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Meni Boshqa kanalimda 300ga yaqin odam bor edi @XObunachibot'dan foydalanganimga ko'p vaqt bo‘lmadi va hozir obunachilarim 20mingdan ko‘proq obunachi bo'ldi.
📈High-frequency academic and topic-related vocabularies can help you get a high score in Lexical resource.💬
📈High-frequency academic and topic-related vocabularies can help you get a high score in Lexical resource.💬
Birinchi ta’sirot aldamchi bo‘ladi! Ba’zi insonlar, o‘zlari taniydigan juftliklariga qarab, ular ideal va o‘rnak bo‘lsa arziydigan oila deb hisoblashadi, ammo xulosa aslida butunlay noto‘g‘ri bo‘lishi mumkin.
📈High-frequency academic and topic-related vocabularies can help you get a high score in Lexical resource.💬
📈High-frequency academic and topic-related vocabularies can help you get a high score in Lexical resource.💬
👨🏻💻NE: I don't care (Мне все равно)
✅PEI am not particularly concerned with that
(Меня не особенно беспокоит то, что)
👨🏻💻NE : I don't like it (Мне это не нравится)
✅PE :It does not align with my preferences
(Это не соответствует моим предпочтениям)
👨🏻💻NE : I like it (Мне нравится это)
✅PE :It aligns well with my preferences
(Это соответствует моим предпочтениям)
👨🏻💻NE : I don't agree (Я не согласен)
✅PE : We seem to have different perspectives
(Кажется, у нас разные взгляды на это)
👨🏻💻NE : I'm busy (Я занят)
✅PE : I am currently occupied
(В настоящее время я занят)