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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
My Dearest Future Wife,

As I pour my heart into these words, an overwhelming sense of anticipation envelops me, for I believe our destinies will intertwine in the near future. I yearn to share the tranquil beauty of a starlit night with you, embracing you tenderly under the celestial canopy. Together, we will bask in the gentle radiance of the stars, finding solace in each other's presence, and creating memories that shall forever grace the tapestry of our love.

The melodies that flow from my soul long to be heard by you, my muse. I eagerly await the day when I can sing and write songs that resonate with the rhythm of our hearts. Though my past has carried its share of fractures and scars, I remain steadfast in my resolve not to surrender hope. I will remain true to myself, unaltered by the hardships I have endured, for it is as the person I am that I shall wait for you.

In a world seemingly captivated by superficial desires and transient pleasures, I yearn for an authentic connection that transcends such fleeting illusions. My desire is to love you, and you alone, with an unwavering devotion that emanates from the depths of my being. Let my heart beat solely for you, let my eyes behold only your beauty, and let my lips speak only your name. Together, let us indulge in the dreams of a shared future, intertwining our aspirations into a harmonious symphony.

I offer you the entirety of my being, a gift that symbolizes my unwavering commitment to your happiness. Entrust me with your hopes and dreams, and I shall safeguard them with utmost care. You are destined to become the center of my world, the very essence that breathes life into my soul. With every inhalation, you will be my air, and with every exhalation, you will be my last breath. Together, let us embark on a journey that traverses the tapestry of time, growing old hand in hand, and savoring the boundless love we share.

My dearest future wife, rest assured that my love for you is profound and innate, flowing naturally from the depths of my heart. It is not an artifice or a contrived sentiment, but an authentic emotion that resonates with the essence of our connection. With each passing day, my longing for you intensifies, and I eagerly await the serendipitous moment when our paths converge. Until that day arrives, I shall hold onto the flickering flame of hope, believing that the universe conspires to unite us, for true love is destined to find its way.

Yours faithfully and eternally,



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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
There were those time when i felt down but now am damn on my game social lofe shit school is about to end am going to persuade my own dream i feel like a king right now on my own world peoples please forget the bullshits in your life and focus on your self its feels amazing hate to say it ,am not bragging-or anything am the main character


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Please everyone don't just touch someone else just because you felt like touching them, or that to show you have a close relationship with them. i want people to know not everyone likes being touched by your ugly hocks. it is annoying and disturbing we are sharing dirts. please and please everyone who reads these mind your behaviour, not everyone likes you touching them.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am a Bdu  fresh man student , I pumped my head to the corner of my bed during mid exam and had a concession .
I read about all things related to my situation and found that mine is just a  mild one, so I didn't worry about it
But then i started to notice that I am having a hard time concentrating and became tired just for doing little things , and there is a brain fog that is there always like I am wearing a cap or smt which I can't find a way to get rid of  , I can't daydream or even lough without control bc my energy is so low that I will eventually be tired and have to sleep ,

The worst part is that I lost some of my iQ , language skills, and creativity, not to mention the personality disorder I am experiencing every day . I have to spend half of the day in my bed to just concerve some energy for essential activities .

No one understood my situation even though I am open about it ,  they think I am lazy for resting all day and try to motivate me by saying it's in all your head mnamn

Anyways I am frustrated that I lost my passion for a lot of things,  I don't feel like the same person anymore, never in my life experienced brain fatigue like this.

I am still recovering and gaining some of my memories back , the process seems taking so long though , I thought may be I will get help if I vent it here so if you know something about the thing don't hesitate to talk to me or leave comment , thank u


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Is it weird that I feel like i should keep my distance from my best friend who is a guy because he started dating?

I mean if i were in her position i wouldn't want another girl to be close to him as i am with him.

But at the same time my brain is telling me to be how i was always been, like why would i change for some one i don't even know and why should i care?, I know we have platonic friendship right so why not let her see and accept it?
This probably comes from my possessive attitude towards him(he sometimes says you are like my mom), if you like him then you should know i also exist in his life, i want to say i am also part of the package 📦

Am i being childish? I mean i would respect their relationship and won't expect him to prioritise me as it has been mnamn eko I'm not unreasonable person gn beka I guess I'm just afraid of what might change and how it might affect our friendship. He's like a brother to me, and I don't want to lose that. Do you have any advice on how I can navigate this situation without messing things up?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am tired of dating girls. Don't get me wrong, it is not like I am gay or sth. I just want a real woman who is a ride or die. I am at a point in my life where I am working on myself, and the thought of having someone now and progressing to something big seems interesting, yet girls don't seem into it these days. Their loss engidh🤷‍♂.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
This vent won't probably get approved this days approve yemideregut vetoch endale they are sexual anyways I am writing this cuz I am nervous and I need to let it out so my dad we haven't seen each other for like 2 month now, he never called I text him sometimes but he bearly replay even when he does replay it's either dry text or it is a text that leaves me speechless and tomorrow we are gonna meet and me is anxious I don't even know men endemelew sageniew ow guys family shit hurts so bad love batekalay is painful gen family things is unspeakable I wish I could be enough for them but I know I am not I know I will never be I hope I will heal just a little faster, I am grade 12 and the exam is coming up but I can't even study my focus is getting worse becha geta yerdani


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የሊንኮቹን ዝርዝር ለማግኘት

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
How are y'all doing? Hope you're all okay ..
I'm a female and I'm 19 years old. I live with my family duh. And I have a question. back when I was like 5 or 4 years old I had an accident there was a fire and now I have a big ugly scar on my body the thing that I wanted to ask is my family often insult me using that information. the other day I remember my mother asked me to show her my scar which I haven't shown to her for a while because she was using it to hurt me so I said" no I'm not going to show it to you because when we quarrel you're going to use that against me" and she insisted that I show her I said no and my father asked me the reason why and I told him and he was like "yeah you're right your mother is like that" and then I was like okay it's just my mother I mean my sister and my father are not like that they're not using my weakness against me so I guess it's okay I can deal with this and then my mom suddenly said that my father also talks about my scar behind my back and says shits about me and now I can't even handle it I mean I know I'm not going to get married and have that happily ever after with anyone because no one's going to want to be with me and I'm hiding it with clothes and nobody knows I have a scar on my body. I'm scared of showing it to anyone because of my family. if they even hated my scar that much and insulted me with it how can anyone ever accept me the way I am and my question is that is this normal? is what my family doing normal and should I not hate them for it?

#Family #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I'm not having a good day or maybe a good life in general. At my work place they are pretty social. And i thought i was part of the circle too. Until recently where i've realized they just want me for the things i do. I do most the work at the office. When i do sth i'd like to do it nice and neat. At first i was doing it cause i thought it was my job, untill suddenely they all stopped doing everything, and all the pressure is on me. Even my boss will be angry at me for not doing what they were supposed to do cause apparently their job is my job now. They exclude me in most of their conversations and whenever they go out for lunch. But they come around when they want something done.
I can't quit cause it pays me good and i went through hell to get the job.
But i am sick of this. I am not one to stand up for my self.
Just wanted to let it all out.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
ጅቦች ይጮኻሉ። ወሾችም የጅቦቹን ጩኸት ተከትለው በፍራቻ ድምፅ መጮኻቸውን ተያይዘውታል። በዚኽ መልኩ ከሚሰማው ከጅቦችና ከውሾች ድምፅ በቀር ፍፁም ፀጥታ ሰፍኗል። በጌታ ስቅለት ቀን የረገፉ ከዋክብት ዳግመኛ የሰማዩን ሰሌዳ ላለማድመቅ ቃል የገቡ እስኪመስል በሰማዩ ላይ አይታዩም ነበር። ጨረቃም በነፋስ ባልተበገረ ደመና ተሸፍና አልጠፋችም ላለመባል ያኽል በስፍራዋ ላይ ነበረች። በዚኽ ሁሉ ውስጥ ለስጋ ፈቃዴ ተሸንፌ ለመተኛት እየዳዳው የነበርኩ እኔ ጩኸት ይሰማኝ ጀመረ ! የተራቡ ወገኖቼ ጩኸት ፍትህ ያጡ ወገኖቼ ጩኸት የተደፈሩ እህቶቼ ጩኸት የተረሸኑ ደማቸው በከንቱ የፈሰሰ ወንድሞቼ ጩኸት የአባቶቼ የእናቶቼ የሀገሬ የቤተክርስቲያኔ ጩኸት የእኔ የኃጢአቴ ጩኸት. . .ይኽኔ ለማንቀላፋት ተቻኩለው የነበሩ ዓይኖቼ በእንባ ተመሉ። አነቡ !  . . . . .ስለዚኽ ስሜቴና ስለተፅናናውበት ቃል አሁን ላይ ምንም አልልም ! ! እንዲኽ እንዲያ እያልኩ ግን ጋደም አልኩ።  እንቅልፍ ወዲያው ሊወስደኝ ባለመቻሉ ስልኬን አነሳሁና ይኽን የፈረደበት vent here የሚባል ቻናል መጎብኘትን ጀመርኩ። የሚያሳዝን የሚያስደስት የሚያዝናና የሚያበሳጭ መልካም ምኞት ክፉ ሀሳብ ሁሉምን መቃኘት ጀመርኩ ሀሳቤንም እየሰነዘርኩ አለፍኩ። ልቤ ግን ያዝናል ! ለወትሮ ሕሊና ትንሹ እግዚአብሔር ነበር  ሀልዎተ እግዚአብሔርን ግን ከሕሊናችን ላይ ምን ደመሰሰው ? በሚል ጥያቄ ለዓይን የማይመጥነውን ለጆሮ የማይጥመውን አለፍኩት። በአብዛኛው ከተመለከትኩት ነገር ግን የተረዳውት "ራሳችን ለራሳችን ያለንን ጥላቻ" ነው።
አንዳንዶች ውሳጣዊ ክፋታችንን ውሳጣዊ ምቀኝነታችንን ውሳጣዊ ቅናታችንን ውሳጣዊ አስመሳይነታችንን በተለይ ደግሞ ከፀጋ እግዚአብሔር የሚለየንን እንደ ተራራ በልባችን ገዝፎ ያለውን ውሳጣዊ ትዕቢታችንን ተመልክተናቸው በጠላትነት ተነስተንባቸው ጦርነትን ከፍተንባቸውና ድል ልናደርጋቸው ሲገባ ከዚኽ በተቃራኒው ግን ራሳችንን የራሳችን ጠላት የምናደርገው በሚታይ አካላችን ላይ በመሆኑ ጤዛን ለመስኖ ልማት አውሎ ለመጠቀም እየጣርን እንደሆነ ያሳብቅብናል። ሸክላ ሰሪ በሸክላ ማሰሮ ጋን ጣባ ምጣድ ጉልቻ አበባ ማስቀመጫ እያለ የተለያየ ይዘት እና ቅርጽ ያላቸውን ሸክላዎች እንዲሰራና በስራው ደስ እንዲሰኝ እግዚአብሔር አምላክም በእኛ በቀጭኖቹ በወፍራሞቹ በረጅሞቹ በአጭሮቹ በቀዮቹ በጥቁሮቹ በአጠቃላይ በእጁ ስራዎች ምን ያኽል እንደሚደሰትብን አስተውለን ቢሆን ምን ያኽል ከራሳችን ፍቅር ሊይዘን ይችል ይሆን ? ሁላችን የሰው ልጆች ተመሳሳይ ቁመናና መልክ ቢኖረን ልንኖርባት የምንጓጓላት ዓለም እንዲኽ ባላማረች ነበር ! ሁላችን አንድ አይነት ብንሆን "ውበት" የሚል ቃል ባልተፈጠረ ነበር። ሁላችን አንድ አይነት ብንሆን . . . . . . . . . . . .ብዙ ማለት ይችላል (አንድም እንዳይረዝም አንድም Decline እንዳይደረግ ሀሀሀ) መለያየታችን ግን አስውቦናል ! የሚታየው ላይ ማተኮራችን የማይታየውን እንድንዘነጋ አድርጎናል ! የሚታየውን "ውበት"  መውደዳችን የማይታየውን "ውበት" እንድናጣው አድርጎናል ! ለሚታየው መሸነፋችን ለማይታየው ተሸናፊዎች አድርጎናል ! ( ቀደም ሲል ለጠቀስኳቸው ቅናት ምቀኝነት ትዕቢ . . . ) ውበት ከውጭ ወደ ውስጥ ሳይሆን ከውስጥ ወደ ውጭ ሲሆን የበለጠ ይጎላል !! ውበት ከማይታየው ወደሚታየው ሲሆን በሌሎች ላይ ፀዳሉ ያንፀባርቃል። ይኽች ዓለም እንኳ ከማይታየው ወደሚታየው የተገለጠች ናት !! ይኽ ሁሉ ያልኩት (ሴቶች ጡቴ ቂጤ ፀጉሬ ወገቤ ቅንድቤ ወንዶች ደረቴ ቁመቴ ብልቴ ሰውነቴ  ማለታችን ሁለቱንም ፆታ በአማከለ መልኩ ደግሞ አለባበሳችን ላይ በእጅጉ ማተኮራችን በዚኽም ደግሞ የበታችነት አልያም የበላይነት ስሜት እንዲሰማን መሆኑ አግባብነት የለውም ! ስጋም ፈራሽ ነው ልብስም የኃጢአት ውጤት ነው ) . . ስለዚኽ በእነዚኽና በመሳሰሉት ነገሮች ራሳችንን አንጥላ ! ሌሎችንም አንጥላ !! አናንኳስ ! አናሸማቅ ! በሌላ መልኩ የማያልፈውን በሚያልፍ መተካታችን እኛን የእኛ ጠላት ያደርገናል። ከራሳችኹ ዳኑ !!
እንቅልፌ መጣ።


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Part II
3 days before his departure he concluded his class and we said bye as the other students do and later in the evening he calls me and asks me why i acted so cold knowing that he is leaving in couple of days then i calmly told him what i felt that he might not want something serious and he kinda get offended probably acted. told me to trust him and that he wants to cuddle and kiss me one more time so i went to his apartment and we have s*x AGAIN still there was no pleasure for me 🤔 maybe i might need medical checkup for this but this is not the issue for now. Before leaving his apartment i asked him if he is going to keep in touch or not and he acted surprised and ask me back that how he is not going to keep in touch and said bye.
i wasn't expecting him to come to our campus the next day before his flight he said thanks for everything then he said bye and get in to his car.
We start chatting until his departure time he was telling me i was a good person and stuff and at that moment i knew he was not going to keep in touch i don't know why 🫣 then he promised to let me know if he arrived safe and i told him that i will be looking forward THIS IS THE END OF OUR CHAT he didn't update me on his arrival 😤 i didn't write anything at all, am i wrong?? but i keep talking about him, check his social media last seen, 24/7 scrolling down his photos 😢 I'M SO OBSESSED WITH HIM! the bad thing is while talking about him i found out that he gave his number to one of my classmate and took a photo with another 😭 and now i added jealousy to my obsession! i don't know how to get over him!

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello peasants, it's not a vent actually just wanna talk

I'm 17, M here and I'm enjoying life fr even tho I'm don't have friends that much, I like spending time with myself going out alone just me my airpods and the streets, I have a gf who loves me and love her too, I workout, and do work to get some money, I ain't good at school but still trying..., just wanna say that Ik there are some challenges u gotta deal with but try your best to deal with it and be happy with what u got and what you're achieving, just try to focus on yourself and your goals

Much love ✌️


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
when i was in high school they taught us women has more sexual desire than men...but i guess i am not one of them girls...nothing in this world would make me sexually aroused idk whats happening to me..i wish i enjoy those kinds of things ...yes i dated handsome men...and i have dated who are good at foreplay and who knew what they were doing,,,and yes i have tried touching my self to the point it disgusts me...i googled and all but nothing is changed...idk what to do..please the ones who will comment to ask ur id...... I WILL NOT ASK YOUR ID!!!


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I literally feeling a physical pain right now.. Only God knows how it hurts saying you goodbye.
Im not lucky with love i guess.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi everyone 18f this is my first vent so sorry for my writing in advance
Soo the thing is I'm plus sized  and I have been fat shamed all of my life my family, friends, strangers comment on my size evefy damn day. It's not like I haven't tried to lose weight b/c I did sm to the point of starving myself for weeks yet nothing seems to be working. I have been insecure all of my life which affected my confidence sm to the point that I became suicidal and have an ED.It really hurts every insult thrown towards me stings so bad.But the worst of them all are those of the ones that comes form my family especially my mum. Everything I wear is either too tight and is meant for skinny girls or too big which makes me look "fatter" she has never ever in my life liked anything in my wardrobe and I hated going out because of that and shopping is just another nightmare.Everytime I entered a store I see discust in the salesperson's face and they look at me up and down and be like "oh if only u were skinnier this would've been flattering" and proceedes to laugh like what...
And this happen every single time and its really overwhelming being treated different and being discriminated and then being told to ✨love yourself✨ by the same people who body shamed you is a really shitty thing. So for future reference please just please don't comment on someone else's body b/c they probably know and they don't want people constantly reminding them of it just let them be

#MentalIllness #Family #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is for the mens/boys only please for the sake of your own self-respect don't ask id of a random check who is sucking dick or is bitching around about her relationship or talking about some bullshit that doesn't even make sense ... I know you can get what you want yaw ke 10/1 bihonm gn it ain't worth it man just meet a girl in a person or your surroundings and here Most of them doesn't want to be asked and at the same time they wanna be asked for their dopamine and ego feeding satisfaction just focus on your self brothers......


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey everyone this is my first time venting sooo let’s start am a female and 18 years old and am grade 12 ena mn meselachu swoch am scared to take the entrance malet beka betam nw yeferahut betelay eza dorm yalewn ngr mnamn sesema beka weste fera and idk what to do balfetenm it’s just matter of time enji kezi hager mewtate aykerm ena balwesd demo 15 years yelefahut ngr gedel geba malet nw andddd please if everyone have advice yone ngr belugn
Ena demo family endatwesji eyale eyasferaragn nw
Becha idk kmr


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I want to share with you something that has been with me for quite some time.

You ever notice this voice in you that tells you to do something? Not an actual voice (I'm not schizoid), this almost higher self that tells you to do something, like a guardian angel almost, but most probably just your highly accomplished subconscious mind that is very proficient at pattern recognition.

Well It tells me to do stuff, not crazy stuff, just get your hair cut today, I did it, and you know, I had to get my photo taken days after for my Id; it was looking out for me.

And when I don't follow orders, things crumble in a chain reaction fashion.

Example:- I felt I had to meet friend and leave quick to home. Ended up staying way longer, disappointed my spouse for being late, had cigarette stench on my clothes, and my friend got mugged afterwards. I should have left early.

If I obey, things are rosy. If I don't, things go south.
Remember, all orders are for my benefit. I'm not enslaved. It's (I'm) looking out for me.

Mistakes breed more mistakes.

Takeaway from this maybe: listen to your gut more

Fun fact: you know there's a literal gut brain right? Read it somewhere, look it up

Have a blessed month where you inch closer to your best version

With Love


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Am writing this vent while sitting in my dorm with no one beside me . It was peaceful usually uk without ppl disturbing me and all but today I can't stand the loneliness that was creeping on me idk what I expected . I have a best friend and when I call him if we can go out for walk, he was with friends already outside...I felt so sad I mean it wasn't a big deal but I don't know why I being sensitive over the issue. I am always there for people when they r in need and when it is me , it just doesn't workout . I hate this me...I feel like this once in a blue moon but when I do feel it, I want to kill myself even than feeling this. I don't know why I am writing this even...expecting a call that never came, loving someone who has a girlfriend and to top it all I am angry at nothing for no reason at all . I don't need any advice I just want to let it off my chest


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent

I'm an adult. I'm aware I have depression, the problem is not the depression itself but how it has affected me. I don't think normally or evaluate things normally which makes me emotionally vulnerable always. I tend to be needy, I need constant consolation, I have become self centred rather selfish I don't want to be like this. But there are times when I'm so scared, anxious, feel like crying, feel like I'm being watched and I feel like I'm wrong without any hope of redemption and when this time comes I am afraid to talk to anyone about it because of how stupid it is and how it will be seen as being dramatic instead. Unfortunately I feel like I've been like this forever so whenever it happens if I talk about it I'm told I've always been like this. I know I'm a victim mentality person but I want to change it. I'm so tired of myself. I am afraid of being like this. I try to take responsibility and act instead of Overthink and idly talk but there comes a time when that dreaded time comes again. It's so tiresome I'm so tired I don't like to be like this but I don't know what to do with myself. I am tired


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Gn why is tdar considered as a success?
I want a genuine answer.
There are people (like me) who just dont want to get married.
Gn gena ke ahunu my friends, coworkers, zemed, my mom and sister are putting preasure on me at least fkregna endyz. My mom was proud of me mnm kewend gar slemaytay growing up. Gn ahun i am 22 yrs old still no boyfriend and now she is scared endezihu endemketl. She is so scared that we will be having a very loong conversation about it everyday.
But its not like a genuine bf will rain from my ceiling.

Bcha bezih edmeye pressure yhen yahl kehone 29, 30 mnamn sehonma asebkut mtsm. I dont know why we cant normalise not getting married at all.


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I live with them. they're close family. I live with them because I am taking a class and it's very hard for me. Just a small amount of money gets sent to me but not enough to make me independently but this family of mine takes advantage of me, he is very good at manipulation and deceiving. Like face of a sheep with a personality of a wolf. Takes advantage of me money wise I can't say I don't have when i do he asks me for money everytime and when we hangout since it's hard staying at home I am always who pays for everything. Sometimes when I stay at home I get uncomfortable since he has a wife too. The days when we go out to hang out we spend my money on drinking and stuff. Sometimes I feel like I have no control like he do something to make me pay or sth.what should I do to protect my self from people like this who only use you for there advantage and manipulate you by sounding good after wards. It's usually to stay away from them but in my case I can't I am living with them and I don't have anywhere to go until I get a job which is hard. How do I protect myself and how do I tell the manipulations?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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ok here it goes, 22 M, my God give you the patience to read all this 😁

love, crush, infatuation? I couldn't answer since the first time I saw her, it was on one of the class when we were merged with other section that I saw her and something in my heart changed. in my entire life I have never had a crush ,love or anything I just see a beautiful girl say she looks good and went my way but this time I don't know why my heart beat for her for the first time,it took me a long time to talk to her  but one opportunity made us talk and since that moment we used to talk everyday for months and suddenly our conversation start to fade.

it has become once a week and little by little I don't know why that happens. through all this time tho I couldn't grasp that she is interested in me so I couldn't ask her to a date. she started a job one day and I joking asked her to take me out on good lunch and we agreed we went to lunch it was nice but was as a friend nothing more and since there was rain we couldn't do much.

After that tho for month and half I don't how but since I was to busy and don't even know where am at sometimes because of the stress since I was doing some job. I couldn't talk to her or anyone at the time but when after that time  when I try to reach out she became distant and I thought she was mad so I asked her,her response was "I am on a social media break" that lie hurt me to the core🥺. the way I know she lied was I was with a common friend of ours and she was talking to him like everyday even if it was class matter and other funny thing. and for the first time in my life I deleted all those thousands of message and cut off all communication, I never believed in clearing chat but this time I understood why people do it. now even if we see each other every day for class I just ignore her like we don't know each other. thank God we are going to finish this semester enji it will be much worse for me.

even after all this I blame my self may be because I didn't make a move she got tired of waiting,or I becoming boring or she think I don't like her who knows but the worst part is she didn't even ask why I deleted the chat that is the one thing that hurt me a lot, doesn't she care a bit?all year of conversation gone like that and she never asked nothing and it was nail in the coffin for me, I know nobody owns me explanation but at least for the sake of our friendship I thought she would ask. then I thought she got what she wanted not wanting to talking to me I guess.

damn this feeling I have.i don't know if it is love but it hurts a lot🥺🥺I wish sometimes she could read this vent ask me why i deleted the chat and will tell her all the things and will finally get over it, I start finals on Monday and my brian is full of her thoughts for no apparent reason. I wish there is a pill to make it go away😭😩

the hell with love if it hurt this much.iff it is called love in the first place!!!

#School #Friendship #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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To get straight to the point, I feel like I'm going to be friendless in a very short time.

My parents were really strict growing up, so I only saw my school friends in school because I wasn't allowed to leave my house for anything other than school. So after highschool ended, I never kept in touch with any of them.

The friends I have in college are nice, but they have childhood friends who they hangout with everyday, so once we graduate the friend group we have in school is probably gonn slowly die down to.

I hate feeling like this, and I don't know what to do. And I don't know any place I can go and meet new people either.

#Friendship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there esti zare life gra le gebaw sw mikr legisu yemr mn aynet life eyasalefku endehone sasibew yasqegnal then lalemarzem emokralew here it is:
I am 22M and I'm a university student . I had a crush before 2years ena ahunim abren nen we loved each other tetalten anakm even teqeyaymen we are honest to each other I don't want to see any girl keswa wichi eswam endezaw gn I have friends(girls) eswam alat (boys) gn she will tell me about them all time belela ngr endematasibachw enen bcha endehone mitfelgw mnamn ngr and me I don't tell her about any of them and she also thinks I am a shy person who is afraid of girls😂 set merche nw enji managrew shy person enkwan adelewm. And from my girl friends two of them had a crush on me ene gn yelebgnim I have that liyu mist eko🥰 ahun erasu nafeqechign yemr 😭 ... ene gn 2tun setoch zimbiye enem crush endalebgn hogne nw managrachw bale miste eyetebabaln belahlign belashlign eyetebabaln enesu eko yemrachewn nw gn ene alakm just ye chewataw dimqet nw mimeslegn 😒 gn keza enesun ke ene life lemaswetat felekugnina meet lemareg asebku huletunim yeteleyaye qen 😂 demo eko 3tum aytewawequm 😅 keza andwan meet arekugn keza be gils ene kebdognal qen be qen lanchi yalegn fqr eyechemere nw alkwat ena chenekegn menager silalebgn nw afeqrishalew alkwat 😳 ene tebqe yeneberew ene bezi menged eko alasbhm wendme eko neh milewn qal nbr I used that word for breakup lela endatasbu mist alegn😉.. then yeswa mels mn bihon tiru nw weyne ehe qal nbr sitebqew yeneberew eko betesebochem yaqalu fqr endemjemerku gn esu alnegeregnim nw yalkwachew enam yinegregnal biyachewalew zare liyu qen nw alech ena she gave me a kiss😳 god denegetku mnw tesmeh atakm ende alechign meqeledsh nw ende alkwatna eskizorbat samkwat ( cheat adelem eshi eyasmeselku nw😁) keza mata dewelechina lebetseb tenagryalew the day after tomorrow (sunday) misa teteraw bezaw ye betseb tiwiwq yinorkal alechign life gra gebagn ... tlant demo ke lelawa gar meet arige eswanm I had a crush on you alkwat keza eswam feeling endeneberat eskinegrat endehone mittebqew negragn she give me a kiss weyoo😭 ahunim I did that masmesel part😂 gn eswam endene temari silehonech we are couples starting from now on alechign be desta alkwat then same gibi silehonin she tell me that the whole day sun-sun dres ke mata 2:00-3:00 we will spend in beg tera chelema wst keza eske 7 library manbeb gideta silehone keza enqlf alechign 😴 ahunim be desta alkwat beteley be beg teraw temechegn alkwat 😂 then tinish awrten I did that masmesel (give a 30 sec kiss ) ena teleyayen. Eneko biyans eswa ende lelaw crush alebgn atlm biye eko nw mn aynet mind nw yalegn qoy ke sihtetu maymar sw😂 Ahun wendmachun tadegut eki mikerugn mn yishalegnal libe ke 1 set wichi lela ayasbm only that girl I had a crush before 2 years lelochu lay player negn😂 miskinoch siyasaznu ... yenesunm life mabelashet alfelgm wede lela ngr gebten 😂 beqa betam rezeme meselegn be pt2 emelesalew Sunday meet kareku buhala betseb liweq eski😂 .. beg teram mn endeseran ke lelawa gar achawitachuwalew put down you comments any thing funny , qum ngr , mkr , bcha leweqew miteqm comment aytefam ke libachu yihun bcha ly all🫶


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Maybe you need the full story 😂 people are wondering how the guy did these all only within 3 weeks 😊 so i'm 27 and i'm attending my masters program at one of foreign based colleges in the city and this guy from France was invited to give us additional lecture.
The first day he came in to our class my jaw was dropped i wish i could send you his pics. He is way handsome and graceful more than you can imagine 🙄 YEWEND AWRA i can say he is divorced with kids and he is in his late 40s. So i had this hugeee crush on him since day 1 and i never missed his class so for a certain task he was assigned to be my mentor we got the chance to switch our numbers and within 2 days our convo began to be out of context. We don't chat that much just a greeting in the morning seeing each other in class and good nights in the evening.
One day he asked me to bring his things to his office because he had to talk with someone. He gave me his key and he immediately followed me and kiss me and stuff 😊 i was against it even though it was the most thing i wanted. I went home and write him that he is moving too fast and we need to know each other. He told me a little about him self and asked some questions about me. I never initiated a chat and i aways try to act normal infront of my classmates. days later he calls me from his office and try to have s*x with me I stopped him and told him i was not ready and he said we got no time since he is leaving so soon. I was sooooo drived and never felt such s*xual desire for a man. I had a boyfriend years ago i gave him my v we had s*x like 3 or 4 times and we couldn't continue doing that because it was painful for me and i never felt a pleasure so it has been like 6 years since i made love and this was the first time i felt such kind of thing for a man so i promised this new guy that i will prepare my self psychologically and will try to do it the next day. The only thing i was afraid of the pain only this is the reason that draggs me back so the next day i went to his apartment and we had s*x still no pleasure for me i don't know what is wrong with me 😒 he kissed me everywhere and plays with my hair and everything except the s*x makes me happy after that day i noticed that he began to act different like he is shy or scared around me. He act as a father around the other students but me 😞 i guessed maybe he is afraid of commitment i also tried to act that i don't care about the future too.

#Relationship #Adult

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20m so the thing is have you ever had someone give you everything it maybe your parents, sister, brother or family becha the point is I have been given allot Ena I see everything that's given to me as a debt Ena ahune it's like it has surpassed the point which I am able to pay my debt , I don't know becha if u have same problem.....

#Family #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I'm graduating high school in a month or two. Next week tuesday is actually my last day of school. Idk but it has this bittersweet feeling to it. One one hand, I'm very excited for the next chapter of my life. I'll be going to college. I'll finally be able to pursue my dreams fully. On the other hand, I'm realizing that I'll never get to experience this part of my life again. I'll never be 17 or 18 from now on. I won't get to see my friends on the daily. I'll miss those people man. Fuck, I think I'll even miss my Physics teacher and all. It just hit me that I'll never be a kid again and I don't know how I'm supposed to endure that. I just wish things stayed the same, maybe for a little while.

#School #Melancholy #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am now fully aware of the fact that he doesnt want anything to do with me. Why i cant i give up tho? Whats the matter with me?
I need to accept that we are no match, i need to accept that we just cant be friends. I am too full of my self and i am too awkward to talk to him at all. I need to know that this is it for us.
He is too smart for me. I am too dumb for him.
I want to talk to him tho, but i dont know how, i want him to know all the things that are going on in my life and i want to know everything thats going on in his.
But this is just it for us.
The worst part is that he has lots of friends sp he doesnt need me, i am just an extra for him, nothing will change in his life weather or not im there. But for me its him..
Things will change if he is in my life.


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