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Nisargadatta Maharaj
Realization is but the opposite of ignorance. To take the world as real and one's self as unreal is ignorance, the cause of sorrow.
To know the self as the only reality and all else as temporal and transient is freedom, peace, and joy. It is all very simple.
Instead of seeing things as imagined, learn to see them as they are. When you can see everything as it is, you will also see yourself as you are.
It is like cleansing a mirror. The same mirror that shows you the world as it is, will also show you your own face.
The thought 'I am' is the polishing cloth. Use it.
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Distraction is the thief of time and energy, robbing us of precious moments and connections in life without remorse. Distraction costs everyone time and energy, but not everyone feels the loss of them equally.
The purposeless person has all the time and energy in the world to squander. The person with a purpose has finite time and energy, and for this person, distraction is too high a cost to bear.
For every minute awareness, hence energy, is taken away from what it should be focused on, that is a minute that is gone forever. My ability to focus allows me to be present in each of the moments of the experiences I share with my family and loved ones.
Distraction would cost me those moments—moments, each unique in time and space, that I would never regain or be able to conjure up again. Moments I am not willing to sacrifice.
When the cost of distraction is too heavy to bear, the price of focus is worth paying. So much precious time in life is wasted because people are perpetually distracted.
So many precious moments with loved ones squandered because of people's inability to be focused in the present moment. The impact of distraction on an individual level is vast, though this impact may only be visible to those who can focus.
Ānāpānasati Sutta
Experiencing the mind while breathing in, he trains himself.
Experiencing the mind while breathing out, he trains himself.
Making the mind tranquil and fresh while breathing in, he trains himself.
Making the mind tranquil and fresh while breathing out, he trains himself.
Concentrating the mind while breathing in, he trains himself.
Concentrating the mind while breathing out, he trains himself.
Releasing the mind while breathing in, he trains himself.
Releasing the mind while breathing out, he trains himself.
Khalil Gibran
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires,
Let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook
That sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness,
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart
And give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart
And a song of praise upon your lips.
Haemin Sunim
When trust is shattered, when hopes are dashed, when a loved one leaves you, before doing anything, just pause your life and rest a moment.
If you can, surround yourself with close friends and share food and drink while slowly letting out the bottled-up stories of betrayal, disappointment, and hurt.
Head to a movie theater, alone or with your best friend. Pick the silliest movie, even if you normally don’t watch comedies, and laugh out loud until it hurts, and shed a few tears, as if nobody is looking, like a carefree teenager.
Find a song that speaks to your heart. Play it over and over, and sing along to it over and over, as though you are doing it for all the wounded souls.
If none of that helps, use your vacation days to take a trip. Go somewhere you’ve always said you wanted to go—the Grand Canyon, the Camino de Santiago, Machu Picchu.
All by yourself. Just you and the road.
After spending time alone, go to your own sacred place. Close your eyes and clear your mind.
Even if you are not that spiritual, invoke the heart of compassion and feel the embrace of acceptance.
Downcast and heartbroken, I know you were once me and I was once you.
So today, I pray for you.
I think someone need this, we all pray for you.🙏
Brihataranyaka Upanishad
The Self is indeed Brahman,
but ignorance veils its true form,
identifying it with intellect, mind, senses,
passions, and elements of nature's storm.
This is why the Self appears to be
everything, a multifaceted sea,
consisting of this and that, a paradox,
a mystery that's hard to unlock.
As a person acts, so they become,
their deeds shaping their life's outcome,
good deeds purify, bad deeds stain,
our true nature revealed through joy and pain.
You are what your deep desire is,
your will and deed, a harmonious trinity,
shaping your destiny, a path you choose,
your heart's desire, the force that produces.
We live in accordance with our heart's fire,
our desires guiding us, higher or lower,
at death, they determine our next birth,
a chance to fulfill, to learn, to grow on earth.
But those who are free from desire's sway,
have found fulfillment, a new way,
they don't die like others, but merge,
in Brahman, infinite life, eternal emerge.
When all desires are renounced,
the mortal becomes immortal, a new stance,
knots loosened, heart freed from pain,
immortal, here, in this life's gain.
Like a snake shedding its skin,
the body falls, but Self merges within,
Brahman, infinite life, eternal light,
freedom from cycles, a wondrous sight.
jaga meṅ raho aise govinda rādhey,
dharmaśhālā meṅ yātrī rahe jyoṅ batā de
Kena Upanishad
Who makes my mind think?
Who fills my body with vitality?
Who causes my tongue to speak?
Who is that Invisible one
who sees through my eyes
and hears through my ears?
The Self is the ear of the ear,
the eye of the eye,
the mind of the mind,
the word of words,
and the life of life.
Rising above the senses and mind,
renouncing separate existence,
the wise realize the deathless Self.
Him our eyes cannot see,
nor words express;
He cannot be grasped even by the mind.
We do not know, we cannot understand,
because He is different from the known
and different from the unknown.
Thus have we heard from the illumined ones.
That which makes the tongue speak
but cannot be spoken by the tongue,
know that as the Self.
This Self is not someone other than you.
That which makes the mind think
but cannot be thought by the mind,
that is the Self indeed.
This Self is not someone other than you.
❝Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there—buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.❞
Byron Katie
A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It is not our thoughts, but the attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it's true, without inquiring.
A belief is a thought that we've been attaching to, often for years. Most people think that they are what their thoughts tell them they are.
One day I noticed that I wasn't breathing—I was being breathed. Then I also noticed, to my amazement, that I wasn't thinking—that I was actually being thought, and that thinking isn't personal.
Do you wake up in the morning and say to yourself, "I think I won't think today"? It's too late: You're already thinking! Thoughts just appear. They come out of nothing and go back to nothing, like clouds moving across the empty sky.
They come to pass, not to stay. There is no harm in them until we attach to them as if they were true. No one has ever been able to control his thinking, although people may tell the story of how they have.
I don't let go of my thoughts—I meet them with understanding. Then they let go of me.
Thoughts are like the breeze or the leaves on the trees or the raindrops falling. They appear like that, and through inquiry we can make friends with them. Would you argue with a raindrop? Raindrops aren’t personal, and neither are thoughts. Once a painful concept is met with understanding, the next time it appears you may find it interesting. What used to be the nightmare is now just interesting. The next time it appears, you may find it funny. The next time, you may not even notice it. This is the power of loving what is.
Paramahansa Yogananda
By the power of concentration and meditation, you can direct the inexhaustible power of your mind to accomplish what you desire and to guard every door against failure.
All successful men and women devote much time to deep concentration. They are able to dive deeply within their minds and to find the pearls of right solutions for the problems that confront them.
If you learn how to withdraw your attention from all objects of distraction and to place it upon one object of concentration, you too will know how to attract at will whatever you need.
Before embarking on important undertakings, sit quietly, calm your senses and thoughts, and meditate deeply. You will then be guided by the great creative power of Spirit.
After that, you should utilize all necessary material means to achieve your goal. The things you need in life are those that will help to fulfill your dominant purpose.
Things you may want but not need may lead you aside from that purpose. It is only by making everything serve your main objective that success is attained.
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Jiddu Krishnamurti
To be free, you have to examine authority, the whole skeleton of authority, tearing to pieces the whole dirty thing. And that requires energy, actual physical energy, and also, it demands psychological energy.
But the energy is destroyed, is wasted when one is in conflict. So when there is the understanding of the whole process of conflict, there is the ending of conflict, there is abundance of energy.
Then you can proceed, tearing down the house that you have built throughout the centuries and that has no meaning at all. You know, to destroy is to create.
We must destroy, not the buildings, not the social or economic system—this comes about daily—but the psychological, the unconscious and the conscious defenses, securities that one has built up rationally, individually, deeply, and superficially.
We must tear through all that to be utterly defenseless, because you must be defenseless to love and have affection.
Then you see and understand ambition, authority; and you begin to see when authority is necessary and at what level—the authority of the policeman and no more.
Then there is no authority of learning, no authority of knowledge, no authority of capacity, no authority that function assumes and which becomes status.
To understand all authority—of the gurus, of the Masters, and others—requires a very sharp mind, a clear brain, not a muddy brain, not a dull brain.
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When we say 'Shiva', it's not about creating one more idol, one more god that we can beg to, ask for more prosperity, and for better things in life. It is not about that.
The word 'Shiva' means 'that which is not.' Not that which is, but that which is not. If you want to put it in logical terms, we have been saying everything begins from nothing and ends with nothing.
Everything that's here has evolved itself out of nothingness; now it is here; and again it goes back to nothingness. This is a fact of life.
That nothingness is Shiva. What we call 'shoonya' is Shiva. That emptiness is Shiva. You can call it by any name or form, or if you have that much awareness, you can look at it as a formless energy.
But that which contains everything, that which is not, is Shiva.
Om Swami
Ayurveda states that one should consume foods according to one's constitution. When we do that, our nature starts to synchronize with nature, and the foods we eat lead to better health and harmony.
Each food has a certain quality that affects our well-being. Just like we have physical and mental humours, food too has something similar. Every natural food has a living energy in it. This is the mystical aspect of our food.
It is why the fermentation of grapes and the fermentation of wheat are not the same. Even if two foods have identical tastes throughout the four stages of digestion, it doesn't mean that they'll have the same effect on your mind.
In the short term, they may appear to have the same effect on your body. But ultimately, it's their effect on your mind that will determine the outcome for your body. Foods invigorate or aggravate your genetic disposition.
The food you eat and the manner in which you eat it makes a great difference to your physical and mental health. No, I'm not asking you to become a vegetarian, I'm simply giving you a new perspective on food.
Eckhart Tolle
Enlightenment is a state of wholeness, of being "at one" and therefore at peace. At one with life in its manifested aspect, the world, as well as with your deepest self and life unmanifested - at one with Being.
Enlightenment is not only the end of suffering and of continuous conflict within and without, but also the end of the dreadful enslavement to incessant thinking. What an incredible liberation this is!
Identification with your mind creates an opaque screen of concepts, labels, images, words, judgments, and definitions that blocks all true relationship. It comes between you and yourself, between you and your fellow man and woman, between you and nature, between you and God.
It is this screen of thought that creates the illusion of separateness, the illusion that there is you and a totally separate "other." You then forget the essential fact that, underneath the level of physical appearances and separate forms, you are one with all that is.
By "forget," I mean that you can no longer feel this oneness as self-evident reality. You may believe it to be true, but you no longer know it to be true. A belief may be comforting. Only through your own experience, however, does it become liberating.
Thinking has become a disease. Disease happens when things get out of balance. For example, there is nothing wrong with cells dividing and multiplying in the body, but when this process continues in disregard of the total organism, cells proliferate and we have disease.
The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly - you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over.
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The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim
"Is it the world that's busy, or is it my mind?"
The world moves fast, but that doesn't mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated in the United States, offers advice on everything from handling setbacks to dealing with relationships and loved ones, in a beautiful book combining his teachings with calming full-colour illustrations. Even as we speed toward what comes next, Haemin Sunim's messages of encouragement speak directly to the anxieties that have become part of modern life and remind us of the strength and joy that come from slowing down.
Robin Sharma
One of the greatest lessons for a highly fulfilling life is to rise from a life spent chasing success to one dedicated to finding significance. And the best way to create significance is to ask yourself one simple question: “How may I serve?” All great leaders, thinkers and humanitarians have abandoned selfish lives for selfless lives and, in doing so, found all the happiness, abundance and satisfaction they desired. Joy comes from giving.
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"Whispers from Eternity" by Paramhansa Yogananda is a deeply moving and inspiring collection of prayers and prose poems that reveal the infinite nature of God. This book has been a source of guidance and solace for readers for nearly a century, offering a unique blend of spiritual wisdom and poetic beauty .
The book is designed to help readers connect with the divine and experience ecstasy through soul-awakening prayers and affirmations. Yogananda's writing is characterized by its accessibility, clarity, and depth, making it easy for readers to apply the principles outlined in the book to their everyday lives .
Ajahn Brahm
Once, there were two chicken farmers. The first rose early in the morning, picked up a basket, and went into the henhouse to collect the produce from the night before. He proceeded to fill his basket with chicken shit, leaving the eggs on the ground to rot.
He then brought the basket of chicken shit back into the house, where it made a very bad smell. His family was very upset with that stupid chicken farmer.
The second chicken farmer picked up a basket and entered his henhouse also to collect the produce of the night before. But he filled his basket with eggs, leaving the chicken shit to rot in the shed. It would become valuable fertilizer later, but you don’t bring it into the house with you!
Bringing only the eggs back home, he cooked a delicious omelette for his family and later sold the remaining eggs in the market for cash. His family was very pleased with that clever chicken farmer.
The meaning of this parable is this: When you collect the produce of your past, what do you put in your basket and bring home with you? Are you one of those people who collect all the unpleasant experiences of today (or of your life) and bring them home with you?
Or are you someone who leaves all those negative experiences in the past, where they belong, and only recollects the happy moments?
Wu Hsin
We are afloat in
The Great River.
All are carried along.
Some swim against the flow.
They, too, are carried along.
The departure from what is natural is
The birthplace of personality.
The world of persons is
A solitary place,
Each separate and alone.
To achieve peace,
One must retrace the way one came.
~ This book was written with a very specific intent: to enable anyone to recognize the alien presence in their life whenever it’s creating damage, despite its invisibly to our eyes. Many people are victims of alien influences and are unaware that their health and life problems have arisen because of them, that’s because it’s difficult to accept such a revelation; it’s much easier to think that our problems arise on their own, out of nowhere. Acknowledging the negative influence that some presences bring to our lives means that we have a chance to push them away and make sure that they will no longer affect us. (...)
Through these pages you will learn useful information on how to distinguish an alien influence from what your real thoughts are, how to find the alien chips that have been inserted in your body, as well as how to prevent the insertion of further chips inside yourself and the people you love. You will learn the methods to eliminate the alien manipulations that have ruined many events and years of your life, even when you never thought it could be their doing. The chapters that follow will be filled with real-life experiences which I had when I was wide awake, often under the eyes of other people. As an evidence of this, within this book there are photos of actual alien chips I personally expelled from my body during the practice of Energy Healing on myself. In addition, there will be photos, also personally taken by me, of Dimensional Beings who have shown themselves during my practice. (...)
I intend to reveal to you information about aliens that you won't be able to find anywhere else, as these are firsthand experiences and not tales that get spread by hearsay. In this book I will devote myself to the explanation of the subject of Aliens by starting from the absolute basics, in order to ease the understanding of all those people who have never heard of aliens or have never inquired about this topic because of fear, little interest, distrust or scepticism. Immediately after I will have concluded with the basics, we will move on to the following explanations, which will fulfil any doubt of all the people who have spent their lives studying and searching for answers about the alien presence and their method of operation but have never found anyone who has had real experiences that could confirm their hypotheses. With this book I will offer a foundation to those who are approaching the subject for the first time and provide solid knowledge to those who have been looking into it for many years. (...)
I assure you that this book will be within everyone's reach, as it will be written using terms that are public and easy to understand, I will avoid complicated words that would prevent most readers from learning its contents. (...)
In addition, I will explain how I came to gather certain information about aliens and the methods I used to protect myself from them. (...)
This is a true Psychic Handbook, written to be within the reach of all those who are serious about defending their freedom, their privacy, their personal decisions and their lives. This is a practical book, not a theoretical one! You will learn mental and psychic defense techniques, which no one has ever taught you before, in order to face any dangerous situation without the slightest fear. (...)
Having said that, let’s begin this journey to the understanding of Aliens. ~
Quote from the book: "Becoming Aware of Aliens by learning to recognize them - Vol. 1" by Angel Jeanne
You can read an extensive preview of the book at this link: 👇
E-book available for purchase on several online book stores.
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Swami Vivekananda
Such is the central idea of Karma-Yoga. The Karma-Yogi is the man who understands that the highest ideal is non-resistance, and who also knows that this non-resistance is the highest manifestation of power in actual possession.
Also, what is called the resisting of evil is but a step on the way towards the manifestation of this highest power, namely, non-resistance. Before reaching this highest ideal, man's duty is to resist evil; let him work, let him fight, let him strike straight from the shoulder.
Then only, when he has gained the power to resist, will non-resistance be a virtue.
I once met a man in my country whom I had known before as a very stupid, dull person, who knew nothing and had not the desire to know anything, and was living the life of a brute.
He asked me what he should do to know God, how he was to get free. "Can you tell a lie?" I asked him. "No," he replied. "Then you must learn to do so. It is better to tell a lie than to be a brute, or a log of wood."
You are inactive; you have not certainly reached the highest state, which is beyond all actions, calm and serene; you are too dull even to do something wicked. That was an extreme case, of course, and I was joking with him; but what I meant was that a man must be active in order to pass through activity to perfect calmness.
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Brihataranyaka Upanishad
The Self is indeed Brahman,
but ignorance veils its true form,
identifying it with intellect, mind, senses,
passions, and elements of nature's storm.
This is why the Self appears to be
everything, a multifaceted sea,
consisting of this and that, a paradox,
a mystery that's hard to unlock.
As a person acts, so they become,
their deeds shaping their life's outcome,
good deeds purify, bad deeds stain,
our true nature revealed through joy and pain.
You are what your deep desire is,
your will and deed, a harmonious trinity,
shaping your destiny, a path you choose,
your heart's desire, the force that produces.
We live in accordance with our heart's fire,
our desires guiding us, higher or lower,
at death, they determine our next birth,
a chance to fulfill, to learn, to grow on earth.
But those who are free from desire's sway,
have found fulfillment, a new way,
they don't die like others, but merge,
in Brahman, infinite life, eternal emerge.
When all desires are renounced,
the mortal becomes immortal, a new stance,
knots loosened, heart freed from pain,
immortal, here, in this life's gain.
Like a snake shedding its skin,
the body falls, but Self merges within,
Brahman, infinite life, eternal light,
freedom from cycles, a wondrous sight.
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The conscious mind is only one-tenth of the whole mind; nine-tenths of it is the unconscious, and the conscious mind is getting drowned in the unconscious. Hence this feeling. But this is beautiful. The conscious has to get drowned in the unconscious. Once it is drowned in the unconscious you will have a new kind of integration. Then you will not be divided in two compartments, you will become one. But the fear will be there. One feels as if one is getting drowned and has no help and cannot get out.
The unconscious is dark and deep, and the conscious is a tiny thing, helpless, but once the conscious is drowned in the unconscious two things happen. One: you are no more divided, you are no more schizophrenic. You become one, integrated. The second thing that happens: the conscious, once it is drowned in the unconscious, imparts its quality of consciousness to the unconscious. It is just like a sugar cube being drowned in water – the whole of the water becomes sweet. Once the unconscious takes the conscious into itself, its light, the light of the conscious, spreads all over. It illuminates the unconscious. And both are great steps towards realisation.
Allow it. Relax, be in a let-go....
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