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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
May be i want someone
Someone like the sun
Maybe i want the person  always meant to be the my one Someone who makes sure I'm seen
I've been invisible far too long
Someone that adds me to the lyrics of their all time favourite song
Someone somewhere that notice when I'm gone
Someone that cheers for me even when i haven't won yet
Someone that loves in way i haven't felt yet
Someone that makes me thank God for the cards I've been dealt
Someone oh someone that smiles at the sky
Someone that takes pictures of sunsets knowing they make me cry
Someone that thinks of me when i haven't answered in awhile
Someone that sends a song just somehow to make me smile
Someone that loves in adoration
Words of affirmation
A life time of flirtation
Loves me even in frustration
Someone who is gentle
With this scarred heart of mine
Someone who knows my boundaries and wouldn't dare to cross a line
Someone who is kind
A could use some kindness in my life
Someone who on our first date already imagines me as his wife
Maybe i want someone
Someone that looks at the moon
Blows a kiss to the sky
And wishes to meet me very soon


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y'all Aselamu alykum Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, this is a random ukhti I humbly seek your advice and support. I recently graduated in marketing management, and I find myself at a critical juncture. My dad has arranged a job for me at a bank using his connections(he's just waiting for my degree certificate ). However, I've discovered that it's impermissible in Islam to work in banks that derive their profits from interest. This conflicts with my deeply held religious beliefs, which I prioritize above all else. My father, while not as devoted in his beliefs, may struggle to understand my stance.I'm resolute in my refusal to compromise my beliefs. I have been contemplating informing him that I do not wish to join any job but instead starting my own thing, but I don't have the necessary capital for it right now, and I haven't landed a job.😓 cuz due to unforeseen circumstances i was unable to take the exit exam after completing my courses so i plan to sit for the exam in January . So ahbabi my plan before we start this argument is found a job and convince him that ahun mewedewn sera eyeseraw endehone and that i dont want to quite beye pls If any of you can assist me by suggesting a suitable job opportunity that doesn't immediately necessitate a degree, I would be immensely grateful.

Sticking to my faith means the world to me. I reach out with hope and trust that your suggestions are offered with the best intentions and the ajer from Allah. I sincerely implore your advice. share your thoughts and ideas as I navigate this challenging situation. Pls guys help me out here. 🤍

#Family #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey 23 here  i just heart that am pregnant and i wanna abort ths baby pls sewoch abortion illegal endhone new makew malete abdand swoch dgmo pills enhone miwatew ngrwgnal mn ideaw yalachu swoch betngrugn ena What it feels like menamn i need your help guys


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I’m a fresh in uni and things aren’t going the was I hoped they would.
So, here’s the thing. In highschool, I was a complete loser with no friends or interests. I mean, people ignored me. And I couldn’t communicate and make friends with people because I wasn’t as quick-witted, smart, funny or interesting as most people. And i ate alone most of the time and barely talked to people about things other than school works. And the worst part is that i had a ‘friend group’ which I now understand was people’s way of expressing their pity. They had my back whenever things went wrong but we didn’t have a friendship. Like at all. And it was just an unspoken agreement that i wasn’t invited to any of the plans they made, not that they didn’t want me to come, but we all know i would kill the vibe by just being there so we just never talked about it. And it really sucks. Sometimes i would go days without speaking to people. It’s rly embarassing to admit. I’ve never went out with friends and stuff like that and my mom always tells people ‘guadegna yelatm eko, eski awru’ mnamn.
Yeah. If you’ve seen a mute person smiling and nodding to whatever you say and desperately wanting to talk to you, that’s me. Sometimes I watch people from afar, for a long time, and I want to be part of what they have but whenever there’s a situation that gets us together, the way they act around me changes. I mean, they’re more reserved and frequently looking around, touching their phones and they’re just not them. And it even goes as far as forgetting I'm there and continuing with their own hot conversation. Like, really, it’s bad.
I’m not blaming anyone. I know i’m a depressing person. But with the right people, I’m funny and crazy and interesting to talk to. But this happens very rarely and life so far has got me thinking there’s something wrong with me.
So I made it out of highschool with no memories, but alive, thank God. So i said to myself that i would change in college and that i would fake my personality if that’s what it takes to make friends. But its the freaking same. I swear, look- its like living in a small dark room away from people, going out once a day to get your business done, say hi and have small talk with a few people, getting back to your room and repeating it all over again. And imagine this sad song playing in the background.
Look, i know this is trivial for most of you and you might thinking I have nothing serious to worry about and i’m making up problems. But i assure you, thats not true.this is my life and i am tired of it. And i would appreciate it if you could tell me what’s wrong with me or how I can make friends. Genuine friends.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am G 8888
I need to vent
Hi there
I'm so sad and lonely right now. I feel like I have no one to love or be loved by. I have been single for so long, and I can't seem to find anyone who matches me. I feel like I'm missing out on something that everyone else has.

I hate feeling this way. I hate feeling isolated and rejected. I hate feeling like I have no worth or value. I hate feeling like I have no connection or intimacy. I hate feeling like I have no happiness or fulfillment.

Why does this have to happen to me? Why can't I have some romance and affection? Why can't I have some compatibility and chemistry? Why can't I have some fun and excitement? Why can't I have some love and companionship?

I wish things were different. I wish I could change my situation. I wish I could find someone who loves me. I wish I could love someone back. I wish I could have a relationship. I wish I could be happy.

But I don't know how. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to start. I don't know who to ask. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to cope.

I just want to cry. I just want to hug. I just want to vent.

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Part Two(This might be the last one,since i already feel better)
On top of every nonsese i vented here on my previous text i just wanna say one more thing It is for U sister yeah u the girl over there who is crying over some dumbass manipulator who takes u and ur precious feelings for granted. I am not blaming them for it am just trying to give advice for my ladies out here to not loose ur power for the ones that don't desereve. On top of every thing, i want u to put your mental and emotional health first cuz it is the only thing that matters right. This one is for all the ppl out here ሰላማችሁን rasachu tebku cuz there is no one who can babysit that for u u r responsible for every emotion u r feeling so just be storng and try to manage it by ur self don't expect cuz the world we are living in Man it is so fucking unfair. So hang in there.
And let me say one thing this is a message for the dude who make me do this, this thing( mndnew mibalew vent newa )whatever this thing is not about you okay you fucking self-aware narcissist. Don't come at me and say did u write this on vent mnamn bleh endateykegn don't you dare okay. However, i want to say thank u for giving me this recommendation cuz this is literally helping me out things off my chest. And thank you for showing me how this world can be cruel. Thank you for being my detour in my miserable life. I don't expect anything from anyone not even from my birth parents so please don't make me expect things from u either please.
But please don't read it Man if u r here by chance i don't want u to know how i feel atleast let me share it with some srangers and not u please😭. U know how much i hate melemen right so don't make me do it just pass to someone's vent and leave me alone if u r sensing it is me writing here.
This is so annoying that i  want you here in my life u are my safe space u r the place where i can be my true self. Look at me trying to help my girlies out here while i can't help my self up here. Man this is so complicated.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Part One( Cuz i have a lot to say ena i think if it is too long it might not be send right)
He was the one who recommended this to me. He said this might help. Look at me doing as he said.I was never attached this much to anyone before i was never been dependent yezin yakl. I was not even this open up to anybody not even with my bestfriends. I don't know what got in to my mind. I don't know why i even started talking to him while he was refusing. It's been idk almost a year and a half i guess since we started talking almost daily.I think that's  why i am attached to him this much. I don't even know why i was desprate to know him slemanm gd alneberegnm eko at that time i was even praying manm sew endaykerbegn let alone rasen open madreg. I don't know what we are anymore. And i don't want to name it either because i hate labels i realy hate labels cause if i gave it one i have to live it up to it's name which i can't do.Whatever we are i just don't want to be dependent on anybody especially not him. I hate that i need him more. I hate that he is making me feel a lot of dumb emotions(which i said i won't feel anything for any body since i get puberty). I hate that i am available when he wants to talk to me or hangout with me(while he was not for me). I hate that i am way to open while he is not. I hate that i let my self get manipulated by him. I hate that i always vent in our mutual space. I hate that he is changing me. I hate that i always turn my face to him after cursing him for hours. I hate the way he interpreted my body languages while i can't even see his face properly. I hate that he experiences more while i am being delusional in my fucking overthinking mind. I hate that i replied to his texts with in a sec while he takes hours to reply mine. I hate that he makes me blame myself for the feelings happening here. I hate that he said things that don't match his actions. I hate it when he says"u r the only one i can be honest with" bla bla shits which i don't trust one single word cuz i know better.I hate the fact that he want me to hate him while i can't even try i wish i can.I wish i know yet gar endesatkugn yet gar controlen loose endareku i wish. I wish i could walk away from this. As i hate lables, actually i don't even know a thing abt them.Fuck, I can't even say if this thing is toxic.Whatever happening here in my damned heart and mind, what i want to say is that just don't let a person get over control of ur life dont ever gave them the power to make u feel sth that u r not capable of to manage. Don't ever let them make ur  little mind insane they are such an asshole manipulators. They show their masculin energy by ruining ur precious life. Girl go get ur shits together and move on. Don't let them near ur heart.
To be continued ........😜


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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It's been a year and half.... now she is gone.. im stabled... life seems to be restarting as the olden days.... breathing .... learning ...hanging out with bunch of friends.... በቃ kinda life i was wishing to have... but something hits me up frequently about this girl... we don't have any ground for our break up like none... this used to holding me back on those early days of the dismantling... i say to my self if she comes now, what would you do? I would welcome her, i reply... this thing was discomforting me for months... now im at the stage of እስካሁን ዝም ስንባባል ምን ሊፈጠር እንደሚችል መገመት ነበረባት ... ስለዚህ Im can be sound in proving my current state of being. But still this shred of hesitation remains in my heart.... Like the rest time will wish it up አ ወገን?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm curled up crying for a guy (which I ever trusted in my life and loved with all my heart which was also my my best friend and someone I call when I'm at the lowest) while he's happily living his life with his dream girl and having someone to call when he's at the lowest and being grateful for someone who isn't me and completely forgetting that I ever existed. It's eating me inside out coz I still wanna call him and still want him while he made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want me near. I didn't even need his love I needed his company. I fucked up big time because of him and I'm in a state where I jus needed him. It's been months but I jus can't seem to get over him and I was hoping I'd get used to the pain but it's jus been getting even worse every time and I feel like I'm loosing myself. I can't belive I'm like this for a guy I used to judge people before but look where I'm at. I'm at a point when I think of him whenever love pops up in conversations or whenever I think of relationships, I'm not interested in any guy that's not him and I can't stop comparing every guy I meet with him. He wasn't the best but he was someone I've really wanted. I feel pathetic even writing this about a guy rn

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Endet new confidence, self love, self esteem, emotional independence build mideregew?

i googled these topics betam bzugize gn still no change maybe im not working hard idk

give me yehone road map neger bzu chana yalbezabet tegbar cause gratitude affermation self care like ande lemareg ewesnna keza next day or after 3 days boom same as before and ntg changed

yehone book anbbe walk mewtat bchayen keza yehone sew maybezabet bus station ale eza for morethan hour ekemetalehu this thing mechemer my confidence ig cause after that habit yetesebesebe sew yalebet bota shed frhate kensual even cafe skemet erasu with my friends ahun ena dro yeneberegn smet same adelem

ena recommend me something pls


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Well, let's do this torturous form of self-deprecation and self-loathing yet again because why not, right? I am obviously not happy with my life and am constantly thinking of the many "what ifs" in life and enjoying the pain that comes along like some crazy masochist.

I never really understand myself. It's not that I find myself shrouded in mystery and stuff, but instead, I always end up doing exactly what I think I should avoid. And it doesn’t even give me a sense of gratification but instead always ends up reaffirming the insecurities I think of on the daily. I sometimes think of what would happen if I happened to die and had the chance to write about myself. What would I really write about in those fleeting moments before the end of my supposed existence? What would I deem as necessary to write about from my short 19 years of living? Would I write about all the tragedy and misfortune I’ve encountered? Would I start talking about the many addictions I couldn’t seem to shake off? Would I ramble about my closeted self that hides behind a mask of humor and jokes to hide my sexuality? Would I whine about the empty promises I made to myself about starting anew to be a better person? Would I ramble on about my constant depression and the constant need to hide it by putting on a mask of an entirely different personality? Or would I write about the good times I was lucky to experience with a lot of people? It feels really weird being me. Even though I have been blessed with a lot of friends, I have never felt more alone in my life. Thoughts of suicide pop up by the minute every day, and I feel more isolated and misunderstood by the world every day. Most of my days are spent in supposed introspective dwindling that drains my energy and gets me nowhere near being a better person. And action is always met with resistance that has become increasingly hard to go through. Simple daily activities are barely completed, and if I happened to get lucky doing one of these benign activities, I would then mess it up by rewarding myself with more laziness. Social interactions will always be terrifying because I would always get paranoid and start isolating myself, which will only fuel my self-deprecation by being in a bubble of self-doubt and anxiety. All this does nothing more than add more fuel to the copium that has been keeping me on edge for the past couple of years.

Anyway, I wrote all of that because I recently got the chance to watch The Tatami Galaxy, and the premises of the show align perfectly with the predicament I repeatedly find myself in. Unlike me, though, the main character gets the chance to relive these so-called "what ifs," and despite having seen each and every outcome available out there, he couldn’t find that "rose-colored campus life," only to conclude that unless he changes himself, the outcome would remain the same regardless of whatever situation he was in. How exactly does one change himself, really? It's something that I haven't been able to figure out, so I would appreciate it if somebody told me how.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Please help me get and advice, I’m staying with my man but another man who is married wants to have sex with me because he finds me attractive, he said he will give me what I want, he only needs sex with me and I can’t cheat on my man. Please what should I do cos this married man is just pushing money on me. Please help me with what to do, I can’t just go into bed with another man, Ive never tried it and I don’t want to try it


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I used to think that all my symptoms were b/c of my social anxiety but I don't think that's just it.I'm very sensitive to sounds,idk how to communicate with people around me or i start fidgeting in simple social interactions,I physically can't be in a crowded place(i start sweating&shaking,everything goes dark,my heart races,I went to the hospital and got a checkup but they said there's ntn wrong with me),I get sooo mad when ppl touch my stuff&I don't talk for days when I get mad,n my mom told me I didn't start talking until I was 3 that they were worried there was sth wrong with me,I can't hold eye contact,I've always been the shy girl but I was doing good for the most part but the past few years, everything i've been improving about myself started deteriorating...0 freinds, it's almost as if I forgot how to make a simple sentence when speaking,i've reached to a point where I can't even go out of my room.Idk maybe I have undiagnosed autism cause i've heard its symptoms are similar.What should I do?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey fellas
Iet me tell u smtg am great worker and respect man in my family because of my behavior but this happens..

Let me explain am 21 years guy and i have 1 sis and she have best friend who came home once in a week or something like that they chill and have fun when they are together……… but me and my sis best friend exchange phone number for work purpose and we finished that, after that we started conversation day to day that conversation go deep ,she love photo and i will ፎቶ ማንሳት her and we enjoy secretly without my sis knowing
,one day she came home when my sis is not home then after we enjoy the day we fucked then after that we are not afraid to do anything in home secretly but now am not happy with that thing i want to stop but she said nooo she love with that drama ,all family know her as my sis best friend and they love her ,so she ማስፈራራት me by saying i will told them(for family and my sis) no problem for my family but for my sis its hard cuz they will break their 13 years best friendship i don’t want to see that happening ,because my sis wont forgive me

I beg her but that girl wont listen me what can i do .....if that thing goes like this it will end up badly,so i must stop it right here


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello ppl I hope u r good... The thing is now days am becoming ashamed to talk to my highschool friends and cousins, when we meet on the break☹️.. Because there is always that mayker tyake "what is new in ur life?"guys plz leave me alone. I know what u wanna hear nd in related to such staff,my life just stuck at some pt. I have nothing to tell u other than class issues🤷‍♀️😔I can't tell u about my boy besties, I can't tell you 'bout that one dude who loves me much, I can't tell u that am in love with that sweet guy coz my life is too far away from such things uk when I was in highschool I used to think that University will be different but hell no AAU is just my 2nd highschool..don't know If u understand me but not having such experiences and hule ene ga mnm adis neger yelem eyalu memeles sucks😔uk salfelgm bihon rasen kesewoch gar compare endaderg ygefafagnal. I'm not that type of girl who can easily communicate with all, I don't enjoy going out.There is no where to go in that sefere selam tho🤧😁, I don't even wanna go out of my dorm, unless It is mandatory. so sometimes I feel like how such thing can occur bezi bahriye no hope unless I change my personality .. but at the same time,I just want to be loved in the way I'm.I want to hv stories which I can share with..It feels good to vent hv a good time😊


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Let me start by saying my situation is complicated. I am about to get married and my soon to be husband has the best qualities i am looking for in a man. The problem is he has a girl best friend. They have been friends for a long time and he has this weirdly special place in his life not just him but his family as well. From all the things me,my friends and family noticed it looks like she has feelings for him but the thing is he doesn't see it at all. He sees her like sisterish.
The thing is besu and his family ayen she is the most selfless, meskin person who doesn't do any harm so when ever i say something about her i become the bad guy. Like i said they have wired relationship and i stopped most of the things they used to do together like (having dinner, she calls him mata and other things) when our relation became more serious and now without me present aygenagnum minamin becha yalachew realtion endikenes aderkugn but now she went and started hanging around his family especially his mom. becha i don't know what to do i can't remove her from his life cause well she is not just involved in his life but his family as well. I wanted to talk to her and set some boundaries but am scared she would twist my words and make me the bad guy. So i need your advice on what to do. HELP!


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have a confession to make.
I've heard people say that I should wait until I find a woman I love till I loose ma virginity but I don't think that's a good idea. If we break up she'd be the woman I loved and gave my virginity to. It'll just be too painful. And my sexual tension is very high I have no idea what to decide.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there
I am 25F
I have been together with my boyfriend for 4 years now. But lately he doesn’t text me or call me for 3 days if I didn’t call or text.he says he was busy and had some problems which i asked about but mnm change ayametam benegresh alegn and for context when i was college i told not call me since I had strict parents but text was fine. Is this okay and I feel im not important to him anymore.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Let the story unfold, a tale of chaos and conflict.

I'm a complicated person, driven by emotions that elude understanding. Feelings? They escape me, as I wander in a realm of detachment. Relationships? Mere playthings in the game I engage in. Many women have crossed my path, unknowingly becoming part of my grand plan. You might think I'm talking about causing harm, but oh, how wrong you would be. The truth is much darker.

In my early thirties, blessed with height and charm, I thrive in a world where manipulating women seems as easy as breathing. They are fascinating beings, but they often fall for the wrong type. It amuses me to see them succumb, their hearts entangled with the monster I've become. It seems they ignore the warnings from their own minds. But enough about them; let me share a recent revelation...

Ten months and two weeks ago, I stumbled upon a woman unlike any other. Naturally funny, stunningly beautiful, and intelligent, she possessed a magnetism that defied her misfortune. At first, I had no intention of deceiving her, as I believed I had left manipulation behind. But fate had other plans. Drawn by an invisible force, I approached her, and the spell was cast. She fell for me, just like that famous apple falling on Newton's head. But here's the ironic part: I fell for her too.

Throughout my life, I've encountered many women, their desires laid bare, begging for my attention. But this woman... she's different, special. Her innocence combines with her intelligence, blinding her to the impending ruin I will bring upon her. As I look into her eyes, my hands gently touching her face, I whisper a truth she can't comprehend. "You don't know the real me," I say. And in response, she utters those fateful words, "Yes, but I know your love for me is genuine, and my love for you is unwavering." Little does she understand that I am the embodiment of her worst nightmares. And so, I run away. I leave that adorable, innocent, and brilliant soul all alone.

Isolated, she stands, with few friends to rely on. She depended on me, her only confidant, her source of support. Undoubtedly, confusion and heartbreak plague her fragile heart. She wonders why I vanished, why I abandoned her at the height of her happiness. For the first time in my life, I feel remorse. I'm haunted by her memory, unable to escape the grip of her presence. Oh, how I wish she would stumble upon this confession, this release of my tormented soul. Though it would cause her immense pain, she would finally grasp the extent of the harm I could inflict upon her. You may believe you have the power to change me, dear Lil, but alas, I have gone too far down this treacherous path. The damage within me is irreversible, a testament to the depths of my broken psyche.

For I am a captivating enigma, incapable of feeling, except when it comes to you.

#MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi there
I'm so angry and frustrated right now. I feel like nothing is going my way. I have so much work to do, and so little time. I can't seem to catch a break. Everything is piling up on me, and I don't know how to handle it.

I hate feeling this way. I hate feeling helpless and hopeless. I hate feeling like I'm not good enough, or smart enough, or strong enough. I hate feeling like I have no control over my life. I hate feeling like a failure.

Why does this have to happen to me? Why can't I have some peace and happiness? Why can't I have some support and encouragement? Why can't I have some fun and joy? Why can't I have some success and satisfaction?

I wish things were different. I wish I could change my situation. I wish I could solve my problems. I wish I could achieve my goals. I wish I could live my dreams. I wish I could be happy.

But I don't know how. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to start. I don't know who to ask. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to cope.

I just want to scream. I just want to cry. I just want to vent.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, this is not a vent
so, i have been on this channel for a while and i have seen a lot of peoples vents and a lot of people just need someone that hears them.they just want somebody that is there for them that just listens and i feel that i know how it feels to have no one.and this idea came to my mind oneday'' it is not just me who goes through this'' bezu alen.becha ahun i have this thing it has been a while since i started it , people call me and they just say what is on their mind,how their day was,things that bothers them becha we just talk(no judgement )i feel like there are a lot of u here that need this.ena if u want someone to call,to talk to,if u want advice,if u want just to get it off ur chest just call.(+251707550388)am here.
p.s it is all free😊

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Lii
I need to vent
i was in grade 8 or 7 ena i used to do things that i don't give a permission to do, and lemme tell u the most weirdest thing i do😁. It was Monday ke class simeles they( my family) asked me to babysit my little brother in salon. Keza enesu wchi  verenda lay tekemetu while closing the door. Then i start playing with him and i get depressed neger keza tenesche fridge wst yetekemete cake neber( ende tlant ye sis birthday tekebro neber) then awetahut ena half korshe i stared eating, but the cake was almost freeze so i couldn't chew the cream part. i was so scared and  because if they found me i would be dead, i also couldn't get a chance to go out and throw the rest, so  i ate the softest part ena master bedroom wedalew 🚽toilet heje sink wst chemerku ena i flushed it. Then i said " thanks God i survived" , but when i am about to close the sink i saw the  frozen cream coming out of the sink , my eyes bursted into tear then mnm madrge alchalkum ke sinku wst awtichew BELAHUT!😭 , kezi hulu miyasaznegn neger binor gn i could hide the cream then wedemata awtche metal echil neber... but i ate it😭 ena lemanim altenagerkum.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
all I feel is pain endless pain I always imagine becoming someone before the day I leave from here , I guess that would be a lie am telling myself at this point I give up on everything reactly I was thinking killing my self then stop all the pain • what will be the point if I keep living here there is a chance am going to hell , if I kill my self am going hell too right but at list the pain here will stop my second opinion will be selling my virginity my mind tell me it can help me to go far from where I am and start a new life but I don't think my heart can accept this , I don't think I can go through with this plan
Just like I don't think I can stop all the pain am feeling
Why do we keep living if all we feel is pain ?am tired am very tired of living this life


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I'm ruined
So lately I've been so fucking down, te lowest time in my life is my present. I have a good job with good salary, have no worries about how I spend or whether to go to work or not, I dont date I only fuck around and I'm working on other personal projects too but I fell like I'm not shit. I cant track time, like yesterday and last year are similarly way to far and I don't have Hope's or exitemtes for tomorrow. I used to love meeting new people and so but now I dont even care about the ones I know, it's been 2 years since i kissed not coz I couldn't but coz I didn't want too, so I need that spark that was in me, I need to feel the love, joy, happiness, the pain and everything about life, I wana recover and have anormal life like the old days, if not maybe this life is not for me or should i go. Help me out😣

#MentalIllness #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Mefetere yastelagnal.....was our existence optional?.....this is my question.......i fuck up on a daily existence which I hate the most....the absurdity of my day to day life ......i feel like a cosmic joke ......i am poor.....i am a university student in a southern university in ethiopia....and I am in an existential crisis.....i don't like God.....I prefer sataan more.......bc at least evil motivates.....but the concept 'God?'.....useless
For me it is existence which is befitting me.
Everywhere I go I see injustice.....and who fixes it.....God😂😂😂
God is useless.....but,when I also try to establish my uselessness too.....I am so fucked up.....whosoever causes and perpetuates this misery is the enemy of mankind.....and that is 'God'......i support the idiom of nietzsche......however, it hasn't started operating in our country.....God is dead and we have killed him ....
My catch phrase is this 'aventas satanas '....may the evil one take his place


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Everyone pretends to care about mental health until the person is struggling with basic hygiene, is isolating themselves 24/7,is avoiding and pushing everyone, isn't eating properly, sleeps half the day, is harming themselves and etc.
Everyone pretends to understand what being fucked in the head is like, but they only know the romanticised and sexualized and attention seeking typa "mental health difficulties"
They don't know how pathetic it feels to ask someone for help due to the fear of being called "chemlaka men golobish/golobih"
So what I'm trynna say is... Don't tell, them, they don't gaf keep crying in private trust me
Even your own family hates you when you're not normal💔

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Fanuel
I need to vent
Hello Sisters and Brothers, I have been reading your vents here and it seems like a lot is going on in your lives, I am just here to tell you that everything is going to be ok, let go and let the hand of God direct your path forward, and if any of you want to consult a person privately on your matters, be it emotional, psychological, spiritual or any life matters I am here, be free and open to talk. My heart felt warm love to all of you facing challenges in your life, remember THIS TO SHALL PASS. Much Love to all of you brave enough to vent and look for help.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Yo, need to spill some thoughts here. So, I've been rocking it with my girl for a solid 3 years, right? Then bam! University happened. Second year at University, and I cross paths with another chick. Now, my main squeeze is chilling in Addis, and here's the kicker - I caught feelings for both of them. I'm not about losing either because, damn, they're both into me.

Now, the tricky part – they're like day and night. First one's all calm and wifey vibes, you know? The second? She's younger, a bit toxic, but crazy in love with me.

Feeling hella confused, fam. What's your take on this rollercoaster? Hit me with your opinions.

#School #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I am so romantically lonely. I have had one kiss in the last 4 years. It came from a person that I hurt very deeply. Since then I have been rejected three times by three different people. It's not like I liked them or anything. I had only a crush on them not enough to go up and ask out. I don't think I am ugly or smth.....I just can't seem to score a date. I am soo touch deprived. I feel sooo happy whenever someone hugs me. I had some nights where I hug my pillow thinking it's another person. I have friends tho, a couple of them. I know that I am loved by my friends and they are soo cool. I am just purely romantically lonely. I hate myself whenever I am like this. I just want to end fr 😭.

#MentalIllness #Melancholy #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey hide my identity
I'm 18f grade 12 student Idk where to start but this couple of months have been really tough for me like the stress from school I have alot of family issues too and I'm not in a good relationship with my friends ena I really wanna be successful like I wanna work be rich like everybody else ena I heard about forex ena I learned everything got the book mnamn ena my friend told me he would give me the money to start working and eventually I'll pay him back but now that the time is here he ghosted me ena I'm freaking out idk what to do pls and advise will do I really need it

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Family

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