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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
*I realized it’s a long vent after I finished writing and summarizing it, I started writing it at 12:39AM and finished at 1:10AM. You have no reason or responsibility to read all this bull crap but it might benefit your view of things.

As I’m writing this, it’s exactly 12:39AM and I have had a huge stress for about three years now.

Hey, I’m 19 years old guy and I will be a third year university student after two month. Although my age compared to my current educational level may make me appear some sort of genius but I’m not, I’m the furthest person from it.

I read this quote on a book that said “if you have a problem, chances are that someone in the past had them or/and someone in the future will have them” so here is goes.

Point of the matter is, I will be graduating in less than 2 years with a computer science degree. Now a little background on my family, I have an older brother and older sister. My brother, who is the eldest, was seen as a sort of prodigy because he was smart and curious from an early age, but unfortunately he fell into addiction in university but thank God he has recovered fully. Although he is working “not hard but smart” (as he defines it) he is a good for nothing at the moment. My sister is a house wife with a VERY loving family again thanks to God. My parents are what you would call incompatible. All of us think of our mothers as they are the strongest humans out there and I am here to tell you that they are, but unfortunately to my mother she had married what you would call “የዋህ” and my father has been dragging her from her success because he is a fool (not intentionally) now my mom is jobless and my father makes quite literally no profit what’s so ever so we are living from my mom’s savings and that won’t help us last long. I have no grandparents, no inheritance, no land, no cousins, no aunts or uncles, I have nobody except my siblings and parents. Now I’ve told you that my brother is jobless, my sister is jobless, my mother is jobless and my father is a fool who can’t survive in this world. Like I said, I will be graduating soon and I feel like all the burden is on my shoulder with nothing or no one to help me in any way, my parents will get too old to work soon and somebody has to look after them and that somebody isn’t my sister, brother, or anybody. Unfortunately for me I have no skills what’s so ever, I was (not to exaggerate) a prodigy of football and drawing until I was 16 years old which is when I got to 11 grade and I was forced to only focus on studies (which did not do me well or most people) (side note, if you ever have a child please help them grow their talents rather than put me in front of a book 24/7). Since nobody gonna know my identity, might as well tell y’all that I have been thinking about suicide since the age is 16 and the only reason I hadn’t done it till this day is because I know my mother couldn’t handle it and I would gladly go through the worst pain imaginable just to spare her some moment of peace let alone being alive. Now, don’t get me wrong there is nothing that my parents didn’t provide for me but I’m too scared of this burden that I will most probably have to endure pretty soon.

So when you write a comment try to see this from my perspective not from yours. And please, spare me from the “find God” advices, all I need right now isn’t a happy life, health, fame or power. I just need money to make the rest of my mom’s life as joyful as possible, I’d gladly trade my soul to the devil if he came and offer it just to see her relaxed for a moment.

If you made it this far, I’m really thankful because even if you don’t know it or feel it, you have helped me with my problem through only reading it. Thanks!

#MentalIllness #Family #Adult #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi everyone,I'm excited to share my post with you. There's no agenda here, just a heartfelt desire to support this wonderful channel. By posting this, I'm also making a donation. Thank you all for being such an amazing community!Best regards, Y.K ;-) "


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey y’all 25 F okay so long story short after along time I didn’t have a serious relationship I met a guy on Snapchat and like to be clear about the vision u have for him he is a mature guy family guy who thinks about future mnamn he works hard mnamn becha so the case is he wants serious relationship with me I like that to the way we grew up family issues and all that we have suffered both and want to heal from our past mnamn ena I don’t think he a bad guy gn now this happened it’s isn’t been a month since we met and his birthday is coming up in few days less that a week and he is asking me to do it what shall I do Iam so desperate hope I get an advice before next week

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
እንዴት ናችሁ... ምን አልባት ምታስታዉሱኝ ካላችሁ ከላይ ባለው Vent ያው almost 2 አመት ሆኖታል..እናላችሁ አገኘሁት እኮ እራሱ መጣ ደስ አለኝ ግን ሲመጣ ከልቡ አልነበረም እኔም ከሱ ያጣሁትን ፍቅር ሌላ ሰው ጋር ፍለጋ r/p ጀምሬ ነበር ብቻ ብዙ ነገር ተፈጠረ ምናምን አሁን ላይ ከነበርኩበት r/p ወጥቻለሁ ( ደሞ ሌላ ነገር እንዳትሉኝ እሱም በመሃል ጀምሮ ያልተሳካ r/p ነበረው )..

እና አሁን ላይ እናወራለን ፍቅር አልጀመርንም ዝም ብሎም ጉአደኛም አይደለንም አላውቅም ምን እንደሆንን በርግጥ ከአንዴም ብዙ ጊዜ ጠይቆኛል እሺም እንቢም አላልኩትም.. ለምን? ፈራው በጣም ፈሪ ነኝ በሕይወቴ በምንም ነገር አልሰበርም ጠንካራ ነኝ ግን በፍቅር ከተጎዳው በቃ ያበቃልኛል ለዛም ይመስለኛል እንጀምር ሲለኝ ምክንያት ማበዛው...

ጥሩ ሰው ነው እስከማውቀው ግን ፀባዩ አይያዝም በመሃል ሄድኩ ሳይል ይጠፋል በርግጥ የኔም ከባድ ነው መወሰን አልችልም አብሶ በፍቅር ሁለታችንም ego አለብን መሸነፍ አኖድም በዛላይ አሁን ሌላ ሀገር ነው...ብዙ ጊዜ እንደቀበጥ ሴት ነው መሰለኝ የሚያየኝ ችግር ተፈሪያለሽ ይለኛል እሱ ያለበት ሀገር ሄጄ አብረን እንድንኖር ጠይቆኝ እንቢ ስለው እውነት ለመናገር ማን ችግር ይወዳል ግን ዋናው ምክንያቴ እኔ እዚህ ሕይወት አለኝ ስራ አለኝ ማሳካት ምፈልገው አላማ አለኝ እንዴት ይሄን ሁሉ ትላንት ላወኩት ወንድ ልተው ይከብዳል::

እማልክደው ነገር እወደዋለሁ በጣም የምር ( ያው ፍቅር እስከ መቃብር ባይሆንም ) ግን አብሬው ብኖር ቤተሰብ ብንመሰርት ደስ ይለኛል :: ግን ችግሩ እንዴት ሆነ ፍቅር እንዲሰምር አንዳችን መሸነፍ አለብን አይደል... እኔ እንደአቅሜ ብዙ ሞክሪያለሁ ልረዳው ግን እሱም እንደኔ ፈሪ ነው ዉስጡን አይገልፅም የሆነ ነገር ሕይወቱ ዉስጥ ሲፈጠር ወይ ስራ ሲበላሽበት ዝም ብሎ መጥፋት ይወዳል ከዛ ምንም እንዳልሆነ ካቆመበት መቀጠል ይሄ ደሞ ለኔ ይከብዳል ሴት አይደለሁ ማውራት ፈልጋለው ስሞክር ምጨቃጨቅ ይመስለዋል በቃ እሺ ብዬ ተወዋለሁ ሲበርድለት እራሱ በፍቅር ያወራኛል...

ግን እስከ መቼ እንደዚ አይከብድም? ነው ወይስ እኔ ወንድን ልጅ አያያዝ አልችልበትም? ግራ ገባኝ እኮ ብዙ ማውቃቸው ሰዎች 2 3 4 5 እና ከዚያ በላይ በ ፍቅር ቆየን ሲሉ ይገርመኛል.. የምር በፍቅር ብቻ ነው ወይስ ያልነገሩኝ ብዙ ይቅር የተባባሉበት ጉዳይ, በ ጭቅጭቅ ያሳለፉት ለሊቶች, የተጣሉበት ጊዜያት ነበሩ? ወይስ ለሰዉ ሕይወት ቀላል ሆኖላቸው ነው?

ቆይማ ሴቶች ወይ በፍቅር ብዙ አመት የቆያችሁ ሰዎች ምንድነው ሚስጥሩ እስቲ ጀባ በሉኝ እንዴት ነው ብዙ አመት የቆየላችሁ ቆይ አትጣሉም? እስከምን ድረስ ነው ይቀር ምትባባሉት? ጥፋት ሲኖርባችሁ አምናችሁ ይቅርታ ትጠይቃላችሁ ወይስ እንደኔ ego ያሸንፋቹሃል? ቆይ ምን ላድርግ ምንስ ላስተካክል? ስንት የሆንኩለትን ሰው በማይያዘው ፀባዬ ድጋሚ ላጣው ነው እስቲ ምከሩኝ ልምዳቹን አካፍሉኝ..

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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You say you love me, but you love her. I love him, but I think about her even in my sleep.

Imagine the first time you saw her, her eyes captured your heart. But what if her beauty faded? What if her long hair was cut, her character changed, and she became sick? Would you still be with her?

Would you stay by her side through her moans of pain? Would you still race to be with her, tell her you love her, and kiss her? Would you still show her the same humility and respect?

Now think about yourself. If the one you first saw lost their beauty, wealth, and health, if their perfect manners turned to pride, would you still love them?

Tell me, is your love from the heart or just words? Is it shown in your actions or just what you say?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone, I want some advice from you guys. I was in a relationship with a guy for two years then we broke up and now we are back together. The problem is I have to literally beg for his attention. He replies to my texts very late and I am starting to hate myself for this specific reason. I love the guy. How do I fix this? Help?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent student
Why am I f##ng nonsensical......why was I created?
not a single element of my will constituted.....I am a psychopathic student you can say that I am ted Bundy(the Ethiopian one)....truly ... my intentions may be  considered as a defiance to the society.mastrubation mitigates those circumstances being evil....I mean not hurting people ...the urge dissepates after the "jerk off".


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Have you ever thought about living your future without regret ? I just want to leave a life completely without a regret i know everyone makes a mistake in life but once i know my mistake and try to correct my mistake i will not feel it but these days i am really so sad like i know i want to be free from regret but i am bot understanding my Dad as much as i do i know i am trying my best but you know he is struggling financially he is trying to do what he can but i am not understanding him right like my someone who is so rich but my life is not like that like i want really big things but i don't have the small thingd like i k kw i need a car i don't have one but if i can i want a ford and that's the problem what i have and what i want is not thay what i can afford at the moment i know i will male every littel more than what i think but for the moment it doesn't fill right so what shall i do i don't want to upset my dad i know he is filling bad because he is noy providing what i want so pls save our relationship .


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey am 27 and living at home with my family i work for them and i hav a bad relationship with my parents i dont know y but i keep disrespecting them (they are not nice to me too ) but i should b greatfull for the thing they do for me they raised me as a princess…i keep acting like a victim and like a brat i used to make my self believe am alwayes right but now that i c my self am really bad…i really need help


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Greetings to u all M20
Have u ever experienced being with someone that u don't love? And wish them to hate u? The sad part is u r their last hope not to be a cruel and evil person.This makes me feel like I'm suffocated and have a harsh burden.

When someone loves u too much but you don't love them back and do not want to be with them then if they kill themselves, is it ur fault or?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
What's the problem?

What's the problem of sharing bills on first date?

What's the problem in being loyal and trust worthy?

What's the problem in believing in true love?

What's the problem with being Virgin?

What's the problem about loving to cook?

What's the problem about caring for a man?

What is the FUCKING problem???

This generation is being messed up it pisses me off!!!
Why can't we be just like old times where people believed in love and care for each other??
All I see is lust and hatred in people's eyes...
What happened to "I love you, I care for you, stay healthy,  eat well"
Now it's just" give me money, let's have sex, I hate him/her, I cheated"

Do we really have to give up?? Like this is the end?

I can't be the only one who still has hope in people I've been batrayed by the people i loved too but i still believe in love, I still love all religion and races, it still pains me when i see hungry people, I still care for people you have no idea how much I cry reading some sad vents here and I want to reach out so bad but again I feel like am the only one trying.

I'm not emotionally stable person maybe that's why am freaking out in the middle of the night.

I feel like am overreacting but if you're like me please stay like that, don't lose your humanity I don't know what it'll get us in the end but just hang in there...

#MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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26M ,living in adama.
I had 2 failed relationship Ena ahun lay ketayum relationship fail yemiyareg yimeselegnal ....I don't think I can get married I have to think about arranged marriage ?😁 bilo tagabito arifo menor bc if I date and go with the flow there will become another failed relationship ...I think zim biye judge aderigalew  or demo zim biye red flag efeligalew leza nw fail miyaregibign

Anyways help me guys


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent

Urgent 🫡
Let me be Straight I can't move on. Why is it so hard to forget her it has been 3 years ,  she got another man  and married  him this week. I tried to start a real relationship, but when I couldn't find her in them, I ghost them without the way break up kaderegn after 1 year mnamn  buhala awurten  she told me she want to marry because of her family.
Before she married i know i will not marry her b/c graduate adrge my own business yejemerkut this month new. Idk why i can't still stop thinking about her why it's hard to forget her..if there's any related issues, please tell me how you guys made it.

#Friendship #Family #Melancholy #HealthComplications #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am so lost somebody help its been 3 years since i have graduated and i haven’t done anything with my life no job no scholarships no business i am just burning my age , i have always been successful in education i was the top student in school got in the best university in the country got the best grades but i just can’t win life i am stuck, the thing that disappoints me the most is the disappointment in my mothers eyes after graduating that i am no longer her golden son that i became a deadbeat it pains me when i hear everyone is mocking her for her son the son they have been praising before graduating , not to say i didn’t try but i look up jobs day and night apply scholarships on the daily but nothing seems to work , i faked my cv after a year and i only managed to get an interview once because of my fake experience even that didn’t work out , my friends all got jobs its not a good pay but at least it better than nothing and even worse that i know people in my university that became millionaires without even graduating working for silicone valley companies , my girlfriend ditched me seeing i am a deadbeat when she got a job right after graduating, 3 years no progress recently i been trying to start upwork and stuff but don’t know where to start i have no guidance also multiple failures to get a decent usa scholarship even canada , bro sometimes i contemplate suicide not that i would do it but you know if this is my life laying on my bed all day what the point of living also whats the point of leaving only getting paid 5k per month like my close friends which i haven’t seen for over 10 months at least i would settle for that pay if it were remote , i had high hopes for my life you know i had big planes to develop a sick ass app which would make me millions but couldn’t do cause I can’t code, but i can do anything tech related jobs i just can’t make money out of it, my life is just a cycle of short comings. I am reaching out for help


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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22 male
Ykefagnal, out of nowhere i feel the emptiness of my life, no friends and my love(bestfriend and i love her) is avoiding me, lost 90% of my income, over dues, bills, rent, mortgage, and i am sad, because it would be easier if i have someone i could open up to, lost it all and my phone is dry now, everybody calling with their problems not to check me, phone rings.. hey i just need this, this.. i am like sure or maybe sorry i can't... they say bye. many days and every phone calls not a single soul asked me how was me, how i am coping with loss, noone is there for me, i walk into a room greet everyone with smile and sit quitely coz noone really cares, tbh i used to like the lonliness but recently when i get apart from people i get anxious, depressed just a bunch of feelings at once, it is getting worse,  everyday is going harder and i am here trying to keep up with everything going on, put my headphones and relate the songs but when i put my phone down and be with me, leka wendm yaleksal, i just feel the tears in my cheek,
Finally to the girl i love(and never told her) fuck my life would be 50% better from this if you wasn't selfish u was the best and i killed the gangster in me and put my walls down, done everything i could and u think u could just be on and off with me, just so u could be free to entertain all the guys in ur dms, fyi i am not fine, and i am exhausted of everything but u don't care coz you have me, me to be there for you and i dont have you or anyone for me, i am having episodes and zoneouts but i couldn't even talk about those coz u r busy when i need you, and available when u need me, let it be then, yehun there is nothing i could say more.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ugh, I can't stop beating myself up over what happened with my ex-girlfriend. We were together for almost 5 years, and I made her so many promises that I ultimately failed to keep. I was young and stupid, thinking it would be easy to overcome our religious differences, but I was so wrong.

She gave me everything - her heart, her trust, even her virginity. She believed in me completely, and I let her down. Whenever we argued, she would throw our religious divide in my face, and I know deep down she was terrified of us growing apart because of it. I should have done more to reassure her, to show her that I was committed to making it work no matter what. But I didn't, and now I have to live with that.

It's been a year since we last spoke, and I see her posts on social media - she seems so depressed. I can't help but feel like I ruined her life. I was her first love, and I took advantage of her vulnerability. I promised her the world, the family she always dreamed of, and I couldn't deliver.

Now I'm in a good relationship with someone else, someone who truly loves me back, and I'm grateful for that. But the guilt is eating me alive. I can't stop thinking about my ex and wondering if she'll ever be okay. I let her down in the worst way, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself for that. I wish I could go back in time and reserve myself from giving her those empty promises But I can't, and that's what kills me the most.
Thank you, i appreciate your time


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Lament
I need to vent
Hi I am 22 years old and i think i am gonna die, i have some sort of kidney disease it started out as a kidney stone but now i am really sick i don't think i have much time left i have worked most of my life cause i had to just survive debt after debt paycheck after paycheck and now i am gonna die i am gonna end the line and i have not even lived i am scared i hate this feeling i laugh for my friends they don't know but i am pretty sure i am dying soon i feel so alone very lonely and heart broken i have amazing people around me but who do i share this with how do you tell the people you love the most oh hey i am gonna die soon i don't have much time i am in this constant state of terror and i hate it.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #HealthComplications #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey unicorn
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A 20y/o f
Am i gonna have a better life than this? Happy life?
My whole life i have been protecting my mom from my dad. He is alcoholic and little abusive. So every night he comes home drunk and mad at my mom God knows why and as the oldest daughter i believed it was my responsibility to protect her. Its been almost 14 years the first time he hit her in front of me i was 7 years old if am not mistaken so i have hated my him since then. Because of that i have anxiety,stress panic attacks sometimes now its getting hard. Whenever my dad gets home i start shaking like crazy i spend most of my time in my room. Even when he is sober and mom and him be in the same room i stop everything i'm doing and wait for him to start a fight because its was like that my whole life. Last sunday my mom when to the hair salon and it got late like 10pm and i started crying, shaking in front of my lil brother he is just 12 but tried to calm me down .the reason i cried was because it's PTSD i google it. It felt like i was re-living the time when i was 12 and my dad locked the door on my mom cause she came home late that time i literally begged him to give me the key but he didn't. Everyone says that i should be strong and be there for my brother but who's gonna be there for me? Who is gonna listen to all my problems? Constantly living in fear nowadays i can't even bring myself to pray feels like God gave up on me or am i the one who gave up? So do you guys think i will ever get better? Am i gonna have normal life like my friends? Am ever gonna have fun during the day without being stressed about what may happen at home tonight? Is this even home?
Thank you for you time☺️


#MentalIllness #Family

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
My sister got sick 6 months ago possessed by spirits ,she was completely gone but now she is coming back to herself after tsebel,what is your experience with people possessed ? Do they fully come back to themselves?what does life look like after experiencing something like this? Thank you in advance for your comment...

#Family #HealthComplications

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi guys.
Am the kinda girl who have alot situationship ,i dont even know if i were in relationship most times bc some of them will last 3 years and i dont mind letting them go..i walk out of their life , when i find another one....New situation excites me...but then i met this guy A , he is freaking gorgeous i made the first move for the first time ,i wanted to settle for the first time, we dated ,kissed and months passed by and i loved him even more but all he want is sex its obvious he is a red flag so i never did noting except kissing, i wanted to win him over ,i tried my best, its been a year and i stopped trying then he texts me once in a while and then ghosts me for weeks,,then he comes again and become emotional like telling me he loves me n stuff then again ghosts me...i coundnt understands him or block him ...then i met someoneelse B he is everything i ever wanted we r talking abt marriage n stuff buttttttt im actually thinking abt A nonstop so i couldnt focus on B , i dont know what to do..?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi everyone so there has been something I have been going through lately so the thing is I am fat like I am a girl and I’m overweight and my boyfriend broke up with me because I am not as skinny and pretty as the rest of his girl friend and I am also a university student and being overweight really affects my life and now him and I am kinda getting depressed but I don’t want that so now we are going on summer break for like 3 months and I want to lose some weight and be the better version of myself before I start next year so if any of you have some advice for me or gym I can go that aren’t expensive and in Addis abeba please let me know

And also a question for the boys does it affect you if your girl friend is overweight?

And I’m 21 years old and 72 kg and I want to lose at least 10 kg within 3 month.
Thank you in advance

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #HealthComplications #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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It's completely okay to not have friends in the traditional sense. I'm not the type to just sit around and chat with anyone, even for a short time—it drains me. I consider someone a friend only when we're truly close, and I haven't found that kind of connection yet. I can have great conversations for hours, but it always leaves me feeling exhausted. I've tried to make friends with people around me, but it's too much effort, and it always ends the same way. What I really need is someone who can be close to me without taking away my energy. I'm not anti-social, I just need my kind of connection.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys endet nachihu I’m 3rd yr un student be achihru lengerachihu ene i have big dream gn no grade no money but I have few kind people behind me for something gn egziabher yemsgen alehu gn ahun break lenweta nw yet endemhed alawukm wede sudan wede I don’t know what should i do guys i have driving license passport but currently at least lemgb yemihon temadrbet sew yelgnim gibe eskemntera yet lekoy how tawkutalachu sira teftwal next probabilitew war nw summer is good for war betsboche alu engi yelachewm enesugar enkwan lemhed I can’t financial and heje chigr engi tekm selmalagegn koy and amet nw yekeregn letwew ena le betsboche maybe tesdje money provider mehon kechalku enate betam kefugna tamalech ena salasdestat letmotbegn nw esun sasb nw betam give up yemadrgew woys ayne eyaye minm saladrglat temutbegn? Ahun tasbkut min meslachihu ahun graduate endadrgku negryat sira endejemrku lengrat nw ahun selmalhed besik nw yemnaweraw egziabher fekdo nefswa kekrme next selmhed temrke ehedalehu yilatal bye selasbku nbr min yemslachihuwal . Ezih survive yemadrgew yemalgevabet gud yelm kezia birr make eyadrgu nw sew yerdaganal chigr chirash yalbegn almslm😂 esti bdenb amakrugn ? 10q for ur golden time 🙏🙏


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I'm a girl in university, and the thing is, I can't make friends. I mean, I'm not really a shy person, I'm just a little awkward and also I'm very friendly if anybody talks to me. It's just that I feel like I don't fit in anywhere, and I can't be friends with any girls I want. Demo I do have friends, eko many of them actually gin it's besew besew nw yetewawekenew enji lemesale If I'm in a new environment, I'd be a loner idk whyyy. Ena girls who can make friends anywhere, pleaseee what's your secret??

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyyy I am uni student n I hv bf Ena he told me that masturbation addicted endehone for several years biyasdenegitegnm negeru etewalew slalegn tesfa adrgebet neber Ena ene negerochn fix lemareg eyemokerku new wede fetari enqreb entsely eyalku gn now ene yhenin neger endaqom I want to have sex Ena virginity sh lisechign ygebal alegn..esu new lezi neger mefthe ena kezi neger endiweta miredagn alegn but am not ready for that bzu mkniyatoch alugn Ena ene am not ready degmo yhe meftihe ayhonm silew what if bnleyays endezi aynet experience saynoren or degmo nege bnmotis bemn enaqalen so we have to do it alegn ene tkklegna hasab new bye alasabekutm cause nege endemnleyay eyetasebe new ende endezi aynet neger mideregew????ena degmo lela gize milegn wedefit minadergew kehone what if ahun bihons mn chgr alew??? what do u guys think pls enante bthonu mn tadergalachu and also boys what do u think


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Im 20f ena why Teselote yemaysakabet mekenyat why?why? Merer belognal beka bezalayay bad luck nw yalegn mn larg merer belognal i wish yasebkut bisaka i wish fetari yeleben ayto hulun neger alga balga biyareglegn uff gn this life is not fuckin fair le metfo sewoch nw edel yalw ( yaw tru negn alelem) becha mn ladreg yehone neger belugn pls🤍


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey im a 17 m
My sisters getting married and its lead to a very negative environment in my house over money and other stuff
Everyday i hear fights, everyone takes their anger out at me. I cant even go out, i have to stay home and study for exams. Im not being allowed to go to library to study. Idk how long i can take this. Everyone takes their anger out at me since im the youngest
I havent cried for years but this situation broke me down
Idk what to do i might kil myself

#MentalIllness #Family #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Nira 🫧
I need to vent
F senior in highschool
Hi peps am 22 days away from talking the national exam gn am tired am a social student 9 and 10th grade eyalu i was actually good at natural subjects gn the things me and my family faced due to the polotical structure of this country made me feel like i should be there to prevent any other future mes from occuring.ena ahun yatenahut hula tnsh tnsh eytefabgn new gn esu adelm chegru its the what if questions man yefelkutn balametas masbebet bota balderses and so one beza lay 1 ken waste kareku beka i feel like a faliure on top of that my dad has eplipesy so lelit lelit sometimes yetamemal seziure attacks this is my first time saying it out loud or writing it lol bcha endeza yehone gize demo esun saseb ene rasu lela tarik west egbalew gn leluhlm lehulm eko ene yehone bota mederse alebgn idk if whatever am saying even makes sense gn all i know is am tired but that also doesnt save me from any responsiblity since childhood i have always been a high achiver ke rank wetche alakm i have so many medals got 99.1 on minisrty and even as a teenager rebel adrege alakem lol mnm altechegrum ene siyasadgu my parents cause i am subservient yetbalkutn they never let me go out of the house malet new lebchaye i cant say they are strict gn they are not loose either i have never met my friends outside school ena what if i fail to met their expectation yenesun tewut ye rasen match balreg betam megoda yemeslegnal looking back at all my childhood erasu makes me realize ende lij aladekum hulu gizem behone responsiblity west neberku ahunm my dads illness is getting severe mn endmihone alakem . Even my vent is not coherent gn i wan be someone good enough or more to do something for this country and my family i might also need motivation i do know life and sucess doesnt end if i fail matric uk but i have just worked hard on it for so long

#School #MentalIllness #Family #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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M23 I'm an introvert and not just the "I'm too shy to talk" type but a real introvert, where talking to a person drains the ever living life out of my body, i feel drained more than running for 5kms

I'm not shy at all I'm very confident, infact i talk to strangers pretty easily whether they be a guy or a girl, it is just that i always think about it ending and how i just want to move on from the current situation

Any type of scenerios in which there are many people or it is outside(like weddings, parties or just gatherings) i see as a chore. Anyways i just feel like this is hurting my ability to be sociable and create genuine bonds as i constantly push away good friends.

My question is if u are like me or experienced what i experienced what do u suggest?

#School #Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Sooo the thing is a year and a half back i met a girl at church she so beautiful and i liked her but she said she had a boyfriend and things between her and the boyfriend wasnt actually going well, and i was there for her most of the time and as time goes by our friendship does feel like a friendship it's more of like a relatonship we hold hands manemn menamen ena peoples started a roomer thinking that we are dating. So there is this thing that she says when we say good bye to eachother after we met" kiss me on the chick" and i do it everytime after we met , so that day i decided to go for the lips instade and i did, to see how she would react and her reaction was kinda off and later that night she called and said we had to end our friendship and i said fine👍. So the next day i was over it already but we met at church in a coincidence and i ignored her but ig she couldnt resist it and she wanted to be friends again and i said im sorry for what i did that night but NO we cant be friends or whatever but she begged for it and i said fine lets be friends.
So we continued being friends and after sometime i knew she had feeling for me but the boyfriend is still there and she's afraid to admit that she likes me but with all the things aside we decided to go for it and started dating and one week after we started dating she told the guy everything and ended it with him and as i told u things werent going well between them so he just let it happen. Then we dated for like a year and a half now but after that same thing started to happen she met some guy from church and she told me that she met some guy at church btw he's diakon and he's helping her with a lot of things and they started talking mnamen for like an hour mnamen be silk ena i felt like this isnt right its like what goes around comes back around type of shit... IK ITS KARMA THO but i just didnt like it and i forced her to stop everything she had with him and she cried and after that she's not the same we fight everytime and  our relationship hasnt  been the same since then.
So even tho i love her so much i decided to let her go and ig breaking up was the best thing to do at the time but she didn't want that either so we're still dating and at some point our love is turning into hate but both of us are afraid to let go of eachother.
I need your help y'all


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