Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Eski I don’t how long this vent is gonna take to be approved and posted but let me put this on….
Ena hulachum yemesalchehun satechenaneku feta belachu comment and share you thoughts … positive or negative comment mnamn alelem….
The modern day setoch, especially “unattractive “ friend of attractive friend. Attraction is arbitrary and am not putting labels on anyone, gn yaw attractive to a guy yehonachu ena yalhonachu erasachu earaschun takalachew …. So the thing is andegha hedachu teletefalachu with the attractive ( feminine girl) idk maybe dating traffic yametal belachu yehun idrk your angle gn beka hedachu endeza taregalachu… ene maybe lijetwa felegachu nw or just like personality wise tegababtew nw beye lemaseb mokerku gn adelem… trust me bedenb ayehut….. what you end up with in the eyes of men(guys) is beka ende guard dog weyem the horrific dragon guarding the princess nw ena betam emayenefa situation wist nachew….. Ik jealousy is natural thing envy gn is voluntary intentional behavior…..yegebanal eko every guy that comes along esuan becha felego sehon emedeber ngr alew …. so anyways gn enaten tolerate madreg demo i don’t think gedetachen ayemeselenem….. lijetwa kalfelegech she can say … liju gegem kale… that’s another story…. Gebetoshala if she don’t want eko it’s understandable….
Ena emegeramchu malet emenagerut ngr Beka if that came out of a guy betam emetatala aynet ngr…. gn beka gebetoshala set selehonech yaw atemetam mnamn bemelew tolerate taregaleh… ena betam eskemefetaten aynet ngr … emedeberesh ayent kehone really find a friend like berasesh ayenet level of attraction…. ene personally I have experienced this ena lejetwa tefelege nbr … but how her friend reacted beka batefelege nw beye techew…. Keza later koyeto we end up together briefly…. germogh ahun sasebew ahunem when I try to introduce mnamn arief girl they end up being a block wall…. Ena betam kefu kefu ngr saseb yazkut erasen… ena kuch beye is it my action or there action that led me to this thoughts …. beye sasebew beka emeteserut ngr aynefam…. Comment endefelegachu
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
t was my cuzos wedding and i had a final exam on the morning so the day before i had started studying like from lelit 9 seat so go take the test on 2 seat in the morning go home dress up and go to the mushera house then mushirit house u know the tata so all happen the erat ... so it was like 6 lelit so AFTER🕺 teweta. So after 8 or 9 lost my conscious dont remember a single thing meaning 24 hours with no sleep and high and drunk af so i had like some glimps that i was driving, with a girl i met on the wedding minamin😜😜... ena nega ena when i wake up there were 20 plus people in one hotel room and tbh i only know 4 of them then the Fukin hangover hits i couldnt walk minamin so went to get kurs and then comes the girl ena starts to laugh watching me ena wtf did i do ena wasnt a normal laughter ena salteykat then came the other people in the room ena was like wtf arge nw and show me vids minamin ena simply i was in the Ethiopian version of HANGOVER . I NEVER thought i was capable of doing the things that where in the vid lol the moral of the story sleeping is key👍😂😂. SO do u think i have any chance on taking this girl on a date or does she know to much ??
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
💋ሰብለ እባላለሁ በሀገራችን ውስጥ ከሚገኙ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ውስጥ የአንዱ ተማሪ ነኝ ተወልጄ ያደኩት ደግሞ አዳማ ላይ ነው እንግዲ እድሜዬ ለአቅመ ሄዋን ከደረሰ ጀምሮ እብድ ነኝ ኦቨር መውጣት መጨፈር መጠጣት የህይወቴ አንዱ እና ዋነኛው ተግባር ነው በአዳማ ካሉት ጭፈራ ቤቶች ከ ቢር ኮርት ጀምሮ ግሎሪ ቬጋስ ናሽናል ያልተሽከረከርኩበት ቤት የለም ይሄ የጭፈራ ልምዴ ታዲያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከገባው በኋላ ተጠናክሮ ቀጠለ እንደሚታወቀው ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከቤተሰብም ሆነ ከማንኛውም ሰው ቁጥጥር ነፃ ምንሆንበት ቦታ ነው እኔ ያን ያህል ራስን የጣልኩ ባልሆነም ራሴን በሚገባው ያህል የማዝናናት ልምድ አለኝ የ 3ተኛ አመት ተማሪ እያለሁ ታዲያ ያጋጠመኘን የብድ አጋጣሚዬን ላጫውታቹ ቀኑ አርብ ቀን ነው አርብ አርብ የዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪ ዶርም አለማደሩ የተለመደ ነው እኛም አጋጣሚ ያን ቀን ፈተና ስለነበረን እሱንም መጨረሳችንን ምክንያት አርገን እኔ እና ሁለት ጓደኞቼ ሄለን እና ዲቦራ ሆነን አብረን ወጣን ጭፈራ ከመጀመራችን በፊት ግሮሰሪ ውስጥ ገብተን በደንብ ጠጣን ግሮሰሪው ውስጥ ብዙ ወንድ እና ትንሽ ሴት ነው ያለው አብዛኛው የግቢ ተማሪ እንደሆነ ያስታውቃል ምንም ግን አይን የሚገባ ወንድ ላይ አልቻልኩም አጋጣሚ ወደ መፀዳጃ ቤት ደርሼ ልምጣ ብዬ ስሄድ መንገድ ላይ ደረቱን ነፋ ካረገ ወንዳወንድ ልጅ ጋር ተጋጨን ቀና ብዬ አየሁት ይቅርታ ማማዬ አለኝ ዝም ብዬው ወደ መፀዳጃ ቤት ሄድኩ ልጁ የግቢ ተማሪ ነው አውቀዋለሁ እንደውም በአንድ አመት በልጠዋለሁ እኔ ከመፀዳጃ ቤት ተመልሼ ከጓደኞቼ ጋር ተቀላቀልኩ እና ዞር ዞር እያልኩ ባይ ልጁን ላየው አልቻልኩም በጣም ፈለኩት አላየሁትም በመሃል ጓደኞቼ እንሂድ እንሂድ ብለው ማርኮን ወደ ሚባለው ክለብ ሄድን ለምን እንደሆነ ሳላውቅ ተናድጃለሁ በዛ ላይ ውስጤ ደግሞ ተወስውሷል ከልጁ ጋር ከተጋጨሁ በኋላ ክለብ እንደገባን ከጓደኞቼ ጋር ሆኜ ጨፈርኩ በደንብ እና ሁለቱም ጓደኞቼን ወንዶች ወሰዷቸው እኔን አብረን እንደንስ ብለው ሲጠይቁኝ ደክሞኛል ብዬ ሄጄ ያገኘሁት ባለጌ ወንበር ላይ ቁጭ አልኩኝ ጓደኞቼን አየሁአቸው አንዷ ጓደኛዬ ዲቦራ ይባስ ብላ ጭራሽ ከልጁ ጋር መሣሣም ጀምራለች እሱ ቂጧን ጨበጥ አርጎ ይዞ እሷ ደግሞ እጇን በአንገቱ ላይ አጠላልፋ ይዛ አይኗን ጨፍና ትስመዋለች ውስጤ ቅናት እና ሙቀት ተሰማኝ እምሴን ፊንገር ማረግ አሰኘኝ አጭሯን ቀሚሴን ማስተካክል አስመስዬ እምሴ አካባቢ ጫን እያልኩ እመለሳለው በዚህ ሀሳብ እና ስሜት መሃል ላይ እያለው ትከሻዬ አካባቢ ከኋላ ነካ ነካ ተደረግኩ ዞር ብዬ ሳይ ልጁ እራሱ ነው ቅድም የገጨኝ ደነገጥኩ ውስጤም ደስ አለው "እንደንስ" አለኝ እጁን ዘርግቶ መልስ ሳልሰጠው ከፈገግታ ጋር እጄን ዘረጋሁለት ያዝ አርጎ በእንክብካቤ አስነሳኝ እና መደነስ ጀመርን መጀመሪያ አካባቢ ኖርማል ዳንስ ነበር ከዛ ግን እኔም ላነሳሳው ስለፈለኩኝ ቂጤን እያዞርኩ እየሰጠሁት
ትንሽ ወሲባዊ አይነት ጭፈራ መጨፈር ጀመርን ትንፋሹ ከኋላዬ እየጋለ እንደሆነ ታወቀኝ ቁላውቁም መቆም ጀመረ በመሃል ያልጠበኩትን ጥያቄ ጠየቀኝ ቀስ ብሎ በጆሮዬ ጋር ጠጋ አለና
"አብረን እንደር ማማዬ"አለኝ, ድፍረቱ ገረመኝ, በራስ መተማመኑ ሳበኝ , ጎትቼው እኔ እና ጓደኞቼ ቀድመን የያዝነው ክፍል ውስጥ እነሱን ሌላ ክፍል እንዲፈልጉ ነግሬአቸው ወሰድኩት እና ገባን ምንም ሳናወራ መላላስ ጀመርን, ይስመዋል አይገልፀውም በዛ ላይ የልብሶቹ ጠረን የባሰ የወሲብ ስሜት ውስጥ ከተተኝ መቆየት ስላልቻልኩ
ፈጠን ብዬ የቁዋመጥኩለትን ቁላ ለማየት ሱሪውን ዝቅ
አረኩት, ኦ ማይ ጋድ እስከዛሬ ካጋጠሙኝ በጣም ትልቅ ነው ቁላው ..እምሴን ነዘረኝ,
ውስጤ ገብቶ እስኪያቦካልኝ እስኪ ወቅጥልኝ ድረስ ቸኮልኩ
አፌ ውስጥ ከተትኩና ቁላውን እየጠባሁ አስቆምኩትና የአልጋው ጠርዝ ላይ ፍንድድ አልኩለት,ቁላውን አነጣጥሮ ሲከትብኝ እምሴን እንዳይቀደው ፈራው,
"ቀስ ቀስ " አልኩት, በቁላው ቀስ እያረገ ድርግም ያረግና ወጣ አርጎት በጫፉ ቂንጥሬን ያሽልኛል,
እንደዛ እያረገ የባሰ ውስውስ ሲያረገኝ, ቀስ ቀስ ሲል የነበረው
አፌ "ክተትብኝ ስክት አርግብኝ የኔ ማር የኔ ጀግና" ማለት ጀመረኩኝ
ስምጥጥ ሲያረግብኝ ጩሀቴን ለቀቅኩት,
ከቶብኝ ዝም ሲለኝ ቂጤን ወደ ፊት ወደ ሁዋላ እያወዛወዝኩ,
ከዛ ደሞ ቂጤን እያሽከረከረከርኩ በቁላው የእምሴን
ግድግዳ ፋቅ ፋቅ አረኩት,
ወገቤን እስኪያመኝ ድረስ በዳሁት::ስጨርስ አንስቶኝ
በጀርባዬ አስተኛኝ እና አንዱ እግሬን ትከሻው ላይ ሰቅሎ
በስሜትና በስካር መንፈስ ውስጥ ሆኜ ለፈለፍኩለት,
እያሳበደ አስጨረሰኝና ጡቴ ላይ ረጨብኝ,
ሁለታችን ተዝለፍልፈን ተኛን::
ጠዋት ስነሳ አፍሬ ሳልቀሰቅሰው ወጣው, አሁንም ት/ት ቤት
ሳገኘው አፍረዋለው, ግን ደጋግሜ ብበዳው ደስ ይለኛል,
የዛኔም በመጠጥ ሀይል ተደፋፍሬ እንደሆንኩት መሆን አቃተኝ,
እሱም የሚያፍረኝ ይመስለኛል እንጂ ፍላጎቱ እንዳለው ያስታውቅበታል
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Heyyy sup M 19
it's just random thought but wanna share it u know
So here's the thing our gen Z needs DISCIPLINE NOT MOTIVATIONALLY speak and don't waste your time trying find love first grow nigga make ur DAD and MA proud that's all
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey I'm 21 F Somebody I know is a friend of my cousin.We are always talking. We have fun together with my cousin.Krbetachin eyedege meta ena snteyay.he started to flirt gn hule endetekaledn neber And ken date weten enakalen tru gize asalfen temelesn lk ende best friend Kemejemeriyaw date kebzu koyta behuala bedgame He asked me date enuta And I said yes. We met,We had a good time It took me a beautiful place. Salasbew he Kiss me &I kissed him I was shocked.Keza gn wedebet kegebaw behuala ስህተት endeneber endemaydegem ena endiresaw negerkut bidebrewm He said ok Don't worry Keza lk endebefitu mawratachinn keteln mnm aldebkewm aydebkengm video call sanawera wlen anakm Ena bchachinn endangenagn betam neber msheshew I can't believe someone because of my past He knows that I'm afraid Bchachinn yemegenanget agatami tefetro tegenangen lismeng mokere askomkut keza gn Astekakefu beka hulu neger eko des ylal tlku chigr he's not my type ena dmo I don't want to start a relationship now Chirash dmo type sayhon Alwashm temechtongal kezam belay lene betam krb new lataw alfelgm guadegninetachin endibelash alfelgm bedgame Date endnwet teyekeng tekebelkut tegenagnen ena I felt so መፈታተን that I kissed him at the end.Keza beka lk ende bf& gf tru gize asalefn We were so happy. he said he loved me I didn't answer it but I was happy Ejen yazegn Keza behuala huletachinm wedebet hedn gn mnm endaltefetere new yaweragn betam gra gebagn Mnm neger alalegnm hulet ken hone mn mareg endalebng alakm kesu eyetebeku zm tebabaln enaweralen gn slerasachin alaweranm 2 ken alefen May be r/ship mejemer endemalfelg slemiyak mlashen felrto yhon alakm zmtaw gn ydebral Tell me what I do and how to talk. Give me advice
Thank you so much for listening, and I really appreciate any advice
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Okay... 6 months ago, I broke up with him. After 5 years in "love" with him, I finally ended things.
I sweat to God, እንደኔ አይነት ጅል አፍቃሪ ያለም, የሚኖርም አይመስለኝም። That being said, you can imagine how much it hurt when I broke up with him. ግን እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን, all's good now.
What I wanted to talk about today is how toxic our r/ship was. Idk, it just might help someone going through the same shit as I went through. (And try to understand that, through out this entire vent, I'm actively trying to not bad-mouth him. I genuinely wish him all the best in life).
He was my first boyfriend. He initiated everything. And as our r/ship grew, I kinda started noticing he was changing. When I say changing, I mean I started to notice that the things he said when we first started dating ended up being false, or at least "manipulated truths". ለምሳሌ I told him that I was a virgin, and that I wanted to wait until marriage. እሱም he said the same. Which ended up being false. Literally three years into our relationship, I found out (he didn't tell me, I found out), that not only he had a gf before me but also they used to have sex. You know what's soo wrong with that fact??? We promised each other በተክሊል እንደምንጋባ. Even after that, I came back to him (leaving my childhood dream I had of ተክሊል) because I LOVED HIM. That's just one of his lies. I can count many things like this, where he lied straight to my face.
I'd have lived with the lying if it weren't for his constant manipulation. He used to tell me what I wanted to hear only to get what he wanted out of me. One time (after I found out he used to have a gf and we reconciled), we met as usual but his actions were not as restricted as they used to be. First, he insisted he wanted privacy, so we changed the spot. Then, he started touching me in suggestive ways ምናምን, and I stopped him. Then we kind of argued and he insulted me (I can't even say what he said, that's how disgusting the insult was), and I stormed out. ከዛ his friend called me asking what happened between us, saying that he's not fine ምናምን... And I was so scared that I called him apologising. Grope የተደረኩም, የተሰደብኩም, ይቅርታ ያልኩትም እኔ... The worst thing about this was, I later found out it was all a sham. He specifically asked his friend to call me and say those things in order for me to feel bad. I don't even know how a person thinks to do this to a girl he claims to love.
He f...ing cheated on me. After I found out, whhen I confronted him, he denied it. When I showed him the evidence, he said that didn't count because... (brace yourselves)... (and it disgusts me to say this)... they only did hand stuff. And he claimed it was all my fault because he did seek what he lacked from me. Guess what... I forgave him. We got back together.
በሱ ምክንያት I made my dad sad. በሱ ምክንያት with my friends and with family ተጣልቻለው. I had multiple sleepless nights, nights I bowled my eyes out, nights I hated myself, nights I questioned my beliefs, all because of him. እሱ ግን, he didn't even have the decency to admit the wrong in him cheating. ይመቸው.
በስመአብ I was stupid በጣም. I looked up tattoo places just because I heard him say he liked the idea of his wife having his name tattooed. I daydreamed about our children while he was actively ignoring my texts. You know what my final straw was... He cheated on me. Again. With the same girl. This time all the way (not just hand...). When I found out, he shrugged it off, and said he knew that we didn't have a future from the moment I told him that I wanted to wait till marriage.
I wish I had the mental strength to stop me from thinking about our him sometimes. ግን I'm not going to say that I'm a victim and I won't trust men ever again ምናምን. He was one person. My best days are yet to come. I'm glad I experienced everything. It builds character.
I wish him all the best. እና that's it. 6 months sober😁
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Hi I need help
I am 21 and F and in uni and I fucked up big time.
So let me tell you what happened, I don't wanna drop names so I am not gonna use their real names let's just call him " abel" and her " ruth".
So basically I had a massive crush on abel, gotta admit it was a bit unhealthy and I did some things I am not proud of. I was good friends with Ruth and Abel okay and they were dating. Me and Ruth weren't like besties but we were still really close. And that meant I am close to abel too. I know I wasn't a good friend to her but I loved her ok and I hope god forgives me one day. what I felt for abel was different than anything I ever felt. He was honestly just perfect, his smile, face, and on top of that he is like really smart and don't get me started on his personality he is so charming just idk like everyone including me is just pulled towards him, he just has this unique energy about him. He is so easy to be around and his sense of humor is everything..... I got carried away sorry. I could say a lot about Ruth too, she was also lovely and a very good friend. I honestly liked them together, they were perfect for each other. Last year around tahsas I had this stupid idea to break them up. But I thought better of it and left them be. But after some time I just couldn't handle it, every time I looked at ruth with him all I felt was pure burning jealousy. One day we were just chilling and she asked me to take a picture of her and I did, after like 20 minutes I don't know what exactly happened but her phone was still in my hand and unlocked. So I signed into her telegram on my phone then deleted the code and gave it back. I already mentioned that I am not proud of what I did so you are free to judge. Then I read their messages and everything and I just felt like crying I was truly stupid in love and every text was like a knife sinking into my stomach. I then stopped reading their texts, then few days later I decided to make a fake chat between her and a random dude. It wasn't really out right cheating I just made it look like she was interested. Then took screenshots and everything and then signed out. It is unforgivable I know but I then sent it to him. Like you expect,he was mad and they had a terrible fight and all that stuff. I also said I wasn't from their uni so he wouldn't ask to meet up with this "dude". Honestly I don't know why he believed me i guess he was just mad and not really thinking, it was an obvious lie and when she said there was no such thing on her phone he said of course you deleted it. I think he believed her at some point or not, I didn't have the guts to ask I was just comforting her, but even if he did I think they lost what they had cause they broke up like few weeks later. And no matter how disgusted I felt, it was kind of what I wanted. So even after that I was still friends with him because I was both of their friends before they broke up. And now like a almost a year later we are really close and talk almost everyday and all that stuff and lately he has been flirting a lot. I know I am not jumping to conclusions because I am delusional. I am sure he is interested. But I guess I matured a little because I don't want him. I mean I still love him a lot but I don't think I can date him, not after what I did to ruth. Like every time I think about it she pops up in my head and I know I will never confess this to a living person in real life that is why I am here. So should I date him and just live my life because the damage is done or should I do one thing right and leave this behind.
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This is a message to my younger self. Hey just wanna say look at us you were always smart when it comes to academic success ..... look at us now, you were always confident and self assured ....look at us now, you didn't understand depressed people.... look at us now, you promised you would never be drug user... look at us now, you always said you would never ruin yourself over a girl ....look at us now. Everything you said you wouldn't be you are now. You ended up being the worst son,bf,friend,student and brother. your parents think they got a son in uni focusing on his studies while he just drinking and smoking your brother thinks your cool but you're just a coward whose unable to deal with his own emotions i wish i understood how life took such a turn it all happened so fast hopefully the future gets brighter🙏.
#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Relationship
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i'm 24f the thing is i have been dating this guy who used to be my crush for the past 6 months and we work at the same company and he is 28 ...long story short we were talking yehone ken ena he didnt ask but i told him that i'm a virgin and he refuse to believe that but through time he accepted it then we continued but after 3 months of me telling him that he told me that he wants to have sex with me but i told him i couldn't do that at that time actually after marriage and stuff and he agreed . and we have a really serious relationship by the way . and he keeps reminding me about that eyekoy eyekoye ena now we fight over something and he mentiond that if we didnt sleep together what is the point of being in a relationship and he said he dont wanna see other girls because i said no for sex and he said that it was painful down there mnamn ena is this real guys ? ena bezi mkniyat serious fight lay nen eske breakup dres so what should i do? comment argu eski
#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Agitation
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Male, 25
Ufff hey guys, I need to vent cause at this point I don’t know what else to do.I need both men and women to say something about this and read it well guys. So it goes like this she is one of my oldest friends we have been friends for 23 years now basically our whole life not only that about 5 years ago I fell in love with her, she has everything you would want in a friend or someone who you want to be in a relationship with am not exaggerating this how her other friends also describe her not just me. So here is where the problem starts first she doesn’t live here, well she comes and goes, that wasn’t an issue for a very long time we talk , call each other, meet when she comes but since 2 years ago problem started she started getting distant less talk, dry answers sometimes not even replying but here is the strangest part she keeps calling we talk on the phone just fine but not frequently and before you say anything it’s not the love part I told her years ago she was fine with it we even talked about having life together if it works out so this is not friendzoning thing and it is not another guy either believe me I checked multiple times even spied on her and asked directly and nothing like that when I ask what the problem is she says she is busy with work and life and I get that but no matter how busy someone is you’re not busy 24/7 right? I mean you have little extra time at least 3 seconds to check your phone or messages or catch up with someone I mean am busy too I have jobs(yes more than one) but still I find a little time to do that and when the years go by I started feeling very lonely ,getting stressed and sick, boredom not even my work could get me out of it I miss very much I want to talk to her at least once in a week or 2 or 3 days or something ale aydel? and our age is going up this is a time where most people think of settling down or at least have someone serious by their side and I can’t even talk to her properly I told her this I explained it very maturely she wouldn’t listen nowadays it feels like እያስቸገርኳት am starting to feel uncomfortable about this situation so what should I do I love her very much I swear am in love with her to the point I can’t even think about being with someone else the idea of it feels like cheating I even tried to be with someone else and I still couldn’t do it, giving up on her So what should I do? those of you who believe in true love and friendship not this crappy thing our generation came up with what should I do? guys what do you think? Girls is there something else I don’t understand? How do you leave someone who you had dreams starting a family with and start all over again? And I do feel like I should move on but am confused? I need help people say something please
#Friendship #Relationship #Adult
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So I have a question if men when they are successful want to marry
and when women are successful they don't want to marry or divorce there husband due to her success
then it shows men are empty without women even with all there success and women no longer want to deal with men if she is secure financially
So it shows its projection when men says u will die lonely unmarried with no family to a women
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Hello guys
Please tell me what's the best song lefkregnaye lemegabez? Amharic song ig
And what is a good gift to give him for his BD and our anniversary pleasee am getting sooo confused😭
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20 m
Hi selam nachu . Mn meselachu kehonech lij fkr yezogn neber esuwa muslim nech ene dmo orthodox egnaw sefer nech yawerahuwat giza demo yehone giza menged lay eyalekesech agegnewat seteykat taxi west sllilkwan endeserekuwat negerechign ena beka teregagi beya shegnewat keza bewala setaleks selayewat meselegn setayegn tedenebaberalech so sagegnatm selam malet deberegn sefer demo ye familywa lebs bet alachew ena mata mata tetebkalech meselegn hule ayatalew ena kezi bewala nw fkr neger endalebgn yawekut hule mata mata benesu gar eyehedku ayatalew kehone giza bewala salayat aladrm ena by the way betam betam konjo nat esuwam setayegn yehone feeling endalebat yastawekal gn yaw setoch aytamenuma bcha mnden new haymanotachnm andaynet aydelem gn fkr yezognal mn larg endets lekrebat please hasab setign 🙏🙏🙏 wendochm setochm
#School #Friendship #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Teen
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25 M
Guys help me
Ahun kakme blay honual btam ngeroch adis eyhonubgn new ngeroch wusbseb eyhonbgn new depression ,fear west ngn yasbkut nger hulu eytblashbgn new hulem ydebregnal akem ataw btam selfish honku beka dero ke sew hulu gar endalhonku ahun bchgna ngn dero mskin mnm malawk ksew gar mkrarb ymewd sew nberku btam gobz kmibalu swoch mkakl nberku bzu sew moral ysetgn nber even destgna nberku sewn even sew sikfaw mnamn ayzok ymel sew nbereku ahun lay sera kejmerku bohala social relation knshalew strong nberku btam ahun gn bka endedro aydlhum kesew hulu rekealew ahun lay ymer yne mlew guadegna ataw ksew gar mgbabat akategn trarken ymanawk sewoch ahun tlyaytnal trarknal ahun kne gar yelum,ysew ayen mayet dbrognal malt bka hulum nger gizyawi new mimslgn,bsew zend tkbayent magegn aymslgnm sew mekreb eyastlagn new even relationship jmre ykuartbgnal defre set lij mtwawk lene kbad nger honbgn confidence ataw lesew yalegnen feeling ataw ksew gar ytlyaye bahri new yalgn bande emotional ehonalew sera bota betnsh nger enadedalew mnamn bka mnm sense ataw mn aynet bahri endalgn alawkm erasen mawek alchalkum mn larg bka ychi alem kbedchign ymer gn tesfa mekort sew alnberkum aydlhumem gn dekmgn mn larg
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Hey guys I'm f
Mesrabet office 2 wendocui nbru ke andu gar btam engbabaln just enklaldaln enskalne እንደማንኛውም ሀበሻ bossአችንን እናማለን ወዘተ... ena feeling yelgnim esum esdzaw gn enan makef mesam mnamn yimcewal bezalayi agul mlafat yiwedal ena gn ds ayilgnim bzw I'm so cute ማጋነን አይሁንብኝ እና🤭 befit ketetalan akorfalw kza begd yangrgnal officeum yimcal endfelgen lemhon Ahun cegru mn mselachu office move adergen wede lela bota ena ahun keleloci serategnoci ga 1 layi honen ena ahun tekorarfenal lemn ትንሽ ችላ ማለት ሲያሳየኝ zegahut ahun dero beged liyaweragni ayicelm enam zem beya selakorfkut esum amerere ena biro west alci yehonci setyao ke eswa gar enan lemaskenat eymokere nw just eytnkebakebat attention eystate mnamn lalemknat eymokrku nw seteyowam bzu selemalmcat metalatcinen notice setareg kandand nw acteyrgci yalciew so endalkna mn ayint zeda letkm weyim purposely sewn lemaskenat teblo midrgu ngrocin endat nw reaction mareg albn ngrugni ??
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Hey guys... Eski tell me this is red flag am F ena ene betftroye mekelkel aliwedim malet eskalsamenegni dires ngeru ena ene I love take picture (like sunset,coffee, places,make video (edit)and am photo genic person so am active on Instagram I do story and post (weta Yale neger yemadrg sew adelehum malet yetegelalet libs photo mnmn)keza semnunn I change my profile my man tensto Instagram dating app new so don't do profile sayew eydebregni new ale and semonunn I have friend kesu ga ke one befit yemakew ena my friend is rich and tinshi weta Yale sew atagniw silegni I said OK it's fine kinda nger ahun gn I feel like yhen atadrgi yhenn adrgi silegni mn alibat ke fkru lihon yichalal but ene my interest lose yehonebgni yimetal my love nestanete wst bicha feel madrg ymchil sew ngni ena
Mn tadibalchihu eski hassabachihun
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መኪና ዉስጥ ከ እኔ ፊት የተቀመጡት ቺኳች
መልካቸው ያን ይህል ባይሆንም ሞላ ያለው ሰውነታቸው ግን ወሲብ
ቀስቃሽ ነው። ሁሴን ከምናውራው የሴክስ ወሬ ዞር እያለ ከንፈሩዋን
ገምጦ ይመለሳል።እኔ ምንም አይነት እንቅስቃሴ አላሳየሁም በእርግጥ
ቅድም በወሲብ ወሬ ቅርፁን የቀየረው ቁላዬ አሁን ደግሞ በሴት ሙቀት
እና በቅንዝር ወሬ የበለጠ ተወጣጥሩዋል።ዝምታዬን አይተው ለመንገድ
ላይ ብድ አዲስ ነው እንዴ ብላ ሁሴንን ጠየቀችው እኔ ነበርኩ
የመለስኩላት ሁሴን አልፎ አልፎ ሲስማት እሱዋ እጁዋን አሳልፋ ቁላውን
ትደባብስለታለች።ሁሴን ከዚ በላይ መንዳት አልቻለም መኪናውን
ከመንገድ ወጣ አርጎ ሌሎች መኪኖች ምን ሆነህ ነው ብለው
እንዳያስቸግሩት መብራት አብርቶ አቆማት።ከጀርባችን ያለውን መጋረጃ
ገለጥ እድርገው እንደ ቆጥ አይነት አነስተኛ አልጋ ላይ ወጡ። ሁለቱ
የሚያወጡት ትንፋሽ እራሴን መቆጣጠር ተስኖኝ አጠገቤ ያለችውን ልጅ
ከንፈር አፈፍ አረኩት መጀመሪያ ደንግጣ ነው መሰለኝ መልስ አልሰጠችም
ነበር።ቀስ እያለች እሱዋም ወሲብ እንደ ተጠማ አዉሬ ትጎርሰኝ ጀመር
እጁዋን ውስጄ ቁላዬን አሥጨበጥኩዋት። ከንፈሩዋን እየሳምኩ ከላይ
ለብርድ ብላ የቆለለችውን ልብስ አዉልቄ አራቆትኩዋት በዚ መሀል እነሱ
ጨርሰው ሲወርስዱ እኛ አለም ዘጥኝ እያልን ነው።እየተሳሳቁ እረ
ተለቁዋል ግቡ ሲሉን.ነበር የባነነው።ዉስጥ ልንገባ ስነሳ ለካ እኔ የሱዋን
ከላይ ሳወልቅ እሱዋ ቀበቶዬን እና የሱርዬን ቁልፍ,ዚፕ ከፍታቸው
ነበር።ቁላዩም እንደ ተቀሰረ ውጪ ነው ያለው ልነሳ ስል ነበር ውጪ
መሆኑን ያወኩት ።ቁላዬን ስላዩብኝ አፈርኩ።ወደላይ እንደወጣን ከስር
የቀራትን በእሱዋ እርዳታ ካወለኩላት በሁዋላ እኔም ሱርዬን ብቻ
በማውለቅ እግሩዋን ከፍ ሳረግ እንዴ አረ ኮንዶም ስትል ጓደኛዋ እጁዋን
አሳልፋ ስትሰጣት ተቀብላ ጀላዬን አከናነበችው።ሁለት እግሩዋን ብልቅጥ
አድርጌ ቁላ የተጠማ እርጥብ እምሱዋ ውስጥ ስምጥጥ ሳረገው
ሽምቅቅ አለች ቀስ እያልኩ አለማምጄ ከተትኩላት የእምሱዋ ሙቀት
ጀላዬን እንደበቆሎ የጠበስው እስኪመስለኝ ድረስ ትኩስ ነበር ።ወጣ ገባ
አያረኩ በስሜት መዐበል ቀለጥን ።ሴቶች የቁላ ጫፍ ቂንጥራቸውን
ሲያሽላቸው ለእርካታ ይቃረባሉ ያለኝን አስታዉሼ ጫፉ እስኪነካት ድረስ
እንዳይውጣም እየተጠነቀኩ ሳሽላት ድምፅ ማውጣት ጀመረች።
ድምፃችን ሲረብሻቸው ሙዚቃ ከፈቱ ። እኔ ከስር ሆኜ እሱዋ ከልይ ሆና
ወገቡዋን እየሰበቀች ትበዳኝ ጀመር ቁላዬ ሙሉ ለሙሉ እምሱዋ ውስጥ
ስለገባ ቁጭ ብላ ስትነሳ ንፋስ እግኝቶት ወደሙቀት ሲመለስ ያለው
ስሜት ጣፋጭ ነበር እኔ በሁለት እጆቼ ግራ እና ቀኝ ቂጥዋን በልቀጥ
እያረኩ የነለጠ ጥፋስ እንዳገኝ እሱዋም እምሱዋ እና የቂሥትዋ ቀዳዳ
የመለጠጥ ስሜት ሲሰማት ለስሜት ተቃረበች።እኔ ቀድሚያት እረጨሁ
ቢሆንም ግን እንቅስቃሴዬን አላቆምኩም ነበር ለነገሩ በእጄም ብዙም
ቦይሆን በመጠኑ በረገበው ቁላዬ አማካኝነት እረካች ሴት ልጅን ከራስህ
ስሜት ወጠህ ስሜቱዋን ለማርካት የምታረጋቸውን ነገሮች ማየት እንዴት
ማርካት እንደምትችል ፍንጭ ለካ ይሰጣል ......መልካም ብድ .....
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hi guys. i just wanted to clear up some misunderstanding that has happened due to my last vent. first of all i'm not depressed and i'm not coming on a vent channel to act like a wannabe main character who loves and lives for the drama. if it was attention i wanted i could have vented about wanting a bf but as some of you have told me i need to know my worth and the truth is i do know my worth that's why i'm using my recourses to fix what i have broken. you see i didn't come on this vent channel looking for yalls attention or to be called a slut i came here and wrote that terrible apology letter because the guy yall are glazing has blocked me on everything there is to be blocked on and i'm talking everything even spotify(he one petty mf bc why can't i just listen to his bomb ass playlists). so when i realized that i needed to apologize i came to this vent channel bc its all i had. one more thing yall niggas can kiss my ass.
shall i remind yall that this is infact a vent channel. if someone comes here to be the most truest version of themselves then why are yall getting made when they say smth that is how they truly feel. shall i remind you i sent that vent out for one person? if yall dumb niggas didn't like what i said you could have just kept scrolling. this is a vent channel for God's sake, let the people vent.
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am 23 F , and in I joined uni and I wanted to join dental medicine because I was interested in that field but my dad wanted me to be a doctor but still supportive. What happened was I didn't want to join pharmacy and it had a coc exam and I took that exam which I scored 85% and it was going to get me into dental to my shock my name was written in the pharmacy. I was confused at How it happened because I tought you get what you choose first if you get a high mark and if there is a mistake I went to check but the people there were rude and not willing to listen to what I have to say. Sadly I had to take what was given to me and I am learning pharmacy 4th year now but I still feel like a failure and I regret that I didn't try hard enough to change my department.
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Lilac
I need to vent
18 yo female here also an AAU first year student. So guys the thing is gena kahunu ke family birr meteyek eyekebedegn new class bedenb sijemer maletm field ketemedebn behuwala miyawetutn wechi sasb yikebdegnal beteley demo self sponsored silehonku wechiw wild new. Also the field I’ve always wanted to learn is the most expensive one 😭😭.Family “chigr yelewm Miyasfelgewn neger hulu lemadreg zigiju nen“ new Milugn gn ik betam kebad new mihonbachew ine demo as a female bzu neger yasfelgegnal ena at least food ena miyasfelgugn negeroch enkuwan berase seriche bigeza ena inesunm tnsh bagzachew des yilegnal ena guys if u know online jobs that I could work while learning without affecting my grades pls help 🙏🙏
Thanks in advance for reading this all and ur help 🫶🏽🫶🏽
PS. I don’t know anything about online jobs 🙄🙄
#School #Family #Adult #Teen
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Hey endet nachu tarik bzu new gen axer saregew le 5 year yekoye relationship neberegn keza behone agaxami esuwa kezi ketema move tadergalech ke family ga eza kehedech bohala arif enawera neber video call sayker gen eyekoy simeta mawratun eyekenesku mexahu b/c ene betefexroye andn sew kewededku beka ya sew yene new yetm ayhedm bye chel elalehu ya neger demo waga askeflognal bcha endeza saderg esuwam eyerakechgn netach esun sreda lawerat smokr esuwa demo mayhon mayhon negerochn eyenegerechgn endrkat asgededechgn keza yehone ken video call dewye normal were eyaweran bemehal ybkal alechgn mnu slat enena ante yalen neger alechgn beseatu bzu neger teyekuwat melsuwa gen zoren zoren fetari kale engenagnalen neber keza beka teleyayen endekel beteleyayen be 1 wer wex alaschl blogn text lakulat selam tebabal keza bf endeyazech ena destegna endehonech negerechgn keza beka fetahu malet kesuwa gar mawratun gen betam tnafkegnalech betam wedatalehu ewnetm fkr ale bye endamn adrgagn neber gen bf lemeyaz fetenech blachu atasbum malet endiy kelal new ende mersat ye 5 amet fkr wshetuwan new endall nzu maregagecha aychalehu ene gen aktognal 🥺lresat smokr demo text lkalgn semonu eyaweran new ltmeles felga new bye endalasb fkregnawa ahunm ale eshi lemn metach😩
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I need to vent
recently getting into total power exchange where the sub gives me access to her entire life 24/7/365. I want the sub to be working too and she gives me her wages. I am the man and can spend and save better. The sub asks permission from me to use money. I fuck however and whenever the fuck I want. There is no safeword because she has given me full control. I will starve her if cock and aggressive sex just to see her squirm. I want her to betray her own friends if I told her to. I want total ownership of her existence..
#Relationship #SexualAssault
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Okay here goes , i know it is actually against our norm but i have a question i love oral well giving so heres my question i loving eating ass as much as i love eating that pussy so my question for the girls is do you like that stuff or is it some fantasy that doesnt really apply to yall in real life how many of yall are down incase the opportunity presents itself or is it a door i shouldn’t open at all wanna know what yall think
#Adult #Teen
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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When a women says she is in pain daring period and during pregnancy and some hormonal change she is called weak
But when a man is incapable of controlling his lust and not able to control his anger and beating his wife and also killing is considered a logical leader why not call him weak who can't rationalize his emotion women seems more logical
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I want to vent
Ok, how do I start? Well, the truth is I have to confess that considering myself someone very dominant and sadist i love very macho, dirty or similar tastes, still, certain things or practices suddenly catch my attention, sometimes I have fantasies even dreams related to this, for example, I like begging , of course, everything consensual, I like to humiliated girls on bed those who seem intimidating, strong, with a submissive character or simply that the way they talk to me and makes thee kneel in front of me, I have a fantasy of one day going with woman even from another country and being with her for at least a week and use all of me dominated, enslaved, fucked, choke, pissed on, cummed on, stretched, penetrated in different ways, fed her with my cocks and balls and humiliated her , exposed, exhibited, filled with obscene words and drawings all over her body, ass spank, slap , spit on her , bite her , kissed, stripped her , cum inside of her mouth and ass, more, tied up, gagged, blindfolded, caged her willingly and maybe other things that I don't remember now 😈🔥😏🤤🥵, I know I said I wasn't that sado but now that I see it maybe I am maybe I just need to find someone a woman to make me get all that out 😈.
#Family #Relationship #Adult
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So the thing is we spent in a friendship for about 5 years...gn she showed me signs that she has feelings like she sent me a love music but soon forward she just told me that she only likes me(women things ig). Me? I don't think she deserves me. Due to this reason i was trying to get over her but couldn't, also she told me not to do that cuz she is happy being around me,but recently i blocked her on every social medias...did i do wrong girls?
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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lemme make it short the thing is i saw a bantcha vents that been ma problem too so here is the thing... i luv to eat a girls 🍑 and clits and i have been obsessed w it for a couple of months now and it's getting out of my hand i want to eat every girls puy i c and idk how to stop
#Relationship #Adult #Agitation #Teen
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there I wanna vent hide my identity
So I am 22 yrs girl so this is my story I am a second child at home and ke lijnete jemro Bzu ngr sebal nw yadekut kebzu sew basically my mom she keep telling me ene batweld she would have a better life Ena ene bemewelede Bzu ngr endagodelkubat hiwotwan endekemawat notice that kene buhala there are two younger brothers Ena becayehenen ngr betam eyenegecny nw yadekut bet west sadg hulem teb ale between mom and dad Ena Bzu mesmat mawek yelelbnyn ngroc eyaweku adekuny Ena depression west nbrku like for 13 or 14 yrs ke honku jemro ende leloc lijoc adelm yemasbew yemnorw manm Ena betam wedwala yekeru yemeslny nbr Ena Bzu gize erasen lematfat mokriyal using different methods I ended up having weak immune system Ena aun lay tru relationship west ny selasalfkut hulu saldebk yenegrkut lesu nw even Bzu gwadenyoce yemayawkwacewn ngroc yemiyawkew esu nw Bzu gwadenyoc yelunym yalutn once or three times a year bengenay nw Ena kesu gar yalen ngr eyekezekez meta Ena yehone ken one of my friend dewla eski lawrat beye eyawerawat mom semac Ena bzw Momn Bzu alaweratm alkerbatm I prefer my dad mnm ngr esun nw maweraw Ena dad Bzu ngr keflowal enyan lemasadeg beca enyawerat semta she came Ena she said like breakups are easy mnam kind of ngr awerac Ena mn meta meselacu in my brain like she never knows mn aynet hiwot endasalefku Ena aun she wanna involve I was a mistake for her eko gn she acts like she care Bzu ngrocn keene belay le talake Ena le tananashoce setadeg noralc she don’t even remember my birthday sometimes Ena demo Bzu gize ye abatwa lij adelc eyalc esu yaderegatn Beene tadergalc ena eski help me aun lay mn madrg endalbny alakm I also want to make a new friends Ena I don’t know how beca what should I do?
#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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25 M
Guys help me
Ahun kakme blay honual btam ngeroch adis eyhonubgn new ngeroch wusbseb eyhonbgn new depression ,fear west ngn yasbkut nger hulu eytblashbgn new hulem ydebregnal akem ataw btam selfish honku beka dero ke sew hulu gar endalhonku ahun bchgna ngn kesew hulu rekealew ahun lay ymer yne mlew guadegna ataw ksew gar mgbabat akategn trarken ymanawk sewoch ahun tlyaytnal trarknal ahun kne gar yelum,ysew ayen mayet dbrognal malt bka hulum nger gizyawi new mimslgn,bsew zend tkbayent magegn aymslgnm sew mekreb eyastlagn new even relationship jmre ykuartbgnal defre set lij mtwawk lene kbad nger honbgn confidence ataw lesew yalegnen feeling ataw ksew gar ytlyaye bahri new yalgn bande emotional ehonalew sera bota betnsh nger enadedalew mnamn bka mnm sense ataw mn aynet bahri endalgn alawkm erasen mawek alchalkum mn larg bka ychi alem kbedchign ymer gn tesfa mekort sew alnberkum aydlhumem gn dekmgn mn larg
#Friendship #Relationship
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyyy im 19 F and i just wanted to ask if having too much friends is bad i mean not that they are bad influence of sm shit they literally are my fam but there is smth bout me that comfort ppl and one day i get to have the title of being best friend like i have 2 real bsf(not a trio) and beside that i have 4 bsfs like i love em fr but for those 4 ppl, they aint my bsf but i am their and i can say i am so blessed when it comes to friendship and i can't thank my god enough but ion think its fair yk
#Friendship #Teen
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