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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey everyone, I need to vent a bit. So, I found myself in a bit of a friend zone predicament. It all started when I met this person online, and we decided to take our connection offline with an in-person meeting. We went for a walk, had some great conversation, and then planned to grab a bite at a café. But just before heading in, they dropped the bombshell: we're just friends, right? I was caught off guard and, in the moment, just went with it, brushing it off. We continued hanging out, having simple conversations and enjoying each other's company, but I hesitated to make any romantic moves, worried about misreading the situation.
I've paid for our outings, not because I felt obligated as a man, but because it seemed like the right thing to do in those moments. Now, she's invited me to her birthday party, but I couldn't attend, partly because of scheduling conflicts, but also because I'm unsure about the dynamics between us. Should I seize the opportunity and make a bold move, like going in for a kiss? I'm torn and could use some advice. What are your thoughts on this?

#Friendship #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
...ሰው መውደድ ግን ሲከብድ አንዳንዴስ ባላወኩህ እላለሁ ...እስከ ጨለማዬ ብኖር (  ሳውቅህ አይደል የወገገግልኝ  ስቀርብህ አይደል የበራልኝ¿)ስወድህ ልክና ገደብ አጥቻለሁ ምን ተሻለኝ ይሆን? ቆይማ ምን ባደርግ የኔ ትሆናለህ ?ለነገሩስ አሻፈረኝ ብለህ ሸሽተህ የለ ግን ይገርመኛል የቱ ጋር ምኑ ጋር እንደወደኩልህ ራሱ አላውቅም እኮ🥺 እንጃ እልህም እንደሁ ብዬ ካንተ ሸሽቼ አየሁት ብሶብኝ አረፈ እንጂ መቼ አስታገሰልኝ 😩 ውዴዋ ዛሬም ድረስ ሳስብህ ከፊቴ  የሚቀድመው በዛች ቀን የኖረህ ሞገስና ውበት ነው(ሰው እንዴት እንዲህ ያምራል🌸) ሆዴዋ ጠረንህን እኮ ከየቱንም ሉባንጃ ከየቱም ሽቶ የማይነፃፀር  የማይረሳ ድምቀት ነው¿ ❣️ አባቴዋ ናፈከኝ እኮ 🖤ምን ይሻለኛል ግን? እስኪ ደግሞ ልሂድ አዛኝቷ ጋር ትሰጠኝ እንደሁ  ዳግም ልለምናት💜


#School #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Have u ever felt a burden for someone whom u don't won't to be? Anyone who is reading my vent I want u to tell me ur perspective about friendship. Like what's friendship???

I thought I was right about my definition but I guess I'm not. After joining collage things were never like they used to be. when I was a kid I gave a big value to my friends my sis always said love ur friends but don't trust them too much I didn't heard her and end up being in mess. The friendship I thought it would didn't. But I'm not that sad now because I have a good friend. A friendship that lasted for 10 and half years which I'm proud of. They're other friendship too. But after joining collage it became hard to make a friend. There might be a problem with in me but still I just see the bad things. They say collage is the best year of ur life but here I am couldn't make a decent friendship. The so called friend I have right now she's good in her way but the last weekend she literally cuts me from all of the things that bound us when I asked her why she said she's not giving and taking any advantage from this thing so she don't want it anymore at that time I kinda understand her because even myself when I make u my friend I always see what kind of advantage I get form the friendship. But then the friend I told u about(my 10 year friend) when I told her about this situation she said "what kind of friendship is that? Like I make u my friend and I just want u to stay that's all" and it make me to sit and think. Of course it's selfish of me trying to look advantages form friendship I swear I was not like this but things happen and I became like this and if u ask me " why are u sad when ur collage friend told u that u're like her too" my answer will be I didn't expect it to come I thought we were friends the real ones and I didn't expect her to say it in my face to. It feels like she said " u're such failure a burden to me"( we used to do a lot of things beside studying)

Anyways thank you for reading and pls don't forget to stat ur definition of friendship.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Why do I do anything?
What's my reason for doing the things I do?
What would I accomplish before my time in this world comes to a close?
What am I afraid of? Why do I feel the need to hide behind a mask?
Has the trauma I encountered in life actually paralyzed my ability to move on and live?
Was I able to fix my inferiority complex? Is it still present in my life?
Will I stop being afraid of everyone and stop doubting them? Will I ever be what I want to be in life?
Will I ever be happy? Content? Confident? Present in life?
These are questions that plague me every day. But this hell of a life needs questioning simply because letting it pass by me is not an option I'll be able to accept anymore. There needs to be a change in perspective in how I view things. My outlook on life is flawed and has been consistently reaffirmed by the many warped thoughts that I entertained when I was in a dark place. So if anyone here has been able to break the perpetual cycle of insecurity and sadness, I would appreciate it if you would point me in the right direction.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent / advice
Fresh man student at AAU and i LOVE mechanical stuff and i want to learn mechanical engineering because i grew up working in a garage with mydad but I also struggle so hard with math and physics so much ever since I started to go to school and i know math and physics are the main courses for mechanical and everybody says mechanical is sooo hard ,I don’t know what to do, im already struggling in freshman level math and physics imagine when it’s applied physics and math i even barely passed matrik because of math and physics
I really don’t know what to do at this point because I’m not really interested in other courses
Also im self sponsored in AAU meaning I’m paying shit ton of money which is making contemplate just leaving school and work with my dad as mechanic but i also want/need to at least have a degree in engineering
What do you guys suggest I should do pls help me thanks 🙏


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Why does my mom talk shit about my dad to mean I mean she annoys me when she does that I can’t say stop cuz she is my mom but she can’t stop talking bad about him and his families, why is that my dads side of families are good people all they do is take care of me for her also they take good take of here still she doesn’t mention the good things they did all she did is complain about them why? Is it just my mom or what? Also tell me something what your mom does that annoys you


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
.I've been feeling a bit uncertain about something and I could really use some advice. You see, there's this young woman who has caught my attention, and I find myself really drawn to her. She's just 19, and I'm 23, which makes me wonder if there's a significant age difference. However, she seems quite mature for her age. I can't quite explain it, but there's something about her that really captivates me.

She has these captivating eyes and long hair, and her overall appearance is just so charming with those rosy cheeks. I've never been very attracted to girls in the past, but somehow, I've found myself falling for her. I've never encountered anyone quite like her before. I've been in a couple of relationships before and have gotten to know many other girls, but she just seems different.

I guess I'm a bit hesitant because of her age but at the same time I feel a strong connection with her I haven't told her how I feel yet as I'm not sure how to approach the situation I'd really appreciate your thoughts and advice on this matter


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ለመላው የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች እንኳን ለ 1445ተኛው የ ኢድ አልፈጥር በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ

Eid Mubarak  ኢድ ሙባረክ

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Okay here is the thing I found out that my dad has been cheating on mom. He looks Soo innocent and chewa eko😭😭😭.... Imagine he is always picking up issues even smaller ones and nags her all the time.. like chekechk new hule mom miskin nat yegnan hiwot lemekeyer yemetlefa esun endet endemetnkebakebew say demo yibelt aznalew... Ena demo lijetua( the one he's cheating with) Ye ene ekuya bethon new... Asbut eski... Ena bechinket mabede new leman lenager? Le mom benegrat ategodam? what would you do???


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I don't know why am i venting about this but i am 21 yo man who lived with depression half of my life ena 5 yrs ago my mom took me to mental clinic because my mental health declined that my mom noticed i used to take tramadol and other pills, i started weed and cigarette, most of all i used to watch porn(brutal ones) so i went to clinic me and the doctor had a good talk he gave me meds i took them beka regularly ena i was ready to stop everything because i love my mom i don't want to let her down so i quit, everything in one night plus the meds worked, so i finished highschool plus i joined college besided i started working so it's been 5 yrs since i quit the meds too, ena gn the depression is still here whole five years, so ahun lay through some business crisis plus no friends plus college plus i love by female bestie(coward to tell her) plus everyone even my mom don't allow me to gireve beka hulum sew ayredagnim so i started alcohol and cigarette back it hides me from the scrumble, so i became sucidal again gn demo the girl.i told you about she is worth living for(yk people used to get away from me coz i was addict, quite, loner not good looking) gn she dont care endemalreba eyawekech lene yalat bota leyu new ene demo insecure negn mknyatum wey habtam adelehu wey techawach adelehu, wey i dont try to look good(mental issue techawtobgnal) so i am insecure to tell her(i dont think no one would love me) so i decided to try again in life ngl i  reduced my cigarette intake into 1 a day, i almost don't drink at all, gn when i try to feel good i can't so to be a better man i want to restart the meds ena when i went to the clinic it is closed, ena i think about having a fake prescription with previous dosage go to pharmacy and buy the meds so i can feel human again, because i can't afford to play 1.5k per consultation plus i don't have time so please give me your ideas is it so bad? I mean i used to take it before so,
Please put advice.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #HealthComplications #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I want to get married! With all the shinanigans, and till this thought pops into my mind i was one of the ቀንደኛ ተከራካሪ  for why marriage  is a worst decision a person can go through. And trust me it shocked me to have this new realization.

And that one  person that i wanna be with is invading my mind. The one who got a character, who got his on flows, who accept my flows  ብቻ ብቻ my heart is going a thousand mile per sec when i think about him and I DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HIM!

This not the worst part. Me being raised in a huge family (we could make a ሠፈር) i always thought that the point of  ድግስ is just a waste of everything. But now  i want them all there at my wedding, me with that perfect dress, my grandparetns, all my aunts, all those የሠፈር አሮጊቶች, all my friends, every single ዘመድ... ብቻ ብቻ

And yet that is not  the worst. The worst is that i want all this because i know it will make me happy, i know i wanna have children, i want to raise them. And  i want to be a good wife, who take care of the home, the kids and my man. I don't  why till now i viewed being a housewife as a bad thing, but right now me thinking about it in every 360 degrees, it is just perfect

And lord help me, it is driving me crazy, and maybe running my life  because, i don't  even  go on to second dates thinking that that person isn't  right, not what i am looking for.   And while looking for that person, i am honestly lonely and within the years i saw men the way i saw, it is fucking hopless😭, may not completely  ብቻ ብቻ....


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I've been on this journey to find someone special to share my life with, but lately, it's been like I'm in a weird puzzle. The people I meet are all about money, fun, and fancy stuff, which is cool, but it's not what I'm really after. I've been hurt before, and that's just life, you know? It's confusing, though. I'm a decent, loyal, caring guy who's just looking for a real connection. I make a good living, but I'm not into the whole club and party scene. It's like everyone I meet is on a different wavelength. What's your take on this mess? Don't hit me with the usual "the right one will come along" stuff – I'm all ears for something more.

#Friendship #Family #HealthComplications #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello everyone
       I will be 26 after 20 days ahhh 😒 you have know idea men yahel endmikochg like ende enante ezi ga vent endemtargut 19-24 behon noro or memels bechel bezu negr bastkakel elalw...
Ena zare lengrachu yemflgew negr what i learn from my past new...

  Betsera betlwet leraseh new weyem lerasesh new almelwetm after broke up tesbro mekrtm mercha new so ahun lay relationship lay lalachu ememkrachu negr...

1.limit yenorachu ye mafker yehone ken setlyayu emayhon gudat endayders its include family to too much attach athunu manem zelalmawi yelem yehone ken enat weyem abat ehet wendem matatchn aykerm gen ya negr egan liyakom aygebam meknyatum yegnebanw manent kelal adelm bezu keflnbetal gize atftnbetal so leytgawm sew limit yenuren...

2.if you went healthy relationship be negroch zuriya mawrat becha adelm tetalu tetalu selachu be hasab yane new emitew ena emaytew negr emtlyut enji endzi zemblo eshi eshi ende esua belag esu belog ayseram ya healthy adelm yeslechal yehone time yatalal ya demo tsesebo yekreme yale felagot yehone negr new endaydebrw eytbale esuan kemikfat eyalk bomb new westachu yemikmetw...

3.your friends your family ke relationship wechi nachw even bayaku yemretal lemn lalachu teru teyake ante weyem anchi felgachu emtargut negr yenoral ya lenante new lek yehonew le family layhon yechelal sex alargachum teru enkuan ya guadega meto ante fara selalh anchi man selhonsh new selalsh endatgbi endatgba behuala emtgodut both nachu betlod bemn letasadgu yehe ye 10k serg sergachu keza be chger lijun letbsu new so asotu betseb ena guadegan...

4. erashun busy argu class yelem megnaget sera yelem megenaget teru adelm even selk hula chat atabzu beka yehone yeraschun quality time le rasachu setu men eysrahu new belu yehone ken setnka bado ejehn neh esua tedar teflgalch keza teyayzo wede gedel new man betley wendoch ebakachu think about your future be kelalu sera emtwetaw life aynorhm lij simeta bezu responsibility new eminorew..

5.setoch demo ebakchu betchlu yehe horny yehone bfsh sex kalargen selale or anchi anatesh lay selweta ategi behuala betseb new emtasokshiw kemanm argeza meta tebaylsh plus asbiw lijsh men aynt hiwet endmigbaw asbiw ena keza lemtgatum tedrshalesh betley 19-22 yalachu asebu....

Yehe ene kasalfkut yemta new thanks to God yaw yetshale girlfriend baywetalgm biyans temrialw beya asbalw yane endza horny bemhonbet seat welja bihon asbewalw men yahel damage endmftsem hiwete lay yene becha adelm ye mistem ye lijem hiwet alsheshum zor alu yehonal so think about it

#Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm literally addicted to social media esp insta and tiktok. I don't wanna quit but deep down ik i have to I'm 19 university student but I'm always bored if my phone is not around.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey guys this is my first time doing this. I don’t even know how to start.
I am 20 M and a uni student. Life has been hard for me lately. Specially after joining university I couldn’t even properly talk to my dorm mates and I think Ik the reason for this. Growing up I can say I had the most fucked up childhood. My dad passed away when I was seven and that was when things started going down hill. My mom was forced to marry another man for the sake of me and my little sister cuz at that time she didn’t had a job to provide for us. My step dad was one of the best guys I have seen at first but after some time he completely become a new person. He did a lot of messed up shit to me. Long story short he used to beat me so hard and did a lot of things that I can’t talk about to me but I got on with it since I couldn’t do anything about it but that shit affected me mentally so much that I couldn’t even befriend anyone and messed my confidence so much. I thought this thing would be fixed by time but nah man it got even worse I couldn’t make any friends, approach girls even tho I am quite tall and handsome, I even got addicted to a lot of things. Now I am starting to think that this is one of my problems too. Anyways please guys I need ur help so much pls tell me what to do.

#MentalIllness #Family #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Mr Water X
I need to vent
Round 2 of venting
So I was 9 when I had the thought of killing myself and it was with a leather belt and while it was happening I took a faint and woke up apparently, years later when I was 12; I got fed up with life again and I tried to end it with a detergent and still failed, I woke up again after that. Again years when I was 15 similar issue happened tried to hand my self with a rope and failed again. Again years later when I was 18 I tried jumping from a building from the 3 weirdly I survived without a scratch. years later when I was 20 tried that again still failed. years later when covid hit during the pandemic I tried to cut myself for like an hour or 2, the knife was not sharp enough I sharpened it multiple times but couldn't get deep enough then I gave up..... or so i thought so last year multiple families died, one my closest friend which I grew up with died in his sleep before we could meet up then I tried to OD but my brothers came saw me and the math didn't add up to them cuz the amount of pills I took and my state of health didn't make sense to them.
What the is keeping me from what I wanna do?
It's odd for a mind state such as this cuz I came from a stable family and a very very religious one to make it even more clear my father was born of a prophecy type of thing, his dad my grandpa who wanted nothing to do with the world and stay for the rest of his life in a monastery was kept from it cuz the father of that place told him to find a woman and marry her have seven kids and his bloodline should continue. And he was told within the third day of him staying in that monastery. To make it even more weirder my father was the first child (son) who met my mom of a day of the third and got married with in a year of that day which is the third day of the month and gave birth to the day third day of a month 9 months later.
I personally do not feel like I shouldn't exist, but here I am. What should I do? I can't clear my head off of this suicide thoughts, finding no purpose to exist. I just Don't know man.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have this vent that u know that you feel dark soul person comes to u someone like that came to my life recently the worst thing is that person Tells me a whole story of their suffering I'm mean I'm sad for that person but in other way it's getting me depressed but if I try to distance myself that person uses the sickness of the person jesus I mean I really hope their life gets better and get better life to get them about I mean I'm not saying it's bad person but u don't have to share everything to someone u r not close to so why does that person tell and surrounded me with their dark and depressed life we all have problems and we all may wana talk but this far till no pt of return I'm tired I just want to get surrounded with happy and positive behavior

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Melancholy #HealthComplications #Relationship #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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20M. Idk why but I'm fundamentally repulsed by women's biology. It's not women who disgust me, but rather their bodily functions. Thinking about periods, pregnancy and all that makes me nauseous.Last month, I read about some guy fucking his girl while she was menstruating, and I couldn't hold down food for a week. I don't even think I can be near a girl while she's on her period. Even pregnant women weird me out. I feel like a jerk but I can't help it. All this is making it hard for me to have relationships. Last week, my friends set me up with a pretty hot chick and we got together in a cafe, had some drinks and had a good time. Then she got up to go to the bathroom, and there was a red spot on her white skirt. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I bolted immediately. Later, the girl called one of my friends crying and asked why I left. I covered it up and told my friends some excuse and they all thought I was an asshole for leaving without telling her. And they didn't even know the real reason. Never saw the girl again but I shouldn't have done that

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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am I the only one who feels choked?,wore out,trapped but lost at the same time? afraid for a change?wanting something but not sure if I can handle it?am I the only one who's heading to her 20's in a month and so scared of what's next?am I the only who is burning out while doing nothing?am I the only one whose inside feels just like a burning day with a burning overhead sun at a cemetery ceremony?am I the only one who is tired of the surrounding?please tell me I am not the only one who feels so scattered that I want every piece to fade away so quietly and never ever become a one whole conscious piece again.smirk at me and tell me that it's over for me until I'm fully swished & squeezed out to lose the last drip of hope that's left within and become deserted.
or tell me that someone is dreaming and I'm just an element there. shush me and convince me it is supposed to end sooner.what the heck is all this?🥲

#MentalIllness #Melancholy

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there guys.. I need a comment on something. So we were just classmates at first nd then we became friends.she told me everything about her life we started sharing secrets and we became best friends and as days goes by i started to feel a little different when I'm around her , at first I thought it is just a crush and then it got worse i started to think about her the whole time .I told my bestie all about her and he told me I was falling in love with her. At first I didn't want to admit so I ask all my friends and they all say I'm in love. Finally I did admit I'm in love with her and she didn't know. She has a bf it's long distance relationship and I don't know what to do. What is ur idea on this guys?

#School #Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am 23 boy which graduated from univ recently. And i have sera also provide for my family. gene most of the time i feel lonely and i feel like nobody understands me or no one there to talk my real feeling. You know you have many burdens and when you talk to some one you say uff. I never experienced that.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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We're drifting apart. You're too far from me now. I don't know what to do. I can't even talk to you about this and I'm here crying on a vent.
I feel like you hate me but I'm too afraid to ask. I feel like a burden but I can't stop wanting to be with you. I could be thinking this wrong. But I feel like I'm the only one making an effort.
I'm too attached to you. I feel empty and insecure without you. I feel like I'm a mole stuck on you. I don't know how to stop feeling this way. My days are spent on waiting for your calls. All I think about is you. I can't wait to see you everyday but I get this feeling you don't feel the same way.
I know am a lot to handle. Maybe I need to work on myself. Maybe Ive been too dependent on you to heal me like you always do. Maybe I don't know how to control my emotions and that's why I feel this way now. Maybe I'm the one moving away and not you. But I don't think I'll make it. I don't think I can live without you. We're still together, I think we're happy, but I feel like we're ending it soon. All those years were a blessing but I think I ruined it for us. I'm scared. I'm scared of losing you. I don't know what to do to keep you with me. Maybe I need to grow up and not take it personally. Maybe I need to find something else to occupy me. But I can't help it when you look at me that way. I can't help but feel unwanted. I don't know what to do or say anymore. I've been crying over this for a while naf. I haven't been sleeping well. I can't focus on anything.

It'll be okay. It'll be okay. We'll get through this. I really hope we get through this. I'll try to be better. I'll try to work on myself more. I'll try to be less insecure. I'll do anything I can to not lose you. I know this sounds pathetic but you are worth it.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 McDreamy
I need to vent
I'm tired of swiping through dating apps, hoping to find someone who's truly ready for a serious relationship. It seems like everyone I meet is either not looking for anything serious or is too immature to handle a real commitment.

I want someone who's responsible, who knows what they want in life and is ready to build a future together. But it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Every date feels like a waste of time, and I'm starting to lose hope that I'll ever find someone who meets my standards.

I'm not asking for perfection, just someone who's willing to put in the effort and be a partner in every sense of the word. Is that too much to ask for? Why does it feel like all the mature and responsible people are already taken?

I know I shouldn't settle, but the loneliness is starting to get to me. I just want to find someone who I can connect with on a deeper level, someone who's ready to be in a committed relationship. Is that really too much to ask for?

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey everyone, I'm a 24 year old girl with a younger sister that is 20. My sister has been in a long term serious relationship with an older man since she was 17 years old. I didn't like him at first because of their age gap and because she was underage when they met, but she introduced him to me and he seems like a good person. Anyways the point now is that I found out she has been cheating on him with multiple men. To say I was devastated is an understatement. I collected all the proof and sent it to him last week because I don't tolerate that behaviour from anyone, even family. I don't know what happened but I just found out that he chose to stay with her despite everything. I can't help but think she might have manipulated him, but part of me believes he stayed knowing everything and didn't care. What should I do? Should I try to convince him more or leave him alone and let him get hurt more?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
hii, am 21,girl so to make it short am so attracted to older guys like above 26 minamn ena with ma edime ekuyochi yichenkejal beka is that normal🤔?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello there, how are you all please dont pass this post
I am F 21 i am about to graduate from uni i have good grades, the thing is i used to be an extrovert and now i am very tired and overwhelmed, i used to not show my emotion starting from my 20 year old birthday i have faced many traumas and i don't usually tell my emotions to any one exept my best friend and now we are not talking that much, my main problem is starting from last year only old creepy guys want to go out with me and fyi i have never been on a date and every guy who talks to me is either to get with my friends or just to trauma dump on me and now i am wandering why good guys are not attracted to me and also i am hyperindependent most people around me think i have my shit togather bicha generally i am overwhelmed


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I want to shout
I want to scream
Pls tell me where should I scream
I cant get out of the house
And I can't scream in the house cuz there is no place
I cant scream in school or else I will bring more problems
So where shall I scream and heart feels heavy i want to let it out by screaming and shouting as loud as I can

#School #MentalIllness #Melancholy #Agitation #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello guys it’s my first time writing here and I hope you guys help me out, so I met this guy 6 months ago and he’s like 20 years older than me I know it’s huge age gap but I feel comfy around him and he told me he wants to marry me one day ,am really confused and idk what I should do but I really like his support and maturity. Please give me some advice or share if you have been on same situation

#Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Selam ye college 2 tegna amet temari negn ena menorewem ke fam gar sihone enate yamatal ene demo ye ebateu talak lej negn tanashe ehet ena wendemoce alugn abate be sra gudaye minorew lela ketema new ena aberon ayenorm yaw gd yelshe new beza lay ene demo betam mecenek jemerku motherm siyamate beka buzu neger ene lay hone burdenu keza yetenesa mata enkelf alwesd selmilgn ye enkelf medanit mewesed jemerku esu demo le tena tru ayedlm betedegagami ateweseji tebalku ena beka ke chenket melakek alcalkum guys eski endate yehen neger tekotatera cenketen metew endemecel amakrugn tnx


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
)Does it ever end? Will i get over him ? Why does he become nice only once every 2 weeks and disappears once we fuck ?


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