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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Zarey ke lela sew gar sex chat aderku  ena ye pussyenme video lakulte
I have bf menamn gen he isn't love me ena i feel it
Maderg alnbebrbgnme gen aderku
Gen alkochegnm

#Relationship #SexualAssault

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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26M I'm an agnostic and an antinatalist and a vegan... I really really want to talk to people with similar outlooks on life..

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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22M,Where and how can I meet new people and put myself out there?

I recently went through a breakup with someone I dated for my entire adult life. And after taking sometime to heal, I think I'm finally ready to put myself out there and meet new people.

However, I have no people around me who can set me up or the experience to meet new people in my own. What do I do?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I want to say this to my mom. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but I can't forget how she always made me feel like it was my fault zat I was born. Dear mom, your daughter as you knew her is no more. She could not be the girl you wanted her to be. From the ashes of her pain, she rose into the mom she needed you to be አላውቅም ምናልባት ምስጋና ቢስ ሆኜ ይሆናል ?🤔

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ezi lay lgbtq mnamn eyalachu spostu ynbrachu ahun wta wta btlu ds ylgnal 😤 bet wst tkolfobsh be netflix ymrzachutn chnklatachun ezi atrchubn btstkakelu yshalal ahun የlay ktgegnk ሟች nachu. ተስተካከሉ!

#HealthComplications #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Rodas
I need to vent
There is more to life than the person who walked away from you. There is more to life than chasing af-ter someone who does not want to be in yours.
Trust me when I say—there is more to life.
There is laughing until your stomach aches more than your healing.
There is going out with friends and kissing their faces and talking to them about atoms and the universe and the fact that you are so damn lucky to be living at the same time as them, that you are so damn thankful you got to experience life with them by your side. They’ll scoop you into their arms and they will hug you so tight that it will feel as if all of your broken pieces have finally come together again.
There are warm summer evenings where the skies are dusted in rose and peach, the kind of evenings that feel like salt water for your soul, the kind of evenings that cleanse you and hold you and make you feel so small and so big at the same time.
From the strength in our scars


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am 19F so I got this boyfriend for above 3yrs (we’ve been on and off) andddd he has been asking me to do “IT” for decades but I keep refusing.
Am a Virgin(but he touches me Manamn.)he’s a virgin too like we both know we don’t got future together but we keep lying to ourselves ,Bka tetaltn metalat anchlm somehow we find ourselves back again and again ,there’s a lot reasons for that.I love him so muchhh I’ve been through a lot cuz of him (he cheats like he talk to girls mnamn enji not in sexual way,bcha bzu)he’s my first ever love and the same goes to him .ahun lay idk eytslchachn entalaln like btam but we still find a way to be together and the thing is I wanna have sex with him but at the same time I don’t want that (he would be so excited if we do tho like btammm)
So anyone could give some advice that I could really use like is it bad to have sex on your physical and mentally? What do I get to lose if I had sex?What is the pros and cons of having sex? Does it affect my future? What is your bad experience cuz you had sex , especially girls?

Thank you

#Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ok so, in light of recent events, the "gibre sedom ekawemalew" stuff, me and my friends were talking. And one of my friends said "suri matef gay new". Um a religious person, but i also do "suri matef", but that doesn't make me "sedomawi". To get to the point, there are this things they (sedomawian) do, like the rainbow flag and other shit. They take good things and change their meaning. Back when i was a kid, if u drew a rainbow, u r talented. But now if u do that u r gay or smth. Another example is I have a cousin who works at a branch of "Kestedemena foam", i sometimes visit him at work and I people ask "why did u choose the rainbow, that is gay". And there are many more examples, but the point is if we let them define things like this, they will be the ones in control.
I cant write all my thoughts, um not that good at writing. But I hope u got what um trying to say. Anyways fetari yitebiken.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I gotta talk about this situation that's been bugging me. There's a girl in my class who's super into hanging around me, but honestly, I don't have any special feelings for her. I don't know what's in her mind, but she always wants to stick by my side, sit next to me in class, and it just doesn't feel good.
People keep saying we look like a couple, and she repeats those comments to me It's kind of ደባሪ, Especially when we're walking home after school, which used to be a fun and nice time. But now, things have gotten strange because she sticks really close to me like she holding my arm like we're a couple, even in my neighborhood. It's like she doesn't know about giving people their own space, And it makes me feel awkward.
Also, she's always asking me about relationships, and I keep telling her I'm not looking for one right now. When she tries to find out if I like someone, I told her there is no one. but she keep asking me again and again at that time I told her it was private and not her business.
So, I decided to create some space between us. I stopped chatting with her as much on tg, started sitting with other mutual friends in class, and even told her to walk on her own and not hold onto me on the street. Then after some days, she tells me I've changed.
so, I'm just not sure if I did the right thing. Was it wrong to want some space? Should I feel bad about it? I'm just tired of feeling uncomfortable, and I think it's fair for me to want some room to breathe.

#School #Friendship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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My father is a really attractive guy, nice and caring. He has his bad days and good days. they're not in a really good place with my mother either. she's not affectionate, eleh tazizalech. shes working strong to destroy the marriage. see now i'm only 21 but i know what my father needs and she's denying him that. and i dont mean sex. i mean everything you expect from a wife.

what i saw was a bunch of texts of him and another lady. no names, "she" was saved by a letter.

now I dont really blame my dad. and dont tell there's a lot I dont get mnamn, I am a part of this marriage as much as they are except ofc the deed sessions.

I just cant believe that all my assumptions were true. and I mean why would my mother push it till this end? its really her fault.
thanks for reading all this.

#Family #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am 25M , and I need to vent or maybe need to know
So this is kinda long shot but am not attracted to most girls but certainly not gay 😅
I think I have trust issues and like this days most people only reveal the knife after hugging you
I rather want to face a person while they are holding the knife in their
And most girls don’t have the stomach’s to kill a persons but they certainly know how stab and leave a man dry of his money with out finishing him off
So My type are found maybe in the movies lol I like the assassin girls you know those who don’t do the drama shit, with killer eyes and all.
never knowing how one day how she is going to stab you,and I know that’s fantasy but if there is anyone who is like this or think like this it would be cool to find someone to ride and die with

#Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So ... hmmm. I hit a girl. And no, I didn't hit on her. I hit her. Smacked her right across the face. Not sure if I feel guilty about it. Not sure if I should but I don't feel great about it either. Here is what happened. I was walking home holding a takeout food in my hands. And apparently this girl was walking right behind me. I had my earphones on so I didn't hear her. She was on her phone and holding coffee. And because I had a lot in my hands I accidentally dropped my keys and abruptly stopped walking to pick them up. She walked right into me and spilled the boiling hot coffee all over my back. Shit hurt like hell. I looked back and looked at her. She was fuming with anger. I sincerely apologized immediately. But that meant nothing to her. አጅሪት አካኪ ዘራፍ ማለት ጀመረች። It was technically her fault. She walked into me, but that didn't even matter. I didn't raise my voice, I apologized a second time. And a third time too trying to justify her action in my head. May be ሰዉ አስቀይሟት ነዉ before this. Maybe she is on her period. Or just a bad day. Didn't matter. I was starving and tired after a 36 hour shift at the hospital, and my back pained በተፈላ ዘይት ሻወር የወሰድኩኝ ያክል። I just wanted to let it go. But boy she was livid. Seeing red. ለቀባሪ እንዳልተርፍ አድርጋ በስድብ አገላበጠችኛ! Like that wasn't enough she smacked my dinner out my hand sprawling it on the sidewalk. My patience was running low. And then she swung at me. Landed right on my left eye. That was it. እኔ የሃይልዬ ልጅ ታዲያ ብልጭ አለብኛ። I didn't have the time or the will to process what had happened. I was seeing red. I turned around spread my palm up turned my hip in and በጥፊ ጆሮ ግንዷን አነደድኩት። And I walked away disappearing into the crowd that was starting to form. My point is with this is, እባካችሁ ሰዉ አታሳስቱ። Always remember, when you hit someone, you must always be okay with being hit back. I am not proud of what I did. If anything, I am embarrased. Even ashamed. But not everyone's patience is limitless. Don't test people just because you are having a bad day. And the girl I hit, if you are reading this, I am sorry. You had it coming to be honest. But I am sorry all the same.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Devil on ur shoulder
I need to vent
idk how to get out of my head. it's getting a bit serious nowadays. got a bit real after i ate my own cum and thought it was okay because i had no tissue or towel lying around anywhere near me.
all my friends look at me funny and i just cant tell what exactly is they're really looking at when they see me. im depressed, alone and most likely to be in the autistic spectrum.
this is one of the many days i feel like im mentally stuck at the present. like time just goes so slow and i cant find anything worth diving into, my disintrest in life and anything outisde my head has been growing and growing everyday. im not the same person i was when this year started.
Guilt, shame, sorrow and pain is all i feel almost all of the time. It's like my heart can only feel pain or is just incapable of happines.
i just dont kmow what to do anymore, i just wake up and hope the day ends well without feeling drained after saying hi to people. i just want to live a normal life but it feels like a dream now. i want to die, hopefully something quick like a car accident or falling from a tall building (to keep shit realistic that is)
I've thought alot about hanging myself and i either stop myself half way or someone calls me hangout and forget about it. It honestly sounds like a good idea to me. I cant not live my life like its my last. because frankly speaking, it's like a job for me. i have to constantly convnce myself to go home instead of wandering the streets and starving myself to death. or drowning in some river or shit. its like i have a death wish or sm but i dont really know what that means...
good night or good whenever time you're reading this.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys, I'm kinda of in a dilemma rn. So the other day my bf of 6 months said something that left me confused and really shocked. We were sitting at this coffee place and I was scrolling on my phone when I came across those pictures of Rihanna you know the one when Chris Brown beat her up and I never saw the pics before just knew the story. And the pics are so fucked up he really hurt her. And as it was my first time seeing it I was really shocked and showed it to him saying how could he do this to someone he loves.... and he shrugged it off and just said what's the big deal they got in an argument and he hit her, it's no that deep. I was like whatttt What do you mean by that and he was like, we don't know the full story so we should forget it, and started talking about something thing else but it has never left my mind. He's a very nice guy never even heard him shout before. But then again what he said was something I never expected to hear from him. Am I making a big deal out of nothing or am I justified to be worried? Advice please

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyy guys endte nachwe so this is about family my dad has been divorced with mom for 23 years and ahun korbwale esu without mom esuwam ahun tekorbalch . So my dad meet another women korabe nat and they decided to get married and nebrte minamn bizu new yalwe so she gonna sign prenaptual before getting married and my fam yelel new yetchnankute like we dont who she is like he even knows like 2 months minamn she has no kids too so what we are fearing is what if this women want money ,what if she is a bad person like we wanna know about her identity but couldn't figure anything and if anyone knows someone who learn about their background minamn like if u pay them plsss if u know pls let me know Thank you in advance


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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People who have been using it pls answer this. Is marijuana harmful .... as much as the media tells you ??? I started using and haven't seen any change on my self or any sign of addiction
FYI I've been using for almost year and half
So is it harmful or medication ???


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Here's the thing. I have a family of problems. I mean my parents never had a healthy marriage, They always fighting. Their problem is they no more love eachother, or respect each other. They always be thinking on how to hurt each other. It has been like these for years. And my dad is haylegna mibal character yalew so he always tries to solve problems by shutting my mom down, he is disrespectful over her status or anything she says and decides. Also he used to hit her when they argue he can't control himself. And mom, she is a bit hard to have a conversation witg but she became like this because of the influence she have had in those years of marriage where she didn't feel like a wife. Both of them are right in there ways so we tge children are unable to negotiation them over anything. We as a child have been hurt and impacted by their marriage in every way. Specially me, i am very sensitive to a single insult let alone all those dramas of them. So i am always depressed and stressed everytime they have a fight because it is becoming more than my emotional ass to handle. I hate living in such household and feel like to move out. On the other hand i am stressed with my own life, on how to figure it out and everything. During those times my mind gets to almost blow. it is better to marry late than to marry a complete opposite of oneself which ends up a toxic marriage, a ruined household and deteroriated mind of children. What is the point? It is a complete mess.

What choice do i have?

#Family #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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i need to vent getan i am 21....kezi befit bezu wendoch be hiwote west nbru gn mnm aynt relation jemere alakm kiss mnamn mnm alfelgm nbr beka i want only wait my future husband beye nbr masbew then last year be hon agatami yehon lij tewawku ena liju esk zare be akbabiye nbr gn yezan ken nbr bednb yawranew he is so smart, mature,spiritual person getan future husband beye masbew sew nw ena he treat me well.. bezu private mibalu ngrochn erasu be 1 ken awertn mnamn end dewelelt ngrogn telyayen gn he act like player even selke'n 2 gize nw yewsedew mnamn then enem esum sandewawel 1 amet behola ahun lay bedgame tegenagnen ena his first question was relationship lay nesh nbr?......then he told me queen,asteway,konjo ena yetleyew.... bla bla sew nesh yilgnal be tedgagami ena he support me spiritually getan betam ke masbew belay bezu ngr share adergegn mnamn....sewoch erasu notice adergew mnden nw yalachu eskilugn ders beza lay player endhonm yingrugnal le manm mnger yelebtn mister negrognal sel family bednb awertnal selnberew relation bednb awertnal sewoch milugnen hasab teche esun mamen jemerku.......ena be ahunum amet senleyay dewyilgn belogn telyayen(end balfo amet )kagamtmugn sewoch selmily lemdewl asbku gn ferahu mn malet endalbgim alakm beza lay እልህ yiyizgnal lmn esu ayidewelm elalhu text'm laderg asbku gn gera gebagn mn temkrugnalchu?

ps :-erasen mayhon realtion west mektet ena megodat alflgem ik hulum endmayfelg gn my first my last endihon selmfelg nw......


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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tell me if this makes sense. how can one say they are an artist and never paint how can one say they are a writer but writes once every blue moon. how can one say they are full of love but feel suffocated when someone else shows it? and most importantly how does one advocate about how beautiful life is but yet wanna die


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey I am 28F and I wonder Why is it so hard to find, true friends? I mean I used to have a lot of them I was in the university but now I have zero friends , sometimes I cry and I envy people who have best friends.My former best friend  she hurt me so much and didn't also apologize for it the other day she called me and act like nothing happened ene gn ende diro mehon alchalkum betam kefagn the more I think about it the more I get upset ............ Ena ahun lay I am about to get married and thank God there is no ceremony ( degis) because I have no one else to make a Mize I am all by my self.......I feel so lonely betam Mostly I do things by my self but it is tiring.... trust me am not even a bad person but the pain changes me I used to be fun, naive, forgiving, friendly.......but all of them are gone now I ask my self will I ever be happy again?...... I just wanna know if im the only person that feels this way, I know that this shall pass too....... Thanks 🙏



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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm tired of hearing people say, "Don't commit suicide because you'll hurt others!"

Isn't it pretty fucking selfish of people to want to keep someone alive and in pain just to spare their own feelings? What about their feelings? Every moment of being alive is suffering. Their family wants them to continue their suffering just so they don't have to feel grief or whatever. It's like when you have an elderly patient who is near-death, in agony, and on life support, and the best option is to let them pass away peacefully - but their family keeps them on life support because they don't want to let go. That's kind of what I feel like. Now I’m not saying suicide is the answer it’ll never be. I hope y'all got the point


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hi am 22 yr old and....want to ask you a simple question i was talking to a guy whom i have met 2 or 3 times yaw teketatren sayihon bagatami and we talk on instagram alot we flirt alot  mnamn betam like can't wait to see you yilegn nber and i caught feeling what happen meselachu yehone sera bota lay tegenagnen and his behaviour changed like we talk gn beka instagram lay awreten anakm beka we became normal people he is making me uncomfortable what do you think i should do am betam confused ..............WENDOCH GN LEMNDENEW ENDEZI YEBET SERA METONUT ERE UUUUU🫠


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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mn endemisemagn takalachu not that you care but yaw hualachum srafet nachu soo manbebachu aikerm... yeteshewedn aymeslachum gn... yhe system emmm living in this country being at the bottom... being tricked into doing what you dont like and not doing what you like... why are we all so miserable? teykachu takalachu... what if religion is here to make us more tazazh u know easy to rule... what if crazy people are right and they are living a better life and we are the one who are tricked... what if sueside is the best decision we can ever make... malet asbut almost bzuochachn manwedewn ainet life noren new mnmotew... yegna menor legna sayhon le systemu new eyetekeme yalew... the elites😡... it just sucks you know being a slave... being valueless... what do you think we should do live like this even if we know that we are being tricked or break every rule out there and be an outlaw if possible or wild and crazy if not


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi guys 2nd time venting I want to say. I basically know why people become friends with benefits and enter a relationship with no strings attached. It's basically this relationships suck like they suck betam. They all have an expiration date. Also people betray your trust and time all the time. I know this ain't who I am gn after see different people I came to the conclusion to never be in a relationship

#Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I loved a guy but I hurt him because i thought I was ready while I was not I found a reason to block him I miss him so much I know he still loves me I want to say sorry again and unblock him try to end it in peace at least but lovers can’t be just friends that’s a myth and i know I still can’t do it right unless i fix myself and I don’t know how to do that Im confused as hell he could’ve been my husband he’s my kind of person but I won’t go back to being selfish and hurting him while he’s doing everything right im in a war with myself I hate the way it ended but I can’t do anything about it I don’t know what to do


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi there everyone
I am really bad at reading but i have seen one or two people write about hoe the mantak chai's multi orgasmic man book and also the other book PEK changed their sexual life. But i really cant read the whole book and to be honest i started both its too boring for me. So i really would appreciate if someone can tell me the useful hometakes and the step by step activities i should do in order for for me to be very good at the bed.

P.S. for the rest of the boys on here if someone teachs me the shorthand version of the books i promise to write a vent about it or upload a shorter version pdf.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Been reading vents about homosexuality recently. The comments are fucking brutal. I'm a straight guy myself but I don't get why anybody gives a fuck what they do in the privacy of their bedroom. Why you wanna kill them? You afraid you gonna be raped or something? Ain't nobody wants to fuck your ugly ass. If you're gonna talk about religion, why you care if they end up in hell?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
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Well it’s about the recent issues about homo sexuality don’t get me wrong I’m straight as an arrow but what’s with this kill them all making it an issue to feel good about ur selfs benesu kit enante mn agebachu tf like y’all don’t sin and don’t watch lesbian porn like we aren’t all cheaters liars deceivers this is a country where people get killed over their race why don’t u all give the same energy for the pedophiles for the racists for the rapist? Afraid of what happened to sodom and gamorah ? Worse shit is happening and happened than that we are a country facing a civil war this isn’t exactly country full of holy people y’all don’t really have the right to pass a judgment ruining peoples lives for things u secretly do and for the gays calm ur tits just cuz ur gay doesn’t mean ur special don’t make ur whole personality over it ur just gay nothing special practice ur sexuality in the modest way don’t ruin ur friends life and ur family life’s just cuz u got horny
Bring on the hate comments ;)

#Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I just wanna say that it gets really hard sometimes but I somehow manage to overcome it...people really piss me off sometimes but I always tend to forgive them like few days ago a person said something which really hurt me but I forgave him within 2 minutes people judge me when they don't even know me and I don't really mind it but sometimes it gets on my nerves they say I show off but I really never did that whenever I try to vent or day anything to my closest person they donot listen to me at all I think they get bored or disgusted..I feel lonely even though I have a lot of so called friends and family it's hard now a days and guess what even my own partner isn't interested in me I am sure he doesn't even know my favourite colour 🥲 it's distressful relationships are hard....

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyyy  guys
am 21 girl
To the point i met a guy year ago and we start dating. after that we  became couples. he was gd at everything he teach me alot of things...... Long story short we broke up months ago but now all am thinking abt is physical touch that i had with him🤦‍♀️god i love the way he touch me.... how can i forget that?


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