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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey I need to vent actually I don't know were to starte I'm having huge problem in my life the thing is a year ago I meet one boy who different and I don't know why I felt like his the one even proposed him but he told me that he has a gf but also asked me to be his friend and I accept It the reason why I said yes to the friendship was to get closer to him u may call me an idiot but I was hoping that he didn't have any gf after all by the time passed we start talking for an hour's on phone eve we spend time together even though I'm The only one who make the effort I started thinking that we're getting closer but I was wrong

Some days befor I asked him what is our relationship stats he said tings that makes me realize I mean nothing for him but I try to forget about him but I can't b/c I'm so in love with hime when I called him after that day he was Normal he talked to me like I have my own place in his life in short he is making me confused like When I try to live him he began to be kind person when I try to get closer he will push me away and know I don't know what to do I'm facing a lot of problems because of my emotions 🥺🥺😭😭😭 I just want to be happy with him but all got is nonces talk's and nonces opinions about different tings like we don't eve discuss real issue's I thought to live him for one's and for all but that's not an option because I love him very


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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To all the girls who once felt "i am his and only his" but unfortunately had to break up

I had a question, i was in a relationship where i completely believe i belong to him and he belonged to me, but unfortunately we broke up. I've been doing the moving on and im good now. I have passed the loss and the hurt stage. But i can't seem to consider a new relationship at all.

I still feel like i am only his, i only belong to him. So i was wondering if it is possible to pass this stage, is this a phase or is it going to be like that forever?

I'm confused because i no longer hold love for him. I've been considering if i hadn't moved on but no love is left in me for him. I'm confused

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 𓁶
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20 B
Hi ya'll 👋🏾 I'm here cuz it worries me ... a lot. I'm 20 and still no kiss or anything with girls. I still try to talk a bunch of girls but endup with clearing the chat😭. I even try a lotta date websites and telegram dating bots. I'm so rough guy. I dumped like 2 girls le date eketrachewna ekeralew ik it's so dump ..but the reason is i don't wanna just let go my virginity with someone i don't wanna have a long term relationship with. I want it to have meaning and wanna show my loyalty to the girl I wanna endup. Bcha I wanna be in a relationship betam asf😭.

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Guys I believe the best way to stop watching porn or masturbation is to get a girl of your own. I see youngsters suffer from depression as a result of this. But building your social skills and being with some girls will really help you. It just takes a few months of investment on your mental and physical health.

#Melancholy #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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👋 Greetings
Looking for a psychologist willing to discuss about an urgent matter regarding a friend with BPD
Any input is appreciated honestly
Thank you in advance 🙇‍♀️


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Asabedikegn ewnet..endeee 1 week eko new makih mindnew endi hasabe hulu ante lithin yechalikew?? demo eko ezihu vent lay yawekuhis neger..besimam the way you talk 🙈🙈..keza demo dimtsih siamir still yisemagnal demo eko 1week awriten keza kakomin eko 1 month alifonal le 1 week bicha awikeh eskahun endet lasibih chalik koy is it normal??? gid yelehim abije new..ayasikim I'm still thinking about you..weyine gude eyabediku new meselegn...your tg name N b new a benatih ewdishalehu belegn..normal bayihon erasu zim bileh i love you belegn


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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እንዴት ናችሁ
Am 22 f እንድታማክሩኝ የምጠይቃችሁ ቤት ውስጥ ያለኝ ነፃነት ማጣትን እንዴት ሳልናደድ ሳልከፋ ችየው ልኑር የሚለውን ነው ከጓደኞቼ ጋር መገናኘት ማውራት ሻይ ቡና ለማለት ሀዘን ሆኖ እንኳ ልቅሶ ለመድረስ ስወጣ በጣም ነው የምቸገረው አባቴ ጋር ችግር የለም እናቴ ግን በጣም ከባድ ናት ልወጣ ስል መሳደብ መቆጣት ትጀምራለች ከወጣሁ ትንሽ እንደቆየሁ ደውላ በቃሽ ነይ ምን ትሰሪያለሽ ትላለች ጓደኞቼ ይስቃሉ የማሾፍ ሳቅ... ምን አልባት ወንድ ምናምን ብላ ታስባለች አይባል የራሴ ነፃነት የሌለኝ ሰው ሌላ ባልጨመርኩ bf ኖሮኝ አያውቅም አሁንስ በጣም ነው የሰለቸኝ class እንኳ ስሄድ ቶሎ ነይ ነው የምትል ለመማር ሂጄ አቋርጨው አልመጣ ነገር አንዳንዴ ከዚ ቤት ራሴን ችየ ብወጣ መቼም አልመለስም እላለሁ ቤቴን ጠላሁት ምን ላድርግ?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Is there anyone here that suffers from hyperhydrosis? Seriously I need some advice on how to handle it because it’s become a blockade in my life. I feel fucking demotivated and annoyed with something I can’t change.

#HealthComplications #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am in love with kehonch betam des kemetel, ye tsbay enat and konjo kehonch lij. 1 amet alefn mawrat kejmrn sure balhonm tewdegnalch. Ena ahun ye fiker guadegnaye endethon meteyekyaw seat nw beye asbealhu gn endet ena mn teblo endemityk idk dmo memorable endihon efelegalhu so endt larg pls any idea ?
Btw we are uv students


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I was watching some youtube show ( ethiopian) where there are around 10 guys and 10 girls then you will write who you think would be your match from z opposite sex so that u can exchange numbers later on. And yastewalkut neger is beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder cuz z guys which i thought that i will never consider in my life 🙄 would be selected by 3 or more women simeltaneously. And some guys whom i thought are really attractive (  and i thought they r conventionally attrative too idk 😂) could get just 1 match mnamn. Like z main host is 😩😩 soooo hot but i saw 2 girls choosing the other host which for me is z type that i wouldnt give a second glance. So really is beauty not conventional weys the ppl their leveln awkew new ? no offense❤ am being brutally honest weys for real one person who is super attractive to me can be mehhh to another and vice versa ?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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26 M .....ሰሞኑን ስለመሞት ነው የማስበው በቃ እራሴን ባጠፋስ እላለሁ ምክንያቱም ሁሉም ነገር ከበደኝ ስራ ማጣት አሳበደኝ።

ከዚህ ሁሉ ብገላገልስ ሙት ሙት ይለኛል ምንም የማልጠቅም ሰው እንደሆንኩ ይሰማኛል፣በእራስ መተማመኔ ዜሮ ሆኗል፣ ዙሪያዬን አየሁ ለራሴም ለማንም ለምንም አልጠቀምም። ስለዚህ ምን እሰራለሁ ለምን እኖራለሁ......


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey buddies I will make it short...I fail in matric and am in remedial at HU and our time running and am not studying the way I want. Everytime I study I get distracted and I feel lazy ena betam stressful eyehonku new demo mid dersowal


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Everyone getting an eid mubarak call at home except me...astaghfirullah 😢

#Friendship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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1 year and 1 week that's exactly how long it has been since we broke up but every single day i write him a letter sometimes even many times per day eventhough i save those letters for my self , i still see my future with him. andandema bchayen skmt bka like a psycho sntark mn endmnbabal mnamn mn yahl endetenaddkubet endet endmnegrew nw masbew frankly even move on ladrg lela sw date adrge mnamn bye erasu wste miyasbew sntark endet bye sle datu endmnegrew nw yhone cheat yadrku aynet ysemagal .... litrally i stalk him in social media not only him but also there is one girl he tag mention mnamn miyargat bbzat esuanm i stallk her ena i know i should be happy for him gn i hate the fact that he is happy without me i mean how could he??? 5 amt he was my bestfriend my only true friend actually for 4 years dmo we were together alakm keesu befitm bf nbrg i know how breakup feels gn yhe i dont think im being normal ......yttalanew beraasu tfat nw ena i dont regret that lerase self respect slaleg nw yttalahut gn lmn enew tebdye enew eskezare wedewalew???? why does God choose him to be happy? slegodag ygoda eko adlm tru sw nw esum gn enes do i deserve it ? ena guadegoche dmo no body gets me beesu tfat sletetalan bka they are mad at him ena hule sitykugm i moved on tzm aylgm nw mlachew gn ymr im tired of crying my self to sleep and obssesing on someone for this long.............


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Definition of an idiot you say?

An idiot is someone who thinks people are kidding when he sees them act lower than what he expects them to be.
An idiot is who always thinks people are good
An idiot is who always forgives without taking the lesson
An idiot is who does it again and again.

And idiot is me, me is an idiot


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there venting for the second time i am m(23) well i am honest I'm not bad looking but the think is i am afraid of women u know i don't have the confidence to just go and talk to random girl i like and that's killing my confidence and makes me wonder if i could make it work relationship wise and i really really hate it every girl i met up with we end up being friends i always end up friend zoned and im sick of it ena girls help please what makes u put a man friend zoned

#School #Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey, m22 the thing is I cant stop masturbation. And its really getting worse. Ppl who stopped doing that I want u to help me.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey am male 20 am a university 2nd year student, and this question is for the men! Am currently on a situationship & we're having our first date next week

& what I want to know is how do u guys shave ur ass & balls? It gets all itchy and uncomfortable, or just should i leave it there? But she have rimjob fetish & I don't wanna make her sad too... I mean am serious I never shaved before & am nervous please boys help a man up


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
i need  afr those days who can go lib (abrhot) I See lots of girls there gn i want to approach them gn i see them preoccupied with studying mnamn and i dont want to disturb the place by starting a convo I mean my voice is really loud its like microphone and im A M and just turned 21


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys 19f I am felling overwhelmed right now and I was crying the whole day I am a college student and my family's income is unstable and so now adays I don't even have money for taxi and I swear to you I don't know how to explain it I want to be dependent and support myself and even my family but I just don't know how to start, what to do and I fell like a loser. I know I want to change my situation but I can't or better I don't know how. I don't know becaha men edmarge .any remote  job recommendations or any advice will do

#Family #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I had a date with the girl I could only dream of, by every metric. It is probably the best I have been on...come today, no replies and left on seen. Shit is tough man


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello there lost soul
If no one told you this today, let this be your reminder.

You are needed here.

And I understand how hollow those words can feel when you’re trying to balance all that is heavy with-in you. I understand how difficult it can be to trust in your healing before you see it, before you experience it.
But the way you feel right now? It is okay. Do not feel ashamed for this season of your life, do not feel like you need to apologize for finding it difficult to access your hope or your belief or your will right now. And while I know you may feel like things are never going to get better — what if they do? While I know you think you are never going to fall in love — what if you do? While I know you think there isn’t any beauty left in this uni-verse for you — but what if there is? What if there is?

Stay here.

Stay here because that is truly the only way you are going to see that life does get better, that the pain does subside, that you will learn how to bear the weight of living, and loving, and hurting, and growing in the mess and in the awe of this existence. Stay here because you never know what tomorrow is going to bring, you never know what experiences are waiting for you on the other side of your fight.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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There is a guy who work around my work place. He is very good looking handsome and with a very perfect physique. Ezi mesriyabet kegebahubet ken ansto andm ken slesu salasb kerche alakm. We are not close we just say hi when we walk past eachother and make lots of eyecontact. Ene behonw balhonew esu wedalebet akababi eyehedku keruku ayewalehu esum yayegnal. Hulem kebzu sewoch ga nw mihonw, still gn be aynum bihon selam ylegnal keza. Heje endalanagrew betam shy negn beza lay kesu kar endet conversation ejemralew mnn yemiyagenagnen ngr yelemko. Beza lay he is not interested, bihon noro yehone ngr yareg nbr. Please slesu maseb makom yemchelbetn ngr mkerugn.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have this huge crush on a guy in our campus and I have been thinking of talking to him for a while but lacks the courage to do it bc I feel like he is way out of my league. And the worst thing about it is that he is about to graduate this year😩
I know that I can’t do it in person bc I’m the most introvert person you would ever know but in case you see it
You guys I can’t believe I said it out loud😭


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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so here is the thing am a guy in my early twenties and am in a long distance relationship . I live abroad and thanks to God I have a bright future but here is the thing am in a relationship and I fully believe in the relationship that am in . when I grew up my lifestyle was like every Ethiopian households (hulum neger yemola ayedelem) the thing is I want to help my family so bad and I want to make my parents feel better and happy because I know what they've been through to provide for me and my siblings. they sacrificed their whole life for us . the issue is I have to work hard for me and to provide for my parents but everytime I do that my girlfriend gets mad that am not giving her enough time even though I try to be there whenever I get free time and only the people who live abroad knows how busy you get in order to win at life (I work 12 hours bzw) and I give her more time for her than my families but that's just not enough so can someone please help me if you have any ideas or experiences on this?
for the people who say talk to her , I talked to her several times and explained to her everything but she finds a way to get back to it . and I can't choose between them because she'll be my life partner and they're my bloods . thanks for reading

#Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I don't know where to start but i'm about to burst into tears. I'm about to marry within the coming few days. I'm 25 and he's 40 we have a really huge age gap, the moment I decided to marry him was because i felt hopeless in life everything was beyond my control and i couldn't handle the breakup i had before i met him ...i decided to marry this man within 3 days do you believe that? I don't want to regret anything time is flying and now its been 6 months and we're marrying. But still i miss my ex boyfriend he was my life my everything but i already lost him and started another journey with this man. It is so hard i couldn't resist it... our thinking our life our ways everything is different compared to my ex uffff i don't know what to do or think i just want to let it out from my heart.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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2⃣ ለሙስሊሞች፣
ኣላህ እንደምታምኑት ሁሉንም ኣዋቂ ከሆነ ታድያ ምድር ፀሀይን እንደምትዞር እንዴት ጠፋው እናም ፀሀይ ሌሊት ላይ የትም ሄዶ ሳይሆን ምድር በራሷ ዙርያ እየዞረች እንደሆነ? ሱራ ያሲን ቁጥር 38 ላይ (وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَهَا ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ) "ሰማይም ወደ ማረፍያዋ (መርግያዋ) ትሄዳለች (ትሮጣለች) ይህ የ አሸናፊው የአዋቂው ዉሳኔ ነው"። ስለዚህ አንቀፅ ሙሀመድ ሲያወራ "ፀሀይ ለአላህ ለመስገድ ከ አርሽ (የ አላህ ዙፋን) ስር ትሄዳለች" ይላል። በ context ብንረዳው ይህን አንቀፅ ያወራው ልክ ስለ ቀን እና ሌት ካወራ በኋላ ነው፣ ስለዚህ ፀሀፊው ስለ cosmology ምንም እውቀት እንደሌለው መገመት አይከብድም። የኔ ጥያቄ እንዴት ነው ይሄን ፈጣሪ ብላቹ በቀን አምስቴ ጎንበስ ቀና ፣ በአመት 30 ቀን ለ 12 ሰአት ከእህል እና ውሃ እየራቃቹ በሌለ ነገር እሳት አልገባም እገባለው እያላቹ እራሳቹን ምታስጨንቁት?


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ለመላው የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች ፣ እንኳን ለ1 ሺህ 444ኛው የዒድ አልፈጥር በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ።

Eid Mubarak.

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys, my problem is I am an extreme neat freak. Like today I had to go to gebiwoch biro for work stuff but I couldn't use the elevator, I couldn't sit on the chairs, mnamn and I am always wearing a mask and sanitizing my hand every minute. So that is who I am and I had a bf ena esun melmed betam kebdogn nebere. Then we had a good time but eventually broke up. But now every man that approach me really disgusts me. They either would wear dirty cloth or has a bad breath or dirty hair. I mean my friends think I have a problem and they said nothing is wrong with the guys that approach me. And I am really worrying that I might end up alone with this bahri of mine. help me out. Last week I had a date and he took me to Gast Cinema but my stupid ass was busy sanitizing the chair, the bottle, the popcorn holder rather than enjoying my time with him and the guy said I am insane. 🥹😭😭😭😭😭


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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ዓለም በተፈጠረ በ7488 ዓ.ዓ እምዬ ምኒልክ ጣሊያንን ድባቅ በመቱ በመቶኛ ዓመቱ ልክ በየካቲት 23 ቀን ማርያምን እኔ ተወለድኩ። የእኔ መወለድ ለቤተሰቤ ታላቅ ደስታን ይዞ የመጣ ነበር። ምን አልባትም እናቴ ህመም ጸንቶባት የእርግዝናዋ ወራት ተላልፎባት በእርግዝና አስር ወራትን በምጥ ሶስት ቀናትን በማስቆጠሯ ከጭንቋም ስለመገላገሏ ይሆናል ደስታውን እጥፍ ያደረገው። እእእእእ ብቻ ተወለድኩ !! እግዚአብሔር በሚያውቀው ለሀይማኖቴ ለሀገሬ ለእናቴ ልዩ ፍቅር አለኝ! ! (ሚስትየው ገና ናት ) ለዚህም ምስክሬ ማርያም ናት። ለሀገሬ ያለኝ ፍቅር ይመስለኛል መወለድ ከነበረብኝ ቀን ዘግይቼ የድል ቀናችንን ጠብቄ አባቶቼ በስድስት ሰዓት ያጠናቀቁትን መሳይ ጦርነት ብቻዬን ለሶስት ቀን ተዋግቼ ድል ያደረኩት !! በወርሀ የካቲት በየካቲት ሆስፒታል የተወለድኩ እኔ በተወለድኩ ዕለት ወደ ቤት ስንጓዝ ነበር የታላቁ ሰማዕት የቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስና የታላቂቷን ሀገር የኢትዮጵያዬን የድል በዓል ጀግኖች አርበኞቻችን በምኒልክ አደባባይ ሲያከብሩ በአያቴ እቅፍ አደባባዩን የዞርኩት። ይኽው ከዛ ወዲህ በሰማዕቱና በሀገሬ ፍቅር ተለክፌ ቀረው። ዛሬ ስለ ሀገሬና ስለ ሀይማኖቴ ሳስብ መግለጫ ቃላት በታጣለት ሀዘን ውስጥ እዘፈቃለው እልፍ ሌሊቶችን ሳነባ በማደር መዓልቱን በእንባ አጎበር በዝምታና በልብ መሰበር አሳልፈዋለው። ስለ ሀገሬና ስለሀይማኖቴ ነፍሴ በፍቅራቸው ሲቃ ብትቃትት ስጋዬ ስለመከራቸው ቢደቅቅ በመንፈሴ ግን በልዕልናቸው እየተደነቅኩ ደምቀው የሚታዩበትንና የሚታፈሩበትን መጪውን ግዜ ተስፋ አደርጋለው። ሩቅ አይደለም የብርሀኑ ጭላንጭል ይታየኛል ! ነገር ግን ቅርብ አይደለም ልባችን ደንድኗል ! . . . . . .  ሙሴ ሆይ ወደ እግዚአብሔር ተመልሰህ ወዮ እኒህ ሕዝብ ታላቅ ኃጢአት ሠርተዋል። ለራሳቸውም የወርቅ አማልክት አድርገዋል። አሁን ይህን ኃጢአታቸውን ይቅር በላቸው ያለዚያ ግን ከጻፍከው መጽሐፍህ እባክህ ደምስሰኝ ማለትህን ሳስብ በየበረሀው ወድቀው እንዲህ እያሉ ስለ ሀገራችን እና ስለ ህዝቦቿ ምሕረትን ከሚለምኑት አበው ጋር በመቆም ህዝብህን አድን ርስትህንም ባርክ ጠብቃቸው ከፍ ከፍም አድርጋቸው ያለዚያ ግን ከጻፍከው መጽሐፍህ እባክህ ደምስሰኝ ማለትን እመኛለው። አዪዪዪዪ በፊቱ ጽድቅ የለኝም እኮ !! ነገር ግን ጻድቃን ለእግዚአብሔር ካላቸው ፍቅር በላይ እግዚአብሔር ለእኔ ለኃጢአተኛው ያለው ፍቅር መብለጡን አስቤ በበደሌ አንገቴን ደፍቼ በድፍረት ያይደለ በትህትና በፍቅሩ ታምኜ ከፊቱ እቆማለው። ምን ዋጋ አለው . . .ቃላት እያጠረኝ እናገራለው ያልኩትን ሳልናገር አንደበቴ ይተሳሰራል ምላሴ ይቆላለፋል። የተቀበለው መከራ ታስቦኝ ከዚኽ የሚበልጥ ምን እሻለው ? ዓለምስ ቢረዳው ከዚኽ የበለጠ ምን ስጦታ ሊሰጠው ይችላል በማለት ለመለመን አፍራለው እግዚአብሔር ልብ ያሰበውን ኩላሊት የመረመረውን የማያውቅ አምላክ ቢሆን ኖሮ ተበልቼ ነበር። . . . . እናልሽ ሀገሬ እናቴ ! ሀገሬ ሚስቴ ! ሀገሬ ምሥጢሬ ! ሀገሬ ክብሬ ! ባልጠቅምሽም እንዳልጎዳውሽ አንቺም አምላክሽም ታውቃላችኹ !! ለምን ? የእመ አምላክ ነሻ !! እመ አምላክስ ? አምባ መጠጊያዬ የመስቀል ስር ስጦታዬ እናት ዓለሜ ናታ !! እንዴት ልለያያችሁ ? እርግጥ ነው ከፈጣሪ በታች እንደ እመቤቴ ያለ ማንንም እንደማልወድ ታውቂያለሽ። ያንቺ መከራ ለእመብርሃንም ለወላጅ እናቴም ሀዘን ነውና መከራሽን ማየት አልፈልግም። ጠላቶችሽን በዓለት ላይ ለሚፈጠፍጣቸው አምላክሽ የታመንሽ ነበርሽ ዛሬ አያርገውና . . . . (ወይ ጉድ !!!  እም ከርሰ ጻድቃን ይወጽዑ ኃጥአን አለ እኛማ ሞት ይሻለናል። የተክለ ሀይማኖት ልጆች እንዲ እንሁን ወይኔኔኔኔኔ )(ደሞ ይቺን ሰበብ አድርጋችኹ ካልታነቅን እንዳትሉ መሞት አይደለም ቁምነገሩ ለመለወጥ መጣር ነው) . . . ነገርግን አሁንም ለአምላካቸው ሕግ ቀናዒ የሆኑ ልታይ ልታይ ሳይሉ በህቡዕ የሚሰሩልሽ የሚያነቡልሽ ውድ ልጆችሽ እንዳሉ አውቃለው ጠላቶችሽም አፈርን ይልሳሉ እኔ ግን ወዳጅሽ አይደለው አንዳች አልፈየድኩልሽ ጠላትሽ አይደለው ላጠፋሽ አልተነሳው እንዲያው ከመሀል ቆሜ እያነባውልሽ የጠላቶችሽን መክሰም የልጆችሽን መለምለም በፍቅርሽ ጥላ ስር በመጠለል እጠባበቃለው ! !ይኽንም አይ ዘንድ የአምላክሽ መልካም ፈቃድ ይሁንልኝ። መናገርን እየፈለኩ ሲቃ የሚተናነቀኝ መጻፍን እየፈለኩ በእንባ ብዛት መጻፊያ ሰሌዳው የሚጋረደኝ ከልጆችሽ አንዱ !! (ይኽ ሁሉ አልፎ ከደጉ ግዜ ከደረስኩ ምን ሊያሳስበኝ ይችል ይሆን ? ምንም እየሰራው የሚስቴን እግር እያጠብኩ መኖር አለቀ። ) . . . .ከልብ ሀዘን በእንባ የተጻፈ በመሆኑ የሀሳብ መዘበራረቅ ሊታይበት ስለሚችል ትረዱኛላችሁ ብዬ በማሰብ ዳግመኛ አንብቤውና ቃላትን አርሜ ልላክ በማለት ተመልክቼው ማንባትን ስላልፈለኩ ከነግድፈቱ ስሜቴን በጥቂቱ ላኩት።

መልካም ቀን !!


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