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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Sooo I just wanna talk about my past relationship it might be a lesson for some girls
So I was the type if girl who loves to have fun and travel and eat you know all the fun stuff he was my 1 relationship at first I wasn’t even that interested he was just do you wanna have some lunch together okay let’s go I have nothing better to do type of guy for me and yall don’t judge okay yetewawekenew club west nw me and his friend we used to fool around and at the time he got my number I was drunk next day he called I was like maneh demo ante mnamn ere atedewel eyazakegn nw nbr melew keza gn for some reason we started talking and I saw how serious he was I felt like he was matured and wanted to get married quick we started dating after few weeks of talking on the phone the first date was dinner and we ended going to a club then ended up of us having s but he didn’t stop calling we became soo obsessed with each other and things started to move so quick I thought I was gonna marry this guy he introduced me to his friends and his mom then I introduced him to my friend he didn’t really like my friend tho I respected his friends and we ended becoming close with his friends so through this relationship we travelled I dont wanna mention the places but we went here and there I skipped classes for mind btw I was in 12 grade and he’s about 27 I have never looked at a man the way I looked at him I thought I was in love I respected him very much I did what ever he asked me to even while we’re having s so cut to the end we broke up because we moved to this place I’m not gonna mention after that he stopped Calling not completely but it wasn’t like before and then his friend we kinda became close in 2 weeks I started to get mixed feelings like his friend was everything a girl could ever dream of he got me presents he opened the door and he respected my boundaries but still would give me signs that he likes me I can’t say love because it’s only been 3 mnam weeks then we went to this club mind you that my boyfriend which we moved to this place together left me for work reason to another place me being left alone with his friends that’s why I went to a club with him anyways I got drunk and I was so sad on how our relationship turned out then his friend told me that I’m not the only girl in his life in my boyfriend so me being drunk I just told him to go back to my hotel when we got to his car we kissed but i didn’t continue it In the morning my boyfriend called which I was shocked and told me I was playing him that I cheated on him with his friend and I couldn’t even lie I told him we kissed and nothing more he didn’t believe me but I swear nothing happened he took me back to my hotel and left then my boyfriend said koy eseralechalehu. So he cheated on me with my friend and my first ever relationship made me hate having relationship ever I’m tired of typing anyways there is more but I just wanna say don’t give him your full self if you know what I mean


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
Hide my Identity
I need to vent
በ90ዎቹ ነው ተወለድኩት  ታሪኩ የተፈጠረው እናቴ ከመሞቷ በጣም ቀደም ብሎ ስለነበር ከ 6 አመት አይበልጠኝም አሁን ላይ ሳስበው ከሌሎች ልጆች አንፃር በጣም የዋህ ነበርኩ ጥሩ እና መጥፎውን ለመለየት በጣም እቸራለሁ ትልቅ ግቢ ነበርን እናቴም አባቴም አያቶቼ አክስቶቼ በአንድ ግቢ ነበር የምንኖረው ይሄም ሆኖ ሁሉም በራሱ ሂዎት ስለተጠመደ  ስራም ለማገዝ የቤት ሰራተኛ ተቀጥሮ ነበር ሁሉም ቤት አይውሉም  ይሄ ለዛች መልኳን እንኳን በቅጡ ለማላስታውሳት ሰራተኛ አሪፍ እድል ነበር አዎ ሴት ሰራተኛ ናት ባንዱ ቀን ነበር የልጅነት ደብዛዛ memory ቢሆንም ፀጉር ይታየኛል እንድነካው ትተይቀኛለች ልብሴን እንዳወልቅ እናም እናቴ ብቻ ስታጥበኝ መንካት ያለባትን ቦታዎች ተላለፈች ደስ እንደሚል እና እንደማይል ትጠይቀኛለች መጨረሻም በጣም ይኮሰኩሰኛል አልኳት ባጭሩ ምን እያደረገች እንደሆነ እንኳን አይገባኝም ብቻ ግን አስደንጋጭ ነበር ደፈረችኝ! በምን ልወቀው ለማንም አልተናገርኩም አሁን ላይ ሳስበው ለ እናቴ ብነግራት እንደማትለቃት አውቃለሁ ግን ይነገር አይነገር የማውቀው ነገር አልነበረም ከሁሉ የሚያሳዝነው ግን ይህ ጅማሮው ነበር ነገሩ አንድ ግቢ ውስጥ ካለው የአክስቴ ባል ጋር ተዛወረ አሁንም ከ 6አመቴ አይበልጠኝም አክስቴም እሱም ቤት ነበሩ ምን እየሰራች እንደነበር ባላስታውስም ከቤትዉጪ ትመላለሳለች እኔ ከሷ ባል ጋር ተኝቻለሁ ብርድ ልብስ ለብሰናል የድፍረቱ ድፍረት እሷ እንደዛ እየተመላለሰች ከወገቤ በታች አጥብቆ ይተናኮሰኛል እግሮችሽን ወደላይ! ወደታች! ወደዛ!  ትዛዞች ብቻ ምን እንደሚያደርግ ግራ ቢገባኝም ከዛ ቡሃላ ግን አጥብቄ እፈራው ጀመር  ለነገሩ ብፈራው የት ልደርስ የቤቱ ሳያበቃ የአስተማሪአችን መቼም ከጭንቅላቴ አይጠፋም kg ነበርኩ ሁሉም ህፃናት እያሉ ፊትለፊት ብላክ ቦርዱጋ ባለው ጠረጴዛ ተከልሎ ክላስ በገባ ቁጥር ሲነካካኝ የነበረው ነገር! ለነገሩ እኔ ብቻ አልነበርኩም ሁሉም ሕፃናት ተራ ደርሷቸዋል ጠረጴዛውጋ የቆመ ሁሉ እንደኔ የሚደረግ ይመስለኝ ነበር ግን ለማንም አልተናገርኩም አስተማሪ ትክክል ነዋ ህ! እናም ቀናት ቀናትን ተክተው አለፉና እናቴ ሞተች በዚህ የተነሳ ሀገር ለቀን ከአባቴ በተሰቦች ጋ ሄድን ሌላ ታሪክ ልጀምር! ይባስ ብሎ እዛም ቤተሰቡ ብዙ ነው  4 አጎቶች አክስት አያት አሉ እዛ አንድ ላይ የመተኛት እድል ገጠመኝ ከአጎቴ ጋ! ከአባቴ ወንድም! አልቀረልኝም ገና ከጅማሮው የወንድነት ተንኮሉን አስጀመረው የሱ ይባስ ሁሌ መነካካቱን ሊያቆምልኝ አልቻለም  አሁን ላይ ሳስበው እስከመጨረሻው አለመጓዙም እግዜር ጠብቆኛል አልኩ  ጠዋት ላይ ሲነጋ ለሌሎች እንዳልናገር ያሳስበኝ ነበር እንኳን እንደዚህ ብሎኝ ድሮም መናገሪያ ልሳን የለኝም  እናም አንድ ቀን በስራ ተቀይሮ ሲሄድ ሰላሜን አገኘሁወይ ሰላም ወንድ ተቀየረልኝ ብለው ይቀለኛል ት/ት ጀመርኩ እዛው 2ኛ ክፍል computer ላይ በጣም ጎበዝ ነበርኩ ትዝ ይለኛል ገና ከመሄዴ ተማሪዎቹ እንደ ሃከር ነበር የሚያዩኝ ሃሃ! እናማ ይሄን ያየው መምህሬ ለወላጆች ቀን ፕሮግራም ችሎታዬን ማሳየት እንዳለብኝ እና ት/ት መገባደጃ ሲደርስ ተጨማሪ ኮርስ እንዲሰጠኝ ታዞ ጀመርኩ እናማ ላብ ክላሥ ውስጥ ብቻችንን ከአስተማሪውጋ ተጋፈጥን የዛን ቀን የተፈጠረው ለረዥም ጊዜ በቅዠት አላስተኛ ብሎኝ ነበር  ግጥም አድርጎ አንገቴን አንቆ ከንፈሬን ሳመኝ ትንፋሽ አጠረኝ ተንፈራፈርኩ ሌላ ትንኮሳ እንጂ ከንፈር እንኳን ደርሶብኝ አያቅም ነበር ደግሞ ይሄ ምንድን ነው? አላቅም  የዘንድሮ ልጅ ብሆን social media ላይ አየው ነበር ያኔ የለም ብቻ አለቀስኩ እሱም ደነገጠ እና ትንፍሽ እንዳልል ተናግሮ ወደቤት ላከኝ በቃ ከዛ ቡሃላ የማየው ህልም ሁሉ የሆነ ጥቁር አውሬ ሲያሯሩጠኝ ነይ ልሳምሽ እያለ ሲያሳድደኝ ነው! ማብቂያው እራቀብኝ  አሁን ደግሞ ቀጣይ ማን ነበር የ ት/ቤት ዘበኛችን  ሁሉም አይቅርብሽ የተባልኩ ይመስል በጣም ተቀባበሉኝ አሁን እንኳን ትንሽ እያደኩ ነው 13አመት ደርሻለሁ ትንሽም እንደ ማገናዘብ ይቃጣኛል  ት/ቤታችን በጣም ቅርብ ነው በቃ ጎረቤት በሉት እና ሰፈር ልጆች ጋር እዛ ለመጫወት እሄዳለሁ  በተደጋጋሚ መሄዴ ለዛ ሽበታም ዘበኛ እድል ፈጠረለት ማንም እንደዛ ያደርጋል ብሎ አያስበውምኮ ሆ!  ትሁት ሃይማኖተኛ ሰው አክባሪ ነው ለነገሩ ያ አጎቴም ሃገር ህዝቡ የሚወደው በሰፈሩ የሚከበር ሰው ነው  እናም ይህ ዘበኛ አንድ ቀን ብቻዬን ጠብቆ ያዘኝ  እየነካካ ወደ አንዱ ክላስ እንድንሄድ አይዙሽ አልጎዳሽም ተከተይኝ እያለ ጎተተኝ ያለ የሌለ አቅሜን ተጠቅሜ አምልጬ እሮጥኩ ስንቱን ሸሽቼ እስከምቼ??? የሆነ ሰአት ላይ  እረፍት አገኘሁ ለጥቂት ወራት! እነዛም ወራት አለፉ  አብሮ አደግ ጓደኛዬን በጣም ነው የምወዳት ሁሌ ከሷ ጋር አልጠፋም አንድ ሰፈርም ስለነበረን እነሱ ቤት እሄድ ነበር መቼስ ቤት ውስጥ ወንድ አይጠፋ ነገር  ታላቅ ወንድም አላት በ 8አመት ገደማ ይበልጠናል እንደተለመደው ቤታቸው ሄድኩ እኔን ቁጭ አድርጋኝ እሷ ስራ ጀመረች ሌላ ክፍል ውስጥ  ወንድሟ ብቻ ነው ቤት ያለው መጣ ወደኔ ያን የልጅነት ቅዠቴን ሊደግመው! እሱ ግን መስመሩን አለፈ ድንግልናዬን መውሰድ ፈለገ አለቀስኩኝ ለመንኩት እንዲያቆም! ታገልኩ! አቃተኝ! ግን አንድ ነገር ትዝ አለኝ ብጮህ ጎረቤት አለ ጓደኛዬ አለች ይደርሱልኛል ብዬ አሰብኩና አስፈራራሁት እንደምጮህ በመንገር አልሰማም! ከዛ ግን አቀለጥኩት ደንግጦ ማንም ሳይደርስ በፊት ለቀቀኝ እናም እያለቀስኩ ትቻት ወደቤት እሮጥኩ ከሁሉ ከሁሉ የሷ አይታ ዝም ማለቷ ልቤን ሰብሮታል ከዛ እዛች ቤት ድርሽ ብዬ አላቅም የሁለታችን የሰፈር ጓደኛ ለምን እንደቀረሁ አጥብቃ ስጠይቀኝ ወንድሟን! ወንድሟን! ፈራሁት አልኳት ለምን እንደሆነ ሳጠይቀኝ እኔም እፈራዋለሁ ብላ መለሰችልኝ! ብዙ ብዙ ያጋጠሙኝ አሉ ተነግሮ ስለማያልቅ ይብቃ እስኪ  ብቻ ሰፈር ውስጥ ብቻዬን የምቀርበት አጋጣሚ ሲፈጠር ሁሌ እሸበራለሁ በተለይ ስታድጊ የኔ ነሽ እያለ አድጌ እንኳን መከራዬን ያበላኝን አረሳውም  ደግሞ ዘመዱ ይቺ ልጅ አደገች እንዴት ነው ነገሩ! የሚሉት አሽሙር  ወይጉድ ለኔ ሰቀቀን መሆኑን ማን በነገራቸው በዛ ሰአት ልጅ እንኳን በሴ/ስ እንደሚወለድ አላቅም ትዝ ይለኛል ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ያወኩ ቀን ተከራያችን ነበረች የነገረችኝ ሃገር ቤት እያለች ተገርዛ እንደነበር እና ሁሌ ሴ/ስ ስታደርግ እንደሚያማት ያጫወተችኝ ቀን..ለምን ታደርጊያለሽ ስላት ከባሌጋ ልጅ ለመውለድ ስትለኝ ምን???
ስላት እንዴ አባትሽኮ የወለደሽ በዚህ መልኩ ነው ብላኝ አረፈችው  በእውነት አባቴን አፈርኩበት! እነዛ ወንዶች የሚያደርጉትን እሱ እናቴ ላይ?? እናቴ አሳዘነችኝ! አይ ልጅነት ለካስ ጭንቅላቴን በክለውታል  እናማ አንድም ቀን የተፈጠሩትን ትንፍሽ ሳልል ይው ሃያዎቹ እድሜ ገባሁ ታዲያ የሆነ ቀን tiktok ላይ ጫካ ወስጥ ከወንድ ና ከ ድብ የቱ ቢያጋጥምሽ ይሻልሻል? የሚል ጥያቄ አየሁ እናም እነዛ የሂወቴ ወንዶች እዛ ጫካ ውስጥ በሰልፍ አየኋቸው ከጀርባቸው አንዲት ሴት ተደብቃለች! ተንበረከኩ እና የመጨረሻ ፀሎቴን አደረስኩ  ጌታዬ ሆይ ከዚህ በላይ ስንቴ ትገለኛለህ እባክህን ላንዴና ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ ድቡን አስቀድመህ ነፍሴን በሰላም ካንተጋር አሳርፋት አሜን!


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I'm 21 and I'm lost. I've never had a boyfriend or anything close. Maybe it's because I was always the shy girl who did what her parents said. My parents split up shortly after I was born, and my dad was in and out of my life. When he was around, it was a nightmare - he was abusive and violent, especially when he drank. My older brother was no help either; he used to beat me for no reason, and when I was 8, he raped me. I was too scared to tell anyone, so I kept quiet. Food became my only comfort, and I gained weight. I got bullied in 7th grade, but eating was the only thing that kept me going. I had friends who cared about me, but I pretended everything was fine. In high school, the guys made fun of me for being overweight, so I switched to an all-girls school to feel safe. It helped me gain some confidence, but I still had zero experience with guys. In college, most of my friends were guys because of my field of study, but they were just friends. Now that I'm getting attention from guys I like, I don't know what to do. People don't believe me when I say I'm clueless about dating. I need help navigating this whole guy stuff. Any suggestions? Please be gentle with me.

#Family #SexualAssault

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So am 21 M i never had real girlfriend keyazkum ke 6 wer belay ayalfum enam i never had real sex with them just kissing and other stuff but i am so desperate for sex and i blackmail some one to do it with me and she agree with that mejemeriya lay i wana do it with condom gn she thought condominiums yalefeleku ena she put it raw i don't want to do it with raw but i can't help it it's already in so we had sex and her period came and i have her blood on my 🍆 and i don't even know her that well i am so scared i thought i have hiv but i am so scared hedo lememermer so What do you think i should do hege lemermer or just mnm endaltefetere letewe
Help 😭

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Idk how to start this thing but bare with me. I've always been good with writing, the only problem I have is when it comes to speaking about it. And since this is basically writing I hope I get across my question.
I'm in love. Utterly and helplessly in love. And the catch is he's my best friend. We're in the same friend group, him and 6 other guys. They're all my friends. I've been having weird feeling towards this man for a very long time. But I brushed it off, telling my self we can never be more. But i knew we werent just friends, from the whole friend group we were very close. He was the one person i go to for everything, when i say everything i mean everything. And so suppressing my feelings made things very very hard.
And one day I decided to tell him. Keep in mind I do not wanna date this man. Yeah, I don't. Why? Well that's because I don't want him to be my ex. I want to have my forever with him and we're just teenagers so that's nearly impossible, and I'm not willing to take that chance. So when I decided to tell him I just wanted him to know about my feelings, nothing more. But then when I was about to confess my love to him. I saw that he got back with his ex.
The very ex that hates me so much. The very ex that I know cheated on him multiple times, the very ex that doesn't want nothing to do with him and only wants him for entertainment. I couldn't tell him that because of how i know. But that made me shut the fuck up. I did not tell him shit. But then they broke up after like 5 or 6 months and then he started giving me his attention. He apologized for what happened between us (his ex አጣልታን nebr... I never cared because I knew I wanted this man to be my forever, I was willing to wait however long it takes) and we started something. We were both scared to be in a relationship because we both know that high-school relationships barely work. And we value eachother too much to take that kind of risk. And now we just came back from matric and the actual life is bout to start. We're bout to be busy. Grow apart and lose contact, and I don't want that. And as I can see he's getting busy. And our talks are getting boring, it's like we're obligated to talk to eachother.
So now I'm thinking of talking to him. To tell him that I know we both need time to adjust to this new environment. Life is bout to start and I can't nag him to give me his attention like he used to, because he needs to focus on him self and we need to be successful so that we can have our future, but i do not wanna lose what we have, through the growing process... so I just wanna make it clear that I need him to try to keep the contact and I'll do the same. And when we're ready to build a life together, we will. But this journey won't work if the effort isn't mutual.
So should I talk to him? Someone give me an advice please

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hello everyone am 24 m and
I am dating a girl whom I love more than anything I'm the world like am not exaggerating and stuff but she is my one and I love her more than anything but today I have come to see this channel and I have read a story that seems like mine and it says she has a doubt and stuff she can't love the guy like the way he does and I freaked out cuz everything makes sense her story the times mnamn and I was feeling like i should ask her and at the same time I don't want the truth what shall I do 😔


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The part where I know what’s happening but kept ignoring, the part where the apologies meant nothing, the part where I keep my feelings hidden, the part where it felt like a déjà vu, the part where our hands are slipping, the part where the time is not going, the part where we’re lying, the part where we make excuses, the part where we’re no more holding hands, the part where we’re misunderstanding, the part where I felt alone, the part where I felt sad, the part where we’re okay not meeting up in a very close distance, the part where we no longer miss, the part where we don’t share our days, the part where we don’t talk in silence, the part where I feel pushed, the part where you’re walls are built high while mine are lowered down, the part where I feel what’s coming, the part where I’m tired of waiting, the part where I’m afraid of what’s to come, the part where I’m unsure about us, the part where we’re close yet feel apart, the part where I’m turning on my defenses trying to keep myself from tearing apart and having a breakdown, it’s all making me doubt us.
Should I wait till “it” happens, or should I save us the time and make “it” happen?

#Melancholy #Relationship

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Hello everyone
I want to ask u guys how to get my mindset bold and uk not lazy ...thank God eskezarie i never encountered shit that would ruin my heart and my self i am an introvert(not unconfident)but likes to talk all day with those ppl that click ...but when it comes to doing things uk working out,studying,having a routine mnamn i always fail to keep it up ughhhhh i procrastinate a lot im writing this vent on friday and i hv final exam tmrw😑and i didnt study cuz duhh i was too lazy to do so , i rly dislike this part about me i want to be that girl who gets shits done, who is brave, who is obsessed with hustling and hard work plzz guys tell me how to have that workaholic mindset and evtn

Out of topic i have a knee knox but im chubby and i think thats playing its part to make an illusion and make it look like i hv one but am not sure so if u guys recommend me anything that would be a big help🫶

#MentalIllness #Melancholy #HealthComplications

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Hi, I'm a 23 M ... looking for help getting over my addiction to porn and my seven-year history of compulsive masturbation. I feel exhausted, demotivated, and melancholy despite the fact that I am doing well academically and have a demanding job requiring excellent leadership and human resource management abilities. I've tried working out, engaging in spiritual activities, creating attainable objectives, switching up my dopamine sources, and concentrating on my life's purpose, but I've never been able to kick these habits. I am contacting experts or people who have dealt with such situations if they have any clear-cut recommendations ?? Regards 🙏.

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #HealthComplications #Relationship #Adult

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Hey am 19F I was in love with someone who is 7years older than me God what happened to me at that timeeeee bicha yehone seat lay I started losing my interest to be with him gn I didn't break up, he was my first he showed me everything I've never saw kiss makeout bla bla , then someday he fingered me so hard till I can't walk properly then i go hom when I go to toilet I saw some blood on my underwear I didn't tell him about this
Then one day he took me to the hotel we drank a lil bit n he took me to the hotel room then we had sex I felt nothing I wasn't feeling to have sex idk why I let him bicha I didn't felt any pain and he was mad coz there was no blood ena he started thinking I wasn't virgin , honestly i started hating him after that day he call he text but kelbu endalhom slemawk bicha telahut esum he never fail to ask who was your first everytime keza I got tired of not being trusted yawm by the person whom you planned your life with keza I blocked him from everything but he tried to contact me using my friends and they didn't let him , look ik he's not in love he just want to bother me n to remind me his existence but i feel like he's dead,
When I remember that day gn hule enadedalehu my purity value slalagegn hule basebkut kutr yamegnal how can I forget n live my life by thinking it's okay , there's a lot of girls who had sex with different guys everytime but why am I feeling bad yene ntsu mehon value slaltesetew betam feel aregalehu ahun it's been a year yhe neger ketefetere wend hula mekreb alchalkum what will I say to the man whom I marry when he ask me bout my past , I messed I haven't to do it at that time
guys my mind is about to blow my thoughts are killing me please help


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People who says "ለምንድነው እናት እና አባትሽን ማታስታርቁአቸው?" When you came across a child with divorced parents gn ስነ ስርአት ያዙ ማርያምን
Moat of the times demo tilk sewech nachew so ezih group yalachuh lijoch please advice your mom and dad whenever they say something like this
As if the trauma isn't enough yenesu lijoch fit(yene guadegnoch) endezih milutn neger akumu beluachew kalas!


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i just have to vent it out. So, should i start a thing, whether it be friends with benefits or a relationship, with a very close friend. A lil backstory, we haven't known each other that long but i think i had a lil crush on him from the beginning. but he didn't pay much attention to me then. through out the friendship there was a bit of flirtation but i always took as a joke and i assume so did he. but now other feeling are coming up, i can tell he is into me as well and i thought i would just go for it. I kinda implied i like him, we havent discussed much about it since, although we see each other almost everyday. Now i see the energy we are giving off to the rest of the friend, it's just awkward for everyone i think, or maybe no one gives a shit. Gen, i dont have the patience to wait this 'thing' out nor do i have the courage to initiate a 'thing', further more, i dont want to lose the friendship or ruin the group. how do i take back everything i did and go back to the way things were? p.s if you can guess who i am, which i assume is too obvious, please i need help guys dm me.

#Friendship #Melancholy #Relationship

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Enena my bf live in a long distanced r.p ena he lives in Addis...what i am worrying about is my insecurity...i mean i am an average person i mean how i dress mnamn weta yale neger alebsm bzu gize gurd ena sefafi suri new maregew mnamn...nd uk when u live in Addis those girls out cute nd beautiful they are...ena i feel like he doesn't like me i mean he may love me eko but i don't think he is enjoying me...ena i feel insecure about those women fearing he might compare me with them nd don't like me...he is also a type of guy who doesn't give the attention i need from him...he doesn't reply to my texts he is offline every time even if he is not he replies late
Ena am I okay or do u my fellows also feel this thing?


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Dear all, I need ur help. I am 26, female. Was in a relationship with my ex since 7 years ago now. We were together for 5 years and the past 2 were on and off which was a hell of a roller coaster in the worst way possible. He is my first boyfriend and 1st everything honestly. The reason for our break up was that we work together and my role won't allow that as this creates a conflict of interest and is frowned up where I work. This really stressed me out and I asked to be on a break ans to hide our relationship as this was affecting my mental health a lot. This was 5 years on the relationship and we were both 24 at the time. He said he will talk the break as a breakup only and decided my request for a break is a breakup. During this supposed "breakup" I was still with him being all lovey dovey and being with him in public place where work ppl won't be. The last draw for me was when I asked him what he taught about marriage and he said "marriage is for stupid ppl" word for work. That was when I really broke up with him and told my self I should move on

The breakup was the hardest thing in my life and it did reallllly hurt me as I became alcoholic and drinking everynight cz I couldn't sleep. We worked in the same place so I saw him daily and that alao took a troll on me. And mind u I still loved the guy. Fast forward to 6-8 months after the breakup he started to talk to me and I started talking back, we were not back together but were doing things we used to do when we were together. During the time he was with me he was sleeping around with other women, and talking with a looooot of women leading them on. I had told him if he is involved with someone else I didn't want anything but he lie multiple times and in Gods name too. I just found out about the lie 6 months ago and took my time to digest it before confrontimg him

#School #MentalIllness #Family #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult #Agitation #Teen

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There’s this guy. Ena it’s just so complicated. We kinda used to date but things got complicated and we were on and off. He had major mood swings. He got me attached. He could be so sweet and affectionate and he made me feel loved but when he goes cold it makes me feel like shit. But he was going through stuff and I tried to be understanding so I let it slide. But I realized as time went on he just became shittier and shittier and I hated it. But I just didn’t have it in me to leave because I felt so empty without him. Gin recently I had my last straw, I felt like he didn’t really give a shit about me and I didn’t want to keep breaking my heart. So I decided to just cut it off and not text him anymore. I deleted everything and we hadn’t talked for like a week or so gin all of a sudden ahun he started sending me snaps again like wtf is that. If he wants ntn to do with me then why start again, why keep some sort of contact with me when I backed off.
Any advice please.

#Relationship #Adult

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hey guys,am 16F n kebfe gar tebadeten nbr n like yepregnancy signoch yayaew nbr n am pregant rn demo postpill wesege nbr tho lefam mn beye rasu endemenager iono..what shall i do am worried af ufm🫶🏽

#Relationship #Teen

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Guys i need ur help just leave a comment i been in pornography addiction science i was eleven(11) i can't stop watch still know soon i will turn 22 it means for over 11 am not joking forreal know i face depression , loneliness i can't communicate with people my academically status is faild like rome please guys give me your idea to stop it , for eleven years old i experience different type of pornography i became traumatized when i go out with people and i don't feel well know help me guys


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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There is this guy that i liked for 4 years so this is before 4 years it was love at first sight we didn't know each other i told my bestfriend about him then after 2 months or something she told me that they're dating i had a really hard time accepting it but then they broke up after 6 months he's a photographer and editor my sister is an editor too they worked together she introduced me to him i don't if it's me or he's actually like that but he was so dry at first long story short now after 4 years we moved to the same city i created a fake account and texted him i told him everything but he didn't know my identity we texted almost everyday he said that he wanted a girlfriend but not getting married that's not a problem to me but he wanted to know me my identity and i told him he was shocked after that we didn't talk about it i asked him if we can meet he said okay we met but he had an emergency call he had to leave he checked if i got home safe i don't know what should i do should i wait for him to text me or should i talk to him is it wrong that i confessed first i need you guys to give me an advice.

#Relationship #Adult

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I am currently in the escorting business, I have unrested emotions about it but overall i am not fighting with myself or hating my job as much as I am expected to. Is it me or current societal conditions that cause this? or is it something else? thoughts please...?


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Hey yall im not much of a yapper
I mostly suppress my thoughts and feelings
But I'll try it out if it helps out
Aight here's the story
Im 19 and just finished my national exam's its been a rough year and a messed up month
Iv been loving this girl since grade 11 but i decided to tell her just a month before matric
Iv never been scared to talk to a female or so kind in my life
But to here even my body speaks out loud i almost tear up
Non stop sweating just for seeing her and my brain gets lost when thinking of the next word that comes out of my mouth

Well when i told her she said she didn't know what love means
I thought it was a nice way of saying (ewww nah hell nah)
But after a day she spock again and said its mutual,damn i slept smiling and wock up like a cat
Even though i have a feeling it was because she was a good person and didn't wana hurt my feelings
But i tried enjoying the moment as much as possible while it lasted

Well our love convo kept going
Waking up in the morning to see the sun rise at 11 and talking about our day at night
That kinda kept my sanity and gave me serenity and started loving myself
It was good,perfect and unforgettable
I loved it
And matric came
I was taking the exams online
She was with papers
So she was staying at the university
That was kinda a bummer but i cheered my self up hoping we are gone meet up in person on break times i even made plans for all the 3 days
The one wisdom in life (nothing really goes according to plan)
The first day i look around the university 8 or 9 times until people started thinking if the exams messed with my brains 😭
It was like she was hiding from me on purpose
Luckily i saw one of her friends and i asked for her and she said she's in the dorm im call her for you, i got hope again
And sat at the cafe waiting for her 2 hours passed
And i said to my self
(አንተ ጀዝባ ምን አባህ ነው ምጠብቀው)
And just walked out giving that im aight smile
At that day i didn't get home until 3
Just sitting in a park bench thinking how dumb i am for thinking how could a girl like her love me back
But the next day i did the same thing
Looked for her till i feel my legs hurting and did the same on the 3rd day and right when i was about to give up
I found her with her friend in the park
She gave me that ow shit smile
Idk why but i was happy to see her
I asked if she can talk in private
She said yes and i asked if she really is in love or is she pittying me
She said she was just on the red season she was sick
I said ow my bad and we talked
It was peaceful back again
But right when the time is up we went for our exam i started thinking if it was gone like this till the end can i really handle it
What are you thoughts about it
Drop me a lil advice

#School #Relationship #Adult #Agitation #Teen

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Hey, I'm here to vent
I'm some kinda funny guy so it's very easy for me to attach with people I met. What I'm wondering about is, at first I get too attach with girls and after some point they friendzone me or put me on the brother point idk why. But first they attach to me like they are upto me. Why do you think ?

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hello every one
My question is for the men in here(not the boys)for the mature and masculine men ,if u call urself one pls be my guest and answer my question and also if u are a girl that happens to know i would love to hear it from u too sweetheart....
So the thing is i love to make a list uk my criteria my standards(my type)mnamn and it reached 33😭ik, and it makes me wonder what type of a girl would he(my dream guy)want and ik this thing is a two way road if i want my dream guy i need to be my dream self first but idk about the men's point of view ,i dont know what's on thier imaginary list uk so guys i want u to list it down in z comment section(everything about personality,attitude, physical and inner beauty and soon)
Thanks anyway

#HealthComplications #Relationship #Adult

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Yooo guy's😭 a'm girl 12 teftagn nberku this year ena guess what happen snt amet atnche matric lwedk new beka chlm new yalbgn hulum nger lefche lefche uv lfeten heje tamme mnamn bestkkl salsera guess molche wetaw lelochu bemulu sertwal kurja nber even class gebto emayak temari korjo sera ene snt amet lfche gn🥺life unfair nat gn maryamn

Beka tesfa alahu any advice kalalchu ezi home diploma memar alfelgm edmyen new emakatlew mn larg lela demo bemnm nger interest ylgnm short course mnamn so beka any means kehager mewcha way emyak Please help ur sis amy agency or Dubai ym heje emmokrew nger kale share argulgn 🥺💖


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Hello, it's me again. mtsm I’ll be honest with you and admit that I’m the king of self-sabotage. Never finishing things should be my middle name. I keep wondering why I do this to myself, and I never get the answers for it despite spending my days thinking about it. I try to plan things to the last second in my head all the time, but somehow I never go ahead with it. It’s infuriating that the source of my own demise so far has been my incapacity to move on from my fear of success. What might be the source you say? Well, I have no clue lol. Actually, I might have a couple. I think it comes from the deep-rooted idea that I am a person who is beneath everyone and should drop dead as a favor for everyone else. It’s gotten better now, and I don’t necessarily believe in it all the time anymore. But it still shows up in my day to day activities, albeit in a subtle manner. I notice it in the way that I’m a people-pleaser and in the way I would prioritize others needs before mine. There’s also the way I constantly avoid whatever tribulations I encounter in life to try and lead a stress free life (only to ironically become stressful 24/7). The voices in my head (not in a schizophrenic way ofc) constantly say things like “really” and “be fucking fr” whenever the tiniest thought of planning comes to mind. Sometimes it gets to the point where I’m physically unable to leave my home for days. Finally, there are also the “what if it doesn’t make me happy” or ”this won’t make me whole” conversations at midnight when I try to sleep, where it gets bad to the point where I start contemplating if I should kms just to end my self imposed misery. Weed was a game changer that quieted the constant workout my brain decided to go through whenever I tried to sleep. But I have a bad habit of abusing good things whenever I come into contact with them. I already have enough addictions under my belt. So I’m currently looking for other alternatives instead. I just want to have a good night's sleep without staying up thinking about what a failure I am in life. How do you actually sleep without thinking of the hundreds of ways you could easily fuck everything up again? How do you get out of this perpetual cycle of unnecessary misery and actually become normal for once?


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Guys I need ur advice.
Here's the thing I was at campus and when I came back home my 2 sisters tekorarfuwalu i dont even know what happened. anduwa (tlkuwa) manenm alsemam aynet mood although andegnawa was trying to talk to her be agatamim mnamn degnetu gn bet atwlm sra nat mnamn plus bzum excessively lesew care mtareg aynet slalhonech enji things would have been a real mess.Coming to the elder one  manenm atsemam bka idk mn endehonech bnagerat mn agebash bla for sure enenm tzegangalech demom blangalech yehone ken and for some reason telling my mom & dad is of no use ahun ezi slalhonu. Lene eko huletum btm tru nachew ene mnm alhonkum in between gn bka I'm suffering of a headache benesu guday. Besides, smeles ene exam new mitebkeng demom ene sheds mn lihonu new eyalku I'm stressing out here mn larg esti tell me what to do


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey unihorse
I need to vent

I am 27 years old male.
I have this situation, I had my first sex with my gf the day before ...she said she is virgin,but there was almost no blood,only a little, also I didn't get it as my friends told the first sex would be,For that I am confused. I love her and this is not an issue ...But How often does this thing occurs? What do u say to me guys?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi, here is the case I've met a man like be recommendation nw yetwawkgn ena long term relationship(tedar) endmifleg awrtogn lmn edel alsetwem beye jmrku matured ena experienced huno agegnhut yihm eytemchegn meta mawrat kejmrn 1 wer ke 1 samnt most probably keza be edme telk endhon guess arku physically sengenagn I'm 26 and he told me that he is 38 but later I figured out he is 40 mnm aydelm beye alfkut minor ngr bihonm lmn lidebk mokr beye just fetaw keza  edme 40 nw silgn endet alagbahem eskahun beye teykut like yehon ngr yizhe agbalw eyalku koyw eyal sel ex mawrat jmr berasu gize ena his speech was non-stop about her enem adamtkut eskichres then still endmiwdat feel arku mnm saymslgn yachi ken alefch then yehon ehud ken liyagegnegn endmifleg ngrgn enem program endalbgn ena endmaymch mihedbet kalw endihed ngrew lemangnawm edwllshalw belogn selkun zegahut then kemesh bohala medwlu ena text madregun ayew I felt sorry that I haven't seen and responded earlier bezu gize seldwel enaaa ymr magegnet felge selnbr sedwl pick argo bet lishegnegn endmifleg ngrogn mehal menged lay tegenagnten eyhedn eyal chekchek tejmr lmn alansashim endi yidergal wey mnamn which I didn't expect since our relationship aged 1 month mitebk ngr aydelm yihe dominate yemadreg bahri then lek endhon ena ezi point lay tefat endalbegn amnkult ketergaga beye but didn't said sorry selalamnkubt guess what cherash basbet then awrdegn alkut belt fetche traffic light yizon selnbr  like I was pissed off then sorry ale ena ketln bet gebaw bengataw which is yesterday tewat lay endadis selk atdewyim text atargim, in reality I'm very busy business women and he knows it keza ene becha negn wey hule medwel yalbegn eda albegn ende alegn like yesmahut ngr mamn akategn malt alkut serious endhonkubt sigebaw malt ene negn felgesh yemtahut like manm asgdedogn aydelm mnamn silgn  ngr labred beye fetaw then mata dewl mansat salfelg anseche sel last night ahunm dege awra then lewrd teyalsh aybalm eko mnamn eyal betwerji nuro mn yifetr nbr alegn keza cherash nw malanagreh selkm malansaleh eskiberdlgn ders elwalw betwerji nuro cherash nbr maldwlw ale matdewlw lmn endhon takalh alkut yegna relation mejmriaw root selanbrew ena ene smooth selhonkult ena the harsh way selalagegnhegn nw beye zegahut lene telyaytnal. Feel yarkut ngr setn lej undermine ena disrespect endmiyaderg nw eski what do you think?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Dr. Drake
I need to vent
Hi😊 how u doing beautiful ppl am a 3rd(soon4th) yr medical student in gondar ena mn meslachu our senior doctors lecturers mnamn kurs seat kegna gar kuch belw sanbusa nw mibelut kurs mesa ye gibiw cafe rasu bigebu des yelachwal ena in my pov this is very very sad like formal education mnm aynet significant value eyagegn adlm not just in our country

World widem same situation nw yalw ezi bibesm....ena when i graduate i rly rly don't wanna be like my senior doctors maybe for them its the job satisfaction endzi miyanorachw maybe saving lives is more important that a big salary belw yehonal

For me gn i need like a good money yawm personal lifen sacrificy marg kehon it has to be really worth it ena....

My other reason is like that much significant change anametam in the health sector beye asbalw doctor becha bemehon.... ena i wanna expand my career path to the internet am rly interested in that field like dropout salarg both fieldochn align arge mehedbet path kale betamakrugn that would be really really helpful guys

Or endene aynet situation wst kalachu pls ideachun share argugn

Ena thank you for ur time🥰


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Help me please save my life
We learn together,med students….With my bf we spent the high n low points of life together,I am madly in love with him! I think he is too! Cause he literally changed his way of life for me,erased his boundaries,Always got my back!
Now the problem comes!!! His mom n fam hate me cause I made him stay late,n sometimes we spent the night together w/c made them very angry!last week we had a massive fight with my bf w/c made him lose his shit n was absent from class for more than a week w/c made the teacher disqualify him!but he also decided to accept the decision n reattach this attachment after 2 months,n to stay at home n take a break!!!that won’t make him lag a year unless he fails another attachment…the thing is his fam r saying he’ll return after 2 months of only I change campus(I told them I’ll transfer back to another campus since I was a transfer student first)his fam said if this doesn’t happen,they will either make him repeat the whole year or even send him to the USA coz they think I affected his academic career negatively n damaged his mental health!!!
Please Help your sis!im really in love with him n I don’t wanna lose him! I want him to come back after 2 months n reattach the course when the time comes,rn I can’t access him coz they r blocking me n they persuaded him to take a break from everyone….What shall I do???
FYI:last time we met he told me he needs some space and we decided to end our relationship!he isn’t trying to contact me now!!!And I’m dying

#MentalIllness #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
So, I'm 23 M and I've never been in a relationship. I don't know what the problem is. I'm a decent-looking guy, and I know how to talk to girls, but I almost never get past the talking stage. I just lose interest after a couple of weeks, even when the girls I'm talking to are clearly interested in dating.
What do you think I should do?


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