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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone I just wanna get out from  my chest so  Am  male 23  like one week ago I broke up with my gf we dated like 8 months we start like FWB we only meet up for sex so Am freaky asf she is to not that much gn she is and after too many hookups she wanna be my gf then I let her after that our sex getting wild she is horny 24h like every second so we had sex a lot like a lot she is a good head giver am to some time she ruining away for me while am giving her head bca we are wild we were fucking for like hours non-stop anyways she start seeing porno  and she starts masturbate she become sex  addict  then she wanna end our  r/s  by silly reason  Idk  why she did  that bca now am  tired of dating no  dating now I  only want fwb  who wanna have fun me   mmnmn enji im  done with dating tanks


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Y
I need to vent
Don't think my age n sex is relevant but
21, M
Was readin vents here, apparently most r bout relationships, n y'all r sayin u love the other person n shit, but how? N what exactly do u love about the other person? I mean love is good, but what thing exactly makes it romantic? There r definitely good traits that r like most people have that are loveable n stuff, but how can u "romanticate" it😂 if that's a word, so i want to know this, do u love someone n start a relationship or do u first start a relationship n then love them in the relationship or r there no ways n u jus go with the flow? N how do u find out u loved someone too?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Coco
I need to vent
Hey guys so bebalefew I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop, just chilling waiting for my buna to come, when this guy came up to me. He looked kind of nervous but sweet, and when he asked if he could buy me a coffee, I thought, Why not? So, we sat down, and to my surprise, we actually had a really nice conversation. He was funny, kind of awkward in a cute way, and it felt like we were clicking.
Everything was going great until his phone rang. He said, “Enate nech” I thought it was adorable at first, like maybe he was one of those guys who’s close with his family. But then… I overheard the conversation. His mom was saying “ee libs latib new panthin liteblih?” And i thought wait hold up his mom still washes his underwear?
I tried to keep a straight face, but inside, I was cringing. The guy was nice, but now all I could think about was that conversation. He kept talking like nothing happened, but I was barely listening. I just wanted to get out of there keza I said “koy ande shitbet dershe limta” keza I didn’t even wait for his response I headed straight to the bathroom, pulled myself together, and quietly slipped out the side door.
I didn’t look back ena now I’m feeling a bit guilty but I don’t know I think I just kept my priorities straight gn I’m thinking about going to the coffee shop and making things straight tomorrow eski we’ll see what happens

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I loved this girl we were in situationship for two years, she did what noone did for me she used to plan long term things with me and she has also bad sides she sees other guys rich ones and even though we have no label she dont want me to know, but recently i seen her with this guy he is treating her well he is young rich and she seem happy, so after two years of love i instantly lost the ick to call or text her, yesew nat milew hasab aymroyen buzy aregew gn not frequently but ahunm tdewlna lemn tefah lemn atmetam endedrow tlegnalech(she dont want me to know abt him or anyone) and how down she is my mind couldn't accept yesew gf endebefitu treat mareg, i still love her no question, but i dont know what to do anymore.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 22 male 5th year የ ግቢ ተማሪ, I have 4 brothers, 1 older and 3 younger. The thing is my Mom በጣም ለ ትልቁ ወንድሜ ታደላለች። when he graduated, even tho our financial state isn't too high we live comfortable, እና እንደምንም ብላ ተበድራ ምናምን እንዲሰራ ብላ መኪና ገዝታ ሰጠችው። again we have መሬት እና she also gave that house to him, cool whatever. Now እኔ ትንሽም ብትሆን የራሴ business አለኝ። ለወጪ ምናምን ከቤተሰብ ጠይቄ አላቅም. Now I was studying online business for a while እና ብር አስፈለገኝ ስራውን ለመጀመር እና in our main house there's a spare room that nobody uses right, so I asked them እኔ ቤቱን ላከራየው እና በብሩ ስራ ልስራበት, mind you, this business is good እና there is a high chance that I might not even ask them a single penny after this. She agreed reluctantly። እኔ ደሞ በጣም "ከፍትፍቱ ፊቱ" የምል አይነት ሰው ነኝ። ከዛ ደብሯት እሺ ስትል ደብሮኝ ነበር ግን ለወደፊቴ ስለሆነ ዝም አልኩ። ከዛ  today I rented out the place for 5000 a month, only 5000, ከዛ I took the money. After that I talked to them ምናምን እና I left the room. ከዛ I overheard my mom saying "ለ ታናናሽ ወንድሞቹ ትምህርት ቤት ክፍያ እንኳን እንዳይሆን አከራይቶ ወሰደው ብሩን ምናምን" I was fuming bro. She did all that to my older brother but when I ask her እቺን ትንሽ ነገር አናደዳት ቆጫት ለኔ መስጠቷ። the weird thing is ዛሬ ጠዋት ራሱ ለ ታላቅ ወንድሜ ብር ከባንክ ተበድሬ ልስጠው እያለች ስታወራ ነበር። he lives comfortably. He has his own house his own job ምናምን። ለወንድሜ ማድረጓ አያናድደኝም ግን ምን አለበት ለኔም ትንሽ ብታረግ? ብሩን ልመልስላት እያሰብኩ ነው። ከመለስኩላት ደግሞ I can't do my online business. ምን እንደማረግ ግራ ገብቶኛል። ይሄ ነገር እኛ ቤት ብቻ ነው ወይስ has anybody else experienced similar things. Sorry I yapped a lot. እስከዚ ድረስ ካነበባቹት thankyou


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Sealim🍅
I need to vent
Oh hello, you're alive. Great, welcome to the world, have a seat because you can't walk yet. You're gonna spend the next few years in the psychedelic world of colors that make no sense but it's alright because you can pee yourself and somebody will probably sort it out for you but don't get used to it, soon they'll be expecting you to use the toilet, so make the most of it, and not long after that you have to go to a building where they'll make you learn stuff and prove you know it like times tables and the alphabet and whatnot. Maybe you still think you are the center of the world and you can probably get away with that for a while - some people do their entire lives - but eventually you're going to start pissing other kids off so you probably gonna have to learn some humility soon, too. Got it? Good, all right. Then you're gonna go to another building where the tests are a bit harder and the subjects are more intense. They try to teach you stuff like trigonometry and iambic pentameter without ever actually explaining what you can use it for but don't worry, just memorize it and spit it out and forget it the second you walk out of the exam hall. By now you're probably getting weird urges to do stuff to your classmates that you never really wanted to do before and now you're gonna have to play a game for the rest of your life where you really want this kind of closeness with people but sometimes not everybody feels mutually, so you're going to have to hide it. Welcome to the world of dating and body language and sex. Yeah, you're gonna like the last one, it's going to dictate your life and most of the films you watch and book you read for some time to come whether you realize it or not. Oh you're finished spitting out all that rote memorization well great let's go to university. You need to if you want to earn lots of money which is obviously very important because well, well it just is shut up! Look, everyone's happy when they're rich. Pick a subject, not the humanities you idiot, something real like law or maths. I didn't spent 18 years raising fucking philosophy major cogito ergo broke all the time. Oh you finished? Great, well it's off to the companies for you then. Tell them you're a people person and you have excellent organizational skills and you work well in a team. Don't mention your actual passions for landscape gardening or music, they don't give a shit. just come off as generic as possible, stick it out for about 30 years, you'll make good money in time. Only the sex thing is probably getting a little empty by now and you're craving some kind of actual connection with the opposite sex or same sex if that's your thing. Jesus, you thought getting people to take their clothes off is difficult, you try finding a partner to fall in love with. And even then, what if they get bored or you get bored or they go off with the milkman or something, well sorry you're just gonna have to risk it like everyone else. Like life, actually. Some people are dead by your age but you're not. No, you're still sad in a pit of your own mediocrity feeling dull and stepped on by life, standing on a rock that's spinning at 9,000 miles an hour around a gas giant in an infinite universe, a product of 13 billion years of cosmic evolution but no, no, definitely you carry on being bored and feeling like crap. And you now you feel worse because you know how great you should feel about everything, amazed and happy all the time and yet you still feel like shit. Well, that's biology. Well, maybe your friend's getting rich or getting married or getting pregnant or something and you're poor and single and maybe you don't want kids, it doesn't matter what Carl Sagan says, you don't feel any sense of wonder at all, you feel like shit, you don't want eloquent prose about how beautiful the cosmos is you want money to live comfortably or you want to be in love and maybe you want children..

#MentalIllness #Melancholy #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Selam 22 Male. Ye campus temari negn ena tnsh chegrogn nw. Abate tureta keweta behuala expense mekotater alchalnm. Ena even ke class ljoch ekul menor alchalkum no body wants to be my friend bcha am a good student GPA rasu arif nw yalegn am one of the highest scorers. I knw amarach salay kerche adelm yemechrsha slhonbgn nw. Mtchlu btredugn des ylegnal geta yakbrlgn amesgnalw.

#School #Family

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys! I'm  22-YO  M,  4th-y uni student,when i was fresh  I met some1 in a campus tg group  N we began chatting . This type convo' leads to a strong friendship. We enjoyed countless moments 2gether, filled wiz calls, meet-ups, N walks even in n8. Gradually our friendship turned into sth deeper—lov🙈
Hwever, in my 2nd -y I found myself feelin' ,cuz She's lecturer's daughter N z difference in  religious beliefs ,she was in grade 11 when I entered the campus but we felt a strong desire to be 2gether  TBH she lov me af, but Ik it's just passing emotion.😐
She was patiently waiting for me to express my emotions/kesu yimta, but we boz held back due to our stubbornness(derek 🪵 erasu endegna ayderkim). Despite this our luv and care z difference has created challenges in our r/ship,  then we often go months without talking n suddenly  we reach out to each other again after a long silence(AYASCHLENMA).😌 (imagine 4-y mulu)
rn I feel like It's not practical for us to be 2gether, so I hv to focus on myself N not invest in sth that isn't meant to be on flip side hv desire to be w her.
This situation is rly hard for boz of us (ከባድ ነዉ አለ ተሸካሚ). What ሹድ I do guy's ?

#School #Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hello there i'm 19F
boyfriend neberegn ena ende miwedegn yinegregnal enem betam new mwedew gn sex klaregn enleyay alegn mn madreg alebgn ene bahun seat mareg alfelgm ena mn tlugnalachu?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi this nate. I am 19 years old boy who is really depressed. I have tried dating since highschool but i think it's not for me i don't know why but the more I try the more i feel lonely. At this point of my life i have no friends because all of got our own life path i feel like shit every times tried talking to girls. No one loves me they only wants cool boys who lives in fake personality and i don't want change my personality for them so some one please tell me what to do

Thank you🥹


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone! I’ve been dealing with a persistent vaginal odor that seems to be getting worse in this hot university climate. Has anyone experienced something similar? I’d really appreciate any tips or advice on how to manage it, especially since I can’t use remedies like clove water, bet wst mizegaju negerochn metekem alchlm


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey first time venting
So am getting married soon in about a month i want u guys to tell me things u wished u did but didn’t so i would do them and i want advice about anything helpful


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey I'm 19 grade 12 (I also pee standing 😉)
I wanted to vent since I don't have friends n shi 💔so my problem is......I wanna be pilot ena the መስፈርትስ are u have to score above 50 on matric (specifically mhats, English and physics ) and u have to be healthy and also u have to be above I'm healthy 1.89 and evt but ..I have this problem with mhats n physics yk...ኮንታ ልገባ ነው fr😭😭😭 I was always avoiding em bcz when I try to read n shi they always consume my time n guess what? I always scored below 75 n boom last year I scored 55🙆🙆 I'm also scared of em...bcha I think ሳይቆሎጂካሊም yehone diagnosed medereg saynorbgn aykerm😂 ena yezih chanal kelemoch hula
1 I have a chance ( it's only የወራት እድሜ so is it too late?)
2 if I have..what should I do I mean how should I study whats the reliable way (not the easiest)
3 how was the exam was it scary mnamn??
.. sorry for wasting your time with zis long ass vent ena I appreciate you for reading my vent may peace and love Will always be with you 💞🙏✨

#School #MentalIllness #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi ya all
i am f

What I want to say is me and my bf were friends for years..and I am short he is tall ...I am rly proud of my self Btw beza slachu betam new mwedew achr mehonen mnamn guadognochem endene nachew they love achr mehonachewn chmr...when we come to the problem yesu gadognoch🤣😩 esu rejm slehone mikeldubet ymeslegnal enesum betammm rejm nachew ...ena enem esun mashemakek alfelegkum....guys ena height difference real chgr yametal wey please melsulgn ke experience mnamn mtakutn please🙏🙏🙏


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Guys is it okay for a girl to have man guy bestfriends??am worried


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ma ppl ylal

This is for my protestant niggas...................................

Ena semonun tiktok scroll eyareku akelilu mibal sew ayehu channelu apostolic answers ybalal Ena kedro jemro prostestantism lay yeneberegnin tyake meleselgn guys he is kinda genuine beka sewyew legit nw be theology masters yalachewn sewoch mnamn eyasgeba beka zem yasblachewal pasterochn mnamn chewa nw yemiyaregachew specially ye 66 ahaduna 81 ahadu lay yalewn misunderstanding kelbch argo nw yaskemetw ena mn case
I am rly starting to doubt protestantism I mean there is even difference b\n denominations yemekane eyesus tmrtna yemeserete krstos doctrine is not the same ena demo just Ethiopia wst ende and ytayalu enji like in foreign countries kebad yehone yedoctrine leyunet alachew

Lelaw degmo wt is rly wrong orthodox doctrine not just enesu ahzab nachew ጣኦት amlaki nachew kemilew chfn idea lela eskezare genuine yehone be ewket yetageza hasab yesetegn pastor alagegnhum enesu gen disprove siyaregu eyandandun sihtet eyetekesu nw I am just saying enesu sle protestantism yalachew ewket yegna pasteroch sle orthodox kalchew meredat ybeltal so yhe wede mn conclusion ametagn may be welajochachn like bedemb orthodox saymeremruna sayfetshu nw wede protestantism yemetut biye asebku anyway mels stmelsu mejemriya apostolic answers yemilewn channel check btaregut arif nw ena this is pov and no offense 

disclaimer\-no emotion just logic


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Im M(23) and i have had some gfs and situationships/fwbs in the past and almost all of them had the same issue during intimacy, they all pretty much said that i gave their body too much attention and that was somehow a turn off, and that it really furstrated them

one of my exs pointed out that it made her feel like she wasn't contributing as much and that it made her a bit depressed but thing is I'm not only doing this for her i like seeing the girl I'm seeing to feel really good, i want her to feel light and calm the whole week after she met me, that is what i really want during intimacy

So here is my question to the ladies especially experienced ones is it rly a turn off or does it depend on the person?

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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selam selam beteseb ena was sitting in the coffee shop, just minding my own business, when I saw this girl. She was sitting by the window and I swear the way the sunlight hit her hair it was like a scene straight out of a movie My heart started racing I don’t know what came over me but I knew I had to say something So I stood up and grabbed my cup and walked over to her. selam new I said, trying to keep my voice steady, yikrta kerebeshkush, kezaga hugne sayish neber kaldeberesh buna ligabzish? Alkuate

and to my surprise, she smiled and said yes! We sat down and honestly I felt like we were really hitting it off. We talked about everything movies, music, even our favorite coffee spots in town. she was really just a female version of me. Her laugh was incredible and I could feel the connection building i thought wow this might actually be going somewhere But then right when we were in the middle of a great conversation my phone rang and It was my mom.

I answered, trying to be smooth about it and I talked to her for a bit giving my date an apologetic smile but of course my mom didn’t pick up on the hint. she asked if I want my undies to be washed or not loud enough for both of us to hear My heart dropped I was hoping she didn’t just hear me arguing w my mother about his pant😭 tolo bye zegahut still trying to play it cool. I looked back at her hoping to steer the conversation back on track but something had changed her smile was a bit more… strained.

After I hung up I tried to recover I told a joke changed the subject did everything I could to get us back on track but she started giving short answers and after a few minutes she asked to go to the bathroom I smiled and waited thinking everything was fine. But after ten minutes passed I started to wonder. After twenty minutes I realized… she wasn’t coming back thanks mom😂😂


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am 19M
I tried everything in the world to stop watching porn and masturbation but i can't through the process i lost 2 gf i even tried sucide my longest streak is 22 days guys what shall i do i am helpless and some times i blame my cousin for this he the one that told me about it tf i hate my self and i lost my control over my self

#School #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys. Im 19 male so here is the deal:-
I've been single for basically my whole life and i get this feeling like "What am i doing wrong?" I meet up with a gyal, feel some connection between us, and suddenly boom she starts pulling away literally ignored (endless cycle)
Is this shit really normal? Is that cuz i am shy? Or maybe cuz i am not so good looking? these reasons make me overthink so much and funny how not only gyals even the people i call "my bros" literally started distancing away from me. And yeah btw depression hits the hardest.(And btw I'm in uni)🥲

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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this is my second time sending this
Simien alenagerm lol but I am femelle 21 almost 22 and I live abroad
So my question is how do you find someone to date in this generation I am Christian Protestant to be exact and I don’t want to date just to play around I want something serious with someone serious and I know it comes with praying minamn gn you have to move too becha I get bored sjemer kemanem gar awrche alakm ai have one friend don’t go out my life is ke class bet ke bet sira menamn I had one yemer relationship when I was in 10th grade real as in bizu gize yekoyehut enji ye hetsan neber and I don’t want to be on this bs dating apps becha min weta weta bey menamn endatelugn sejemer yalehubet hager yalutn date mareg alfelgm obv becha gn eski any mikir metmekrugn kale let me know also I am open for a relationship lol( I don’t have a type I like someone that makes me laugh happy I hate prideful people someone that knows God ene akrari hogne sayhon gn I am trying
Idk how you’re gonna contact me or how I am able too maybe I will share my contact with admin if possible
Merci 🤗

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Mr ዲንግ ዲንግ 🍬
I need to vent
Hey, Is it wrong to want a female friend whom you can rant about anything to? I was talking to some girls on ig and they were so boring idk if I’m the one who was too open or if they think am trying to flirt but am just the kind of person who likes to chat about anything and everything at anytime with a female , without no flirtation it’s just nice having females perspective on things it’s kinda breath of fresh air sometimes yemrr

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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HELP I stink guys i have tried everything under the sun to get rid of the smell but nothing i was gonna graduate this year but took a semester break just for this reason.I bought hydrogen peroxide, secret deodorant, baking soda, went to sauna(twice in a month),even bought new cloth, I even used berkina .crazy part is that its not an ordinary smell its different i don't know how to explain it .I can't even get in taxi i walk from megnaga to tafo every day , I can't take it anymore please if you know a doctor or any solution help


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Aight everyone
Its ma time to vent first
20 M and my case is about relationship....i never had one but am so desperate to have it.
Am the friendly guy gets zone quick as fuck🥲 but when i get close to every girl, i always start to develop certain type of feeling for them ena i want this routine to stop.
So the latest case is
I met this girl in betekrstian started going on recently ena she is soo close to me unlike others ena after like 3 months she brought a new dude with her a day ago ....i only know him by sight. We used to go back home together. But yesterday she went with him....i felt nutn b/c others were with me but when i got back home i felt a bit jealous...idk why

What should i dooo i need someone to help me oh😭😭

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey there
I kinda need help with something. I'm from the 94.6% of the students that took the matric examination, I'm 18M and unemployed. I'm going crazy over here, all I do is sleep really late at night, wake up late, eat, watch tiktok all day till 2am wake up the next day do the same. I really need to do something with my time or else I'll lose it before long. Anyways what I wanted to say is can you guys give me an idea on what to do or if you could give me a job, that'd really be amazing. Thanks for reading.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey guys 18M ena i will go to university soon so teyaka mn masalachu any private university recommend areguge Addis Ababa yamigage arif tmrt yamisat ena kefeyaw arif yahona ena college ena university leyunatu mnden nw andedau university college yamibal selala beya nw endatalefut pls🙏


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Here’s a question out of curiosity: Do women generally enjoy receiving oral sex? In my first relationship, my ex loved it and often complimented me on it. However, every woman I've been with since has said they don’t enjoy it, and some even strongly dislike it. I’ve also come across discussions where women talk about how much they enjoy it. If you don’t want to answer, no worries just please set aside any judgment.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Im M22
Once upon a time😂
Ljtua tiktoker nech ena comment lay ketsafkulat buhala tnsh temelalsen inbox mawrat jemern ena step by step fqr tejemere yerqet fqr new 1amet qoyen bezih 1amet wst online eyayehuat text atmelsm beqen bibeza 3text bntsatsaf new ena photowan ayche melkua nbr yesabegn then relationachnn lemastekakel bye esua wedalechbet heje agegnehuat sngenagn alebabesua melkua shape and sizeua altemechegnm photosh lay lmndnew Snapchat yemtteqemiw slat slke arif slalhone melken ybs kemiyatefaw bye new alech eshi wanaw tsebay new bye belbe date aderegn yalebnn chgr tenegagren enfetawalen tebablen then temelesku ena ahunm endezaw nech text atmelsm even 1text lke ya endimeleslgn lela text tnsh qoyche elkalew ahun tesfa eyeqoretku new ketemeleskugn buhalam bzu gize ngriyatalew online nbrsh gn lmn text almeleshlgnm slat online yeneberkut film eyayew or story lemadreg new yegebahut altemechegnm nbr new melsua ena ene abro gize masalef sfelg esua gd yelatm enleyay endallat befit bedenb fqr wst eyalen lene bla bebeteseb bal metolat alfelgm blawalech ahun gn kene gar tru huneta lay aydelenm

#School #Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Yotor
I need to vent
Selam beteseboch
Metshaf manbeb betam new miyasdestegn mewedew kemlachu belay ena eskahun sagegn eyegezaw andandem eyetewasku new manebew gn ahun lay megzat alchalkum yemtsaf wagam teweduam ene demo he collage temari negn ena metsaf yemtanebu sewoch kalachu eyetewawasn wey be share eyegezanm bihon endnaneb neber wey demo yemtawkut book club kale btekumugn bye new soft copy manbeb alodm hard copy new des yemilegn leza new
10Q slekena tbbrachu


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am 22 M (but
Sometimes I feel like I am 30)
Teenagers bezih gze copy tedergew yetelekeku yemimeslegn ene bcha negn? Hulum temesasay new unique neger yelachewm lemendn nw?
Astesasebachew....alebabesachew..... even height look mnamn milutn ende nechoch hulum teketbewal
Just wondering why endezih endehone


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