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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Congrats baby u never fail to amaze me every year…I wish i was there with u to go crazy over your results to megabez you something to congratulate u…I still look out for you from afar…if nobody tells u that they’re not proud, just think someone u know is always proud and over the moon for you…Keep shining baby


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I'm a university student in my last year and over the past three months, I've noticed that my feelings for a classmate of mine are changing. This is new to me. It's a bit scary and confusing because I've started to like her in a romantic way. Now, I'm not sure about how to tell her about my feelings. I don't want to make things uncomfortable or awkward for either of us. I need some advice on how to share these feelings with her in a nice, respectful way.

I want to be very careful about this. I don't want to do anything that might upset or stress her. I want her to know exactly what I'm feeling and I want to do it in a very respectful and sensitive way. I would like to know how and when would be the best time to talk to her about this. Any pointers on how to have this conversation would be greatly helpful for me during this time of emotional change.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Heyy i need an advice
I was dating this boy he was the sweets we were good couple then one day he ask me to send him nude pic after a lot of argument i send him then on new year his friend called me and sayed he got my nude if i didn't send him money he will post it but and if i tell my boyfriend he will post it becha betam lemankute they he say eshi beka i won't post it they aftet 2 months i broke up with him and his friend call me and sayed i need money in this 3 days otherwise he will post it and hang the phone
I know i massed up i shouldn't have sent it i lower my self respect to be loved but at end his friends ended up playing by me (my boyfriend doesn't know they got my nude that what they told me but they got it from his account

I can't send them money am broke at this time what shall i do now

#MentalIllness #Relationship #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey y'all ሁሉም እንዲያነበው በአማርኛ ልጻፍ ምናምን ብዬ አልሰክስም ለ grammarማ አልጨነቅም እኔ በማውቃት አማርኛ ሀሳቤ ዝንፍ ሳትል ታሪኬን ላካፍላችሁና ምክራችሁን ለግሱኝ እናንተም ከምትደበሩብኝ አይሻልም😁

እእእእእእሺ ሰላም ሳልላችሁ እንዴት ናችሁ ታድያ ኑሮ, የመሬቱስ መንቀጥቀጥ ተርፋችኋልን? አይዞን ፈጣሪ ከክፉ ሁሉ ይጠብቀን ለመልካሙ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለጥሩውም እናመስግነው አሟሟታችንንም ያሳምርልን.... አሁን ወደ እኔ እንምጣና 26 አመቴ ነው ባልዬን ካገባሁት 4አመት ሆነን (ልጅ ነበርሽ ምናምን እንዳትሉኝ)
እና የተዋወቅነው የኔ አባት ታሞብኝ ባልዬ ደሞ የመኪና አደጋ ደርሶበት hospital ውስጥ ነው እናላችሁ 20 አመቴ ነበር በሰአቱ ከዛ በቃ ተግባባን ከአባቢ ጋር ደግሞ ልጅና አባት ነው ሚመስሉት ኧረ አንዳንዴማ መኖሬንም ይረሱታል😒 እና ጊዜውም ሄደ እሱም እንደሚያፈቅረኝ ነገረኝ እኔም አንዴ ራሱ ደግሜ አላሰብኩም መልካም ሰው ነዋ አፍቃሪ, አክባሪ ውይ ባልዬን በእውነት ምንም ብዬ በቃል ምገልጸው ሰው አይደለም ከዛ ተጋባን ቤተሰቦቻችን ደና ስለነበሩ እሱም ጎበዝ ሰራተኛ ስለነበር እኔም ተማሪ ብሆንም በግል ምሰራው ስራ ስለነበረኝ financially ምንም ሚያሳስብ ነገር አልነበረንም ቤታችንንም ገዝተን ነው የገባነው ...ደስተኛ ነበርን በጣም btw ባሌ የመጀመርያዬ ነው( ድሮስ በዛ እድሜሽ ምን ፈልገሽ ልትሉ ነዋ😁) እናናና አጋዥም አለችን እንዴት ደስ እንደምትል ብታዩአት እኩያዬ ናት በዛላይ በቃ እህት ነው የሆነችኝ በተለይ በአሁን ሰአት እና ባልዬ በኔ እጅ የተሰራ ካልሆነ አይነካም እኔም ማብሰል ስለምወድ ሁሌም እኔ ነኝ ምሰራው እረፍት ሲሆን እሱም ሚሰራበት ጊዜ አለ በተለይ ከታመምኩ ቡናም በጣም ይወድ ስለነበር ማታ ማታ በቃ ግድ ነበር ቤቱን ናፍቆ ነበር ሚመጣው አበዛውባችኋ sorry ከዛ ግን ልክ 2 አመት ሲሞላን ባልዬ ሁሉ ነገሩ ተቀየረብኝ አቅፎኝ እንኳን አይተኛም ማድረግ ያለብንን ነገር ካለ አድርገን ለጥ ነው ጀርባውን ሰቶኝ ያውም😞 ያ ሳቁ ፍቅሩ ሁሉ ነገሩ ቀዘቀዘብኝ ብዙ ጊዜ ላናግረው ስሞክር ምንም የለም ነው ሚለኝ ቤት ውስጥ ምግብ አይበላም ሚወዳት ቡና ራሱ ትዝ አትለውም ማምሸትም ጀመረ የሆነ ያጎደልኩበት ነገር እንዳለ ይሰማኝ ጀመርና ስለትዳር የሚያውቅ ምክር ሚሰጠኝ ማንን ላውራ ብዬ ሳስብ ከሱ ውጪ የልቤን የማወራው ጓደኛ እንኳን የለኝም ሁሉነገሬ እሱ ነው ወንድም እህት ጓደኛ የሆነኝ ቤተሰብ ደግሞ በትዳራችን መሀል እንዲገባም አልፈልግም በቃ በዚሁ እንዳለን የመጀመርያ ልጃችንን በ24 አመቴ አረገዝኩ ውይይይ ከባድ ነበር ባልዬ እራሱ በጣም ተጨንቆብኝ ነበረ በእውነት የናፈቀኝ ባሌ ትንሽ ምልስ ብሎልኝ ነበረ ሲያመኝ እኮ አያስችለውም🥹 እናናና ጊዜው ደርሶ ወንድ ልጃችንን ዱብ አደረኩ ፈጣሪ ይመስገን(በዚህ አጋጣሚ ያገባችሁ ወንዶችዬ ሚስቶቻችሁን ተንከባከቡ please ትንሽ ከባድ ጊዜ ነው ምታገቡ ወንዶችዬ ደግሞ ለወደፊታችሁ ይሁናችሁ እእ እንደ እህት ልንገራችሁ ብዬ ነው...ምከሩኝ ብዬ እኔው ምክር ውስጥ አልገባም) እና ቆንጅዬው ልጄ ባሌን መስሎ አረፈው እንዴት ደስ እንዳለኝ☺️...አሁን ትዳራችን እንዳልኳችሁ እንደበፊት አይደለም ቤታችን ቀዝቅዟል ባልዬን የሆነ ያስከፋሁት ወይ እንደ ሚስት ያጎደልኩበት ነገር ከሌለ በቀር እንዲ ሚሆን ሰው አይደለም ኮስታራው ባሌን ማስቀው እኔ ነበርኩ እኮ ግን በቃ በኔ ደስተኛ ነበር በእርግጥ ልጅ ነበርኩኝ ግን እብደቴንም ይወደው ነበር ከሱጋ ነጻ ስለምሆን እንጂ እውነት እብድ አይደለውም 1ቀን እንደበፊታችን ደስተኛ እንደምንሆን አልጠራጠርም ለባሌ ካለኝ ፍቅር እውነት ቅንጣት ያህል እንኳን አልቀነሰም እሱም እንደሚወደኝ እኮ ያሳብቅበታል ምክንያቱ አልገባ ቢለኝ እንጂ.....
እና ሰዎችዬ ምናልባት ባለትዳር ካላችሁ ከሌላችሁም እህት ወንድሞቼ ታናሾቼም ሁኑ ታላቆቼ ጓዳዋን ማትሸፍን እናትና ሚስት ሆኜ ሳይሆን አልያም የባሌን ጥሩ ያልሆነ ጎን ለማሳየት ሳይሆን( እንደነገርኳችሁ ባልዬ በአለም ላይ ምርጡ አባትና ባል ስለሆነ) ምንም ቢፈጠር ምን single mom መሆንን ማልሻ ምንም ያህል ነገሮች ቢከብዱ ባሌን መተው ማልችል ሰው ስለሆንኩ እኔ ማየት ማስተዋል ያልቻልኩት ነገር ካለ ከብዙ ምክርና መፍትሔ አንዱ እንኳን ቤቴን ለማሞቅ ይጠቅመኝ ይሆናልና ምክራችሁን ስጡኝ ስላስረዘምኩባችሁ በጣም ይቅርታ thank you ጊዜያችውን ሰታችሁ ስለምታነቡት

#Family #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Sorry if this is all over the place and difficult to follow through.
Someone who is a medical professional or a woman who has gone through this and knows what I am talking about, please help!!!
I am a 25-year-old woman, and I've been dealing with PMDD my whole life. I feel crazy talking about this because most people who I talk to about this make me feel like I'm exaggerating it. After all, it can't be that bad right? So right around 2 weeks before my period, I get sick, not just physically, but also mentally. I become very paranoid to the point of being fearful of everyone and everything around me, I get super anxious, and depressed. My depression gets to the point of me not being able to get out of bed for days. I get crying spells followed mostly by uncontrollable laughter, then hysterically crying again. I have no control over my emotions and something as simple as a sad song can turn into hysterical crying. I also become suicidal, but not in a planned way. I become very impulsive and something in me just tells me to kill myself. I usually don't feel the same after a bit while if I get to stop myself from doing it, I've also attempted before and regretted it immediately. All of this is really affecting my work and my relationship with the people I love. I always sabotage any potential relationship. I turn into a monster that snaps at every other thing. I become unbearable. The only person who understands me is my sister because she also goes through the exact similar experience as me. I've tried to get treated, but the doctor just gave me a birth control pill and said it would fix it, and it kinda did for the first months of taking it until it stopped working.
The worst part is, isn't PMDD supposed to go away when your period starts?? Mine stays for the first few days of my period, then goes away around day 4 of my period, then I get exactly similar symptoms for the first two or three days after my period ends, goes away again and starts all over again 2 weeks before my period, then the cycle goes on. WTF is that??? post-period depression is not even a thing, i just don't know why it happens. Any explanation for that?
Thanks in advance.

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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boy is it hard to date a girl fr plus as a protestant guy ......i have had more dates back when i was 17 or 18 even had a girl ( wonder how it feels now) now am 22 and my dating life is dryyyyyy and i feel like the reason is because i didn't make time to communicate cuz i work a good job ( but demanding) and i learn and on top of that am tying to start my own thing on the side ...... some of you might say u still young but uk i believe in the slow process uk getting ur intentions clear but still taking it slow and building a connection before uk starting saying i love you or getting freaky which i don't mind .......bcha for all that to happen demo leka i have to go out there and say hi to girls mnamn don't get me wrong i have the confidence and the mouth to make that happen but i fear women and what they are capable of when it comes to being trusted becha we march on right ? since it ain't that much to ask for


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I hesitate to write this  but here goes nothin right

Hey, im 19F 2nd yr college student. I'll get straight to the point: I don't have the money to pay my tuition fees. And the payment got beyond what my mom can afford. This is not z only problem becha ahuns it's more than I can handle. My life has been simply going to class and then immediately back home.
Everyone else is working and learning at the same time, at least not depending on their family. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting and not doing anything. I don't know where to begin, I'm clueless. My mom doesn't have a job, which means Soon, I'll have to drop out and we'll both might even face hunger And the thought of this is killing me I feel useless, both for myself and for my mom.
Please, if there's anyone who genuinely can help, guide me or show me the way, I would be grateful. I'm willing to work at anything. Tnx if u make it through here.

#School #Family

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I'm 18 F
I need some advice keleme temari neberkugn gn 12 lay literally lela sew honkugn class algebam be seratu almarem beka temhert mibal neger asetelagn ena matric wedekugn😭...ene awekew neber gn Le family addis neger honebachew ke dad gar ahun nw mawerat yejemernew rasu ena mn temekerugnalachu short course lemar weyes degami be private lefeten


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Matric tefetegne 305/600 amteche alifyalehu ena ke egna timihrt bet ziktegnaw wetet yalew ene negn egna timihrt bet 100 temari becha nw yalefew hulum malet yichalal 1 bahirdar university nw 1 yemimolu ena ene 1 bahirdar bimola yidersegnal i live in amhara region,


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Sup fam
I'm in my early twenties female and i wanted to get this off my chest cause I've never talked abt this and i think it's time to share it with the world just incase someone is going through the same bs I'm going.
My story is i have had skin chronic disease called scalp psoriasis and it was really bad and it made me lose my self esteem and lots of things. It went for a decade one time it's gone and the next time i get some serious problems all over my scalp and body.I never want anyone to experience this.It started at the mere age of primary school and it's still here.
Some of you might say pray to God and go to tsebel and I've done it all crying my eyes out to God to have mercy on me and went to gedam for many years without losing faith but it fades for some time and it comes back when i least expect it.It made me loose my whole childhood while others were making frnds and having a life experience i was at hospital and tsebel to find solutions and after time i ended up being lonely don't have frnds or someone close i would talk deeply and vibe with most of my frnds left me cause i couldn't spend time with them cause i was insecure about my appearance(blame the shit I've been through i wasn't like this in the first place tho) and the worst part is i pretended to be strong for my family cause ik they were struggling and that hurt me the most. My emotions got all Locked up and i would cry myself at night when no one's watching and pretend to be good at the day and i kept doing that for many years and at this point i can't Express my emotions and when i do i just pretend to be alright to not worry anyone.Most ppl think of me as Emotional stable and she didn't budge for that struggle because of the facade I've put on for several years but deep down ik I've been through hell every single day it's killing me inside to not be able to be understood when i was at my lowest and at the present too I'm not blaming anyone but my fate.

#School #Friendship #Family #HealthComplications #Teen

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Hey everyone, I’m really struggling right now, and I just need to vent and maybe get some advice from those who’ve been through something similar.

A couple of months ago, the girl I love was so sweet and caring toward me. She used to hug me tightly every night before going to bed, and we’d stay up late, talking until 2 a.m. She even cried once just imagining the thought of losing me. She seemed to really care, and I felt like we had something special.
But now, everything has changed. She’s become distant. She doesn’t reply to my texts, even though I see her online. She’s started posting pictures on social media, which she never used to do. She’s avoiding me, and I have no idea why. It’s like I’ve become nothing to her, and I don’t understand why or how it happened. I’ve done nothing wrong to deserve this, but it feels like she’s shutting me out completely.We were so close before—she even told me personal things she doesn’t share with others, and we had moments where she showed vulnerability. She would check in to make sure I wasn’t talking to anyone else, and I felt like we were building something real. Now, I’m just left feeling powerless, like I’m weak and not good enough for her anymore.

I know she has an avoidant attachment style, and maybe that’s part of it, but it’s so hard to keep reminding myself of that when it feels like I’m being ignored and pushed aside. I don’t know if she’s suppressing her feelings for me or if she’s truly lost all interest. It’s hard not to feel like I’m just easy to leave, like I don’t matter. I don’t know what to do anymore. Part of me wants to wait for her, thinking she’s distant because she’s starting to love me more, but another part of me is scared that I’m just fooling myself. I want to believe that she still cares, but her actions are making me feel like I’m nothing to her now.I’m lost. Has anyone else been through something like this? How do you move forward when someone you love just shuts you out? How do I stop feeling like this? Any advice on how to cope or what to do next would be really appreciated.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone, endet nachu ena I really need some advice! Especially wendoch betngrug so There's this guy I’ve had a crush on for about a year now, and I’m so confused about what to do. Ye hone ken entewaewk alkut en a eshi ale setyekew and he mentioned that he hates making the first move, but he’s open to talking kawerawet mnamn It’s been almost 5 months since then, and whenever we see each other, we only exchange “hey”s. Ena the problem is, I’m super shy and I don’t know how to break the ice! I have his social media and phone number, but I’m scared to reach out. I really like him, gn mn lareg ferawet ena demo there's this constant eye contact between us,which makes me think there's something What should I do? I'm feeling stuck lela sew siyawrag rasu destega sel malhon alaweram esun eyasebku mn larg eshi gn koy do u guys like it set lij first move setareg?ena bka if u guys have Any tips on how to start a conversation weym demo mn mareg endalebg betngrug it would be amazing. Thanks!


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Hi this nate. I am 19 years old boy who is really depressed. I have tried dating since highschool but i think it's not for me i don't know why but the more I try the more i feel lonely. At this point of my life i have no friends because all of got our own life path i feel like shit every times tried talking to girls. No one loves me they only wants cool boys who lives in fake personality and i don't want change my personality for them so some one please tell me what to do

Thank you🥹


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Hey everyone! I’ve been dealing with a persistent vaginal odor that seems to be getting worse in this hot university climate. Has anyone experienced something similar? I’d really appreciate any tips or advice on how to manage it, especially since I can’t use remedies like clove water, bet wst mizegaju negerochn metekem alchlm


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Hey first time venting
So am getting married soon in about a month i want u guys to tell me things u wished u did but didn’t so i would do them and i want advice about anything helpful


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y'all,
I'm a 23-year-old guy who's always wanted to be in a loving relationship. I had a crush on this girl for a long time, but never told her cus I don’t feel confident about my below average looks n figured she wouldn’t be into someone like me. Then, a different girl confessed she liked me, but I didn’t feel the same, n we didn’t really have much in common...Instead of turning her down outright, I kind of just avoided her so I wouldn't hurt her I can't help but wonder if the way I handled things was wrong 😅...should I hv given her a chance simply out of desperation for a relationship? In my head, I was thinking it's better to wait for someone who's a better match for me or be alone forever, instead of forcing it with someone I don’t truly connect with...


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi am 22f
Koy endet sew hulum neger yzegagabetal ee endet betselot enkuan alsema ylal ee
Ene mn yshalegnal merognal beka tmrten temerke coc eyetebeku new mfelgew sra mmokrew hulu alsaka alegn kebet alweta beka dnzz eyalku berase craft mnamn serche meshetm felg neber br ataw chrash beka wedetach eyehedku gizeyen eyakatelku new eyemeselegn yalew wste kemenor ylk alemenorn eyeguaguaw new rasshn atfi atfi ylegnal dro hatiyat mferaw lememot ahun gn enate slemtasaznegn enji hule metanek felgalew beka wey mata mata alkshe amlaken wsedegn bye elemnewalew

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #HealthComplications #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone I just wanna get out from my chest so Am male 23 like one week ago I broke up with my gf we dated like 8 months we start like FWB we only meet up for sex so Am freaky asf she is to not that much gn she is and after too many hookups she wanna be my gf then I let her after that our sex getting wild she is horny 24h like every second so we had sex a lot like a lot she is a good head giver am to some time she ruining away for me while am giving her head bca we are wild we were fucking for like hours non-stop anyways she start seeing porno and she starts masturbate she become sex addict then she wanna end our r/s by silly reason Idk why she did that bca now am tired of dating no dating now I only want fwb who wanna have fun me mmnmn enji im done with dating tanks


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 22 F
I need to vent. It's my first time venting here, and here’s the thing: I was in a relationship .He was my best friend since high school, and I was madly in love with him. All I could think about was marrying him and having children with him.(btw he was very manipulative .) Then, one day, out of nowhere, he told me that he needed some space for a few days. I  asked for his reason, but the reasons he gave me were very senseless. He mentioned that he had a lot of personal issues and said it was very hard to manage everything. but at the same time, he claimed that he loved me but didn’t want to hurt me. Then I found out he had been cheating on me the whole time(this was the real reason that makes him to want some space). it hurt me badly so I decided to break up with him, and I moved on . After some time, he called and asked for my forgiveness and told me he don't want to lose me ,that he loves me eskahun ena that he regretted btam for what he did , and wanting a second chance. I refused and told him we could only be friends. However, all his talk was about wanting to get back together, so I dumped him again. Now I am regretting it because he shared a very sad story about himself, which makes me to regret my decision, i feel like i did a very evil thing to dump him at his bad times. And also  i am missing him. What should I do? Should I reach out to him or not?

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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I wish... Sometimes I could go somewhere far away—far from this society, far from the people I know, far from those who know me, my name, my age, and my family. I just want to leave it all behind. Sometimes, I dream of going to an uninhabited island where I could swim all day long, wearing a bikini, wearing shorts, or wearing clothes however I want them to look on me. I want the freedom to wear whatever I want, without being judged, without someone telling me to cover up. I want to live alone, away from people. I wish I could be my true self.

I want to live by writing books, writing poems about the stars, the fish, the wind, and the sea. I want to live my dream. But as we all know, we're living in this society. I mean, come on. Why judge me for speaking loudly? Why judge me for just sitting quietly? Why judge me for singing out loud? Is there a reason for doing this to me? Seriously, just let me have my freedom. I want to shout. I want to run away. I want to escape from this suffocating world. Oh, Jesus...


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Wede  pointu 🫴 eski tell me yetuga new yetezabaw meselachhu Am 26F .... ene enkuan tanashochen bene edme yalutn enkuan  date lemadreg flagot yelegnm malet ende little brother new yemitayugn befkr litayugn  ayichlum  gn date lemadreg sfelg or enesu felgew simokru hule tanashoche hunew new yemagegnachew🤔 yemren new  their age lidebkugn hulu yimokralu ena am confused ... even ye 14 amet lij slken yeteyekegn neber  i don't even wear uniform malet whats wrong with ur generation ...talakoche degmo kagatemugn above 40 🤦‍♀ omg andachewm ga yefkr relationship nurogn adelem gn hule yemigetmugn endezih ayinet nachew mndn new chgru kene new weyis yalgebagn neger ale?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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What's up niggle
I have story I need to vent here share ur idea
I'm 19 years old
I'm uv students I met a girl and starting to talk with her then our correlation is bring approach too much we talked above 5 months based on how to start love because we didn't break up after starting love due that.
I have a lot of coincidence to telling my feeling for her but I didn't want to tell I'm choosing to be cool.
then carrying  find the issue for long times with in us but nothing is stop us to start love until we know.
so um just try to describe my feeling to her and finding the way of she want ..
the time before last I'm checking some info about of us then I heard heart break info that call relate(ዝምድና አለ መሓላችን) between us so we can't run our love in our culture this is not possible So i don't know why I'm decide I'm thinking to left this feeling in one part and in other part looking an option

send ur provisions 😒

#School #Friendship #Relationship

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Hi guys, my question is for believers( christians, muslims..). Would you guys still believe those stories in the bible or Quran if it was revealed in 2024? Be for real why does it have legitimacy just because it was 1000s of years ago. why is God Unable to communicate now like he did in those centuries. Every religion is created by humans. There's literally no way to prove only one religion is correct out of thousands of religions. It's just so funny how people believe in these fairy tales. Most people are in a religion not because they chose it but because they were born into it. This is my understanding, what do y'all think


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I ended a relationship that lasted for more than five years, during which we did not engage in sexual activity so I was sexually frustrated. After the separation, I began dating someone new and have since become sexually active. Now that I dated and have experienced sexual pleasure, I am struggling with intense feelings of desire and am constantly thinking about having sex with multiple partners. I am feeling very horny all the time and am not sure how to manage these feelings. What should I do?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone

It was a year ago that I met this girl in my class in a campus. In the semester we met, we were together most of the time, studying. I loved her so much, so the semester was the best thing for me. Then the next semester was not the same. So, it affected my grade. But we would talk on phone for several minutes. We were just friends. But she also seems to love me neger. Our relationship was not clear . She does not know I love her unless she guesses from my actions which seem obvious. Then, the coming semesters were worse for me since endederow abren bezu gize ankoym. Endewm yebase lene yalat neger eyekenese meta. Ena she seemed to ignore me. I tried hard to win her back but failed. Then, temehertu erasu aza honebegn. Manbeb cherash aytasebm. Ereft eyalen betam dena negn. Because I cut the connection I had with her. But when we return to campus, my feelings return too. So, I am always in bad mood. Temehert lemakuaret erasu asebe neber. We won't talk like we used to. And when I see her in class and think that she cannot be mine, anger and sadness fill me. I have been in this misery for more than a year😔 Ena gera gebagn sewoch please help me. Even if I want her, what I want now is to forget her gen 1nd class nen ena I could not concentrate other that staring at her in class.😭😭 I feeling what I am doing is wrong but endet lakum. I love her soooooo much gen. If there is someone that passed in the same situation.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent.
Getan I love you eko betam new miwedeh gn beka you like your life. You like playing around even if I was being loyal to you even if we were not i a relationship. And now even if I told you that I love you and you promised to change yourself you didn't with in 2 weeks you started dating another girl aydel😳😳
Beka I deleted your number. I blocked you. Beka am done I'll move on I don't wanna hurt any more I don't wanna be hurt all over again.
But am so proud of myself because after all this I still believe in true love and loyalty. So bye and don't ever come back😭😭


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Aight everyone
Its ma time to vent first
20 M and my case is about relationship....i never had one but am so desperate to have it.
Am the friendly guy gets zone quick as fuck🥲 but when i get close to every girl, i always start to develop certain type of feeling for them ena i want this routine to stop.
So the latest case is
I met this girl in betekrstian started going on recently ena she is soo close to me unlike others ena after like 3 months she brought a new dude with her a day ago ....i only know him by sight. We used to go back home together. But yesterday she went with him....i felt nutn b/c others were with me but when i got back home i felt a bit jealous...idk why

What should i dooo i need someone to help me oh😭😭

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey there
I kinda need help with something. I'm from the 94.6% of the students that took the matric examination, I'm 18M and unemployed. I'm going crazy over here, all I do is sleep really late at night, wake up late, eat, watch tiktok all day till 2am wake up the next day do the same. I really need to do something with my time or else I'll lose it before long. Anyways what I wanted to say is can you guys give me an idea on what to do or if you could give me a job, that'd really be amazing. Thanks for reading.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys 18M ena i will go to university soon so teyaka mn masalachu any private university recommend areguge Addis Ababa yamigage arif tmrt yamisat ena kefeyaw arif yahona ena college ena university leyunatu mnden nw andedau university college yamibal selala beya nw endatalefut pls🙏


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Here’s a question out of curiosity: Do women generally enjoy receiving oral sex? In my first relationship, my ex loved it and often complimented me on it. However, every woman I've been with since has said they don’t enjoy it, and some even strongly dislike it. I’ve also come across discussions where women talk about how much they enjoy it. If you don’t want to answer, no worries just please set aside any judgment.


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