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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Emmm i wanted some advice i have this amazing bf we been dating for 8 months now ena he is so kind and loves and cares for me but the past couple of months he is always busy i have to beg to have a simple date the is always working and all that stufff even mata mata rasu hi how was ur day tebablen dekmegh bilo yiteghal we used to talk a lot in day and night but now i feel like he is nat here im nat seeking for anything gn ende set ke fkreghaye 1 pice of       chocolate or flower testogh ayawekim were bicha even  balfew wer lidete  nbre ena he hv forgotten  it  HBD text enkua alderseghim im still mad endet lene botana gize aynorewm dmo endi aynet lij alnbrem yhone time lay new lewt yemetaw ena yhe ngr enen eyadekemegh lela boys siyawerugh  mawerat jemrealew seeking the attention i lost with him ena min laderg esun matat alfelgim gn i want him to be ende dro how cn i fix this 🥺


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello there I'm g and 24 years who is new abt every thing like dating and kissing ...I don't even know how to do it ....its so weird to be like this at 24 cause I'm almost women but still thinking abt how to lost my virginity.... I know I'm beautiful and have a good posture ..also brown skin..but why it's being hard to get a bf that mutch for me...


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
አቤት እማማ
ሕልም አየውልኽ
ምን አየሽልኝ እማማ. . . . የኔና የቅድመ አያቴ ጨዋታ ነበር። ነፍሷን ይማረው። አንድ መቶ አራተኛ ዓመቷን በአከበርን በዓመቱ ነበር ያረፈቸው የኔና የብዙዎች ቅድመ አያት። እማማ በሕይወት እያለች ትመረኮዘው የነበረውን መቋሚያዋን ካረፈች በኋላ እኔ እንድወስደው ጠይቂያት ሳታቅማማ ነበር ደስ እያላት ከአሁን ጀምሮ ውሰደው ያለችኝ የነበረው። ቢሆንም ካረፈች በኋላ ነበር አያቴ መቋሚያውን እንድትሰጠኝ በመጠየቅ ወራሽነቴን በይፋ ያረጋገጥኩት። መቋሚያው አጭር ነው። እኔም ረጅም የምባል አይደለውም እግዚአብሔር ወዶና ፈቅዶ እድሜ ከሰጠኝ መጉበጤ ስለማይቀር ያኔ ልኬ ይሆናል። እስከዛው ድረስ ግን ከመኝታዬ ጋር አቁሜው እየተመለከትኩት መከራ መስቀሉን ሲያሻኝም እማማን አስብበታለው። ሲያሻኝ ደሞ ለሊት መውጣት ባለብኝ አጋጣሚ ስወጣ ይዤው እወጣለው። ስለእማማና መቋሚያው ብዙ የምለው ነገር ቢኖርም ዛሬ በድንገት እማማን እንዳስባት ያረገኝ ግን ከነበርኩበት ትራንስፖርት ውስጥ የነበሩ ጥንዶች ነበሩ። ቅጥቅጥ ነበር መኪናው። ወንድዬው ከኔ ጎን በዳር በኩል ሴቲቱ በግራ በኩል ካለው መቀመጫ በዳር በኩል ተቀምጠው በመሀል ያለውን መተላለፊያ እጅ ለእጅ በመቆላለፍ ዘግተውት ተመለከትኩ።የሴቲቱ ዐይን ልጁን እንደምትወደው ያሳብቅ ነበር።  ልጁም ፍቅሩ የዋዛ አይደለም። ይኽ ከምስኪን መልካቸው ጋር ተደምሮ ስመለከታቸው ስለነሱ ደስ ተሰኘው።  ይቺ እጅ ለእጅ መቆላለፋቸው ግን ለእኔ ተነስልን የሚል መልዕክት ያዘለም ጭምር ነበር። ልነሳላቸውና ጨዋታቸውን እንዲቀጥሉ አሰብኩ። ሴቲቱ ገልመጥ አደረገችኝ ወንድዬው ተቁነጠነጠ እኔ ነገሩን እንዳልተረዳና እንዳላስተዋላቸው በመስኮት ውጪውን መመልከት ላይ ነኝ። ሳይጠይቀኝ ልነሳ ልቤ ከጀለ ቢሆንም እንደ ልጁ ሁናቴ "አባ ትቀይራታለኽ" የሚል ጥያቄ አይቀሬ ስለነበር ታገስኩና ጥያቄውን ተቀበልኩ። እሺ ብዬ ቀየርኳት። ያረኩት ቀላል ነገር ነው። ከምንም የማይቆጠር። ደስታቸውን ማየቴ ግን ትልቅ ደስታን ነበር የሰጠኝ።እነሱም እጃቸው እንደተቆላለፈ እየተጫወቱ እኔም በእልፍ ሀሳባት እየዋኘው ሳለው ነበር እማማና ሕልሟ በድንገት የመጡብኝ። ከረጅም ዓመታት በፊት ነበር እማማ አንድ ማለዳ ላይ ተነስታ ሚኩ ሕልም አየውልኽ ያለችኝ። ምን አይነት ሕልም እማማ ? በማለት ሕልም ነው ቅዠት ጨዋታ ነው እውነት የሚለውን ለመመርመር ጆሮዬንም ልቤንም ከፍቼ ማዳመጥ የጀመርኩት።  "ሚስት ስታገባ" ነዋ ሚስት አገኘውልኽ። አለችኝ። ሳቄ መጣ ግን አልሳቅኩም። ሚስትን ያገኘ በረከትን አገኘ ስለሆነ። እማማ ሕልም ውስጥ የተገኘችው ሚስቴ ቆንጆና ፀባየ ሰናይ ነበረች። (ዝርዝሩን ለእናንተ ተውኩት) በቃ። እማማ!! የት ነው ያለችው ይቺ ያየሽልኝ ሚስቴ ? ብዬ ጠየቅኳት። "እኔ ምን አውቅልካለው" ብላ እጢዬን ዱብ አረገችው። አንቺ ስታዪ አድራሻዋ ላይ አታተኩሪም ነበር እንዴ ? በይ አሁን ተኝና አድራሻዋን ከየትም ብለሽ አይተሽ ተመለሽ በማለት ተሳሳቅን።እስክታርፍ ድረስ እያስታወሰችው ትስቅ ነበር።
አይ እማማ እኔ የልጅ ልጅ ልጅሽ እንዲ አይነቱ ሕይወት ሊታየኝ አልቻለም። ሕልምሽ እውን ሆኖ አንቺንና የምወዳት እናቴን የኔን ትልቅነት የሚመኝ አባቴን ባስደስት እንዴት ደስ ባለኝ ነበር። (ያረጀው አስመሰልኩት አይደል ሳሽቃብጥ እኮ ነው) ግን ምን ታደርጊዋለሽ ? ሔዋኔ ጠፋች አልልሽም ሔዋኔ ውስጥ  ሔዋናዊነት ጠፋ እንጂ። ይኽን ስልሽ ከአዳም ውስጥ አዳማዊነት ኖሮ እንዳይመስልሽ። ከቸርነቱ በታች የኃጢያት ውጤት መሆኑን በዘነጋነውና በምንመጻደቅበት ልብሰ ተሸፋፍነን እንጂ. . . . . . .  እማማ !! የአንቺም ሕልም ሆነ የቤተሰቤ መልካም ምኞት የሚሰምር አይመስለኝም። ለምን ? በጉያው ያቀፈሽ መድኃኔዓለም ያውቀዋል። ካልሆነ ግን ሊሆን የሚችለው መመዘኛዋ(ላላ) ፈርሀ እግዚአብሔርና ፍቅረ እግዚአብሔር የሆነ መመዘኛዋም (ጠበቅ) እንዲሁ ፈርሀ እግዚአብሔርና ፍቅረ እግዚአብሔር በሆነ ብቻ ይሆናል ሌላውማ ቀሪ ከመሆኑ ባሻገር ያጣላል ያጋጫል ያዋርዳል ያስከብራል ይመጣል ይሄዳል ታዲያ ይኽ ለፍቅር ምን ይፈይዳል ? በጋራስ መስቀሉን ለመሸከም እንዴት አቅም ይሆናል ? ለማንኛውም ያለሽበት ቦታ እንደተስማማሽ ተስፋ አደርጋለው ደሞ ብዘገይ እንጂ አልቀርም እመጣልሻለው።


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
So here's the thing, I'm a 23yr old university student who's trying to date after a long haiatus. I'm what you'd consider conventionally attractive.I'm very tall( 192cms) lightskined, nice body, beard uk. And i get compliments for my looks quiet a bit. But my dating life is complete shit rn. In the past i kinda just skated off on my looks until i met my ex and we were together for a while until we ended things months ago. After that i haven't had much sucess dating. Although i still attract a lot of girls it's never the quality of girls i want or am attracted to. I usually don't do any approaching cuz i never rly had too and this coupled with years of being in a rp has led me to have a bit of approach anxiety and an overall fear of rejection. I've never rly been rejected in the past but I've been ghosted once or twice which left a sour taste. I've also realized my self esteem is very fragile and has a lot to do with how i look. I still feel like I'm a confident guy in other aspects of my life and I've achived a lot but when it comes to girls idk i don't want to seem desperate so i let the girls do the chasing cuz it makes me feel desired but by doing this i handed over control of my dating life to the girls. I just want to be more proactive and pursue the ppl that i want but i feel stuck. So girls, does approaching make guys look desperate? And guys, do you think guys should chase or be chased?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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M 19

I hate this place. How do introverted people survive in universities? How can I find someone who has the same attitude as me? Someone who hates bitches as much as I do, someone who plays video games, someone who watches anime or movies, someone who wants to spend his time alone, someone who wants to study, someone who has no friends Currently, can I get a hello if you're in the same situation?

#School #Friendship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Living in Addis at my auntie’s house for years was a nightmare for me. They only had a bedroom and a salon for three kids, the parents and the maid. It was a bad situation when I arrived and one kid was my age. They struggled financially and I had to sleep with my cousin. We had some closeness, but I always felt fake living in a relative’s house. We put up with each other, but none of us had it easy.

I was hungry and unhappy most of the time. I had to act like an equal to the children, but I felt like an outsider. I feel like I missed out on my youth and the things that other people enjoyed. I have accepted that I can’t change the past, but now my cousin is here with me. I can’t sleep well because of some issues that are arising. He does something that he can’t help, which are affecting me. he is not doing anything bad but i donkt know why i get bothered and what to do


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone
I need some of y'all's opinion about women who possess masculine energy... Do you think it's caused by modern feminism? ... Is it natural?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello people.

So i don't really like family fights and all, like it gives me really bad anxiety due to childhood experience of all fights and stuff. So I'm pretty bad at settling these things and i don't really know who's right and who's wrong.

So being part of a joint family, my brother recently got married. So I began to think about what role I have to play now being the sister in law of the bride. I tried to empathize with her, giving her assurance and all but unfortunately I can't help but feel like that was a mistake, I shouldn't have done that because now it feels like she's taking advantage of all of this.

My mother and she have tiny fights that wouldn't have been fights in the first place but because of the stereotypes it just has become that, they had a fight which disrupted what little peace was built these few months.

I can't choose sides they're both important to me. My mother wishes for me to stop overdoing things and let her(bride) do the work she's supposed to do, whereas my brother wants me to help his wife(bride) because she (bride) is complaining to him about how she is tired. Now I'm torn between taking two sides.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is what is actually the role of a sister in law? I tried to look up the internet and surprisingly the sister in law and mother in law are villains in every post I read. The posts also show that It's either disputes between sister in law or mother in law with the bride or it's the bride that's bad. A sister-in-law isn't discussed anywhere!! What do i do?

Honestly, I am starting to hope that my brother's wife goes to her mother's home so that I can have peace of mind which is obviously so awful of me :(

I'm becoming a despicable person here. My mother is being turned into a villain and my brother's wife into a victim when that's not even the case. Everyone is thinking they're the victim. I don't know what to do it's so distressing that I feel like I'll pass out.

How do you guys deal with the toxic environment and how do you help to improvise it or at least not make it worse?

I'm becoming pathetic hell I already am healing from all the mental health issues that I hate to admit suffering from.

#Family #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Not a vent!!!

This is going to make me sound absolutely crazy, but I don't like venting at all ezi channel west yalhut yenanten gud lemayet nw lol 😂 sorry y'all I understand you. I usually don’t vent to anyone. Cause I'm introvert 😴 yamachehual ende 😂 However, I do need to let all the emotions out of me somehow. So, I usually vent out in my room, to no one in particular. Sometimes I vent to my stuffed animals, and I pretend that they can hear me (and yes I know they can’t actually hear or respond back. I’m not mentally ill. I promise)😂😂 Other times I literally do a full blown broadway performance lol. I’m taking about singing songs about heart break (and I make up the lyrics as I go along), screaming, crying, yelling, rolling in the floor, acting out different people…. I know that you all are probably going to think I’m a bit crazy. Maybe I am. All I know is that this method truly did help me ene lemut ewnten nw, and for anyone out there who feels like they have too much on their mind that they can’t explain to someone, go to your room (or wherever you want in your house) and let it go. Vent all you want to no one in particular. Pace around your room . It’s ok. Ayzoachu😍

best of luck to anyone going through hard times right now!


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi there 👋
This is going to be a very very long vent, feel free to skip to the next one if u don't feel like reading for a very long time.

I need y'alls help, specially medical students, medical school dropouts and people who are working in the medical field . I am a medical student and I just finished 3rd year. I am back home for break and I need to decide if I should quit medicine or not.

So here's the thing, I have always been the "mega" student and I still am that student even in medical school. You knw how u r expected to get into medicine if u have good grades menamen? That did play a huge role into me getting into medicine. Besides that I wanted to help people betam. I was passionate about it at first keza gen once I got into the actual med part, my passion literally died. I started to hate everything about it but I am a perfectionist so I still studied bedenb and managed to get good grades. But here's where the problem lies, I got good grades at the expense of my mental health. I am drained, burnt out, depressed and suicidal. I feel so alone and so empty. Sometimes i just get so numb and I wonder if its actually possible to be this empty, this numb. I also have anxiety attacks every now n then, specially during exam weeks.
I am always laughing n always joking around and people don't know what I actually feel. Everyone around me is also a medical student and I don't want to bother them with this type of burden. I have an amazing support system back home gen we are miles apart and I don't want them worrying about me. I also hate talking about it because it feels like I am giving it more attention than I should.
I don't see myself becoming a doctor. I don't even see myself getting out of this alive. I think of suicide more times than I don't. I have other health problems so I always have pills around and you have no idea how many times the thought of overdosing on those drugs crossed my mind. Things won't get any easier and i feel like one day I wud actually take up on the offer of ending everything once n for all. I used to be a pretty spritual person gen ahun I feel so distant.
If I do decide on quitting med it should be done now before i start the next semester because if I start next semester I would be too preoccupied and would wait for a whole semester to be over before I even get into the right mentality to decide if i should quit or not. I wanted to quit last semester but I decided to give it one more shot and I regret doing that...
What's making me stay? U ask
I don't exactly know, may be its the fear of starting over, the fear of trying something new, the fear of leaving medicine and regretting it later, the fear of being a failure, the fear of letting my parents down or may be everything I stated above. But all i knw is that I am afraid of quitting yet I am more scared of continuing this journey. I feel like I have lost every reason to keep on going through all this pain. I also have pretty good options if i leave this, I will have to start again (which scares the heck out of me) gen I will be studying n side hustling which I am very cool with.

And now for the million dollar question, do you think medicine is worth it? Anyone in the medical field please help. Will this get better or will it get worse? Any suggestion would very much be appreciated. Thank you if u have made it this far.


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Am 21 F
The thing is I need A friend to talk about any thing with out feeling ashamed or any thing cause ppl around me so judgy with out knowing your reasons so any one out there who feels the same talk to me


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Hi just to say that I’m so in love with this girl and I don’t think she loves me the way I love and I’m getting hurt from day to day so anything u want me to say


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it all started with a weired lucid dream i vent about it 2 yrs ago and people said tsebel and some suggested to focus on it and it has become 2 yrs and now i can see things not the future or something but i can calculate rate of things visually i dont know the maths behind it i can draw a really perfect looking line in my mind when i play pool and i actually see the line like its really drawn.i can accurately measure the amount of wires i need just looking at the space its needed on. i can draw a perfect pattern of things in my mind. is there anybody like this ????


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is going to be a very very long vent, feel free to skip to the next one if u don't feel like reading for a very long time.

I need y'alls help, specially people who are working in the medical field n medical students. I am a medical student and I just finished 3rd year. I am back home for break and I need to decide if I should quit medicine or not. So here's the thing, I have always been the "mega" student and I still am that student even in medical school. You knw how u r expected to get into medicine if u have good grades menamen, that did play a huge role into me getting into medicine. I am not going to lie I was passionate about it at first keza gen once I got into the actual med part, my passion literally died. I started to hate attending classes gen I still studied bedenb and yes I did manage to get good grades. But here's where the problem lies, I got good grades at the expense of my mental health. I am drained, burnt out, depressed and suicidal. I feel so alone and so empty. Sometimes i just get so numb and I wonder if its actually possible to be this empty, this numb. And I also have anxiety attacks now n then, specially during exam weeks menamen. And I am the girl that's always laughing n always joking around and people don't know what I actually feel. Everyone around me is also a medical student and I don't want to bother them with this type of burden. I have an amazing support system back home gen I don't want to masechenek them, we are miles apart and I don't want them worrying about me. I also hate talking about it because it feels like I am giving it more attention than I should. I don't see myself becoming a doctor. I don't even see myself getting out of this alive. I think of suicide more times that I don't. I have other health problems so I always have pills on me for that and you have no idea how many times the idea of overdosing on those drugs crossed my mind. Things won't get any easier and i feel like one day I wud actually take up on the offer of ending everything once n for all. I used to be a pretty spritual person gen ahun I feel so distant. If I do decide on quitting med it should be done now before i start the next semester because if I start next semester I would be too preoccupied and would wait for a semester to be over before I even get into the right mentality to decide if i should quit it or not. I wanted to quit last semester but I decided to give it one more shot and I regret doing that...
What's making me stay? U ask
I don't exactly know, may be its the fear of starting over, the fear of trying something new, the fear of leaving medicine and regretting it later, the fear of being a failure, the fear of letting my parents down or may be everything I stated above. But all i knw is that I am afraid of quitting yet I am scared of continuing the journey. I loved medicine at first and decided to get into it to help people, that was the reason I was pursuing it keza gen ahun I feel like I have lost every reason to keep on going through all this pain. I also have pretty good options if i leave this, I will have to start again gen I will be studying n side hustling which I am very cool with.
And now for the million dollar question, do you think medicine is worth it? Anyone in the medical field please help. Will this get better or will it get worse? I don't know if I can handle it if it gets worse.... Any suggestion would very much be appreciated. Thank you if u have made it this far.


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I feel lonely betam betam bezuriyaye bzu sewoch binorum 1 enkuan yene mlat match mtadergegn ye lben mnegrat guadegna yelechm I really need girl best friend


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Selam Selam, 30 years old male married for three years. I adore you, my lovely wife, but for the past year, I have been unfaithful to you in ways that you could never have imagined. I realize that I am not the person you married, but I will do all in my power to change. I have cheated on you with two of the girls you know, I have committed masturbation numerous times with other girls and porn, and I have repeatedly lied to you. I apologize deeply. I lost myself and went too far; the nights you thought I was working, I was actually cheating on you. I regret everything I've done. I'm sure you'll pardon me, but help me God to forgive me.

I wanted to tell you this, but there isn't an easy way to do it, so I'll have to live with my guilt alongside you forever.

#Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult

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I'm in a huge mess rn
I don't know what love is. I've never experienced romantic love before, sure I've been in some relationships but that's just it I've never felt the deep connection that lasted longer than a few months. I lose interest so quickly, or rather I force myself to, I don't know which one I'm more inclined to though. My last relationship (Guy A) started when I met this guy we've known each other for a while but just bumping each other around places but we somehow ended up talking and we clicked super fast. During that time I was in a situationship with some other guy (Guy B) but it wasn't serious so I stopped whatever I had with him but I let Guy A know about Guy B about everything from the start because I didn't want to lie. After a while we ended up getting serious and got into a relationship but as soon as we did he had to go for a few months and we kept it long distance. Here's where the problem comes in, he fell in love with me and I'm not a long distance person it got so hard for me and so I had to let him go because I felt like I was wasting both of our times. So we broke up for the first time and eventually time led us back to each other and he was back and we were no longer long distance and we got back again. Then everything went smoothly but I had this doubt idk what the source was gn it made the whole relationship so hard for me and I couldn't break up with him because he was going through a hard time. Deep down I knew I loved him gn the relationship made me feel suffocated and it got me overwhelmed. Then I broke up with him again for useless reasons and after a while we git back to talking again becha it went on and off for a little while but we were broken up. During that time I met this other guy (Guy 3). He's so hot, funny, charming becha he's the full package ena I had a mini crush on him. So one day we went on a party together and we were both drunk and we kissed and after a while we decided to be in a relationship. We're going well now but there are times where I relapse and start missing my ex and I don't want that to happen and now I'm also in a long distance kind of situation now and I sometimes find other guys around me attractive and it's been causing huge chaos in my head. I don't want to feel like this, I don't want to find other guys attractive it only leads to making the relationship get hard or worse, cheat and I don't want that it's my nightmare. I'm now terribly missing my ex I want to text and tell him that but it's obvious I can't be with him so it's no use but I feel like tearing up whenever I listen to the songs he sent me and stuff. I sometimes feel like I'm not ready enough for a relationship but I'm also not brave enough to face my problems and even if I break up with my bf now, I'm not so sure if I can move on I'll just be repeating the cycle. How can I let myself be free of all the doubts, concerns, trust and commitment issues. I want to learn to love with all my heart but it seems like I can't. Its so frustrating rn not being able to move on from my ex and not being able to love my bf to the fullest but I'm trying my best.

#Relationship #Adult #Agitation #Teen

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Hi everyone im 26 yrs old male work at periphery hospital as a medical doctor ena mn asasboh nw sra feteh vent mtaregew kalachugn here is the case betam mnkerareb jelesoch alugn hulet nachew huletum keandit ye 21 amet konjye temari gar relation ship yjemralu ljtua kezagnawm kezignawm tegntalech mnamn u have no idea she is so cute jelesoche beyegl eyemetu slesua mn yahl endemiweduat ynegrugnal ...a couple of week ago enena esua tg chat mareg jemern mnamn ahun lay betam tekerarbenal ,24/7chat enaregalen beakal bedbk engenagnalen gn sle jelesoche topic besua fit alanesam further lemeketel gn wste yehone kir milegn neger ale ena mn tlugnalachu ...talewn neger leguadegnoche lngerachew weys bedbk lketl weys enesu endaydebrachew lakum u have no idea weekend kenesu gar dstv lemayet lemetetat or abren snkm esakekaw ....yehone khdet endefetsemku ysemagnal


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Idk where to start, I feel constantly depressed and want to disappear because it often feels like no one truly understands me. Nothing ever seems to get better, the same old problems surface again and again and nothing I do will fix them. It becomes immensely disheartening to continuously strive to improve myself but not see any progress from my efforts. The feelings of loneliness, despair and helplessness form an overwhelming sense of despair that inevitably leads to wanting to run away from everything. I feel constantly alone because I often struggle to make meaningful connections with others. It's not that I'm unable to form relationships, but it feels like I reach a certain level of friendship and then everyone pulls away or starts pushing me away. There is also a feeling of rejection or wanting more than what others can offer, so these bonds become strained and eventually crumble apart. As a result, I often find myself feeling isolated and craving deeper connections. I feel like I shouldn't be here no more family was the only thing that kept me going...but now It should be over.


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Pls guys ycampus Temari ngn ena Chegara betammm aza eyaregegn nw, wechi eyebelahu cafe betwm rasu 😔would u mind giving me some information about withdrawal

Semesteru sayalek Withdraw karekugn all my progress (marks) yetewal malete nw?
Ketay amet nw mjmerew or 2nd semester lay( ende 1st Semester temari) mjmere echelalew?
Kande geze belay withdraw memulat ayechallm aaa?

I need any info about this from any university student, but I am at AAU

#School #HealthComplications #Agitation

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so I am 24 and my gf is 15...No words can explain how much i love her. I truly do .she is real ,smart, beautiful and everything. When she tells me that she loves me i can see it through her eyes she gave me all her self and i would die for her too..she is so mature than many girls in my age. but some times i feel like it's wrong some times i feel guilty and the thought of ending things with her pops in my head and then i realize we can't lose each other she is the one i want to marry idk what to do


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I don't know why but i'm always sad in the evening . I feel like i have missed someone that doesn't even exist . I know i won't be happy because of someone anyway i wanna stop feeling like this i remember my loneliness these times .

I just wanna enjoy my company but i don't know how . May be some of you will say try to find new hobbies make ur self busy ...... but it doesn't work for real .

And anyone who can relate pls say something .


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Well, my 3 year relationship to the most beautiful woman in the world ended a week ago. There have been many ends with her. This one feels different. Like it might really be the end this time. I feel like my world has completely gone blank. I can't eat. She's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning. She is my last thought as I drift off into sleep at night. EVERYTHING REMINDS ME OF HER. I felt her slipping through my fingers and I convinced myself she wasn't worth the fight. Deep down, in my heart of hearts, I know this is for the best. I remember all too well how many times she cried because of me. How many times she led me to question my sanity. We have both cried enough for one another. But even with all of that buried deep in my psyche, I regret not fighting tooth and nail to keep her by my side. I love every inch of her. Body and Soul. It's taking an awful lot of me not to call her. But I tried that. I begged and pleaded. I remember when she was the one begging and pleading for one last chance. I remember when she was the one saying she loved me to death. That she had changed. But I gues she has changed again. She has become cold. I wish I knew where she got the strength. How could this be the end? I keep thinking of all the things I didn't try. I think of calling her best friend or Showing up at her workplace. But no. I will not try anymore. I'm done.

#Melancholy #Relationship #Adult

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Long story short there is a usual customer at my work place and i kinda like him and i used to think that he likes me too, i mean he stares a lot and try to always start a talk with me But since i should act professionally I never show him my interest nor react for his gesture. Unfortunately he got my co-worker's phone number( wasn't intentional) after a while he started to send her some texts.......he is literally flirting with her, as she is my friend she always forward his messages for me. The messages always seem intended to me. (One time i was leaving work and we met at the gate we greeted and late that night he texted her it was a nice perfume; while I was the one who wears perfume not here. She told me she got confused but thank him anyway) she is my nicest friend i love her and she is starting to have feelings for him; I always try not to show my jealousy and try to support her at my best. But i'm dying inside i couldn't stop thinking that he is using her to make me jealous. And i couldn't get the idea of 'i'm the one that he actually like', eventhough i don't want the chance to date him now since my friend has started to feel something for him. Am I crazy?

#Friendship #Relationship

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hellow people
am F 24 i never loved anyone nor been in a r/s...i dont knw my problem am not that much but good looking so boys approch me i have good personality am sociable too i flirt but i search fault and i dump them from my life ..maybe my standards are too high that i nvr found that person for all my the problem begins i met some1 exactly how i wanted but but but but he is married...he was forced into marriage actually he dont even like her and he tells that to everyone and we talked deep and he liked me too he keeps flirting like little touchs mnamin....anyone can notice the spark between us but i swear to god i nvr flirted back nor made any moves and i knw its hard for him guys i knw its complicated but what would you do if u were me??


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am a full blown introvert, am 24 and all i do with my life is work and sleep. I know very few people as friends, and they're all Facebook people. And all they do is smoke and drink. So whenever i decide to meet them that's all i do too. And am tired of it, i don't want to get addicted to anything so i want to do other things that i actually want to do. So i need the kind of friends who like to do fun things, learn a new skill, or dine and wine, hike and swim, normal and meaningful stuff.
So my question is, how do i go about it? How do y'all make friends like that? Help a girl out.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I want to live my life and experience it to the fullest. I want to have real friends that I value. I want to get better. I want to reach my goals make my dreams come to life. I want to push my boundaries. I want to love and be loved. I want to meet new people. I want to jump off of a plane, perhaps the thrill will be like no other. But I always ask myself then what? What’s the point if I’m going to die. Death comes for us all and the life we lived will be more or less infantile and useless. So why? Why go after the pleasures of life if it’s all pointless? In a few weeks after someone dies they rot all the way down to their bones and that’s it. No memories of the past, no ambitious drive nothing it’s all gone. From dust you were made to dust you shall return. I don’t know but it seems all pointless to me to be honest. You can tell yourself you got a purpose to live for but it won’t matter once you are dead. So yeah I guess we should enjoy life. Perhaps that’s all we can do. Live a life you will remember I guess. Maybe someday I’ll be sitting down with my wife my kids and family, going back through time talking and thinking about the life I lived, the life I experienced. Maybe that’s what a life to remember is. Or who knows this might be my last text. I might die next week. Next year. If that’s the case did I live a life to remember? Nah I did not but that’s life I guess.

#Melancholy #Agitation

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I am someone who enjoys being myself. I always introspect and try to be better than I was yesterday. So in a way I don't seek validations from outside and I just enjoy being myself and like who I am as a person. My problem is my roommate who tries to be me. I've had people coping me but this is another level of copy cat. At first I used to overlook when she tried to copy my style and opinions, my hobbies, what I eat and even things I say but now she decided to look like me and apparently she thinks sitting the way I sit or sleeping the way I do or even chewing food the way I do would make her look like me. She would stare when I eat food and tries to imitate that, two times I caught her staring at me like some creep while I slept and then slept in the same exact position I sleep. I feel very irritated because now we smell the same ,dress the same, talk and behave the same. I can't stand her, I tried to ignore her but it's hard as we live together.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y’all I’m 18F, so here’s the thing , I am so so caught up with school that my social life is dying. I am working so fucking hard for Matric and my grades yet I’m losing my self and who I actually am rn. I need to have new friends here. I feel like I wanna branch out and meet new people because I can’t rekindle the relationship with my friends because 1 they don’t understand and 2 I don’t think this cycle will change until I’m done with Matric
So please I wanna have new friends who I can actually get some advice from and someone who has the same goals as I do.
Y’all stay blessed :)


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I hate you.
Idk how u meet my mom but u made her miserable hurt her heart made her cry and stuff but u were there for me and u still are here for me. The fact that ik you're cheating but still didn't say anything make a bad daughter. Sister
I knew that u were cheating when i was 6 or 7 bicha i took it yihun biye cuz i thought i was just makin things to make myself cry but i saw her text. She was telling u how much she was sick and stuff like mare amogn tegnchalew mnamn but i couldn't face u so i run eskeyet balawikm rotku it's been 3 years since i saw that message erasen eyeshewedku wshet new eyalku but that stupid mistress of yours aynuan bechew atba betachin meta mgb belta hedech i couldn't believe that it was her keza serawa mn endehone ehten teyeku she told me that she's a teacher i panicked i felt bad for my mom telatuan satawik abelachat abo mnale mgbu ankosh btmoch anchi yesew chirak shele then bemagistu i tried to cut my hair mkniyatum ante slemitwedew kedmowunu salfeleg neber yemetahut ena mnale yane tseguren likort beyazku eje ejenm bekoretku. Abet gn kifatih bante hatiyat enem liketa new tew gn tew hmemen adnew tlant mata ayehuk keset gar behilme. Endet endazenku aba demoko simen benatih temsalet new yawetahilgn gn demo yedro fkregnah endalhonech bemn lamin echilalew aba himem ena tsetset ligelegn new tew ezenilgn lijh techenkalech :(

#Family #Teen

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