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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
23M i'm feeling so down lately i have an illness which keeps me from communicating with people but i need someone to talk to someone who could understand me someone who could help me get out of this shit

#Friendship #MentalIllness

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
❗ምክር የማይወድ አያንበው ❗

This part is for men, 2nd part goes for women.

ሶሻል ሚዲያውን በሙሉ ያጨናነቀው dating tips ሰጪ 70% ድንግል መሆኑን ያውቁ ኖሯል??? They just translate what the ፈረንጅስ say...
this isn't America!!

Brother, አረ በጃንሆይ! አረ በራስተፈሪ! ይሄ ከ ፍሪክ ሰገጦች የቃረምከውን dating tip እና የተጎሳቆለ  pick up line እየመነዘርክ "ደሞ የሀበሻ ወንድ"  አታስብለን።

ዩትይብ ላይ ፣ በ40 ምናምን አመቱ ልጅ ወልዶ  እሹሹ በሚልበት እድሜ ፣ አሸሸ ገዳሜ የሚል ወመሽ ከሚነግርህ በላይ ፣ I  will give you the REAL TALK, bruv.

ሻንሲዋ በተሰበረ ኮሮላ  Gold digger prank ከሚሰሩት ሰዎች  እንጀምር።
all them say
"መኪናዬን ስታዪ ...ተቀየርሽ"
Seriously brother?? የታክሲ ሰልፍ እንደ anaconda በረዘመበት ሀገር ፣ 44 አይነት ፀሀይ የሚደበድባትን ልጅ ፣ ጥሩ future  ስለተመኘች ልትፈርድባት?

This isn't America!
ቮልስ እራሱ flex ነው።

አንተኛው ደግሞ ፣"ዘሪሁን ዘርህ ቡን ይበል"  እስክትባል  ቀሚስ ያረገች ሁላ የማትቀርህ ፣ ስትሸከም ስትበይድ ስትፈልጥ ውለህ ... ሴት አሯሩጠህ መተኛት ሙያ ያደረክ ...ከዛ  "ድንግል እኮ ባገሩ ጠፋ!!"  ብለህ አብረህ ከወንዶቹ ጋር የምትዘባነን ፣  ባንቡሌና ከርክር በጨረሰው መሽኛህ ይሁንብክና ፣  ድንግል ሴት እንዳንተ አይነቱን አሽትታ ነው የምታውቀው ፣ አድብ። ጨብጣም!

ሳንቾ ደግሞ አለሽ ፣ የገዛ ጀለስን ፍቅረኛ ወይም   ex ለመሞዳሞድ ምናምን የምትዳክር። ትራፊ ምናምን ሱስ ካለብህ  አትክልት ተራ ሄደህ ፣ "ከወዳደቀው አጉርሱኝ" ብትል ሀበሻ አይጨክንም። የሰው ማርች!

ጆኒ ብራዘርስ ...ከቶሞካ እስከ ጫካ ፣ ከ Hilton እስከ 
Sheraton ይዘሀት እየዞረክ : በተቸገረች ሰአት ብቻ  የምታተስታውስህ  ፣ 5 አመት ሙሉ ስትንከባከባት ከርመህ ... ገና ስትስማት period ላይ ነኝ ብላ ሙድ የምትይዝብህ ቺክ ያለህ ሞፎ ጅል አፍቃሪ!
(Btw ያንተ ፍቅረኛ period የራይድ ሹፌር ነው እንዴ ፣ እሷ ስትፈልገው ስትፈልገው የሚመጣው???? ...)

አረ ንቃ!! አፕል pc ያለው ሰገጥ አትባል!! ... ጨዋ ፀባይ ያላት ፣ የቤትክርስቲያን ሴት ፈልግ። ውበት እንደሆነ የሀበሻ ሴት ሁሉ መልከኛ ነው ዘንድሮ።

ጓንጉሌ ደግሞ አለህ ፣ መልኳ ብትል ፀባዯ እግዜር ሳያጓድል የሰራት ልጅ ፍቅረኛህ ሆና ፤ ጠማማ እድሏ አንተ ላይ ጥሏት  ስለወደደችህ ብቻ ጥብርር የሚያረግህ።  MAN እድል አንዴ ነው!! ጌታን የሄደች ቀን የሌለ ይደብርሀል። chris brownን አታየውም? ጠግቦ ጠግቦ  እንዴት ኩም እንዳለ? እሱ ባቀናው ሰፈር ASAP ከ ሪሀና ወለደ። see?
ሰው እንደሆነ ማውራቱን አይተውም።  If she treats you like King,  treat her Like an Empress!


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
A year has passed since i prayed, months have passed since i went to church . Something bad happened in my life which made me question everything. since then i couldn't 100% believe that God exists.I am having a huge doubt .Here is what my mind couldn't stop asking and none of the answers are satisfying.
why would a father who loves us leave us to suffer in this dark world when we came without our say?
God loves everyone but why are some people his favourite why do they have a peaceful life and some are suffering? even kids,who know nothing ,are in pain due to abuse,poverty, cancer and other devastating health issues . why? yeah God plans a better thing for us in the future but most die without any relief.
It is just unfair. why would a loving creator bring us here for pain ,why are we even here?

Faith doesn't stay strong when u have so many unanswered questions . It just doesn't make sense. But i still wanna believe ,i still wanna pray and leave everything to him so that i can get a relief ,i still wanna call his name believing he listen to me ,i still wanna go to church ,i still wanna listen to mezmur and get my heart touched ,i still wanna believe and love God more than anything. But i need faith for than and faith has left my side.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I want to meet someone with depth, who speak with emotion from a twisted mind. don't matter if u r a guy or a girl. I wanna talk about the meaning of life, the beauty of nature, about books, religion, history, humor, emotions, humans, the universe, about the complexity of the mind n living n just real deep stuff in general.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
My long term relationship came to an end.
6years of relationship and we both are 29.
I feel guilt. I feel like I wasted her time. I never had the intentions of breaking up but as she said, I never picture or mention our future together. Is that because I don’t want to marry her? … Idk. I didn’t propose, maybe that could be the main reason for the break up.
In my defense, I am not ready to start a family.
In her defense, I should at least propose.
I started to question myself why I didn’t do that? not even to visualize our future, why?
She was my best friend, she has amazing personality … so what’s wrong? what about her looks? … my evil side arises here. my honest answer would be “she is okay”. The question is can I make a woman happy that I think she is okay in her looks? my true fault is why did I spent six years of relationship with someone that doesn’t blow my wind.
Is that because I was lonely? is that because I was selfish? I mean I love her but I don’t express my love to her occasionally. ymir golobatal!
The other problem is I am an attractive guy.( I knw aybalim gn it’s a vent) I have seen her being insecure about this. it’s so painful to watch her hurt, when people ask her if we are together minamn.
I have two choices now, should I try to win her back? or should I live her alone?
looking what we have I can see our family in the future. on the other side, I can see her being happier with other man who make her feel she is special ( she is not ugly, It’s just that I am better looking than her )
I know it’s f up.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi F23 I have a friend who’s 23f we work together and I just wanted to get insight from other peoples because I’m z only one who know about this shit. Okay so she has a boyfriend who she loves very much I think as far as I know. And so we have this senior in our office who we used to like adore together it started as a joke at least for me anyways at some point he went up to my friend and asked her to meet outside work and she said yes and met up with him and to put long story short she continued meeting up with him and her feelings just kept deepening and she’s kinda in the middle of her bf and our senior. And at first I didn’t think she was serious but now she likes him too and I don’t know what to say to her because she keeps saying she loves her boyfriend and can not break up with him but at the same time she’s meeting up with the other guy and she’s crying every night too and I don’t know how to approach this idea. Both her and I know she’s in the wrong here and we don’t need other peoples insult now I just need to know what to do to help her what do you think


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
My best friend loves my ex
18 F I'm a very private lover I don't want to put my relationship on social media because I know how it can affect the relationship I have this ex that I'm still very much in love with we stopped talking because we couldn't communicate well and we used to text here and there I was talking to my bestie today and I decided to tell her how much I miss him she asked for his identity and I told her she said she knows him and that he is her crush( they both learn at AAU) my world was turned upside down I couldn't speak then she asked me if I can tell him to talk to her....😕 I felt betrayed but nevertheless did what she asked and now I think they are hitting it off very well but my heart is hurting I didn't know I missed him this much but I can't do nothing about it because I can't hurt her idk what to do HELPPP

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
He is in his mid 30s. He's kinda brok but hustles a lot, he is not the type of guy I wanna be with, le 2 amt mnamn abran enhun lgegnsh mnamn ylagn nbr yhona sat ly gn bf alagn byew tnsh rak ala keza yhona kan lasra taganagntan salasbaw samagn enm samkut kaza askomkutna lhid rafdwal slaw koy blo endagana samagn and i kissed him back again ahunm gn tlo askimaw hadku, the thing is i enjoyed the kiss kaza dawlo bzu sat anagaragn kani gar mahon endamifalg mnamn .. Uhh baslk tasmamahuna kaza gn sasbaw alwatlsh alagn kaza be akal sagagnaw we should be just friends mnamn alkut azana ena batammmm lamanagn , caffe wst ye cuple bota nbr yagahnahut saw yalam mnamn kaza he kissed me hard and i kissed him back and he grabbed my boobs and kiss it stuff baka hulum bota nkagn mlt ychalal and kiss me soo hard i enjoyed the moment specially kalfa bwhala sasbaw uhh bcha i enjoy kissing him and being touched by him and stuff but i dont wanna be with him, kissum endikom alflgm mn yshalgnal mn eyhonku nw

#Relationship #SexualAssault

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey.. I'm a newbie here 😐 I don't even know why I'm here. 🤔 i think i'm broken fr... yk I've been thru a lot for my age (21). I lost my dad when I was 4 n my mom doesn't have a job so she rents rooms mnamn... I'm im uv rn (3rd yr). The thing is, I was born w hiv n my siblings are -ve idk how it happened but it did. I was in r/ship (she is like me yk🤝) n then we broke up... things weren't workin out n now I ended up lonely... I feel terrible sometimes. I don't wanna blame no one abt what happened to me coz Ik God is always w me 🙂 n I kinda want a girl rn... yk I wanna settle ena if anyone here is +ve n interested in serious stuff (btw I'm Protestant) am waiting 😂 ena u can also drop me ur encouraging words ma ppl. Tnx guys 🙂

#Family #HealthComplications #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
25F. So I have been single for a really long time, like 5 years. I have been crushing on this guy from my class for about a year now. We eventually got to be in the same group and we started talking online, mostly about school work. I have been getting mixed signals, sometimes he filrts, sometimes we are not even in touch for weeks. Meanwhile, I am starting to get frustrated with myself because I was finally interested in someone and he also showed signs as if he was, but now I am just here left hanging and wondering what it could have been like if it worked out. And the more i think about it the more he is getting to my head. Also, we have no more classes together and it has been like 2 weeks since we last spoke.

So what is the best policy here, if its to move on, how to do that because part of me still wants to pursue this.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I met this person here of all places 😅, infact they might just be reading this vent..
Bicha we talked like for 2hr at times on the phone and we eventually met and I thought we vibed even though the "date" wasn't as good I expected it to be...
We had lot's of things in common plus there were lots of things I wanted to tell this person and also ask them..
So the reason I'm writing this is she just ghosted me out of the blue and un-followed me without any explanations 🤷‍♂️ and gra gebtogn nw what do you think the reason is?
Bicha I left out lots of details gn be girdifu gra gebtogn new


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 😍
I need to vent
I need to vent first time, Hi everyone, I am sharing my thoughts for the first time and I believe I am extremely depressed. The reason for my distress is that, despite being a campus student and 22 years old. I have a fear of going on dates and I hate social gathering. I feel inadequate for dating, and I dread the possibility of awkward moments or being rejected. Furthermore, all of my friends are in relationships, and I feel left out and lonely. Although they are too occupied with their partners and starts minamin negeroch😢. I am very good on my grades but Consequently, I have fallen into a state of depression. Can anyone offer me some advice?

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Have you ever smile that cold smile because you don't know what to do. I kinda did that a lot. I just can't talk it all so i always take a deep breath and move on.
I really hate drama and argument so i am not in relationship and i think i will be lonely and that is fine by me. Cool,thank you for reading.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
First time venting.

Have you ever been in love with the idea of a woman? Not with her looks, her personality, just with the idea you created of her in your mind.

Here's my story...

I'm 26M, and I have dated quite a few times since I became of age. And recently, I've been noticing some unusual patterns about my dating life. My typical relationship goes like this...

There's a girl (there always is a girl). A friend might have recommended her, or I know her from work, or I met her in a cafe. In any case, we text a bit trying to get to know each other (I don't like texting that much, tho). And we set up a coffee date in some nice and cosy coffee house for the next weekend. Here's where the thing happens...

During the wait for the first date whether I've met the girl, or not; whether I know her face or not, I start picturing her as the perfect woman. Like how we'd just hit it off on our first date, how I'd make her laugh, how she'd tell me just enough about her friends and family without oversharing, how her smile would be perfect, how on our third or fourth date I'd say goodbye to her after walking her home and she'd slightly kiss me on the cheeks, how she'd blush on our first kiss, how we'd react on our first fight, how she'd be sad the first time I go to a slightly further location for work, how she'd look when I propose, how I'd feel when she says yes..... I literally start fantasizing about how she's the perfect woman and her perfect reaction to every single detail of our lives that I can think of (I don't even know her, mind you).

Then, in the actual date, everything will be underwhelming. The woman I imagined isn't the one sitting right in front of me, she's always in my mind. Everything she does, I compare it to how the fantasy girl does it, and it is so frustratingly underwhelming. And to be honest, I try. I try to force laughing at her jokes. I try to pretend her smile is perfect. I try to pretend as if the fact that she didn't reach for the check didn't bother me (I will never let a woman pay on our first date, but I'd like for her at least to try to reach for the checks...).

Two to three weeks later, I stop calling, or she comes up with a some reason for why she can't date me. We break up.

A month later, my friend introduces me to a cute girl, we talk, we set up a date, the cycle continues.

I've had some semi-long term relationships but I don't think I've ever been in love. But what scares me more, is the fact that I don't think I will ever be, ever.

I'm not looking for advices from anonymous people from the internet, this just felt like a proper place to vent in. (I'll read the comments , tho).



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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello Everyone. putting my problem shortly, I am a Freshman student with a stage fright. nomatter how many times I've been exposed to the stage my problem is not getting any better. It's like all words are falling me. It asks week worth preparation just to perform the bare minimum. Either my voice is vibrating or my hand is shaking(airconditioning the front benchers with my paper). It's like my brain stops thinking at that precise moment. What do you guys suggest?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I made out with some chick and I regret it in the morning.

Basically what happened was we went to the cinema yesterday(she is my ex). And it was like to get back together mnamn. Then we do the deed and finished mnamn and it was one of the best times at the moment. It was normal n the evening but when I woke up the next morning I was singing some song. It says like this
" መስቀል ከፊቴ ዓለም ከኃላ
መስቀል ከፊቴ ዓለም ከኃላ
መስቀል ከፊቴ ዓለም ከኃላ
ወደ ኃላ አልመለስም"
And I felt like shit after this. We used to sing it in Sunday school at church when we were kids. I fucked up my life. And I don't know how to tell her without hurting her feelings. She is thinking like I'm cool with the things we did. Btw we don't even talk properly we just make out kedrom jemro. Idk how to leave her without hurting her feelings.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey my lovelies, this question is for girls. Like I am so sick of those thirsty guys with no self respect for themselves. IDK why but I realized that every guy I met even at work want something from me. It is just about time till they express their filthy intentions in some way. They just disgust me let a lone having interest in them. And I want to also know other girls experience? But like why are you men so desperate, value less and act like an animal with no rational thinking. Where is your sense of self respect? If you can't find a single women who is willing to be you the only you should do is work on your self and grow your value instead of jumping on other one, are you all tired of rejection or does it work for you with other women. I am literally confused, so of them don't even keep themselves clean and they have the audacity to ask you for sex. My god, can't you at least look at your self. I am a very serious person and I don't want to do anything physical ena I don't know where they get the confidence bcha ahun lay I cut all my men connection and I don't want also to be approached.

#Relationship #SexualAssault

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is gone sound crazy . I don't think am gone meet the man of my dreams . You may wonder why such inexperienced, in any relationship whatsoever twenty something girl be so sure .am not it's just that I want a man depicted in Ali Hazelwood's , Mariana Zapata's and many others fictional world .  I want to be loved like the characters love their significant others, I want love like  my mom and dad had. Am I gone find someone like that? Do they even exist in my lifetime? Am really weird person like as awkward as it gets .I feel insane sometimes......... and I think am gone end up as a crazy cat lady or crazy old book lady . Just want to put it out there .


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys..I am 23 M uni medical student..I have been in a toxic relationship for almsot a year and i wanna stop things with her  coz i know she is not the one Fetari endagebat mifelg..coz no offense for her gn she has no personality.may be i could say the strongest string miyagenagnen sex bcha new...ena how can i give up this temporary pleasure to and then break up with her and focus on my life...give ne ur honest opinion


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
26Y old... Guy... Going through a breakup after the 2nd and longest r/n I had (2 yrs).. and it's weird ya'll there was not even a parcel of sexual contact (except kissing) throughout, I mean not that we didn't want to but we decided to make it that way. Mostly peaceful quality time and I loved it. I wanna know if anyone in here has been in a such relationship that had non physical intimacy and got deep plus it's strange getting over it, I'm kinda stuck.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Loveyours
I need to vent
Hey there
The first thing i wanna say is thanks to the people that own this channel cuz i know it helped a lot of us through depression, confusion and being lost (it did to me) so thanks alot. I come here to say what i feel like saying and it makes me feel at ease.

And now I'm venting about myself. Yes me 😂. I've been in this world for 19 years and damn why is it so hard to find someone that'll love me the way i love them😭. Yes i didn't get my fathers love neither my moms but she atleast tried. That's not the point tho but i guess that may be why I don't know to how extent i should love. To me if i love u it's just a brust of energy, compliments, late night talks are the bare minimum of what i can give. I've dated 2 people so far and i got used 😂 and now the second one is... I feel like I want more like the love languages etc. This shit is making me loose my trust in people and it's making me tired giving a guy a chance and only wants a nude or just for fun or we don't watch at all or I'm not attracted to them. I wish if atleast our soulmates name would've been written on our hand or we know who they are, this would be a lot easier and not exhausting. Idk I'm not a hard person to love. I'm simple, sarcastic, humble, mid looking, friendly person. Maybe my resting bitch face will scare u at first but im very simple person after u say hi or even smile at me. So maybe i love too quickly 🤔. Bicha I'm confused and tired of giving my all and receiving the bare minimum.

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello every one
F 22
Nege wereqeten tekebye kesra yemwetabet ken new ena chgru ljun endegena lalayew new beqa betam debrognal 😣 cus  i love him endall bedenb altewaweknm gn bzu negeru temechtognal des yemil bahri alew ,ahun ahun slesu bcha new emasbew esun mayet dmtsun mesmat ynafkegnal kesra kekere ydebregnal ena ene zmtegna negn bzum alaweram ena bzu sewm enen mawrat ykebdewal, esum be free awri new emilew enem alaweram mn endehonkugn alaqm, i wish gn netsa hugne bzu neger bawera bcahwet ... and bzu gze zm blo yayegnal, ene smeta yeteleye action yasayal, liyaweragn simokr sra bota yalut yteyayalu neger yeteleye neger bayaweram ena esum beteleyaye action interested endehone yastawq neber ahun lweta akababi gn tnsh tekeyruwal ...
Ena ene yecheneqegn neger kemerarakachn befit mn ladrg esti ? .. slk endalkebel dfretu yelegnm kemr mn endemaderg gra gebtognal ewnet emiwedegn kehone zm blo endhed yfeqdlgn yhon ?
lelela sew kelal neger lihonm limeslm ychlal lene gn kebdognal, zm lbel ena ke gze behuala lresaw yhon ? ... bcha more kerbe baqew des ylegn neber ...emawaraw sew slelelegn new bzu yawerahut...
Thanks .

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Advice most people (and myself) don't want to hear.

If you are sad, do something that doesn't make you sad.

If you are poor, walk around your area to find out what jobs the most then learn the skills to get it.

If you are in an abusive relationship build a plan to leave... and then leave

If you are stupid in school, study

If you are lonely, go to where the people are and make friends

If you're not happy in your relationship write down what it is you don't like and then work on it.

If your single stop playing with your Dabo and learn Game.

If you've got addiction issues .. just stop using it.

If you are depressed, no-one cares, stop wallowing in self pity then learn what your specific body needs in order not to be depressed

If your parents are shit, then move out.

If your parents are shit and you need their money, learn to play the role until you can safely move out

If you are dating someone shitty, stop dating that shitty person

If you are married to someone shitty, then that is probably a reflection of who you are as a person, then unmarry them. If you can't divorce them then create a plan of action of what is the best course of action in the situation.

If your room stinks, clean it

If you have no money, stop spending money and earn more

If you can't earn more then get a better job. If your education doesn't justify better, then it doesn't deserve better pay, stop moaning to the world and find a better skillset

If you hate capitalism, learn how the system works to take advantage of it, stop crying about being a victim

If you have trauma, find a way to deal with it, because no-one cares but you.

Betting on the Wrong Horse

It seems that modern society and Ethiopians, Amharas, Oromos and (insert Ethnicity)s have a fetish of being a victim to fate. Stop being a victim to fate. Sure the world will show sympathy to your face, but on the whole does anyone really care about you. You are 1 in 8,100,000,000 humans on earth, and 1 in 120,000,000 Ethiopians in this ghetto. If can't handle your shit, from the point of view of life, you are a genetic or psychological failure, it might be nightmare to you, but to nature it is 100% a-okay natural selection will casually remove you from the gene pool.

No one is special, if you died tomorrow we would cry for 3 days and move on because bummer, who thinks about dead people, think about every major celebrity who died in the past 20 years, they were once atop of the world, now just an entry on a Wikipedia page. You most likely won't even be bestowed that honor. You will just cease.

8,100,000,000 can easily replace you within moments of your death, so why do you magnify your problems so much. Why do you create unnecessary grief for yourself. If you have a problem 99% of time you know exactly what you need to do to solve but instead you beat yourself up. Why? Do you enjoy the torture, do you see it as punishment of sorts.

Whatever tragedy you have in life, I don't care. You don't care about the tragedies in my life. Sure 1/5 of you might meet a friend/family/love that finally comes in and changes your life but if your past data is used to forecast the future outcome how likely is that. In Nollywood they are obsessed with this idea of a billionaire pretending to be a poor person who falls in love with someone and transforms their lives - there are dozens of movies like this that get millions of views because everyone is smoking the same delusion. Stop smoking yo.

If your shit stinks. Just change the diapers.
Why do you need advice from the world. If you're alive right now it means your ancestors survived Meles, Somali War, Derg, Starvation, Disease, Italy, Black Plague, and other goofy shit Ethiopians have dealt with the past thousands of years and humans in general for the past millions of human years.

You can do this!
Just stop being a little bitch.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I think I need someone who understand me n be my side I'm starting to heal gn this feeling starting to get worse sometimes I wanted to end everything then I realize I don't have power over me I'm trying to do my best at everything but having some one may help with a lot of things I'm f btw

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Here is the thing አዝናኝ ስቶሪ😅

ከ3 አመት በፊት ምናምን እሁድ ለት ማታ ቲቪ እያየው ነው grade 12 and 18y neberku…

አማርኛ ፊልም ነው ልጅቷ ልጁን ወዳዋለች መንገርም ፈርታለች አብሮ አደጓ ስለሆነ እና ወደ ክፍሏ ወስዳ አይንህን ጨፍን ብላ ጡቷን ታስነካዋለች😋(አዳሜ ለኔ ባረገው እያልሽ ነዋ😁) then እሱም ይገባውና ይስማታል then they start love mimanim moview lay (ገረመኝ የሌለ  ማለት ስለ ሴትም ሆነ ስለ ፍቅር ማቀው ነገር አልነበረም ገረመኝ ያደረጉት ነገር እና ደስ ሚል ይመስላል ሲታይ  .. keza segno i went to school and አጠገቤ ምትቀመጥ ጓደኛ ነበረችኝ ለነገሮች ሁሉ የቀረበች እና  ያየውትን ሙቪ ነገርኳት she say min chigr alew አምጣ እጅህን ብላ ሹራቧ  ውስጥ ክትት then ንካ ይከው😳😳ቦይይይይይይይይይ i touch Boobs😳 eko ጡት?😳 ኦ ማይ ደይስ ልስላሴው ምናምን ኢ ዚስ ገነት ከገባን ሚሰጠን ትራስ? ወይስ ገነት ውስጥ እንቅልፍ አይተኛም? ካልተተኛማ አዛ ነው🤨 ወደ ነጥቤ ስመጣ ከዚ የተሻለ ሚለሰልስ ነገር አላቅም በሲሬስ 😌 after that day le miketilut 4 werat matric ተፈትነን ከዛ ስኩል እስክኖጣ… 9:20 ተማሪ እስኪወጣ እየጠበቅን ጡቷን ታስነካኝ ነበር እና be mehal one day ወደ ሰፈሯ እየሸኘኋት  aynihin chefin bila she kissed me ደንግጬ አይኔን ስከፍት አካባቢው ላይ ሰው አለ😭 ትቻት ፈድ የምር ወንጀል የሰራው ነው ምመስለው ስሮጥ(ያዘው ያዘው ሁላ አለመባሉ 😂🤣) then silk dewelech kalmetah kezi bota alinkesakesim ወንድ ልጅ ተሰቃየ 😤 በታች ዙሬ ሄድኩና ሰፈሯ አደረስኳት… and belelagnaw  day mitinekawin lasayih bila የሸሚዟን ቁልፍ ክፍት 🫣 😮😮ዎዎዎ አልኩ(በቃ እንደ ኢሞጂው)

ከዛ ስኩል አለቀ ማትሪክ ተፈተንን  እኔ ግቢ ገባው የግል   እሷ ወርክ ጀመረች የመማር ሙዱ አልነበራትም ውጤትም አልመጣም… አሁን ላይ ከሀገር ወታም ይሆናል አግኝቻት  አላቅም…  endesua egzeru yebarekachu setoch bzulin😍 we boys ጨዋ ነን እኮ እንደዚ ደጋግ ሴቶች ስናገኝ እኮ😊

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Sam
I need to vent
Let me try . Hey you
If i say your name its gonna be weird and if i say ur nick name am sure mine or your friends are gonna know its you so i will not say it .

This girl was my best friend , we met when we was fresh man through mutual friend , i didn't know much bout her but i loved her from the moment i saw her at that cursed unvi (thank God we both droped out) and we started to get along we was out we the group and after some time we started going out just the two of us  , started to call eachother for a walk at night , started to feel comfort with each other but i never initiated anything and in the middle of that i got back with my ex(which she doesn't know till now) and when we started talking abt relationship she told me she has a bf so it didn't bother me since i did too even tho i didn't tell her .

she just knew me as a single dude (but a player one) cuz she used to take my phone and see who i chat with (yeah i cheated on my girl not happy abt it and not sad too ) and i didn't care cuz it helped me deny the feeling i had for her .

And suddenly she broke up with her bf. Most of the time that was a cue to make a move but somehow i didn't i was just there for her. And when she start asking me questions like what are we mnamn since am an only child i used to tell her she my sister with more decorated words  .

Then i broke up with my gf and i started to realise am into this girl more than being just a friend and i was so scared of falling in love i told her we shouldn't be friends anymore and we should stop talking cuz i loved her and due to our separate religion (am pente she is ortho) which was a lie to cover up the real reason and she hated me cuz i was her go to man and she was mine too and just like that we started talking less and less .

Time went by and she dropped out from school and our convo started to get short , she calls me once in a while and i did too when i come home our neighborhood is closer to eachother .

And i dropped out too(for d/t reason) but we didn't talk much either .

Unexpectdly  after sometime i got in to my lowest time and i didn't know who to talk too and i dmd her  and we started talking again like we never stoped talking.

And one day she told me she was alone home and idk how i just told her i was coming over just like that and she said okay and i got to her home she was doing her house chores and i was keeping her company and talking.

And i got tired of moving around talking to her seeing the house and sat at the sofa  and i don't remember why she came to the living room and i just pulled her and she fall on my lap and stared at me and i just kissed her man and she kissed me back and her lips tasted like skittles (i fucking love skittles) but

I was so excited that i took her to her room and started to kiss her more and i couldn't stop . I knew i shouldn't go further . I knew it would happen through time but i couldn't stop and i tried to unhook her bra mnamn and she stoped me and i knew at that moment i fucked up..

I stayed a little longer she asked me to got cuz her aunt was comeing(she told she was comeing before i came over )
And after i was out i was ashamed at my self for not controlling my self.

The next day was talking on ig about it and she said i almost forced her mnamn and i didn't even see i made her feel like that . I knew i was out of line but forcing her mnamn bro that is not me .  But still it was my fault and i told her i didn't mean to be a jerk i was just excited cuz i never stoped thinking about her even when we was not talking .

I said sorry and after that she ignored me i ignored her cuz i had some other problems to deal with.

But every night i think about her all the time .  What kind of couple we would have been cuz the chemistry we had . The connection we had it was just right  uk .


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm a campus student and this is a genuine question like I need help lol
So I keep messing up my r/s with girls like I can't keep a r/s or even being friends with them for long and I figured that's b/c I can't talk to women properly or I just say what's on my mind and it kinda offends them or they get creeped or demo sometimes it gets awkward b/c i dont know what to say  so my question is how can I keep a convo going and tip on how to talk to women b/c its hard out here 😭(especially wendoch help a brother out lol)

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey there. 23 F here.
I've read so many vents over the years that it's weird am venting now.
As in 90% of the vents here imma talk about a guy. Just broke up with my 7 month bf a week ago. He was the first guy that i fell in love with. We didn't have a big fight, he broke up with me and to a degree it was mutual and I thought I'd be fine. I mean I did cry my eyes out for the first 2 days or so, and we talked again to clear up some stuff and decided we could be friends hula. Gn I don't think I can coz I keep expecting the same treatment as when we were together. I keep expecting good morning texts and sweet talks but now we rearly talk and he ignores me all day. I guess its coz i have made him a constant in my life and those times i talk to him are even more rough to get through. I miss him so much and to be honest i miss our talks and jokes more than i miss the sexual parts. My heart breaks on every level when I think about him. I literally gave my all to this relationship and now that it ended am having a hard time adjusting with out him. And I can't even hate him coz he's the most nice person to ever exist. Becha this is taking a toll on my mental health and in feeling shitter by the day.
If there is anyone that's going through or had gone through the same motions, how did you cope with it? How did you move on and forget about it?


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