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Vent Here is the place for you to vent off anything you have on your mind, get help and give out help to those who vent. Anonymously. Vent using @vent_here_bot For any inquiries and ads, contact 🦄 @MoiPlus "We rise by lifting others"

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi call me E there’s a lot to confess here so bare with me i will split this up into parts. The beginning is a little childish but it started because of boys my friends A, R, T & E (R.A.T.E was our group chat name) its starts with a boy named kidus and A. I was always walked over i liked this boy and she had a hot moment with him got hickeys and everything she announced it in the group i was devastated that was the first moment i realized i was THAT girl in the group the shadow i started to be skeptical. After that lets fast forward to last year a lot of drama happens but the main point is R took my ex who i was still in love with while having another boyfriend how fucking selfish am i right like? Now to the main story since you guys have a clue of the backstory. R gets her phone stolen at school and nothing really happened was just a sad moment she is mentally enlightened and her phone was her escape and her main boyfriend gives her a replacement everything was cool. Fast forward a few weeks i find out that one of our friends close to both of us lets call him Y has taken it and he and his friends are checking out everything and R had her nudes her chats everything on this phone at first i was being the nice friend i was asking them to delete it and telling the other boyfriend it was a long time ago and everything but then I remembered the first place we got distant with R was because she was a cheater and manipulative bitch so i said whatever you have been reading waiting for the juicy part here it is this part am just saying what i was told they found her sim and signed into her telegram and sent everything to her main boyfriend and to the other boyfriend which is in the group chaos ensues i will continue on the next part what happens next (1/4)

#School #Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey, is there anyone who can help me get rid of these annoying lice? Here's the deal: I'm stuck living with my cousin, and his hair is infested with these damn lice. We even share the same bed, and now I'm freaking out because they're spreading to my head too. I can't exactly kick him out, so what do you think I should do? Also, if any of you happen to be healthcare professionals, do you know what kind of medicine I should use to treat this? Thanks in advance!

#Family #Melancholy #HealthComplications

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Soo currently life got better. And tbh, I'm glad it did. But..smth abt it doesn't seem right. I feel like smth is missing. My life might have gotten better but it doesn't mean I'm ready for this new "change". I have been depressed for 5 whole years, thinking suicidal, thinking I was never worthy of this life, thinking it would never get better so I should js give up.. But I didn't. Somehow... You guys do realise that we don't have much time to live. And js thinking only abt the bad things in life won't make your life end faster. So you might as well js enjoy it. You might think that I'm crazy an all but I promise you you'll thank me. If you rlly want it and prove that you do, it will work. Trust me. But then again I am a stranger to all of you guys and I would get why you wouldn't trust me, but you js can't give up. You made it THIS FAR. How could you js throw away all your hard work. You shouldn't rlly shouldn't. And I'm saying this not to make anyone mad mnamn I'm js trying to help in a way ok. That's all I got to say.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛
I need to vent
I helped them while I suffered alone I'm here sitting crying alone and I'm tired of being forced by my mom because everything she forces me and last night she yells at me again
the first thing she did in the afternoon yell again and again another day another yell

#MentalIllness #Family #HealthComplications #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Here is my problem, all my ex's think I have a big D and even one of my ex told me that I shouldn't approach girls who don’t have many sex experiences. I am 24M and I like hanging out with girls younger than me gn physical r/s west lemegbat eferalew yamachewal enjoy ayaregutem beye slemefera.
Tell me your opinion pls

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So here is the thing i HATE men except for the special few  and so do most women the thing i learned is the less men i hv in my life the less problems i have and many girls seem to share this feeling with me most of the problems i used to hv is some hw associated with a man so by kicking them out of my life i sloved the problem girls listen up lets just stop being involved with men kmr we as of fact we know we are stronger and happier with out them but they would kill them selfs with out us. Girl i get surprized when they come up and talk to me THE AUDACITY bro who tf said u could talk to me the level of delulu in this niggas is crazy😐😐and they be trying to compliment u and shit mate i dont give a small rats ass abt what u think🫠🫠  and girl im so tried of reading vents that say like "women want money stop chasing them..." yes ppllllssssss for the love of god stop leave us alone most of us women just wanna live our lives in peace with out ur annoying fucking voices ruining our day ps bring on the hate comments I love to see how yall emotional and weak fragile asses cant handel the truth🥰🥰


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is for you who think homosexuality is right. Most of the argument u guys use is "Love is Love" and "it's their life ". My question for you is wht abt pedophilia or incestry. Is their love, love?. It's also their life. First of all their goal is not freedom, it's taking the world and forcing it to celebrate them. Do you know the age permit to be in a strip club in America? Well u guessed it more than 21. But now in pride month, kids are being forced to see drag shows. Older people are exposing themselves to kids and it's okay now. They are mutilating kids for the sake of their trans agenda. Do uk those chemicals used to be given to sex offenders and serial killers?. First it was let us be our selves and now they're leading slowly to pedophilia. I used to think homosexuality was not a bad thing but what got me to repel that idea in the first place is , why is it connected to satanic things?. And also I hear some arguments saying we men don't accept it because we're afraid of being raped, first of all fuck you all feminists . Feminism is crap. There are some who still get raped and maybe not as woman but it happens specially to little boys. So If ur idea is that homosexuality will increase male raping, why should we allow it?

There are many reasons that I didn't say gn if my vent gets approved I will send you some pics on the comments.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need your thoughts on this please. Your honest and wise thoughts!

So I get the chance to know a guy and we have been chatting for weeks now. He seems a good guy and kind and all. I like most of the things from him but there is an issue that i don't feel comfortable with. He is anti-social. He has no friends and less family. It is okay but from what he told me people dislike him for some reason and this scared me off. Like what's wrong with him? How can a person not have anyone by his side? Is the lonliness even good for him?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Dear me
I'm sorry i neglected you
I'm sorry i didn't protect you
I'm sorry i let you be pushed around
I'm sorry i silenced you
I'm sorry i put you last
I'm sorry i thought u were never enough
I'm sorry to always overwhelm you
I'm sorry i let u pretend u feel nothing
I'm sorry u lost ur ability to connect
I'm sorry u can't communicate no more
I'm sorry i let u keep all the anger inside

I'm sorry for Never loving you


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey every beautiful ppl here how r’u doing am 21 M well am here for u እግዝአብሄርን ለማመስገን Father, dear Father, I am so grateful for everything that you have given me. Thank you so much for the loved ones in my life, For the many ways in which I am cared for and supported. Thank you for the many ways I can serve and give to others. Thank you for the rich tapestry of colours in creation, For the beauty which is all around me, For the skies and the ever changing cloud formations, For the breathtaking sunsets and early morning mists. My heart is so grateful and brimming with thanks. I could write a thousand books about your great goodness, And still have many stories to tell. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank you with everything I am. All my being cries thank you Lord! Amen.
At last if u want any thing that I help text me or ask my identity ur brother is here to help u below this amazing God bye bye ❤️❤️❤️


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is for all men above 23yr hi y'all..... okay my question is if you like a girl would you act like hard to get you know go offline not give her attention mnamn becha you get it ena why do you do that if your answer is yes and secondly if she text you first call you first reply fast give you attention would that be a turnoff for you guys cause i have seen plenty of guys reaching out when they are ignored or when i move on ....why???
Lastly if she buys you a gift out of the blues to show you her affection would you take it as a friendly gift or more than friend gift if you know you know?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone, I'm 25M I don't how am I going to explain I was trying to make friendship with girl yaw relationship neger, and when I met them Boom they start to ignore because of my name they thought I'm one of the ባለጊዜ 😔 but nooo ... How could they think like that ኧረ it's not fair yemr , eski anyone who wants to be a friend who doesn't think ብሄር mnamn yemr I'm tired of it . Thanks


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there
a really long time ago i kissed a guy while I was in a relationship, the same night i broke up with my boyfriend because i felt i didn't deserve him, later on he found out why and he said he doesn't blame me for what happened and it wasn't my fault he forgave me and stuff

But it's been years and i still couldn't forgive myself for that kiss. I really loved my b.f and i kissed another guy and i still feel the shame and guilt. I haven't dated anyone since then, when men are genuinely interested in me i freak out and mess it up.
I've never had sex but i have random people i chat about sex with online. And there was this dude i met recently I'm pretty sure he is a fuck boy but a couple of days of chat and i think i am liking him. Like i miss him and stuff, I'm weirdly comfortable around him.

And I think i hate my self and i think i don't believe i deserve anything nice in life because i am someone who cheated on the only man she ever fell in love with, thus only attracted to bad boys who would never get hurt by her.

I'm i too damaged???
I'm 23 btw a recent graduate

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone,

I've been mulling over something for a while now, and I thought this might be the right place to get some thoughts off my chest. It's about the whole concept of having a "friends with benefits" arrangement, especially from a guy's perspective. Now, before you jump to any conclusions, let me just say that this is a space for open and honest discussion, so I'd appreciate it if we could keep the judgment at bay. So, the idea of a friends with benefits relationship has always seemed to sit in this sort of gray area. On one hand, you've got the camaraderie and connection of friendship, someone you can share a laugh, hang out, and just be yourself with. On the other hand, there's the added physical intimacy – a no-strings-attached kind of deal where both parties are on the same page about not diving into the deep end of emotional commitment.

I think what's most intriguing (and also potentially complicated) about wanting a friends with benefits dynamic is the balance it requires. There's this inherent desire for connection and companionship, both emotionally and physically, without the conventional expectations of a full-blown relationship. It's like acknowledging that you're human and have needs, but not wanting to complicate your life with all the intricacies that can come with a traditional partnership. But let's be real – there's a certain stigma that comes with admitting to wanting this kind of arrangement. Society often paints guys as solely seeking physical gratification, and while that might be part of the equation, it's not the whole story. We're looking for a connection that's beyond just the physical – someone we can talk to about life, share experiences with, and simply enjoy each other's company. Of course, I also understand that this isn't a one-size-fits-all desire. Some might be perfectly content with traditional relationships, while others, like myself, might see the appeal in this more uncharted territory. It's all about finding someone who's on the same wavelength, someone who's mature and open enough to explore this avenue without playing with anyone's emotions.

So, as I vent about this desire, I'm also aware that there's a fine line to tread. Communication is key – being transparent about expectations, feelings, and boundaries is absolutely crucial. It's about acknowledging that both parties have needs and being respectful of those needs, even if they don't fit into the traditional mold.I guess what I'm trying to convey here is that wanting a friends with benefits setup isn't just about looking for casual encounters. It's about wanting connection, understanding, and shared moments without the pressures and complications that often accompany a committed relationship. It's about embracing the gray area, while still respecting the feelings and experiences of everyone involved.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I'm open to hearing your thoughts and experiences on this too – let's keep the conversation respectful and insightful.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Here is the thing guys im 24F im in distance relationship and my boyfriend broke up with me bc he thought i am talking to him anonymously with other account

At first he said he didnt think abt the relationship when he asked me out and it was rush and he wanted to think abt it again i said ok then he send me the account he thought i am talking to him and said try hard next time but i swear to GOD it wasnt me

So i asked the girl from the account he send me and she said she randomly fond his address and she did know i sent him all the screenshot my conversations with her he said u are doing drama .......and yesterday he said u tring to prove ur u are the girl the truth will come out so stay still he said then he asked me alot of question along with my phone homepage screenshots , tg setting screen shot ....then he still said u are her 😳i dont knw wat to do abt it.

I cant just let him go bc i have feeling for him. To just sit and wait demo there is no way he will find out abt the truth since even the girl tell him she is not me so there is no way he would know so tetalten mekretachn new

So do u guys think hes just using it as excuse to break up with me ?

Or is he rly confused abt it and dnt knw wat to do?.if this is the case how can i prove my innocence

Please help your sis out ☹️


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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#note2 Have you ever cried for your sins? For all the bad that you've done in this world? For all the people that you dragged into your huge puddle of mess and for all they went through trying to get out? Because recently, I have. I think it took a toll on me, a huge one. It was eating me from within, it was making me go crazy, it still is actually. I lied, cheated, made people feel st about themselves, almost got my friend expelled from school, I gossiped and talked dirty about other people when I am just as bad or even worse than they are, my brain was polluted with some of the nastiest and the worst things anyone could find. Sometimes I think what would have happened if all of my sins were tattooed on my forehead. Most times, I feel too ashamed to even share this with somebody, I even feel too ashamed to pray for it. If I wrote a list of all the people that I had to ever apologize to, a room full of papers wouldn't be enough, it has gotten to the point where I have done something terrible for every person that I have ever met, it is too embarrassing. I can almost tell that that's the only thing they can remember when they see me. I am ready to repent and start a new life but I fear I can't ever forgive myself for all the things I have done.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there, my amazing Habeshan folks! I hope this message finds you all in high spirits. I've got quite an experience to share with you. And hey, let's keep it real and supportive, no judgment or jokes, alright?

Alright, here's the scoop, my friends. Picture this
....I have been married for six years, living apart from my partner due to work-related reasons for the past two years. During this time, I have amassed a substantial fortune, built a magnificent house, and drive a sleek, high-end car. I even surprised my spouse with a brand-new, state-of-the-art vehicle. On top of that, I have successfully established my own thriving business and meticulously planned for our future, envisioning our children attending prestigious schools.

However, despite all these achievements, my spouse has shockingly requested a divorce. The reason? Our lack of physical intimacy during this extended period of separation. I have undergone rigorous medical tests, including semen analysis, erectile dysfunction assessments, and testosterone evaluations, and they have all come back clear. No issues with early or premature ejaculation. Yet, whenever I attempt penetration, my penis bends at the base of the vaginal entrance, causing frustration and disappointment.

Interestingly, I have no trouble maintaining a firm erection during masturbation, which lasts longer than when attempting intercourse. But alas, at 32 years old, I remain a virgin due to this perplexing issue. This experience has severely shaken my confidence in performing sexual acts, as I fear not being able to sustain an erection long enough for satisfying penetrative sex. To make matters worse, my partner has now left me, leaving me without the opportunity to practice and improve at home.

I humbly seek your guidance on how to overcome these daunting challenges, reclaim my sexual confidence, and find a way to enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying intimate life once again.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyyyyy, Idk how to put my feeling into words 22 F
I'm 3rd yr university student, but i got full ride to another country and my flight will be before our new year , i met this guy in law school 😎he's fucking smart and yea me too . We are good at school and we started this date stuff just one month ago. On our first date we ate and walk ,on the second date we kissed not just that he was touching my body. It's been a long time since i kissed a boy probably 4 years ago and it was my ex boyfriend. But here is my problem I can't feel anything, am i still in love with my ex?  idk what is wrong with me. For real I like him but we call each other besties and we had a deal that we wouldn't make it anything more or anything less. He believes that kiss is sth normal between besties but i think it is not. We gonna have a sleep over before my flight but idk what will happen on that night, am in between.

Plsss help your girl

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys how are you
I am 25F
So here's the thing. I have social anxiety and want to meet new people ( online). basically I feel really lonely since I don't have anyone to talk to even online . I am a new graduate, and when I was at school I had barely friends ,those whom I called friends wanted to use me ,and I accepted that because I didn't wanna look like a loser who spent her time alone but I knew I shouldn't have been with those people. I think of my self fair on the looks side on my best days but on my bad days I feel I look really ugly . And tho loved ones have told me I look okay my experience says other wise . I need someone who I can share not only my days but also someone who I can talk to about the universe about our troubles about philosophy. I need a friend .please anyone whom I can talk really like it. Basically I like to talk about psychology and how people work and stuff I really love those.i also like normal stuff ,talk about our childhood traumas. Someone who is down to earth ,but also can give me advise. Someone who doesn't act superior towards me too. becha guys I need a friend . Who is chill ,likes movies .who doesn't take themselves seriously. But please please ,I am not seeking for a pity friend. I don't need anyone to pity me or advise me like a superior,I really just want a friend who is chill .so if you want to be my friend , you are welcome .

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Melancholy

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Sup people🖐 lets get to ወደገደለው
Met this guy literally on this channel, on his vent mnamen 2 weeks ago(August 10) and was having betam nice chats and all,idk how but i realized sthg was off i was checking out his Ig(his followings n all) then i realised he is my Ex's FUCKING COUSIN
Kza me and my bestie made a plan mnamen n long story short we found out he doesn't know abt it.
So The issue here is, i'm so interested in him. We were making things obvious he was asking me ''would you take me on a date'' kind of chats.
Becha idk how to explain the way its been easy to talk,the fact that he was being open, the chats we've had, he's just perfect. He felt like the piece i've been missing.

So I'm worried recently what if we go on a date menamn and my Ex finds out abt it
Would it be befamily mehal megbat???
Gn he's worth it maryamn
I really don't know what to do help me out people.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need your help guys please tell me your opinion or suggest what I should do.. The thing is my ex eyasferaragn new long distance relationship lay neberin ena we used to make video calls and he always asked me to be naked and show him my boobs and kinda gebtoachuwal meches I was so stupid ena yalawekut neger he was screen recording all of it 😑🙈ikr 😑dont blame me I was stupid I get it now. Keteleyayen amet alfonal ezi adelem minorew wichi new ena ahun lay out of blue meto kalawashign eyale even lelit sayker yidewlal keza hulum video alegn bilo video lakelign kalawarashign betnewalew eyale wediyaw demo yatefaw ena he act like nothing happened ena mn madreg endalebign nigerugn please.i'm kinda worried right now

#Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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We meet on campus, we become friends then couples here is what happened he doesn't treat me well he disrespects me betam one time he told me how ugly I am like who does that? At the same time demo he treats me like a princess, he confused me betam for a while and when ever I tried to tell him how his not giving me the attention he said I'm just over reacting what hurts betam demo he knew how insecure and depressed I was one time broke up argen ynbre seat I cutted my hands not because of him specifically I was just lost, suicidal, hopeless betam ena after a week mnamn he saw my hands 🥺🥺 his first reaction was did you did this to catch my attention? Betam new ykfagn ynbrew ena koretelegn bka but I was still in love with him so it wasn't easy leaving him instead I started detaching my self emotionally from him, I started to act like him bcha after a while my feelings for him was goneeee then I dumped him gn selamen nesagn abren kalhonen belo then we got back together but I couldn't be like before fr ke manmn ga alaweram nbr wela like any dude dm biyarg I don't reply or I will just tell them that I have a boyfriend 🙂🙂 after the breakup gn........ Then one time ke guadegaye ga club chill lmarg wetan with her boyfriend and his friend and I know both of them ( I usually don't go out) keza my boyfriend called ena mesadeb jmere like how slut and shermuta I am I got really mad 😑 wede room senehed my friend ke boyfriendua ga sethed I stayed with his friend nothing really happened not even a kiss he knew I had a bf so Tegan tewat my boyfriend abedebegn and when he found out kelela dude ga room west endenbrku abede tesadebe, kesamet bewala I forgive you degame endi endayfetir belo abren honen tbh i wasn't loyal like I was at first I didn't do any shits exactly but I text with some people so I can distract my self from this toxic relationship bcha endiw ke bfe ga honen someone I talk on telegram called me yaw my boyfriend tetalagn of course he would I didn't feel bad or good I was numb but now his playing like his a victim and like I will never get the perfect boyfriend who loves me like him 😂😂😂
I'm not saying alatefahum gn like what the fuck

Anyways treat your girl with respect you don't know what actually is in her mind

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I hate my job. I am the sales manager, the marketer , the digital marketer, the manager, the customer relations, training manager all for one person salary. I'm exhausted and fed up.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone
I want a psychologist or sm one who can help my mental disorder
I’m suffering like I can’t live with what’s running on my mind, what I have passed through
And now I’m noticing new signs like bipolar?!



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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey 23M here ena its been a while since I been actively following Vents in his channel ena I noticed that most of the venters  these days are 21,22,23 ena 3 years back it used to be 17 18 19 so is it that the channel isnt growing or that these group of generation is still fucked up?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey am 22M and wanted to vent,do you guys really believe that God can literally heal people of their diseases,I am suffering from one and have tried praying,going to tsebel,emnet,kiba kidus bicha name it I have done it ena ahun I have lost all hope on God and my faith is fading by the day ena I hate it demo that Im becoming like this I never thought I would feel this way about God. Bicha yefelekut yemr Egziabhern lemnachu tsebel hedachu emnet tekebtachu dinachu takalachu,Im starting to think its all fake at this point.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I don't know if this kind of vent even gets approved but I just wanna see something.

What is the most you've been turned on by the opposite sex's random non-sexual action?

(21F, here)
Mine was like this. I was at the backseat of a car with a male friend of mine. I struggled to close the windows on my side and he offered to help. He then put one of his hands on my thighs and put his whole body over me, then begins thrusting forward trying to close the door. And, Oh My God, that was like the most intense, vibrant, electric, 5 seconds of my life. I know it was nothing for him, but for me it was nothing I've ever experienced. I blushed the whole ride, I couldn't even talk to him.

So, that was mine. What was yours?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello all,

Lately, I've been thinking about relationships and connections in a way that might be a little different from the usual. It's a bit of a gray area, and I've found myself pondering the idea of friends with benefits. Now, before you jump to conclusions, bear with me – this is a space for open-minded discussion, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

See, the concept of friends with benefits has always intrigued me. It's like finding that middle ground between friendship and something more, where two people can share moments without the pressure of traditional expectations. It's about acknowledging that connection goes beyond labels, and sometimes, it's just about being there for each other.

I'm sure we all have our reasons for being drawn to this unconventional arrangement. For me, it's about the idea of sharing laughter, stories, and genuine companionship with someone who's equally interested in exploring life's gray areas. It's not about seeking instant gratification or shallow interactions, but rather about forming a bond that's rooted in mutual respect and understanding.

Now, I've noticed that conversations about this topic often carry some weight of judgment. But let's think beyond stereotypes for a moment. It's not about guys being solely interested in one thing – it's about wanting connection on multiple levels. I believe there are women out there who might share this sentiment, who appreciate the idea of companionship and intimacy without the traditional relationship baggage.

I'm not saying this is for everyone – we all have our own paths to tread. Some might find solace in more conventional relationships, while others might see the appeal in something a bit more uncharted. What's most important is finding that person who resonates with your wavelength, someone who's open-minded and mature enough to embrace this different kind of connection.

In the end, it's all about communication and understanding. Being honest about expectations, boundaries, and emotions is key to navigating this territory. It's about building something unique and meaningful while being considerate of each other's feelings.

So, as I share these thoughts, I also invite those who resonate with this perspective to join the conversation. It's about taking a step beyond the usual and exploring connections that might not fit the mold, but can be just as genuine and beautiful.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
First Time Venting Here!...Here is the thing! I am a graduate student this year! I had a girlfriend 5 years ago when we were first year students, we were in the same class.  She accidentally left me on her own fault and we got separated.  It means 5 years ago.  She has a friend who studies with her.
Then after 5 years, this means this year, suddenly me and her friend fell in love.
And we talked a lot... It's okay for me to start it, we are both in love and she is a thing of the past. It's been 5 years since we broke up, and now there is nothing to connect us with her, but you and I are in love, I told her very much.  But she said no!!  She was my friend, I can't start with her ex, she said to me, she was your girlfriend at some point.  I love this girl so much, I don't want to lose her and she told me that she loves me too.  But she said she can't start with her friend old boyfriend.
What should I do?!


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I'm hallow un happy and i don't have any one to tell this to I don't have a job I can't find one my parents want me to get out of the an imbaracment to i think about killing my self but there is something called hell.i masterbate it's a new habit but I cry after I don't know why may be because I feel worthless.
Keeping the rules doesn't seem to help any more.
In the boys area I have a bf of many years been faith full.he has been away for most of it.which means he can't be here for me for any I started to lie tell him I'm ok when I'm not.little by little I go out and started to not tell him.and then other boys happend in my life I started cheating.well if u call long hugs and dancing with them having fun with them cheating with out him knowing.i treaded my bf of many years for slight affection or for a hug.its sad I know.come to think of it I don't think they even liked me it was just to be ya I'm sitting here and thinking I should end it since everything I tough gets destroyed.before you start suggesting God I know him but he has watched me while my life turned to hell.

#Family #Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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