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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey 23M Why is it so hard to find someone who is not interested in relationships ,i mean don't get me wrong relationships are as much important as building a career but not every body is ready for it why do you think most relationships fail after years of building trust.Why should i be called "irresponsible and a fuck boy" when i'm actually making my intentions clear and doing what most men never choose to do.Why is it deemed acceptable to lie and pretend that you love someone just so you could hit and run.Am i wrong for choosing not to ruin a women's life by cheating my way in but by asserting what i want which is just having fun.I just wanna know if im the only person that feels this way.

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Okay i gotta let this out, i  hardly watch TikTok but this past few days i've been less busy so i started watching and i noticed this trendy red poster on everyone's profile that condemns homosexuality, and people threatening to kill homos finding and beating them senseless…

i thought…
People act as though homosexuality is a new threat on earth needing eradication, guess what it ain't new, It has been here from the dawn of time. Romans, Greeks, even Some Parts Africa. And from the Pattern of it, it ain't going nowhere. If you think about it logically who in his right mind wanna be gay? You don't all of a sudden wake up one morning and renounce tits, It's inherently impossible. So as we like large breasts and a woman's curvy nature they must inherently like something else.

Statistically the worlds homosexuals combined don't even amount to 5% of the population. In Ethiopia probably <1%. And Lest we all forget, we live in a very poor country and dwelling on this kinds of things will make us very unproductive and bitter በእንቀት ላይ ጆሮ ደግፍ እንዳይሆንብን። The westerners want us to worry about this instead of ሀገሬን እንዴት ላሳድግ? ቤተሰቤን እንዴት ላሳድግ? እንዴት ጥሩ ምርት አምርቼ አውሮፓ አክስፖርት ላርገው? because they don't want to see our finished products they just want to take our raw materials and send us the products they made. እኛ በውሃ ቀጠነ እንቧ ከረዩ እያልን ምንም ሳንሰራ we'll Be 40 and wrinkly ስለዚህ አንዘናጋ።


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Helloww beautiful ppls😍....18f first time venting
Ene milew y'all men's n women's who have asked anonymous lD'S gn yet deresachu seriously tho like was it helpful hiwotachu lay yemeta lewt ale have u rly found ur soul mates weyss?...l wanted to meet new peeps online but after giving it a shot menamen at last the whole idea diro belijenatachn ende menechawetew eka eka mechawecha nw mihonew😭...bicha to cut to the chase rn l'm kinda bored ena l gat some free time so y not meet new ppls in here beye asebku soooo if there is anyone who wants to be heard or have unhealed childhood traumas l'd love to listen to u guys😙... anyone who gat free time and has the interest in meeting new ppl and see where it goes, if ur open minded extrovert n slightly talkative plus who loves to try new things and adventurous...gender rly doesn't matter just hit me up n less talk✌...

#School #Friendship #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I'm 20 & she's 16. I met her on instagram. She asked me out to a movie next week. Should I go? Is it legal?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have talked to him for like a week only but he kept asking me for nude pics alot so I tried to ask him if he was just watching them or what he is doing with the pics cause trust me I'm  not attractive I don't even have a good shape now I'm worried I mean I went out of my ways to send them I mean I was warned by different people not to do that but I loved this man so I did things for him but guess what he was like u don't trust me and he told me not to call him ever again wtf is going on please help me


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
hey guys im 22 F i have never dated before but this days i found my self crushing on someone i took my chances and asked him if he was interested he said yes but the problem is that he kept asking me for nude pics at first I refused but I was like what ever and sent him some but is this the right thing to do cause am stress that it's only me doing all this and I feel like am forcing him and why do I feel like his using me please help give me some advice


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
በቅዱስ ፓይሲዮስ ቃል ጀምረን ትውልድ ከፈጣሪው ጋር ባለው ግንኙነት ላይ እንዲሰራ በማሳሰብ ሰዶማውያኑም ከክፉ ግብራቸው እንዲመለሱ በስመ መድኃኔዓለም ተማፅነን አልፈን ነበር ። ይሁንና ከነክፉ ግብራችን በመድኃኔዓለም ቸርነት ዕድሜ ለንስሐ ተሰጥቶን ዛሬ ላይ ደርሰናል። ቸርነቱን ያላራቀብንን አምላክ እያመሰገንን አምባ የምትሆነንን እናቱን ከልጇ ታማልደን ዘንድ እየተማጸንን በተሰበረ ልብ ዛሬም በስመ መድኃኔዓለምና በዕብራይስጥ ማሪሃም በምትባል እናቱ ስም ትውልድን ከክፉ ስራው እንዲመለስ በማሳሰብ በቅዱስ ታላስዮስ ቃል እንለጥቃለን። ቅዱሱ ሰውን እንዲወድቅ የሚያደርጉት ነገሮች ቁሳዊነት ዝሙተኝነትና ቸልተኝነት ናቸው ይለናል። ታዲያ ይኽ ቅዱስ ለሰው መውደቅ ምክንያት ብሎ የጠቀሳቸው ሦስት ምክንያቶች በዘመናችን ላይ በሰፊው የሚስተዋሉና የእኛነታችን መገለጫ እስከመሆን የደረሱ ናቸው። በሰሞነኛ ኩነቶች ሀሳቤን በመግለፅ ልቋጭ። ለጥቂት ጊዜያት ያኽል ተጉዤበት ከነበረ ከአንድ ጥንታዊ ደብር ከተመለስኩ በኋላ ነበር ጤፍ በኪሎ 120 ብር መግባቱን የሰማውት። በነበርኩበት አካባቢ ይገኙ የነበሩ ገበሬዎች በማዳበሪያ እጦት ሲያዝኑ ተመልክቼ ስለነበር የጤፍ ዋጋ መናር ቢያሳዝነኝም ተጠባቂ እንደመሆኑ ብዙ አላስገረመኝም ። በዚኽ ውስጥ ገበሬዎቹ ማዳበሪያ ከማጣታቸው በላይ ሀሳብ የሆነባቸው አንድ ጉዳይ ነበር ይኸውም  "እኛስ ባቄላውንም ምኑንም እየዘራን እናልፋለን የከተማውን ህዝብ ግን እንዴት ልናደርገው ነው " የሚል ነበር። እንባ ተናነቀኝ ! በአደፋ ልብስ ውስጥ የሚኖር ንፁህ ልብ ስለሚንቀውን ቁሳዊ ትውልድ ሲጨነቅ ሳይ አወይ ለእኔ በማለት ደረቴን ደቃው። መመለስ ነበረብኝና ጉዳዬ ጨራርሼና አእምሮዬን አሳርፌ ስመለስ ወደ ፌስ ቡክ መንደር ጎራ አልኩ "ግብረ ሰዶማዊነትን እቃወማለው" በሚል መፈክር ተጨናንቆ ቆይቶኛል። ከጀርባው አንድ ምክንያት እንዳለ ግልፅ ነበር ቢሆንም ኢተፈጥሮአዊ ተግባርን ለመደገፍ ምንም አይነት አሳማኝ ምክንያት ባለመኖሩ ተቃውሞው አግባብነት ያለው ነበር። ነገር ግን ኢተፈጥሮአዊ ተግባርን በመቃወም ውስጥ ብዙ ስህተቶች እንዳሉ የሚያስተውል ጥቂት ነው። አንተ ወይም አንቺ በጫንቃኽ ላይ ተሸክመኸው እየዞርክ ያለውን የዝሙትን ኃጢአት አቅልለኽ ሰዶማውያንን የምትቃወመው ማን ያዝናል ብለኽ ነው ? እግዚአብሔር ? ወይንስ ምን ይመጣብናል ብለኽ ነው ? መቅሰፍት ? እግዚአብሔር ሰዶማዊነትን እንደሚፀየፍ ሁሉ አንተ የሴት ጓደኛኽን እጮኛኽን ሚስትኽን ኢተፈጥሮአዊ በመሆነ መንገድ በመቀመጫዋ እና በአፏ ስትገናኛት የሚደሰት ይመስልሀል ? የአምስትና የስድስት ሴቶችን ክብረ ንፅህና ስትገፍ የሚያበረታኽ እግዚአብሔር ይመስልሀል ? (ሎቱ ስብሐት) አዎን እንጠይቃለን ! አንተ ከሰዶም ያላነሰን ኃጢአት እየፈጸምክ
በየትኛው ሞራልኽ ሰዶማዊነትን ትቃወማለው ? አውናን ከመሬት በሚያፈሰው ዘር ቢቀሰፍ አንተ በሴት ልጅ አፍ ያፈሰስከውማ በምን አይነት ስሌት ትባረካለኽ ? በየትኛው ፅድቅኽ በየትኛው ንፅህናኽ ሰዶማውያንን ትኮንናለኽ ?  ከሴቶች ዶርም ምን ያኽል አርቴፊሻል የወንድ ልጅ ብልት እንደተገኘ የረሳሽው አንቺስ እህቴ የምትመፃደቂው በየትኛው ጽድቅሽ ይሆን ? በእግዚአብሔር ላይ የያዝነው ምፀት ሊቆም ይገባል !! መፈክርኽ ራስኽን የሚያፀድቅ ሌሎችን የሚኮንን እንዳይሆን ሰዶማዊነትን እቃወማለው ማለትኽ ላይ "ዝሙተኝነትን እቃወማለው" የሚል እስካልጨመርክበት ድረስ "ምሕረትን አታስባት"
ሰይጣንን እንቢ በሉት ከእናንተ ይሸሻል እንዳለ ሐዋርያው እንቢ ልንልና እክሕደከ ሰይጣን ልንል ስንነሳ አብሮ ዘመደ ኃጢአትን ሁሉ ልንተው እንደሚገባ ልብ ይሏል። ዘመደ ኃጢአተን ሳይተው ቢክዱት ከራስ ላይ ሆኖ እንዲዘፍን የኃጢአትን ግሥ ትተን ሰይጣንን እንካድ ያን ጊዜ ፈጽሞ ይርቃል እንጦሮጦስ ይወርዳል። በእናንተ ላይ ዝሙት ይሰማልና አስቀድመኽ በራስህ ላይ ያለችን ዝሙተኝነትን ተዋት።
መንስግስ እንኳ ተዉት !! የሀማኖት ተቋማት ቸልተኝነት የሕዝብ ዳተኝነት ሀገርን ከነበረችበት ልዕልና አውርዶ ሕዝቦቿን የማንነት ቀውስ ውስጥ ከትቶ እመቀ እመቃት ከጣላት ሰነባብቷልና ከወደቅንበት እንነሳ ዘንድ በቀኝ እንደተሰቀለው ወንበዴ ጊዜአችንን እንጠቀምበት ! በዚኽ የፍልሰታ ፆም እመቤታችን እንድትለመነንና በበጎው ጎዳና እንድትመራን ቸሩ መድኃኔ ዓለም ሀገራችንን ከዘረኛ ከሰዶማዊ ከሲሞናዊ ከመለካዊ በአጠቃላይ ከሀገር ለወገን ሀዘን ከሚሆኑ ሁሉ አፅድቶ በኃይሉ ሰላምን ያደርግልን ዘንድ በዚኽ የፆም ወቅት ወድቀን እንለምነው። ስለ መድኃኔዓለም ንስሐ ግቡ። ለጸሎት ለፆም ለስግደት ለምፅዋት ለበጎ ነገር ሁሉ ቸል ማለትን ከእኛ ለማስወገድ እንጣር። የሚመጣው ካለፈው ይከፋል !ጆሮ ያለው ይስማ ! ልብ ያለው ልብ ይበል።
የስጋው ቢቀር ነፍሳችንን እናትርፍ። ( ሰዶማዊነትን መቃወም የቻልከው አእምሮ ተጠሪነቱ ለመንፈስቅዱስ እንደመሆኑ በቀረችኽ ጥቂት ሕሊና ነውና
በዚች በቀረችኽ ሕሊና ለንስሐን ንቃ ! ዝሙተኝነትን እቃወማለው ! ሰዶማዊነትን እቃወማለው ! )

#MentalIllness #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey u feel the ache in ur heart when u see ur ex u once loved and had a great memory and broke up without legit reason, i dont even know why we broke up maryamn...i saw him in his friends profile and yemr yehone wiste endet endemribesh(not being dramatic ewnet)...😭


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello there, I'm 22f living with the virus(hiv). So I wanted to ask if there are any HIV support groups you guys know. Thanks in advance

#Friendship #Family #HealthComplications #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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sometimes its hurt to see your friends to get into relationship, i know eventually mine will come, but.. you know i wanted to have one as a teenagers its kind of sucks to not have one or any experience into relationship

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I’m 29 male…..who has a good work and growing start up company……everything in life seems going well for me other than dating……now a days I feel like I’m gone be single because I’m comfortable with it because I have been hurt from my past relationship and I feel like I have finished my run on it and got tired…..when I date someone I do it with the purpose of marrying her or expecting something from that relationship but it did not work out for me…..tbh I’m really a wild person who likes to try new thing who appreciates being physical but relationship is not about that…..after we breakup with my ex’s they return regretting the decision and for the sex too…..but Once you separate ways then there is no coming back… I’m confused because dating this days is a joke specially no one wants to grow together and the other thing is being friends with benefits seems nice but not get anywhere……is there any advice for me….or should I focus on my self and live my life?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Please I need a good advice🙏
Save your criticism for now and please give me a solution
So lately I have been busy with the business I do and I broke up with my gf around 6 months ago so I never had any action ever since. It's safe to say I've been stressed for the last few months without much relaxation. 4 days ago our servant asked me to fix her telegram and she gave me her phone and I fixed it, but me being the curious mf I am I opened her gallery and bruh there are fully explicit photos of her in the shower that completely show all of her privates🤦‍♂
I'm not proud of it but I stared at them for minutes and I couldn't see her the same after that. She's always been too into her looks and showy but I never thought of it much but now I'm having evil thoughts which I know I'm gonna regret later.
I've decided not to ask her anything for now at least but it's eating me alive
So please tell me how can I get rid of these evil thoughts and control my urges🙏
How can I just forget about this whole thing?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi everyone 18F idk how to vent or how to attract your guys attention to read this but I really need help.
I'm so attached with ma phone like betam Sera seseram sbelam snesam skemetm it's always in ma hand beka I stay up all night just 24 seat slk lay lemaftet I have a lot of ideas ye sra ideas endet Ena MN lay seaten matfat endalebgh mnamn gn be hasab bcha kere slken askemche metegber alchalkum.
24/7 ebet kuch bye bw mwlew even wchiwn kayehut 3 samnt limolagh nw suk enkuan alwetam.

The other problem demo .. haymanote lay betam dekama eyehonku nw yalehut( I'm orthodox ) betekrstyan kehedku it's been decades. Slk lay kuch bye enkuan religious thingy kemeta scroll new maregew chrash layew alfelgm.
Tselot tselye alakm mezmur mibal neger slke lay yelem 1 te metshaf kdus kal bteteykugh alakm Ena gwadeghoche sizemru mnamn say betam nw yemkenaw beka cause 1 mezmur enkuan alawkm Ena betam yadafreghal beka ehe neger ke 2 amet mnamn befit betam active neberku haymanote lay ahun gn mn endenekagh alawkm even my mother enkuan notice argaw arb erobn metsom bcha orthodox miyasbl mesloshal tleghalech

Hywete wst eyetekahedu yalutn lk yalhonu negeroch bemulu lk alemehonachewn bedenb awkalew gn le mastekakel menesatu nw yekebedegh

Any advice???


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey you guys
I'm 23M ena let me ask you sth. don't you guys hate being approached by girls? I was walking alone ena there were 2 girls sitting just bunna eyetetu mnamn kehuletu anduan akatalew betam zmtegna slehonech alaweratm lelagnawa demo alawkatm ena eyaweru yayugn neber gin I was kinda introvert ena zm bye eyalefku eyale huletegnawa(the girl who i don't know) terachign des alalegnim gin zm bye tekemetku ena endemalawkat negerkuat keza esuam endematawkegn act aregech she said aynochih yamralu akuamh yamral mnamn alechign bzu gize complement sletedereku algeremegnim gin I hate it when it comes from somebody i didn't like first. I also flirted to make her feel good gin bzu neger yemren alneberem she is not good looking girl(kinda average) but you know she is fetata...yetewesene kaweran behuala alfata stlegn silk kutr telewawten teleyayen ena she called me we talked a lot...she is good at flirting mnamn, it seems she has good personality... gin i don't like her.. she wants us to meet and talk but i always have some reasons not to. ena bicha I'm asking you guys is it the problem with all of you? malet ahun bicha adelem bzu gize new betam konjo yehonu setoch likerbugn ymokruna tinish koytew ytewutal mnamn keza demo ene mawrat sfelg enesu interested ayhonum mnamn I'm living in this vicious cycle. guys please tell me something about flirting that can make me improve. setoch demo endet new ke aynafar wendoch gar mtgbabut?
sorry for my grammar
thanks for your attention


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ከወንድም በላይ የሆነውን ወንድሜን በሞት ካጣሁት it has been 6 months ግን ምንም ማመን አልቻልኩም ... መኖር የሚባለው ነገር እያስጠላኝ ነው for those of u who have passed through the same situation and tackle the challenge esti tell me how u could do it FYI i am 20 male.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there..
20 M second year medical student. i recently got a scholarship opportunity in Turkey and I don't know what to do. I wasn't thinking much of just happened suddenly and I don't know whether to stay or go..the thing is i chose Economics to study there and also the year length is the same like i'll graduated the same year whether I become a doctor here or economist there because I'll be going back two years and start college again and there is 1 year language requirement..becoming a doctor was my dream actually and I'm not having a rough time in med school at least for now but I'm not so sure about the future we all know the payment and livin condition isn't worth the sacrifice in this country and I won't lie and say I'm not in it for the money the satisfaction is enough mnamn stuff cause it's nat.. I love the field but at the end of the day, we have to feed ourselves, so I was wondering if maybe I could have a better life by learning econ abroad but there is no guarantee for is it worth the risk? starting college again with this field or shall I just stick with what I have and hope for the best? people in both fields please help me I need ur honest opinion


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am 23 ....its been a while since I figured I have this problem.....I was a little girl when it happened I was assaulted (not raped ) it was betam traumatising......growing up I was masculine still am.i think if u act like more masculine I wouldn't get assaulted.this idea controls my mind.....I am very protective of my self....I started to heal my femininity but when ever a man ask me out or if I involve my self in any romantic situation I feel scared and have bad dreams...I want to have a boyfriend at th same time I can't talk with a man with out feeling scared. Idk gn I want a family in the future but scared that wouldn't happen because of this I try to heal my self from this....but this is getting worse every fucking time in to the point where I have no feelings at all...becoming a cold person every general am scared of the person am becoming.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello bigots.

I just wanna say a few things about the recent movement against homosexuals in Ethiopia in these past few days.

I support them fully. Enekawemalen belachu pir pir selalalchu demo mnm ayfeterm. Gideya metasebut demo kenesu ateshalum. Zelewawyanen anbebesh adame begedlachew cheger yelewm eyalachu justify letaregut temokralachu but sin is sin all the same. We all know your church doesn't preach for you to kill anyone.
To be honest both forms of sex are disgusting. Andu mnm yemayawken nefs wede mdr endisekay selameta bcha kelelaw ayshalm. Zer selemayasketl Kehone demo metetelut, every guy who loves blowjobs should be as hated as homosexuals are. Every contraceptive ever should be banned. Every abortion outlawed (even those caused by rape or threat to the mother). And before you say it, yes it is natural. Read up on your biology. Hundreds of other species do show homosexuality. In some species, it is even more prevalent than heterosexuality.

"yEteBareKeCh hAgeRacHn" ye Dedeb Hager new yhe. Mnm altebarekem. Bezorkebet Hulu sew migadelbet ena mitalabet Hager haymanotegnam yetebarekem adelem. Asmesayoch nachu huleshm


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So been reading all this stuff abt virginity and got me thinking does it really degrade a woman's value?she can ve beautiful,caring and everything u ever want be not a virgin!would u leave her?I mean ain't there a lot of shit that comes before that?i'm just curious abt it.and men who say that they prefer a non virgin girl to fuck ard and a virgin one to get married to,really nigga?be serious please.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys im a female 21 yo and i think i have an ocd it started when i was like 7 or 8 years old but i didn't know what it was until i joined uni and now i know about it but i wanna get therapy ,is it curable ? What should i do? please help and where can i get tge therapy help ur sister out ,thanks.


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Muslim 19 yrs old girl
I used to be good and strong in my religion. Ahun gn enkuan strong salah rasu alsegdm be tkkl. Am becoming so weak in my religion. Don't say go to qiraa mnamn because I dont want to go out of house. And I don't want those long lectures because a lot tried with me but it doesn't work. I want a helping that can help me step by step slowly without making me bored . I want to be helped to return that strong muslim girl. Because it really affects me when I think abt it

#Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am 20M
It's my first time to uni student and am in best economic stable family Ena betam gobez balbalem grade yemetalegnal ena university life lay girl's are so interested in dating stuff but yahun wend(not all) only yemiflgew sex mareg new idk why b/c most of my friends are this type of guy's ena andande secret blew esuan le future alasbatem le ezi neger new silu mnale heje to save her life because she think him for future.yantes kalachu ene eyugn eyugn ml sew aydelehum but girl's like playmaker nigga idk but the girl's I tried to reach are this type of girl's so I am done.ena wendoch pls pls ehet eyalach endi aynet neger yidebral

#MentalIllness #Relationship #SexualAssault #Teen

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Iam M 21 college student በጣም ብቸኛ ሰው ነኝ I don’t know ሰው አብሮኝ እራሱ ወድያው ጥፉ ጥፉ ይለኛል fake samile በጣም ሰልችቶኛል even any socialize እየጠፋ መጣብኝ ጥምቀት, ድግስ any socialize አላከብርም ቤት ነው ማሳልፈው እዚ ድረስ ነው ሰዎች ortodox mehonen እራሱ እስኪያጠራጥራቸው ...ለ እናት እና አባቴ አንድ ልጅ ነኝ everyday ስለ ሞት ነው ማስበው ምንም ጥቅም የሌለኝ ነው ሚሰማኝ sucide ልሞክር አስብና ቤተሰቦቼ እያሰብኩ እተወዋለሁ ብቻ በጣም ሰልችቶኛል ሰው ስስቅ ብቻ እንጂ ውስጤ ምን እንደሚካሄድ አያቁም ለ 8 amet masterbtion ሱስ ውስጥ ነኝ +porn handsome ምባል ሰው እንደሆንኩ ብዙ ሰው ይነግሩኛል bezu ጊዜ relationship እጀምርና ወድያው ያስጠላኝል የ porn affect እንደሆነ ይገባኝል እንደ ወንድነቴ ከ እኔ ብዙ ነገር ይጠበቅብኝል gn ahunem stuck እያረኩ እንደሆነ ይሰማኛል ብቻ ከመሞቴ በፊት የ ሆነ ተስፋ ያለው ነገር እፈልጋለሁ በ ህይወት ለመቀጠል iam tired of everything….. thanks ስለሰማችሁኝ 🙏


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Been crushing hard on this beautiful guy ena he be sending 'em mixed signals that left me wondering if he has a thing for me too. Also there's this girl who I'm assuming is his girl but I couldn't be sure. And I'm having hard time deciding on whether I gotta let my feelings go or not. How can I know if she's his gf? And if he's just being himself and not acting any different when he encounters me? Cause boy be blushing and smiling when we bump into each other.

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need your advice on this guys

Okay so there was this girl (ye bet lij) and there was this boy (yeseferachew ድድ አስጪ) he started seeing her since she is grade 6 she was chewa girl....then he suffered a lot to get her obviously😝 then on grade 10 he took the first step to talk to her then they started he told her everything he had a gf for almost 3yrs but suddenly she told him she wanne break up ☹️ then got hurted like he spent 15k only on መጠጥ......he spend the year after the break up like that, then she saw how far he got from church (orthodox),so she took him to church with her (also she's so religious) then he gradually started to change....which led him to hardly fall in love with her. He got a job(on the reign of his ex "she used to force him n not understand him "well that's what he said). He started worshiping her as his master,he loved her sooo much just ever body could tell from his eyes. He changed,his change amused his friends(jemma). So my point is now did this girl changed him??(well thats what he say)
Is he wrong,she loves him very much she sees him like her baby boy and he sees her as his mother.

Well the girl is me, we're in very healthy relation i see our future in his eyes,i thank my God for everything
Thanks for advise

#Relationship #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So last night, the guy i liked said we should end it. I felt my chest constrict and my breath stop. I guess that's how it feels when your trust is broken. It still doesn't feel real.

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey Guys
21M Campus 4th year Student And My Question is that Am i the only one Who Got trust Issue with the whole Education System? Whenever i see an educated person more of them end up being Employee or teacher or ... and only a few of them Gets rich while in there late 40 or 50 losing all their energy in learning I respect that but For me this thing is like a night mare I just need ur though on this. Thanks


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I’m not an attention seeker lmao😂

This ግብዳ 👁️ girl is Turning 21 on Monday 😭(እርጅና መጣና…)(I’m not planning on staying 21 for 10more years like those celebrities lol😁…


1)FIND THE RIGHT PEOPLE: they won’t blame u for talking too much atleast😭aydel?
2)IF they wanted to they would!: stop giving excuses 4 those who chose to WALK OVER YOU! They made u feel like shit but u r perfect! They just chose to UNSEE it,n oversee ur bullshits….
3)ለሴቶች: ከወደደሽ-you will know it
ካልወደደሽ - you will be confused… guy is dumb enough to put himself in a situation to lose the one he loves…life’s too short kemaywedsh ga lemehon….don’t be selfish to hold him tight ena soulmetun atasmelchiw..don’t be selfless enough to disrespect urself and stay with someone who actually told you “I DONT LOVE YOU” belo,he doesn’t even want ur friendship eko,tchenkiwalesh hula,ataschekiw 😊
4) if he told you he still likes his past crush….do him a favor,wish him the best n proceed…let him be happy bro…anchim 3egna wegen kemthogni lanchi minorlsh eskimetalsh stay single!!!
5)use your time! Give priority to GOD,family,urself n closest ones.
6)work hard keza FETAAAAAAA belu,
7)…it hurts to be surrounded by folks who can’t SEE YOU!folks who hurt u to death n go to sleep without even making sure u stopped crying,who get tired to FIX…
8)እናንተ የቤት ስራ የሆናችሁባቸው ሰዎች ካሉ apologize and give the no more homeworks. እናንተን ስላገኙ ህይወት ትርጉም የሰጣቸው ጋር ሁኑ፣no more giving homework’s to people😊enante sew ltasdestu ena ltdesetu enji ltaschenku altefetwrachihum

Soo….Honestly I’m down for new strangers,tired of being around folks who treated me like I DONT EXIST!They made me question my worth, be insecured,they broke what we had and saw me dying to fix it n do their job…I’m hurt by those who gave me time ONLY when they felt like it,not otherwise….I don’t want to disturb the wrong people,life is too short to be surrounded by those who chose not to SEE YOU! Go enjoy with those whose eyes shine when they see you.I can’t even wait to meet my soulmates(friends,best friends,and….eyayen enchemralen hehe ee)…..Talk to me if you like the codes below…..
#Looking for some adventure
#Deep & real talks
#if you can handle my craziness
#if you are Human(read it again)…..
Comeon let’s build an empire,looking for crazy n real friendships😩


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Selam you guys!
I could really use an advice from my Muslim girlies here.
The thing is I struggle a lot with my eman especially being intact with my salah and doing other acts of worship. It is a whole rollercoaster situation between me and my eman.
So my question is how do you guys stay steadfast towards your eman and get back on track to your salah schedule after having your period?


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