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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey am addicted to mastrubat i start it like when i was 13 or 12 may 11 i couldn't rember i am 22 now i wanna stop so bad i regret it after doing it ever single time all this year but i never stop and am losing my feeling i will finsh mastrubat like after 3 or 5 sec i now i shouldn't do it but i am i now God will not be happy with what am doing but still doing it
Please someone just tell me how to stop 😭😭

#HealthComplications #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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am 21

yehone gze my mother went out for work then bet wust ene fzr ena my grandma nbrn so that day my grandma asked me to play outside. keza when the rain started eyerotku wede bet segeba they were having sex yhe happen seyareg i was around 8 or 9 my father thinks that I forgot it but I remember it like it happened yesterdayMotherm ke bezu wend
Ga sex taregalech yhen yawekut kerb gze nw😭 tg accountuan dbke login arge nw yawekut ena I have a little sister ena I think she is my uncle's bc betam nw memesaselut ena be tg they were talking about love😳 ena I don't know what to do huletum asteletognal betelay mother I don't like her


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey, I'm gonna address this to once who was my bf,
First I'm so sorry for what I've done,ik I've been selfish stupid, gn we both were insecure we couldn't work it out,, we both played victim, gn it hurts me still thinking bout it, u cared, I've never been this bothered, idk I still miss u, I still pray about u, wuuuu the way I hurt u, I was so selfish, ik ik🥺
Gn u hurt me to baby, bcha I miss u I still think bout u, and those bitchs we talked bout we gave them names and shit, they still make me feel left out, I accepted it by now, gn I'm slowly getting into that depressive stage I was in, I hate coming to home from school, I hate going to school too, I can't even cry, idk what's have gotten into me lately I'm slowly turning into stone hearted person, I don't even got no one to talk to, I tried to tell someone gn Gena mawrat ljemr sl, I feel like I lost that expressive talkative girl, I zone out lot, bcha it meant lot when u was there for me, thank u for what you've done l, and am Soo sorry for the way I hurted u and messed up your life, I hope your in this channel and see this,, and at the same time I hope u don't see this, I still think about u,❤️
hawasa uv🙂
I hope it's going well, I hope I didn't completely mess your life❤️

#Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I've been seeing this guy for two years. He loves me very much, and I love and care for him too, but not as much as he loves me. Before him, I was with another guy with whom I had fallen madly in love, like the love in "The Notebook." Things didn't work out with him, and after a year, I met the guy I'm dating now. We're in a long-distance relationship, and ever since we started dating, I've always had doubts about whether he's the one for me. I'm happy with him, but not as happy as I was before. Deep down, I know I don't deserve him. I've tried telling him this and breaking up several times, but we always get back together.

Part of me wonders if things will change over time, but another part is afraid that if I end up with him for the rest of my life, I might not be as happy as I want to be because I've never fully given him my heart. On the other hand, I'm 24 and feel like time is ticking for me to start a family and get serious. If I start dating from scratch, this thought has been bugging me for two years. Please help your sister out.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey I am new here, I am 23 yr old M
I am feeling so low in his life right now. The assault I experienced at the age of 10 has haunted me for years, and now I is struggling with thoughts of ending my life. I feels like there is no way out of the pain and the trauma that I has been carrying for so long. I desperately wants help, but I am not sure where to turn or if I will ever be able to find peace. I wants to believe that there is hope for healing, but right now, it feels out of reach. All I wants is to feel safe and free from the pain that has been weighing me down for so long. I knows I needs help, but i am scared and feels so alone. any help

#MentalIllness #SexualAssault

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Kibreab
I need to vent

AAU student, prolly gon be a 3rd year in 2017 ካልተጫርኩ 😂 (I'm not kidding tho)

So, picture this: I had a bestie for over eight years. We became super tight in grade nine, practically glued at the hip. In high school, we were so close that everyone thought we were dating. Spoiler alert: we weren't. I even had a secret relationship during high school but kept her in the dark about it. Fun times, right?

She was my go-to, my safe haven. I could tell her everything, and she did the same with me. But after our 12th exam, things got a bit rocky. We started doubting our friendship—because that's what every great friendship needs, a sprinkle of doubt.

Fast forward to university: same school, same campus. And just three days in, we had a massive fallout. Totally my fault. Cue the waterworks. I cried buckets because, you know, losing your closest friend of five years in a dramatic conflict is the best way to kick off freshman year.

We haven't spoken in a year. My classmates and people who had the same class as me in high school have been nagging me to make peace with her, but I’ve been stubbornly holding out because I'm convinced she’ll never see me the same way again. Plus, fixing things? Way too mainstream.

Now, my social life is non-existent. No friends, nada. I don’t think anyone could ever be like her again. My mom adored her, and her mom adored me. Her mom still calls me like everything is peachy, but she has no clue about the fallout. Classic.

So, here I am, debating whether to crawl back and try to be friends again or just find someone new in Addis who’s willing to be friends. Preferably a woman because, let’s face it, who else would tolerate this level of drama? Thoughts?


#School #Friendship #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Don't know when this will get approved but ya let's go

Eshi yalfut 5 ametat behiwete kebad ametat neberu bezu asalfyalew welaj motobgnal bezu Kise mnm alneberebgnm beteseben eje neber metebkew.bezi mehal demo feteregna alegn bezu amet abrew yehonku distance relationship new mulu genegnunetachen.ena yagatemugn negeroch betam lewtewgnal yederow abraw yehonechew lej aydelhum.acheyim eyalegnem bihon lerase birr magegnbet mengd fetryalew .bezu neger lay larg sel yadakmegnal beka berchi endemalet ayhonm new milew.mengrewn neger about my life melso enen lemegudat yetekmbtal.toxic behari aybetalew aywedgnem beka endaybal 5 amet koyen mn yebalal.ena ahun ende telat eyayewt new fail bareg bisekalgn chgr byagatmegn mnm alnagrm.ewnetun lemenagr ahuns ewedewalew enenja.becha endi mehonu normal aydelm aydel sewoch Gera selhbagn new.lelaw demo deep inside I feel yebetesebochen wers endemifelg kenega bemehon endet new matarat mechlew felagotu yehe kehone?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone,
So i got a question for you ladies…. bear with me …..this is not a thirst trap try to follow my drift until the end.

so here is my situation, been a player for quite a while and have dated alot even with people above my age. Have had a good sex review, dont have any problems with that whatsoever. I keep it clean never ended things in bad terms with anyone. spontaneous with words and with how i can make you nut, Ultimate fuck boy type .Tmi?

Might call me a modern day christian gray with out the helicopter lol

The reason I mentioned all this is so that you can picture what i have been like so that you can answer my question informed.

So these days ive wanting to settle down be there for someone have a conversation, know things about them leave my toxic shit behind and be a better partner, be understanding, intuitive so on and so forth but when ever im asked about my past and i talk about it ladies tend to get weird with me.

Girls get possessive, nagging, complaining all the time , starting a fight for no reason; while im just trying to be a better person. get accused of cheating, while still staying clear of that route. They dont introduce to friends and get all insecure and things end up blowing on my face. Thought i was supposed to be the toxic one.

My question is, is it too much for someone to know me like this and still have a healthy attitude about it?

Do i have to hide this about myself so you ladies wont feel insecure?

Are you guys sure when you say you like a guy with some experience or is it something you say but don’t actually mean?

What is your take on this ?
How can i have a healthy relationship based on honesty without the side effects?
Am i too selfish to ask this
M 26

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Wolelaw
I need to vent
What is a standard for you guys?
I have dated a couple of girls in my past and everytime I called the quits. My friends follow up by saying I don't have standards and so on. Like most of the girls I dated are black and I am lighskin ena I don't mind lightskin girls too but I feel like they are my sister's or cousin😂. for that reason I mostly preferred black girls other than that gn I truly go for the Personality. Gn ahun yenesun perspective sreda ena connecting the dots girls with good personality might be mid and that's why they have good tsebay, it's to make up for it.

So, guys what should I do, what's is a good standard on a women. To be in a serious relationship with (22M)


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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እሺ ትውልዴ አላችሁ?በቃ እንደዚህ ቅጥ አንባሩ የጠፋ ህይወት እንደ ቀልድ normex ነው ብለን መኖር መጀመራችን አይገርምም
እግዚአብሔር ይፈራል ተብሎ በሚዘመርበት ሀገር
ይሄ ሁሉ ጉድ ገና በ 20ዎቹ መጀመሪያ ላይ ተሸክመን እርጅናችንማ ምን እንደሚመስል አይገባኝም በርግጥ በዚህ አካሄዳችን ሸምግለን ትውልድ ለመምከር እንደማንበቃ የታወቀ ነው በቅጡ ለአንድ ለራሳችን የመሆን አቅምም የሌለን ከንቱ ሆነናል ምክንያቱም እግዚአብሔር የሌለው ማንነት የሞራል ህግም የለውምና..በጣም ነው የሞናሳዝነው የምናስጠላውም በትንጥ ነገር እራስን ማጥፋት ነው, porn ነው, እርካታ ሁሉ sex ውስጥ ያለ ነው የሚመስለን
እንዴት ነው የምናስጠላው?
ምንም አዲስ ነገር አይታየንም ከrelationship ውጪ?? ገና በ19 አመታችን 3ተኛ relationship ኧረ ምን አይነት የዘመን መጨረሻ ላይ ተፈጠርን...እንዴ እኛ ስፔሻል አይደለንም በቃ ምንም ነገር ያጋጥማል ማዘንም መከዳትም ማጣትም ትዳርም ፍቅረኛም ትልቅ ነገር አይደለም
ኧረ ትውልድዬ ወዴት ነው የምንደርሰው በዚህ አካሄድ?

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey just wan say stg for everyone who’s struggling no matter how messy our life is going no matter how crazy the shitty things come into our life no matter how hard it is to live our life still, those thing are not the reason for us to 'stop'.
because after all of that, we still totally deserve the happiness we still totally deserve the better days we still totally deserve the beautiful life so, no matter how rough our day is, let's stay alive let's stay alive and prove it to the world that we still deserve all the good things among all that shit
I love you guys stay awake 🤍

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Olla ladies and gentlemen's
So am going to hit 20's F in about a month and i feel like am too old and i haven't done nothing at all. All i remember is that i was 11 years old playin with my friends then boooom now am 20 idk how the time went. I can't say i did things that am proud of. Am currently learning law at uni about to be 3rd year and i broke up with my boyfriend 6 month ago and idk what's gonna happen in the next chapter of my life and i feel like am left of and haven't done nothing so ladiess what do you think i should be doin?? Am really getting stressed coz i hv to take my life seriously on my relationship and also financially. Give me any advice that helped you survive ur twenties.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Sewoch am I the only onw who thinks this channel is increasingly being filled with drama? I don't know if it's just me being paranoid but many of these vents smell like a bait written to catfish ppl for our greedy selfs blindfolded by lust. This was supposed to be a place where ppl feel safe. And don't even get me started on the comments section. I don't lie even I feel the compulsion to reach out to a nice girl who shared her problems here ... but what I see with not so few ppl is outright greedy selfish behavior. I just wanted to say we're ugly. Thanks


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey am 26F I have a 2 years old relationship Ena ene endemifeligew ayhonilignim mnm support ayadergegnim endewim kismen nw misebrew like atakim atichiyim nw milegn
Sew fit respect yadergegnal Guadegnochun hulunim astewawkognal yiwedugnal enesum gn lene time yelewim mulu ken minigenagnibet ken kalhone le tinish dekika bilo enen magignet ayfeligim. sinitala yeteshale wend ga hiji nw milegn beza lay betam yikoral yakorfal ene yalkut yihun nw milew gn liyatagnim ayfeligim anchi bicha nesh yaleshign nw milegn hule yidewililignal saydewililign kerto ayawkim Demo my friends are getting married And I want it too gn financially stable silalhone esu ready aydelem ena old yehonku eyemeselegn nw is it normal or ? And sometimes I just want to end our relationship... what should i do

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi guys
So f19
Im feeling a bit guilty about this guy. Let me start form the beginning. So we met at school, we were really good friends I was good to him when he was going through a really hard breakup and he vented to me and I said call me anytime u feel alone and that's how we bonded. Mind u I said friends I had no other feelings for him and I made that clear. I even lied and said I liked some other dude and we kissed menam so he would know his place in my life. But then school ended and i got an amazing opportunity but I couldn't afford it so I told him since u can afford it why won't u try it. He said he would pay for the both of us I said no but then he got offended saying are we not friends. What are friends for menamn. So I said Okey and we went through it. I got encouraged enough to tell my parents bcuz the process was really working. And one day he called and told me he was in love with me and he don't want my answer bcuz he knows what it's gonna be so I gave no answer. Then we had a fight about me not giving him an answer. He gaslight me so had I had to apologize for not giving him an answer and I gave one. Which was no i don't have that kind of feelings for you I'm sorry, and if you wanna stop what ur doing for me you can stop. Then he said fine I don't want to lose our friendship. And I didn't wanna lose my process so i stayed friends with him. Mind u he gets mad if I don't pick up the phone menamn. Then he asked me for the second time and the third time and I said I have no feelings on both times. But on the 4th and the last time he made me feel like he was just paying so he could have me. I knew all along but he always denide it and said it's cuz i deserve it but this time I knew he was gonna stop and I couldn't disappoint my parents who were rotting for me so I said yes let's be together but then now I feel bad bcuz he thinks I love him but I'm gonna leave his ass as soon as I finish bcuz that mf blackmailed me in to a relationship. He taking about marriage menamn but I've nvr even let him hold my hand let alone think about marriage . I hate him for forcing me in to this when he knew I didn't want this. But now I kinda feel bad bcuz he really does love me and it's gonna break his heart when I leave him Becha ya thanks for reading I know it's long. And spear me if ur here to judge. But i would like to know what u guys think

#Friendship #Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is for protestants who consider themselves super close with The Lord. Heyyy👋a 20 y.o here so I became a Christian like 4 or 3 years ago and for 1-2 Years I was very close with the Lord I used to hear his voice and encounter him in dreams and stuff, in thoes years i always tried my best to act like Jesus did and living as Jesus did but after sometime I grew tired and had enough because it's was so hard to love and serve people when they hated you and I had nobody who would encourage me in my faith, not family, couldnt go to church, not friends (i lost most of them cuz i converted). The spiritual warfare was also intense.
The lsolation, lonleyness and continous taunting of the demonic spirits led me to give up on everything and I kinda backed away and slowly backslid to where I am now (spiritualy). It has almost been a year since I heard the lords voice for myself. I do have dreams but it's about how where I am rn is not a good place and that I should try to reconnect with the lord and he also says through people that how im living now dosent bring glory to him and that he wants me to comeback to him but I really don't know how and I don't know if I can go through what i went through back then.
soooo I'm sorry for the long paragraphs but if you get it write some advice if you don't scroll<3


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey ya'll
I just wanna say that I do not like anyone at all ,Im starting to hate ppl very much ,is that normal ?,share helpful experiences.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey i love this boy before i see his face or voice

I used to date him and we broke up but 2 year later he text me saying he sorry he never want me to see with anyone else menamen the i accept his apology and we were a cute couple but one day my ex text me we start talkign like friends he though we were getting think fixed he bolck me by saying u trying to play with me i say i neverand we play a good game bye and i say u where playing right he say i wasnt but u play have fun and we didnt talk like month and i called him apologized and he say it was my fault i should listen to u not bocking u and we are back agian and month later my bsf says i am her man like joke and he saw it and he things it was a boy and he u still playing and month later i text him i wasn't and it wasn't what he think it was and i want him but he need me more (his new gf ) and we never talk like 6 month and one day we start taking and we were about to meet but that day he and his ex get back never text me and i leave him alone but 2 month later someone told me they broke up and finally we start followign each other and he posted a story say she broke him so much and he loved here and lot thing and i replay u finally understand he say i but i never want u to experience this he say keze buhalma wef and we start taking and he told me he would be the 1 person that i will trust and i replayed maybe he say wbu and i need to the only one and he say u will be and becha we start taking more often but when i called him ka sew gar eywrabet nw watting west egbalw but he never called me back .
I really loved him betam u guys don't have any idea how much i love him even one time he gost me for his ex but he apologized i accept him i love him betam gen i don't think he loves me i think he just playing i don't think he ever want me idk why i have a feeling if hes ex is back he will leave me for idk my friends told me to give up on him but i can't he so gentlman back to good day when we used to date i was the only girl he follow his following list was like 50

One thing he never understand is he will never found someone who love him like

#School #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys I need ur help i have bf but ahun breakup adergenal le 3 amet fkregnaye nbr ena bemehal betam bezu ngrochn asalefenal betam bzu kebad negrochn endasalef adergognal as a physco and physical health ena bemehal yehone sew life west geba esu dmo he treat me kesu semet yene tenent yemiyasasebw sew nw senawera andm ken sle sex awertogn ayakm ena bka betam temechgn abren enkuwan room gebten mnm sanareg tesesemen becha nw yewetanew betam nw lesemete yemichnkew gn bemhal and tefat atefaw lezignaw salengrew kezagnaw gar jemrku ene his friend kiss senareg ayun ena negrut bka kawekew aykr beye enem negrkut kza betam mezat jemre yene kalehonsh yemanem atognim alekshm manem sew abrosh ayhonm egelewalew malt jemre lemnkut bzu ngr areku gn le ene family selalew ngr sayekr negrachew abren selasalefnw kebad gize sayekr hulunm ataw esu ahun dres masferaratun aletewem mn lareg bmn lasekumew?

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications #Relationship #SexualAssault #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
i'm a boy 20yrs old ምን መሠላችሁ guys ከፍቅራኛዬ ጋር የተዋወቅነው የዛሬ ሁለት አመት ገደማ ይመስለኛል እና የተዋወቅንበት ምክንያት የእሷ ጓደኛ ጋር bestfriend ስለ ሆንኩ ነው እኔ ስበዛ ብቸኝነትን የምወድ ልጅ ነበርኩ እናም ትንሽ ዱርይነት አለብኝ ነበረ የሱስ ሳይሆን just ንግግሬ ምናምን እና እሷ ነበረች የ tg አካውንቴን ከጓደኛዬ ወስዳ ለሊት 3 ሰአት መጥታ ያወራነው ያው አላውቅም ብቻ..ገና አውርተን በሳሚንቱ ከባድ ፍቅር ውስጥ ገባን..እና የክረምት ትምህርት ገባች ይበልጥ መቀራረብ ጀመርን except sex የማናረገው ነገር የለም እንሳሳማለን ብቻ ብዙ ነገር እናረግ ነበረ ያው sex ደሞ እኔ አልፈልግም ነበረ ታውቃላችሁ ወንድ ልጅ የምያፈቅራትን ሴት ሴክስ ማረግ አይፈልግም..😿እና ነው ምላችሁ አንድ ቀን አጋጣሚ እኔና እሷ የትምሀርት ቤት ግቢ ውስጥ kiss እያረግን ድብቅ ቦታ ሄደን ልጆች ጦቀሙን ግን ደስ የምለው ልክ ተሳስመን ወደ ክላስ ገብታ ነበረ እኔን director ይዞኝ የት አለች ልጅቷ አለኝ ከዛላችሁ የሷ ክፍል ወስጄያቸው እሷን ከ ክላስ ጎትተው..ቢሮ ገባን ያው ነገሮች እንደ አሰብኩት አላገኘሁትም ጭራሽ sex እንደ አደረግን ተደርጎ ወሬው ተቀነባብሮ ጠበቀን ወላጅ አምጥታችሁ ከዝህ ትምህርት ቤት ትበራራላችሁ ተባልን እሷ ክፉኛ አለቀሰች እኔ ጣጣ የለብኝም i'm not brilliant student but she's so brilliant ..ከ top 3 ነች በጣም ጎበዝ ተማሪ ነች ከ 7ኛ ክፍል ተነስቼ ነው ማውቃት ያው የተቃረረብነው 10th ጨርሰን..ካርድ ስንወስድ እለት ነው..ብቻ ወደ ጉዳዩ ስመለስ ከግቢ ተበራርን ስልካችንን ተቀማን እና እሷን ለማረጋጋት የሆነ ግሮሰሪ ቤት አለ እዛ ቁጭ ብለን ስታለቅስ ማየት እንደ ማልፈልግ ከዝህ በፊት ቃል ገብታልኝ ነበረ እና ቃሏን ለመጠበቅ ስትል😿ውስጧ በሀዘን ይደማ ነበረ ጭራሽ እምቧዋን መቆጣጣር አቅቶዋት አለቀሰች እኔም ክፉኛ አለቀስኩ አስባልሁታል የትምህርት ቤታችን director የአባቷ ጓደኛ መሆኑን ስንሰማ ይበልጥ እንደ ምትጎዳብኝ እራሴን አጠፋለሁ አባቴ ካወቀ አለችኝ በጣም ከፋኝ አለም ፊቷን አዞረችብኝ ..😞እሷን ማጣት አልፈልግም እና እናቴን እንኳን እንደ እሷ አልወዳትም ነበረ በግዜው ብቻ ግቢ ስላችሁ highschool ከ 3ቀን በፊት ኑ ተባልን በግዜው ሄድን ነገሩን ቀለል አረጉልን ኡፍ አልሃምዱሊላህ ብቻ ነበረ ያልኩት ዳግም ግቢ ውስጥ አብራችሁ ብትታዩ ትታገዳላችሁ ተባልን...እና ፈርመን እናም ስልካችንን ባንክ ቤት ሄጄ 400br አስገብቼ ትኬት ወስጄ ለ director ሰጥቼ ስልካችንን ወሰድን እና ለእሷ ስል ያን ግዜን ያልከፈልኩት መስዋዕትነት የለም እና ይህን ህመም አልፈነው ደስተኛ እየሆንን እያለን በመሀከላችን ሰው እንደ ገባ ነገረችኝ ግን እወጣዋለሁ ስትለኝ አምኜያት ነበረ ምክንያቱም ያን ቀን አልቅሳ ካላንተ መኖር አልችልም አንተን ካጣሁ እሞታለሁ ስትለኝ አምኜያት ነበረ ብቻ በጣም እንፋቀር ነበረ

😣ስልኬ ውስጥ እራሱ she's pusy pic እና እርቃን ፎቶዋን ነበረኝ ያው ታምነኝ ስለ ነበረ ነበረ ጣጣዋ አልነበረም እኔም ላክልኝ ስትልኝ i send my dik photo's ...እና እኔ በዛ ሰአት የቤተሰብ ሸክም እንደ መሆኔ መጠን እሷ አትራዳኝም ነበረ ሁሌ በተመሳሳይ ጫማ እና ሱሪ እሷን ማየት አፈርኩ ደህና ልብስ የለኝም አዎ እሷ ከነ ማንነቴ ነበረ የተቀበለችኝ እና...ሌላ ወንድ ጋር relationship እንደ ጀመረች ነገራችኝ እኔ ቀልድ መስሎኝ ስቄ አልፍ ነበረ እና በተደጋጋሚ እኔን መጉዳት ጀመረች ..💔even መከላክያ ልሄድ ነበረ እሷ ነበረ ያስቀራችኝ ለምን ትሄዳለህ ስትለኝ አንቺን ካጣሁ ምን እሰራለሁ ..ስላት እንደ ምታፈቅራኝ በድጋሚ አልቅሳ አስቀረችኝ እና በድጋሚ አብረን እያለን..ከሆነ ትልቅ ወጣት i think he's 27 years old..ይሁን እሺ

ግን በመጨረሻም ጥላኝ ለመሄድ ፈልጋ ሁሌ በንግግሯ አታውራኝ እየከፋክ ከሆነ ከእኔ መራቅ ትችላለህ እኮ ትለኝ ነበረ እና ..እኔ አልኳት አንቺን መስበር ብፈልግ እኮ የእራቁት ፎቶሽን ለወንድምሽ ወይም ለትህትሽ መላክ እችላለሁ አልኳት..💔እንደዝህ ስላት እኮ ከእራሴ ጋር ላቆየት በማሰቤ እንጂ ልጎዳት አልነበረም ለካስ እሷ ይበልጥ እኔን መጉዳቱን ያዘችው እየተቃጠልኩም ብሆን ልርቃት በማሰቤ የስልኬን screen ወርውሬ ሰበርኩት😣ከዛ ቀን ቦሃላ አውርተን አናውቅም..እና በቃ ghost አደረኩት ከእሱ ጋር ያጠፍጥላት ብዬ እሷም በቃ ዝም አለች የምር እኔን ፈልጋ ከሆነ ስልኬን screen ብሰብረውም text ታረጋለች ብዬ ስንት ቀን ጠበቅኳት ዝም አለች ምናምን እኔም በቃ ፍቅር ላይ ሳይሆን ስራ ላይ እና ብር ላይ move on ማረግ አለብኝ እልኩ i meet someone i started work🔥እና አሁንም ድረስ ትዝታዎችን አላጠፋቸውም

ግን የእሷን እርቃን ፎቶ with pussy pic ስልኬ ውስጥ አሉ😀ለወንድሟ ልላካቸው እንዴ?

#School #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I oscillate between normal interactions and sudden withdrawal, which strains my ability to maintain friendships...I often find myself dwarfed by those perceived as more affluent or educated, triggering deep-seated feelings of inferiority and insignificance... n again my persistent failures n loss of faith in my religion have cast a shadow over my life, leaving me purposeless
...sometimes death feels like an escape to this never ending turmoil...
Why do god, with his infinite wisdom n love, let people get mentally tortured like this...


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello I think am pregnant my period late honual like for a week ena my boos betam eyamemegn new ena gn if am pregnant I can't keep the baby because am virgin and I just can't keep it ena anyone hospital yemiawk kale abort lemadreg in Addis with affordable price pls help me out


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi folks have my greeting
I am 22m and i came here just to say like am feeling nothing lately I mean am not depressed like I used to be but when I tried to feel myself am not even feeling human anymore and it been normalized in me for long years almost 5 years and I haven't felt nothing real for this years because I have been in war half of it and seriously I overcome the insanity and painful depression that I tot I couldn't survive
without anyone knowing by myself and when I look back I have survived and battled strongly and am proud of myself cause I have made it Alive myself rn and things are different but it's not completely gone
that's the depression bad side you can win it but it won't leave you whatever you did whoever you are and whatever you have successed that's what most ppl question when celebrities and rich ppl commit suicide because the demon you have to fought is unexplainable and who survived of it is real heroes ik there are a lot who made it silently and I hope you will keep going ❤️
But the time, the possession the energy and the opportunities we waste is also more painful while we battle the darkness
and when I come to mine after i make it out my deconstruction era am feeling so gone am losing sense of self and I don't even know what I been feeling till I came here to vent am feeling like am just existing
And I been waiting for to long to change my spot to start over my life with ppl idk because I feel drained around me and I know them and they know me even on the era of my pain and I have lost sense around it and it senseless to begin again here
And am exhausted and feeling hollow and stuck am also tired of waiting for that place called somewhere where I meet new ppl and feel alive it's been while since I felt it's called love and peace
I am not depressed but am tired of where I am and am also Afraid to not lose myself again and slow down and idk how to ask my family for support because they see me stronger they don't even have a hint what I've been feeling and they don't even care what am saying
What shall I do guys?

#Melancholy #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Well, it was a normal day. I was heading to campus. My hair was up, the typical messy bun. I had a casual outfit on, a black cargo pants with a baggie hoodie. I got in the first taxi. Then the ረዳት came and opened the front door for me telling the next lady trying to get in ሰው አለ. I thought to myself "pretty privilege". The taxi started moving. I had my airpods on solely for the purpose of avoiding talking to people, I enjoy listening to music tho.

Meanwhile the taxi driver made some comments about me something like የቃላት ለከፋ I just shoulder shrugged and ignored him. It was obvious that I wasn't interested and disgusted by the way he approached me.

There was this girl sitting right next to me. Probably around the age of 28. በየመሀሉ ገልመጥ ለማድረግ ትሞክር ነበር. After some time he grabbed my thigh. I was shook not knowing what to do. እጁን በእጄ ገፋ አድርጌ. I kept minding my own business. He didn't stop. And I just sat there hopelessly hating myself because I found it hard to stand up for myself. This was probably happening for the 500th time in my life. ሴትዮዋም sat there አልሰማውም ብላ.

It wasn't my first time being assaulted. I faced many incidents like this since I was 4. But this is my reaction almost every time. Just standing or sitting there with zero power to defend myself. I just keep my mouth shut even after it happens.

But I kept thinking, what if the girl next to me was some women's rights activist. What if she was one of the feminists I scroll down on TikTok thinking they're just trying to destroy our tradition? Would I have felt helpless? Would the guy have been held accountable for what he did?

Many of us despise feminists for every religious and traditional reasons. But they are indeed being a voice for voiceless people like myself.

#SexualAssault #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Why is it so hard to find a mature friend?someone who knows boundaries and respect but have place for fun, not in a twisted way tho.
Everyone this days have a victim mindset…its never ‘lets grow together’
im so tired of it. I just want someone who wants to improve themselves while balancing a happy life! Is it too much to ask for? I mean every single person i met, on their 20’s are so fked. No future… just a dream with no action… for most reading is boring and clubbing all night makes you cool n shi,not saying parties ain’t fun…in fact i enjoy it but everything have their own limits.
The victim mindset tho…
For God's sake, a relationship ending is not the end of the world!!! Nor is a break of friendship!!

#Friendship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So lately ive been having this feeling of not having a purpose, feeling of being a burden , im feeling like im the dead fish that goes with the flow and i cant stop thinking about it. Maybe its cause i over think alot like alot but idk, im a 22m and a uni student i thought i had my shit figured out and thought i was ready for everything but lately it all went sideways. I was the type of guy that enjoys spending time with my thoughts sort alike they were my safe peaceful space but lately im scared just to be alone with my thoughts and its bad i notice my self trying to do some time consuming stuff to trick my thoughts but that's not helping. And i was just hoping if someone could relate and hoping for an advice i guess 🙇🏽‍♂

#MentalIllness #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
20F lost young people! Something inside me told me to vent while I was reading the 19 year old girl’s vent. She was sayin she’s lost, she couldn’t find an answer for her questions. like why this generation seeks lust over love……Girls wake up! The world is in your hand. Stop wearing clothes the world wants but you, stop hanging out with people the world follows but you, stop being what the world wants you to be but your parents!! The world is lying but not your parents!! be intentional! Know what to spend your gold time are loosing your self while trying to fulfill the world. The picture you post on social media is not exactly what you are but what your follower wants to see. Stop being fool and work on your mind over you look!!if it’s all for men’s believe me The man you attract physically will leave you when seeing how unattractive you are mentally! So please wake up

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey people,
I've been feeling down for a little while now and I just thought maybe talking about it might help.
I feel abandoned by everyone, I feel like everyone's turned their back on me. Even my own family doesn't care about me. And I don't even feel like God is on my side anymore. I don't know what I have done to displease God so much that he forsaken me. It's almost starting to feel like a pattern, he gives me hope with one hand and takes it away with the other, I don't want this to sound like a complaint but I'm genuinely lost here. Sometimes I just think about my childhood how things were much simpler but then again my childhood wasn't that exciting either but still things were much easier when I kid. The last few years of my life doesn't even feel real, I lost so many people, I realized some harsh truths and turns out I never really had anyone care about me genuinely. Anyway I don't want bother you with irrelevant details. I just want to say if you have real people in your life appreciate them there aren't many of them left.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Why is everything so sexual with men these days? Why can't you control your desires and get to know someone for who they really are before making things sexual? Genuine relationships aren’t built on lust. If you’re not ready for a real relationship, you should only talk to women who feel the same. I am so tired of men approaching me and claiming they want a real relationship, only to reveal their true intentions of seeking something sexual after just a few hours or days.Don’t deceive real women with lies.

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
So the thing is, my father recently got sick(cancer), ena becha i don't know what to do the world has a thing of taking the ones u love those people u consider pure it messes with u .I don't even see in what sense this judgment is fair. Maybe he is overdue his time of rule to make such an absurd judgment . Maybe he should step down from his throne .


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