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Vent Here is the place for you to vent off anything you have on your mind, get help and give out help to those who vent. Anonymously. Vent using @vent_here_bot For any inquiries and ads, contact 🦄 @MoiPlus "We rise by lifting others"

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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20 M. Guys I need to vent. So I loved this girl since high school and only talked about her to my brother because I feel like he's the only one that would understand. Keza gin I saw that he follows her on Instagram, but I didn't give it much thought and went on and through time I would randomly go through his texts to see if he talks to her, and to my surprise they actually text constantly but I was too afraid to confront him. He is the only one in this world I truly love. Then one day he said that he wants to talk to me so tegenagnen then he tells me how he was secretly dating her and apologized. But what really broke me is that he told me they're in love and plan on getting married and asked me on being his best man. What do I do? I still love her to the death but he is my brother and I should be there and share his happiness??

#Family #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey am 20m , i have this problem going out with people, i mean am not good in my social life, i don't want to go out and meet people,as soon as i go out from my home  i start to feel a headache even when i go to class that's must.sometimes I feel desperate like i have no hope mnamn,  i am worried about how can i survive this world by this behavior.u k communication is basic so i need ur advice,how can i be sociable and can go out with people easily?

#Friendship #HealthComplications

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I really don't wanna live anymore, I don't have anything to live for literally my life is a shit show. I'm not smart ,im not rich. I don't even know what is going on on my life like what the fuck is this I didn't sign up for this i either live like I want or I die before things got worse like I have nothing, nothing! I don't wanna live like this ymr literally eska new year maskaram nw mtabkaw kaza bawhala you can kiss your girl goodbye, cause im living for good


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Guys what do you do when you feel hopeless? When nothing is going your way? I feel like I can't get out of this.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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እንዴት ነዉ ግን ባለኝ ነገር ደስተኛ መሆን የምችለዉ ሁል ጊዜ ፈልጌና ፈቅጄ ባጣሁት ነገር ካለፈ በኋላ እፀፀታለሁ ግን ለምን ምንም በህይወቴ ደስተኛ መሆን አልቻልኩም ምንም እንዴት ነዉ ደስተኛ መሆን የሚቻለዉ በጣም ነዉ ሁሉ ነገር ያስጠላኝ😔😔


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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F 18
So y'all I need a therapy I've been depressed and some traumas keep coming back it's silly but I couldn't get over it I've really tried btmmmmm more than u can imagine but I couldn't and I don't think I will. The funniest thing is that I told ppl about this stuff but they didn't give a shit. I thought someone will help me get me out of it but no one is willing to do that I guess I ain't worth nth.
I'm not here to complain its just I need someone to talk to and I rly need a solution.So if anyone is willing to recommend a therapist or idk I rly need help.
P.S. I hope its affordable(if its a therapy)


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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why is it that very very nice ppl mekeset in your life just when you've had enough bullshit in your life and the only thing that comes out of your mouth is "bullshit" ere wuuuuuuuuuuuuy beka. i want to die rn.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Guys what should I do I'm 2nd year and currently learning a Field i hate with passion (Civil Engineering) the thing is i can't drop out ቤት አይሰሙኝም(Father የመውጣት እቅዱ እንዳለኝ ካወቀ በጠረባ ነው ሚዘረግፈኝ💀) The annoying part is ትምህርቱን ችዬ ብማረው ጎሽ እቀጥል ነበር (I'm barely passing with C and C- while putting effort😭)
በዚው አካሄዴ ከቀጠልኩ aydelem lag dismissed mnamn hula ledereg echlalew. ughhhhh I guess it's not for me.
My question is how can I convince my parents that I'm in Extreme agony and i need to escape this hell hole🤮??
(Btw I'm in AASTU)
At least so that I can learn something I actually enjoy in college!


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have a friend who has a body count of around 10-15, and almost all of them were virgins. One day, I asked him why he likes virgins so much, and he replied that the difference between a virgin and a non-virgin is like the difference between a new phone and a used phone. He doesn't want to engage in sexual activity with someone else who has been intimate with someone before.

After some time, he told me he was in love with a special girl, and I was surprised because this wasn't his usual self. I asked him what he loved about her, and his response was that he loved her because she didn't allow him to touch her, despite his efforts to woo her with dinners, gifts, and compliments. He continues to pursue her.

Now, let's talk about my dating life. I have dated four girls in my lifetime. I had long-term relationships with two of them and a short-term relationship with one. Currently, I am in a relationship with a girl. The first long-term relationship ended due to family issues, and the second one ended because I was insecure about her having many male friends. The reason I had long-term relationships with them and my current girlfriend is because there was some form of physical contact between us, such as holding hands, kissing, cuddling, and sex.

The reason I ended the relationship with the girl I had a short-term relationship with was because she denied me any form of physical contact, even holding hands. She was similar to the girl my friend fell in love with. However, instead of loving her more, like my friend, my attraction for her went from 100% to 0%.

The difference between my friend and me was that our love languages were different. For him, the more he did something for her, the more he fell in love with her (Acts of Service). In my case, the more physical contact I received, the more I fell in love with her (Physical Touch).

So, what I want to tell you at the end of the day is that if a woman becomes intimate with you quickly, 90% of the time it's because her love language is physical touch, and she simply wants to express pure love.

Girls, especially those whose love language is physical touch, should be careful as they are often targeted by guys who just want to play them.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ehmmm hi guys 1st vent here.

And is inferiority rly bad feeling ? Becos I dedicate it as self-awareness and I said this becos I realized that everyone is trying to look (not to be) smart , cool mnamn the society is being more materialistic I think that's what's affecting our personality example am kinda broke , HIV positive , vibeless boy ... but I also have best frnds , girls I date wz and everything but all r fake that is not my real personality , I think that's happening on all of us ,if I am right do we always have to continue like this? I guess revolution stars from a bit

Thanks 🙏


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Now ik your going through some shit but would it kill u to check up on your old are not being fair fr.... i was here way before everyone else..i was checking on u when no one else did... it was your idea to quit our friend ship but you were the one who reached out when you needed comfort ...
This is the part that sucks about being a guy , i really want you to check in on me but i cant say it out loud coz im a guy and men are supposed to be strong and emotionless ...well fuck being a guy, fuck being nice and caring, damn is this what they call rock bottom

#Friendship #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I find myself trapped in a world where I am surrounded by these pitiful creatures called humans. They scurry about, driven by their base desires and shallow ambitions, completely unaware of their own insignificance. It's as if they are mere tools for my amusement, pawns in a game I have grown tired of playing.

Their predictable behaviors and mundane conversations only serve to remind me of my own detachment from the human experience. I observe them with a mix of pity and disdain, for they are trapped in their own limited perspectives, unable to comprehend the depth of existence that eludes them.

I see them as mere instruments to be manipulated, their emotions and desires mere playthings for my own entertainment. They are so easily swayed, so desperate for validation and acceptance, that it becomes almost too easy to exploit their weaknesses.

But amidst this cold detachment, I cannot help but feel a sense of being an alien. The power I hold over them, the control I exert, it all feels funny.
All I have for you humans since the day I could articulate my thoughts and learned letters pure is disgust.

Oh humans how pitifully predictable you are. You prance around, believing in the illusion of your own righteousness, while I see through the facade of your humanity and how you almost orgasm at the very sight of evil. I am devoid of empathy, devoid of any discernable human emotion, for I have transcended such trivialities.
Humans, mere insects scurrying about, are nothing more than tools for my amusement. Their desires, their dreams, their very existence, all serve to fuel my insatiable greed. I revel in their weakness, their vulnerability, for it is through their exploitation that I find my power.

You, reading this now, are no different. You are but a pawn in my grand game, a tool to be manipulated and discarded at my whim. Your feeble attempts at heroism are laughable, for you are blind to the true nature of the world. You cling to your ideals, your sense of justice, while I revel in the chaos and darkness that surrounds us.

Do you not see the futility of your efforts? Your attempts to measure up to or even surpass me are in vain, for I am the puppet master, pulling the strings of this wretched existence. Your feeble resistance only serves to amuse me, as I watch you struggle against the inevitable.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi guys I am 18 f I had in relationship but it doesn't work he cheated on me in that time I was broken and now it's been like 1 year and I never look someone after him but I think it's time to stop but I don't now how can you give me some ideas on this please


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys I can’t search this on the internet cause I prefer it should be answered beghaw setoch so here is the thing is smoking a turnoff malet if you guys start talking and you find out his a smoker like cigarette assuming girls who answer doesn’t smoke. is that a deal breaker or a turnoff?

Second demo his not a smoker (constant) but he smokes weed like you know ones in a very while just to chill, how about that ?
I would appreciate your positive answers, thank you.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Emoji
I need to vent
What hurted the most was not what everyone did to me but how unapologetic they were about it.

What broke me was no one recognised my pain
I was suffocating inside trying to act normal and nobody cared enough to check if i was okay.

What a fool i am, waiting for them to tell me how to heal while they are the ones who inflicted that pain.

They robbed me of my innocence, my passion, my ability to see good in life, my will to fight and my will to live.

I sat and watched as everything crumbled down piece by piece.

In a way i assisted my own demise, by being the fool in the story

#Friendship #Family #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello Everyone!!
I am P, A male on his mid 20s.
I CANT ARTICULATE THE PROBLEM CLEARLY COZ THAT'S ONE OF THE PROBLEM. BUT Here is the thing, I think I have a childhood trauma my mother left us when I was a in kindergarten and I grew up with my dad... a lots of ups and downs passed and Now a days I decided to deal with the negative feeling I have towards the past situation which is affecting me on my current relationships, I want to deal with the confusion that I have when it comes to maternal issues.
What I am asking is, Is there anything you can recommend me to heal my self from this trauma, and book or video or place or behavioral change .... Just anything that will help me to accept the hole in my heart.

#Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Most of You guy’s told me not to date if I’m broke(financially) btw (actually I’m collage student who comes from middle class family) gn you are telling me poor guys can’t be loved and be in relationship and sexually active I don’t understand I read so many vents about relationships who are still in their early 20s do you all come from rich families or what? Coz it seems like poor guys should stay single
P.s I didn’t say I don’t want to work 😊

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Okay idk if this even is a vent but let me say my mind

I see a lot of people saying looks dont matter personaliy is what it counts and i laugh every time like wow really thats how people think??? and yeah its not like that idk why yall lie istg i am fed up straight up say it or stfu bc Ik I get close to people be super nice to them not out of pity or something because I am just like that and i like then too but yeah after we meet they disappear left me questioning my f worth and I wonder I am that ugly(hate this word so much) even if I am so insecure about my self but want to put my self out there fighting all the demons but it never ends well I am so tired
And as a person who loves love idk if that’s cringe but yeah it’s hard I want to be in love have someone to talk to go on dates ahh yk all the things and ik i will never meet someone in irl first and do that
Bc ik no one will be wow let me ask this girl out lmao its okay tho what can i do anymore i will die single

And as my mom and sis say study hard and get money you will find a man who will atleast come to you for ur money 😂 i want to prove them wrong but they might be right

23 Female


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys deg nachu
Males and females tlqm hun tenesh wetat hun golmasa student hun working.....Please uk Please beqa if ur having relationship issue marriage isssue dont let 3rd person get in to it beqa no matter how hard ur situation is bruh my dear dont beqa wellahi dont ever tell ur problems and wait for a solution ask me why?
Cus u are a human being abzhagnawn gze sle hunetah stnager 88% yanten side or yanchim side agultesh new emitnageriw/rew so yamakerkew sew mnm bihon melsu lante yadela nw and u feel like u did smtn right gn neger ketebeleshashe bewhala new emigebash/h...ene behiowte degme emalagegnatn set bezih mkniat latat chiyalehu her love and her trust i was wrong the whole time instead of talking to her i runaway and ask some stranger now i ended up loosing her we friends now man wellahi she was the purest thing ever that cam in my life but our thing is now a history she dont want to do anything with me even a virtual hug😂beqa Please eshi listen and fix it by ur own u have a mind😉

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y all
Just wanna ask for the guys do you lose intereset even twedwat yeneberech girl i mean ypur girl friend. after some time.. before marriage sex no kalech if she wanted to keep her virginity...what syour response..would you lose intereset on her. And being a distant from her weys??


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am a man in his late 20's never been in a relationship አይናፋር ነኝ ጭራሽ ሴት ልጅ ማውራት አልችልም : አሁን አሁን በትንሹ እያሻሻልኩ ነዉ በተለይ ማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ላይ አውራለሁ ። ጓደኞቼ ብዙ ex ነበራቸው እና አብረን ሆነን ስለፍቅር ህይወት ወሬ ሲነሳ ይደብረኛል : የማወራው የፍቅር ሒወትም የለኝም አንዳንዴ እኔም በሀሰት ጓደኛ እንደነበረኝ እነግራቸዋለሁ :: እናም አሁን አሁን እያሳሰበኝ ያለ ጉዳይ አለ እስካሁን ከጠበኩ አይቀር relationship መጀመር የምፈልገው ከማገባት ሴት ጋር ነዉ ነገር ግን የምፈልጋት ሴት ልክ እንደ እኔ relationship ኖሯት የማታውቅ ሴት መሆን አለባት ብየ አስባለሁ :: እንደዚች አይነት ሴት ደግሞ በቀላሉ አትገኝም : እስኪ ወንድማችሁን ምከሩት ምን ላድርግ ? አንዳንዴ ብቸኝነት ይሰማኛል እና አጠገቤ ካሉት ከአንዷ ጋር ለምን ግንኙነት አልጀምርም እልና በኋላ ላላገባት ለምን እንዲህ አደርጋለው ብየ የጥፋተኝነት ስሜት ይሰማኛል : ግንኙነት ማድረግ ያለብኝ ከማገባት ሴት ጋ መሆን አለበት ብየ ራሴን አሳምናለሁ :: ይች ሴት ግን የለችም : እስካሁን በተማሪነት ህይወቴ ያላወኳት ሴት አሁን የስራው አለም ላይ ላገኛት ከበደኝ :የተሳሳተ መንገድ ላይ ያለሁም ይመስለኛል ::


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am feeling so lonely... I know this is so clique to say but I got no one to talk to.. All my friends are busy I don't have a permanent partner and I can't/don't want to open up to my parents.. I don't know what to do with my life im 23 and I don't know what I should do next.. And I'm starting to have panic attacks when I face some difficult stuff to deal with, and I'm getting easily stressed out and anxious lately, I don't know if it's a mental or physical problem. Do you guys know of any books or something that would help understand my life & live a purpose driven life and enjoy it a bit more and ..


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am in a need of a friend,  recently went through a through break up n feeling hopeless 😪 and suicidal.  Any one who can help me pass this hard time ?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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i'm starting to find myself lying to people repeatedly . It is not about things that might hurt anyone but it can be to avoid some responsibilities ,or the things i said i would do . Idk aregalew yalkuten negr madregiyaw gize siders i don't wanna do it then i make a false excuse to cancel whatever it is. Ena its bothering me


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Weyne, ong i hate those days when all of a sudden Tiktok is boring and instagram reels aren't funny anymore and suddenly your dms are dry (not really, you just decided not to reply) and you try to read a book and then you feel panicky, which you don't even know why!! And it's just blank, you and your thoughts alone, you don't even know what to do... And right at that time,😂 that's when you decide "Hey🤠 how bout i cry?" Kills me to say this smh, which then you proceed to trigger that triggered brain of yours to reminisce triggering memories so that you can cry (it's not even that triggering, probably my dads preference towards ESAT or VOA over me) and then you cry over Frank Ocean songs and that's when White Ferrari makes an appearance and it's just cherry on the top, reminding you of how it was back then. And you're so Pathetic thinking you'd look good in the mirror (which you do, like fr) and right at that very moment was when Frank decides to show up with a banger(Pink + White). And i kid you not, You get the Adrenaline. suddenly you're out. Now bro like what do you even call that emotion? and how tf do you even explain it endee?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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It's been almost 2 years and I can't seem to get u out of my mind. U keep doing over n over u keep coming with all those memories u gave me all the bitter sweet things we've been through, all the smiles u put on my face and all the tears took out of me, all the magnificent kisses u gave me it was magical that I couldn't be able to feel that after u left eventhough I tried to get over ubI tried with the perfect man but perfect don't mean that it's working bc u ruined me u made me unable to feel love unless it's with u. 2 years of and I haven't moved on I still remember our first kiss like it was from yesterday but why am I like this when I clearly know nothing is gonna change at this point. Ik u hv become a better person than u were when I met u and to my surprise that makes my heart warm to think that u r doing very well n u r not a hot mess anymore I'm genuinely happy I think that's what love is I'm happy u r happy. Yes u sol I'm talking about u


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi just need to let it go how would you feel if ur boyfriend exs come back ena she made him believe abrew menor endemichlu mnamn ene demo i'm university student timhrten salchers alku ena she tried her best keza they are moving on together next year ene ezi am crying my eyes off b yekenu gn endeh addis nw eyhonku sasbew malkesew koy am i dumb to say no for sex and moving on


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey am 25 f. The thing is idk why i always end up alone since childhood zr will be my jema zn we'll having a great time n connection zn afterward i be left alone most of zm are still together i was in more zn 3 groups since grade 3 and non of zm are in touch wiz me. I always manage to make new friends and new jema but it doesn't end well or be a life time friendship. Dont think am zat self centered bitch or gossiper mnamn i even create a good bond wiz all my jemas while we were still friends but whenever we change school or get to uv zy all have ghosted me n felt broken in to pieces now am getting used to it ena whenever i meet new friends i think zy will leave me so i started being half in to z friendship so it started to end up quickly n btw zis all happens only wiz my girl besties n most of my best boyfriends have sticked n we still reach out each other. N z problem is i need a girlfriend who could almost be my sis where we can chill out go new places, try new tngs, wash each others hair n wear each other's clothes am in need of such a sis am feeling so lonely 😭😭😭


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello ✋
So am a university student and I have an ex which I can't get over we used to be soo good even when we argue or stay amd at each other he loved me like no one else ever did I still see him in my dreams and miss him badly but in reality were friends I would rather be his friend and see him grow to the man I know he would be and I would rather give him the love I never had then just going in separate part of our lives his the kind of a guy who would cheer you up and make u laugh even when his not happy his the kinda guy who would smile and get hurt inside his the guy I have been waiting all my life for I mean price charming doesn't even describe him but the saddest part is that I ruined that relationship 100% myself I admit everything but I didn't mean to now am watching him be some else's and I watch him happy don't get me wrong I love it when his happy it turns my world up side down in a good way but at the same time am his best friend at the time being but had a life with him which I crave every single minute but won't get that chance I have tried so hard to say sorry but some mistakes are just deal breakers and I messed things up now am taking care of him which I live sooo much even if am still his bestie I give him all the love I have it's been one he'll of a year our 1 year of meeting is left with 18 days but his at his home and I am too which is hard because his in hawassa and am in A.A. I have taught about that day Million times in my head and I still smile thinking that it was the nest day of my life 🙃 and that I forgot all of my pain all the suffering I have been through and how he protected me healed my broken pieces and filled my heart with love I have a trauma only he knows it wasn't easy being raped and feeling bad about yourself day and night thinking no one would love me and all of that pain healed by his love I know u made him sound like a fairy tale price but he was more than that I just wanted to let it all out here cause I have no one to talk to about him and I don't wanna say all of these things to him I dont wanna ruin our friendship like I ruined our relationship I want him to be happy and successful I am in his life to support him no matter what you won't know it was me who wrote these but I love you with all of my heart nothing will ever change that even if I have to see you get married someday I will still be happy for you even if my heart burns 🔥I love you dummy B


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Its very urgent. I need to vent.
23 F
I think I'm a kleptomaniac or a person who is addicted to stealing things and I don't even remember doing it. I just find it in my bags late and get confused to who it belongs. I have a blank memory when I try to remember who I took it from. I need help and if any of you have experience with this types of situations I desperately need your help with it. Please its going to destroy my life if it continues.

#MentalIllness #Adult #Agitation

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