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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
hey guys am F 23
im poor my life journey sucks i dont have happy family and i never did things i want school and university journey was so hard my relationship journey sucks...u know am not happy and that kills me inside...when others see me from outside they never guess they think am preety and dont care abt nothing ..i have stable job right now for a girl and they think am in good place but i cry even afraid of dying like a a coward thats why am still alive. family friend love work life how could they all haunt me parents fight to this day and my mom is z victim and everyone thinks i will make her life better and i want to im trying but they are over doing it pressuring me assuming i dont care abt her i cant even date a boy that i like bc he is not rich bc they would kill meeeee and rich boy with a personality i never met one....i met many rich mans who wants to marry me but i cant force myself like other girls bc i dont love them it makes me family hates me my friends always backstab me my life sucks i ve no social life cause am always working no time for myself thanks guys i just wanna vent out.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys, I'm 18 f,  I'm kinda thick girl and have a cute face...I love my body but I hate when someone stares at me beteley at the back and it made me feel insecure sometimes ketekemetkubet menesat rasu alfelgm I'm the girl who has the biggest ass in the class but I thought I have a normal ass that is not small and that is not too big when I look myself in the mirror mnamn it's normal but my friends after the 2nd semester my classmates and even teachers are noticing my shape and istg I don't like that, and one of my friends even told me that I have a big ass and yemichenk aynet type and also she said kefitsh gar ayhedm ....and some moral neki and ksm sebari shits and then I said fine I tried to accept myself cuz if I don't love my own body who else does it but I can't I really don't wanna have a huge butt and yemichenk tlkye ughh and I really don't want attention ahun lay aremamede hula eyetefabgn nw at first I was confident about my body but now sew betam siyayegn idek how to walk and I'm loosing my confidence, I don't wanna change my own body cuz someone said something but I don't have time to excercise so mgb mnm salbela nw mwlew bcuz of that gn mnm eyesera aydelem what should I do?

Thank you

#School #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there, folks! So, here's the deal. Sometimes, I'm 20 and I get hit by this wave of loneliness. It's like I'm surrounded by friends, but I don't feel that real connection with them, you know what I mean? So, I'm on the hunt for a buddy, someone who's totally into self-development ,love nature and bit shy just like me. We can totally support each other on this wild journey we call life. Plus, it'd be awesome if we can hang out and have a blast together. Oh, and hey, I'm in Addis, so it would be super cool if you're in the same boat! Hit me up, let's do this!

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there
I am 25 years old F
I am here today to share with you abt my boring life i am currently in a medical school i will be graduating next year
What i am here to ask u is it normal in my age to not have any friends i mean real friends ?
For real on my break time or during the weekends i am literally at home doing ntn
I don’t have anyone to check up on me call ask me to go out yemr i am confused ahun
Hulum sew miyalfbet negr nw or is it just me please hope u guys can give me great advice anything that worked for u

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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It's been a while since I vented sometimes I feel really badd after seeing the vents I have vented before I wonder how I even passed those days breakups rape abuse and soo much more I have overcome all of these trauma and am still here soo I have seen vents saying that life treated them bad yess life doesn't work in a way we pictured it it's not always rainbows and sunshines it goes deeper than that soo for those who are giving up don't I promise you that God is 1 step further than us
I blamed God why do I have to be raped to learn that trust is not for all but now I know why I am different I am better than I was I was raped 19 but now am 22 now I have a loving bf who understands me even when I am not clear enough I have myself a chance to be loved after waiting almost 2 years for the guy I loved deeply and completely but I saw him moving on I waited I saw him do things I was scared to face but I did then I had to leave for him to be happy I made a hard decision to let him go I hope life treats you better than I did last but not least I wanted to give someone hope I didn't have that I didn't know I could get past to that point but now am stronger I am glad I didn't die that night see yaa


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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21M this is wht's going on my life am i don't trust people to easy(soon) malet bka tolo megbabat eferalew gn i want to know how it feels like having a best friend for real malet ene best friend or girlfriend mibal nger norogn ayakem lmn endhone alakm mn madreg endalebegn rasu alakm at this time am starting to be stressed up to much cause no one understands me how i feel bzu sw yaweragnal gn like they told me there problems keza bka they forget me like yhone person kerbo kaweragn lerasachew tekem bcha nw and it sucks idk why i rote this gn anyone who have a friend who thinks for u and respects u trust me u r lucky and be thankfull and i will accept any comments🙏🙏

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm not sure where to begin. Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning in a sea of expectations, obligations, and uncertainties. I'm just a 20-year-old girl trying to navigate this labyrinth called life, but it feels like I'm stumbling in the dark, constantly searching for a glimmer of light.

I look around and see everyone else seemingly having it all figured out – pursuing their dreams, finding love, building futures. And then there's me, struggling to keep my head above water, battling insecurities and doubts that seem to suffocate me at every turn.

I wish I could say that I'm confident and sure of myself, but the truth is, I'm anything but that. I question every decision I make, wondering if I'm on the right path or if I'm just setting myself up for disappointment.

And don't even get me started on love. It's this elusive concept that seems to evade me at every turn. I see couples holding hands, laughing, and sharing intimate moments, and I can't help but wonder if I'll ever experience that kind of connection with someone. But then I remember all the heartbreak and disappointment that love has brought into my life, and I can't help but feel cynical.

But amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, there's a part of me that still holds on to hope. Hope that one day, things will fall into place. Hope that all the struggles and setbacks will eventually lead me to where I'm meant to be.

So here I am, pouring my heart out to the universe, hoping that somehow, someway, it'll hear my plea and grant me the strength to keep going, to keep fighting, and to never lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.

A Lost Soul

#School #Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am (tg://user?id=6457403237)
I need to vent
So I've been called "cold," once or twice and it's definitely my personality. I'm pretty emotionless around people, and my personality is lacking. It's not on purpose, though. Like my mind is like 15 hamster wheels full of hamsters spinning at once, lol. Like 90% of the time, I'm so lost in my thoughts or my own head. In social situations, I'm focusing on how to be a person because I can't understand social interactions at all. So im all like "ok don't speak right now, listen to the conversation and gather something you can talk about" or" don't hold you mouth like that or smile like that" or "wtf am I supposed to do with my hands? If I put them in my pocket, I won't look confident, but if I cross my arms, I look standoffish... ok, just stand at parade rest and recently a lot of people are telling me that I look like I hate everyone and look really cold, I never really cared about it but it's starting to get to me and it kinda hurts especially when someone you really care about tells you, you have a cold personality, what tf do I do like do I have to act a certain way be a certain way and no I dont want to waste my energy doing such atrocious acts against myself honestly Im really confused and don't tell me to get a therapist cause them mfs are cringe I can't stand em.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi. I'm a 25 year old female, hoping to get an insight from yall because i dont know if my emotions and trauma are taking the wheel or if its the logical thing to do.
I haven't dated a lot. one lasted for 3 months and the other for a year. It is really hard for me to connect with someone. Most people make me uncomfortable and so i usually prefer being alone. My friends know and understand this about me and are very supportive, so im blessed that way.
There is this guy, friend of a friend, who is starting to grow on me. The thing is, he has a f-boy reputation. He always says nice things and I'm not sure if he's gassing me up or genuinely complimenting. I dont feel weird around him. If we end up sitting together somehow, i end up laughing and blushing and talking and it just doesn't feel weird.
However, the thing that bothers me a lot is how much he reminds me of my father. My dad is a really really sweet, good guy. He really is. But he has so much going on in his head. On occasions, when he gets drunk, he becomes this other version of himself; aggressive, says a lot of negative things; he becomes scary. I've learned to dissociate these 2 versions of him. I feel like even though his act is wrong, it is a cry for help. He is acting that way because he feels hurt, alone, misunderstood. And i cant find it in me to judge him for that. I feel its like punishing a kid for crying to loud after falling down instead of actually tending to the wound, the part that hurts.
This guy is somehow similar. I hear that he gets very aggressive at times, especially in bars. He has a lot going on in his head and i feel so sad for him. So im torn between 2 ideas. 1 is; he is not my father. I am not responsible for kissing his booboos. I do not have to deal with his tempers and trauma and stuff. the 2nd one is, although 'its not weird' doesn't seem like much to most people, It's very significantly 'something' to me. Plus, I kinda want to make his pain go away. I kinda feel like all he wants is someone to be there for him.

I'm genuinely confused. This isnt going anywhere yet but if i get too close, i feel like I might end up getting hurt. So do i run or do i stick by him? Should I be the 'bitseda bikoshish, eswa gid yelatm' girly from Eyob's song or should i choose to see him for the problems he is and not take a risk?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just wanna vent my frustration with people not accepting or at least being nonchalant about atheism ppl, he is atheist owk mehh lets get on with our lives why can’t u all do that , if a dude came up and said i am a muslim u wouldn’t be riled up all of a sudden if atheist and u wanna kill him , mind u you are also atheist to thousands of religious, bruv we need like a community of atheists ppl , why does it have to be like coming out to ur family as being gay or gtosexual or some shit , bro sometimes i fear for my life ppl out of the blues ask me for my religion and i say i am athiest it took me a lot of courage to do that so far i aint got no death threats gn one day someone fuck up yemrghe yemlghalghe , like why? Jesus bro chill


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Girl friend alegn sex adrgenal mekemechawa tenkara neber
Le 1 amet teleyayten neber dgami sagegnat mekemechawa muamutual laltual sakfat taleksalech
Beteleyayenbet wekt yetefetere neger yamelekt yihon chenkognal amakrugn


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys I’m 20 F
So these question just popped into my mind.
Am I bad person? So this is the thing I keep distance myself from peoples that I think they aren’t good for me. But at the end of the day they will be good person. And also they talk shit behind my back ena they will act like they want me menamn ena idk how to tell you berifly but idk am just confused. Pls say something


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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"Hey everyone, I need to get something off my chest. I'm in the best relationship with a girl who loves me deeply, does everything for me, and is completely devoted to me. She's loyal, a virgin, and gives her all to our relationship. However, there's one issue that's been bothering me - she's very active on Telegram and Instagram. I can't shake the feeling that she might be talking to other guys when she's online. Despite being skilled in cyber security, I crossed a line and hacked into her accounts one day. To my relief, I found nothing incriminating. But the paranoia persists every time I see her online. How do I rid myself of this insecurity and trust her completely? It's not healthy for our relationship, and I want to overcome this hurdle."

#Friendship #Family #HealthComplications #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So here is the thing i only been in love once after him i never liked anybody and never been with anyone. I always thought i would be in relationship only if i genuinely liked someone so even i've been asked out i always said no. But recently i met this guy i taught was cute he asked me out and i said yes because i was bored and i have nothing do plus like i said he was good looking dude .now i'm in relationship and it's so fucking draining .i think i only liked his looks and said yes .we are not compatible at all.I'm realizing this day by day while he's telling me how much he has fallen for me since we got together. i feel bad for leading him on knowing exactly How i feel.i keep telling myself i would develop feeling if i gave things more time but i'm actually going in the opposite direction.idk maybe i should have stayed single but i also want to be in love again. I miss being in relationship because i like somebody not for the sake of relationship

#Relationship #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone😁 I'm a 25 years old girl. Okayy imma be honest about what i need, i wanna make my life exciting, have new experience create beautiful memories in this repetitive same old days of mine i wasn't an out going person but now i want to change could be going somewhere with a mesmerising view (mountains.lakes)and sitting there and admiring that can introduce me to whole new perspectives about life giving me your favourite book and I'll  read it i know there's so much new thing for me to learn ye ይስማከ ወርቁ dertogada endanebebku stuck yareku sew negn😄 I'd not hate it you influencing me to know those amazing writers, books I'm missing or it canbe  going out somewhere cool having a real convo while drinking and listening to cool musics 🤎🤎 also going to music events too....and I'm not talking about betam fancy slehone ngr kelal slehonut nw or some other decent stuffs  you wanna suggest me to do it together....  I'm searching for somebody who can do this with me,if you need someone to accompany you i can be that😁 and of course I'm broke that's why i can't do this by myself😂😂 you should have the money to do so i can hear you saying "yeman defar nat"😂😂😂 mnm lanareg endi gizeyen makatlew kanchi gar mnamn😂 gn mn chgr alew ehtachu aydelehu😥 mn ale endi bthonulgn mn tgodalachu😄 mnalbat endi zm blo arif gizwochn masalef mifelg sew dnget ketegegne bye nw maybee😒...and guys who is just thinking about going out and having sex at the end don't you dare text me that's not what I'm searching for 😭 for God's sake there are more fun things to do other than sex. while we hanging around if we feel like being more than friends i don't mind kalhone gn abren gize slasalefn bcha sexual ngr wst megbat alebn blachu kasebachu tewut i can find somebody like this almost everywhere 😒😏...wishing i can find somebody who can understands this and spend unforgettable days together🤎🤎 techemaleksh blachu kasebachu yaw tesadebu 😂


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Have you ever wondered about the data analytics field and how you can get into it?
Watch this video which thoroughly explains in detail


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey unihorse 🦄
I need to vent
Hey guys it's my second time here
F 19
So When I was in the 11th grade, I had a boyfriend with whom I used to engage in daily conversations. Over time, we developed deep feelings for each other, and our relationship blossomed into love. However, things took a turn for the worse, and we eventually broke up. Following our breakup, he began to behave hurtfully, attempting to offend and betray me repeatedly. Despite his actions, I refrained from stooping to his level and never did anything that would cause him .
we had a mutual friend who became involved in the situation. They started flirting with each other, and I found myself caught in the middle, feeling like a third wheel. He assured me that their interaction was purely friendly, but I accidentally stumbled upon their text messages and was taken aback by what I discovered. Feeling overwhelmed, I confronted them about it. It seemed as though she purposely left her phone accessible, knowing that I would come across their conversations.
she consistently urged me to stop talking to him. Although it was difficult, I decided to comply with her request because I valued our friendship. Nevertheless, deep down, I was still deeply in love with him, and it pained me immensely to let him go. it felt as though she had taken him away from me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and heartbreak.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So the thing is I've had a huge addiction of masturbation and I think it affected my relationship with women. I mean when I think of a woman I get hard and think about undressing her. Even if I don't think about having sex with her I talk to her with a dick hard. I don't know what to do. How do I manage my situation? I stopped watching porn it's been like a year now. And I haven't masturbated since last 3 weeks now.. what do you suggest I would do please?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello first time and probably last I ain't even gonna lie I'm astonished by every thing I know what I realized is that a lot of people have turned their face and way away from Gods word and God in general I'll be honest most of the problems here can be solved and avoided if u stick to God and His words.And I know for fact as an Ethiopian y'all come from some religious background and you think you know some thing but most people in our country has religion as a culture than knowing God so I advise you to Go to Jesus he loves, he listens, he heals, he teaches and is the solution and the only way so if u genuinely want solution and change I believe this is the only way and might i add the peace you get from God there ain't nothing like it BTW I hope you notice the difference between knowing God and being religious and relation ship with God is through God himself Jesus so just pray directly u don't need an intermediate.
And I'm sure some of y'all tried different things for different reasons why not try having a relationship with jesus.Because in this life ur either a slave to God or the devil and there ain't no in between when u don't choose God ur saying yes to your flesh which pushes you to the devil not God.
Either way God bless y'all hope every thing works out


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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How is your life like after getting an abortion...?
Did it change your personality to the point you feel like you don't deserve a happiness? You just let go of whom you loved because you feel like you are just nobody?
Do you cry every time you are on that time of the month?
Do you hear those screams in your dreams?
Did your scar heal yet?
Don't you miss the time before that day? Don't you miss the day you laughed like crazy without having the burden in your heart?
Or are you just fine?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi guys I’m 19f
So what happened was that i was having a banter with a friend and we were talking about life in general anyways one thing led to other and i said like i don’t want to exsist i don’t even wanna go to hell or heaven and if i could cease to exsist with all the memories people have of me i would take the chance and that i am just working hard because if i cannot have that i at least need to leave a good life and then my friend was shocked and she said you are ungrateful for your life there are ppl who couldn’t get the opportunities you got and everything anyways i replied but i am not other ppl i know life could have been worse but it’s just that i don’t wanna exsist there is nothing wrong with my life btw i am sociable and have a happy life is it wrong to think like this ?should i just like to live just because i don’t have worse situation than others?is it not normal to not want to live if you get the chance but not be suicidal? I want your honest opinions but if you are here to say you need God in your life i already have him in my life so don’t try other than that tnx for the feedback

#Melancholy #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, so here is my story I was in love but It’s been 2.5 year since we broke up with my girlfriend and I have been trying to date and I actually have been doing that too but I think some thing in side of me shuts down couldn’t enjoy myself in relationship the way I used to, and I couldn’t even enjoy sex the way I used to, I start to engage in a random mining less things and I was thinking this will pass, and it’s some sort of stage but for my surprises no I’m still feeling this way, do you think I would get my personality back or am I screwed for life

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am عٍلُِوُشُ
I need to vent
hey, I'll try to make this short all though it weighs down on me really heavily, I'm solely doing this because I'm certain something bad will happen to me or my brain if I don't at least let it out once or talk about it, I was recently cheated on by my girlfriend, twice actually, once like a year ago where she promised she would change and she'll make up for it,
I didn't really have a great childhood, my parents divorced at a young age when I was about 6 years old, I have a lot of mental issues to be honest, like abandonment issues, and anxious attachment, I tend to stick to what's familiar even if it's killing me,
her cheating on me or her acts and what she usually does triggers my issues, to a point where I can't even breath, there is a lot to this that the bot won't let me say because it would be so long, but I was done dirty in that relationship many times, before cheating it was a hundred microcheating .. having different accounts and regularly making them .. hiding secrets .. always seeming on the look out for someone as a replacement to me,
I've never felt more unloved in my entire life, anyways, it's been 5 months after the break up and I'm not over it one bit and it's only getting worse, I barely eat, all I do is bed rot, and I cry myself to sleep almost every night to be honest, and all I do is have nightmares even when I'm sleeping I can't have any rest, I found out she got into a relationship less than a week after we broke up, it's also prominent that she's giving him the treatment I always wished for, care, affection, and loyalty,
i genuinely don't understand what exactly I did to deserve all of that treatment from her, I'm demisexual, I don't care about looks or attention or love bombing or any of that it doesn't have an affect on me, the love I had and have for her is genuine and pure, I do care about that person, and I always respected her decisions, I know I sound obsessed in this vent, but it is not how I acted in that relationship at all, I always gave space, and respect for her and kept her a priority, so I'm really confused in what i did exactly to deserve to be treated like a trash bag, I really can't sleep, and even sleep doesn't give me that small peace anymore, I'm tired
I'm so tired and I keep wishing that someone would one day would care for me the same way I care for others, I also wish one day I can look at myself with care the same way I look at others with care, I still keep every person I've ever met close and dear to my heart, even the ones that did me wrong, and even the ones that left for no good reason and that's most of them,
I'm getting extremely depressed lately, I can't think straight or do anything, if someone relates to all of this
I would really appreciate it if you would say so just so I would feel less alone, that's all
thank you for your time and sorry if any of this seemed incoherent, my heart overflows sometimes

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi selam
Their is a guy i met and fell in love and we start dating then after 1 year of relationship he propose to me ask me to marry him ofc i say yes then le family tenegere shemagele telake hulum ngr process lay nw then after all of this he said that he wants to marry 2nd wife minamn i wasn't happy about this but just i don't want lose him so i agree then he found 2nd wife he introduce me to her but idk man this not what i want i don't want share my husband with another woman i want him just for my self he i tell him my opinion i scared that i will lose him beside everything is on process to get married family minamn eyetezegaju nw idk please help(specially muslims) what should i do? Should i leave him or just continue????


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Sup guys, am a uni student and i have a gf, she has a great personality. The thing is she lied to me about her past. She had sexual relation with my friend which i didn't know at the beggining. (If i known i wouldn't date her at first place). Keza after sometimes i figure out a lot of things that she lied and hid. Ena id don't know what to do. Wste tewat ylegnal keza demo i have a feeling for her.gra yegebaw neger new. And a few months ago i told her that we should not keep going. Keza she cried and begged me to forgive her and start all the things again, which i tried to gin sadly i can't forget the lies she told me. Wst wsten ybelagnal. And mkerugn esti.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I started medical internship in one of well known teaching referral hospitals in the country. why does life gets brutal on some people? why does God want to absolutely wreck someones life? people hurt by breakup or losing some friend..I have been alone for the past 7 years, most of them are sleepless because of empty stomach or missed psychiatric pill. people worry about their insta likes, I do not have my own phone to catch patient x ray or some body cares. if one patient passed away in my hand everybody blame, try to sue me. Fuck you. i don't care.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is for the love of my life, Phoebe99.
I met you when I was at my lowest and you made my life feel better ever since. But I have failed you. I couldn't keep my promise and I relapsed into the usual self-harm route. Things were never the same since I observed some changes in you last year. It's as if you have been fed up with my BS. Of course, I took a fair share of all that happened because I couldn't keep you happy as you have kept me content with my life. I am an utter failure. It's all my fault. I am sorry that Mom knew what I had been up to and tried to make you feel bad with those texts. And I am sorry I couldn't keep my word when I said " my blood". If I failed at unaliving myself then what is the use of living an empty life without you? I am beyond broken. I still have not accepted that I am your EX. I still think highly of you and my heart beats only for you. I am so sorry for everything that I have put you through.
I love you with all my heart and nobody is going to replace you until the day I die.
If you read this and know it is me please you do not have to reach me. Do whatever makes you feel happy.
In case I get out of this alive, I hope we might see one day and try to regain the empathy we lost along the way.
From that anatam dude.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am 26 ena I have never have a intimate relationship or love with a girl and no girls are interested in me even , is this normal? I have trouble being with the community and I am mostly lonely I would always wonder about the future


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Selam everyone ,

I need to vent.

There was a girl ena we made a lot sex (protected በጣም)....እና i has been almost one month and she said she haven't seen her period for a month?..she didn't even tell me she havent seen her period for a month?...she suggested she is pregnant and i dont want to get into unprepared serious marriage or another path?...ምን ትመክሩኛላችሁ በቅንነት please?


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