◥█████◣ │田│▓ ∩ │ ◥███◣ ╱◥◣ ◥████◣田∩田│ │╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║◥███◣ ┄┄┅┅✿❀✯❀✿┅┅┄┄ We promote balanced life for a fulfilling life. 🍀BLISS 🍀 With ❤️
"I am fully anchored in this abundance consciousness."✨
"A miracle is happening for you! Something you need is manifesting in the most unusual, effortless, and surprising way." 💫
~ IA
"When you begin to vibrate in concert with that which you are, oceans part, and mountains move, and people come out of the woodwork to accommodate you."✨
~ AH
"All day, everyday, count your blessings!
All day, everyday, make your lists of things you appreciate.
And as you keep activating what is working in your life, then more pleasing things on all subjects will flow to you."✨
~ AH
"I love knowing that whatever I am willing to allow, the Universe will yield to me."✨
~ AH
Season 2 has now officially begun 💥
If you’ve ever wandered through New York’s SoHo or London’s Mayfair and spotted a building with an understated entrance—no flashing sign, no bouncers, just a mysterious air of exclusivity—you might have been standing in front of a SoHo House.
And if you tried to walk in without a membership, well… you probably didn’t get very far. (... continue reading)
"When you say,
✨'it's my dominant intent to feel good.'✨
✨ Doors open for you!
✨ Money flows to you!
✨ Vitality oozes from you!
✨ Charisma is you!"
~ AH
"I am open to money coming to me from the new ways that I've never imagined."✨
~ AH
"I am grateful for everything I have, everything I know, and everything I am."✨
Читать полностью…"Expect the best, expect divine guidance, expect your fortunes to changes, expect a miracle."✨
~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
"Unimaginable wealth is making its way to you." 💫
Читать полностью…"We want you to want with triumph and worthiness."✨
~ AH
"He had nothing to start with, except the capacity to know what he wanted, and the determination to stand by that desire until he realized it."✨
~ NH
"Get happy and the Universe will give you what it knows you want."✨
~ AH
"I now accept limitless abundance from a limitless Universe."✨
~ LH
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"You will have so many wins this week. One opportunity after the next waiting to present itself to you. Remain open to the flow of giving and receiving. Peace of mind will be top tier. You deserve all the good this life has in store for you." 💫
~ SM
"You will have so many wins this week. One opportunity after the next waiting to present itself to you. Remain open to the flow of giving and receiving. Peace of mind will be top tier. You deserve all the good this life has in store for you." 💫
~ SM
"Our strongest wanting for you is that you LIGHTEN UP.
In other words, spend more time looking for things to laugh about and play with.
Play your way through this. It really is the key.
When you follow your bliss, it is always an easy journey."✨
~ AH
"You are going to be an example that anything is possible and miracles really happen." 💫
Читать полностью…"The Universe is orchestrating everything perfectly for me."✨
~ AH
"Once the vibrational shift occurs within you, all manner of evidence will confirm it:
✨ Good-feeling ideas will flow abundantly to you.
✨ Things that you have been wondering about will come into greater clarity.
✨ Things that you have been meaning to do will present themselves to you in an obvious and easy-to-accomplish manner.
✨ Problems that have seemed stubborn will seem to resolve themselves without your personal involvement.
✨ And money and opportunities will begin to show up in your experience in surprising and unexpected ways."✨
~ AH
"I am awake to my good, and gather in the harvest of endless possibilities."✨