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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
6 ዓመቴ እያለ እናቴ የንግድ ሱቅ ነበራት ከፍተኛ የገበያ ቦታ ጋር .
እናም እኔ ከትምህርት ቤት ስመጣ ቤት ማንም ስለማይኖር እዛው ከእናቴ ጋር ነው የምሆነው . እዛ ካሉት የንግድ ሱቅ ካላቸው ሰዎች ጋር ስለምግባባም ስለሚወዱኝም እየዞርኩ እጫወት ነበረ .
Then one day እንደለመድኩት እየዞርኩ እያለ i came across to እህል ሚሸጥበት ቦታ ጋር . ባለቤቶቹም they're my mom's friends so ዱቤ አፍሼ በጄ እየበላሁ እያለ የባለቤቶቹ ልጅ "ነይ " አለኝ ከዛም ገባሁ ወደ ሱቁ (he was about 18 at the time). Then i remember እሱ እህል ሚመዘንበት ሚዛን ለይ ነበረ የተቀመጠው i was standing. And he started touching my face , my hair and kept asking questions about school. ከዛም ጆሮዬ ጋር መቶ , i remember word by word ምን እንዳለኝ "አሁን ማረግሽ ነገር ለጊዜው ሊያምሽ ይችላል , ስታድጊ ግን ታመሰግኚኛለሽ " አለኝ . እኔም i didnt understand. And i didnt say anything.
ቀሚስ ነበረ ያደረኩት (school uniform)ቀሚሴን ገልቦ then he pulled down my tights and pant then started licking down there. I was confused as to what he was doing. Cause that was disgusting. After finishing he pulled out his thing and told me to grab it. I said no cause it was weird looking. But he grabed my hand and he made me touch it. I was about to cry but i didnt shout cause i was scared, i didnt know what he was doing ግን i knew it wasnt right. Fortunetely የሆነ ሰውዬ መጣ እህል ለመግዛት እኔም በጄ የያዝኩትን ዱቤ በትኘው ወደ እናቴ ሮጥኩ ግን ምንም አላልኩም ለሷ . ለማንምም አልተናገርኩም እናቴም በሌላ ምክንያትከስራ ቦታዋ ወደ ሌላ ቦታ ሄደች and thats it. i had forgotten that even happened. Until yesterday; when i met him after somany years(17 yrs to be exact). He was smiling at me as if nothing happened. He had the audacity to want to shake my hand. I was just standing there and couldn't say anything, i dont know why i just froze. እና ከ mom ጋር ነበርኩ and she said "ረሳሽው እንዴ (mentioned his name) እኮ ነው የነ እንትና ልጅ "ብላ she started introducing me to the man that almost raped me. Eventually i shook his hand and went to a restaurant and washed my hand like crazyy.
Then i cried as i got home( i got mad at myself later that i cried for that man).
ግን ለሱ ብዬ አደለም ያለቀስኩት. Its because i felt sad at how he can sexualize a six yrs old girl with her uniform and who is missing a couple of tooth??? Like howw??? በዛ ገበያ መሃል ያንን opportunity ማየቱ, how?
Who knows what would have happened to me ሊገዛ የመጣው ሰውዬ በዛ ሰዓት ባይመጣ.
I felt sad for his sister cause who knows እሷንስ ምን እንዳረጋት.
I felt sad thinking how many girls who he had done that to.
I felt even sadder thinking that there are guys like him(probably in this channel too).


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey guys,
Early 20's single dude,
So I'm about to go abroad in a couple of months and I know I won't be coming back here for atleast a decade, so I think if I leave this country without meeting someone down to earth and having a genuine connection with them I'm afraid I'll end up marrying a white girl and disappointing my family.
I want to enjoy my time here and meet new people but I'm finding it though.. maybe I don't know the right places to meet new people, everyone is busy and doesn't have time, I don't know what to do...
I was even thinking of going to some hiking destinations with some of my friends but nobody wants to go(everyone is scarred they'll get kidnapped ) bicha can anyone point me to the right direction....


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello 24F
Well here Iam,straight to the point I used to date someone I loved before like 8 month and we broke up with him because of less meeting and lead us to not even being there for my birthday he literally texted happy birthday ena I got pissed and we broke up but somehow we didn’t stop talking my mom knows him through phone and ik his family in person so idk becha last Monday they called me nd said his mom passed away so I needed to go nd support him which I was literally waiting if there could be a girl coming if he is dating someone gn none even his fam though we still together mnamn becha should I expect something cause I still love him but Mn larg please tell me what to do

#Family #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Lemndn nw gn beminim ngr destegna eyehonku yalehonew.lemnden nw erasen mewided yalchalkut?ke ken wede ken erasen eyetelahu nw yalehut beka hulu negeren etelawalew.lemn tefeterku eyalku erasen eteyikalew.koy hulem ersen be mesitawet eyayehu lemn endezi honku weyim alhonkum eyalku mamarer alebign.

#MentalIllness #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
i am med student , and now i found out that i am extremely lazy for that , i used to study one day before exam even for final in highschool and elementary , i know you dont believe me, but i have done that even for 12 matric exam , and somehow i ended up in gondar medschool, but now i noticed it doesnt work like that after our final exam of a module came out , i barely passed it ... even knowing that i cant change my old habits , if i study 2 hours a day fully concentrated, it is a lot for me. and i do that with 2 or 3 days gap
all students read at least 5+ and 6+ hours a day , but it became impossible for me , i dont want to brag ( i rly hate it ) but to speak the truth , if i study as half time and effort as them i'd become sekay temari , but i dont , if there is anyone who has the habit of studying for long hours daily please contact me i want to talk in inbox


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 23M
I don't know where to go nd idk what to do. I'm tired and don't want to live like this. Fresh air yasfelegegnal gn mnm mareg alechelem. No friends, no social life, No job, even i don't have a single connection to get a job. Nowadays it's utterly impossible to get job without connection. I really hate it being dependent for everything. They told u that bet bet malet alebeh mnamn when u ask them how?? wefff. I know bet bet malet endalebegn gn i don't know how that is the problem. I'm just trapped here with my thoughts and feeling worthless. Looking forward for better days.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I feel like a loser. yes, not my first time feeling like a loser but this one is just so instance and very impactful for my future. I want to escape but I know I can't. I know I have to keep marching forward but there's an uphill challenging life I've to climb and foreseeing the steep terrain and rugged mountain-like unreachable wish and dream I've to climb, It seems so heavenly and unreal to reach its peak.

I really don't know how this venting will be helpful to me to unpack an attainable bright mindset and all, but I will just let it out and see how it will turn out.

Everyone around me seems to know what they're doing and are on the right track to their awesome bright future. I know it is an inevitable fact that I'm weak and a loser that I didn't keep up like my friends and family.

I really wish I was not on this vent looking for someone's opinion but I can't help it anymore. I really don't want to be bothered by peoples' pov about me but I can't help that either. I really want to ignore every single being on earth, like Shōya Ishida once who wanted to ignore his schoolmates', and his method was like putting an x mark on everyone and was on his own world. I wish it was possible to ignore peeps like that. Not only do I like my alone time at home but also I'd like to have that everywhere on every road I stumble and everywhere I go, like in a solitary state. It gives me bitter to even have the slimmest thought about family, friends, and society's expectations.

I don't know what I'm expecting from you guys. I know some of the comments are gonna be like, you got this and shi like like full of positive energy but all in for is that ngl but I just don't know how impactful and powerful your feedback will be. And yes, let us not ignore some ugly truths too. I don't know but some of you might fill it with negative things too by saying, GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM AND DIE like Levi once said. Just know that, whatever you say negative or positive, I just might take your word. depends though, of course. In other words, I just wanted you guys to know I'm a bit sensitive. Lol, I feel sad for myself for writing this and feeling this way while some peeps feel the exact opposite of me.

I know the world could be hard to live in and integrate with society but It's our effort and strength that will keep us moving forward and I definitely need that strength lol.

Oh, and there was one comment in my previous vent that said "DESERVE YOUR DEATH and try to earn it and live a life u won't regret''...Thanks whoever you are. I will try strongly to implement that!

#School #MentalIllness #Family #Melancholy #Agitation #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
The more i grew up the more i'm realising me and my family are bad people! i used to label my self as someone who activate for woman empowerment but in my household it is the contrary. I have a huge family and a close relative who live with us, she is way younger than my youngest sibling but she is the one who do all the chores, she cooks, she cleans and she washes with no break. She is the first to wake up and the last to go to sleep.
sometimes she don't eat the good foods she cook for us.
My parents, they even treat her bad but they are old i don't expect them to understand the situation but my siblings? they are fruits of the modern world why can't they feel bad for her? i try to treat her better but sometimes my laziness wins me over so i'm as bad as the rest of them.
I always wonder how she would be treated if she lives with her parents, i know they would spoil her even if they are poor.
Me at her age had a lot of fun, i feel like we are stealing her childhood 😔 remember the feeling of going homeafter school and missing your bed ? she don't get that.
Studying before exam and trying not to waste a single second? Well we don't give her that too. I always feel bad but little i know how to change this. I wish i could give her the world.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
በዚኽ  ቻናል ላይ ልዩ ልዩ ይዘት ያላቸውን ጽሑፎችን ባነብም አብዛኛውን እንደተመለከትኩት ግን ስለ Sex ነው። አሁን አሁንማ Six የሚል ጽሑፍንም ስመለከት Sex ብዬ አልፈዋለው። ኸረ ለመሆኑ ዘመኔን እንዲኽ Sexሰኛ እና Sexአም ያደረገው ነገር ምንድነው ? ወጣት እንደመሆናችን ከሩካቤ ጋር ተያይዞ ያለብን ፈተና እጅግ ከባድ ነው። በደጉ ጊዜ አያት ቅድመ አያቶቻችን ይኽን ፈተና ይረዱት ስለነበር ልጆቻቸው በፍትወት ተቃጥለው ዘማዊያን እንዳይሆኑ ሲሉ ከእርሻ መሬታቸው ላይ ቀንሰው አነስተኛን ጎጆ ቀልሰው ልጆቻቸውን በጊዜ የመዳር ልማድ ነበራቸው። አንዳንድ ጊዜም ፍትወትን ያነሳሳሉ ብለው ከሚያስቧቸው ምግቦች እየቀነሱ አንዳንዴም እየከለከሉ እንዲኽ ካለ ፈተና ይጠብቋቸው ነበር። ይኸው እዚኽ ደርስን አባቶቻችን ከፍለው የሚሰጡን የእርሻ መሬት ጠፍቶ የፖለቲካው ርዕዮተ ዐለም ተምረህ ስራ እንድታጣ ስራ ብታገኝም በሰው ሰራሽ የኑሮ ውድነት ምክንያት ቤተሰብ ለመመስረት አይደለም ለራስህ በቂ ያልሆነን ገንዘብ እንድታገኝ አድርጎ ትዳርን ይዘኽ ቤተሰብ መስርተኽ ከዚኽ ፈተና የመጠበቅ ዕድልኽን ስላጠበበው ወንዱ ጭኑ ስር በአንጠለጠላት አንዲት የክብሪት እንጨት (አንተ ልበለው እንዴ . . ) ሴቷም ብሽሽቷ ስር በታቀፈችው ረመጥ በመለኳኮስ እየነደዱ ሀገር ተቃጠለች። አእምሮኽ ላይ የሚፈጠርን ወሲባዊ ምስል በጸሎት ከመቃወም ይልቅ ወደታች እያወረድነውና ምራቃችንን እየዋጥን ሌላ ምስልን እየጨመርን የልብ ምታችን ፍጥነት እንዲያይል በማድረግና በድጋሜ ሌላ ምስል በመጨመር ወራጅ የነበረውን አካላችንን ቋሚ ተሳፋሪ በማድረግ ለእርሻ ወደ ደብረ ሲና ዋሻ ቁልቁል እንጓዛለን። በተመሳሳይ መልኩም ምስልን በምስል ላይ እያከሉ የተጓዙና የተሳፋሪን መምጣት የሚጠብቁ የሲና ዋሻ ባለአባቶች ከቆላ የሚመጣን አራሽ ተሳፋሪን ይጠባበቃሉ። እንግዲኽ ሁለት ቆለኞች ናቸው ሀገር ምድሩን እያወኩት መዓት የሚያመጡት። ወንድሞቼ እህቶቼ እኔ እየፈረድኩባችኹ አይደለም በተመሳሳይ ዕድሜ ላይ ያለው ወንድማችኹ ስለሆንኩ ፈተናችኹን በእጅጉ እረዳዋለው። ነገር ግን መክበር ክብርን እንደመጣል ቀላል አይደለም። መክበር ክብርን እንደመጣል የቅፅበት አይደለም። መክበር ክብርን እንደመጣል የሥጋ አይደለም። አዎን ፈተናው ከባድ ነው ለመክበር ማለፍ የግድ ነው። አልፎ ለመክበር መታገስ የግድ ነው። ማሰሪያውም ጸሎት ነው።  እንደ ሀገር ያሉብንን ችግሮች ገዝተንና ረግጠን ድል ልናደርጋቸው የምንችለው አስቀድመን ራሳችንን ከዝሙት ስንገዛ ነው። ለሥጋ ፈቃድ መገዛታችን ስላየለ አይደለም ለሥጋውያን ተላልፈን የተሰጠነው ? መንፈሳዊያኑ ይገለጡ ዘንድ መንፈሳዊያን እንሁን። ለሥጋ ብንወድቅ እንኳ በንስሐ እንነሳ። መውደቅ ዐዲስ አይደለም በንስሐ አለመመለስ ግን ዐዲስነት አለመሻት ነው። እልፍ ጊዜ ብንወድቅ እልፍ ጊዜ ለመታደስ እንነሳ ዳግም ከመውደቅም እንጠንቀቅ። ብዙ አይጠበቅብንም ትንሽ ጸሎት ትንሽ ጥንቃቄ ትንሽ ጥረት ብቻ። እግዚአብሔር እኔንም እናንተንም ይርዳን። በእሱም ፊት በቅዱሳኑም ፊት ከመዋረድ ያድነን። ተስፋ አለን ! ዘማውያን ሆነን ግን በዚኹ ከቀጠልን የሚመጣው ካለፈው የከፋ ይሆናልና ይኽን የምታነበው ሰው ራስኽን አድን። እንደምወዳችኹ እግዚአብሔር ያውቃል። መዋደዳችን በቃል ብቻ አይሁን !! መልካም ቀን። እንዳይበዛና በአድሚኖች ውድቅ እንዳይሆን በሰቀቀን በአጭሩ ጻፍኩ። አድሚን ከዚኽ ቀደም ውድቅ እንዳደረክብኝ ይኽንንም ብትጥልብኝ ዐዲስ አበባ አፍንጫ ስር ሰውን እያገተ ገንዘብ ከሚዘርፈው ሸኔ ለይቼ አላይኽም።


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Don't even think about skipping it!!

As usual you stayed late last night, didn't you? and you were doing nothing that important. Sometimes you do movies other times, you go on a night adventure with your books and when you needed a break you pick your phone and check your telegram if there are any interesting texts when there are infact 10 texts you haven't even replied to.
Yes that's you!
Then you tell your self you need to sleep because your eyes are getting weak and you don't want the sun rises on you even though you know well you got nothing interesting to do the next morning.

The next morning you wake up, You check your telegram again, scroll through vents and see some people struggling really hard and thought your life is so easy and blessed then you go to your Instagram, view those endless reels your friends send you. Then you go through people's story. And there you are reminded that some are married , some people you grow up with are abroad, some are celebrating their birthday at some beach in Europe, others are running a good buisness of their own, some are international models and there you are lying on your back on your bed wondering what you are going to do for the day and the rest of the week because it's summer and you can no more hide in your school or campus.

You wake up angry, do your chores and in the Middle of the day you got a call from your friends and you know they're gonna ask you to go out or something.But you just see it ring until it goes off because you have no energy of showering, changing and socializing. Or else you're broke and you're not in the mood of asking your middle class family folks for money whom you see struggling with bills at the end of each month and who you have to ask 100 of times to pay for the wifi before it goes off.
Yes that's also you!

You know well that you're pretty talented, you know you can do better than many around you and yet you're stuck and everyone around seems to transform in to something better.You're happy that's happening to them and wonder when's your turn. You care about people, you give people the help they need and all the advice even if you're feeling low and need help your self, you still seem happy in your life but you think there's this void you want to fill.You have everything others look from their opposite sex but look at your single ass.No offense but the only song that relates to you is the friends theme song ( so no one told you life was gonna be this way? You're job's a joke , you're broke, your love life's DOA and it's like you're always stuck in second gear bla bla..) ( don't be mad tho).

And since you came this far reading, let me say this to you and end my long ass story.There's a word called serendipity and the Merriam Webster defines it as the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not looked for.You can read more about it And the point I want to make is that your time will come, your chance and your time will meet. Just keep going on your battles no body sees , keep running the races no one sees the tracks, and we both know your inner self tells you , you can do better than this. Believe it. Your gut never lies.
And lastly I want to tell you that you're not alone.
We all have been and are there.🥰

( From a dude at the back seat of a bus making his way back to his home from college for a summer break)

#School #Friendship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am 20m and university freshman temari negn ena ye first semister result eyayn neber ena hulum miyastelu eyhonu new andu andun yakaksal beye sasb eybase meta ena yanbebkut ena teyakew seseraw yenbregn confidence wetetu simeta yet endegeba alakm becha hulum negeru astelagn ena mnew balgebahu endel new yasbalegn miastela debert wust new yegbahut cuz yhe wutete demo lektay ye uni koytawoche base new chershe wedbet lemhed gauaguche yenbrkut lj ahun esunm telahut.
mnalbat lene mihon advice kalachu share argugn.🙏🙏


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I'm a 25 Male, and the thing is, there is a girl older than me. 27 years old, and i love her. She loves me so much.
What did you think about this age difference guys.
Thank you

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
💡 Help
i can feel my heart cracking up to shatter into pieces. I'm not being dramatic but i dont know the fault in being a romantic fool. I loved and i loved with all my heart. what did i do wrong.? how come he's so indifferent . I used to laugh when people talk about heart breaks ... i shoooo it off saying "fall inlove again" or "leave him, he doesnt deserve you". I even apologized for something i dont even know i did. i practically begged. I loved and i got hurt. but hating him makes me so tired , being disappointed in him is wearing me out. so, here I am telling complete strangers that i'm letting go. i'm not saying "i give up" because it wasnt anything that could change however amount of effort i put in. so i'm letting go. i wish you happiness and all the success in your life and although i'm not at that point yet i dont and never will like you, but i don't hate you any more . i'm letting go yene fogari

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
It's always the small signs that reminds of the time
where we were cut deep
Bleed deep
Hurt deep

Like a broken switch, my emotions turning on and off with out my will, little reason, no proof

A swinging rope, cut into half, tied agian but shorter than before
Then again, then again
Until there was nothing to tie, nothing to fix, nothing to hold

Drowning in doubt with a self, constantly spinning around, not knowing which is which
Who am I? What do I want? What do I like?
Questions that have answers but changing every here and now, for no reason at all

Haven't I already formed an identity or is it just I can't ever. Is it just phase or a whole life span? Is it beating or has it stopped? Is there a pulse, any signal of hope
Should I wait or should I .... not?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
We built a town on a shaky ground. It has collapsed years ago. There's no reason for me to hold on to our memories anymore. I'm gonna let you go.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I feel like a loser. yes, not my first time feeling like a loser but this one is just so instance and very impactful for my future. I want to escape but I know I can't. I know I have to keep marching forward but there's an uphill challenging life I've to climb and foreseeing the steep terrain and rugged mountain-like unreachable wish and dream I've to climb, It seems so heavenly and unreal to reach its peak.

I really don't know how this venting will be helpful to me to unpack an attainable bright mindset and all, but I will just let it out and see how it will turn out.

Everyone around me seems to know what they're doing and are on the right track to their awesome bright future. I know it is an inevitable fact that I'm weak and a loser that I didn't keep up like my friends and family.

I really wish I was not on this vent looking for someone's opinion but I can't help it anymore. I really don't want to be bothered by peoples' pov about me but I can't help that either. I really want to ignore every single being on earth, like Shōya Ishida once who wanted to ignore his schoolmates', and his method was like putting an x mark on everyone and was on his own world. I wish it was possible to ignore peeps like that. Not only do I like my alone time at home but also I'd like to have that everywhere on every road I stumble and everywhere I go, like in a solitary state. It gives me bitter to even have the slimmest thought about family, friends, and society's expectations.

I don't know what I'm expecting from you guys. I know some of the comments are gonna be like, you got this and shi like full of positive energy but all in for is that ngl but I just don't know how impactful and powerful your feedback will be. And yes, let us not ignore some ugly truths too. I don't know but some of you might fill it with negative things too by saying, GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM AND DIE like Levi once said whatsoever. Just know that, whatever you say, negative or positive, I just might take your word. depends though, of course. In other words, I just wanted you guys to know I'm a bit sensitive. Lol, I feel sad for myself for writing this and feeling this way while some peeps feel the exact opposite of me.

I know the world could be hard to live in and integrate with society but It's our effort and strength that will keep us moving forward and I definitely need that strength lol.

Oh, and there was one comment in my previous vent that said "DESERVE YOUR DEATH and try to earn it and live a life u won't regret''...Thanks whoever you are. I will try strongly to implement that!

#School #MentalIllness #Melancholy #Agitation

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Yeahh so I just realized I’m attracted to boys that are younger than me lol I can’t seem to want to even hold a conversation with guys my own age or older than me and I’m 26 … idk I guess I like how expressive they are of their emotions or idk becha 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t stop

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I honestly need an advice on couple of things male in his mid 20's and I had a relationship which I was honestly happy and belive she was too i mean we've been though a lot she was my childhood sweetheart we were together for 4 years and my girlfriend brought up the inner desires of mine sexually we've done it all I still remember the first day I had to give a blow job I mean I loved it instantly to being almost addicted to it to the extent I once didn't stoped when she cummed on me...she also gives an amazing blow jobs as well. we were just wild sadly she had to move to Canada a year ago and started long distance relationship for 7 month but since she won't come due to different reason the next 5 years we broke up after havinga talk...I sometimes hate that i started such things .u know why I was talking to this girl she was a friend of our family and we kinda stated dating after being together for 3 months we went to a restaurant and since we both couldn't go home decided to spend the night outside in a room which we went in a room and since i hadn't have any sex other than my first gf i didn't wsnt to rush things she asked me to join her in the showers i agreed id be lying if i said I wasn't excited so after that whoever we layed we started kissing and i decided rather than just putting it in I went down having a cold water in my mouth since my ex loved ice in my mouth but couldn't find one she was moaning at first and was excited that I made her happy but all of the supper all I recived was an insult a lot of them that porn ruined me and that's its not normal I swear to God I froze like literally froze thought it was normal and she'd love it I mean is that this much sin and disgusting for females in any age??? Isn't it pleasuring ?? Im still shocked.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey unihorse

I just wanna ask how to broke up with a guy
Like we have been together for more than 3+ months but now am not feeling it..i do love him i always think about him.100%

But i feel like am loosing my long as i dont wanna lose my self,my dreams, my goals.i have to broke that relation ship before it gets complicated

I dont wanna hurt him am doing this for mutual benefit..he will be hurt for weeks or months me So do i.but we will get used to it..
Thats way of life


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi so i have a friend she is a really nice person outgoing nice in general I really care about her shes had a hard life so yesterday she told me she slept with a guy she knew online like they meet in person that day i didn’t know how to react she wasnt a virgin shes had a few bf but the last one ended with us going to marry stopes and getting abortion i still fill guilty when we did that i dont believe in sex before marriage and I strongly oppose abortion but still went coz shes my friend after all that she did yhis with a total stranger i dont know what to say now we are in a room together and i cant act normal i talk about it with her im afraid if i just keep silent i might seem like a bad friend if i say she shouldn’t have done that and lecture her im afraid she will think im thinking im better than her or im judgmental what can i say to her now please help shes like sulking right now i dont know what to say to her


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am on a verge of giving up on my dream. I'm hard-working and dedicated person but the world doesn't work that way. I've tried all I can. I invest my only money on my dream and I've finished my exam preparation but there is no money to pay to sit for the exam. That is hard breaking.
Thanks for listening me


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ለመላው የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች እንኳን ለ 1444ኛው የ ኢድ አል አድሃ (አረፋ) በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ ☪


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Final day of school. My roommates and I have packed up. I am sitting on my bed, suitcases and loose bags on the ground. My roommate is going crazy she is trying to do everything at once, running up and down. We weren't close but I will miss her. I will miss coming dorm late and the way she would ask were I was. I will miss her.

I will miss my other roommate too. We went out and ate donuts today. We haven't really done anything together but this felt surreal. The donut was amazing so was our conversation.

I hate the fact our last day is going painfully well. I wanted it to be just another random day but they are making it hard for me. It is so painful, so beautiful, so real what I am feeling right now.

I then think about the boy who talked to me yesterday. I think about how he smiled when I looked at him.

Earth to me, back to my room. I still sit here, listening to the soft chatter, and occasional yelling over the phone.

Maybe I should call that boy..

#School #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am 35 M have wife and kids. But am uhnappy wz my marriage... One day i met this girl we hang out mnamn and i like her... But as days go by i am falling for her like for real. Betam new yemwedat ena ke bet yatahutn selam ena fkr kesua new yemagegnew... Fkr asyazechign beka now it has been more than a year.. Ena is it even possible to love other girl that your wife? Ahun ahunma misten tche hula lagebat eyasebku new... What do advice me??

#Friendship #Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey 18m know iam in a tight spot let me tell u why i was freash uv student last 3 month and i start a r/ship which is so fast but the problem us not the r/ship i was like really studying to get grade 3 mnamen like mulu leleit keza kenun mule and gemetu what happen🥺 i failed man how🤷eskahun algebahim i tried eko edele erasu fetwan azorech 😂 and i have to readd that means like ketay amet kendegena ke freshoch ga megebat imagine i got a gf and she will be like 2 year and ene ezi freash kendegena 😂 and my mother is supportive in all things but ma dad🤦
Esty ende agatemochu kenebr yehone ngr beluhi😏tnx for listening 🙌


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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i thought love was real. that was until i met her. for some people love is just a partnership that last till one gets what they want. that was her case. to bad i fell for her and she was my first love. the first time ever i felt wanted and loved. it was nice for a while cause she said she loved me too. at the time i was just blinded by this thing called love and not realize i was being used. day by day she started distancing her self, complain about the silliest things, shout at me and stuff like that. when i realized what was going on she lied and said we need to break up because of religion( i an orthodox and she a protestant). i knew that wasn't the problem but didn't say a word at the time. just being curious i asked her why after about a month and she said i was childish. it's been almost two years since then and am here with trust issues cause i tried to be in a relationship after that and ended up with a heart break every damn time. now i believe love is just a word used to fantasize feelings that don't make sense. its like a sugarcane u chew on it untill the sweetness is gone and throw it out like it some trash.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ladies this is a question rather than a vent so yeah :) so what do y’all think the most attractive thing a man can do

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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so today fetena kebdogn I got so emotional mnamn ena I even thought I was in love😂. I don't think I am in touch with my feelings. so I am always surprised by how I act but I think I act subconciously to protect myself or to make myself feel better. and its not that I am causing troubles everywhere mnamn no one knows I am struggling. I struggled with so much since childhood but I am really good at covering it up so no one has ever known and I prefer it to stay that way because people rarely value other people's feelings. and I get it everybody is living there own lives they shouldnt care about my feelings. so the problem is I got so emotional that I cried, watched porn( usually do that when I am not in a good mood) and was blasting my ears with a song. the thing here is I want this relying on porn thing to stop its a really risky thing to do and I don't want to damage myself.Please God make it stop I know its my fault for not controlling myself but please please make it stop God please. this pain, all this emotions all this things that are making me feel horrible and making me do bad things please just make it stop. I miss my innocence.
Anyone who has been able to quit porn pls help🙏


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm M 20.... I had been with zis girl began in high school(she was my whole thing at z time) for like 3 years.....for those whole years i loved n respected her bcha z things sew siwed misexewn hule malet ychala....we were best couple in z school and well-known by z students then after a year mnamn she got zis Ex things n i suggest her like a friend hula(i don't want shady things)......z Ex was so jealousy n he tried convince her to came to him bcha alot things were happened and our relationship didn't work out....she was like my first and we didn't go farther than kiss(best thing in ma life) I'm at end of 3rd year technology stud.. mnamn for long time i didn't feel to start r/ship until 3 months ago.....she was ma classmate then she asked me to help her with study stuff i attracted to her she's cute,lovely n pure but ma feeling was not that i was expected so i didn't go farther......after that ma best friend of friend saw ma pic and said that(I'll be her husband in z future) bcha behone mknyat we start to talk like couple ......OMG she is so lovely and cute(z way she talk,laugh) beka she was in to me......but when i realized that i can't give my whole time to her(there were distance b/n us) i didn't want to ruin the sweetness of our relationship so i told her that it wouldn't go well then she said ok beka.......n after those things happened sometimes i needed attention(most of humanity problem) but really don't want to dive into r/ship at zis time why is that that only me??.....or i just want friend to talk with......I'm confused‽‽

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi, I am currently 22 about to be 23 and lonely. I always feel so lonely and for some reason I don’t have what girls want. I try to be funny. I try to workout. Work on myself and yes Ik it’s trying to hard but at some point, you have to try. Never been in a relationship. Never been intimate and for some reason ppl seem to catch on just by hanging out with me a couple of days, I always blamed my looks or my height but I never know what it is. Financially I am ok, and only so far the girls I have met just seem to ask me for money after a date.
And I know it’s crazy being depressed over a girl but damn sometimes it just feels lonely. Any suggestions.


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