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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
The thing is that I don't have any one to share what I'm going through her is the thing about a year ago I failed for someone also told him about my filing but he told me he has gf than asked me to be his friend and I agreed he gave me his number I started calling him call me an idiot but I was hoping that the gf thing became false we start send time talk but in all of this I was the one who calls and make the effort than I had to move to another city for work and we continued talking then I moved back home some months later after moving back we start meeting again I noticed some changes on the way he behave like he became kind in every way I felt like finally we get closer but one day I med him mad over joke then he cut the phone I tried to convince him but he wasn't picking up my calls I called him like 1000 time but he didn't anserd than he called back we talked after that he tex me that he don't want talk to me than I asked him his reason he said it is not because of me that he has his own reason I told him that I want meet him one last time he agreed we meet and I asked him his reason he told me that I am gone end up broken if we continued talking bla bla and I said ok all of the sudden I have to good by to the person I loved the most I realised one thing that it doesn't matter how much we love the person if don't respond the same effort we end up broken
Now days I don't fill anything don't have internet on anything broken lost I can't even smile for my heart I hope u gays don't make same mistake I made

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey my people
So there's this boy who drives me crazy (good crazy). He's my bf and we haven't gone on a date but we've dated for like 4 months which is long distance cuz he lives in adama. Aaaand he's currently where i am so we're planning on going on a date since things are going good aaaand i suggest to get a room that day and make out. It just came out of me without processing what i said in my head so now I'm stuck between being the pure girl and go on a date and eat, have fun etc and the naughty girl and get a room and be all over each other.
If i become the pure girl the pros are it'll be safe cuz after we see each other what if we don't like what we see so i don't wanna get attached and be heart broken but i also wanna go all over him and just do things 😄
Soo just say something
I'm asking ur advice cuz previously i vented something and u guys told me not to do it and i did it which backfired at me🥲 so im going to listen to you ፒፕል now

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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20 M So here is a thing I want to talk girls in person I don’t know I’m shy or stubborn I don’t know how to approach I get scared every time I think of talk to them I see cute girl and I decide to talk her like phone number salkebel almelesm el ena when I get there I just freeze and change my mind I like to talk girls online we get connected but I scared to meet in public then we get bored and stop the convo

Any ideas for me how to talk to strangers?
(For girls) isn’t it weird when just someone show up and ask for your number(I think it’s weird that’s why I’m scared to ask I always think they will reject)


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Guys, I am so addicted to lesbian movies and series...I can't sleep without watching it, and it's scaring me, and the more I watch it, the more I hate my life...idk I may be in a crisis with myself...just tell me what to do except pray or something like that...I pray every single day but still can't think straight...pls take this seriously and tell me what to do to stop watching it and to start thinking straight only
Thank you

#LGBTQ+ ????‍???? #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So, a lot of people tell me that I'm really nice and kind, but honestly, I'm not. I think most of the people I know are delusional about the way they see themselves. But instead of trying to prove them wrong and offend them, I just play along with their delusions and let them vent. It's less of a bother and everyone leaves happy.

Also, I don't really empathize with people. I only feel sorry for kids, elderly people on the streets, and those who have lost their health or wealth. I don't get happy, sad, or angry when a friend or relative tells me something good or bad happened to them, unless they're someone who's constantly in my life and it somewhat affects me. It doesn’t matter If we've known each other for years and then we stop talking and later on I hear that you've passed away, I honestly won't feel anything at all. Even when people that I don’t meet constantly do me wrong I just start reasoning out why they did what they did, ask them about it. If it turns out to be my fault, I'll just apologize and leave. If it turns out to be theirs I’ll just cut contacts with that person as if I’ve been waiting my whole life to remove them but even then I don’t get a drop of anger from it. Honestly, you could hit me with a car and I'd just ask you to pay for the damage and leave. I'm not interested in how or why you did it. It just seems like a waste of time and energy.

I'm starting to wonder if this is normal, though. Everyone else seems to be overflowing with emotions, but I'm barely provoked by anything. Do you think there might be something wrong with me?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey You,

You wont read this cause you don’t even know about this channel but not sure if you care even if you read it. I got so attached to you over the past few years. We used to call each other whenever we were happy/sad, whenever we have good/bad news to share. I used to sleep in your arms whenever we watched a movie( you hated that I never finish it) We used to wake up next to each other and argue who is going to make breakfast….. it was inevitable but we mutually decided it was better to be friends, it was situation-ship first but we eventually stopped that too, we still turned to each other emotionally tho. Then she came into the picture, at a time where I needed you the most. I can’t say anything tho, I mean we are just friends right? I should be happy for you right? I still reached out to you but I felt it that you were distracted this time, you don’t call out to me to tell me about your days anymore. And when you call, it is out of guilt not because you want to. I feel so replaceable and unimportant. How can I ever be close to someone knowing that this might happen again ?

-Sincerely, your big head


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Female 28 I felt like venting i guess... here is the thing am currently working for a private company as a manager...its been a year and a half since I started working here and I would like to think am good at it
But sth happened, there were two employee's who were making our lives harder...I had some sort of friendship with one of them... but its clear to me that friendship is one thing and work is another.... I had encountered severe negelect which I tried to ignore many times, but most importantly I had witnessed an embezlement so I did what I was hired to do. Before the situation gets out of hand I talked to him abt it and issued a warning letter to the person who did the fraud he was very denfensive to the pont it was so convincing... i let it slide.. but then it happened again... and that was it...before telling the owner I confronted him once more.. again he denied...I showed him plenty of evidence he denied... lastly i had a fingerprint machine to prove I was right.. he had the audacity to deny it all.... now that was beyond me.. I said a higer body should intervene cause at the end of the day I could be sued for letting too much slide at the expense of everyone who worked so hard for the company day n night. The boss trust me enough to leave every critical position to me and i cant let him down so I told him... and he fired them both
Till this day am receiving threats.....vile threats i live alone and its scary. It happened twice.. but it popped up again... mysterious phn numbers threathning to kill me....
I didn't take it that serious until yesterday morning a random person approached me and tried to Rob me and as I was struggling he grabbed me by the neck so hard.. it still hurts.. my voice doesn't even sound like me....I threw my phn in one of the neighborhoods households to save it which i ended up shattering the screen betam dengeche wede bet temelesku... zare ferechem bihon i went to work they were all so shocked my voice tezgto mnamn anyway I told my boss am quitting ... he said we will drive u from home and back from tmrw on but im scared what should I do...this job pays me so well...but I want to quit which my boss said absolutely u cant esp at this time with so much work at hand but sth terrible might happen to me I can feel it... this aint worth my life
What do u think I should do?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Selam 20 f negn ye university temari negn negeroch beka keakme belay honubgn elefalew gn wtete mnm tru adelem bemn aynet wtet lmerek emdemchl sasbew chirash  yebase yamegnal .tmhrten cherse tru sra kemeyaz wchi mnm tesfa yelegnm
Lerasachew eyagodelu lene eyemolu yastemarugnnm betesebochen endemaltekm sasbew yamegnal.ena demo beka tlk chnket wst negn mn endemareg alakm ebakachhu mn ladrg.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Why are people so wound up on the two ugly words , “what if..?” ? Why can’t we just let go and free ourselves from the bondage of what will happen in our future and just live for the moment ? Why don’t we just create sparks and do unexpected things that will make us find interest in our life again? Why?

#Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, I am a 25 year old dude that really cant forgive himself and needs help doing so. It all started when I was searching for a job 24/7 and after putting an effort, I was able to find one. I was optimistic I found the right job and was saying to myself how I can make myself and my family proud. Fast forward a couple of days during my training period I realized I was way out of place. All the other candidates that were selected seemed better than me, more capable of doing the job were as I felt inadequate. I remember telling myself how stupid and worthless I am compared to them and that I will probably fuck up the job if I stayed there. Thus, listening to this negative thought I decided to lie about finding another job and quit the job I was optimistic about. After that, I hated myself. I wanted to kill myself and even looked online on how to do it properly. All I want now is to learn a lesson and move on but my stubborn mind cant seem to let it go. So how can I forgive myself? How can I learn from my mistake and become strong.
Thank you

#MentalIllness #Melancholy #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey 🌚
This is probably gonna sound stupid.
I was acting like an asshole these days. And on top of that I forgot your birthday. I don't know how to make it up to you, of course you are miles away, it's not easy to make you feel better. Even if it was easy it doesn't make any difference. What I did was completely unacceptable. I regret all of it, I regret not being with you when you were feeling down, when you were feeling happy. I regret not being with you all the time. All I wanted was to make you happy despite of what we're going through but I guess I did the opposite. And I am very sorry about that. I want you to know that what I did wasn't a reflection of how I feel about you. I love you and I always have. And that's what I'll do for the rest of my life. I don't know why I am letting this out to thousands of people instead of telling you in private but I believe this at least will show you how much I take you seriously, I'm not afraid of commitment anymore.
Baby steps at a time.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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He either likes me or hates me. At this point I've never been confused about any situation in my life. Let me spill the tea. We known each other since kindergarten probably I don't remember for sure and about a year a go he moved in front of our home where you can see everything through window like our houses are soo close to each other and we started chatting on ig a little bit then we stopped. I low key liked that guy since forever .he was nice and sweet and really cute but I never really thought I'd get a chance with him because in high school I was considered as one of the not pretty attention seekers squad and he was really cool and cute with a beautiful gf. I had a major glow up after highschool both mentally and physically.  to the point where some of my schoolmates won't recognize me. Now I can say im 8.5/10. In my uni and everywhere I go I catch a lot of people looking at me with admiration. Let's get back to the point so after they moved into our neighbor hood I grew to like him even more. Intentionally I learned what time he is going out and coming back. So we stopped talking on ig after some point. After that when I see him in the neighborhood he acted soo obvious about avoiding me. he  literally avoids me ፍጥጥ ባለ way, like he will slow down or change direction when he saw me, or if he sees me while leaving the house he will get back in without hesitation 🙄, I mean what the fuck bro. And all I ever do was remain sweet and kind whenever I see him and I like his ig stories and I comment on his posts I mean that's showing a sign that I like him right and sometimes he even matches my energy like he will post a story after I do one and he will like my stories after I like his when I don't like his stories he won't too, I really confused does he like me or hate me, I mean if he likes me he will make a move right? So does he hate me is that why he is avoiding me like crazy? I think he does hate me. Being hated by the guy you have a crush on since a long time hurts really hard, I feel this pain in my heart . I sigh every minute as if that makes me feel any better 🙄🙄. I wanna cry but... I couldn't maybe because my reason is not good enough anyways It hurts it really hurts sooo bad, I hate liking him, I hated me for being nice to him,
"kill em with kindness " is the most fucked up thing anyone could ever live through


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Amf 22 i never date befor and this day my family ask me to talk some gay from American its like family marriage ena melku yan yahel adelm and he is not like my type and my family expected me to like him ena kager endeweta berget ene eshi bl yebeteseben ehetochin hewet betam yetshal argewalw gn yenes hewet ???

#Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Pros and of suicide
The rest from the voices
The debt
Leaving this family
Not seeing my team win another Pl trophy.
Leaving the family


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello ladies, need to vent a lil and maybe get some advice, a lil about me, im a tall 22 year old teym guy, i dont think im so approachable, i dont know why really im not doing that purposely and dont want to put off that vibe, and its been a while since i developed a real friendship or something else with a girl, kinda been busy with work and other stuff goin on and watnot, but i want to change that. How can i be more approachable, and how would you want to approached by someone you are maybe be interested in?

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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why me? I have a lot of trauma. I keep self harming if I'm feeling upset,angry n sad...sometimes I self harminh ncs of nothing. I just feel like I want to. I just feel like I deserve it. I wanna get better. I want a therapist but I can't afford the bill. I want to kms.

#MentalIllness #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I simply want to ask,
How do you actually be compassionate?
I've realised I'm living my life doing things, sorting stuff, calculating steps, etc etc and in this mess I've forgotten some basic emotions like kindness, compassion, warmth, gratitude.

What I dearly miss, is compassion. I don't want to expect it but at least I feel like I should be able to be compassionate to others. But how do I do that?

It's like I'm filled with grudges, rage, hate, and all negative emotions and I don't know how I ended up like this :(


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, so straight to my point
23M a decent, positive thinking and good looking youth with good communication skills, good personality , good academic achievements a few writing and orator skill and extracurriculas, eager to change, fast learner and obidient but the thing is none of those facts are potent to change the fact that I'm economically equal with my 5th grader sister and the fact that I am kilo meters away from our capital doesn't make it easier. All I need for now is a few financial progress that can change at least the few portion of my dependence on my parents and big sister for everything. Any suggestions , advices ,experiences and recommendations please???
Thank you in advance


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Don't envy and dont compete or be intimidated by any woman.

At first it may look like she is having it all figured out at first, her success maybe faster than yours but don't be deceived.

Woman race in sprint but  men race  marathon.

Life favours women early but favours men more later.

Understand life.

Your biological clocks Is totally different from hers own biological clock

So there is no point competing to have the same life style with them.

She's rushing her life now because she only have limited time before she hits the wall.

She's having bulky options of men chasing her now because she's in her prime but time will still happen to her if she doesn't have sense.

You may not be trafficking the same amount of attentions and options she's having but just know that your prime is different from hers.

Let her enjoy her seasons and time and don't even envy her, if she rejects you it's fine, you move on and focus on self improvement.

You have your own time and season and that's your prime.

Women are milk the longer they stay the more the tends to loose there taste and get sour

But men on the other hand are wine, the more the stay long its the more the gain more taste and become more beautiful.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
. . . . . . . . . . ይብቃኝ ብዬ ነበር። ለጊዜው በቅቶኝ ከገታውት ንግግሬ ቀጠልኩ። ዙሪያችንን ስንቃኝ ከዐመፃችን ብዛት የተነሳ ፍቅር ከእኛ ዘንድ እንደቀዘቀዘች እናስተውላል። ሀይማኖታችንን እና ምግባራችንን ለውጠናልና በሀገራችን በሕይወታችንና በመሰል ጉዳዮች ላይ ተስፋን እንቆርጣለን። በፍቅርም እንዲኹ። ፍቅር ግን ምንድነው ? በእውነት ፍቅርን እናውቀዋለን ? እየፈለግነው ያለው ጾታዊ ፍቅርስ ፍፃሜውና መደምደሚያው አልጋ የሆነው ስለምን ነው? ፍቅር በእውነት መዳረሻው ፍትወት ነው ? . . . (እኔ አዝናለው ! አለቅስምአለው ! ለምን ? "ነፍሴ ስጠው ስጠው ሥጋዬ ጉረሰው ÷ ሲጣሉ ያድራሉ እንደ ጎረቤት ሰው" እንዲል ነፍሴ ይሁን ሥጋዬ ከማየትም ከመስማትም በመራቅ በዝምታ መኖርን ቢመኝም ከዚኽ በተቃራኒው ለምን እንደምናገር ባልተረዳውበት ሁኔታ ውስጥ ሆኜ እጮኻለው አይቼና ሰምቼ እታመማለው። ስለ እውነቱ ግን ሰላም ይሰማኛል። የጌታዬ የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በአደባባይ ላይ ርቃኑን መሰቀሉ ሁሉን ያስረሳኛል። ይኽም ሁሉ አልፎ እንደማይና ዐዲስ ፀሐይ እንደምሞቅ ተስፋ ይሆነኛል።) ወደ ቀድሞ ሀሳቤ ልመለስና ፍቅር የለም ለምትሉ በፍቅር ላይም ተስፋን ለቆረጣችኹ አደባባይ ላይ በሚታዩት ጥንዶች ተስባችኹ ብቸኝነት ለሚሰማችኹ በፍቅር ስም ለነገዳችኹ ነግዳችኹ ለከሰራችኹ አልያም ስጋዊ ፈቃድን ላተረፋችኹ አንድ ነገርን ልበል ካልተቀየማችኹ ! ! "ፍቅር" ሶስት ቃል ነው ከመረመራችኹ ! እንደ አብ እንደ ወልድ እንደ መንፈስ ቅዱስ በሶስት አካል አንድ አምላክ እንዳለ በአርያም በሶስት ቃል ያለ አንድ ኃይል "ፍቅር" ደግሞ አለ። ደግሞም ሰንደቅ ዓላማ አለ ከላይ አረንጓዴ ከመሀሉ ቢጫ ከስሩ ደግሞ ቀይ በሶስት ቀለማት ባሸበረቀ ሙዳይ እንደተሰጠች ወርቅ ፍቅርም እንዲኹ ነው መስዋዕትነት የሚሻ ልክ እንደ ቀይ ቀለሙ ሰማያዊ መንግስትን በጋራ እስከመውረስ ድረስ ተስፋን የሰነቀ እንደ ቢጫው ቀለም።የሚያብብ መልካም ፍሬን የሚያፈራ እንደ አረንጓዴው። በመስዋዕትነት በተስፋና በፍሬ የተሰናሰለ አንዱ ለሌላኛው የሚሰጠው ወርቅ ! ፍቅር። በሶስት ባህርያተ ነፍስ በአራት ባህርያተ ስጋ አንድ ሰው እንዳለ ፍቅርም እንዲሁ ነው። እንደ ባህርያተ ነፍሱ ሕያዊት በማርጀት ውስጥ የማይለወጥ በመጠውለግ ውስጥ የማይከስም።ልባዊት የተቃራኒን ሰው ፍላጎት የሚያውቅ አውቆ የሚረዳ። ነባቢት በተግባሩም የሚናገር አንድ ፍቅር ሶስት ባህርይ !  አራተኛ ባህርያተ ስጋን የሚያስማማ ይኽን በአጭሩ እንደተውኩት ሌላ ሌላውን ለልቤ ልተወው በአጭር ልጠቅልለው።  አምላክን ሰው ያደረገ ! ደሀውን ባለፀጋ  ባለፀጋውን ደሀ የሚያደርግ ! ርቃንን የሚያሰቅል ! ይኽ ነው ፍቅር ! ! ወደ ጾታዊ ፍቅር ስናመጣው እኔ እና እናንተ እጮናችንን አልያም ሚስታችንን አፈቀርናት ስንል ከላይ እንደገለፅኩት መስዋዕትነት ልንከፍል በጋራ መንገስተ ሰማያትን መውረስን ተስፋ አድርገን መልካም ፍሬን ልናፈራ ወርቅ የሆነ ውድ ልባችንን በስጦታ ልንሰጥ የሰጠነውንና የተቀበልነውን እንዲኹ አረጀ አፈጀ ብለን ላንለውጥ በዘመናት ውስጥ የሚኖረውን የባህርያትን ለውጥ አውቆና ተረድቶ በለውጡ ምክንያት የቀደመ ተግባራችንን በእውነት ልናፀና ነው ? አይደለም !! ምክንያቱም እንዲኽ አይነቱ ፍቅር መደምደሚያው መኝታ ስላልሆነ። ታዲያሳ የያዘን ምንድነው ? በዙሪያችን የምንመለከታቸው በፍቅር ላይ ተስፋን እንድንቆርጥ የሚያደርጉን ምንድናቸው ? በፍቅር ስም ነግደው ሩካቤን ያተረፉ አንድም ደግሞ ከተፈቃሪው ፈቃዳቸውን ማሟላት ባለመቻላቸው እንዲለያዩ ምክንያት የሆናቸው ምን ቢይዛቸው ነው ? መልሱ አጭር ነው። "የፍትወት አባዜ" ይኽ ነው እየያዘን የተቸገርነው። ፍቅርን የሸፈነብን እንዳናየው የጋረደብን ይኽ በፍቅር ማልያ የሚጫወት የፍትወት አባዜ ነው። ይኽ ማለት ግን ፍቅር የለም ማለት አይደለም ! በፍቅር ላይ ተስፋን የሚቆርጥ ፍቅርን ያልተረዳ ብቻ ነው። ለማግኘት ግን ዋጋ መክፈል የግድ ይላል ! ! ይብቃኝ ወሬ አበዛው። ( "አእመርኩ ብከ ከመብከ" የምትለዋን የቀደመችዋን ጽሑፌን ከዚኽ በመቀጠል ታነቧት ዘንድ እየጋበዝኳችኹ ተኛው።  ከቀደመው የፍቅር ታሪኬ እንዲያያዝ ያደረኩት ከልባችን የምናፈቅር ሰዎች ስላለን በፍቅር ላይተስፋን እንዳትቆርጡ ነው። የንትቸኩሉም ለሁሉ ጊዜ አለውና በጽናት በንፅህና እንድትጠብቁ ነው። በፍቅር ስም የምታጭበረብሩ አጭበርባሪዎችም ከድርጊታችኹ ታቀቡ እባካችኹ ! ደህና እደሩ )

#Melancholy #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello lovely people
Male 27
I have been here for a while honestly i enjoy all the stories and ideas thrown at this bot.
And i believe this is the right time to share mine.

Idk why this is happening to me. Or idk if this is happening to anyone else. my exs girlfriends call me on the phone after a long time. ex from highschool life, ex from university life and so on ... and the weirdest part is that they call me even after they got married and have few kids mnamn ... even while they are pregenant and on the way to give birth. They even talk abt all good days that we used to spent together mnamn. They even talk me abt the dirty things that we did ... all the amazing sex we had. Wtf !! i don't know if this is normal ?! but i don't think its normal that a woman who is married and have 3 kids with her husband to call to her ex boyfriend abt the past ... even abt the love they used to make !
And the scariest part is that i know that they are doing this with out thier husband knowing this. I sometimes have a feae that they will get cought someday and will bring me trouble. One my highschool frnd is pregenant and have already give birth to 2 children . Guess what ! she call me every few 3 or 4 days and she is my DM too.
I feel weird talking her but i don't wanna act like i don't know her so i just keep on replaying.
One day it waa kinda pissed and told her that i had a g.f and she is not abt me and her talking. And guess what she literaly begged me to not stop talking her. And yesterday my phone rang and when i pick the phone ... she was my ex from university ... she told me that she is pregenant for the first time. At first i though she was trying to make me jelouse mnamn ... but she started talking abt how we used to be mnamn how she was crazy in love. And told me that she wanna keep in touch ... !
she sounds flattered .

Anybody can throw there thoughts!


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Eshi So last time I had sex I tried something different with this girl I was talking too yezane, she was expressive physically ena communicated on what she liked which I liked betam ena the sexual chemistry was insane bicha 1st time we met we had a great time we were making out minamin ena the chemistry was there bicha alchalkum ena I ended up taking control ena lifted her on my laps then fingered her while making out in the car ena she finished, it was amazing ena nxt time we met degmo room wist neber she told me she liked our first meeting so ahunim I took control mejemeria akababi keza gin while we switched up positions mehahal lay she took charge esuam and I liked it, bicha it was amazing we switched positions and control and it went like that for an hour minamin, it also helps with stamina ig.

In my opinion the whole sub and Dom thing is about control, so does that make me a switch orrrr idk bicha ...

So do most girls like it when the man takes control or when they have control Wey degmo switch mareg? Im 25m btw

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Writing this is so weird, but here it goes....i know u guys r mostly gonna be judging with this, but I am 26 M, never had sex or anythin closer🫢 and the drive is gettin to the point that is becoming irresistible, which is making me text a lot of women here n there but its always pointless...I really don't want to pay for sex with all respect for sex workers, bcha yeah, if it makes sense thia is me.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Okay am a girl who doesn't have anything to do I just exist I woke up at 4 > eat my breakfast and lunch together see a movie use TikTok ig ... Eat my dinner listen to music and dance then I will sleep or when my mood goes down I may even cry without any reason or I feel depressed...boring life..deep down I think I need a friend who is sera fet and who can go out with me to try different things and place
I need a friend 😐
I have friends but they have things to do so.
Am 22
3rd-year student at unity

#Friendship #MentalIllness

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I'm 20
Why is it so hard to find a decent girl I mean not just good looking uk most of the girls I've dated are really good looking at the same time dumb as a rock but aren't mature or betam akrari nachw why is it so hard to find that special person you wanna spend the rest of your life with ik this sound cringe but fr I want to listen to their problems our even our and work on it as a couple uk be mature about it is it so much to ask for or zembeye nw melefelefw?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Fallen star
I need to vent
Hey I'm here to offend some people alright,
Now my problem here is females...the girls that are venting here are all damn narcissists and they're unaware of it and embracing it like tf
"Idk why he did me wrong eventhough I am a cute,nice and smart girl 🤭"bitch u ain't
U probably desrve what he did on yo dumb ass
Like  it's fine and all being self confident and self loving but don't be delusional and belive u are that perfect princess and u are genuinely shocked some guy walked out of ur life ...bbg grow the fuck up
And they ain't even that young
Some lady said she 24
Mandemmmm 24444
I expect a high level of maturity and elegance from a 24 year old lady that she is self aware of her flaws and doesn't link her flaws or her good characters for someone staying or leaving
If somone loves u genuinely ur flaws or ur perfections wouldn't matter so by default he wouldn't be leaving u cuz u are not " cute and smart" ohhh my GODDD and it's just an example
They be saying all sort of stuff like "I'm very loving ik he won't find a girl like me" man stfu I'm pretty sure he will have another one by the end of the week
Like aren't breakups supposed to make u question what u did wrong? Like u are not enough smtn was missing etc and Don't yall angry females be on my comments saying it's maturity n that
Yall dumb asf  if u be saying this
Maturity is understanding and communicating and understanding that no matter how perfect u are smart ,cute , hot , handsome , shreded ,curvy or whatever
That won't make someone stay
Half yall ladies need proper education on life fr
I see some very intelligent and mature women on here and as much brain dead mfs 😭😭😭God i hate how they are so unaware and think there is ntn wrong with it

U might ask why are u offended...IDFK
It was only one at first then
5 then all that contain a Female venting and it's abt breakups there exist those very narcissistic words
And you know what
Eventhough idk any of yall personally but yall kids to me no matter ur age pls grow up mentally before u get into a relationship....thank you❤️


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey baby how are you. This is me ur future wife sitting by the window thinking about you, me and the life we will build one day.
Babye tinesh zegeyehebegne eko gn alnafekuhem ende? Ekef argehegne mewal alamarehem?
Demo lefia betam emetodew misteh betegnahebet termesmes eyaregecheh kenkelfeh menkat alnafekehem? Am sure ur longing for those days
Those days where u hug me from behind kissing all over my neck a place where i fear to be touched the most lol id giggle like a 4 year old for you and we will be happily eating the food we made. I am sure u also miss those days where we fight over little things only to change them into hot nights baby i miss cuddling with you all night giving u pleasurable nights and mornings and sometimes evenings lol i miss the day where we celebrate the day we were born for each other. The day where u will propose the day we get married which will mark our first intimacy. I miss you so much baby. I know God is carving us both for the better good, he is giving us the chance to work on our personality our finances and our relationship with God so ill be patient and wait for the fine you while working on myself mean while missing u so much just for myself.
Ps your future beauty

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey everyone
Okay am currently single so Im tired of being single I need to have bf but I love ma ex betam betam esun mersate alchalkum hulunm wende ksu ga new mawedadreww gn ksu ga memlse alchem dgmo alchlm so mn ladrge


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi i just wanted a little advice ok so here is my story i have been on a serious relationship for 3 years now but then all of a sudden my ex started talking to me and we meet and i think my feelings for him temelese neger ena yahunun bf telewawetkubet lesu kemedewel le ex medewel des yelegnal mnamn ena men eyehonkugn endehone gera gebagn little advice please


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