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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone 22 years female
There something scared me alot! The thing is my freind introduce me to her cousin and he live in USA then we get know each other and he is such a gentleman and have good job and income in USA and he asked me to marry him and i said oh woww thats so fast and he makes me do everything quickly mnamn then i tell my mom about him and she was really happy and excited she talk to him over a phone and she was really amazed and she agreed to the marriage and told our all our relatives she is over the moon since then he was so cold i dont know why he said he will come on septemeber and sent the shemegelena to my family and make nikkah cermoney and but he canceled the septemeber plan and make it on decemeber and im afraid what if he cancelled the wedding too 😭😭😭😭

#Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am 23F I think i have a piece of advice for girls. look girls never ever let a man go who checks on you who cares for you and who looks for a reason to meet you because you will never find the same person but karma... i had a person whom i know like 3 yrs to now... he truly loves me and it really shows in his eyes but he doesn't often tell me he loves me but he usually tells me that through texts i think he is afraid of me in person we just talk normal things he is absolutely a good person with a limited past life he always tries to find ways to make me happy relentlessly for almost a year ... and he clearly told me that he loves me very much and wants a commited relationship and i don't think i am ready for that.. and apart from that there were pressures here and there to leave him who used to tell me he is not a good person and he wants to take advantage of me but he never asks me for sex or any physical touch he only kissed me on my cheeks.. I never saw anything bad on him and then i left him for someone who used to text me and abandoned the good guy after that incident i am sleepless i started to miss his moments the gifts he gave me and the like... and i called him to check on him but he don't answer my phone calls he doesn't reply my texts but i heard he's completely forgotten me ... i need him now so badly what shall I do?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Egziabher Ymesgen, life been so smooth the past year and everything aligned pretty well. I own a business along with my father, and there’s no financial struggle that I’ve been facing for the past 3 years I’ve broken the cycle of being broke. Even though managing the place is a bit harder since I am new to this environment, but it’s okay it’s only a matter of time till I know the system. And I get constant support from my father so that alone helps me in so many ways.

My father, well he’s a good dad tbh buttttt he always makes a clumsy decision and it will always backfires to me. So our business is a PLC and the share are me, my dad and his wife (they became together last year) I used to know her long time ago and she is the kindest person ngl but lately we started spending time together on th workplace and no matter how sweet she is I always say energy never lies so something was off about her. And I tried to just ignore my subconscious mind and no matter how much I tried to be as positive as possible there’s this tiny voice inside me that tells me otherwise.

So fast forward she started to get involved in the work fully and we have our own tasks which aren’t related to eachother. She got confused at the first day and I get it she can ask how it will be done but she started asking questions FOLLOWED by scolding making everything my fault. I put a smile the whole day and managed to answer her questions but she can’t stop saying harsh words to me when my dad wasn’t around. I can’t help but laugh because my subconscious mind said “I fucking told you so”. And she was pissed and started saying you’re laughing at me bla bla and left the work making everything personal. And the next day she came I just smiled and hugged her, my dad was there and she told him that I laughed at her while she was lecturing me. My dad literally said “my daughter doesn’t need lecturing she’s mature enough and what were you expecting that she will cry?” And she got up and left again 🙂

She is the third wife of my father. There was mom, then another woman, then this woman and from my second stepmom never had this evil stepmom vibes she was an angel. And now I think I will get the evil stepmom vibes that I’ve been dodging my whole life. Kebad new bcha to work in this kinda environment. Half of me is telling me to get my share and leave to start a business alone and half of me is telling me that I shouldn’t be this weak and ignore her and work my way up.

Ufff it feels soooo good to write it.

#Family #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ufff I'm tired of me for real
I hate the way I get attached with a person
Ik it will end up hurting my self but I can't stop it I can't stop being delusional ughhh😭
I'm starting to feel un worthy I don't know why I push peoples around me
I feel suffocated when I have too much person to text or something
I hate the way I'm always available even though they are not.
I'm feelings low this time ☹️😔
Demo eko I crave attention but when I get it, it stressed me again 😒😒


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Eunoia
I need to vent
I wanted to become so much as a kid. But I just want to see the world and die. This is the only thing that can motivate me to even wake up from bed in the morning. I don't think love exists. Since my mother passed all I wanted was a place to call my own, where I can feel I belong sth in common to have with my mother but 3 yrs passed and I am still lost. I am just L.O.S.T. she was supposed to guide me. Why lose sth after getting comfortable with its better to just live without sth instead. Too much pain too much to handle. I am going insane. Breaking down with every little reason I got. I think I am getting ready to give up on everything and go. Maybe this will put me at ease.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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The male species are the most interesting beings created. There are over hundred types of male species in this world. Through my 18 years of experience i only got to experience few of them and they all taught me one thing, Humbleness. There are millions of things I admire and love about them, I must say I love the male species… for instance I love the insecure ones cause they give me a good laugh and remind me of how far I’ve come from my past self and ohh I love the egoistic ones they remind me the feeling of pity and how better I am and the sensitive ones as well, good gracious how they love their own species, very remarkable how defensive they get when they feel the other species are better than them, they remind me of strength. Again I love men, and I love all of their characteristics, good or bad, they’re not perfect and the truth is, they will never be, but hey they’re trying, they tend to leap before the gun and yet because of your haste I have learned and I will always laugh and love you.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So why is it that I am not filled with emotions malet it's not that I am empty it's just nothing is new and the earth is an old planet atleast when u compare it to a persons life expectancy ena people have been around for decades and everything has already been done and everything has already been said so when u sum it up "there is nothing new under the sun"
So my point is that it's all about u and ur challenges and how u cope with them, so fuck it ye lifen challenge endatsemut and i know u can win !

#Friendship #Family #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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All my vents used to be about my life and what I am doing etc........ but now I somewhat want to tell someone something I don't know if he will be here or to but if I saw him currently I would say these words. "hey yo I am sorry I turned you down you know why I did it if I had been there(prom ) would it been different? I wish I did take one date from you as far as I know I know you would be my first kiss I know you would have done it in front of our classmates and front of your ex-crush I know u loved her that why I reject your request to date me I liked you tbh I never liked anyone like I did with you I become the real me I am sorry that I didn't come to prom. if we met in the future I promise I will ask you out. it is extra I know but after everything I wanna have fun with you and just walk and eat ice cream like we talked about because that is enough for our little date. Your one  and only "nevertheless" first Kdrama friend."
i would have said those words anyway guys don't lose your hope of something ever have a fun life and enjoy life.

#Friendship #Melancholy #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys 23 M here I'll just go straight to the point why are you girls so complicated and so stubborn yet I keep finding my self attracted to this type of girls and end up with a waste of time but good sex 😁 thats all you know it's alright to be your self yet you want to be what you saw in movies and what you think your friends would do bicha I love you guys but you should think about this dont be like that thank you

#Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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have u ever felt like u are full of red flags?
like for real if someone actually knew what i did so far,
like first of i follow all the rules but i aint religious at all.
secondly, i never had sex sure but i have kissed 10+ men so far and make out like with three of them.
thirdly, i cheated on my ex boyfriend.
and finally the last red flag about me would be i have male best friends.

mind u i am just 22, another thing is like with my ex we still have this crazy attraction. like after a year of no contact we met in this graduation program we talked and it felt like nothing has changed (i was thinking like we were the characters from the song "closer" by halsey and chain smokers, its about old lovers meeting and feeling the attraction(sexual))
so fast forward i met this guy and i kinda liked him and was getting attached but he cut things of because im a red flag.

i first felt like mf. but then again i get that it would be hard to make a person believe he can build something real with you.

and I just felt sad for myself for always getting attached to anything that looked like a home.
all i ever wanted was a home, now it feels like I ruined my chances of having one.

luckily, I'm a hard working lady and have a bright future. that's what these feminists advocate right? being independent and making your own money, being that bad bitch a queen blablabla

this is pointless

#Melancholy #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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My life seems like a movie and all I feel is resentment towards everything and everyone

"We all have that one person that we will always have feelings for ,no matter what . Just one look & it takes you right back to those memories " well that person for me was my ex , my first love. I have loved him since I was 18 and I am 25 . We were together for a year or so . I was the one to fall first and to make the first move too but I had never felt like I was the only one trying, he was perfect , we were perfect , I was genuinely happy but it didn't last . he said he wanted to break up out of the blue without any valid reason. And for New year's eve ,he drunk dialed and said a lot of things that he would be rich and marry me . And my heart was beating the shit out me ,after years he called and said the things I wanna hear so badly after the breakup. then I asked(practically begged )my cousin /his friend the real reason and apparently my parents are so rich that he is not qualified . it pains me to hear this. I didn't think it was even an issue , he didn't have much but he was young and he sure had an ambition and we would have made it work but now I am in a new relationship and I was kinda happy.

Now I resent me for being stupid to connect the dots back then ,that he was insecure
I resent my cousin for not telling me the reason (I wouldn't have let him go)
  God ,I even resent my family for being rich
But most of all I resent him,I mean who would break up with his gf over this. We were on our early 20's , he is not supposed to get rich at that time and it is not like my dad gave him envelope full of money to do why did he let me go that easily

what should I do that would ease the pain or something that could give me closure because it ain't fair for my bf.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey hope y'all are doing well.
So straight to the point, how do you guys deal with sexual temptation and so on. I tried to quit many times but I keep finding myself in those situations. I struggle a lot so please share what habits or tips that helped you.

#School #Family #Adult #Teen

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        ✨🌙 መልካም በዓል! 🌙✨

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I don't know what to do, I used to think when guys says I would take my life if the she doesn't talk to me I think it is silly and think why don't you be a man and bear the pain. But now I am in that position a girl I really loved for the first time I don't know what to says even, it hurts a lot and I am afraid I might do something to my self my body and my heart are rebellioning against me. No matter I tried my brain knows i should move on gn my heart wouldn't. How could someone love someone like this? And why do girls ignore for no apparent reason out of no where as if they didn't text good bye my prince charming the night before? It has been months and pain is getting stronger and out if control,I couldn't do my job properly even🥹🥹🥹

I don't know how it can be solved really if it persist this kind of pain😭

#School #Friendship #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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If ur family issues makes u stress out instead of making ur self mad try to progress what will I do if I was on the other side like putting ur self in the Other Person's Shoes Ena lelaw demo take ur responsibility and then they talk just listen try to respect every thing betam arif ngr demo more attachments mefeterew make apologize no matter what u did the easiest thing u can do maryamen betam tru leb yenorkale 'never try to put ur ego on this remember they r ur family the only one who never betrayed u 'stick with them and make a good view on there 👀's ...

#Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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yehe vent nw? ay gn new. vent new.
bestemejemria for the ones that are depressed welahi lek nachu. lek nen. koy i dnt even know tf life is yet year on year it keeps demanding more and more of me, of us. this fucking non sense is the literal entire purpose of my existence and i dnt even understand it besrat. eyew lekolapes eymokerku aydelem gn ymr is this not utter non sense? i fucking hate my family but i love nothing more than them they r the base reason i am not killing myself, they r the base of everything that's fucked up about me but they deserve so much more out of me coz they gave me almost their all(to the best of their fucked upness allows at least.) i gotta work to support my life but my life is shit... then ppl tell u working more fixes it but then living magically becomes this impossible hill when u work harder and tf would i trust u to even be working this hard you lot said the same thing about school and the dumbest thing i will ever do for 20 years is school. and don't get me started on people only thing i will say is the world needs so much more suicide bombers. becha life rasu becomes so tasteless and senseless as the days  add on gn every one acting like maturity is the shit(i am everyone too). ene mn eyalku endehone hula alakem. gn don't kill ur self, beka tengatetut beka. dnt kill ur self in ur twenties or 30s save the shit for ur 40s coz idk but things seems to fall into some rhythm by then n if it is still non sense fuck it go out with a literal bang (also dnt kill urself if u dnt have a gun or can shot urself, ik this will make sense for sm of  u out there). but i won't kill my self in my forties either coz i will probably have kids by then n for sm reason we dnt want those to suffer but come on every one is already suffering n there r these little fucks that jst shit, eat n laugh n those we think life n ppl should go soft n easy on? balance this shit out enji. ukw we should shot kids coz if u r a manager n the company(life) is going to shit, shouldn't u start firing from the recent hires? okay i'm kidding.... i think.

and those in relationship and are unhappy, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? you didn't birth this fuck and you got in this shit so it takes u away from the literal bullshit life is n sm how u r dealing with even more stupidity? what breed of foolishness IZ ZIZ? Just leave bitch .... LEAVE

#Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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It's been such a long time since I vented. I haven't seen this page in such a long time that when I opened the page I found a vent back dated to Nov, 2022. I had a spare time this past week related to the holiday so I decided to go through the vents. I am just here share a 3 year worth of my life, if it helps. It's been almost 3 years since I graduated. I was a pretty average student in my class. But when I graduated I expected everything to work in my favor. Tbh I was one of the lucky ones, I landed my first job 2 months after my graduation. The pay was actually great, but the job didn't give me any satisfaction. I felt like I was doing so little for a pay so much. This went on for about 8 months. And my contract with the company ended. I had no income coming in. I had some money saved up so that kept me afloat. But it didn't last. Me losing my job and having no income, was problem on top of another problem. And I was fresh into a relationship. So, that made things so hard. I managed to land quick cash for some work here and there but it was never enough. Wuu gn wende lij honachu kisachu aygudel. Endet endemicheneke, I used to tell my girl that I was sick or busy at home so I wouldn't meet with no cash. But she was the most supportive person I could have ever asked for. She also had her own job so she always offered to pay for our dates but my masculine side would never accept it. To the point I didn't have money even for a bus. There were days I walked home. I was raised to be very independent, didn't ask my parents for any money since I was a 6 grader. Used to do assignments and help my classmates cheat to earn money. It helped me buy all the things I wanted back then. So me accepting help was like a huge downgrade. Or so, I thought. Me not being able to lean on her became one of our biggest fights in the relationship. So, I decided to give it a try, and she really appreciated it. We were really serious about our relationship and we had a clear path mapped out for how we wanted to lead our life together and get married. But it all seemed so dark at the time, I couldn't see any hope for our relationship. I was discouraged by the answers I received from my 'rage applying' for jobs. That I felt like that was it for me. Nothing better in life for me to do. (This was a year and 3 months after I lost my job) I remember this vividly, I sat her down and told her that I don't deserve her and that we should stop our relationship and not waste her time on me because I couldn't provide for myself let alone providing for her and our future family. She just stood there looking at me, waiting if I was going to change my mind. But I wasn't. So, she told me that us separating wasn't even in the cards for us. She boldly told me this is going to pass. A month from that day, I landed a job in an international organization, with an amazing pay and a job worth the satisfaction. Been working there for about a year now. I am currently involved in many career growing projects and feel like I am on the right track. I wouldn't have done it without her. I guess this is mostly an appreciation vent for her. She has kept me well above the waters. Hoping to get married soon. So, yeah I have learned that when you get tested the most, know that blessing are around the corner. God has his ways. And last but not least always stick by the people that stick by you at your lowest. Thanks for reading it through.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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For matured minds alone only.

Dear men and women, I am 27M and this is from my experience. I was super player and my body counts are a lot, including three some. (2F and me). but now I am lonely person. When I tell my past story for a girl she reject me quickly but I need real relationship that is why I tell my truth.

Anyway When someone has been through wrong relationships and hurt, it will affect their love life. They may become reserved and become scared to commit fully. They will start to see everyone as the same.

If your partner has been through a rough past, please understand them, show them that you are different. Don't be harsh but allow them to take baby steps until they are back to their feet again. They don't wanna make you pay for the action of their ex but it is hard to just commit again and trust so fast.

Love conquers a multitude and if someone is loved truly, they give up their secrets and return the love. Be patient with your partner.

To your continuous growth and wellness.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Eskahun benbergn ye fkr life 2 bf nberugn gn ye ewnt fkr sayhon just mewaded nber. Ahun lay gn lemjemeriya gize kelbe yafkerkut boyfriend alegn betam enfakeralen gn chigeru.  kene befit keneberchew ex-gf ga le 4 amet abrew nberu Ena break up kadergu 2 amet alfual. Befit lay just friends eyalen esuan lalmatat Belo bizu kebad ngeroch endaderge enesu bayfelgun be family mknyat endetelyayu ngerogn nber gn yezane mnm feeling selalnbergn gd alsetgnm nber gn ahun lay dnget selsu masb jemerku 4 amet malet kelal aydelm.lene date bemadrg rejmu gize 6 wer new. gn 4 amet  betam commitment yenberew relationship endnbere megemet aykebdm.Ena ahunm dres esuan endmiwdat yisemaganal. Yehenen hasab makom alchalkum  Bezi meknyat hulem kesu reassurance etebkalehu. Salasbew ke esu ex ga rasen compare maderg eyjemerku new.

What should I do? Please help me

Thanks 😊


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
መጽሐፍ ለሁሉ ጊዜ አለው እንዳለ የእግዚአብሔርን ጊዜ እንደመጠበቅ ያለ ታላቅ ነገር የለም።
እግዚአብሔር ለሁላችንም የልመናችንንም ሆነ የበለጠውን ሊሰጠን የወሰነበት ጊዜ አለው። የለመንነውን ሊሰጠን የዘገየ የሚመስለን እኛ ለመቀበል የተዘጋጀን ስላልሆንን ለመቀበል የምንችልበትን አቅም እስክናዳብር እየታገሰን ነው። እኛ ከእግዚአብሔር ብዙ ነገርን ስንፈልግ እርሱ ከእኛ አንድ ነገርን ብቻ ይፈልጋልና። . . . . . . . .  ከሰሞኑ ፍቅረኛ የለኝምና የሚያዳምጠኝ የሚንከባከበኝ የሚወደኝ ከጎኔ አለ የምለው ሰው እፈልጋለው የሚሉ አይነት ዘይት ያላቸውን ጽሑፎችን ተመልክቼ ነበር ። ሁሉም ሰዋዊ ነው። ተፈጥሮአዊ ነው። መወደድ መከበር መደመጥ የመሳሰሉት ነገሮችን የማይሻ አንድም ፍጥረት የለም። ቅዱሳኑ እንኳ በሰው ዘንድ የተጠሉት በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ለመወደድ ነው። በሰው ዘንድ የተናቁት በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ለመክበር ነው። በሰው ዘንድ አንደበታቸውን የሰበሰቡት በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ለመደመጥ ነው።ስለዚኽ መወደድን መከበርን መደመጥን መፈለግ በራሱ ተፈጥሮአዊ ነው። መፈለጋችን ስህተት ፍለጋችንም ስሁት አያስብለንም። ነገር ግን እኛ በሰዎች ዘንድ የምንፈልጋቸውን ነገሮች ለሰዎች ለመስጠት እስካልፈቀድን እና ዝግጁ እስካልሆንን ድረስ ፍላጎታችን ራስ ወዳድ የሚያስብለን ነው። . . . . . .እኛ ከሌሎች ዘንድ የምንፈልገውን እንዲሁ እኛም ደግሞ ለሌሎች እንስጥ። ምላሹ ምንም ይሁን ምን የምናጣው አንዳች ነገር የለም።

የማይማግጥብሽ የሚታመንልሽ ወንድ ስትፈልጊ ቀድሞ ለፈጣሪሽ ታመኚ። የምታከብርህ ሴት ስትሻ ቀድሞ በልጅነት ያከበረኽን አምላክ አክብረው። እንደ ራሱ የሚወድሽን ባል ስትመኚ ቀድሞ አንቺ ነፍስሽን ወደጂያት። ዝቅ ብላ እግርህን የምታጥብህን ሚስት ስትመኝ ቀድሞ አንተ ራስህን ካስቀመጥክበት የልዕልና ማማ ውረድ። . . . . . . . . ይኽ ካልሆነ አንቺ እንዲኖርሽ የምትፈልጊው አይነት ፍቅረኛ አንተም የምትመኛት አይነት ሴት በሕይወት ውስጥ ድንገት ቢገለጡ መገለጣቸውን አልያም መቸርህን የምትረዳበት አቅም ስለሌለህ ወይ ታስቀይማታለህ አልያም ታጣታለህ አንቺም እህቴ እንደዛው። በዘመናችን በፍቅረኛ ላይ መማገጥ ቀለል ተደርጎ የተያዘበት አልያም መለያየት የበዛበት እንዲሆን ከአደረገው ዋነኛው ምክንያት አንዱ አቅምን አለማወቅ ነው ። ለመቀበል የተዘጋጀ ለመስጠትም የበቃ አቅም ማጣታችን አልያም ለመስጠት እና ለመቀበል የሚያስችል አቅም እንዲኖረን ከቀድሞ ራሳችን ላይ አለመስራታችን ልባችን እንዲሰበር አልያም የሌሎች ሰዎችን ልብ እንድንሰብር ምክንያት ሆኖኗል። ያገኘን የተቀበልን መስሎን እንኳ እያጣጣምነው የቆየነው ፍቅር ለፍሬ ሳይበቃ መሰላቸት ያኮላሸዋል። ምክንያቱም ፍቅራችን ከቀድሞ መልካም መሬት ላይ ያልተዘራ ነውና። መልካም መሬት ወንድ ብቻ አልያም ሴት ብቻ ልትሆን አይገባም ሁለቱም ጾታ እንጂ በዚኽ መልካም መሬት አንዱ ኮትኳች አንዱ አራሚ አንዱ ተካይ አንዱ ነቃይ በመሆን ፍቅራቸውን ለፍሬ ሊያበቁ ይገባል። . . . . .ስለዚኽ የቆምንበትን እየመረመርን እኛ እንደምንፈልገው አይነት ሰው እኛው ከቀድሞ እየሆንን የፈጣሪን ደግሞ እንጠብቅ። በአጭሩ ልተንፍስ ብዬ ነው። ደህና ክረሙልኝ።


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey guys this thing started in like 5 months ago I think? Or it could even be a year honestly I don't even know Ena the thing is wer ke wer my period is drastically eyetefa nw likeee it is very concerning me and when I ask my mom she told me it is normal but I don't think so like dero the first day I will bleed normally malet Biyans yeza Ken I will change my pad three times gin yesterday my period came Ena believe it or not eskahun the amount of blood wouldn't even be half of the capacity the pad can hold it is very concerninggggggg like I heard from someone they had to get surgery because the blood was stuck there and I don't want that 😃😃 like👀👀👀 concerning nwww. Ena betcha if there is a doc here pls tell me if this is normal or not and if I actually need help. 😀 thank you🙃


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Mine it's more like a question than a vent so listen up, my question mostly goes to the students who had taken matric exam in the last 2 years(but I'm also interested in hearing from others) also from those who have been good in there education back in schoos but now are in different aspects of life. I had taken the exam this year I mean the 2015 one but the exam was too bad for me even I heard the same from most of students. so I have no hope at scoring the expected point to pass. then I finished the senior things and started spending the whole time in my home worrying about what am I going to do next, lying on bed the whole day it sucks especially when u have the potential and energy to do something else so am asking u guys what's ur plan I understand that not everyone may prioritize their matric points, and some of you might not be concerned about your academic journey. but here I spent most of my time studying as hard as I can but this government fucked up if you r gonna say don't blame the government I do I do blame. cuz things weren't like this in previous years it was easy even it was so easier just to take 2 grades test than taking a test from the goddamn 4 years. The part that makes pain is not just about failing it's about the family who sacrifice a lot of things thinking like u r going to make them proud plus if u were one of the top students the expectation is way too much. Even me I had  dreamed like graduating and bring some educational things in my story. I had planned to try scholarship but it's like a complicated thing and I feel like I can't do it on my own. I've heard that some agencies charfe an average 100k, if I were having that money it was easier to start some kind of business. I would greatly appreciate hearing about how you have managed similar challenges and how you are planning to move forward. If we set aside the educational aspect and don't have financial resources to start a business, what alternative paths can we explore? I'm eager to gather ideas and advice from all of you who have experience or insights to share.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey i am sooo tired of living i am always thinking of somrething bad to on my seld but i dont want to i have a child i wanna live for him but i cant.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello, hoping to get some advice.

My bf and I have been together for around 1yr and 6month. We recently told each others parents we were dating. Yesterday he told me his mom would like to invite me to their home. She found out we were dating about 2 months ago and he told me today that she was planning on inviting me over. As a family they have this sunday late breakfast thing they do. He has 2 sisters; one that lives alone and one thats married. His sisters both know me and they both have invited me over to their respective houses but we never could find a time that worked for everyone so we havent gotten to it yet. But now I am shocked and nervous and excited as well because his mom asked.
However, when i told my mom about him and asked her to set up a lunch meeting to officially meet him, she had said she wont be doing that before the shimgelena and also wanrned me not to set foot in their house before the shemgelena so am confused on what to do because I don't want to be disrespectful to my bf's mom and make her think am uptight and honestly if the shemgelena was soon I feel like we could wait n make everyone happy but we planned it and its like 8month away. So do u think I should go and not tell my mom? Or do I refuse and suffer the consequences...Please, any advice is appreciated. Am sorry if the vent was too long🙏🏽

#Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello, I am going to be 26 on Nov, has never dated before, I only have guys who are only friends, and we see as brother and sisters. I had never opened my heart for any boy, because I was focused on studying, family and friends, and there was no time I think dating is important, however last year I came to U.S to study and then one guy dm’d me in instagram, and then I said to myself “Hey, you should be open to relationship otherwise how are you going to date or get married” Long story short, we started to get very close, we used to talk about 4 hours per day average, (he lives in another state)he was super nice to me, he always checks on me, always calls, always texts, always compliment, and we have similar interest in most things, he said “ there is no one like me that understands him without him saying anything,” he plays the guitar for me, he send me love songs, and then one day, I thought that since he seems really interested in me, “I need to ask what his intention was”, and just before I asked the question, he texted me saying “ U know that I always thank God for giving me a sister like you. 😂😂Boom….and I was dumbfounded, and I regretted that I let my guards down for the guy, then I said “ you see me as your sister, wow” and then he asked me what my intention was, and I said I thought he was interested in more than being friends, and then he apologized and he said let’s think about it, after that I just did not answer all his texts cuz I was depressed, then after three days, I told him he should had bern clear in his intentions, and then we talked about it and we moved on with being just friends, we met after that, and he was super nice, he treats me like a princess, he don’t even let me hold my purse😂😂😂😂guys I am so confused, how can a man be this nice, do this kinda deeds, and he sees me as just a friend, please make me understand, he always tells me how we sync with eachother , he compliments my looks, but he said I am just his sister….like how? I am really confused

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi guys I found out yesterday that my bf was cheating on me emotionally with two girls or they could be more yagegnehut enesun nw enji. U know he gets veryy mad when I talk to boys my oldmates or present class mate beka manmn wend sawera yehone mnkniyat felgo endi aybalm nw milew even the normal things Ena bezim negeroch bzu gize tetalenal now wht he is saying is that he talked to other girls because he was mad that I didn't stop talking with classmates even though we argued alot because of them but what's funny is that I know he didn't say nafekshgn sidewl ataneshm mnamn kind of shit to other girls cuz he was mad or also because of the disease and many many problem he had cuz he even talked with them while we were celebrating our anniversary while he was doing alot of things to make me happy that day he still texted back before coming to me. But he also did many sacrifices for like many many he also has a surgery which is too risky this coming week amd he only told it to me and his mom nobody knows other than us not his friends his sister brother or anyone so now he I'd saying how could u leave me now u are the only one who knows it and i can talk to especially abt this all the sacrifices that I payed are enough to forgive me this nw milew ene gra gebagn am I the bad person here? Chgr lay silehone or surgery silalew bcha lezam tlk kenatochn snakebr yaregewn lezam normal Ken bhon eko eshi benezi kenatoch endi madreg hula gra ygebal endi yaderegewn sak ybkagn malete kfu yasgbelgnal?
Miyastelaw neger demo and lay nw mnamrew Ena beka kalawrashgn eyale be gd mefenafegna asatagn sawerawm even guadegnawn teraw yezanem alekakso esu fit endate bezi seat thedalech nw milew yaderegew keld yimesl wey ahun eshi biye ke surgery behuala ay lbelew ere mn teshalegn esti eredugn?

#Relationship #Adult

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እንኳን ለመስቀል #ደመራ በዓል አደረሳችሁ !

መልካም በዓል !

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey guys am 26F
so i met this guy at a friend BD party he is 27, so hundsome tall sexy body he is so rich mnamin,,,he lives in the state and comes here for a while  ...and i was obsessed with him for 2 years i hear abt his life and struggles from his friends he is a whole package but he has a lot in his mind his life is a mess .... i nvr even talked to him then i finally talked to him we got along well but when we talk he dont asks about me .im always the one who makes him talk...all he asks me is about my past sex life. and he told me he loves me in this short amount of time and is pushing me onto having sex ...all he talks is about sex sex sex makeout its been a month since we started talking and am already tired ...and am afraid bc im obsessed with him am in his trap what do you guys advice me.?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys...lemasater mokralew I'm a 22 old girl ena betam confused hognalew. Ebet west ke enate gar menor kebdognal... since childhood betachn hule chekechek neber, abaten ene fit tsedbew neber, enenm meweled endalneberebgn, eda endehonku, abusive words eyetenagerechign new yadekut, kadekum bewala alakomechm, she even bodyshames me be ketnete, ke guadegnoche gar slk sawera tenadedalech, teru neger sesera tatatelebgnalech, 1 tanash wendm bcha new yalegn lesu endezi adelechem, Lene mnm atetenekeklgnem ende enat honalgn atawkm, and she manipulates me, she thinks its all about her, she compares me hulgize kene kemibeltu guadegnoche gar enam i feel so distant kesua gar... I tried my best to change the whole situation, yemtwedewn neger bemareg mnamn lasdestat mokeralew esua gn 1 enken felga tesedbegnalech. Bzu kebad hunetawochn endalf argagnalech... ahun berase confidence yelegnem, Ke sew gar mehon alchalkum. I Feel insecure, abandoned and worthless, i have been in a relationship betam kemwedew sew gar gn it failed because of my sense of insecurity. Betam tetsno argabgnalech i feel like I'm not my own
I tried to resist her these days Gn senechekachek abate endaykefaw chal eyarekugn metew jemerkugn Abate betam meskin ena yewah sew new esu mnm bet wst seltan yelewm, esua yalechew bcha new mihonew... esum legna sil tagesuat yerasun neger teto eyenake new minorew... Ahun lay ene eyekebedegn metual ena I'm finding a solution, temerke sera apply eyarekugn new gn alagegnehum ena she said "edelesh yetememew anchi temama slehonsh new" just because le wendme mesa akrbi blagn slalakerebku😊 just to make sure i feel miserable about my situation, tenagragn saleks hula des yelatal...kebet lemewtat eyasebku new gn abaten teche mehed alchalkum... tell me eski mn ladreg? Depression and anxiety eyetechawetebgn new mekerugn...

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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okay am 24F
And i wonder if there are girls like me
So my thing is i hate going outside home and dating ,and when ever a guy approach me i become turned off i dont give them chance too and yet i am craving to have bf and live romance shit with a guy plus i never been in relationship like am still virgin .........ena whats wrong with me all girls my age had bf and living there life but i cant whenever i walk with a guy or they call me i got horrible and bad feeling about them 💔....i dont know eskemeche i will be like this😒

#Relationship #Adult

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