I want to marry him but not with teklil.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyy I'm 16F ena the thing ke bestfriendee gar tetalten nbr meknyatu bezu gn beka besua bf meknyat nbr ena ene mn sataregegn nw ignore yarekuat malet esua lela gudegna bestfriend neberat ena kesua tetaltew nbr keza ene lezachgnawa tederebku ena ahun betam kochtognal ykrta teykiyatalew gn beka wededrow endnemeles felgalew ende derow bestfriend endnehone ena guys betam selechenekgn nw ena ebachu yhone ngr belugn mn beye enmeles lebelat pls🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏guys yehone ngr belugn eshi🙏🙏🙏🙏

#School #Friendship #Teen

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የስራ ማግኛ ኦንላይን ፕላትፎርም /ሊንኮችህ/ ዝርዝር ለማግኘት

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just wanna say fuck you to all asmesays that make me feel alone when I'm with them ,I'm understanding the world now its all about using each other they want me for their use and me for mine but isn't there a way to just give someone a little bit attention just a bit 🤏much?how can you just forget me like I don't exist at all how can you ignore me and my everything and why can't i too I'm alone even though I'm with you I am so full of anger and I want to hate and leave you but I can't I won't lose by loving but just know that I don't want everyone of yours attention even one person was enough it's ok I'll wait for my someone whom I'll give all my time and love for my lover esunm maybe if it exists I'm tired of day dreaming my crush or someone protecting me or loving me unconditionally remembering me sacrificing for me .I just want to say if I'm the problem then OK 👍 👌 enjoy yourselves but fuck you

#School #Friendship #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Asd
I need to vent
19 M so here is my story I hope this gets approved I was raised with a single father and I don't know my mother so when I ask my father who my mother is he said she left when I was one year and 7 months old and I don't have any relatives brothers or sisters now my father is sick from kidney failure so this started 2 years ago my father used to have a job and used to be a middle class person but now we are poor and down so bad I dropped out of school when the doctors told me my father's kidney was only functioning 17 percent I dropped out and now I work 3 jobs but I couldn't keep up with the kidney dialysis bill so we sold all our staffs and move to a much smaller house and we still couldn't handle the bills for my father's three times a week dialysis and I am willing to donate my kidney to my father but the kidney transplant Cost is a lot of money so I couldn't afford it the only reason I am living right now is because of my father betam bezu gize rasen lematfat asebalew gene I couldn't do it because my father is the only one I have and I don't wanna lose him life is so hard for me right now and I hope it gets better and for anyone of you willing to help this is my CBE account 1000342894562 any amount would help at this part of my life yekerta salschegerkewachu gene  betam amesegenalew

#School #Family #HealthComplications

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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20 F
first of all sorry for my vocabulary not typing coz Am good at english but u know we habesha hate some words although we do the do?!

anyways here is the thing me &my ex bf brokeup morethan a year ago and the reason was I sayed no to have sex with him he asked me very many times & we make out too the kiss,some stuffs also naked but no real sex and finally he moved on after that I haven't dated anyone.there was people around me but no one really loved me and ask me out on a date. I started watching porn idk when I mean I hv been watching smtimes but after the brokeup I found myself masturbating dayin &dayout and also regreting & getting mad why GOD make this happen to me when the evil is me ???
Am really mad at myself right now I have so many things to think about to do family thing is also crazy but here I am with no freinds no social life my phone&school&porn getting skinny daytoday? idk what to do anyone help your girl out


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys
20f ... I desperately want your advice specially who you're in rn with yeteleyaye religion kalew bf ga
I'm in rn with this guy who I love with all my heart and ik esum btam endemiwedegn ... Gn am orthodox and he is protestant ena this make my heart 2bota endikefel... Btam nw mnwadedew ,he treat me so well , he thinks future with me the gn howw? Ik Be bete christianm hone beteseboche yehen ngr mechem endemayfekdulgn, enem bhon yeteleye religion noron future maseb kebedegn
Idk what to do ewnet??????

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am natnael
I need to vent
Keeping my distance because I know I can't have her and it hurts yall. Like you can't even breath type of heart. I can't keep living this way what shall I do????

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Sunshine
I need to vent
The 6th month..... for the starters my boss suddenly wanted me out. No explanation, no time till I find a another one. No reason that he gave me. That just broke me. It shattered me completely.

15 days I spent behind locked door, crying eating and sleeping i was a total mess. All my saving was gone in searching of another job and for food. Even if my man paying my rent didn't help my money wasting.....

By the end of it I was starving .... the one I will never forget is not eating for 3 days. If you ask me how I survived, I got no answer. I have no one to tell, not even if ( the real starvation is not thinking about all the good food you had once eaten. But thinking that even the rock might be edible) this hunger made me swallow my pride.....choking it down my throat.

That is when I called my mom. ( and also my angel convinced me that i should ...and that it will be a little field trip i had to go on) when I talked to her.... I didn't know that is how much she loved me . We talked for a long time. I poured all my pain all my mistake. And she asked me to come home and I killed the last if my ego and went home.

I was beyond broken then. She wanted me to start school ASAP but I need time. And time i got..all the time in the world. I spend a year beating myself, repenting...crying for the spilled milk, fighting with my demons and what not?

Here I am now after dropping out two years ago, I started another degree program all over again. With all the shame hanging over my head, the mockery people throw all over me, their laughs. My year old relationship broken by what I did going through things. I carried all this and i am still trying to survive.

A lot of things have changed, but I am still me. I am not happy, nor it is my end goal (happiness is not a goal, is not sth you will achieve, or a gift some one will present you) and I am not sad. Am not good or evil. My life is not just black and white but rather shde of grey (not the Christian grey type).

The guilt is still there but also accepting the fact that there is nothing I can change. For all my problems, pains and thrones I am the cause of them. I can only point at myself.( was the hardest to accept of them all) The shame still lingers, it is a reminder of what I was/am .... and it is an old friend that comforts me. I have read many books in just a year than I did in my whole life, but the things i don't know pile up just as i finish one book.

I like this way when there is no rush, no panic, and no worries. That doesn't mean that they don't exist but they don't control me as they used to ... as for my insecurities... they are still here with me but accepting my self has obscured them. I don't need to look in the mirror to know if I am beautiful .... it is rather a fact that I am beautiful. I don't need rating, or the boys stumbling while staring at me.... it is just a simple fact. I am more confident because I know precisely what I want.( when you know exactly what you want.... you will become a beast unleashed. Your focus will lay on what you want. Not on what people say)

They say the devil is in the details 😁 I have many untold sub stories? It would take us a whole year if we get in to them. But this me on just the iceberg. This is how I became me along with my demons at my side....

Letting this out has opened a lot of wounds and memories but also made me realise that they are part of me. Scars will never fed sometimes, the deep ones at least

I wish each and everyone of you will find and accept your shades of grey😌


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just wanna say Good Bye, ever since i met you i thought i was the happiest and my life has changed but it was the other way around, i was feeling shitty everyday, i was trying sooo fucking hard to make you happy, i was loosing my self dignity and my self respect just to keep you in my life but no, am done. Am soooo fucking done, I wish you understood before it was too late, i wish you didn't hurt me the way you did, i really wish a lot of things, but ig it wasn't meant to be, cause if it was i wouldn't loose hope but i did. The fire you put me through instead of burning me, it made me who i am, I am gonna be more caring, thoughtful, and a better person, but you lost me fr. It's not ego or something, i mean it cause i would have done anything for you, You would have felt how it is to be loved and cherished genuinely. Am venting here cause atleast i gotta say it, i didn't want to go silently even tho you may not even see this. But Good Bye and i wish you all the best.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Porn vs reality i want to know the real reality im a girl btw i want to hear from both sides spill the beans people specially for us virgins 🤔


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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My friend's Ex Am having an afair with. They weren't that much close of course she loved him but when she saw him in person she said she hate him the expectation &reality thing or Maybe they had a fight about something else. Anyway This week he asked me to go out of town to somewhere with him I was busy with class+ I wasn't in a mood.I just didn't like it. SO I haven't seen him . But Guess what happened? That friend of mine sent me photos and videos of her being there.the same day he asked me to go the same place. If we had gone, I would have gotten into trouble. I told her that we were just chatting I didn't tell her that we were getting close. Will she blame me?‌‌ and we had 4 dates before just eating drinking stuff only. But she has got many man out there that she do whatever she want with them what is the wrong if I talk to someone she dumped?

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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21 M i want to vent it out.
The thing is i am addicted to mastrubation a lot. I have been fighting a lot to stop that but after a day or 2 days after i am back in. I really need you to help me out to stop this thing once for all and forever. Thanks


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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What's wrong with paying on the first date here the thing I want to a date we spent lovely time than cheresen lekefel sel ayhonm bel gegemech lela customer wedegna mayet segemer its okay bye kefelech ena weten tnsh walk argen on our fast food mnamn tetekmn I payed it taxi kefeye shegnewat keza gebta deflect mnamn next day sedewl atanesam keza bewala tnsh mokre tewku keza after 2week dewelech sorry mnamn alech keza what's wrong with u selat u up to pay on date alech

Endi yagatemew ale mnm legebagn alchalm


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 20 female extension student and employee at the same time
Life is so unfair you know I see how teenagers at my age enjoying there life's and having fun buy what ever they want and here i am not even being able to buy my lunch you know what happened to me today I have friends that work with me so when they say let's go and eat our lunch at the cafe I pretend I had a date with someone and I said i will eat with them I'v said that because I don't have even 100 birr to share with them for lunch i went outside wonder around and went back with my coworkers pretending I'v eat lunch when I didn't even drink a water I was sick the whole day because I didn't eat but I worked as I am fine you must be wondering where do you put your salary you work for ? My salary is so small I pay my own school fee's and other expenses including helping my parents so I won't have the money to buy a food from outside either to bring food from home because there isn't that much....
The whole point is people who'm you though have everything and are like you they are struggling silently so be kind and suggest me if you know something I could work for by my education level


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Have many crushes and today two of them got near me by themselves without any try anything but you know maybe I'm thinking too much maybe one of them wanted my friends or had to come near me because of something must
Any how it made me happy and foolish of myself .I don't want to expect and get hurt so I'll just stop of I can

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I love someone who doesn't love me back. Not even like me. I don't know what to do. He won't even look at me. It's like he is disgusted by me. Anyways people don't say move on. I have tried and everytime I see him it comes back to me so it's useless. So what do u think I should do

#School #Melancholy #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am alone in my room with lights off am craving peace and love i really do want it am very depressed and struggling about my mental health. I swear am not just some teenage girl with spoiled thoughts i am 24 and soon to graduate. The idea of exit exam is killing me that i havent been focusing on my studies for the last 5 years. Am just felling empty and depressed i only have 3 weeks for the exam but i haven't even open my books. Am so frustrated. On the other side am so bothered about my man he start ignoring me. We have been in relationship for 8 month and he has been my friend since i know my self and am mad about lots of family staff. Anyways i just want ur prayer guys am so frustrated ..


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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እንደ ደብዳቤ እንደ ኑዛዜም ቁጠረው ግን እኔ ብቸኝነት እያንገላታኝ ነው ሰው እሻለሁ ማንም ይሁን የሚወደኝ የሚንከባከበኝ የሚሰማኝ የማምነው ሰው አጣሁ ሰው ስጠኝ አምላኬ ኡፍፍፍ ታቃለህ ከመቼ እንደጀመረ ባላቅም ሳይክ ልቤ ድንግጥ ይላል ሰበብ ፈልጌ አስሬ አይሀለሁ ግን ስርአት የለኝም አፌ ልቅነው ከመች ውዲህ እንደሆነና አላውቅም ሳይክ 8ኛ ህዋሴ ይቃወሳል መሰለኝ።
ስሜን አቆላምጠህ ጠርተህ ነው ለዚህ የዳረግከኝ ስሜ እንደዚህ ያምራል ደሞኮ ከጎንክ ሰውነበር ጓደኛህ አንተግን በድፍረት ጠራኸኝ ግድየለህም ይሆን ስለኔ? ደሞ እንደዛ ዘንጬ የመጣሁት ምንሆኜ መሠለህ በቃ አንተ ስታየኝ ለየት እንድል ፈልጌ ነበር ግን ካንተ ይልቅ የሚያናድደኝ ጓደኛህ አፍጥጦ አየኝ በዚህም ተበሳጨሁ ዞሮ እንዴት እንዴት እንዳየኝ ላንተም ነግሮክ ሳታስነቃ እንዴት እንዳየኸኝ???? ምንተሰምቶክ ይሆን ለምን ባይንህ ትሰርቀኛለህ ማንም የለኝምኮ ስቅለበለብ ስጫወት ለኔግድ ያለው ሰው ያለ መስሎህ ነው ማንም የለኝም በናትህ ምናለ የሆነ መልአክ መቶ ሹክ ቢልህ አይገባህም ግን እንዳፈቀርኩክ ካይኔ አያስታውቅም ለነገሩ ላንተ ረባሽና ቀልቃላ ልጅነኝ በቃ ሌላ ምንም አታውቅም ውይ ሰፈሬን ታውቃለህ የትነው ሰፈርሽ ? አንተ ውስጥ እንዳለህ ሳውቅ ያስቆምኩት ታክሲ ውስጥ ከገባሁ ከቆየሁ በኋላ የጠየከኝ ጥያቄ ነው እንድትከፍልልኝ ሳይሆን በቃ በጣምም ናፍቀኸኝ ስለነበር ሳይክ ደስስነው ያለኝ። ሰው እንዴት ከመሬት ተነስቶ ይጠላ የነበረውን ሰው አፈቀርኩ ብሎ ያወራል እኔ አፍሬ ዝም አልኩኝ ምንብዬ ላውራ ለማንስ ይነገራል ጓደኞች የሉኝ ያሉትም ያቁሀል ካወቁ አፍራለሁ ይጨንቀኛል ትናፍቀኛለህ ሁሌ። ይመስለኛልደስ ያልከኝ ስትስቅ ሳይክ ነው ሳቅክ ሲያምር ግን አንተ ትኮሳተራለህ ትጠብርብናለህ ደሞ ጢባርህ አያምርም ምንም ስለዚህ ትደብረኝ ነበር አሁንግን....???? ደሞ ደሞ ሆነብዬ መጨረሻ ተቀመጥኩ ከዛ ስታስረዳ ፈገግ ብዬ በጣም የሞኝ ፊት ይዤ ሳይክ ግራ ገባህ በጣም ተመስጬብክ ነበር ለሚያየኝ ሰው የገባኝ መስላለሁ አላደመጥኩህም የማየው አንተን ነበር ድምፅህ ይሰማኛል ግን አልሰማውም ሩቅ ሄጄ ነበር በአይንህ መስታወት ልብህን እመረምር ብዬ ለፋሁ ምንም አላገኘሁ እንደውም አይንህን ከኔ አሸሸህ። ሰአትህን አይንህን ሁሉንም ሳይህ አይንህን ታሸሻለህ ምን እያሰብክ ይሆን በቡቡ ፊቴ ሳፈጥብክ እ ምነው አልከኝ ባይንህ። ጥያቄ ጠይቀህ ነበር ልመልስ መስሎህ ነበር እኔግን ሆነብዬ እየተቆላሁብክ ነበር ደሞ የገረመኝ አያስረዳህ እኔ ሳፈጥብክ ከዛ ወንበሮቹ  ጋረዱኝ አልታይ አልኩህ እኔም ግማሽህን አያለሁ ከዛ ከነበርክበት እያየኸኝ ቦታ ቀይረክ ቆምክ ላለቅስ ፈልጌ ነበር ላፍታ አንተም የምትወደኝ መስሎኝ በጣምም ፈግጌ ነበር ግን ግን ችግሩ በሞላ ቂጣም ቆንጆ ምንምነገር ቢጠየቁ ከማረግ የማይመለሱ በሜካፕ ያበዱ ባለዊግ ዘናጭ ሴቶች እኔን ፈዛዛዋን ወሬኛና ምላሳም ረባሿን የማታከብርክ የሚመስልህን ልጅ ትመርጣለህ ወፍ ግን ብትወደኝ እመኛለሁ አንተም ሆንክ ማንም ግን ቢወደኝ ደስተኛነኝ በብቸኝነት ተሰቃይቻለሁ አሞኛል


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi everyone am 20 and I have a boyfriend betamm enewadedalen na there no problem in our relationship but there is one thing that's becoming a Big problem for here's the thing always happy with him and I can't do anything when am not with him I can't focus on my study and everything am always thinking Abt him it might look like a joke gn am even destroying the things I have with everyone every one and everything is boring for me am just miss to lough and be like I was before every thing is confusing and I don't know what to do


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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First time venting here, I've this insecurity which I've never ever talked about, I've philophobia (a fear of falling in love) yeah I can't hide the fact that I've tried to see some men but I've never been in love with any of them. Demo I'm one of those girls who believe in sex after marriage and Yeah, I don't care if some of you guys think that I'm an old school girl mnamn lol beka I've this principle of life, I wanna have sex with only one person in my entire life that's why I'm saving myself for marriage but since I'm so scared of falling in love i don't think I'll ever find my soul mate and this making me feel so terrified you know what if, I end up being alone for the rest of my life? ? so guys please how do I over come this fear? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. ?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey am F 19 i have been dating this guy for ltinsh gize ena am like risk taker everytime i do first move evn when i saw him for the first time am the one who asked his phone no we were like Friends for few days and then we dated and now am scared of my self bcuz am falling he is my 1st mnamn ena the only thing what i wanna ask you guys i do first moves i do what i want i mean snitalam am the one to text him again even tho he said words that broke my heart ena i hate this me i want him to stay sometimes he left texts in seen but still no problem with me bka am falling for him blindely i accepted all his good n bad sides that's why am doin this minm bilegn yikr elwalw alikeymewm ena am i playing with my pride do i have to stop this shit bcuz am not fine my heart is me plz


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hay 23 female is thing I had a boyfriend for almost 3 month but now we just broke up cos he has a lot of familly issue and not want to commit in r/ship he said and I just tried a lot to understand but finally I feel like maybe he dosen't want me that is why he just went to break it up so I just let him go and move on cos am not the type of girl who cry over boys that can't see my value in his life but it's not the thing actually the thing is I knew someone who is very nice and love me that I really want in my life I know if I just be his girl literally we have the greatest relationship but I can't love him it is not that I like someone else mnamn but I can't feel anything for him like it supposed to feel and in other way the guy who broke up with me is just want to get back and both of them talk to me in this moment but I just confused that I want to love and loved as the same time not hurt and been hurted bcha idk I have to wait to someone else and focus on my goal or choose between them


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have been with my boyfriend for over 5 years. I love him, I don’t know how to be without him. From those 5 years two of which were long distance because first he moved to another country then after I year I moved to a different country. But we always talk we were loyal to each other but we were always scared about our future because I am from Amhaha family and he is from Tigre. We always feared our family wouldn’t approve of our relationship. Now after 2 years he went back to see his family since the war is over. And he became a completely changed person, he doesn’t want me in a way he said we have no future and he doesn’t want to waste my time anymore than he did. But i love him I can’t see anyone but him. I told him its okay but he still insists on the negative things but those were the things we have already known i feel like something else is the reason but I don’t know. I am losing sleep i cry everyday every night i don’t want to see a day with out him. I am scared i dont know what to do.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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20m used to believe in him allot gn I don't know man I have given a lot of love and got a lot of love in return and at the same time found myself losing it all getting it ripped apart from me and found myself being numb I don't know his judgment but I know mine


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am i the only person that have two personality malet sewech ga pretend mareg bzum endalkfaw smile emargew then bchayen shon lela

Malet ahun ahun realized eyarkut yalwt nger nobody really cares about me malet mnm ltemamenbet emchlew sew ylm fam ,friends every body ena i feel lonely

Malet enen bcha new weys hulum sew destgna lememsel eyasmsele new gra gebtognal

Ik hope alegn for future gn andande tesfa yaskortal betam hulum nger
Betmherte knshalew vetsm am scared about it gn still mnm eyarku adelem
Ene bcha negn?

#MentalIllness #Teen

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