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ሰላም ላንቺ ይሁን
ይህን የፃፍኩልሽ እግዚአብሔርን ፈርቼ እና አብረን ባሳለፍናቸው ጥሩም መጥፎም ቀናት ክብር የተነሳ ነው። እንዲሁም ደግሞ አሁን ላለንበት ሁኔታ ተገቢውን ምክንያት እንድታውቂ ነው ። በዚህ ምድር በህይወት ስኖር እስከምታውቂኝ ምክንያታዊ እና የውሳኔ ሰው መሆኔን ካንቺ በላይ የሚያውቅ አይኖርም ። አብረን ባሳለፍነው ጊዜ በብዙ ተፈትነን ብዙ አልፈናል። ያሁኑ ግን አይኔን ያጣሁኝ ያህል በጨለማ ውስጥ ጥሎኝ እዚህ አድርሶኛል ። በtext እንደፃፍሽልኝ አንቺ ካሉብሽ ችግሮች የተነሳ ካንቺ እንዳልተለየሁሽ ማወቁ ተገቢ ነው። ፍቅራችንን ለማትረፍ በብዙ ለምኜሻለሁኝ በብዙ ልክ አንደ ህፃን ልጅ ቆጥሬሽ በትምህርት መልክ ላስተምርሽ ብዙ ታሪኮችን ነግሬሽ ነበረ። እኔን መስማት አቁመሽ ከሌላ ሰው ወይም ከጓደኛሽ መስማት ስትጀምሪ ነበር እኔና አንቺ ለብዙ ጊዜያት መጨቃጨቅ ያበዛነው። ምንም ያህል ብትቸገሪ የወሰንሻቸው ውሳኔዎች ግን ልክ አልነበረም ።
አብረን በነበርንበት ጊዜያት ላንቺ ሳይሆን ለእግዚአብሔር ብዬ በብዙ ታምኜአለሁኝ ለእርሱም ፈጣሪዬ ምስክር ነው ። ከሌላ ወንድ ጋር Cheat አድርገሽብኛል ብዬ አልከስሽም ምክንያቱም በአይኔ ያየሁት ነገር የለምና ። ነገር ግን ከሌላ ወንድ ጋር ስጦታ ከመቀበል በተጨማሪ ልክ እንደ ፍቅረኛሽ ጊዜ ሰጥተሽው እንዲሁም አክብረሽው እንደነበር ግን ተረድቻለሁኝ።
በtext 4000 ብር የሚያህል ወጪ አድርጎልኛል ብለሽኝ ነበረ ነገር ግን ያላወቅሽው ነገር ቢኖር አንዳንዴ ለካ ማር በመርዝ ተለውሶ ይሰጣል። ምንም ያህል የችግርሽ ደራሽ ቢሆንም ከመልካምነት የተነሳ ሳይሆን አንቺን ከእኔ መለየት እና ከእርሱ ጋር እንድትሆኚ ነበር ። በዚህም ጓዋደኛሽ ተሳታፊ ነበረች ለዚህም ነበረ በስልክ ስናውራ ከሁለቱም ጋር ያለሽን ማንኛውንም ነገር ስታቆሚ ከእኔ ጋር ምናልባት እድል ፈንታ ይኖረናል ያልኩሽ። ይህንንም የምታደርጊበት በቂ ጊዜ ሰጥቼሽ ፈተና ስጨርስ ብለሽኝ ያንንም ሳታደርጊ ምርጫሽ ምን እንደሆነ ከተግባርሽ ተረድቻለሁኝ ። ለእኔ በጣም አስከፊ እና ስቃይ ቢሆንም ያለውን እውነት ተረድቼ በእራሴ ላይ ጨክኜ ካንቺ ለመለየት ወሰንኩኝ። አብሬሽ ባሳለፍኩት ጊዜያት እጅግ ደስተኛ መሆኔን ልገልፅልሽ እወዳለሁኝ። እኔ ከልቤ ይቅርታ አድርጌልሻለሁኝ። በቀሪው ዘመንሽ መልካሙን እንዲገጥምሽ እመኛለሁኝ!!
#Relationship #Adult
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
20 F
What's wrong with me??? 😭😭
So there's this guy we met at campus same batch ena we started talking yeah bicha I usually don't enjoy these types of stuff ena when guys approach me I always find a way to get rid of them ena it's normal for me I've never dated before nor caught feelings for anyone silemalfelig.. okay so back to the story we started talking ena as always I was being dry to terminate the convo but amazingly it didn't work for the 1st time.. he didn't stop well I tried so many ways but it didn't work I mean I could've said stop talking to me but it's rude to say it directly so indirectly neber sinegrew yeneberew Ik we girls are weird bicha endeza bihonem tinish yakorf ena temeliso yimetal yetelemede neber the longest yetezegaganew was 2 months and I actually thought it was over well temeliso meta 😭💀 It was kinda annoying I didn't like him at first well I've never experienced love before since I didn't want to beka I always focused other important things.. bicha we kept on talking I started to act a lil nice to him started flirting back as a joke new gn turns out he's cool, the way he thinks beka he's smart, his music taste beka 💯 yeah well we were kinda vibing it was cool my friends mood endeyazu neber endeza aydelem I don't like him that way mnamn endalku neber eske kirb gize it's actually been 9 months since we've started talking mtsm I started getting attached ena now dumbass me 🤦♀ I've started to catch feelings bemiyasazin huneta ughhh never thought this would happen to me demo it's so annoying now all I think about is him 😒 I can't even tell my friends about it since I've been denying it this whole time 😭
Demo I feel like he's playing me I've got serious trust issues malet it's confusing how is it possible bandew aytogn mnamn yetemechehut nahhh man I don't believe you 😭 I don't wanna end up getting hurt leza I ain't telling him engidi I'll suffer in pain 💀
It feels better letting it out..
#Friendship #Relationship
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Why can't anybody take me seriously it's really getting out of hand now ende I can't even be sad in peace 💀 Okay I feel like it's my fault since I always joke and laugh around a lot end up cracking jokes during serious situations well engidi humor is like my coping mechanism literally an escape from the depressing situation I'm in bicha when I'm alone I always feel down I listen to sad music it kinda makes me feel better lol.. I kinda post those songs on my ig story and share some sad quotes on my note but guess what I always end up getting fun of yehone mood eyeyazku new mimeslachew mtsm so um yeah I've no one to talk to that's why I'm venting here..
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey there everyone been a while since I vented and today I felt like sharing well engedi will try to make it as brief as possible. Today I had this epiphany and the funny thing is I have known it hulem but never synced in.everyone in this world has their unique and different perspective and everyone in there own way or to their point of reference or understanding level is right and righteous and we are usually to occupied or blinded by our ego,ignorance or the situation we are in to consider or try to understand others perspective or way but what can we do we can’t fully embrace and understand cuz we as humans or as individuals can only grasp what we personally have experienced but here is the twist we might experience the same things but our perception of that experience will be completely different from one another based on our personality and character so what i came to conclude is we can’t fully understand and embrace a certain experience as the other person this led me to believe as an individual I should never expect ppl to understand me or feel the way I do and the only thing I could control is how I feel, how I see and understand life experience and to be grateful no matter what cuz idk this realization made me believe how small I am compared to the whole world and universe however small I am tho I still have the chance to do what u believe and perceive right. At the end of the day it’s just u who is going to go through life u might have friends u might have a family or significant other but still at the end of the day it’s just gonna be u. Ik it might not make sense to others but feel free to share how u perceived what I wrote thanks ✌🏾
#Melancholy #Adult
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there, 21M, We have been texting and having calls for hours, it seems like she is interested but now I felt like I am becoming needy and stopped texting to give her space to process things, if she wants/likes me she should text, right? But been a week, nothing is there, but she has been seeing my stories and stuff, idk, does that me she doesn’t like me? Weys elh yizuwat nw? Am I doing the right thing to make her want me more and know that she actually likes me? Idk …
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone, will make this short. So the thing is I keep seeing this numbers like 111, 222, 333, 22:22, 55:55 on my phone screen or laptop or football time counter bicha everywhere. It started some 10 or 11 years ago. Can some one relate this? Or anyone who knows about this?
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F 19 I'm freshman uni student... so i joined uni about month ago and there is this boy in my class and we talk very little class akababi mnmn ... he's tall skiny and cute boy 😊 kostara nger ...ena i liked his vibe .... hes introvert nger he dont talk much always and kind of unapproachable
I try to say hi to him sayw but he avoids me 😭 ena its making me annoyed bka i try to talk with him mnmn ufa 😩 idk whats wrong with me i think i like him 😭
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi 24 M
Hope u having a good day
But i have a reminder for y'all not a vent
So 100 years from today, for example in 2123 all of us will be underground with our relatives and friends.
Strangers will live in our homes.
Our property will be owned by strangers.
They will not even remember us.
How many of us think of our grandfather's Father?
We will become part of history in the memory of our generations, while people will forget our names and shapes.
At that time we will realize how ignorant and deficient the dream of getting everything was.
We would ask for one more life to spend it only in doing good deeds,but it would be too late.
Keep in mind, today we have the opportunity to do good for ourselves and others, the only thing that will remain forever is our good deeds in this life and the life hereafter!
So complaints about an ex, extra small penis, having no ass...are just distractions and are obstacles to being present.
Be wise, Bye
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Hey there 👋 am back after a month I hv a qn ብዙ ሰው ሃዋሳ ደረሰኝ Uni ስል ወደ ሞት ይመስል ይቅርብሽ ሲሉኝ ነበር (ለካ ያበላሻል ምናምን ስለሚባል ነው )መጥቼ ሳየው ተቃራኒ ነው እንኳን መበላሻ ምናምን ደህና መመገቢያ እንኳን በስንት ልፋት ነው ያገኘነው በዛ ላይ በቃ ዩኒቨርስቲ ሲባል ከመፅሀፍ የማንላቀቅ ነበር የሚመስለኝ መጥቼ ግን ከሃይስኩል ያነሰ እንጂ የበለጠ ነገር እያረኩ አይደለም ፈተናዎች ግን ምርጥ እየሰራሁ ነው 🤔
እኔ ብቻ ነኝ ወይስ Expect ያረጋችሁትና reallity የተለያየባችሁ አላችሁ😶
#School #Teen
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
This is a letter written to only one person here. If it's not you, and if you don't like relationship drama, save yourself the trouble snd kindly move along.
My little princess Denny.
I know you are going to see this. And I know you remember how things played out last we spoke. For all it's worth, I hope this message finds you well. As you would imagine, my heart is far from well. The past few days have been extremely difficult, and I know that what I have to say to you may be even more challenging, but I have to do it.
First, I want you to know that I loved you with every fiber of my being. My love for you was pure, genuine, and unconditional. You were the person who made me happy when skies were grey, and my heart would skip a beat every time I saw you. I thought we had something special, something so serene that no one could come between us.
But then, everything changed. I found out that you cheated on me, and my world shattered into a million pieces. It felt like someone had just ripped out my heart and stomped on it. They say that time heals all wounds, but I don't think I'll ever recover from this.
I want to acknowledge that I am not perfect. I have made mistakes, and I have not always been the best partner. But despite my shortcomings, I did everything I could to make sure you were happy. I gave you my time, attention, and love without reservation. I put your needs before mine, and I supported you through thick and thin I gave you my trust, my loyalty, and my heart, but you broke them all. You lied to my face, and that's the worst kind of betrayal. Knowing that you can't even trust the person you love.
I'm not here to judge or justify your actions, but I can tell you that whatever reason that led you to cheat does not justify the amount of pain and hurt you caused me. You've shattered our future together, our dreams, and everything that we had built up to this point. And for that I cannot forgive you.
I have to accept that this is the end for us. As much as I loath it, our memories will always be with me, having turned bitter. The future, which was once so bright, now looks bleak and uncertain. I hope you understand that I cannot continue to be with someone who doesn't value my feelings, someone who betrayed me when I was willing to go to the ends of the earth for them.
And so, I must say goodbye. I will always remember the incredible memories we shared, but it's time for me to move on. No one deserves to hurt like this, and no one should have to endure the pain that comes with betrayal.
Take care of yourself, Denny. I hope that one day, you'll find it in your heart to accept what is, and I can forgive you, but for now, It's time for me to heal and pick up the pieces of a broken heart.
P.s. Please stop texting me. It's not healthy for either of us.
#Melancholy #Relationship
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I hate the fact that am so dependable amlake hoyy😞 that isn’t because am not confident mnamn ko gn once i get attached I always got fucked up🤦♀️ idk if it’s normal or not bka sidebrachew yidebregnal mnamn sijmr miaskefagn bzu ngr yalgn sew adlwm binorm ayikefagnm sew debrot sikemet btm miastelagn type nbrku gn nowayss… university really fucked me up btw am fresh student ena ever since i got to university iyandandun ngr ksew ga madreg cafe sned shower wichi sinbela mnamn gn i got this friend hulem ydbratal i tried my bestt to be by her side liredat mnamn gn malakew sew iyhonku neww
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I’m struggling to wear the hijab these days to the point i kinda don't wanna wear it anymore and thats not because i don't feel pretty or something its just the idea that it is a physical representation of my belief scares me. I’m not sure if i’m ready to take that responsibility or if i’m like what a hijabi is supposed to be because sometimes i see my own hypocrisies and be like “wait a damn minute”. Also i’m the type to consistently question their belief and try to know about my religion and others so that by itself makes me question whether i’m in the position of having a physical representation of the belief i’m still working on or not.
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ከQ ጋር ያሉኝ ነገሮች ችግር ላይ መውደቅ መጀመራቸውን ስረዳ ለማስተካከል መጣር ጀመርኩ ግን ስለሷና ስለ አለቃዋ እምሰማዉ ነገር አልጥም አለኝ። እኔ ደሞ በአሉባልታ ወሬ እራሴ ሳላይ ወይ ሳላረጋግጥ ዉሳኔ ላይ እምደርስ አይነት ሰዉ ስላልሆንኩ ጠየኳት እራሷን ውሸት እንደሆነና ከኔዉጪ ማንንም እንደማታፈቅር ነገረችኝ እኔም አመንኳት። በጣም እንዳፈቀርኳት የገባኝ ያኔ ነው። Tን ስነግራት መቅናት ጀመረች ከ Q ጋር ያለኝን ግንኙነት በደምብ ለማደስ ስል Tን ሸሸሗት እራኳት። ለምን እንደራኳት እዳትጎዳ ሳልነግራት ሸሸሁ መቀመጫ መቆሚያ አሳጣችኝ መጨረሻ ላይ ዘጋቺኝ። ከQ ጋር ግን እንደድሮ መሆን አልቻልንም መጨቃጨቅ መነታረክ ሆነ ስራችን እደዚ ከሚሆን ብዬ ብሬክ አፕ እናርግ አልኳት አለቀሰች ቤት በምሽት መጣች ገገምኩ አናግረኝ ብላ ብትለምነኝ። ከዛ እሚያስጠላ ህይወት ተጀመረ ከ2ቱም ጋር ስራ ቦታ መተያየት እደማይተዋወቅ መተላለፍ ኑሮ አስጠላኝ ኢትዮጵያን ጠላሗት ስራ ላይ ትኩረቴ ጠፋ ምንም ብዙ socially unacceptable ነገር ባረግም በስራ እና ትኩረት በምሰጠዉ ነገር አልቀልድም ነበር አሁን ግን ሁሉም አስጠላኝ performance evaluation ላይ ከፍተኛ ነጥብ የነበረኝ ልጅ ጭራሽ ሱፐርቫይዘሬ ጠርቶ እስከሚቆጣኝ ድረስ ደረሰ ዲፕረሽኔ ከዛ ለእናቴ ስራዉ እንዳስጠላኝ ነገርኳት እና ልለቅ እንደሆነ አማራጭ ሳሊዝ እንደዚህ አይነት ወሳኔ እንዳልወስን አስጠነቀቀችኝ። በህይወቴ ከሀገሬ መውጣት አስቤ እማላቅ ልጅ ማስተርሴን ለመማር አፕላይ ማረግ ጀመርኩ ከጥቂት ወራት ለማርች ኢንቴክ አክሴብታንስ አገኘዉ። በዚህ ውስጥ እንዳለው ሳልነግራቸዉ ከምለይ ብዬ ሁለቱንም ይቅርታ ጠየኳቸው። እሚገርማቹ ከሁለቱ ከኔጋ በመታረቃችን በጣም ደስተኛ የሆነችዉ T ነበረች። Q ለይስሙላ ነበር የታረቀችኝ ፕሮሰሱ በማንኛውም ምክንያት ሊቋረጥ ስለሚችል እርግጠኛ ሳልሆን አልነግራቸዉም ብዬ ወሰንኩ። ቀስበቀስ ከT ጋር ወደ ድሮ ሙዳችን መግባት ጀመርን ማውራት መሳቅ መብላት አብሮ። ከQ ጋር ግን እርቀታችን ሊጠብ አልቻለም በዚ ብጎዳም ምንም ማረግ እንደማልች እየተሰማኝ መጣ። የልቧን ጠንቅቄ ባላዉቅም T እምታሳየኝ ፊት ወሬያችን እንደዛ በድያትም ከልቧ ይቅር እንዳለቺኝ እና ባትነግረኝም እንደምትወደኝ ነው የገባኝ። እናንተ ምን ትላላቹ? ለማሳጠር ብዬ ብዙ የዘለልኳቸዉ ነገሮች አሉ። በዚህ እየቀጠሉ እንዳሉ ነገሮች ኤምባሲ ቀጠሮ ተሰጥቶኝ ገባሁ በሁለት ሳምንቱ positive decision ተብዬ ቪዛ ተሰጠኝ ደነገጥኩ ለናቴ ለአክስቴ ነገርኳቸው ደስ አላቸው። ለT እና ለQ ነገርኳቸው T የመከፋትም የመደሰትም ስሜት ሲሰማት Qግነ ከደስታ ዉጪ ሌላ ስሜት አላየሁባትም ኢሄም ወስጤን በከባዱ ጎዳዉ ግን ይሁን ብዬ መልቂያ አስገብቼ 1 month notice period መስራት ጀመርኩ ከዛ Q ጋር እንደምንም ብዬ መለያያ አብረን ማደር እዳለብን እራሴን አሳመኜ princes treatment ጀመርኩ ካሰብኩት በላይ ሆነ ዉጤቱ ስለዚ ብዬ የመጨረሻ ቀኔን የሽኝት ፕሮግራም አድርገው እነ T ሲጠብቁኝ እኔ ከ Q ጋር የመጨረሻ አዳራችንን አርገን በንጋታዉ በረርኩ። ፍፃሜ 😭 ከሄድኩ በሗላ የገባኝ ምንያህል ሰው እንጎዳዉ ነው በተለይ Tን እና Q ቆንጆ ። ይሄን ካነበባቹ በጣም አዝናለሁ ላረኩት ነገር የሁላችሁንም ልብ እንደሰበርኩ ድፍረት ኖሮኝ ለራሳቹ መናገር ባልችልም ። ስላነበባቹ ይህንን emotional roller coaster አመሰግናለሁ። N ነኝ ከፓላንድ ይህ ከሆነ አናቱላይ 1 አመት ከ 6 ወር ሞላዉ። until next bye 👋🏾.
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ok so this is mainly for the guys but ladies if y’all have experience with any of this, your perspectives would be appreciated as well... and for those who want to cut straight to the chase just read the last paragraph, but for those who need context you can read the whole shit!
So imagine there is this girl. And you are friends but you used to only meet up during the summer when you go to your extended family’s house, which you stopped going to for some reason. even tho you always go there every summer, you only got to know each other for like two summers before you stopped going. in those two summers you use to date her friend and you broke up with her friend in like a month or sth.
But you didn’t stop talking to her(the girl) on the phone . You keep telling her about your love life etc (everything you do with girls and to girls). She tells you she never had a boyfriend and how closed off she gets when ever a guy starts acting all flirty and stuff. She tells you how stuff like that gets her stressed out and scares her to death, so she ghosts anyone who gives her that vibe ..when ever you ask her about her love life.
how ever as time goes by, you start getting really close to her and start falling for her some how. But you get scared because you know what will happen if you make a move on her. So you start dropping little hints thinking she would get it..... But SHE....
She is a stupid ass bummer that is not only dumb and childish when it comes to serious things like this......but she starts acting dumb when she realizes it because she doesn’t believe you, she keeps thinking you are trying to be with her the way you would be acting with other girls..... She gets rude and sending rude messages to you when you start telling her how you are in trouble and struggling with depression....she would tell you to suck it up, stop complaining and be grateful for your life mnamn! Like who says that? I can’t believe how stupid I was and how blind I acted towards his confessions but he was still so gentle with me and I don’t deserve a friend like him I swear.
Now its been almost 2 years or something. we are both almost 21 now. and he suddenly texted me after I ghosted him for a while then when I went back and read all our previous messages I kid you not I cried my eyes out realizing how rude I was to him. How can someone fall for a bitch bitching on em and still be so patient and gentle with em.
Anyways right now all I want to do is to meet up with him and hugg him so tight and tell him I am so sorry for being a bitch about everything and being so immature, for not being a friend when you needed me ....which was the least I could do for not reciprocating the same feelings for you.
But the thing is I don’t know if this is going to help him or make him feel worse about it you know. I am still not ready to date anyone specially not him because he is still like a brother to me.
So my question for the guys is ...would it help to get an apology from a person who just realized how much they have hurt your feelings but with no intentions of being in a relationship with you. or is it better to just act like nothing happened and just let it go and move on??
#Friendship #Agitation
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello there I’m a Male In his early twenties so Here’s the thing this may offend some of y’all here but someone has to say it ladies please keep the hygiene of your genitals/vagina/ pussy/ whatever you wanna call it so in a relationship or in such situations it’s obvious that we all do certain types of sexual activities while engaging in that there was always something which bugs me out we are out here fantasizing about eating out each other while the truth is the smell of the vagina is so reeking that we can’t even get near it I thought this was a problem I had with my ex’s but while having the conversation with my friends they mentioned the same thing which I found out later on to be a common problem with you all so wanting to be wild and freaky and also not being able to fulfill the bare-minimum of being clean is such a conspiracy so please ladies for the sake of ours and your health(mostly yours) keep it clean and healthy or consult health professionals so we can enjoy each other freely……and feel free to state your opinions if you oppose or agree to it
#Relationship #Adult #Agitation
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Ok I am a M and I don't why I am writing this but here it goes all my life I like friends with benefits thing and I am ok not having long term relationship and I have enjoyed it so far and the girls were ok with it, and lately there was this girl we hooked up and after some week we get to know each other a lot and she is nice and one day after the deed she says I want to have your baby in a dead straight face I thought she was joking or something and it felt like my soul and brain went to another universe and my body is the only thing staying with me 😁 she knows I don't do long term relationship ,I don't know why she said that and that scared the shit out of me and I haven't talked to her or any other girl for past 2 month I think I have been traumatized thinking about what she said 😂😂
#Friendship #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need a human that I can trauma dump on.
Who listens and then talk back...give advices bcuz the friends I have are not quiet the listeners.
Requirements:online friend only lmao
-age 18-21
-Not very judgmental but still would tell the truth
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Girls, what turns you on? What would you like a man to do to you, I mean in bed. Just tell us for gods sakes. 🤬
#Relationship #Adult
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need someone to talk too
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, there has been something in my mind lately and idk how to say it,lemme try. I don't know but am I the only one who think about how stupid & lucky this generation is?(& I am young soo...👀)like why don't we do something for example there are many traumtized ppl in these channel, I understand that life is hard and whatever but we're too young for all this am not trying to belittle your problems or anything but why don't we as young ppl like do smthing develop the country or some shit idk anything anyway to bring some spirit to this country, maybe am wrong but I got way too much energy just don't know what to do bout is, or is there something i haven't heard bout idk if you're understanding me but if you are I want your thoughts bout this thanks for spending your precious time reading this weird post
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am f 29 years old
I just make the vent short I have been taking care of my parents and I don't work didn't start living my life. I tried to take care of them I never complained I am with them 24 /7 literally I don't enjoy go out or any thing to that matter and even I can't pursue my dreams. After graduating I have been doing that for the past 3 years . I never complained even if I watched my friend excell in every thing they do and I am stuck at home. the problem is they have been arguing and fighting a lot for the past 29 years that its hard to leave them alone . now that I am grown up and am home 24 /7 Its becoming very difficult to just see them fighting every day as they couldn't even give me peace at home.
I am starting to develop deep anger and hate towards them and now I am planing to move out and just start my own life leaving them by them selves
What would you do if you were in my situation.
Is it a selfish decision that I have made
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello Am a girl here ik what ur gonna say it's a sin and we're in Ethiopia I clearly know that but I don't have a friend to tell this about u don't have to say anything I just want it out of me I'm lesbian so what we all have done sin I wanna date a girl I have dated guys before but I just find my self more attracted to girls but I don't know how to find a girl who's okay with this I'm surrounded by homophobic ppls I don't even know how I'm attracted to girls but I am trust me I try fighting it beka engdi this is who i am and also if u interested on zis am here ma ppl
#Friendship #LGBTQ+ ????????
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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23 m,
Hey guys. I am a man with no experience with women. I have the looks and height and stuff like that but i struggle with depression and stuff like that. I am my worst enemy. I am late in life, i take unhealthy risks, came from a chaotic and violent family and i dont want to turn out like them... so i avoid any form of love or approach from a women. The older i get the lack of experience makes me avoid it more and the next 4 years i will be abroad so no chance to be in one. Is it healthy to plan to start rship after 26 or 27 bc i want to fix myself
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So mn meselachu betekekel balsetawesem 10 or 9 amete bihone nw,,,,something really bad thing happend ,,,,some gorebet guy ebet endemiteragn ,ena ebet sehed ye sex film yikeftal yasegnal and start fingering and tinish mastawesewu ngr he tried to abrogn sex lemareg ena becha desmayil semet ,mime ngr endenebre tez yilegnal...i don't men yahel deep ende hed ...ebet yawuh tinish sel nbrkuh that much alekem gn period yezane alemetam
1.Ena yne teyake still am a V or not how can i check mawek enkun alechalkum?
3.Where can i check is there any hospital....kefatu demo ene be church nw megabat mefelegewuh gn demo yihen ngr sure selhone mewesan alfelekum
3.Did virginity and period related?
Thanks in advance
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 24 almost turning to 25m, I'm into self development, concerts, cinephile, nature, trying new things ...
I do good for myself money wise gin my dating life is not good ive struggled to find "the one", I've been in 1 serious relationship + a bunch a dates with no foreseeable future.
Ive seen my friends get hurt and hurt others without regards to the other person involved, which is sad to get what they want.
I hate what modern dating has come to, all the dating for fun or the non commitment time wastage.
I honestly don't want casual, I want real, vulnerable and open.
I want to fall in love with someone who wants to learn every part of me and what makes me tick as much as I want to learn and every part of her and what makes her smile, happy, dream bicha everything. Someone who's open-minded, empathetic, curious, impulsive(in a good way), adventures and down to learn and try new things.
I want to fall in love with someone who isn't scared to fall in love and someone that loves themselves and who just wants to grow- individually and together.
I want a best friend and business partner😅, I want a "WE".
Someone who knows what she wants and is a go getter.
Someone who is caring, passionate and someone who initiates plans as much as I will not cause she's bored but she misses my presence as much as I miss hers. I want to fall in love in promise of a future.
I want something that goes far beyond the physical, I want a sense of "us against the world" and a connection that can stand tall through all the highs and lows of life.
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello fellow venters, This question goes for all the boys i guess but feel free to say something if you experienced something similar .. the thing is i'm all in with being upfront and transparent in my relationship but with the way i'm curious and all it will become a Q and A concert. with that being said, i do let go of certain stuff or just google it and bla bla but this particular thing, i seem to want to know more about. just an honest opinion thats all.
The thing is i always keep it bald down there. Not only for sexual interactions but it feels good for myself . but then my man told me not to shave anymore and I was like why? then he was all "i like it like that" and I was like okaaay.... but what I really want to know is does the view turn you on? I mean why would you want it bushy down there?
If you do want it like that, is there like an amount? I would let it be but I don't think he understands how it tends to grow and i wanted to ask if i should give it a limit or sth.
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
heyyyy. it is ME L. do u remember me? i remember you. do you miss me? i do. do i want to talk to you again? i do. do you? but i dont know anymore. i actually dont want to vent about you only but just general you know? anyway hey as i have already sayed i am L and the biggest loser out there but it is ok that is how life is and i am not caring not atleast in this moment thank god but then coming to the issues of YOU i just miss you yesterday i was craving of talking to you and then i was like if i came across his account then i will talk to him and then if u get what i mean i went there and rejected many and many guys trying to reach your account but couldnt so my chance was unfruitfull if i had your account lmao by the way i have your account but i am not really good with courage so i dont even try to dm you but i miss you my birthday is getting near by the way just few days till i get legal 💃 hehe. and another thing is that i LOVE songs but the major problem is i hate sharing them with certain people cuz eww imagine sharing your fav music with the weird kid. eww disgusting beteley i hate listening to famous artists like THE WEEKEND 👀 bombastic side eye to the ppl who hear him. like i dont have hate for the guy but to the losers who listen to him i know so many people who listen to him from the 6th graders to 25 yrs old and i know some people who i hate listening to him so whenever i hear betelay die for you i gag but i want this to change in the future i will listen to him when i am mature hehe. what is the other thing i want to talk.....? i dont know 🤷♀️ beka chaw
#Friendship #Relationship #Teen
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am 24 f a.a.u student I am in love with this dude we learn together I am sure he likes me too but we are both shy and we don't know how to be around eachother but I am freaking In love and its suffocating and I don't know what to do what do I do?
#Relationship #Agitation
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi again
Ima go straight to the point...its call out for all JIT Campus folks in here(if there is any)...am rly getting depressed in here alone idk if i could survive here till i finish this shit so if any of u r feeling the same or interested in this vent i say we should meet. One is enough for me who much my energy btw am fresh here and a male so i hope i can hear some voice and...nvm
: )
#School #Agitation
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey i rlly need someone...someone who can be a true friend....someone who's genuine..someone who understand me...someone who's not fake......ik i can't get this kinda friend gn bka i wanna hv a real friend......am 19 yrs old gn i am not living like a teenager it's like am stuck in my own world living in my own shell everyone will be like "why r u a sad girl" why r u living like this" getan enem eko alflgwm eshi what should i do......dmo dmo i hate bahirdar am a student in bdu idk why am saying this bcha gn i hate it
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