لا يمكنني مواصلة الإصغاء لصمتكِ، بحاجة أنا للتحدث اليكِ بكل السُبُل المتاحة، بتِّ تثقبين روحي، وأصبحتُ بين العذاب والأمل .. لا تقولي أني وصلت متأخرًا، وأن كل هذه المشاعر النفيسة ذهبتْ هباءً للأبد. ها أنا أقدم نفسي لكِ مُجددًا، وبقلب يتوق لكِ أكثر. بالرغم من أنكِ كسرتِه منذ أكثر من ثمان سنين
ونصف ..
لا تقولي أن الرجال ينسون قبل النساء، لا تقولي أن لهذا الحبّ موعد مع الموت المبكر، لم أغرم بسواكِ، ربما لم أكن منصفاً، ربما كنت ضعيفاً آنذاك، حاقد أحيانًا، لكن أبداً لم أكن متقلّباً عندما يتعلق الأمر بكِ. أعلم أنك تُغرقين صوتكِ، لكني سأبقى أميّز نبرتكِ مهما ضاعتْ في زحام الأصوات الأخرى. فلتعلمي أيتها المخلوقة الطيبة الرائعة ؛ وجودكِ وحده يحقق
الانصاف ..🥀♥️
✨ جين أوستر | إقناع
”يجب أن تخلق مساحة خاصة بك ... يوجد بها الكثير من الصمت ... والكثير مِن الكتب ...“ 🌸✨🏮
Читать полностью…أصعب أمر قد تواجهه، أن تفقد فجأة ذاك الشخص الوحيد الذي كان يشعرك بالأمان، وكلماته كانت البلسم الشافي لقلبك، من كنت تشعر معه أنك مازالت بخير. 🥀🍃
Читать полностью…No one was to blame for what happened, but that does not make it any less difficult to accept. It was all a matter of missed connections, bad timing, blundering in the dark. We were always in the right place at the wrong time, the wrong place at the right time, always just missing each other, always just a few inches from figuring the whole thing out. That's what the story boils down to, I think. A series of lost chances. All the pieces were there from the beginning, but no one knew how to put them together. 🍂🥀
✨ Paul Auster, Moon Palace
There's a fine line between thinking about somebody and thinking about not thinking about somebody, but I have the patience and the self-control to walk that line for hours - days, if I have to. 💫🌺
✨ Jennifer Egan | A visit from The Goon Squad
It must be madness, the way
we let things devour us, the
way we let things we want out, back in.
And the horror of it all is
we stay attracted to everything that hurt. We cling to it and never really learn to let go.
So perhaps we do want happiness also desire to keep the pain close. Close enough to destroy us. Close enough to define us and close enough to make us feel a little cold. 🍂🥀
✨ R. M. Drake
•|• ينقصنا صديق يسأل عن الحال الحقيقي ، الحال المتعب وليس الحال الذي دائماً بخير.🥀💔
Читать полностью…الدوافع النفسية للإنسان لها سطوة أكبر من الدوافع العقلية، ولهذا تجده يفعل أشياء يعلم يقينًا بضررها عليه ولكنه يقدم بفعلها على أية حال. 🎏🥀
Читать полностью…"At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey." 🦚✨🏵
Читать полностью…"They simply never understand,
do they? That sometimes solitude is one of the most beautiful things
on earth?" ✨🌸
I forgive myself for every moment I repressed the anger that was trying to get me to fight for myself. I forgive myself for betraying the anger and holding it down, when all I wanted was to set a boundary. 💔🥀
Читать полностью…She did not know what he had done ... but she felt it in him all the same. They only mumbled at each other on staircases; they looked up at the sky and said it will be fine or it won’t be fine. But this was one way of knowing people, she thought: to know the outline, not the detail, to sit in one’s garden and look at the slopes of a hill running purple down into the distant heather. She knew him in that way. She knew that he had changed somehow. 🌸🎻
✨ Virginia Woolf, To The Lighthouse
Change is coming. Everything in your life now will begin to propel forward. You'll notice a shift from stagnation to flow, from lack of abundance, from confusion to clarity, from pain to peace. This is the turning point. 🌸🌺
Читать полностью…•|• لن يفنى العالم بسبب قنبله نوويه كما تقول الصحف بل بسبب الابتذال والافراط في التفاهه التي ستحول الواقع إلى نكته سخيفه. 💫🔥
✨كارلوس زافون، ظل الريح
إني مدينٌ للذين جبروا خاطري يومًا ... سواءً كانوا قاصدين ... أو بمحضِ الصُّدفة ...✨🌸
Читать полностью…There is no passion without secrecy, this secrecy where everything is nonetheless said. ♥️🎻
✨ Jacques Derrida
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. 💫🎏
✨ Patanjali
That's all I've ever dreamed of, Mr. Bones. To make the world a better place. To bring some beauty to the drab humdrum corners of the soul. You can do it with a toaster, you can do it with a poem, you can do it by reaching out your hand to a stranger. It doesn't matter what form it takes. To leave the world a little better than you found it. That's the best a man can ever do. ♥️🎻
✨ Paul Auster| Timbuktu
•|• يقول مارسيل بروست: "رحلة الاستكشاف الحقيقية لا تستلزم الذهاب إلى أراض جديدة، بل الرؤية بعيون جديدة" 🎋🌅 ...
Читать полностью…“All of us are lonely at some point or another, no matter how many people surround us. And then, we meet someone who seems to understand. She smiles, and for a moment the loneliness disappears.” 🌸🌺
✨ Helene Wecker, The Golem and the Jinni
صباح الخير للمجانين والعقلاء .. الهادئين والمُمتلئين بالصخب .. لعاشقي القهوة وكارهيها .. لمحبي الحياة وعاشقيها .. صباحاً مُختلفاً لقلوبكم .. ✨💖
Читать полностью…"Sometimes I feel like if you just watch things, just sit still and let the world exist in front of you. Sometimes I swear that just for a second time freezes and the world pauses in its tilt. Just for a second. And if you somehow found a way to live in that second, then you would live forever." 🏮🎏
✨ Lauren Oliver, Pandemonium
✨ يقول تشرشل: "إن لم تكن قادراً على قراءة كل كتبك فلاطفها، وحذق فيها، وافتحها كما اتفق، وأقرأ من الجمل الأولى ما يشد نظرك، ورتب كتبك في رفوفها بيدك، رتبها على طريقتك الخاصة لتعرف أماكنها، ولتكن كتبك أصدقائك ومعارفك" 🧧🏮
Читать полностью…You've done everything right, you've passed every obstacle and have overcome every challenge you were faced with. You've payed your dues, you deserve to have it easy from now on. 🌸🌺
✨ Good morning
It's amazing. Some people, they just say these small little things, one sentence and it changed the way you feel about them in an instant. Small little words that can hurt you so much or make you fall deeply in love forever. It changes everything, nothing between you is ever really the same again, even if they don't know it, it still happens. 🥀✨
Читать полностью…Moonrise from space station, captured by astronaut Scott Kelley from the International Space Station during his #yearinspace. 🚀🛰
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