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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I wan to marry a virgin girl.

My concern is virgin eyetefa new. In my opinion women ወደ 24, 25 ሲሆናት ብታገባ ጥሩ ነው::
አሁን ግን የ25 አመት ቨርጅን ማግኘት አይከብድም?
Specially if you read vents in here, 18 year olds have multiple sexual partners 😭
gin demo bizu virgin endale yesemagnal wishful thinking bihonem.
virgin yalhonachut demo don’t get offended, if you keep your body count under control, you are okay.
who else is virgin or tell us your body counts anonymously. (include your age and gender)
Thank you in Advance


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
‼ ምክር  የማይወድ አያንበው 2  ‼

This part is for women!

መቼም የባለፈውን "ምክር" ና ስድብ አዘል ፅሁፍ አይታችሁ ፣ ተዋውቀናል።

Women! Oh! Women!  ስንቱን ምሬት እንደምፅፈው ባላውቅም  Here We Go.

I'll start with ዘበናይ!  ''Food is my life squad''   እርግጥ ሰርታ ፣ ለፍታ በእውቀቷ ፣ በላቧ የምትኖር ሴት ፣  በእጇ የሰራችውን ወጥ አንጠፍጥፋ መሶብ ውስጥ ደፍታ የሙሉ ድግስ ቡፌ ብትበላም ግድ አይሰጠኝም!!(ደግ አረግሽ በደንብ ብዪ እናቴ!!)

My problem is cluless ከሆንሽ ነው። እውቀት ሴት ላይ እንዴት እንደሚያምር ብታይ። ወንድ ቢደንዝ እንኳ ተሸክሞ ፣ ታግሎ ይኖራል። ሴት ላይ ግን  አይሆንም እውነት።
ብዙ ነገር እኮ አይደለም፣  አለ አደል ፣ atleast  ያለሀሳብ የምንወጥቀውን ስንዴ የሚረዱን ፣ ራሺያና ዩክሬን እየተፈሳፈሱ መሆናቸውን እወቂ።
ጓደኞችሽ እኮ የሚወደዱት በባትሪ የሚሰሩ፣ ምግብ  የማይበሉ ፍጡራን  ሆነው አይደለም!!  
ዜና ስሚ ፣ አንብቢ ... have some substance... ሆድና መልክ ብቻ ይደብራል።

ጩና ደግሞ አለሽ ፣ እንቢ ማታውቂ😓 your private part ፐብሊክ ባስ ይመስል ያገኘው የሚሳፈረው።  A women should be as respectable  as a temple!!!  I don't mean don't be friendly...  ነገር ግን church የመጣ ሁሉ ቅድስተ ቅዱሳን አይገባም። ሌላው ቀርቶ ዲያቆንና "ተራ" ካህን እንኳን አይገባም ፣ አይችልም። ያ ቦታ የ1 ሰው  የሊቀ ካህኑ ነው። IYWIS

በሽታ እንኳን ባያስፈራሽ ፣ imagin አርግዘሽ ልታወስርጂ ከሰው ተደብቀሽ ፣  couch ላይ ሁለት እግርሽን እዛና እዚ አንፈራጠሽ ረዥም MVA (ትቦ) እየገባ እየወጣ ... ህመሙ!  ስቃዩ! No One deserves that!!
ገገማ ብትባይ ይሻልሻል።

ሶስቱ ወፎችስ ሲያዪኣችሁ የምትዋወዱ  የማትነጣጠሉ የምትመስሉ ፣ አንዷ ስትቀር   ግን  ሰነዷን የምትሸጡ  ፣ ምስጢር የተባለ የማትደባበቁ ... I mean women are such a complex thing ግን የኔ ማር፣የኔ ሆድ እየተባባላችሁ what you do to each other??  God...  btw your friend ስትወጣ እንደምታሚያት  ታቃለች ... she is chill around you cause she be stabbing you with a huge spear too! BURN🔥 ምስኪን።

'Dolly the sheep' ደሞ አለሽ ፣ my heart bleeds for you!!  የሆነች  ምች ጀለስ አለችሽ በቃ እሷ ያለችው ካልሆነ ቢላ በአንገቴ!! አሁን አጥኚ፣  አሁን ብዪ፣  አሁን ሩጪ፣  አሁን ጠጪ፣ አሁን ሙቺ እያለች እንደ ፓፔት ሙድ  የምትይዝብሽ።(እህትሽም ልትሆን ትችላለች this person... ያው እሷን እንኳ እንደምንም ቻያት።)  ላታውቂው ትችያለሽ ሁላ።    you are curly ግን  ሽንሽን ቀሚስ ታስለብስሻለች ? your short hair is cool ግን human hair ካልገዛሽ ትልሻለች? ቢራ ፈርስ ፈርስ ይልሻል ግን  ካልጠጣሽ ሙድ ትይዝባሻለች?  All boys u meet are ጀዝባ በሷ አይን? እሷ? መጣችልሽ? she is a gaslighting queen... don't be her experiment በግ!!

አጅሪትስ?  Miss–እንባጠባቂ!!  (usually ቀጭን ሴት ናቸው)  በቃ የልጅቷን ን ህይወት hell ያደረግሽባት።  ያለ አንቺ እንዳትኖር በኩርፊያና በረዥም ምላስሽ ጥፍር ያረግሻት። (ወፍራም ሴቶች ምስኪን ናቸው ፣ but the skeletons guarding them!! ኡፋ )አረ ፍቺ ትኑርበት😂😂😂 

  For real tho To all the good girls... white ,black ,thin,not-thin😂,happy, sad , 30 years old and above or not ...  You keep being you... and one day you'll be  rewarded for it!  መፅሀፉ ነው ያለው ...

ልባምን ሴት ማን ያገኛታል? ዋጋዋ ከቀይ እንቁ እጅግ ይበልጣል። ምሳሌ 31:10 

ቀይ እንቁ(red ruby) በግራም 5 ሚሊየን ዶላር ያወጣል!! You are worth more than that ተብለሻል! Don't devaluate your self✌️✌️

Remember ...not everything here is serious...ተጨማሪ ምክር/ሳቅ ከፈለጋቹ am on twitter✌️✌️


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Currently I'm finishing the process to study abroad. Here I'm 2nd year campus student. Now I want to vent out my confusion and frustration feeling due to my parent's mixed reaction to this. From the beginning of my journey to start the process, my father started to tell me to study here the moment he understood that he may give out some amount of money. I felt bad at times he used to tell me this. I felt discouraged, but some part of me still kept on fighting and I tried my best to find full scholarship. Finally I got this opportunity, but my parents will have to give me some money. Here in ethio I am somehow independent and I honestly love that. And I feel like studying abroad would make feel dependent because I will be dependent financially on my father, who is not happy about spending any money on me. I feel desperate for wanting to withdraw from here, because my parents think that I'm leaving a better opportunity here. I am not desperate. Of course I don't know what will wait for me there, I don't know what will happen. And indeed I am not saying I will be successful just because I studied abroad. I know I will have to put in the work, whether it is here in Ethiopia or abroad. And I am willing to do that! What I am saying is that it will be more worth it to study there than study here. And I am asking for like 15% of my family's yearly income.... I feel like I won't be a burden on them, but my father's thought is different. My mom is just worried about me, she doesn't care about the money. She just wants me to be near to her...I do too. But this is an opportunity I don't want to miss on. I don't regret the time I spent here. But now I truly feel like it is time for a fresh start. And I wish my parents were more understanding about the situation. Because they are making me feel more confused, more unsure, more doubtful, and more scared about my decision. Of course it is a risk to just throw out the time I spent here in campus. But I believe it is for the better, and I wish my parents do too.

#School #Family

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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few days ago i was reading vents in this channel just scrolling to pass on the time kza yhone line wste kere keventochu mehal "to what extent should i love?" mil ymr bka this phrase described my life koy is there any limits? lmndnew yenbrkubachew relationoch friendshipoch family life lay ene erasuan lemtwedachew sewoch mtgoda sw hoge yekerehut? endezam hono why does everyone keep on leaving me? eshi the past is in the past kzis buhlas how could i learn to put limit in love? how could i learn to put my self first? ere sijmr yhe control mnadrgew ngr nw ymr koy is there really an answer for how extent to love


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey so I can't stop feeling mortified n disgusted. couple of months ago I loved God, Jesus was my favorite topic to talk about.I had peace, but recently in a really short amount of time I've gone out n made out with couple of guys (like a one time thing with each). I later found out that one of the guys was actually a married guy with a kid (let's not get into that.. becha this tripled the shame). truthfully It was not even that fun with any of them, no thrill or excitement, I just enjoy the attention n intimacy, definitely not worth the guilt n I know it's only making out now gen I'm going down the wrong path. right now I don't pray, read bible or have that heat towards God (I'm orthodox btw but I'm open for protestant companionship as well) ena my request is if anyone of u be willing to help me reconnect with God to pray n study the Bible.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey unihorse
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Hey guys am 19 m
We r best friend with her gn yemnaregachew ngeroch morethan friends nw feeling alegn belat enkuan metamnegn aymeslegnim be keled arge lnegerat bemokrem ligebat alechalem mn larg help me eski


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi this is more for an advise for guys what iam about to discuss with you its like a epidemic that's spreading specally in the cities have u guys ever noticed how woman are recently wearing excess make ups, butt lifter and let me not start with the human hair I guess this days every one is wearing it so guys don't be folled for what you see on the streets its fake when she erases her make up or takes down her human hair she might be an Alien 😂 just saying watch out and we all should move to geter to find natural ones who is with me


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 21 years old ena Be ferinete  yetenesa bizu neger atechalew malet sibeza betam feri negh kesew gar benetsanet mawrat alchilm guadeghoch yelughm and most of the time depression wust egebalew min endemaderge allawkim bezi mikniyat ke ekuyoche ekull mehon alchalkum please help me 😢


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I really am scared about my future hear me out lek embachu meto lalemalkes setkotaterut yhone meyank smet ale adl bka that happens to me all z time idk what am gonna learn idk how am gonna pass my exams ik such feelings are temporary gn fr am scared about my future i realy need money rn i want to work at z same time dmo i hv to learn....there r stages aa to ur economy statues
Am between z middle and poor my father yseral gn z money it's not enough even for our basic needs sometimes dema he don't want me to work bcha zebaznke aweraw.....plss anyone can u share me ur experience also pls don't sat" can we talk?".... "Ask my id i can help u" ik this shit doesn't help anyone just share me ur experience at the comment section am 19f if u hv any advice pls dont say ur teen that's why endezi eychnkesh yalshew mnamn God pls ik what am passing through becha pis out✌️


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey, yall
is it just me or is the dating pool filled with trash. been single for 3 years and trust me i have been actively searching with in those times, i am now at what u call a dating burn out. name every dating app i've tried it and couldnt find 1 guy that i connected with.
is it possible that some ppl are meant to be single forever? i'm starting to be convinced that my person may not exist. i'm at a point where i've given up on love and ready to settle just for chemistry i been living alone for a while now and its depressing to go home from work not having someone to ask u about ur day and how you're doing. it feels as if i'm the only one suffering, is it just me?

#Melancholy #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am hella depressed, i just ended a relationship am trying to cop up gn betam eyekebedegn new... So let me cut to the chase ena i need a person to talk to me now... I guess that way i can feel motivated and happy again. Any one who is interested with a 22 year old teym rejm set, ask my id.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm in such a shitty situation. So, here's the thing...(It's kind of a long story)

(Also there might be some triggering elements related to suicide)

My best friend (26F), who I (28M) have known since elementary school, is extremely suicidal. She was like this since like 12th grade. The reason is that she was raped (in the summer of 11th grade) by a very close relative and she couldn't tell anyone. She told me when we came back to school in 12th grade (I was the only person she told), and my dumbass thought it'd be a good idea to tell her older brother (at the time a college student), and to my utter shock the brother did anything and even took it further to tell her and I not to tell any other human being about the incident. Apparently, the rapist was kind of a respected figure in the extended family, and he couldn't dare shake his reputation. I know that is so wrong and I should've done something, but I was a stupid teenager back then, so we just did nothing.

I remember how sad and suicidal she was the entire 12th grade. I use to find cuts on her wrists every Monday (their family met every Sunday and she couldn't handle seeing his face). I used to literally confiscate sharp blades from her. One time, she did it vertically (for those who don't know the vertical cuts are the ones that are fatal, and most painful), and she couldn't handle the pain so we went to the clinic and had to come up with this completely ridiculous cause for the cut.... What I'm trying to say is, things were not easy that year.

Then college came, and we departed to different universities. I used to worry very much about her, so I called her almost every night, and she did too. But because she was away from home, she kind of started forgetting about the incident, and the frequency of the cuts also decreased to the point of one or two times per semester (mind you, that's incredibly good news, considering the previous year).

On our third year of college, she met a guy. It was this guy that her friends set her up with. And they totally hit it off to the point that she kind of stopped calling me as frequent as she used to(and mind you, I was kind of her only friend). And I was glad for her because I knew there was someone who she could trust, and the thought of her starting to trust again made me genuinely happy. And she was too. I started hanging out with them after we graduated, and they both were perfect for each other. There was no sign of that depressed, insecure, suicidal girl I knew years ago.

Fast forward for two months ago, she told him about the rape incident (which she didn't tell him before, although I was practically begging her to tell him). I don't exactly know what happened after,... she then called me and told me, crying, that they broke up (I don't know who broke up with whom). I was out of the city at the moment, but I tried to console her, and told her I'd meet her the next weekend.

We met, and instantly I saw that broken, sad insecure girl. It literally gutted me. There was this inherent sadness in her eyes. We sat down, and as we were talking, I saw a fresh new scar. I just couldn't feel anything but bad for her. She was drinking (I was not). And as the night progressed and as we talked,...I don't know when it happened but we kissed, we started making out, and we had sex.

I can't get rid of the horrible feeling, the feeling that I took advantage of a very helpless girl, an emotionally vulnerable, almost drunk girl, but that was not my intention at all. I know what I did doesn't help with her condition (her being suicidal and all), but I don't know what to do. She literally just started trusting other men too.

I just feel like an absolute shit of a person.


#Friendship #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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No offense or anything but ppl HELLO y is our happiness depending upon some girl or guy get a life and have some purpose the right person will come at the right time y'all gize masalefiya blachu mngebabet unhealthy relationship is affecting our life its draining us out believe me put yourself first focus on yourself get closer to God you'll get everything you deserve


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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25 F... Not dramatic/emo person just extremely actively researching for painless ways to go. I hear ከሰል works fine but VDD would allow me to just fade awat slowly. I don't know if I'll actually go through with it. This isn't a cry for help or anything.. I just needed to vent since I know I can't speak of these things in RL. It would freak people out.. understandably so.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just ended a relationship with the person i love the most. Not because he dumped me or something, but because he ain't right for me and he is toxic. I don't know what i will feel tomorrow morning knowing he ain't part of my life. Now I am numb, not felling anything. Eyewededachihu yemtleyut sew ale a? Destegna neberku gn negeroch lk alneberum. Not every thing thqt makes you happy is the right thing to do. Huletachinm eyalekesn we had our good byes...can you guys something? Just want to know your thouths, that may cheer me up may be🙏


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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F 21......I never really cared that much about meeting z one that I'll spend my entire life wiz. I did care but I was never in a rush to meet that person but lately I'm craving for that connection with a person. I want a person who cares where I'm, asks me how my day goes cares about me. I want a partner in life and the more I start working on myself and life, I feel more lonely I guess FYI I'm not lonely I have a bunch of ppl who loves me. I just want my own person, but men out here be disappointing......I just wanted to say this, thanks for hearing me out.

#Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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የስራ ማግኛ ኦንላይን ፕላትፎርም /ሊንኮችህ/ ዝርዝር ለማግኘት

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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How can we filter player boy vs real men???
now a days handsome wend eyeferaw new what should I do to know wether he is real or not???


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey beautiful peoples
I Love seeing peoples being in love and talk about their soulmates 24/7, I love seeing people find their soulmate, I love seeing people fight for love, everything about love is just beautiful እዉነት።
እስኪ imagine finding a person who loves you back as much as you love them. Giving a part of your heart and your time, sharing an incredible moments with them mtsm
But the sad thing is you have to be lucky for that ይታደሉታል እንጂ አይታደሉትም that makes ፍቅርን special ሱቅ ላይ እንደሚንጠለጠል እቃ አይተን አማርጠን እማንገዛዉ ነገር ነዉ.
         ከላይ ነዉ እሚሰጠዉ።
And I want to tell you guys if you find it keep it በስርዓት be mature, stop telling your relationship problem for other people try to be private (when i say private im not saying secret ይሁን ግን like they know you're in relationship but they didn't know anything about your relashionship) and that's peace mariyamn try it cause ሰወች እማያቁትን ነገር አያበላሹም።
This one is ለሴቶች i mean i guess ወንዶች ብዙም ልፈትናት ምናምን አይሉም ብቻ listen stop doing childish የሆኑ ነገሮችን like i wanna know እንደሚወደኝ ምናምን ብለሽ like don't try to እሱን ለመፈተን ምናምን if you really wanna know እንደሚወድሽ እና እንደማይወድሽ his action በደንብ ይነግርሻል don't be a fool yene konjo know your worth ብቻ አንቺ focus on yourself and his action ላይ just don't listen his words እሚይደርገዉን bedenb እይ you know በወሬ በወሬማ አብይ አህመድም አልጠቀመን plus like መጠራጠር ከጀመርሽ ችግር አለ ማለት ነዉ and open up ሆነሽ አዋሪዉ ምንም አይመጣም
yea ብቻ thank you for reading guys እና if you find it keep it and just know you're so lucky to have or experience this kinda real love.
Thank you

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi everyone
IM 21 F and i have best freind ena beka betam his caring for me we hangout like normal freinds and beka mood yezebegnal enikelaledalen mnamn and then normal freinde nw biye yetewawekuachw wendoch ngrwalw photowachwn laklgn eyale yayal kezan beka akakir yawetal and yehon ken kandu guadenyaye ga walk lemareg tekatateren ena tnsh walk aregen mekeses enibela bilogn shawurma bet geban then kebelan buhala birr enidalayz ngrgn betam denegeteku leka esu keledun nbr ene demo ymrun meslogn ejun litateb sihed lezignaw best freinde dewelekulet ena plzz im in trouble na kefel melesehalw alikut okay algn ena ya demo silkun tekeblogn zegabet ere anchi skld nw yamshal enide bilo sakebgn kezan my best freind melso dewelo eee yalachubet ngrign meteche lekefel algn ay beka sorry eyekeled nbr alikut betam tenado silk zegabgn then bet segeba kezkez bilo awaragn then sile my type wendoch teykegn ena pic laklgn leyachw algn eishi biye my type yehunten lakulet then he said like misheletelet wend nwa mimechesh bilo as usual akakir mood yazebegn demom to be honest manachwm esu enidemilw aynt wendoch alenbrum just enen lemanaded nw then yenen type setoch lasayesh bilo b hulum ngr yene tekarani yehonu setoch pic laklgn 😂 then beka kezan gize jemero yerkegnal idk why guadenyoche said he have feeling for you yelugnal gn sayw mnm hint silalayehubet gera gebagn esti help mn larg


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent

Alright so this could be my last vent and my last straw for a weight loss before i gave up so hear my journey and if u r a person with a tiny bit of knowledge trying to give comments on my journey scroll pls. Only give comments if u r someone who's got solid knowledge on weight loss or soneone who actually struggled and succeeded cuz chances are i have quite a lot of knowledge regarding that than u since i passed through it ( sorry if i came as rude but i don't want the usual comments i know most things )

So to share u my journey
I was 85.6kgs ( i remember the points 😂) when i got weighed on march of 2020 i. e during quarantine. A well known nutritionist gar heje new paying 6000 birr per 6 months then i started with a detoxification diet and lost 3.4 kgs on my first week then i started visiting him every two weeks with every 2 weeks i used to lose 1 kg on average and i was quite satisfied. In total i lost around 20 kgs at the end of my 6 months making my weight around 65 kgs. Then after i quited that i lost 3 kgs and got to the point of 62 kgs which was the lowesr i have ever been then i started going out since the lock down is over started earing here and there but i promise u it was bot that much in a span of a year i gained a maximum of 12 kgs 😔 making my weight 74 ( excatly Summer of last year ) then i grabbed my will power and strated the meal plan the dieticial used to give me all over again then i lost a total of 6 kgs with in 3 weeks at home i was super glad abt that then sth came into my life and i regained all the 6 kgs i lost back this time it's not bcz i was eating it's bcz of sleeping excessively or after eating. Then still i didn't give up 3 months back i went to my previous dietician to start the weight loss program all over again but guess what after losing 2 kgs or so my weight got stagnant it's not that am gaining muscle mnamn cuz i have a scale that measures it plus am not feeling it in my body plus am exercising as i usually do ( i know am weak in this area tbh but isn't weight loss 80/20 % diet and exercise respectively )

Idk for real am so sick and tired of trying and wasting my dear parent's money on things that's arw not working fr 😭
What am i supposed to do koy. I know am not exercising my absolute best but am controlling what am eating as much as i could
Erat kebelaw erasu yhew 3 years have passed am on a verge of giving up fr😭. I mean if i have to and if it would help i am willing to excercise my ass off but i don't think it would be much of a help i mean come on
I've cut all refind carbs from my meal
I eat only 2 times a day
I drink upto 2 litres of water daily

I am not that much sleep deprived i sleep 6 hrs on average

I eat my meals on time

Malkdew neger i kinda have sedentary life style ( yaw medicine student so ችከላ new hule ) but why are the above drastic changes not enough tell me if u know so only pls not ur guess😭

Mn abate larg fr. Behiwote ande enkua i want to see how it feels like to be ቀጭን. All my life i have been fat echhh astelagn ahuns 😭 anyways if u read this till the end thank u and as i said comment only if u have the knowledge pls t
Thank u ❤️❤️

For those of u who are struggling wz weight loss i can give u the dieticians number ( not a promotion demo 😂) it might help u like it did help me on my first time


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi idk how to vent or whatever but i need some suggestions. So am a freshman student and I’m 18. I had a situationship with a guy and the situationship ended and now am dating his friend. Dont get me wrong amnt dating him for revenge and all i just liked the guy. The other guy(my old situationship) was the one who ended our relation so i dont know if it’s weird to date his friend. Me and the guy are still friends and there is no bad blood at all. But in my relationship i am in right now, i feel like i do too much more than him. I don’t ask for princess treatment and all but there are things that are bare minimum to do and i am starting to feel like am doing it all. We started dating like 3 weeks ago and i know dating isn’t really my thing but i needed to give it a try. Sometimes I honestly think about ending it but when he tells me how he told his family about us i lose my courage to end it. Sometimes he acts like he dont even like me and the next day he’s in love with me. Can y’all explain this to me( specially guys cuz it’s your thing) what should I do?

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just wanna be loved bro i have been sad for too long i dont even remember how it feels to be happy. There will be times where i tought finally my life is changing but God be playin w me he just says sike and takes all my hope away. At grd 8 i was someone who was happy like super happy but in just a year my life become hell and its been like dat for over 7 years now and i am still miserable. I grew up alone (locked) so i dont know how to socialize w ppls so someone makes me a friend to use me. I mean like comeon who wants to be seen w me adel. I am super self conscious idek how to walk infront of ppls i get nervous and shi all i have now is me and my weed it makes time pass so fast plus makes me forget my problem for atleast an hour so i use it everyday. Gn deep down i just need affection and love yk i just want to mattter for someone i want to love and never have a doubt in my dumb overthinkin brain that they love me too. I had alot of exes but i only liked one girl in my life she was a situationship but shawty had me crying i remeber one night i was so thinkin abt her i had a panic attack. This happens often (when i lose smt i like) bcha medhalem kezi aynet skay ytebkachu both yall reading and your families.

So what do yall think should i just end it maryamn you have no idea waking up and feeling pain keza its night i am still in pain and i sleep its just a loop that never ends ende i wanttp feel like others too eko koy dont God think i matter? why did he even created me if my life had no joy in it ene bekang ymr i am tired of waiting for a better day to come.

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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የስራ ማግኛ ኦንላይን ፕላትፎርም /ሊንኮችህ/ ዝርዝር ለማግኘት

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Help your brother out esti I'm trying to figure out what to do about the situation I am in Sooo my best friend is a girl and she is recently moving in with her long time boyfriend I don't know I feel like once she does that us talking is bad neger like imagine if a married girl has a guy best friend which is bad so do I stop talking to her what we talked about she said it's owk gn I'm feeling like I'm stepping beyond my boundary neger
( Mind we are pure friends nth weird btn us consider that when u comment)


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Speed
I need to vent
I'm 23 years old and at this stage of my life I need someone to share life with, call on lunch time and ask if she has eaten or not , someone to spend weekends with and adventure, someone to cuddle with on this cold's not an outrageous request, I'm actually praying to find her even tho I'm not that religious, I don't want to get lost in my career and school I want to live this sweet life.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I thought i am not like the others. I see people around me doing mundane things, being dumb etc etc. I said to myself i am not like these people, I thought i was different, better but the truth is i am way below them, i am not even average human being, way below average human being, i thought i was humble but i have never seen someone as egoistic and selfish like me, i thought i was smart but i am tue dumbest person i know. Sometimes I find it funny that how I wasn't able to see through my naivety and foolishness even i am constantly judge and simply seeing through people, it is just funny.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 እንትና
I need to vent

Idk If this is gonna be approved

I don't think we're friends i mean you are showing me all the signs that's why i couldn't give up on you. but after now on i really have to give up bcuz you have no intention at all. I really tried every possible way (ofc indirectly) the funny thing is you it didn't still confused but i have to give up ig🖤🤎


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
21 M here,
I'm in bed, when i should be studying, compensating for the low grades I got last semester, I'm crying over a girl, who isn't even mine, not that I want her to be. We had fun in a short period of time, went from friends to fwb n all but what really bugs me is the fact that her friends won't suspect me for the hickeys i gave her or I'm not even on the list when it comes to love calculations and all, now I'm not saying i should be number one n all, but given the history at least i should have been considered. I hate her, but i love her more. I really don't wanna go down this path again but why just leave me stranded when you get another dude. Why does it always gotta be me


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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ራሴን ስመክር
በየቀኑ እየተጣመምኩ ያለሁ ይመስለኛል መንገዴን ስቼ ወደማልፈልገው ቦታ እያመራሁ ነው ለ ራሴ ምንም ርህራሄ እያሳየሁት አይደለም በ ዙሪያዬ ላሉትም እንደዛው
ብዙም እኔን አልወደውም አሁን አሁን የምጠላው አይነት ሰው የሆንኩ ይመስለኛል ያደረግኳቸው እና እያደረግኩት ያሉት ነገሮች "ጤነኛ" ከሚባል ሰው የ ሚጠበቁ ናቸው ብዬ አላስብም
በሽተኛው መዳን ሳይፈልግ ሲቀር ምን ይደረጋል?
ችግሬን አውቀዋለሁ መቅረፍ ለምን ተሳነኝ?
ዛሬ ራሴን ባለመግዛቴ ነገዬን ችግር ላይ ጣልኩት
አሁን ገባኝ ኑሮ ዛሬን ለ ነገ መስዋዕት ማድረግ ነው
መቼም ለ ማይደርስ ነገ መቼም ለ ማይመጣ ነገ ናፍቆት ዛሬን ለ ስራ ብቻ መስጠት አስፈላጊ ብቻ ሳይሆን ግዴታም ጭምር ነው ከልብህ ከ ሰራህ ግና የ ምታርፍበት ነገ በ ቶሎ ይደርሳል።


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