The ritual of the bathhouse changes everything you thought sex was. Nothing about it is personal, or shameful. The sacredness of sex goes from a connection to the "other person" to "your people." For some reason, this place out of time and space washes you of all existence outside that locked door. They key you've kept on your arm has served not just to unlock that little locker, but to keep the straight world locked out.
This feels like freedom, like flying for the first time.
Так вечер пятницы, все работают и про технологии постят, пока натыкаются, гугля по делу. Вот утром понедельника из офиса смищные картинки шлём.
Читать полностью…
Поиск в массиве
1.1 Линейный поиск
1.2 Двоичный поиск
1.3 Троичный поиск
1.4 Интерполяционный поиск
Структуры данных
1.5 Массив
1.6 Стек
1.7 Очередь, двусторонняя очередь
1.8 Словарь
1.9 Хеш-таблица
Сортировки, анализ алгоритмов
2.1 Bubble sort (пузырьковая сортировка)
2.2 Merge sort (сортировка слиянием)
2.3 Quick sort (быстрая сортировка)
2.4 Bucket sort (блочная сортировка)
2.5 Heap sort (пирамидальная сортировка)
2.6 Insertion sort (сортировка вставками)
2.7 Counting sort (сортировка подсчетом)
2.8 Radix sort (порязрядная сортировка)
2.9 Timsort и другие гибридные алгоритмы сортировки
Рекурсия, математическая индукция
3.1 Хвостовая рекурсия
3.2 Обратная польская запись
3.3 Числа Каталана
3.4 Вычисление биномиальных коэффициентов
3.5 Метод градиентного спуска
3.6 Метод сопряженных градиентов
3.7 Принцип динамического программирования
3.8 Метод ветвей и границ
3.9 Методы Gradient boosting
3.10 Алгоритм Кадана
3.11 Поиск методом золотого сечения
3.12 Производящие функции
3.13 Запаздывающие генераторы Фибоначчи
3.14 Memoization
3.15 Корекурсия
3.16 Задача 3-SAT
3.17 Алгоритм фрактального сжатия
Структуры данных (рекурсивные)
3.18 Список
3.19 Дерево
3.20 Граф
4.1 Z-функция
4.2 Алгоритм Кнута-Морриса-Пратта
4.3 Алгоритм Ахо-Корасик
4.4 Алгоритм Бойера-Мура
4.5 Алгоритм Бойера-Мура-Хорспула
4.6 Сходство Джаро-Винклера
4.7 Расстояние Левенштейна, алгоритм Укконена
4.8 Расстояние Дамерау-Левенштейна
4.9 Алгоритм Карпа-Миллера-Розенберга
4.10 Алгоритм Каркайнена-Сандерса
4.11 Алгоритм Арикавы-Аримуты-Касаи-Ли-Парка
4.12 Алгоритм Ву-Менбера
4.13 Алгоритм Ландау-Вишкена
4.14 Алгоритм Майерса
4.15 Префиксное дерево
4.16 Суффиксный массив
4.17 Суффиксное дерево
Порядковые статистики, потоковые алгоритмы
5.1 Алгоритм BFPRT
5.2 Алгоритм Манро-Патерсона
5.3 Алгоритм Канна-Гринвальда
5.4 Алгоритм большинства голосов Бойера-Мура
5.5 Алгоритм Lossy Count
6.1 Эйлеров обход дерева, DFS, BFS
6.2 Двоичное дерево поиска
6.3 Декартово дерево
6.4 Красно-черное дерево
6.5 АВЛ-дерево, дерево Фибоначчи
6.6 Splay tree (расширяющееся дерево)
6.7 B, B+, B* дерево, 2-3 дерево
6.8 PQ-дерево
6.9 Дерево отрезков
6.10 Дерево Фенвика
6.11 Алгоритм двоичного подъема (задача LCA)
6.12 Алгоритм Фарах-Колтона и Бендера (RMQ, LCA)
6.13 Sqrt-декомпозиция
6.14 Центроидная декомпозиция
6.15 Heavy-light декомпозиция
6.16 Фибоначчиева куча
6.17 Куча, 2-3 куча
6.18 Очередь с приоритетами
6.19 Множество
6.20 Система непересекающихся множеств
6.21 Лес непересекающихся множеств
6.20 Ассоциативный массив
7.1 Обход в ширину (BFS)
7.2 Обход в глубину (DFS)
7.3 Топологическая сортировка
7.4 Алгоритм Munagala-Ranade
7.5 Алгоритм Mehlhorn-Meyer
7.6 Задача о динамической связности
7.7 Алгоритм поиска точек сочленения графа
7.8 Алгоритм поиска мостов графа
7.9 Алгоритм Косараю
7.10 Алгоритм Тарьяна
7.11 Задача 2-SAT
7.11 Алгоритм Брона-Кербоша
7.12 Конденсация графа
7.13 Раскраска графа
7.14 Задача о назначениях
7.15 Венгерский алгоритм
7.16 Алгоритм Ульмана
7.17 Матрица смежности
7.18 Матрица достижимости
7.19 Матрица сильной связности
7.20 Матрица Лапласа
7.21 Матрица Инцидентности
7.22 Список смежности
7.23 Список ребер
Графы: циклы
8.1 Алгоритм поиска Эйлерова цикла
8.2 Алгоритм поиска Эйлерова пути
8.3 Алгоритм поиска Гамильтонова цикла
8.3 Алгоритм поиска Гамильтонова пути
8.4 Задача Коммивояжера
Графы: остовное дерево
9.1 Теорема Кирхгофа
9.2 Теорема Кэли о числе деревьев, код Прюфера
9.3 Лемма о безопасном (минимальном) ребре
9.4 Алгоритм Краскала
9.5 Алгоритм Примы
9.6 Алгоритм Борувки
9.7 Задача устранения петель в сети Ethernet (STP)
9.8 Задача Штейнера
Графы: кратчайший путь
10.1 Алгоритм Дейкстры
10.2 Алгоритм Best-First
10.3 Алгоритм A*
10.4 Алгоритм Левита
10.5 Алгоритм Беллмана-Форда
10.6 Алгоритм Флойда-Уоршелла
10.7 Алгоритм ALT
10.8 Алгоритм Reach-based pruning
I did an experiment my first year of college trying to figure out exactly what the most pleasurable non sexual experience was.
I initially started out setting my alarm at 3 in the morning so that I could experience the pleasant feeling of being able to go back to sleep after being woken up in the middle of the night. Did it for about 2 weeks but quit because it made me so tired during the day. Would not recommend 3/10
The second thing I tried was sneezing. I induced sneezing with ground pepper and other aerosolized powders and while it was pleasant (I sneeze very hard) my skin on the inside of my nose got super irritated and it hurt to breath after about 3 days of inducing sneezing every 2 hours. Would certainly not recommend 2/10
The third thing I tried was scratching an itch. I am mildly allergic to mosquitoes and where I went to college had swarms of them around sunset so I stripped down to my underwear and stood out at dusk for 2 hours and got well over a hundred bites. I then set a 7 minute timer and would scratch my whole body for 15 seconds but only at 7 minute intervals. I was a disgusting bloody mess, what wasn't bloody had the clear sticky plasma fluid that got stuck to my clothes and hurt when it would rip off. But it was very rewarding and was very pleasurable during those 15 seconds of glory. Would kinda recommend 6/10
The next thing I did was the pleasure of eating when being very hungry. (Old saying in Spanish saying that hunger is the best cook) I decided to fast for 6 days and eat the 7th day, Sunday to Friday fast, Saturday have BREAKFAST (Pun very much intended). I had a miserable first couple of days, but Thursday and Friday I felt really good, had a test on Friday felt clearheaded had good energy it was a really great experience. Saturday rolled around, I went to the cafe got a big plate of French toast, tater tots the works and sat down to eat... It was remarkable unsatisfactory, didn't feel all that hungry, the food taste was overwhelmingly sweet, and maybe four or five bites in I felt soooooo full. It was a great experience to fast but did not provide a pleasurable sensation. Would not recommend to pleasure speakers but it was a surreal experience, so 7/10
2 weeks after I attempted to do the exact opposite, the pleasure of voiding after having a lot in the bowel. I am a vegetarian so I usually consume a lot of fiber but noted that when the stool was a little firmer I really enjoyed pooping. So I decided to hold my shit for as long as possible and consume very little fiber. I went without pooping for 4 days and what followed has had to have been one of the most painful experiences of my life. I sat on the toilet for well over an hour just pushing what seemed to be a giant rock hard megaphone seemingly getting wider the more I pushed. I thought just crowning was bad, but the worst was after an inch pushed out my sphincter couldn't close again and it remained stretched out for the remainder of the log. It felt like I had a burning hot metal rod up my ass, after some research i learned its called "the ring of fire." I did learn the most effective way of pushing out solid shits is to bend over so your chest is on your knees and begin to push while righting your back up strait, it winches the shit out, one painful fucking millimeter at a time. Would not wish on my worst enemy, this one was really bad 0/10.
The last one was the pleasure of peeing after holding it in. I remember as a child having the most pleasant dealings after a long car ride or when I peed myself. Let's start with the fuck up, I decided to do this during finals week, I started on Monday night and held it no problem till Tuesday night, stayed up late studying for my history final and ended up falling asleep and waking up 5 minutes after the exam, rushed out hadn't quite processed the fact that I needed to pee (was planning on peeing before the test). It was a long form essay test and i could not keep still, no amount of moving, fidgeting, and grinding down on my pen could distract me from the fact that I NEEDED TO PEE. About 30 mi
Работал в одной фирме рога-копыта в родном городе (миллионнике).
Сварщиком, за 15 тыщ рублей. Тут объявляют - в связи с крЫзисом зарплату урезают до 12 тыщ и обед сокращают на 15 минут. Кто не согласен - на выход. Ну, я и ушёл.
Нашёл работу через неделю. На 17 тыщ, потом знакомый переманил в Питер, на 30 тыщ. Отправили через полгода на обучение в Чехию, на сварочном роботе работать. Сейчас зарплата с премиями и бонусами - 60-65 тыщ.
И тут эти клоуны с первой работы звонят - говорят, возвращайся, мы вернули зарплату в 15 тыщ.
Я им сказал, что спился и бомжую. Зачем таких хороших людей расстраивають.
An elderly man goes into confession and says to the priest,
“Father, I’m 80 years old, married, have four kids and eleven healthy grandchildren, and last night I had an affair with two 18 year old girls. I made love with both of them… twice.”
The priest said, “Well, when was the last time you were in confession?”
“Never Father… I’m Jewish.”
“So , why are you telling me?”
“Oh, I’m telling everybody!”
So I went straight from my conference to the bathhouse three nights in a row. It looks like a nice gym or club from the outside, on a main street in downtown DC.
You enter to a small atrium with a circle window and one locked door to the inside. They open the window, ask for you ID, check in, then electronically unlock the door. You walk into a payment window facing another locked door. you pay, sign a little waiver, then they buzz the second door open and you walk into the gym part of the club. They give you a towel and a key on a little plastic strechy circle (to put around your arm/wrist/leg). You can buy a gym locker or a little room with a bed to put your stuff in.
you see a 1950s looking gym room in front of you, reminding you of a hotel or some sort of formal establishment. To the left is a staircase the man at the counter motioned you toward.
As you walk up you get to two doors. One labeled "lockers and sauna" the other labeled "crew rooms." You open the locker and sauna door to see an ornate room with a 6ft by 5ft TV screen, red carpet, leather chairs, and ten men (mostly above 50) all walking around in only matching white towels. You feel oddly naked for being the only one wearing street clothes as then ten men stare at you and watch you walk over to the lockers hidden to the right of the large room.
You unlock your gym locker and realize you're going to strip while they watch. Your audience grows as you start to take off your shirt, then your pants. You hesitate before taking off the underwear. But it's a bathhouse, so you do.
Now barefoot in only a white towel you turn around to explore. You see a hallway past the TV lounge room that you walk down to dodge the guys walking towards you. You see a wall of black tiled gang showers like in all the porn movies, and some urinals. There is a door on each side of the shower wall. One leads to a sauna room, you see three guys in there jacking each other off. They look at you, one biting his lip at you. You look down and away at the other door. The glass door is steamed over and as a man leaves you see it's a steamroom with a maze of walls in it.
You decide to explore more. Walking past the shower room you see a pitch black room. Enough light shines into it for you to see a small table with a fishbowl filled with condoms. You'll later find out that's the glory hole room where guys who didn't pay extra for a room fuck their brains out.
You walk further, to the other side of the hall that said "crew rooms." This side feels more calm. It almost looks like a college dorm hallway, with little doors every five or six feet. As you walk down the carpeted halls you see some doors are open. There is a guy lying naked ass up, waiting for anyone to enter. There is another guy just staring at those who pass by as he masturbates. At the end of the hall are some beanbag chairs and small TVS with porn on.
There are no windows. You realize it could be 2pm or 4am and you could not tell.
The men of a bathhouse start to feel like blood. Whenever anyone shows the weakness to get on their knees, or to be fucked by multiple guys, it's like the start of a clotting cascade. Everyone comes from all over to watch and partake, clumping like platelets. You wouldn't normally be so comfortable jacking a random guy off next to you while watching some fifty year old guy get pounded by three guys taking turns, but at the bathhouse it just feels right. It feels good. It feels like a hunt. You mutter "yeah, take him. do it raw" even though you just lead a talk on condom use in hookup culture last week at school. You get excited when you see the first guy cum inside him and the next guy jump right in his place.
Графы: потоки в сетях
11.1 Алгоритм Форда-Фалкерсона
11.2 Алгоритм Эдмонса-Карпа (алгоритм Диница)
11.3 Алгоритм поиска потока минимальной стоимости
11.4 Сети Петри
11.5 Алгоритм проверки графа на двудольность
11.6 Алгоритм раскраски двудольного графа
11.7 Алгоритм Хопкрофта-Карпа
11.8 Венгерский алгоритм
11.9 Blossom алгоритм (алгоритм Эдмондса)
11.10 Алгоритм Штор-Вагнера
12.1 Метод Гаусса
12.2 Поиск точек в прямоугольнике
12.3 Алгоритм Бентли-Оттмана
12.4 Алгоритм Грэхема
12.5 Алгоритм Джарвиса
12.6 Алгоритм Чана
12.7 Алгоритм Киркпатрика
12.8 Метод трассировки луча
12.9 Метод суммирования углов
12.10 Диаграмма Вороного и триангуляция Делоне
12.11 Алгоритм Форчуна
12.12 Рекурсивное построение диаграммы Вороного
12.13 SLERP
12.13 R, R+, R* дерево
12.14 K-мерное дерево
12.15 BSP, VP дерево
12.16 Дерево покрытий
Персистентные структуры
13.1 Метод копирования пути
13.2 Метод толстых узлов
13.3 Персистентный стек
13.4 Персистентная очередь
13.5 Персистентное дерево
Консенсус в сетях
14.1 Алгоритм Paxos
14.2 Задача Византийских генералов
14.3 Кворум
14.4 CAP-теорема
14.5 PACELC-теорема
14.6 Королевский алгоритм
14.7 Алгоритм Zyzzyva
14.8 Blockchain
Целочисленное программирование
15.1 Каноническая форма, сложность решения
15.2 Алгоритмы полного перебора
15.3 Алгоритм Нарайаны
15.4 Задача о ранце
15.5 Алгоритм Meet-in-the-Middle
15.6 Задача раскроя
15.7 Метод обратного поиска
15.8 Задача планирования производства
15.9 Задача оптимизации телекоммуникационных сетей
15.10 Метод секущих плоскостей, алгоритм Гомори
15.11 Алгоритм Альфа-Бета отсечений
15.12 Жадные алгоритмы
15.13 Матроиды, алгоритм Радо-Эдмонса
Быстрые вычисления
16.1 Умножение Карацубы
16.2 Алгоритм Шенхаге-Штрассена
16.3 Алгоритмы возведения числа в степень
16.4 Алгоритмы возведения в степень числа по модулю
16.5 Алгоритм Кули-Тьюки
16.6 Алгоритм Штрассена
17.1 Алгоритм Евклида (НОД)
17.2 Алгоритм факторизации Ферма
17.3 Метод квадратичных форм Шенкса
17.4 Ро-алгоритм Полларда
17.5 Метод квадратичного решета
17.6 Общий метод решета числового поля
17.7 Факторизация с помощью эллиптических кривых
17.8 Тест Агравала-Каяла-Саксены
17.9 Алгоритм Берлекэмпа
Дискретное логарифмирование
18.1 Алгоритм Гельфонда-Шенкса
18.2 Алгоритм COS
Обработка очередей
18.1 Семейство алгоритмов Round-robin
18.2 Алгоритм EDF
18.3 Алгоритм SRTF
18.4 Алгоритм Fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduling
18.5 Задача составления расписания (JSP, OSSP)
18.6 CFS планировщик
18.7 BFS планировщик
19.1 T-дерево
19.2 Алгоритм Белади
19.3 FIFO, LIFO кеширование
19.4 LRU, PLRU кеширование
19.5 MRU кеширование
19.6 RR кеширование
19.7 LFU кеширование
19.8 MQ кеширование
19.9 ARC кеширование
Рандомизированные алгоритмы
20.1 Метод Монте-Карло
20.2 Поиск наименьшего набора ребер, разрезающего циклы
20.3 Муравьиный алгоритм
20.4 Алгоритм Каргера
20.5 Изоморфизм графов (алгоритм Blum-Kanan)
20.6 Rapidly exploring random tree
20.7 Тасование Фишера-Йетса
20.8 Алгоритм Karloff–Zwick
Вероятностные тесты на простоту
21.1 Тест Ферма
21.2 Тест Миллера-Рабина
21.1 Тест Бейли-Померанца-Селфриджа-Уогстаффа
22.1 Модель Болобаша-Альберта
22.2 Модель Болобаша-Риордана
22.3 Модель Бакли-Остгус
22.4 Модель копирования
22.5 PageRank, Google matrix
22.1 MapReduce
22.2 Apache GiGraph
22.3 Pregel
23.1 Двойное хеширование
23.2 Фильтр Блума
23.3 Count-min sketch
23.4 Универсальное хеширование
23.6 MD5
23.7 SHA-2
23.8 SHA-3 (Keccak)
23.9 Дерево Меркла
23.10 Подпись Меркла
23.11 Хеш-функции, учитывающие близость (LSH)
23.12 Хеширование на основе расстояния Хэмминга
23.13 MinHash
23.14 SimHash
23.15 Поиск ближайшего соседа c помощью LSH
nutes in I waddled to the teacher and begged her to let me go to the bathroom but she refused saying I could be cheating. I ran to my seat wrote the fasted 5 pages in my life and an agonizing 20 minutes later I ran, hand clamped on my foreskin, the 200 ft to the bathroom and in the half a second it took to let go of my foreskin and pull down my pants, started pissing all over the place but managed to aim and reach the urinal the final ten feet of shuffling with my pant around my ankles. I nearly melted on the floor the feeling was beyond orgasmic, I was slouched over the divider with my bare ass out and peed for well over a minute. I think a few people walked in and must have stared cause I was cold shivering, half humping with every clench, but it never ended. It seemed like the sensations of the pee coming to an end was just my muscles getting tired from so much pushing. I finished peeing and just hung there on the divider for a few more seconds as the last drips oozed out and the pleasure waves washed over me. I would absolutely recommend it, it has only been bested by one or two orgasms and just thinking of it makes my kegal muscles pucker with anticipation. 10/10
As is customary with my friends I will say this story is 95% true, not lying about the peeing though that was so amazing i couldn't exaggerate it if i tried.
TL;DR foreskins save bathroom floors
Edit: Wow thank you everybody! This was such a fun experience to open up reddit and find such a warm group of you. This is where I’m supposed to lament my highest rated comment, but fuck its a great top comment i had fun reliving all my experiences.
Thanks for the Gold strangers!
Читать полностью…A magician was working on a cruise ship.
Since the audience was different each week, the magician did the same tricks over and over again. There was only one problem: The captain's parrot saw the shows each week and began to understand how the Magician did every trick.
Once he understood, he started shouting in the middle of the show, "Look, it's not the same hat!" or, "Look, he's hiding the flowers under the table!" Or "Hey, why are all the cards the ace of spades?"
The magician was furious but couldn't do anything. It was, after all, the Captain's parrot.
Then one stormy night on the Pacific, the ship unfortunately sank.
The magician luckily found himself on a piece of wood floating in the middle of the sea, as fate would have it ... With the parrot.
They stared at each other with hatred, but did not utter a word.
This went on for a day... And then 2 days. And then 3 days. Finally on the 4th day, the parrot could not hold back any longer and said...
"Okay, I give up. Where's the ship?"
Do you remember when you were a kid and whenever you cried, your parents would say, “I’ll give you a reason to cry!?"
I always thought they were going to hit me, not that they were going to destroy the housing market 20 years later.