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Hello Weekend! #funnypictures

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SL: English Every Day

Why Everyone Should Learn Another Language

Speaking a second language will...
🙋🏻‍♀️ open up a world of job opportunities.
Would you like to travel to foreign countries on business? Go ahead and study languages!

🧠 give your brain a boost.
Speaking a second language each day can really keep a doctor away!

🏖 let you stay smart in touristed places.
You will be much more confident and safer speaking the local language.

💪 help you discover you can do it!
Too old, not enough time, wrong genes are just lame excuses.
You really can learn another language!

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How many foreign languages can you speak?

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🌏If you like traveling, https://matadornetwork.com is a must to check.
🤝It’s a tribe of millions of travelers across the globe who share similar values about travel and the world.

🇹🇷Read about 8 reasons why Turkey should be your next family vacation and get to know 30 awesome Turkish expressions

🇷🇺Find out how to save money on your trip to Moscow and get to know 15 awesome Russian expressions before taking a trip there.

🤓Learn how to improve your vocabulary while learning languages

🍕Do the quiz to learn more about national dishes

Enjoy it and have fun!

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💡 Before making a decison about taking a tour or going on a voyage, think it over or even sleep on it.

Find out what it means and learn more phrasal words, cool idioms and up-to-date phrases at Slang English Channel
Крутые разговорные слова, выражения и идиомы, чтобы быть в тренде на канале Английский Слэнг

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A tour is a journey during which several places are visited, especially on a holiday.

'Tour' can be a noun or a verb.

🍕Noun: We went on a tour of Italy.
🍣 Verb: We toured the north of Japan.

A voyage is a long journey by sea or in space.

🛳Before the 20th century, long sea voyages were common.
🚀A spacecraft will take you on a voyage through space.

Continue reading and do the quiz to check your understanding

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If you don’t feel like travelling barefoot, you can buy the cheapest car in the world. Which one?

Перейдите на канал Just ask и узнайте ответ на этот и многие другие вопросы @askmepleazze.

А если у вас в голове "Что это? Как 🤔? Зачем и почему?🤷‍♂️, то, вы сами можете задать нам вопрос. Задавайте любые!

Ради ответов мы будем рыть землю зубами, но обязательно их найдем.
Подпишитесь и будьте первым кто узнает ВСЁ!

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🇫🇷 Have you been to France?

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🤓Reasons to Learn a New Language Before You Travel

🎫You can read signs, menus, brochures in the local language.

💸 You can negotiate the price and save money.

🤝 You can meet new people and even make friends.

🗺 You can ask anyone directions.

🈹 In some countries really few people speak English.

🇹🇷 Locals really appreciate it if you say Teşekkür ederim instead of Thank you =)

Do you ever learn some key phrases native to your destination?

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Transportation verbs

🚗He drives a car to work.
🚲She rides a bicycle to school.
🛩The pilot flies an airplane.
🚶🏻‍♀️I walk to work.

🚌⬅️ Can I get off at the nearest bus stop?
➡️🚆I think I got on the wrong train.

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Podcasts for IOS

Podcasts for Android

More about listening


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📚 Do you like reading?

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Encourage /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ,ɛnˈkʌrɪdʒ/
🇬🇧give support, confidence, or hope to (someone)
🇷🇺поддерживать, вдохновлять
🇹🇷cezaret vermek

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Dear readers,

I’d like you all welcome our today’s guest.

Здравствуйте, дамы!
Взгляните на своего мужчину и на меня, на своего мужчину, и снова на меня.
Мы такие разные, но с каналом @englishinview наши шансы равны. Гляньте вниз, потом вверх.
Где мы? Мы в Лондоне. С мужчиной, который пахнет герундием.
Что у вас в руках? А у меня конверт, с двумя билетами на посещение Стоунхендж. Оп, билеты стали брильянтами.
Все возможно, когда мужчина подписался на канал @englishinview. Да, я на коне!

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SL: English Every Day

🤔Advice or advise?

Advice /ədˈvɑɪs/ is a noun and means a suggestion about what someone should do.
It is uncountable:

👉Let me give you some advice: stay away from Margaret.

👉She gave him a lot of advice, but I don’t think he listened.

We use the verb advise /ədˈvɑɪz/ to mean ‘to give someone advice’:

☝️I strongly advise you to lose weight.

☝️They finally did what we advised.

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🤓How to give advice in English

🍫Imagine that your friend is worried that she is getting fat.

She asks you for some advice.

You can respond using the following phrases:

💡You should take some exercise.

💡You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables.

💡Why don't you go jogging?

💡How about eating less sugary food?

Continue reading and do a test


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🤔At The Weekend or At Weekends?

At the weekend - UK (US on the weekend) means on Saturday or Sunday, or on both Saturday and Sunday:

📆What did you do at the weekend?
🕺We go out once in a while after work and at the weekend.

At weekends - UK (US on (the) weekends) usually or often refers to the period between Friday evening and Sunday night, or on Saturdays and Sundays:

🏄🏻‍♂️They go surfing at weekends.

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Are you happy with your passport picture?

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😵What is jet lag?

🇬🇧the tired feeling you get when you have just travelled a long distance on an aircraft
🇷🇺нарушение суточного ритма (из-за перелета через несколько часовых поясов)
🇹🇷(uzun uçak yolculuğunun açtığı ve zaman değişimine dayalı) sersemlik, yorgunluk

How to cope with jet lag?

🛏Simulate your new schedule before you leave.
💧Stay hydrated.
🚶🏻‍♀️Move around.
🥗Eat sensibly.
🛀🏻Take a hot bath before bedtime.

Do you ever suffer from jet lag?

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👋How to wish a good trip

✈️ Have a nice trip!

💼 Have a great business trip!

🏔 Take care!

🛤 Enjoy it!

🏝 Have fun, miss me and come back soon!

🚀 Bon voyage! Do you really have to come back?

🎊 Happy birthday in advance! Enjoy your travel!

Continue reading to find more farewell phrases and quotes

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The word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another.

It can be a verb, a noun or an adjective:

💼Verb: Paul travels a lot in his job.
🚄Noun: Travel nowadays is faster than before.
🏝Adjective: There is a travel agency beside the bank.

The word trip is used to talk about a short journey somewhere for a purpose, business or pleasure.

🛶For our wedding anniversary, we went on a trip to Venice.

👨🏼‍💻My boss is often away on business trips.

⛵️During our holiday we took a boat trip to the islands.

A journey is the distance covered when travelling from one place to another.
'Journey' can refer to a long distance or a short regular one.

😓The journey was long and tiring. It took us 5 hours to get there.

Did you have a good journey? Yes, it was quite pleasant.

🚌How long is your journey to work? Just about 20 minutes.

To be continued ⬇️

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SL: English Every Day

/ˌdɛstɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ noun
🇬🇧the place to which someone or something is going or being sent.
"Paris is the most popular tourist destination”
🇷🇺пункт назначения
🇹🇷gidilecek yer, varış yeri

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​​Хотите разговаривать на самом романтичном языке мира, но все ещё не подписаны на @frencheveryday?

🖋Доступные и понятные объяснения грамматики
📖Ежедневные посты с устойчивыми выражениями и их происхождение
🗯Подборки интересных и полезных слов
📚Статьи на французском с разбором лексики

Все это вы найдёте на канале @frencheveryday


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🇬🇧to provide a free journey in another person's vehicle, especially a car
I'll give you a lift to the train station if you like. 🇷🇺подвезти кого-то на машине 🇹🇷arabayla bırakmak #myvocabulary

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🌎Traveling is not only about visiting touristic places.

➡️Traveling is also just about moving, going from one place to another.

We can travel
🚗by car
🚌by bus
🚆by train
🚇by underground / subway
✈️by plane
🚁by helicopter
🚢by ship
🚲by bicycle
🛴by scooter
🏍by motorcycle
🚶🏻‍♀️on foot

❓How do you usually travel to work/school?

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👂Listening skills

Whether you drive a car🚗, take the bus🚌, or walk🚶🏻‍♀️, the most convenient time for you to practice your listening skills is usually in transit.

Besides transit time, here are a few convenient moments for most people:

💅Getting ready in the morning

🍴Cooking/cleaning/organizing your house

🏃🏻‍♀️When you’re exercising

You can listen to

🎤foreign music
📻 radio
🎧 podcasts

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The Group of Frogs 🐸 🐸 🐸

As a group of frogs were traveling through the woods, two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs crowded around the pit and saw how deep it was, they told the two frogs that there was no hope left for them.

However, the two frogs decided to ignore what the others were saying and they proceeded to try and jump out of the pit. Despite their efforts, the group of frogs at the top of the pit were still saying that they should just give up. That they would never make it out.

Eventually, one of the frogs got what the others were saying and he gave up, falling down to his death. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die.

He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?”

The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

Moral of the story:
People’s words can have a big effect on other’s lives.
Think about what you say before it comes out of your mouth.
It might just be the difference between life and death.

#foodforthoughts #reading

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Deaf /dɛf/
🇬🇧 lacking the power of hearing
🇷🇺 глухой
🇹🇷 sağır

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​​How to Learn New Words

📚 Read, Read and Read


Here you will find reading texts for #forintermediateandabove

Here you will find short stories

🎓Learn a word a day

It is a great technique many people use to learn new words.


Here for IOS

Here for Android

🎲Play some games

Word games that challenge you and help you discover new meanings and new words are a great and fun tool in your quest for expanding your vocabulary.

Examples include crossword puzzles, anagrams word jumble, Scrabble, and Boggle.

More tips and links

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Do you like to give advice?

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/ədˈvʌɪs/ noun, uncountable
🇬🇧 suggestions about what you think someone should do or how they should do something.

She asked me for advice about writing a book.


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