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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there,
I'm kinda nerdy.
Who am I kidding?. Im the king of 🤓s.

My point is, I have never been friends with a girl in my life.
In my school years, I barely had a friend. I used to sit alone in class. I only had friends on exam days😂.

But then I joined med school, which's like an incubee for nerds😂 and idk how but it felt like home. Life got easier. I finally had a break from those lonely years.
And I was happy until I found out that I have a selective type of mutism towards my crush🤦🏾‍♂. I just go on mute when this girl talks to me😭. All I can say to her is "eshi" or "thanks" and by the time she says another thing I was already out on my way.
It's really getting worse by now. idk what to do.

Has this thing occurred to anyone of you, could you please suggest me some tips?


#Friendship #MentalIllness

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello Guys,
Im 29M, I met this woman 2 months ago.we started talking and clicked right away, we even said to each other 'I love u' in just 2 weeks, i really love her. i dont have much relationship experience, on the other hand she had a serious relationship in the past.
we met personally frequently and talked a lot about our relationship and even our future.
the craziest parts start here: she really really wants to be married or live together ena i told her eski tinesh bedenb enetewawk.
whenever we go out for a date she never offered to share the bill ( i know it's silly), des endilat when i spent a big amount of money she doesn't care(it tells me sele future yemtaseb kehone endih endaderg atfekdim).
on text im the one who asks the question out of curiosity and she never wants to know about me. and it bothers me a lot.. kemrr tewedegnalech or gize lemasalef bicha nw biye endeterater aregegn. ofc endezihn biye teykiyat nebr obviously she denied. is it a good sign or im tripping?

Thank you 😊.

#Relationship #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello guys my age or my name doesn't matter but I'll say I'm male and I just want to say I finally freed myself from alot of blockage you can call it spiritual mental or physical or in our culture metet or any dark magic or spell that has been done onto me sadly buy alot of people I truly looked upto and grew up with and lived with on my existence on this earth the thing is any war that is done onto you without you not expecting is worth fighting because the war is opened on you because you have something special in you which you don't see for yourself anyways I just want to say I used alot of methods which has nothing to do with religion or exorcism or whatever but my own God given power which we all possess and I realized I can help alot of people and this is my 1st attempt but I can tell you one thing this life is about self love and finding your self worth and once you do all the things that are done onto you will seize to exist in that exact moment I am not special in any way I just freed myself on my own accord which is possible as long as you breath and I want to help people see their worth so they can drop all the weights they have been carrying all along if any of you need someone to talk to hit me up I'm more than excited to show you how beautiful you truly are thank you for reading if you made it this far and if you're thinking of ending it don't before you see your worth then u might have a different perspective on life.
Selamachu yibza

#MentalIllness #Family #HealthComplications #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am dating this person,and they used to be in love with my best friend, I’m still friends with my best friend and they are also friends. It’s starting to make me annoyed and crazy !!!! Any comments ?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys i need ur help, especially females.

At second year of UV, me and my boys were on the party day to day virus, we met a group of girls , and we started to chill every weekends together. I met a girl from that group and our vibe together was good, so we started to see eachother alone , we spend nights talking in the cold.

I am the type of person who chooses to die rather show my weakness, but i dont know why , i didnt felt ashamed when i was around her  tegemetgnalech mnamn beye asbay alawkem 1 neger salasker new maweraw yekfagnen besuam belelam sew bekul , ena she liked that i was completely honest, esua gn she was trying to protect herself bezu yewestuan menager teferalech lebuan kekeftchelgn endemegodat betam ergetgna neberch gn for the sake of our friendship she continued to see me.

we became close and there came winter break, i went home ,no drink no drug, completely sobered up and after 1 week i started to forget about her , and she started texting me 'at this point i understood that she was mad cause i was the one who initates conversation most of the time' then we talked and i did it again forgot about her,, i started to notice that i was engaging with her cause of the UV environment , but when i am home i dont even think if she exists. So my silly ass decided to get intouch with her, tefah tefash tebabalen keza i said anchi eney kaldewlku atflgignem selat , she got pissed off , keza enem i was on something , techekacheken , i removed her from snap, then after sometime we were called back to the UV and she imediately came to my mind , i txt her , she completely ignored it, i got mad , i saw her physically incampus and i just walked past by her like she didnt exist, then this continued for a year. Eyetgelemameten metelalef normal hone.

After a while, i completely cut of my boys my group cause the path we were heading towards was definetly hell , after that i started to think clearly i made significant changes am proud of myself from hell to paradise 😁 ,, then i when i see her now Guilt is hovering throughout my body, even if i heard her name being called anywhere , some unpleasant feeling starts to come up, i txt her about this issue and she saw it and didnt reply, i asked her to meet me face to face and apologize for the things that i have done to her, and she saw it and didnt reply ,,, thats why i came to you guys. I wrote this as unbiased as possible.

So help me out what should i do? if she is tired off my ass why does she read the txt? Should i apologize physically ? And she tries to look at me and when i look back she pretend that she wasnt looking , i have caught her many times but i couldnt read her mind.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Loneliness grips me like a vice, squeezing tighter with each passing day. In my early twenties, they said this would be the time of my life, full of excitement and adventure. Yet, here I am, financially stable but emotionally adrift.

I scroll through my contacts, hoping for someone to call, someone to share my lowest moments with. But the list is barren, filled with names but devoid of true connections. How did I end up here, surrounded by material comfort yet feeling utterly alone?

It's a paradox, they say. I have the means to do whatever I want, go wherever I please, but what's the point when there's no one to share it with? Friends seem like a distant memory, their laughter echoing in the recesses of my mind.

I wish I could say I'm okay with this solitude, that I've embraced it as some sort of enlightenment. But the truth is, it's suffocating. There's only so much solace I can find in my own company before it becomes unbearable.

They say reaching out is the solution, that I should join clubs or attend social events. But it's not that simple. The fear of rejection, the anxiety of not fitting in—it's paralyzing.

And so, I sit here, venting into the void, hoping that maybe, just maybe, someone out there feels the same way. That in our collective loneliness, we can find some semblance of connection. Until then, I'll continue to navigate this desolate landscape, longing for the warmth of human companionship.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hello their 19 male
sorry for my grammar well I've a question for womens (especially) I tried to be in relationships for the last two years and I couldn't find my girl like the first one (grade 11) I couldn't love her (trust me I tried so hard but I couldn't don't know why) and I didn't want to be in a relationship with a girl who I didn't love so we broke up one year later I liked this girl (just a crush) ena mokerku chat mnamn ena it was going good (tho she had a bf) we talked a lot like she would get mad if I didn't send her a pic every fuckin night(I wasn't comfortable) I tried to ignore her but she didn't stop texting me so I couldn't gra agabachgn shows me mixed signals (she knew I was into her) gin I made a big mistake being too good towards her lately she ignored me guys I'm not too attractive nor ugly(I think) eshi Koy mn aynet men nw lenante attractive toxic or good

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hola guys, Im about 23, I wanna share you some crazy thing that i feel inside እና that makes me feel guilty about myself, ምን መሰላችሁ ... Here የሆነች sexy ቀሚስ አለች እና ስለ አጠይቁኝ Angle and devil ተባብረው የሰሯት ነው ምመስለው fuck. እና ከቤታችን ፊትለፊት ነው ሱቋ sometimes eye contact እናደርጋለን እና the way she look at me and the way she act, የሆነ ነገር  ይፈጥርብኛል....ይሄ ሁሉ ነገር አሪፍ አይደል ወይ? ልትሉኝ ትችላላችሁ፡ But she's a mom ለዛውም የ3 ልጆች...እና እኔ ራሴ ለሷ ውስጤ ላይ feeling እንዳለኝ ያወኩ ቀን I feel so bad 😔....esti mkerugn!

#Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi everyone, male here in his late 20s. I have been a workaholic for most part of my life, giving no attention to relationships, and now that i am kinda stable, I am getting back to it. The real problem is if i I go out with a woman more than once, it's like she is in a rush to get pregnant or get married. Wtf happened to taking it slow and seeing where things go. Is it just me, or have you all noticed.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone

Its been almost 4 years since I wrote this vent. I've been through ups and downs. I think I beat the system, thank God I'm alive & well.

Different ages taught me different lessons. The lesson I'm taking right now is loneliness. Don't get me wrong, I love my solitude compared to having frivolous people aroud me. Now that I know what I want & what kind of company I'm looking for, I just couldn't find her.

Just wanna ask you guys how you managed to find your soul mate?

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there, I'm 20 m and living my best life. This is not exactly a vent it's more of a question, why are most teens and people in their early twenties depressed as hell, I mean like people who r perfectly healthy and have good friends and family but they still cry about being depressed suicidal mnamn. Guys it's so easy to be happy and have a positive life it's all about how u look at ur life that matters, I won't be so oblivion and say life is all about joy and sunshine but the way u look at those dark nights and sad times is what draws the line between happiness and depression becha I want to talk more about this and hear others opinion just comment ask my id we'll have a chat about it. Tnx for ur time.

#MentalIllness #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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There's a quote that says ''What doesn't kill you, fucks you up mentally'' Ena fr studying at AASTU is deff fucking me up mentally. let's get real about Aastu here. Is it just me, or is the whole academic hustle a bit much? seriously, I'm lowkey drowning here. I deeply and wholeheartedly hate it. Plus, it's not even that of a friendly environment how do you even make friends there dang it lol.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Sup everybody
I need ur advises the thing is we were out of education for 3 years bcuz of the war in tigray and now we continue from where we just stop but the problem is I don't want to join university bcuz my bach from another regions are 2nd year uni students now but me I'll be fresh man in 2017 and I want to study pharmacist and pharmacist require 7 years to graduate so I'mma have my degree in 2024 and in 2024 I will be 28 years old so is it worth it to join university or should I have to study another field in collage?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I had a dream to go to university and graduate in the profession I want and I took the 2013 entrance exam and I failed because the exam was stolen and I was very angry and I took the exam again (private)  I was tested without studying  Because my desire to study was down, I just wanted to try my luck. I brought it for remedial and I joined gondar university and I passed the remedial with a good result .
A war broke out in Amhara region  I spent 6 months depressed at home and now we were called on February 11. my peers have become third year, I have wasted 2 years . I hate learning when I think that I am about to start freshman class .  What do you advise me?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Private-Ryan
I need to vent
When im in a relationship and i am with my gf, i hug her alot, kiss her cuddle alot and stuff, im not a feminine dude btw, ena i think those characters the over kissing the hugging and stuff are feminine characters, and i want to know if this is a turn off for you girls, when i see my self from third person view, bf should be masculine shouldn't be this much cuddly soft kissy figure, i believe its most of her part to be like this.
i want this channel girls response on this one.

I don't want the pity 'yea, i want ma bf to be obsessed with me' kinda reply, i want u to be in my girl's shoes

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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18 F
he just say hi and tell me that he loves my pp(don't  have a pic just landscape and smtg else) we started talking it was the perfect convo we have a lot in commen we love reading books(fictional) and we love music and he can also draw(exceptional case that took my heart) and we love playing football on the offencer side🫣 and he also gave me  a name from his favourite movie(I insisted😅) and he told me I understand him very well and he was like a sad boy and I got some issue so it was like we can be sad together I was in a fantasy island but our convo last only 2 weeks ( and u be like huh every story ends like this unfortunately yes) and he stop talking to me I guess it is ghosting and I try to find him on ig and I got him and at first he didn't  recognise  the name he gave me(can u belive that😭) and later he remember me and he say I will talk to u and I waited for 2 month (still waiting 😅)
What did I do😭😭 and sometimes I say hi but he didn't answer I know I am begging for attention but u know I just wanna check up on u🙂


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Okay im just gonna say it i am a porn addict and i am a 19yr old F
The last two months esp be week biyans ande ayalehu max eske 5 gize. Dro gena the images say yemirekaw lij ahun i gotta see the whole video to reach that. 😭
Yemr i tried deleting the vpn, adjusting my setting to block explicit webs mnamn gin beka horny sihon download arige vpn mnamn ayalehu. Demo tinish reason nw yemifeligew keza eyoretiku 🏃‍♀️ wede incognito. Ena ende dro betam aytsetsitegnim sometimes beka asre download kemareg elina i dont even delete the vpn ena im loosing my spirituality too. Erasachun endet nw asaminachu yemitakomut porn please please help me🥺🥺

Ask my id yemitilu wendoch fuck you


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello there
Am the guy
Hule ehud 12.00 behala betam yemchnkegn betam depression wst egebalehu sle hiwota betam asbalehu
Betam Bchegnet ysemagnal kategeba yemyawargn rasu sew yelem
monday -  saturday
Besrabota bchayn nw masalfew class lay tnsh yashala ke classmate tnsh gza asalfalehu Keza matalay degmo  gym egebalhu
benezh geza  slemaslf bzum aytawekgn gn ehud ken betam yleybgnal betam beka mn endmshalegn alakm


ልዑል እግዚአብሔር ሆይ ከዚህ ጭንቅና መከራ አውጣኝ ሁሉን ነገር ላንተ ትቻላሁ እኔ በራሴ በጣም አቅም አጥቻሉሁ።


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyy am 20m..
Y’all ever dated someone with a with different religion normal new belachu keza the relationship got a lil serious and serious satsebut; it’s giving me headache when I be thinking about this shit.. ik its leading me to the biggest heartbreak oml coz I don’t wanna end the thing whatever we having I loves her n at the same time I DO NOT see myself marrying a Protestant gyall

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Someone had asked me to help her out on matric, which I took last year. As in maskorej. We weren't friends but we used to be as kids. Bcha, we were on good terms. We used to say hi and I know she has a really positive attitude towards me. I do too. So she asked me this simple favor. Not to throw her the answers or whatever but just simply to not cover my paper. It was really that simple. I have developed this inability to say no, plus saying no is like betraying the sisterhood (tilaleh). Anyways I said yes even though, deep down, I knew I couldn't do that. Not because of my integrity mnamn but because for once, in a very long time, I actually felt sorry for myself. I'll explain.
Preparing for that exam, I lost weight and spent countless hours stressing and crying. Like literally, sometimes i would anxiously wake up in the middle of the night feeling the need to study or get assignments done but end up sobbing. Not only that, but some people around me knew I cared about my grades and for a long time I've basically been tricked into working for them. I feel so bad for saying this out loud but they used me. I mean it's my fault for not saying no when I could have but i had a hard time making friends so I did everything to preserve the little attention I got. Bcha, for the longest time (years) I felt the need to excel academically to compensate for my lack of any sort of meaningful social life. And that came with it's sacrifices. Depression and low self esteem were my long time buddies.
And, uh, you know, there were kids who didn't care as much about grades. Actually they didn't care at all. I really don't want to sound like a ምቀኛ, but they managed to be badass and have that epic highschool life while somehow getting the work done. Nothing wrong with that, now that I think of it.
Anyways, ma girl was kind of like them. She's really sweet and a genuinely nice person but...
I felt sorry for myself.
Like, the only thing that kept me alive till that day with all the dark thoughts in my mind was the hope of it all finally being worth it. 'Fine, you sleep and I'll do the work, cuz we're all on our own for that big exam and this won't matter anyway' were my comfort words.
I hope I've made my point. I was in such a dilemma in that exam room when I finally decided to ignore her and I hate myself for it.
This isn't the end of the story.
I now do not feel the satisfaction I thought I would have after getting a good result. Partly because it didn't get me any benefits. These days all you have to do to get to a good university is pass. And also, I'm still the nobody I used be in school.
So sometimes by the back seat of the crowded lecture hall, I think to myself what would have changed if I had decided otherwise.
P.S she passed.
✌️ Peace out

#School #Friendship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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There was a post I saw back a few weeks ago that piqued my interest about AASTU and its zesty elements. While y'all might laugh it off and think its a joke, shit is getting out of hand. Idk if you'd believe me or not but its a jungle out here. I mean its not like there's an actual homo goin on or anything (and I do mean that) but the joking around getting too much.
Niggas that were calling you out at the start are now the main actors in the action. Ain't no safety for yo ass to the point the only way you feel protected is when you walk with your back against the wall. (xd overexaggerated it a bit).
But FR niggas get carried away with each party refusing to back down to the point by the time we're done joking around, we're left with this sense of depression similar to the post nut clarity.
And truth is we don even wanna do it but can't let your friend get the one up on you. Truth be told niggas from there are as straight as it gets but you throw some bad apples in there and shit turns into a fuckfest (not in the literal sense). Bet when I said this, some zesty ass nigga came upon your mind.
Maybe some of you already know some notorious figures in common.
yeah them niggas need to be stopped. By all means. I mean you might have to throw in an Abraham's lamb as sacrificial in the form of a homie to get out unscathed but we must stay straight brothers, WE MUST STAY STRAIGHT (again no one's turning gay or anything; just wanted to use that meme) .
Which block and jema knows what's up. Yh I'm talkin abt none other than you.
So overall just wanted to clear out no homo shit goin on. Just wanted to clear out the air. BUT niggas messing around need to be stopped.
XD just thought abt how staff from AASTU watchin this vent and subjecting the masses to a group therapy with No-Homo shirts on🤣🤣🤣

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #HealthComplications #SexualAssault #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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what's up fellas 19M
I need your help how do I know if I'm in depression I mean like I'm having a hard time like everyone and I couldn't figure it out (sorry for my grammar tho) thank you for your time

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Have you ever loved someone so deep , imagined every aspect of your life with them , made them your only bestfriend , sacrifice several things throughout the relationship , did the things you wouldn't do if it wasnot for them but after 5 years find out they are not the one for you? They break your trust , loyality you had on them . But you still tried to fix that with them but they do it all over again . I am in this situation , I know i have to let go of him because of several reasons that it wont work out but It is hard , I also feel bad when i think of leaving me . I wish i could be with him but many things are wrong . I have to choose myself or him at this point. I feel betryal , regret and lots of negative feelings.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Always when i want to try to approch to people and communicate I feel like they will ignore me bully me & laugh at me bicha yemiyalagitubgh ena tesemijet yemagegh aymeseleghm yarasen hasab benetsanet mawrat alchilm beacause of this I got into Difficulty of making friends(have no friend at all) hulum negereyastelagh nw I have no confidence betam eferalew also my body shakes firihat wustane betam gelotal I have spent the worst life always depressed blaming my self minm edemalchil nw misemah hule erasen kesew betach agrge nw mayew I am not doing well on my education(currently preengineering in aastu)
After I have seen my bad results on my exam I feeling giving up . Idk what to do ketimhirt wuchi mawkew neger yelm esun mesrat kalchalku min endemihone alawkim kemitasibut belay wusta tegodtual my psychology is not good.
If you have any there any way that I can heal from this 🥲

#Friendship #MentalIllness

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I feel like if i dont get therapy now i will kill my's not like i havent tried it before (both therapy and trying to kill my self) but both of them didnt work...i want to do it right this time...i want to be helped...does anyone know where i can get a good therapist and is it expensive? Cause i'm broke as fuck


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey ther am 23 dude ena ebakachu am addicted to be dom and sub pls betam techegryalew normal sex mareg alachalkum it have been  months with out gf bitc# gar lihid weys mn yishalengal


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So, I'm 16F
I'm an introvert and today I've experienced the most embarrassing shit ever.. So I'm a science student, i like 3 subjects and i hate biology.. It's the most boring class to me so i wasn't paying attention during class and i was bending my head and staring at my foot and the teacher caught me he made me stand up in front of whole class and asked me what I was doing, I said nothing he asked me again and again, all  I said was nothing then he told me to repeat what he taught a moment ago, my heart was beating soo fast.. Everyone were staring at me I couldn't remember anything since I wasn't paying any attention, so I just stood there like 🧍‍♀️ and didn't answer anything. he insulted me soo bad and finally made me sit And he also asked the girl who was sitting beside me "what was she doing" She didn't answer anything it made me feel soo cheap n my friends were laughing at me, some other atone me, the more they'd say that it's alright the more I'd cry.. He literally ruined my whole day. it takes soo much time as for introverts like me to recover from such Embrassing memories n i experience kinda same amount of Embrassments daily and my day won't go on without atleast crying once😃🤌
So , do you guys also experience Embrassments?? And how do u deal with it? Plz share I want to know😐👍

#School #MentalIllness #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys
Am 22M and working
If anyone is reading this who wants a genuine friendship please contact me. Am dying every single day with a lack of social interaction. I tried to cope it up with being close to God and pray about it. But I think now I understand even how loneliness can be nothing with God as human beings we need someone to rely on too. Just a cry for help and a good friend that’s all.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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My husband and I have been married for about 3 years, we are very much in love and have a good foundation between us but my husband has sexual dysfunction( he cums too quickly) sometimes Even during for play and this is bothering me a lot lately and he seeked medical attention and there is no improvement so I usually avoid having sex with him because of the problem but the lack of sex is changing him day by day ....what's ur advice for me especially bezi situation yalefachu wendoch

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello guys
So am F mid 20's
It's necessary advice for ya'll

-look , kaltemarachu (i know saymru arif biss lay yalu swoch alu , be education yetageze bihon gen more tetekami tehonalchu) so education askdmu

-Becherash manem sew deg ena yelegnuta selalbachu used endiyaderguwachu atfekedu (boundaries yenurachu) fam,friends , relationship ,sociallife , work staffs any kind of life achun boundaries serulet
- especially setoch yefelge fiker weste bethonu lewend lej nude pic endatelku yehe eko yenenate ሚስጥር ነው fiker beza aygelstem becherash
- leyetgnawem sew demo misterachun azergfu mister beka mister newe leloch mister binegruwachu enkwan enente mister belachu lelea swe becherash atenageru
- stick with your God ,
- love , respect and focus on your self
- gossip bemaderge giziyachun atgedelu lemed yehonebachuhe ena sera fet tehonalchu
- be ur own bestfriend
- weak side lemanem swe atasayu some day beza meknyat yetkemubetal
- Chose who chose u, forget who forgets u match their energy i mean even if it like weird pretend till u make it 😉
- pls pls 🙏🙏🙏🙏 le yetgnawm sew fiker belachu rasachun atatlu በትክክል እንኳን ፍቅር ለማይሠጣችሁ swe don't force them let them go cuz they don't love u, they just fulfill their ego abt bcuz of u n plays with ur feelings
- be matured and talk abt it like grown ass woman/man don't just run random day like ghosting or ignoring them
- work smart not hard
- observe more talk less
-don't compare u're self with others
-k sehetetoch temar ena atedegemew
-say sorry like u mean it and change u're behavior as well
በብልሀት ኑሩ ከጥንቃቄ ጋር say less beka swoch yemyakuten neger ayabelashum iykyk
- discipline is a key for everything
- if u hurt someone and u feel like to apologized go and Apologized
-keep ur promises
Andande hiwot endasbenat atehonem gene mechem tesfa atekuretu cuz benanete tesfa mekuret yemigodaw enante nachu
Be safe 🙌


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