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Advanced English Skills

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Advanced English Skills

Idiom of the Day
the short and the long of it

The essential or most important point being made; the plain truth of the matter. Watch the video

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Advanced English Skills

Word of the Day
Word of the Day: animatronics

This word has appeared in three articles on NYTimes.com in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?

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Advanced English Skills

Wordsmith.org: Today's Word
velvet glove

noun: An outward appearance of gentleness concealing an underlying firmness or resolve.

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Advanced English Skills

Word of the Day

Definition: (verb) Oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions.
Synonyms: counteract, counterbalance, neutralize.
Usage: I hope that my letter of apology will countervail the foolish actions of my colleagues.

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Advanced English Skills

Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
yob | yobbo

an aggressive, impolite, crude person

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Advanced English Skills

Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
watch out

If you tell someone to watch out, you tell them to be careful or warn them of a danger.

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Advanced English Skills

Word of the Day

Definition: (adjective) Arousing fear or awe.
Synonyms: formidable, unnerving.
Usage: On his comely head he set his helmet, well-wrought, with a crest of horse-hair that nodded menacingly above it, and he grasped a redoubtable spear that suited his hands.

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Advanced English Skills

Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub

a coward (n.) | cowardly (adj.)

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Advanced English Skills

Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
enter into

to become involved in something like a discussion, an agreement, or a partnership.
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Advanced English Skills

Idiom of the Day
lock (someone) up and throw away the key

To incarcerate someone in prison forever or indefinitely. Watch the video

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Advanced English Skills

Word of the Day
Word of the Day: primatology

This word has appeared in one article on NYTimes.com in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?

➖ @EngSkills

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Advanced English Skills

Wordsmith.org: Today's Word

adjective: Excessively proper, strict, or old-fashioned.

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Advanced English Skills

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Advanced English Skills

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Advanced English Skills

Word of the Day

Definition: (verb) Form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case.
Synonyms: conceive of, envisage, imagine.
Usage: Such characters represent a grotesquely blown-up aspect of an ideal man ... if not realizable, capable of being ideated.

➖ @EngSkills

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Advanced English Skills

Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
pack heat

to carry a gun

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Advanced English Skills

Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
opt for

If you opt for something, you choose it from a range of possible options.

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Advanced English Skills

Word of the Day
Word of the Day: combustion

This word has appeared in 97 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?

➖ @EngSkills

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Advanced English Skills

Wordsmith.org: Today's Word

adjective: 1. Relating to, containing, or stiffened with starch. 2. Stiff and formal.

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Advanced English Skills

Idiom of the Day
lone it

To go somewhere or do something alone; to be by oneself. Watch the video

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Advanced English Skills

Idiom of the Day
locker-room humor

Especially crude, vulgar, or bawdy humor. Watch the video

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Advanced English Skills

Word of the Day
Word of the Day: marginalized

This word has appeared in 344 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?

➖ @EngSkills

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Advanced English Skills

Wordsmith.org: Today's Word
bodice ripper

noun: A type of historical romance, such as a novel or film, featuring passionate and often explicit romantic encounters and forced seduction.

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Advanced English Skills

Word of the Day

Definition: (adjective) Consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds.
Synonyms: assorted, miscellaneous, mixed, motley.
Usage: Walking-sticks, canes, baseball bats, and sundry other items stood in the umbrella stand next to the front door, but I could not find a single umbrella!

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Advanced English Skills

Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
narc | nark

a narcotics officer, a police officer working in drug trade suppression

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Advanced English Skills

Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
fit together

to connect pieces that go together to make something

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Advanced English Skills

Football Phrase of the Week: Sacked after a defeat

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