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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Selam endet nachu?...mkerachun felge nw specially setoch
Ene yadekubet betam spiritually strict behone environment nw ena relationship west gebche alawkm .. melkem selemaydebr setoch likerbugn yemokeralu ene gn mnm ideaw selelalgn mnm response alsetm keza fertew yetwegnal...ena ahun lay betam eyasasbgn nw ...Please help me

#Relationship #SexualAssault

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Have u ever feel like u heart is breaking into pieces(not because of relationship and staff) but because of life happing.Have u ever felt like everyone is up there and u'r so down like below on earth while everyone is floating on cloud 9? Have u felt u'r so dump and useless at the same time? Have u every felt ppl are talking about u or feel there eyes on u and if u ever make mistake u will fail in life? I'm 24 yr old med student i'm not smartest in the class but i try my best to always win and most of the time i'm cheerful like i'm so motivated and i even motivate other to do better. But problem is i have anxiety and it's rly the bad one like even when i talk with ppl sometimes i stutter. Not only with normal ppl, ppl i so called friends. I even sometimes feel they know i have anxiety and they just wanna keep it worse so they ask or do something that stimuli my anxiety or may be i'm wrong but it just keeps growing and i'm scared. And the main thing that keep my anxiety getting worse is unvi as i told u i'm med student and the stress is eating me alive. I feel everyone is smart and i'm just avarage. My best friend she's so smart i'm always jelaous of her (in good way) and this days we're on practice after seeing other student how they work i feel so dump and not good enough to be in this position. I'm not even sure if i want to continue learning it but i can't stop right now cuz i came to far and even if i stop it's just going to be useless cuz i have noting to do or learn. When every our seniors ask me something my brain will go blank and i start to stutter. I have so many exam upcoming weeks and i didn't get ready as i have to which brings another stressful moment in my life.

My mind is trying to calm me down but inside my heart i feel like i'm dying and rly want to cry but my brain said no we can pass it but both my brain and heart know it will be so hard and it's the worst argument when ur brain and heart doesn't agree with each other. So that's all i have i think i feel ok now since i talked now
Tnx if u read it😊


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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My dad's cheating on my mom so how can i stop him demo endet laregagit eyemagete endehone


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Guadegnaye i really miss u... yane lemejemeriya ena lemecheresha gize endemagegnish bawk noro bedemb akfish neber.. maybe our friendship is not meant to be.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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18 f...I need yalls advice. I want to change I wanna be better.. matric last week tfetenku n now I got lots of time n I wanna use it to do something useful not rot in my bed like I did the whole week . bcha I wanna change I started a workout yesterday n just what else can I do to improve my self .someone who worked on themselves and is better now guide me like tell me what to do mnamn .what I should work on more, I'm a little antisocial to and if u got advice on how to change that on how to be more extroverted and also advice on improving my mindset ...just tell me things that you did that made you better


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I recently saw a video about the shame of adult virgins and their identify crisis I am just 23 and never had sex.....I have made out and stuff I was in a committed relationship before but never had sex so now being a guy and virgin is my biggest shame factor and my question is why does society kind of ostracizes male virgins I genuinely wanna know both from female and male perspectives.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent 25, single.
15 days ago I met a woman on IG aged close to 30 and long story short....we met in person and started to ask each other likes and dislikes. And in the middle of our conversation I touched her nipples softly with my fingers. Then told her not to get nervous then kissed her lips so smoothly. We fucked that day. The thing that I deeply realized on that day is that I can stay longer and deeper in sex. I think that's one of the most rare guys can do for a better and common satisfaction during sex.

I fucked her two times in the night and one in the morning. It feels like you can't explain properly in words.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Alright so the thing is i spend 90% of my wake time scrolling on youtube i don't lile watching movies and listening to songs that much tbh but i am obsessed wz youtube. Even on youtube z things that i watch are not usually entertainment stuff ( I'll list them down the the end of the vent if u r interested ) ever since corona time came and almost everybody installed wifi i was watching it. I really love it. It's like my world fr i mean it's where i drive almost all my knowledge ( non acadamic and academic also ), find new things, entertain bcha everthing. If am at home which is 75% of the time unless am sleeping mnamn all I'd be doing is watching it.

So what is the problem. It's not appropriate i mean i don't want it to be the only thing that i do i want to incorporate other self help routines into my life like journaling, meditating, reading books, going to events and meeting new ppl, exercising, learning new things like cooking, language, tech staff, and the like but all i do is sit or lay down and scroll one video to another and it's making me feel like shit. Tbh if anything it had made me smarter and an intereting person to talk like damn it has changed my communication before that i just used to listen to ppl talking since i didn't have an idea on what they talk mnm life experience yelegnm but now thanks to it istg every person i met would find me really interesting.

Gn i don't have the energy and motivation to do other activities my dopamine receptors are burned 😂 bc of continuous surge and i don't want that i want to get my life together at the same time having the previlage of knowledges that youtube has to provide. I've tried to cut it altogether for a meximum of 3 days but alaschalegnm i was tatbo chqa.
I mean is there a way to balance this i mean having the motivation to do other activitiea while watching youtube also

These are most of the things that i watch

hair growth videos 💃 weight loss videos💃 self development videos💃 book summary videos💃audiobooks💃psychology videos 💃body language videos💃 feminine energy videos💃podcasts💃 monk videos💃 skin care videos 💃 red pill videos💃 crime documentaries💃 make up tutorials💃 law of attraction videos 💃 study videos💃 business videos yemesaselutn new



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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have a friend who is a fucking bitch, she is such a fake friend she gets close to me when she has no other friends but completely ignores me when her friends are there. She talks shit abt ppl all the fucking time and spreads rumors she soread rumors abt me and how i acted towards her but theyre all lies and she bad mouths me to everyone and turns them all againts me. I hate her with all my heart and i wish i would die because of her. What do i do? ( ps she has all my friends wrapped around her finger )


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello f 19
the past 2 years have been the lonliest of my life. I haven't been able to make friends in college, my highschool friends are far away and my cousin who i spent most of my time with is in another country. See the thing is there was this girl from my highschool who was in z same college as me. I hate her. She is a really bad person. She gets jealous and ruins people's relationships if she feels insecure. She's very manipulative and cruel. People may not notice it at first because in the begining she comes off nice and polite, and then when you let your guard down that's when she shows her true colors. She stole from my best friend. My friend didnt say anything cuz she didnt want to make it a big. Some of my other friends actually warned me about her i just didnt listen cuz she seemed really nice and polite at first. Me being friends with her affected me alot. I stoped trusting people. Even my own family. I just started having this negative outlool on life that i never had before. People who've known me for a long time would say i've changed alot. But the thing you should know about her is that she gets sick alot, and she faints. So some people may pity her and excuse her actions. The best thing about starting college was it being a fresh start, a fresh start away from her. When i saw her on registration day, i felt like the most unluckiest girl in the world. I forgot to tell you that the reason we stopped being friends is that she said some bad stuff aboit my cousin because she knew we were close and she wanted to hurt me. After college started as i told you, i stopped trusting people and the thought of making friends made me exhausted. That spark i used to have of finding new friends and companions was gone. So i swore to finish out college alone. Without any friends. When i say that i meant that i didnt want any friends that i wanted to spend all day with but if people asked me to help them in any way or if they asked me something, i would help them in any way i can and i expected the same. But me being distant and withdrawing from people made it seem like i hated them or didnt like them and i became a prihana. Nobody talks to me, nobody tell me any new and they all ignore me. I'm not a bad person. I never sent away anyone who needed my help but when i ask them about school or any asaignmnent they pretend they dont know and they never tell me anything. In many occasions, my name hasnt been written in my group's assignment, i missed mid exams, i missed i dont know what to do. And the thing i forgot to tell you in the beginning is that i had warned some people about the girl from my highschool about her actions. Maybe they're smarter than me and they'll listen. Save themselves alot of misery. At first they agreed with me. Told me they've noticed somethings about her that are red flags. But then they saw her get sick. They saw her faint and cry in the halls and they were all looking at me like they think am a bad person because i said something bad about a sick person. Just cuz she's sick doesnt make her a good person. And now because of that everybody ignores me and doesnt even want to be near me. So what should i do? How can i make friends and make the next two years of college better

#School #Friendship #Melancholy #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Everyone !! It is long but it might help you see clearly so better to read it.

#1 Men that worship viginity amlakachun endeza betamelku yet bederesachu. What even is the importance ?and the audacity of saying you prefer a virgin girl when you are not a virgin and value women based on that is sickening. You just want to feed your ego with being someone's first cause you think you will be imprinted in her mind forever.Thinking you scored a girl for being her first😂why does it sound so immature to me. It is basically narcissism!!

#2 women who think you are some kind of saint😇 for keeping it ,enantem atedesetu. Don't value yourself based on some insignificant tissue . Sometimes it's so hilarious how you ask " i had some sexual experience but i didn't bleed ,am i still a virgin? technically I AM right? ". Lady, you are solely worried about the tissue getting broken or not. keza yalefe reason rasu yelachum. Literally "i am more worthy if i bleed when i have sex with some guy eyalachu new." When did we get so low?? Your worth doesn't depend on it u r just letting other value you based on it cause you already believe that is what decides your worth, eski yehone knowledge selelesh endeza worried hugni or be worried that you are not yet independent. but Don't get me wrong ,i agree everyone have to respect their body. both men and women calm your self down ,have some self control over your emotions.Biyans pregnancy and STDs feru egzern batferu.Also ,gilrs don't torture your self cause some guy "took your virgnity" and get cold. mejemrya know why you sleep with a him. Then stop thinking with your hymen. He is changed after you sleep with him for ur first ever time and now you think you are less worthy?? girl, you lost nothing beka you wanted to have sex ,and you had sex .then you found out he is just a child. thank god he is gone cause you dont need to raise an infant.

#3 Virgin men who are worried cause you have no experience. so whatttt? be worried that are not earning money at your age ,be worried that you are not building your body and keeping your health. Don't be desperate to have sex and be "cool". ik the society mood yeyezal when men r virgin in old age but You lead ur own life , Virgin selehonk ur friends and the girl who you went out with thinks you are fara? Tell them to go to hell wit their stupid mind cause it doesn't mean you are less cool ,it does not mean your life will fall apart if u stay virgin. Focus on your goals.You will find people who normalize being a virgin bezi edmeh. Peroid.

#4 Non virgin women and men who think you are cool, i mean you literally are not. instead grow up!! Try to think of coolness more than that. Yedenezeze brain yezachu sex positions selawekachu or cause u had sex with multiple people mishelmachu yelem. If you think you r better, folks you need to calm the hell down. Be a person who owns a smart brain, be kind ,be matured,respect your self in general,love yourself. Your value and coolness should depend on these things .

All i wanna say is stop glamorizing the concept of virginity and try to see urs and ur partner's value beyond this.

I am a 24F who is virgin and not because i think it is a gold medal but i believe emotional intimacy is crucial to have sex. If by some chances i think i am emotionally connected with a guy and sleep with him. and he leaves afterwards . It won't be me who is the loser ,cause man missed out on a jem. i am worthy through life time.

Ask my id ,let's talk belachu comment lemareg yasebachu hetsanat, adebu!! so yeah read it and if u have nothing important to say just pass.

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm a bit worried about my dating life because I'm a female atheist who has never dated before, and I'm unsure how to navigate this aspect of life. I don't believe in God, and I'd prefer to date agnostic or atheist guys to avoid potential conflicts due to differing beliefs. While I understand that some people may have reservations about dating someone with different beliefs, I remain optimistic that there are open-minded individuals out there who will appreciate and respect my worldview.

My atheism is an essential part of who I am, and finding a partner who shares or respects my beliefs is crucial for building a meaningful and lasting relationship. I've heard concerns that most agnostic or atheist guys might not be interested in serious relationships, and it troubles me that a free-thinking woman like me may not be considered ideal for long-term partnerships in our society, even by skeptical men. Additionally, the limited number of atheists or agnostics in Ethiopia makes it challenging to find a compatible partner with whom I can genuinely connect.

If there are any atheist girls, how do you approach dating life? And for those dating theists, how do you handle this situation? I don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not, nor do I want my partner to think he can change my beliefs. Additionally, I'd prefer to avoid arguments about religion or God when dating a theist guy.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am male 25 businessman I do my own business and I am busy most of the time.I move around a lot for work but my last trip was something else I saw many beautiful women after that I am so horny I don't know why but it is kind of extraordinary. Anyone who can give some advice and Anyone who experiences same I am here

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey u guys i wanna tell u that sth like advice that i experienced before. So, i wanna tell u that don't fall in love with someone who has broken heart bcz they don't care about u more over demo they don't care who comes to their life or out their life . Ik they will gonna give u happiest moment and they will gonna love u but when u guys r in argument they will leave u like u r nth. And most of them have a trust issue and trauma. So,,,,
Don't give ur heart for someone who already get hurt bcz one day they will gonna hurt urs.
Am not generalizing btw but most of the time it's like this if u have any አጋጣሚ share us.

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hi everyone i really really need ur help ,I don't want to expose my identity i just need ur idea the case is "i think its 3 yrs ago i was in preparatory school ena there is someone who stare at me honestly i am not that much attractive but i saw him staring at me but bz of my shy behavior i can't keep eye contact ena immediately ezoralehu,but this thing liyakuart alchalem hule endafetete new.bzw he even try to approach me but not that much he just ask me normal staff and meleskulet anyways that wasn't a big the first time i really have no feeling for him but after time i really fall in love bekebadu i don't know why may be its bz lemndnw miyafetbgn bye lebzu gize selasebku yehonal about him.any ways bemekakelachn mnm sayfeter bzu gize alefe even the same uv deresen but still mnm neger aladeregem nbr so i decide to approach him instead but he reject me begeltse sayhon just didn't reply my text as i thought. i really get angry really bz i still think about him ,i couldn't get rid of him from my mind what shall i do people i need advice pls was he just joking i didn't get him


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey Amira,

It has been a couple of years since I heard from you. I sometimes think about you and wonder what happened to you. Last time we spoke before you disappeared, you were living with your uncle. What became of the gender of your second child? You were pregnant back then. How's your health? Did you ever continue the education you started in the school around signal?

I sometimes find myself wondering. Wondering why you disappeared, whatever happened to you, how you are managing life, and in what condition you are in now. Oh ㅤAmu my little sister, I hope you are well and happy.

This is K incase you are hear and read the message.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hello, guys, soo my sister is struggling with a mental problem and now she is no longer living with family and all I wanted to help but we don't live in the same city am in Adis and she lives in Arbaminch so I want any psychologist who lives in Arba Minch to help my sister please if anyone lives in there please help my sister, please


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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You're single. So what?

"They're a couple and they seem so happy, I must lack what they have. I must lack a significant other." We usually attribute happiness to relationships. Of course we do. We are outsiders. We're ignorant enough to assume relationships have glass windows. They don't. There is nothing as walled, veiled and hidden with magnificent architecture as relationships. You have to walk in one to see. See that imperfections aren't erased by default.

Look the point is, it's stupid and fruitless to feel as though you lack something because you are single. We are made in the Creator's image. You know what that makes us? Fucking creators. You are capable of creating your purpose and strengths. But so are you allowed to create your own deficiencies and problems. And that sucks yk. It's bad enough that we believe we lack something, but the fact that we try to locate it in someone we never met is an outright disrespect to ourselves.

Maybe you broke up one too many times. Maybe you abandon an interaction when you start getting attached. Maybe people aren't interested in you. Maybe you never tried. Maybe you tried and failed. At the end of the day, all maybes lead to ourselves and either what we did or what we didn't. Maybe you believe that you ruin your own life. That is power. If you can use it to ruin, you can use it to improve.

Idk man. I just hate the culture of "Someone is single; therefore, they must lack something." We don't. Long as we are capable of love, we aren't losers displayed at the "broken" section of the human race museum. Idc what you love right now. If you smile while observing the full moon, if you like the cold weather, if you love some songs and even some artists, if you care for a pet, you are capable of loving. Just because you aren't loved doesn't mean you can't love.

And being unlovable? It's impossible. You are made of tens of attributes and people are bound to love a number of them. It's your choice, however. It's your decision to better yourself and work on your strongest attributes that would make you loveable as a whole entity. It will do very good for the relationship you desire to have if you are የተቃና individual.

Don't hate yourself and expect love from a relationship. Even if you get it, you will be an incomplete person that needs another to be defined as one.

P.S. - For those with broken hearts, I wish you a mended one. For those with unsure souls, I wish you certainty. For those alone, I hope you self-reflect. For those lonely, I wish you companionship. And for those single... you are okay.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Geta... I missed you ... mariamn betam nafkehegnal ... getaye hiwet eko kebedechign... yalante melmed akategn behulum bota ante bcha neh metetayegn masebew anten bcha.... getaye agebahu eko adis yemalakewn sew agebahu gn mnum kante ga aymesaselm ere aygenagnm hula.... gude felaleh beka metamem hula jemerku ... kante ga hogne eko and ken amogn ayakm... demo magbaten eko aytehal mn endetesemah gn alawkm ufff mabede nw beka


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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What the hell is wrong with me at this point I really don't know every woman I have been with it never turned to anything real except one esum we were alike betam so we vibed at some point that ended too I have been told repeatedly with every woman that I am not a husband material just a guy to have fun with. I don't get it do I have to be boring or a nice guy for a girl to think of me as a serious guy ende yes am fun yes am adventures so what's wrong with that. What the hell do women want as a husband you are really confusing me at this point I am feeling like a dildo to every girl I date it's not fun anymore am a grown as man eko I need that deep connection too

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I've seen quite some vents reading how ppl are meeting in this channel and having a date, fwb kinda relationships and even read some vent or comment of ppl who got into a serious relationship anduama she even moved in wz him damn

If you have stories on this channel tell us eski 🥰


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm here to ask you a genius question today

let's think that you're in front of God and he asked you that why would I let you to my kingdom

what would you say
some people might say cause I'm a good person and never harmed anyone beside I've been helping the poor people as you said in the bible

Incredible, i honestly respect that yall guys are a good person or for the good things you've done but as a followers of Jesus i don't think that's how things work
mind you I'm not judging you or anything else

but one reason that made us apart from creator of this universe (God) is cause of sin

unless our sin is paid(or washed away) we can not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Thankful for all of us( Humans ) God send his only beloved son( Jesus Christ ) so he could pay for our sin and not to parish but to be with him in the kingdom of heaven

additionally i just want to say that Jesus loves you and he'll never let you down he died for your sin so by just accepting him as your lord and saviour + by repenting from your sin you can join him in the kingdom of heaven for free


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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ምክር ቢጤ part 1. for those who want to be in love

First, why do you want a boyfriend?
If you want a boyfriend because everyone else has one then yes it is a bad idea, wait for when your are ready.
If you want a boyfriend because you are tired of being alone then yes this can be a bad idea because you could pick someone who is toxic and that could hurt you.
If you want a boyfriend because you found someone you like or you have an idea of what you are looking for then no you should look for a boyfriend.
When looking for a boyfriend, make sure he is interested too and be careful, have fun, and stay safe.
Base your emotions, when you are with or without him. If you are happier alone then you need to find someone else. If you are happy with him, then make sure he is happy too.

Remember to talk to him about how you feel and let him talk when he needs to.

#Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey 24M so It all starts when i found out my ex Is a toxic manipulative two faced girl who is desperate for any male attention.And its really pissing me of cause she was exactly the type of girl I was trying to avoid my whole entire life and I still ended up with a 2 year relationship with her.I started dating after a while but sadly I couldn't find the sexual tension I was used to back then.Im honestly losing hope in relationships cause women are all anxious and depressed that everyone has some baggage to put on the table when intimacy is introduced.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Help me understand these... How to have a healthy and committed relationship now a days? How can I show a girl I want committed relationship without creating silly impression? I mean I was in the game for a while and tired of that meaningless date maybe more. So I was out for like 6 months and now I don't want to go back. I really want to be committed. What do?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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እንዴት ናችሁ በአማርኛ የበለጠ ሀሳቤን ይገልፅልኛል ብዬ ስላሰብኩ ነው 24 አመቴ ነው ወንድ ነኝ ግን feminine energy አለኝ መሰለኝ most of my friends are women ከዛ ሌላ ነገር በፍቅር ሳስባቸው ያገረጡኛል በቀን ከ ሁለት ሰአት በላይ ስናወራ ቆይተን ለምን አንጀምርም ፍቅር ስላቸው ምክንያታቸው በስመአብ ብዛቱ እና ግራ ገባኝ  ሶስት ጊዜ ሆነ ይሄ ነገር ምን ላስተካክል እስቲ ንገሩኝ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ አስቀድሜ ለምትተባበሩኝ


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello i am a 19f and i am in university and i am not okay some days it feels like it is it feels like i am happy but i am not i will laughing with friends but the moment i am alone with noone around i crumble I have suicidal thoughts and I constantly need assurance from ppl i like and there’s is this crushing guilt I feel for everyone I know I just feel so guilty for being clingy needy and impulsive i self sabotage the relationship I have with ppl i love i used to come back to their life but I don’t want to this time I don’t want to beg ppl to like me to understand me i am so alone I always feel unsatisfied I don’t love ppl i used to love I just want to dissapear into thin air be forgotten I want to build healthy relationships but I physically can’t I just recently ruined sth I had with this guy he was my favorite person i am not sure I even like it’s just I feel like my life will be better if he was in it or maybe not oh and did I mention i am paranoid I don’t trust men typically so I always assume the worst if him and I ever get together it will be hellNback but I think it was worth a shot i was better when he was in my life

#MentalIllness #Melancholy #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello my beautifull people.endet nacihu?tenacihus endet nw?bezu ngr eyasalefacihu yalacihu,breakup yaregacihu,yetamemacihu,wedajachihun be mot yatachihu,yetamemubacihu,chink ena fetena wust yalacihu...hulacihum yetechenekacihu,ayzoacihu yalfal hulum,fetari layaschil aysetem,egziyabiher yatenekracihual becha enanete beye emnetacihu tseleyu,ke emnetacihu tekerarebu,be egziabiher emnet yinuracihu..mayalf ngr ylm,ahunm balachihubet huneta atamaru amesegagn hunu yebasem alena,amlakacihun atamaruu adera....ena beka ayizoacihu fetena yale nw bekirbu yalfal, yall❤️❤️❤️

#Friendship #Family #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey guys
19M campus 2nd year student my 3rd time venting here so is it just me or are people struggling to find their significant other. I mean like I’m really a genuine person caring, loving, ambitious, hardworking, financially thank to God I’m in a great situation the little bad thing about me is I’m picky i mean like I got this women of my dreams like white skin tone, so beautiful, long hair, short nails, lovable personality…..and I got this dream u know like having a family at an early age having kids spending some quality time with your mate and these days not even relationships are staying for more than a month. I have been going out on dates and the particular things I have seen was nobody want to take the long path of intimate relationship they all want that short fun path that ends you up getting naked on the bed Huh

Thanks for the advise🩶

#Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
hi everyone i really really need ur help ,I don't want to expose my identity i just need ur idea the case is "i think its 3 yrs ago i was in preparatory school ena there is someone who stare at me honestly i am not that much attractive but i saw him staring at me but bz of my shy behavior i can't keep eye contact ena immediately ezoralehu,but this thing liyakuart alchalem hule endafetete new.bzw he even try to approach me but not that much he just ask me normal staff and meleskulet anyways that wasn't a big the first time i really have no feeling for him but after time i really fall in love bekebadu i don't know why may be its bz lemndnw miyafetbgn bye lebzu gize selasebku yehonal about him.any ways bemekakelachn mnm sayfeter bzu gize alefe even the same uv deresen but still mnm neger aladeregem nbr so i decide to approach him instead but he reject me begeltse sayhon just didn't reply my text as i thought. i really get angry really bz i still think about him ,i couldn't get rid of him from my mind what shall i do people i need advice pls was he just joking i didn't get hm


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