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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent

am 20F

am a universty student and i have been in a relationship before but am not sure i was in love i mean yelugneta yatekagnal betam ena meet madergachew wendoch lk smetachew wede fkr sihon ena sinegrugn wey kes bye erasen tefategna asbye ameltalew gn 1 2te betam lemnewgn ena asaznegnewm relationship wust gebche nbr whatever so i guess now am really in love bzu amet guadegnaye nbr ena ahun esum enem i love u mnamn tebablen relationship wust gebtenal gn enja yemejemeriya honebgn demo endalatawm feralew esu konjo rejm teym tegbabi zenach bcha beka hulum set mtmegnew aynet wend nw. Be3 amet yebeletegnal enem konjo negn actually 😂 key achir mnamn the point is ene tnsh betekrstian abezaw i mean ageleglalew kemis nw mlebsew i have never kissed someone odd botawoch heje alawkm neger aygebagnm bcha beka more or less innocent negn esu tnsh kene yeleyal ena yechenkegnal betam betam nw mwedww esum endezaw betam nw mnkebaberew gn endet mehon endalegn esu fit gra yegenagnal endet bf treat madreg endalebgn kene mn endemitebek mnamn cause i feel like he will be my husband i always pray for that ena my question is howdo i treat my man wendochm wend antsar set demo lbam set endet endemikon negerugn eski am kinda childish ena demo ene beteklil nbr magbat mfelgew ena esu aychlm ena what should i do



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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey there 🤚
First of all I'm sorry for dumping my miseries on y'all but I had to let it out.

My mental health is getting worse again only this time I don't know how to handle it anymore. My life is like unending sequence of traumatizing events, I start every year with an optimistic mind that maybe it'll get better this year maybe my life would be a little better at the very least but guess what, it gets worse every fucking year.

I have completely lost interest in everything from my grades to my whole fucking existence. I'm not always like this. I feel better for some time I feel like I'm starting over and finally building happy a life until everything just falls apart again and I'm left with nothing but this emptiness and feelings of not being enough for anything.

I'm not suicidal, I tried it once but I didn't really have the balls to do it and I honestly don't see myself trying anything like that again. I don't want to live but I don't want to take my own life either.

I have lost my faith so I don't really have anything left to hang onto or someone to rely on. I fear this will be me for the rest of my life. Is life always going to be like this? Does it get any better? I honestly have no idea what's going on with me or if I'm ever going to be better. I hope everything gets better because I can't live like this anymore

#MentalIllness #Melancholy

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi I am 20F,
I just want to vent and I am not sure how coherent I will be but here goes nothing.

So I have never dated, never really wanted to. I mean I thought I was to young and didn't really care when I was in highschool so I thought I would date when I get to uni but Uni life is just so fast and 1 year turned to three so here I am at 3rd year, still never dated. The crazy thing is I still feel too young, too busy and too uninterested to date. Is the interest in dating something that kicks in at some point?
I am a plan person, always have been and dating never was in my near future plans, I wanted to get married at 26/27 so always said starting at 23/4 is enough time but that's also because I thought I would have a friendship base with the person I date and taking into consideration one or two failed r/nships 3 years seemed more than enough time but here is where the problem comes, I have no male friends. Partly because the maturity levels of Guys my age is well it's less than ideal (even for a friendship) to put it politely and partly because I don't want to date yet and the guys I meet have this weird pattern of confessing in a week to a month of knowing me (and as much as I want to say It's because I have a beauty that rivels painting or a personality too charming that is neither enough time to get to know my personality nor do I have a conventional and objective beauty Ethiopians would fall for at first sight)

Honestly right now I wonder if I am subconsciously pushing every possible guy I might like because of how much I like where my life is going rn. I am growing, and prospering so I don't want any drama that could fuck that up. I want to be a strong and independent women who made her dreams come true and thanks to God, I feel my self grow everyday in that direction. The other thing I want to have is a family and although it is not really much of a priority right now, I don't want time to slip me be so fast I don't realize it. I mean I am trying to do things that will help me be a healthy and supportive partner one day (through prayers, trauma healing and learning to be unselfish) but I do worry if I am supposed to do more? Like make an effort to talk to guys? I just always thought love and friendship are things that are supposed to come naturally but how does it happen naturally? Anyways I am just venting my confusion and anxiety May God guides me through this chaos😂 cause clearly I am beyond confused.

#Friendship #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am male I am 29 and I just want to vent this out cause I can't say it Infront of anyone I know most people will think how is this a problem but it is for me very much I am very rich like ridiculously rich and that's the issue I am never comfortable with a girl I am dating cause I feel like they all just want me for my money and it's betam annoying I want someone to love me for me to get married and to have kids to have what my parents had but I never feel that in the back of my mind I always think she is just here for my money sorry for wasting your time reading this I just wanted to say it out loud somewhere

#Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am finding it a lot easier to write when i miss you or whenever it takes a bit long for you to reply.
I hate that I miss you I also love having you. Ik it's ...weird
Idk what to do about my insecurity
Thoughts ...what if i am too clingy
What if he is annoyed
What if i am too much
What if i am bothering him and not let him have time with himself.....all this thoughts
Are we back?
Am not worried really but what I am is that I am confused
At the same time i want you sooo bad or i guess I need you
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. It's delicate and I have to be so careful
So it's a bit hard to name what I am feeling
Do I love you?
If yes then ...will I be willing to do anything for you?
Isn't that love?
Or am I just addicted to you?
The feelings the joy you brought to my life?
Or is it....
Is this a lesson to be learnt?
Answer me my Darling are you going to stay in the past? Or will go further ?

Nvm not gonna worry about it anyways 😘
Oh you replied to my text😂 what a coincidence 🤷‍♀


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
a friend watches a lot of trans sexual videos. he is in a very healthy and happy relationship. he goes to ጠንቋይ bet very often w his girlfriend. they are both medical students at Black Lion. he wants to stop watching tranny porn, what would u recommend?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I would like to ask a question and expect a suggestion,
Is it or Is it not morally acceptable to manipulate someone for your own benefit if that person at the end is no harms way,?
Or I should put it this way, you manipulate them for your own good but you will take responsibility for them at the end for them not to end up in an undesirable situation.
I wonder how many of you think it’s acceptable to you or not.
Thank you,


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I like this guy....I like him a lot that I don't even sleep at night kmr...everytime I think about him kmr alchelem beka 😢 should I confess weys yikr...negeriw metelugn kehone demo how should I tell him?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I wanted to vent something that's bothering me, it's about a family member, we have lived together for months, in that time we have had our fun together but also he used to manipulate me and use me to his advantage money wise. But his family helps me around from time to time financially, his father is my uncle, but then due to other circumstances I moved out to be alone, and when I get together with that family member we have our fun but also I get angry at times bc he takes advantage of my kindness, blows me of, doesn't pick up my calls sometimes and calls after days like nothing happened but sometimes I feel like he has respect for me as well so this gets me confused, and usually am the one who invites him for drinks and other stuff and who pays alot, but him, once in a blue moon, i do it bc I don't have friends to hang out with except him and am not good at making friends, time goes by with him that is the only reason I tolerate his shit, but now I had enough and didn't picked up his phone wanted to cut him off, but am having second thoughts and bored as well, one of my faults is I don't say anything when people do stuff that makes me angry and take advantage of me. So what should I do? Should I cut him off completely or hang out with him but while I tolerate someone of his shit such as blowing me off sometimes, for the phone call I just don't call entirely but if I do he may not pick up some times regardless of his reason. But if I completely cut him off I get bored and I feel lonely and he may help me with some stuff in the future. How do you deal with this kind of friend.

#Friendship #Family

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Losing that one person you never even dated... it's a different kind of heartache. You invest so much emotion, so much of your daydreams and hopes into someone who never saw you in the same light. You find yourself analyzing every interaction, every glance, trying to find a hint of something more. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, feeling so connected to someone one day and utterly invisible the next. You keep asking yourself where it went wrong, even though it never really started. It's this limbo of feelings - too much for just friends, but not enough to be anything more. And it leaves you there, wondering, trying to make sense of feelings that were never reciprocated, questioning if they ever noticed your affection at all.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am loosing my confidence i wanted some real help please... I wanted to boost myself please... I am being a looser... And feel very tired very tired.. And i am feeling like i am going to die and so on... What shall i do


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I know this is insane,
Me and my friend have been together almost for 6 years, I love him as fuck as i can እና I will do anything for him that's what i thought, but since a few weeks or month I feel some insecurity, I have no religious but im praying everytime may someone take this feelings from my inside.
ምን መሰላችሁ At some fucking moment ስለሆነች በቅርብ ስለምናውቃ ቀሚስ ፣ to my friend እሷ ለሱ feeling እንዳላት አድርጌ As a joke ነገርኩት I think he took it serious. እና በዚህ መሃል He and I ሌላ friend አፈራን. እሱም ቢሆን መጥፎ የሚባል ሰው አይደለም ።
ይሄ ሁሉ ሲሆን እኔና Friend ስለልጅቷ መውራት ከዛ ደግሞ ሁለታችንም ቀድሞ ባገኛት እያልን መሯሯጥ ጀመርን ፤ እሱም ሁለታችንም የምናረገው ነገር ለሁለት መሆኑም የደበረው አልመሰለኝም። The new guy ግን አንድ ቀን አራ ይሄ ልጅ ፍቅር እንዳይዘው፡ ፍቅር ላይ እንዴት ነው ብሎ ጠየቀኛል ። እኔም ማውቀውን አረ አትፍራ He know where to stop አልኩት ፤ ለካ the new ጀለስ ተከይፏት ኖሯል፤ I don't know how much im right and how long he knows her but  ከዛን ጊዜ በዃላ በጣም ሲቀርባት ምናምን አየሁ ፣ ምን አልባት ከኛ የቀደመም ይሆናል። ነገር ግን ይሄን ሳቅ በራሴ አዘንኩ ፣ ምን አለ ጀለስን እንዲ አይት ጣጣ ውስጥ ባልከተትኩት አልኩ ። ከዛ የኔን mess ለማስተካከል በምጥርበት ሰዓት He feels bad about me and ከnew ጀለስ ጋር too close እየሆኑ መጡ።

It's normal to let some go specially for me but this not like that, he's the only one i have, he's የክፉ ቀን ጀለስ ። ሁሉን በጣው ሰዓት ያገኘውት። still he didn't say anything about that. I don't even know why i feel this feels. Fuck!

   As I said first, I know this is Insane!

what shall I do?,  I don't even know that am right or wrong i feel confusion right now! 


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I know it is toxic, gn i taught i was the victim, based on her act and she bieng a player like she used to be close, she used to call me just to check if i ate, she was like lets go here, lets go there, lets save and buy property, she wants me to introduce her my mom, gn ene demo bedemb treat adrgagn next day she asks for silly favor, i think i am bieng manipulated i wont say her no gn i took her as a hoe, keza she changed, she started not picking up my calls, stop coming everyday, endi aynet charachter stameta new real care endeneber yegebagn ahunm demo after i know she knew i love her, anything she does i took it as a manipulation i know it is not healthy, gn it telling you what made me this way is i never been loved, i ain't got siblings  or anyone, i aint even got friends i was blocked for any friendship when she let my guard down and be my friend i taught noone would take me as a close one so i taught i was her pit stop, but before i found out her love i realize my love, so i was afraid to be played gn she saw it in my eyes, she still talk to me treat me gn despite my caring, cute boy who never says no to her and handles her she know my bad side i have bad traits i even couldn't accept them but she did accept it, i knew she accepted me when she invites me over her mom deges, it is obvious she wants me longer in her life she wants to be there for me gn as our friendship has no label  i couldn't tell we are just best friends or couples and when she introduces to someone, she states my name when they ask what we are she just turns to me and asks ምኔ ነህ: ንገራቸው  tlegnalech, i will pass it by a joke, but to be honest i have no guts ask her straight and  i asked her out formally she be too excited we make it out she snap me then i will take her home hug her beka next day endezaw yeketlal so how could i make her intentions clear.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am kinda known in my group for fumbling girls. We joke about ut once a while. But recently I been fumbling soo bad its not even funny no moree. Like how do I fumble women that wanted me first?. Am a decent looking guy. Got dreads and all but man I have a chronic case of fumbling. Idk if there is a cure for this shift but man I need it


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Wario
I need to vent
I, in general, deeply detest mankind. We are the apex beastial animals who ever walked on Earth. We're unflinchingly selfish, cruel and callous towards each other, all depressed and purposeless and a disastrous blunder of nature. As if nature cares though, weather it got annihilated together with the leeches subsisting off of it. Doubt it has a functioning, calculating head. Rather, just a blind forward moving force shoving us conscious beings to the front with it. It's kinda sad studying history and realizing not much changes. It's as if we're trapped in a deadly game where we're expected to brutalize each other with no sympathy and remorse, fighting over the inadequate resources we need to sustain our short meaningless lives. It's all negative and futile when you sit and ponder about it. Definitely anyone who's not a simpleton caveman would eventually realize it all. Whether one chooses to draw a blank over this fact or not is another topic.

The only solution, I believe, to halt the pain and suffering which with no doubt greatly overshadows the quickly fleeting, momentary dopamine release we experience is not only to squash humanity but all life off the face of the earth, never to return again. Life was never meant to exist in the first place. Mere fruitless evolutionary accidents after accidents led to partially functioning beings to walk and dwell aimlessly on this levitating rock. Walk hand in hand to extinction seems to be the only fix.

Anyhow, it's hard to trust others or trust yourself with others, when you choose not to overlook these harsh realities of life. You end up being sullen, resentful and unsociable. Being a misanthrope is hard. Your head is split into two contradictory sides. One screaming to run and forgo everything and the other demanding it's natural urges to be fulfilled. A dilemma life is. At the end though, we all know what the rational alternative is and blind as a bat nature won't like it.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
It was yesterday (Feb 7)in AAU me and my friend were getting back from library late at night and I didn't notice a group of guys were behind us and when i suddenly look back there's a group of guys and i was scared not scared actually tinish denegeche nw and one of the guy there said 'ere adengechi' and you don't know how comforting it is for a silly reason anyways if you're reading this i just want to say thank you for saying that and also feeding my delusion with the silliest thing🙂.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ok this what happened today

I have been struggling with this life like I was depressed, introverted ( drop out college , no work) i gave up on everything for the past 3 yrs during that time I handled many ppl that crossed me really bad behiwete ke sew metalat alwedm gn feri aydelewm I just want my peace so I preferred to stay quit and let them won gn deep inside i was really sad and disappointed at the same time i wish i had that courage to hurt others feeling and the revenge personality.... for someone who struggled mentally ,suicidal, lonely like me it was too much to fight gn beka sewoch yidersubnal manm mn eyasalefn endehone weff...

i started working before a year ena I'm so dedicated ena zare some stranger I used to know crossed me again he is someone i know before many years idek his name once he asked me to be his girlfriend and at the time I was like 14yr old mnamn (he's big) he kinda muscular keza zare I went to visit my one of favorite sister (not in blood ) keza smeles seferachew ayehut ayegn😳 keza yehonech lej eyalekesech ayew ena i asked what happened to her n she said her bf beaten her I asked why she wasn't interested to tell keza i tried to cheer her up (it was already evening 1seat mnamn) so i told her to go and cry but not on a street 💔 keza sezor he was sitting on smtg " bet madres neberebsh " alegn I said " why don't u if ur sorry for her" keza sedebegn😐literally n I was like
👨‍🦱 "I do know u gn laksh alfelgm"
I got mad betam so I insulted back then guess what he said??
" እጠፈጥፍሻለው!!! " weyneeeee egelewalew😭😭😭😭mikaeln seraletalew behiwete ende zare afre alakm berase ahun yemfelgew endet arge afer deme endemabelaw endtmekrugn bcha new mikaeln I feel sooo attacked beka endemetagn new yemkotrew I'm 22 ahun balehubet age literally manm endisafetegn alfelgm eza sefer demo gulbe nen yemilu be huka yedenezezu nachew yemolut ene demo enesun beye eswa gar mehed alakomem ketenagerugnm malef alfelgm so do smtg to ur sis beka I just wanna go and say " balefew etefetfshalew new yalkegn? Why don't u try?" Keza traumatized laregew new yemfelgew I'm really really done feeling vulnerable lerase endemalans eyaweku tesedbe zm malet alfelgm ena techniques kawekachum don't hold urself back cause he's muscular I know he ain gonna die by just a slap👋🏼



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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello I vented before but the comments were rather condescending than helping and I wish to change that as well people come here to this channel to get help and share their emotions but people under this comment are mean and I don't know why if you don't have to say anything nice about somebody don't say anything at all this is literally twisted it doesn't matter if the person is non-binary queer or whatever the hell that they want to you just have to listen to them and if you are willing to help you can send you suggestions in private other than that to no one for you to give us your entitled opinion so please especially men out here especially men who are above 25/ middle aged men please stay away


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Why dont I fear death like a normal people. I don't mind dying. If I was told I am gonna die soon because of some sort of cancer or sth I will be fine with it. I don't even wanna waste my family money to just wanna get better. I don't care. don't get me wrong I am not suicidal. I don't think of killing myself. why would I?...I love myself and my life. I am so thankful about things in my life. Any psychiatrist here who can tell me whether this is normal or not?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I know studying cs is going to be the worst mistake of my life. I'm not into tech, I'm not creative and I generally depend on reading to learn something. Plus when I dream of my future, I think of a stable job which requires my unique skill, pays well and has a visible impact (and is not in an office 🤮). I don't think that's what computer scientists do.
The reason I'm studying it anyway is because my parents are so passionate about making money and they're gaslighting me into liking it despite me telling them that it's not a good fit for me. I am meant to be in medicine. I'm not too excited about having a fun life, I'm really good at retaining information, I'm not bothered by being academically pressured. Also I'm an academic weapon and I could easily get into medicine. Whenever I bring this up they purposely but not directly make me feel as if I can't bear the pressure. They talk about the bad pay, the long years in school and work life balance. They also do that with engineering. I know it's because they care about me but I can't do cs. I just can't. It's a waste of my potential and ten years from now, I'll prolly be in corporate working in a job I hate while my highschool classmates will be in a position where I could never be at and this thought itself eats me up. Like, I'm that person that stayed up all night studying. Kind of. People expect things from me and I expect a lot from me too. I know for sure this is a mistake.
I thought of following my passion mnamn. but first of all medicine isn't my passion, it's just the best out of the choices I have. And second, if I ever do get into medicine and find out it's as bad as they said, I won't have a support system. They'll all just be like, we told you so. And I'm in such a dilemma. I swear.
They say to me that I'll be in school by they time my siblings get a job. But I'll be 27 one day and wouldn't I rather be 27 and a doctor rather than 27 in a job I hate?

#School #Family

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Here is the thing there is the gratest tv series called true detective and i can't stop watching it. I watch it over and over again and it's a masterpiece but it make me question my whole existence the main character rust is a pessimist but his philosophy is deep u can't just throw them out he is more like Nietzsche for example rust will say "human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution we are creature that should not exist by natural law"....."time is a flat circle everything we ever done or will do we gonna do over and over again"...and he criticize religion by saying "religion is a language virus that create neuropathway in our brain which dull our critical thinking"..."The onthological fallacy of expecting a light at the end of the tunnel that's what religious preacher sells same as a shrink"..." The preacher encourage your capacity for an illusion and he will tell you to be virtuous".... etc... In rust view God merely act as this vessel people project their own fear and despair onto. but in my view i think he is a hypocrite he say the world is evil but he will fight evil...that's what makes him a mystery. anyways he will change at the end. To be honest i don't recommend u to watch it b/c it can make u depressed and question everything but if u did be open minded....Thank u.

#MentalIllness #Melancholy

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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23 F
I'm sitting in my favorite spot of all places, my eyes fixed on girls standing in front of an ice cream shop, they are so excited and lost which one to choose, and here I am lost in memories I used to have with him. Ohhh, I love this place. Everything about it is so perfect—the view, the weather, everything. We used to come here at least three or four times a week. We would talk for hours holding hands. There were laughs, tears, hugs, and kisses. We just loved it here, and now it's been four weeks since we came here. A distance is growing between us, and I'm feeling it.

His childhood friends came from aboard a month before, and we never had the chance to spend time together since then. We do meet, but everyone is there. We texted and called, but not like other times.

All I know is that I'm in fear—in fear that my nightmares will come true. I used to say I wouldn't force love or fight for it; what flows flows. Funny, it's quite different when you're in it. I want to fight now I do, but I have no idea how, and I don't think I can make any difference anyway it's late. It's so obvious that he is losing it; what he used to have for me isn't there anymore. He is losing interest in me; I already know. I saw it long before, but I keep giving reasons, telling myself I'm wrong, that I'm making it up, or it will change and he will love me like before. I just couldn't accept it; I couldn't. I was being selfish, I know.

It's all clear now than ever. I used to be his dream girl, his angel, and his addiction. "USED TO" not any more, but he is still mine—my dream guy, my angel, my addiction. I know his friends are just a reason—a reason to stay away from me. He must have forgotten that I know him better than anyone.

So I will let him go now. I love him; I do, but I love him enough to let him go. I know I'm gonna cry to sleep for the next few weeks or months, hate myself for letting him go, miss him to death, cry again day and night, and then I will get better. I know time will not heal; it never did, but in time I will learn to live with it. Finger crossed🤞. So good-bye to my beautiful, perfect place. It's for sure I will not come here again, not in years, but I will always be grateful for the good memories. Thanku darling. You can go now. JUST GO.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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26 M here. So there was this girl i was seeing recently but things ended last week cuz i didnt agree when she told me what we're gonna do is simply hookup and that the relationship should be open (so she can hookup with other ppl she meet in night clubs). I actually had that coming cuz when we started the relationship, we agreed it was gonna be casual and nothing serious. Apparently she thought that meant hooking up and doing it with other ppl too. I was hoping more of a relationship that wouldn't drain our energy with all the long hour phone calls, family introductions, future plannings. Anyway the point is we had different views and when she told me she has hooked up with several guys she met at the club, i felt uncomfortable with the idea, and also thought of the risk of STDs i was getting myself into, so i ended it before i ever slept with her. I told her thats not a safe thing to do mnamn and she got mad and said i was judging her but i didnt say anything in a disrespectful way.

I wanted casual, yes, but i was hoping it would be exclusive. Yes, we would sleep with eachother but not other people. Thats what i had in mind. And she said thats just crazy.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey, I don't usually do this but this time I'm really stressed so the thing is I'm kind of abusive to my boyfriend. When I say abusive it's both physically and mentally. I am so aggressive towards him. Everytime he does stupid stuff I get super aggressive. I know I am lucky that he is not the same towards me. But it kills me to see that I am projecting my trauma on to him. Please don't insult me I know I am not doing good. I was raised by an abusive father so I have a negative perspective on man. I used to hate man. Ena ahun gin I have a better perspective of them. Becha gin still I couldn't help but be aggressive towards him. It's not by choice, in the moment I don't think straight kalefe buhala nw misemagn.
So guys do u have any suggestions on how to deal with my aggression and abusive behavior cuz if I can't fix it the only other option is to brake up with him because I don't wanna hurt him. So pls help me

#Relationship #SexualAssault #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm a simple guy(ይባላል አ እንደዛ)...ዛሬ የተዋወኩት ሰው ይሁን የተገባባውት ሰው ጋ በtext ሳወራ አይቼ ዝም አልልም በተቻለኝ መጠን...if i don't want to talk to that person I'd say so.

የማወራት ልጅ አለች ሁለ ነገሯ ሚመቸኝ ስደውልላት ብዙም ባይሆንም እናወራለን። በጭራሽ አትደውልም በtext ለማውራት ስሞክር አትመልስም ወይ በጣም ዘግይታ ትመልሳለች ወይ እያወራን መሀል ላይ ትወጣለች። ደጋግሜ ስጠይቃት ምታቀርበው ምክንያት ደግሞ አሳማኝ አይደለም። ከሴት ጓደኞቿ ጋ ሳይቀር በtext ነው ምታወራው። ስንገናኝ ግን ነፃ ሆና አሪፍ ጊዜ ነው ምናሳልፈው...እንዳላቆም ትመቸኛለች አሪፍ ጊዜም እናሳልፋለን እንዳልቀጥል ከተገናኘን በኋላ በስልክ ሌላ ሰው መሆኗ ግራ ያጋባኛል። it's silly asking people's opinion about this when i'm 25 gn i want to hear your opinions


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I fucked up. Idk keyet mejmer endalebegne yetu gar hulum neger endetkeyayer ayegbagnem meche erasen metlat endjemerku meche be akal yemalakewen sew ke lik belay endewdedkut alasetawsem lemen endezih endehon alakem betam ewedewalehu ye jil neger limesel yechelal gen beka hule yesun text etebkalehu esu bayleklegne ene lekelet eskimeles 10 gize silken eyekefetku ayalehu even textun eyastawesku bechayen fegeg elalehu demtsun sesema kemanm belay yasdestegnal ke family yelek esun mawerat enafekalehu demo betam feri negn be akal engenagne silegne bzu gize embi beyewalehu senawera hule yemaskefaw yemeslegnal yemidebrew eyemeselgne degagme yekerta elewalehu esu demo be tinish be tlku yekerta atebeyigne yelegnal gen i can't help it semonun mawerat enakum beyew neber bzu metfo neger tenagerkut block argew neber lerkew mokerku gen melshe awerahut alakem mn madreg endalebgne ene lerasem beki mehon yemalchel sew negn destegna largew alchilim yemifelgwen mareg alchalkum biyans enkuan be akal lagegnew fekadegna ayedlehum selmalfeleg sayhon selmalchel nw lerkew alchalkum betam eyenafekgne nw salrkew hulum neger eyetdebelalkebgne nw yesu behon kesu balrek betam des yelgne neber gen demo alchilim

Yetedbelalek tsehuf nw meker felge sayhon tinish endikelegne nw endalay elefut


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey zer i need an advice am 20F student
I am kinda dating a player boy in a collage more like popular flirty
And everyone ik is telling me he is nat a good news and ma friends are also telling me trashes about him and it will nat work since he is GC and leaving ze collage soon😡 ze thing everyone nat understanding is am in love and i am ready to make sacrifies😭i was seeing someone but since i started hanging out wiz zis sew hulunm neger tewku yeah i uesd to talk on ze phone gn esunm ahun ahaun tchalehu and everyone is saying ke lela sew sle wesedesh ke hone wend ga biayesh he will think endemtheji😶 (since he didnt ask me out properly ) but yalgebachew he was zer from ze begining we were kinda friends enji.I told him wat am feeling straight forward and he said ze same thing mejemeriam neberku
But still I couldn't get it out of my mind cuz still he didnt ask me out on a proper way wat if zey are right ?i dont wanna fell again help me out 🙏🥺!!

#School #Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
M 23
Lmndnw gn sewochen eyewdedku emataw, idk why ! Be hiwote ke lebe emewdat lej nbrch gn teleyayen u know Hulu ngren nbr emesetat, ewdat,enekebakebat ena akeberat nbr even ke graduation behula lastewawekat nbr my family. be togadach seat ene nbrku ategbua manm alnbrm. Emewdat lej batam ene be mearg graduate arku from unity & ahun lay sera eyeseraw nw. Bcha ke gone andit konjo betenor ena emenaweded yahunu gize fkr sayhon ye dero fkr emayeleyut bezu ngr abrew masalf ke mifelegut west negn.
Anchi lebe melkam set yet nesh huelm yene emethgniw
Thanks for ur time


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Fucks break ups
Have you ever has sore muscles because of the amounts of shiverings and fidgeting you have?
Were you about to brush your hair and it just decided to leave your scalp? 😍
Have you ever almost forgot what your voice is like cuz you haven't uttered a single word in 5 days?

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Have you had the chance to be with someone you don't have worry about your future cause you knew it was with her at the end, I had that kind of assurance with her, I had actually we had planned everything out together, she was my friend for 8 years, and changed our relationship to another, you might ask why, cause I thought she knew me she understands me more than anyone you as my bestfriend she know all flows and weaknesses all my strength and personality, it was like GOD was preparing her for me cause I never thought she could hurt me this much, she knows my cuts my bruises, she know every fucking thing, one thing about me is on one, I mean no one has ever choose me when the time comes it's all about them
She left cause life is overwhelming she said, I wish nothing but the best for you dear, yes you broke me, yes you made loose trust but most of all I will never love nobody.
Thank you

#Friendship #Relationship

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