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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent.
I had a bf. I loved him so much and I think he also loved me. Our religion is different. So he decided to break up with me without telling me anything. Because he think he would be hurted if we can't be together in the future. I had a hard time. I used to wait him for a long time.After long time, I got an opportunity to live abroad. Then he texted to to say "good luck" he didn't think i would reply back. But i replied. And then we started talking. And he told me that he still loving me to give him a chance. He tried to fix everything and told me that he will change his religion. But i dont believe him because i was afraid of getting hurt again. But i still love him. What shall I do ???


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am 18 years old young
I always feel something that i don't know
Nobody understand me by everything you know what i feel
Let me tell you
When i be with someone they never give me attention for me when i talk when i do something
They never listen me they want me only to listen even my parents like tha they never give me attention for me i feel lonely
Nobody is agree to listen my regret my happiness whatever i talk they never listen me
chenkegn enea eko
Even my gf is being with me for 3 years but she is not happy she looks that i aforce her
What shall i do family
I need help pls help me

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Melancholy #HealthComplications #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey, beautiful people❤️ I’m 19f btw this is my first time seeing a channel like this, and I’m seriously mad that I’ve been missing out. Anyway, let’s get to the story.So, I’ve been in relationships with two guys which might be kinda messy (one’s from Addis Ababa, and the other’s from Bahir Dar)😌 The Addis guy was super protective and a really nice dude. We met back in 11th grade and he was  always there for me. We didn’t even hook up silemiwedeg he was that respectful.esu haramay temedebe and I went to bahirdar University.
about the Bahir Dar guy❤️ In my freshman year, I made friends with a dude who sells እርጥብ and the Bahir Dar guy is his friend. He’s this super quiet guy with sharp eyes, kinda like a hunter. I used to visit this እርጥብ ቤት a lot, and I saw this guy like 23 times batekalay but never heard him talk. He was always on his phone or reading (btw, I saw him reading The 48 Laws of Power) lib belulgn.At first, I didn’t really find him that attractive, but he’s got a strong, masculine vibe. One day, I decided to talk to him. He was chilling in the corner of the class, listening to a podcast. I gathered my courage and said hi. He didn’t say anything at first, just gave me this killer smile. Wow, his smile was something else. I introduced myself, and he goes, "I’m Dawit... Nice to meet you." Ufffff Honestly, I’m not even exaggerating his voice was deep with this cool Amhara accent. We ended up chatting about podcasts and other stuff all day, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him—his smile, his looks, his hands, his voice. Within two days I totally fell for him. I started going to that እርጥብ ቤት every day just to see him. If I was lucky, I’d catch him there. He’s a busy guy, so protective, and super muscular❤️❤️❤️. Believe it or not, we hooked up five days after we got close. I lost my v-card to him.During all this, I kinda forgot about my bf at Haramaya University. He calls every day, but now I see him more like a best friend. The Bahir Dar guy and I have been together for four months now. He’s so mature and manly, and at 25 age, he’s already graduated in software engineering.Now, I’m really confused. I love them both, but I’m head over heels for the Bahir Dar guy, even more than my family. I don’t wanna hurt the Addis guy, but idk what to do😒

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello guys. I'm here to ask you something. Who is the one that keeps you motivated ? Gobez yemilachu ale arif neger stadergu ? Mawek slefeleku new ngerugn. I'm trying my best to make my family and friends proud but my 1 mistake vanish the 1000 good things I've done. Is this how life works or it's just me. I'm I always a problem ? Do you have someone to talk when your mind is troubled ?....I'm talking with my self since I was child.
Now I'm being neutral. No feeling. Nothing makes me happy or sad.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #HealthComplications #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm sure I will stay single forever, guys🤧I'm 24 F, virgin, and have only been on two dates so far. My problem is, I don't know how to act around men. Whether we go to a fancy restaurant or just a random restaurant, I'll be guarded since I hate it when he pays. I'd much rather just walk or sit in a park, or do things like that, gn the challenging part is, there will be street kids there enesu dmo egr mnamn yeyezalu bene shame dmo asbut.I hate it when they mention sexual topics cuz it makes me lose interest fast. , that disgusts me.ena dmo nearly everyone assumes me to be from Diredawa, ena endemtawkut ye dre ljoch dmoo btm feta yalu nachew tolo negerochn yadergalu mnamn slmibal gn sjmr ene ye dre lj adlwm endenesu melbes slmwed nw enji. slzi ahun they think i'm picky and rude because I ignore them when they ask to meet or make up an excuse not to go even bsnt mekera kagegnehuachew bhuala eza heje yakorefe htsan nw memeslew wey completely shutdown and dissociated honalew weym dmo i will tell every detail of my life since i was 1😩 i know both are weird ena chrash ahun dmo bsobgnal sw letewawekgn sl altewawekm lagegnesh sil alagegnm ena eyasasebegn nw endet nw endi aynet chgrn meftat mechalew koy

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 21 f
I consider myself to be somehow pretty I get asked out a lot But I'm barely interested i have been in only 2 relationships the thing is I'm a virgin untill i know it's the right guy both of my relationships didn't last longer than 4 months and both of them broke up with me
The first guy we did everything except sex he asked to have sex but he still respected my boundaries i loved him but We fought a lot and at some point we both knew it wasn't working out and he broke up with me and the other guy we started up real great he asked to get a room few times and I refused we kissed and made out,
he was happy to hear I was a virgin but then after like 3 months he said "our rp Is not working out" and broke up with me
And I just wanna know do guys stay in relationship because of sex?? And how much do they wait for it?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello guys i need your help especially who took 2024 matric exam and failed. I was the student who always got high grades is all subjects. I also was top student in my class but,I'm feeling like my whole world is tiring apart. I was the boy who's family, friends and even my neighbors would expect me to pass. But unfortunately i fail the exam now. Some of em try to make me feel bad about my self but some of em don't.  Even my family don't want me to retake the exam again in some point ik they are right but i still feel there is sth wrong and i still can't figure it out. If there is anyone who experienced this i need your help.

#School #Friendship #Family #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am not an atheist by the way. But my prayers for explanation have yet to be answered so here i am. If u can endure to read this please answer my questions. 1. Does God prefer a man who has commited unimaginable crimes, hurt so many people but in his death bed decides to confess. Or a pure person grown up in the rular areas of some Asian country, where the only god he has been taught was a local deity. ( i know it is said God gives everyone a chance but c'mon a lot of people do not choose their religion. How are u sure u chose urs from birth when u were baptized as an infant?) 2. God loves everyone and i see a lot of people kind of take that selfishly. A person might say God protected me from being hit by a car or something. But there are millions of people who get the same fate u escaped. Does that mean God selectively protects people? And ppl might say if its ur time then u will die. but im not talking about death im talking about people even children who suffer unimaginable things in the world and live with it. So does protection=love? if not then what is love? (if u say God lets bad things happen to strengthen you like Eyob in the bible. Why do some people need so much trauma to be strong while other are made naturally strong? or go through much simpler issues to get the same wisdom?) Isaiah it says God hardens people's hearts. Which means He makes it impossible for them to desire to redeem themselves. When i started having doubts i prayed please dont harden my heart i want to be on ur side forever. And that constant fear of being on God's side is quite unfair. WHy would God purposefully turn people against him when they start to stray away instead of guiding them back like the one lost sheep. And is it truly their fault in the end when they go to hell? And he does lead some people back and some ,he doesnt. 3. Free will. Free will. i dont understand it. Lets say u build a robot, which means u curate every inch of its system and give it 2 buttons to choose from one is to be good and the other to be an evil robot. Now unless u have encoded it to interpret good and bad in a certain way then it means nothing to it. And as humans God obviously has curated our moral compass so if God created a psycopath to enjoy murder and gave it a choice to either do what he wants or not? then how is it that He gave him free will? when u create a monster(and yes psycopaths are born like that) how are u not responsible for what the monster does?🤯🤯🤯 I dont understand. ( i am not sympathizing for murderers btw) imagine if Elon musk build a robot and gave it a button to either destroy humanity or spare it? And he was like well its the robots decision i only made the robot. would u be cool with that? I KNOW IM RAMBLING but if ur argument is that God made everyone in His image therefore he created no evil. then why would a good person choose bad things? 3. Satan. How big is his influence. you maight have answered the previous question by sth like a person might be influenced by satan and be bad. But again God is in control if He lets a kid be born in a satanic cult the kid is gonna be brainwashed by satan no doubt. And u cant say thats satans creation. All life comes from God. And to some He reveals himself and saves them but for others no. Imagine waking up and finding yourself placed in a burning house and now it is your responsibility to go out or else ur will be found giulty of not escaping and will be punished for eternity. If you read this much i appreciate you. Again i am not an atheist. so please when u comment dont say u are immature ur prolly a kid or Just stop doubting and follow God. I always feel ashamed for asking. Try to open your minds and be ready to have an open discussion. Thanks everyone.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Lee
I need to vent

It has been few months since you are gone gin tlant yehone yahl new eyetesemagn yalew. I seem to be stuck in the place where you left me, feeling like you would return one day. You know sometimes I want to come to you, I want to end things keza gin what about the rest of my people? The pain they would feel of losing me just like I do for you... keza mechem berase wedanchi endemalmeta asbalehu. Fetari erasu eskiwesdegn dres I will keep on living b/c I don't want people to experience this's veryyy painful. Btayi ezih the city has changed alotttttt since you have been gone. Eyetejajaln yehednbachew mengedoch endale tekeyrewal hulum aymroye wust bcha new yekerut. Dekemegn eko🥺🥺🥺maryamn aktognal..... nafkotm leka yihen yahl yamal baleksm eyekelelegn aydelem eshi mn ladrg? I missed your everything everyyyy single one of em. I missed how you were my comfort zone, how we listened to each other storytimes......everything. nothing is granted and nothing lasts forever. I'm very grateful that I had those moments with you, moments I will always remember till the day I come to you so we could talk about them and laugh. Eskezaw gin enorlshalehu eshi lemiwedut sew kememot yilik menor endemikebd ahun yeteredahut nger new. Minm yahl bikebd, mnm yahl tesfa bikort I will do things differently than you, I will live for you.

#Friendship #Melancholy #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So idk endet endemjemr i am 22 girl
Lately life has been difficult beka it's so boring mnamn when i was a kid my parents were strict sobezum guadegna alneberegnm ena ig it affected my life right now i am introvert kesewoch ga bekelalu communicate madreg alchlm mnamn so the thing is i am so lonely i have literally no friends gbi eyalewm yan yakl tegbabi alneberkum so if there is anyone around my age who wanna be friends mnamn pls hit me up and also set betonu yemeretal keyetgnawm hager bihon we can be online friends and endene guadegna kelelachu mnamn it would be better

#Friendship #Family #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am 24 f ena i have a bf b3tam tru sew nw techawach nw kumngregna nw beka he is someone a girl could ever dream of ymr ena i love him alottt recently whenever he makes me mad about anything lihon yichlal beka elih yiyzwal he doesn't wanna say sry mnamn ene demo betnsh ngr emkefa aynt sew ng ena tetalten like samnt 2 wk mnamn layawragn yichlal at that time i even forget what i was mad about ena emflgw sry blogn endntewew nw gn zm balegn kutr he texts mnamn gn normal lela sew endemiawraw nw emiyawrag ena ene betam egodalhu bekelalu adlm betam i cry like every night until my eyes beka lifrtu eskidrsu i think that feeling ato lene aymslgnm gn he's beka betam derek ena yikrta malet mawrat shnfet eyemslw yihun alakm ena anyways beka betam bezabgn i love him but breakup madrgm flgku mknyatum eyetgodahu nw betam ena bzu gize ngrkut

Ena mn tlalalchu lemkyr emargw ngr ale weys should i stop this ??


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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✌️what's good? It’s B, 23, Orthodox M. I need y’all's fuckin' help today. I don’t even know how to say this shit, but I’ve had 3 exes, and guess what? They were all Muslim girls. I know I fucked up, but I don’t even know why this shit keeps happening to me. I live in a fuckin' Muslim community (ደሴ), and every damn time, our relationship fuckin' falls apart 'cause of our religions. Real talk, I don’t wanna waste my fuckin' time with anyone else—I’m into Muslim girls. I love their looks and how they act. That’s why I keep getting stuck in this shit. So, how the fuck do I break this cycle?

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Selam endet nachu yone nger endetamakrugn nber ene ye Doctor of Dental medicine ye 3 amet temare negn ahun laye mnm batena fetena mesrat aktognal 3tegna amet tahsases laye echeresalew malfem eymeselegn aydelem betesebe kene betam teru wetet yetbekalu mn endemareg gera gebtognal endetes batena keze buhala teru wetet ametalew enam atresugn tslyulegn


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am fresh graduate male 23 ,now am alone, i don't have pc to work as freelancer or learn new skill, i was good at school, but now i've finished, am board at home, i dont have friends , i sometimes sell online product and make money. But currently i dont know what to do, ye beteseb shiro eyebelu zm blo mekemet for men like me is death, am stressing out guys, i didn't pray also, neither go to church, what the fuck is wrong with me?? I dont even know my purpose ,but i talk inspiring thing spiritual or secular, am feeling alone and i am currently. I feel anxious about getting job, making money and be the man that i modelled inside my head, but i can't . Am not seeing any platform which helps. Bcha wooooooooooo. I also relapsed , fuch my life is getting low from time to time , pls pray for me, help me out ,i mean it. Reach me out, any psychological councillors or mature persons help me, am fucke tired....

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys so NEW YEAR is coming and i wanted to ask what is one thing you want to change it could be bad behavior or anything in life let me start i want to change my behavior 1 is being Mr nice guy and 2 this stupid habit of masturbation i wanna stop it and any one who what to change that i have created a challenge if you want u can join me 3 is i want to start work and learn new skills i have all the things i just need to start and if you want that too let me know 👇👇 4 self improvement like self love and Reading books on that on being disciplined that's my new year plan What's yours let me know in the comment and let's be the best version of our self . Thanks for ur time

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Melancholy #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Selam sewoch det nachu mn meselachu relation kejmen ahub 5 ametachn akbrnal terarkn nw mnnorw yezare amet hultachnm enmerekaln ena mnm latat alfgm just sasbw rasu ykbdgnal gn btm bahriwa ykyayral specially yhon chgr happen kareg rase dwtaw nw mtflgw mnmn bzu ngr asalfnal gn ahun lay sasbw miste endthon mmegnat aynt lj alhonchlgnm btm bzu chgr albat dtastkakl bngratm yaw nw lewt ylm melyet alflgm gn yne type aynt lthonlgn alchalchm bka is that normal wys?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This sounds very odd, but I recently started working at a government company, and less known than you might think, I feel very stupid writing this, but I have no one to ask. I don’t talk that much around people, but my mom, being a mom, used to call me usually at 2 PM after I got home. When I mention the company name, I suddenly receive calls from unknown numbers (literally after I mention the company name and talk about what happened during the day), as if someone is hearing my conversation. This has happened for about a month, and I am clueless how a country like Ethiopia could achieve such a thing! Every time it’s a new phone number, and when I try to call it back, it rings but doesn’t respond. I text, but there is no response. This happens when I mention the name of the company in my calls. I have no idea what is happening. I love the job, but I don’t like this.

I am young but i feel like ጥሩታ setwetu menamn you know what will happen to me and is any one encountered the phone thing tele endzi argalu ende ?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Milko
I need to vent
I've been feeling so sad over the past few days. My dad's actions have hurt me more than when he left me as a child. I've tried everything to change my situation, and I recently got my passport with hopes of leaving the country to find work. I needed some money to get started, so I went to ask him for help, promising that I would repay him.When I told him how much I needed, he said he couldn’t help because he was raising his children, as if I wasn’t his daughter. When I asked him if I wasn’t his daughter, he said he didn’t have the money. I was devastated. I tried to hold back my tears on my way home, but once I got there, I couldn’t stop crying.The next day, I went back to ask him again, but he wasn’t there. I waited in his office until he arrived, and when he looked at me, his gaze was full of hatred. It was so painful to see. I felt like I never wanted to see him again.I’m just trying to express my feelings and get this out of my chest, hoping it might ease the pain a little.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #HealthComplications

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am a 29-year-old guy , and I have a 25-year-old wife. Our relationship started nine years ago when she was 17 and still in high school, while I was a 21-year-old second-year university student. Our relationship was quite romantic and very close; we were like best friends as well as lovers. I had been in several relationships before her and was sexually active, while she had no experience before me.
After a year and seven months of dating, she joined a university outside the city, so we start meet once a month here and there. After four years, she graduated and immediately started working at a reputable international company with a good salary. Since I was her senior, I had already been working and living with my parents. Once she got her job, we decided to live together without her family's knowledge. Initially, we were happy, often hanging out together and sharing mutual friends.
We began our sexual relationship two years into our partnership, and I was her first. We were very happy and sexually active whenever we met, which continued after we started living together. However, after some time, the frequency of our intimate moments began to decrease due to her body language and increasing sleepiness. We began to develop our own friendships and started spending time separately. I often found myself at home waiting for her, and gradually I grew bored spending time alone, so I started hanging out with friends, grabbing beers, and coming home late—just as she did.
Whenever we argued about this, she insisted that we couldn't live a life that was just about the two of us; we needed friends and separate time to grow. While I trust her, I sometimes feel suspicious. Nowadays, she stays up later than I do and spends a lot of time on her phone. When I try to kiss or touch her, she often claims to be exhausted or feeling sick. Even when we do make love, it rarely goes beyond one round, and there's no effort to reconnect the next day.
I'm becoming fed up with the lack of quality time together and not receiving the attention and respect I once did. This situation is pushing me toward unhealthy outlets, like watching pornography and masturbating. I've tried hard to revive the spark of our old days, but just a week after reconnecting, we fall back into our routines, and I end up drinking with friends, which upsets her and leads to heightened disputes. Despite this, neither of us seems willing to change our minds or come to a mutual understanding

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys I have some topic to discuss with all of you its an addiction no body talks about some men we have suffered with this addiction
And still some men still suffers with it the addiction is touching woman specally in a crowded bus rubbing private parts against theirs. These kind of men only board the buses only when its full following the woman who they want to touch these kind of male do shitty things some times passing the limit and ruining clothes with their fluids but me personally I don't pass this limit the thing is I have done this to countless of woman in a crowded bus I know some of you are going to say you are a pervert bla bla bla but I just wanted to share you my story I was super addicted to doing this I used to leave my home during rush hours to just do this I used to go to class just to do this bka I was just so addicted and still many men suffer from this. And many men says "esua yetegelaleteche yehedeche lmn atnekam" but this is 100 percent false from what I saw men groops any person they see they don't care if she is a child , a student or a Muslim girl who covered all her skins and the last thing I want to say is some woman actually enjoy this but please guys stop doing this stuffs it's disgusting and disappointing me after a long time I was able to quit bka transportation should be for transportation

#SexualAssault #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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24 F
How did you overcome your depression? it's making me want to get back to the things I stopped. I sometimes wanna get lost in drinks and smoke. Part of me tells me my spiritual journey is for ntn, I went to church for ntn. I'm from a spiritual family, n I love God too, but I can't stay there for so long, my depression makes things worse. It's gonna be 3 years soon since I started a full-time job crap. Ain't myself since then; I have been wanting the way out. I tried to go abroad several times, but it failed. I still didn't give up fully. Part of me tells me to start a small business asap, n another part of me says another. Now I am living by myself; I went out from home because it's far from my workplace. I left my family for a job I don't like, which doesn't pay off well. Did we study all this year for this?Why didn't anyone warn me?Now all i can do is come home, lay on my bed, watch tiktok n sleep. I can't even do the things i planned to do.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone Hope y'all are doing great. And if you are underage or a religious person please scroll past, I am not trying to offend anyone.

So the deal is, me (23, Male) and this girl I met (22, Female) a few weeks ago are fwb and we have been meeting up and doing the deed every 3 to 4 days. The problem is, she is VERY sensitive in bed. Like we make out for a few minutes and as we get to the main part she orgasms very quickly and multiple times. More than 5 times in like 2 to 3 minutes. And after that she wants to stop. And me being the respectful young man I am I immediately stop and try and get her as comfortable as possible ena keza beka esua ለጥ bla ትተኛለች and I am just sitting there with my 4-strokes-in erection and I end up getting blue balls. And I have talked to her about this and she doesn't seem to know what else she can do. And when I try to stop the relationship, she always calls me and tells me all these nasty things she'd been thinking about getting me all riled up and enem ወንድ ልጅ ነኝ mechem ayaschilegnim esuan flega ehedalehu gn it's the same shit over and over and over again. I am now wondering maybe if it's a thing that I didn't know about ena lela sew endezi aynet neger yagatemew kale or setochm endezih aynet experience kalachihu what is something I can do to make things better weys should I just cut ties and find someone else?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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There are about 4 emotions I felt so far towards women
-Liking, crushing, love and lust
Liking is being interested in some one by just looking at them for the first time or repetitively or being more interested in some one ur already talking to thru time it's like seeing a set of shoes but only one of it catches ur eyes, but crushing is a thing that will only happen at the first time, just in milliseconds u might not even see them properly but it just happens
,and u realize u love some one when u give up everything just to make that person happy or satisfiy them and there's lust the one thing I wish I never knew , I only lusted over 4 girls so far 2 being my ex they were so toxic they never satisfied me they just start and create some reason and then stop and after they broke up with me all my deep love just turned straight into lust and I struggled with masturbating so I thought having sex will cure me so I started talking to these two girls at the same time I chose them specifically because they were gorgeous like any man that sees them wants to fuck them but I couldn't after they confessed I felt bad I had no emotional connection with them I couldn't do it I left but after a few month I started to luat after them too like wtf, didn't I just rejected a few month ago then why!? and every time I stop masturbating and stay clean I see some new post of them so I end up doing it it's like a prison every time they post I can't help it but through time I got bord of it I still lust over them but I guess my dick got tired of them but then leka there's no going back even tho it's not because of them I kept doing it and couldn't stop...idk from all four of them lust is the one messing up my life but heart break is what caused it which is caused by love and all I want to say is love is dangerous protect ur selves people

#Relationship #Teen

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When I thought about my future, I thought i could become someone,then i would have my own family, which I would be truly happy in it , but somethings are just thought, thought that will never come true, after my father death in time I thought I will be okay but nothing is going to be okay , I thought I could have the strength to kill my self turnout am weak to even do that , I just wish I could live somewhere far, at list I could have some peace but am not sure where I can go or how I could provide to my self,there was time I thought selling my self to make some money and go far from here , I was afraid, I was afraid since I have never done it before, I was afraid if this is going to be other pain in my mind even if it was just to survive, how can living and death can be pain


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y'all
It's jus silly thing but I need help so the thing is I AM MADLY IN LOVE WITH 1 GIRL. Since grads 7 now I jus finished Highschool Ik it's crazy at this time many people jus want to hook up but mine lasted for 5 years at grade 7 it started like a lil friendship like she'd come over and a lil chit chat but then I developed feelings for her and I wasn't the only one who had crush on her like it was against 5 dudes mnamen ene demo introvert when it comes to her SHYYY so it was pretty hard but then on grade 9 our ways separated she changed school but then I found her number and started talking but she keeps getting dry then eventually we stopped talking but then I can't move on like when the feeling is fading id see her in my dreams ena It'd started again I had many offers for dates with girls but I'm blinded had no Interest on anyone sooo guys I need you to tell me how to move on it's been 3 years kayewat hula but still I guess it's the power of MERIGETA anyways S.O.S🤟🏻


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi y’all
Have you ever been in a situation where something betamm felgachu መፈለጋቹህ እንስኪያስጠላቹህ ድረስ... I want it sooo bad and i keep hating myself for wanting it. What’s wrong with me? Everyone is normal not having it and why am I getting sooo obsessed with it. I swear I don’t think this is normal. you might think it’s boy minamn right? It’s not. I don’t know how to explain. I have huge burning desire to go abroad. I swear I don’t think my obsession is normal. I tried to suicide 2 times bcz of this reason.

What should I do? Anyone with these weird obsession please? Help out your girl


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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22 f I am graduated student so I have bf we have been together for 1 years and unexpectedly i am pregnant but when we had sex i used post pill but it doesn’t seem work so we told our family and my family are against it even when i told for my sister she hit me on my stomach and i beg her don’t hurt my child but she repeated it and my was like she was standing and seeing me she didn’t do anything after that i go to my aunts house anyway my baby is fine but they want me to do abortion even my bf and I don’t have any job to support my self so what should i do

#Family #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys I'm 19 yro F ena it has been a year since I met with my bf ena we've had sex now for the 3rd time and like the thing is yemejemerya gize senadreg just tenesh becha nbr yasgebaw ena wasn't enough to take my virginity(im a virgin) huletegna ken senadreg lela ken gn actual sex nbr ena there was no blood idk I thought like maybe be ande aytefam mnamn then esum alteyekegnem zem ale we talked was a good day keza I went home then be lela ken for the 3rd time senadreg dmo he fingered me and we also had sex gn still there was no blood ena gra gebtognal i told him I am a virgin gn mnm blood yelem ena like esu minegregn aynet slalmeselegn I asked if there's anything he wanted to ask or tell me keza he said yea ena negeregn keza I tried to explain and he did not. Even argue w me he said he trusts me mnamn keza beka 🥺 he loves me so much gn I feel bad how could this happen I mean howwww 😭😭

#Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi everyone ,am J here am 27 (m) and let me get to the point i am currently in a relationship for the past year with a woman who is older than me she is 35 and the issue is she want me to be her husband and i can't do it ...dont get me wrong i have feelings for her and i do not want to hurt her .
Lately yesterday we were talking about one of my friend who happens to marry an older woman and i told her that how he was frustrated to tell his family about her (because she is older and he was afraid they might disprove and all that ).
And she said how about your family would approve me and i went blank because they might not and she said i do not want to waste time with you if you are not gonna marry me . Mind you, we live abroad, and i dont have all my shit figured out yet .
My friends don't want me to be with her because of her history and in the city we live in. Everyone knows her, her clubbing history, and smoking hookah and all that nonsense.
My question is especially for the ladies out here what would you do if your brother dates someone like this woman, and what should i genuinely do ? And men, too, would you continue with this type of woman ?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi I needed to vent so I'm 24 turning 25 in 2 month I have been in 2 serious relationship before and both ended up hurting me badly but I didn't lose hope on love so recently I was seeing this guy I met on tinder he was nice and loving and got all I wanted and I ended up in bed with him in a week we went out and he was okay we talked on the phone in the next morning after that I couldn't get in touch with him after that I've called and texted but there is no replies I don't know what to think is he ghosted me or did something happened to him I'm confused?

#Relationship #Adult

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