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Telegram-канал violaclub - English by Viola


Educational channel devoted to learning English language. Channel in Russian: @violaschool VK: Our chat: @violachat Feedback: @tonyprots

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English by Viola

Here is a really important table with sounds that different animals produce. You'd better learn it by heart :)
Animals Sounds

Apes gibber
Bats screech
Bears growl
Bees hum and buzz
Birds chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle
Calves bleat
Camels grunt
Cats mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl
Cattle moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull)
Chicks cheep
Chickens cluck, cackle
Cocks crow
Cows low, moo
Crickets chirp, creak
Crows caw
Deers bell
Dogs bark
Dolphins click
Donkeys bray
Doves coo
Ducks quack
Eagles scream
Elephants trumpet, roar
Flies buzz, hum
Foxes bark, yelp, simper
Frogs croak
Giraffes bleat
Goats bleat
Geese cackle, quack
Grasshoppers chirp
Hamsters squeak
Hares squeak
Hens cackle, cluck
Humans whisper, whistle, cry, scream, sing, talk
Hogs grunt
Horses neigh, snort, whinny, nicker
Hummingbirds hum
Hyenas laugh, scream
Jackals howl
Kangaroos chortle
Koalas scream, bellow, wail
Lambs bleat
Larks sing, warble
Lions roar, growl
Mice squeak and squeal
Monkeys chatter, gibber, whoop, screech
Mosquitoes whine
Nightingales pipe, sing, warble
Ostriches chirp, bark, hiss, low hum
Owls hoot, scream, screech, shriek
Oxen bellow, low
Parrots talk, screech, squawk
Peacocks scream
Pigs snort, grunt, squeal, oink
Pigeons coo
Rabbits squeak, drum
Rats squeak
Ravens croak
Rhinoceros bellow
Rooster crow
Seagulls scream, squawk
Seals bark
Sheep bleat
Snakes hiss
Tigers growl, roar
Turkeys gobble
Vultures scream
Whales sing
Wolves howl, cry, yell
Zebras whinny
The end.

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English by Viola

Modern teenagers are all the same even if we are talking about birds.

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English by Viola

We have decided to make this week - the week of different means of transport!

(BTW, there are traffic lights in the picture)

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English by Viola

As the topic of the week is animals, here you are some really sad yet cute facts about them:

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English by Viola

A nice one with a dog.

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English by Viola


Don't worry, be happy! Aren't these hedgeHUGs nice?

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English by Viola

Hey! We are ready to provide you with an exciting long read!

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English by Viola

A small portion of phrasal verbs.

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English by Viola


Thank you for your attention. We will be glad to provide you with more captivating content in the future.

Would you be so kind as to rate us here - /channel/tchannelsbot?start=violaclub
It will only take one minute of your time but will make us really happy!

P.S. Special thanks to Pavel, who jotted us a line about the broken link here :)

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English by Viola

A cool quote for newcomers. Thanks for joining us!

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English by Viola

The week of relationships has ended. That is why we decided to start a new one - the week of thoughts and ideas! Enjoy rational thinking!

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English by Viola

Have you ever been in a situation like that?

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English by Viola

Well, for some people it's a good option.

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English by Viola

By the way, here is a great list of emotions with detailed visualization.

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English by Viola

This guy in the picture looks like he is a successful manager, doesn't he?

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English by Viola

A great joke for a Friday evening.

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English by Viola

A new idiom for English-goers.

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English by Viola

The last idiom of the week.

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English by Viola


Your comfort is our main priority. However, we need to advance further.
Posting this list of channels is a small step towards this goal :) Now we would like to tell you about some channels in Telegram:

First of all, this channel - @thetravel posts really picturesque photos of different places.
Secondly, this channel - @studylanguages is a great collection of channels and groups devoted to language studying.
Thirdly, this channel - @telist has a great collection of various channels. We guess that we will be published there in a day or two :)

Thank you for your attention. We love you!

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English by Viola

Such a nice piggy...

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English by Viola

One person from Quora has asked the following question:
Since humans are slower and weaker than some predators, why has no animal evolved to prey on humans?

David Hambling knows the answer!

"An animal did evolve as a specialist predator on humans, as remains in caves in Africa have shown. Its names is Dinofelis, and its signature is a pair of puncture holes left in the skull. It has survived in folklore and even in our most basic instincts: every child knows that there is a monster under the bed, and the only way to stay safe is to keep very, very quiet.

When mountain lions and other big cats attack a human, the victim often survives because they cannot bite through the skull. Such injuries are likely to be fatal, but modern cats do not have the best dentition to inflict them; Dinofelis had short, dagger-like teeth that will go through your skull with one good bite.

In 'Songlines', Bruce Chatwin suggests that Dinofelis was a major motivation for early humans to invent spears and other weapons, and that our ultimate victory over the Dinofelis and driving it into extinction was a driving force in our evolution. This is speculative, but our apparently universal fear of silent, night-roaming monsters may be an ancestral memory of the man-eater faced by our cave-dwelling ancestors."

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English by Viola

We decided to start a week of animals! Let's begin with this cute cat.

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English by Viola

Numbers could also express their thoughts.

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English by Viola

A new idiom on our week's topic.

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English by Viola

Rational thinking could really make a difference.

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English by Viola

The last idioms of the week is here.

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English by Viola

Hollywood has lost one terrific actor. Alan Rickman, who played fan favorite Snape in the ‘Harry Potter’ movies, has died at the age of 69.

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English by Viola

It wasn't easy to choose the right topic of the week but we managed to do it.

RELATIONSHIPS are in the focus of our attention!

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English by Viola

All those words could be synonyms in different situations.

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English by Viola

High time for jokes.

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