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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm a bit worried about my dating life because I'm a female atheist who has never dated before, and I'm unsure how to navigate this aspect of life. I don't believe in God, and I'd prefer to date agnostic or atheist guys to avoid potential conflicts due to differing beliefs. While I understand that some people may have reservations about dating someone with different beliefs, I remain optimistic that there are open-minded individuals out there who will appreciate and respect my worldview.

My atheism is an essential part of who I am, and finding a partner who shares or respects my beliefs is crucial for building a meaningful and lasting relationship. I've heard concerns that most agnostic or atheist guys might not be interested in serious relationships, and it troubles me that a free-thinking woman like me may not be considered ideal for long-term partnerships in our society, even by skeptical men. Additionally, the limited number of atheists or agnostics in Ethiopia makes it challenging to find a compatible partner with whom I can genuinely connect.

If there are any atheist girls, how do you approach dating life? And for those dating theists, how do you handle this situation? I don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not, nor do I want my partner to think he can change my beliefs. Additionally, I'd prefer to avoid arguments about religion or God when dating a theist guy.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am male 25 businessman I do my own business and I am busy most of the time.I move around a lot for work but my last trip was something else I saw many beautiful women after that I am so horny I don't know why but it is kind of extraordinary. Anyone who can give some advice and Anyone who experiences same I am here

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey u guys i wanna tell u that sth like advice that i experienced before. So, i wanna tell u that don't fall in love with someone who has broken heart bcz they don't care about u more over demo they don't care who comes to their life or out their life . Ik they will gonna give u happiest moment and they will gonna love u but when u guys r in argument they will leave u like u r nth. And most of them have a trust issue and trauma. So,,,,
Don't give ur heart for someone who already get hurt bcz one day they will gonna hurt urs.
Am not generalizing btw but most of the time it's like this if u have any አጋጣሚ share us.

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hi everyone i really really need ur help ,I don't want to expose my identity i just need ur idea the case is "i think its 3 yrs ago i was in preparatory school ena there is someone who stare at me honestly i am not that much attractive but i saw him staring at me but bz of my shy behavior i can't keep eye contact ena immediately ezoralehu,but this thing liyakuart alchalem hule endafetete new.bzw he even try to approach me but not that much he just ask me normal staff and meleskulet anyways that wasn't a big the first time i really have no feeling for him but after time i really fall in love bekebadu i don't know why may be its bz lemndnw miyafetbgn bye lebzu gize selasebku yehonal about him.any ways bemekakelachn mnm sayfeter bzu gize alefe even the same uv deresen but still mnm neger aladeregem nbr so i decide to approach him instead but he reject me begeltse sayhon just didn't reply my text as i thought. i really get angry really bz i still think about him ,i couldn't get rid of him from my mind what shall i do people i need advice pls was he just joking i didn't get him


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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ሰሞኑን ስራ ፈትቼ ነበር ፣ እንግዲህ bear with me. አትናደዱብኛ!! የዛሬው  ምክር  አደለም።  ከ2ዙር በላይ እንኳን ምክር እንትንም ይከብዳል። (I meant  Presidency, but I like the way you think😉)
አታድርቀን ላልሽኝ ቆንጆ ግን ፣ ገና  ላንቺ እልህ መፅሀፍ ፅፌ ፣ እንደ አንጀት የረዘመ 2 ገመና 3 ሰው ለሰው የሆነ ፊልም ሁላ Produce አረጋለሁ።

ወደ ገደለው ስገባ there are things we need to say outloud!! Unpopular opinions!!!  Elephants in this room and city.... ከስር በዘረዝርኳቸው ሀሳቦች መስማማትም አለመስማማትም መብትህ ነው።

1ኛ አብዛኛው ገንዘብ ያለው ወንድ ዥልጥ ነው!! 
ጭቅጭቅ አልፈልግም። ገንዘብ ስልህ ደሞ I meant loaded ።ላስረዳህማ  ፤ አለቃዬ የመጨረ   ሻ ቆንጆ ነበረች  ቀይ ሆነች እንጂ። (እኔ እንኳን ሴት ሀሳብ ራሱ ሲጠይም ነው የሚመቸኝ።) ያም ሆኖ እንደማንኛውም የቢሯችን ወንድ ትመቸኛለች። አልክድም።
እና  She has ልጥጥ  boyfriend,  አቤት ስግጥና ታድያ!!  ሄሊኮፕተር ላይ ሆነህ ሁላ ወደታች  የሚታይ ደማቅ ቢጫ ሱፍ በአረንጓዴ ከረባት ፣  ከ47 ቁጥር የታይላድ ከስክስ ጋር  (ለጫማው የጣሪያና ግድግዳ ግብር መጠየቁ አይቀርም በቅርቡ)   ግጥም አርጎ ለብሶ ሰብል የጠገበ የብሩንዲ አንበጣ መስሎ ቢሮ ይመጣና ፣ ቦርጩን እያሻሸ ይጠብቃታል።  ስቅቅ ትላለች።  እቺን የመሰለች ልጅ አፍሶ፣ ምናለበት እንደው ቦርጩን እንኳን ቢያጠፋ?
የእኔ ብትሆን ከዛላንበሳ ሞያሌ ፣ በርሜል ተሸክሜ ብሮጥላት ሁላ አይከፋኝም።

2,  30 አመት Is young for a woman.

የሆነ secret ልንገርህ በያ?   30 አመት ምናምን የሞላት ሴት ብለው meme ሲሰሩ አይተህ እንዳትሸወድ ፣ ሴት ልጅ ጥንቅቅ ብላ ሙሉ የምትሆነው 30 ላይ ነው!! አይገርምልህም። ያው ቆዳዋ ፣ ፀጉሯ ምናምን ካልክ እንጂ ...   የ30 አመት ሴት ፣ ካፌ ለካፌ ተዛዝላ በመዞር ጊዜዋን አትጨርስም ፣ Even when it's raining in the farms አስፕሪኗን ውጣ ቅቤዋን ተቀብታ ጥቅልል ትላለች እንጂ ፣ የከቤ ኬክ ቦክሰኛ የኤንሪኮ ሚሊፎኒ እያለች አቀብጥም። ተምራ ስራዋን ይዛ ሙሉ ትሆናለይ በዛላይ የሆነ ምስኪን ይሆናሉ ፣ ምን እንደሆነ አላቅም ብቻ።

3 ሲኒማ  የሚገባው ፊልም ለማየት አይደለም

(read that again but slowly)። ፊልም ልጋብዝሽ ብሎሽ ፤ እሺ ብለሽ ከሄደሽ ግስጥ ተብሎ ስክሪን ላይ አይፈጠጥም። ወይ ፊልም እንይ ሲልሽ ፣ ጨለማ እፈራለሁ PTSD አለብኝ በይ።
አንተም ወንድሜ  ሮብ በ8 ሰአት VIP ticket ቆርጠን  already Goojara ላይ የተለቀቀ ፊልም እንይ ካለችህ ፣ ፍርጥም ብለህ ፊልምህን አትኮምኩም። አለዚያ ፋራው የሚለውን ዘፈን ትጋብዝሀለች።

እንደኔ ብቸኛ ከሆንክ ደሞ ፣ ቀድሞ ነገር የምን አባህ ሲኒማ ነው በዘመነ wifi.

4 Not all virgins  are  virgins

   Btw almost ሁሉም ወንድ Virgin ሴት ያከብራል። ይሄ ብሮ ኮድ ላይ በግብዳው ተፅፏል። A man should never approach a virgin with a fake intent. ነገር ግን ያው እንደሚታቀው ነው ፤ ስንት ነገር ሲሰሩ ከርመው hymen intact ስለሆነ ብቻ V ነኝ ይባላል። ይሄ ከሁሉም የባሰ ቀጣፊነት ነው።
አምናበት ፣ ይሆናል ብላ ሞክራ ሳይሳካላት የቀረ ድንግል ያልሆነች ሴት ትሻላለች።

5 Atheism እርድና አይደለም። 

Btw ብዙ የማከብራቸው ያነበቡ፣ የተማሩ የተመራመሩ atheist   ሰዎች አሉ። የታያቸው  ባይታየኝም Atleast ሀሳባቸውን ሲያስረዱ በፅሞናና subtle በሆነ መንገድ ስለሆነ አይጎረብጡኝም።
አንቺ ግን ብሮ ፣ ማትሪክ በአቦ ሰም ተንጠልልሽ አልፈሽ ፣ ደረትሽን ነፍተሽ Atheist ነኝ ስትይ ያስኬዳል? ለስድብ ሳይሆን እንደው ነገሩ ትንሽ እውቀት ቢጤ ይጠይቃል ብዬ ነው። ሲጨንቅህ የምታማረው አምላክ ቢኖር አይሻልህም ላንተም?

7 Ethiopianism is ሳክስ!

መቼም ብዙ ማለት አይጠበቅብኝም እዚ ላይ።  የግል ኢምባሲ መክፈት ቢቻል ፣ ቢሊየነር ነበር የሚያረገን። ሰው ደሀ ነኝ ሲል ከርሞ ለኮቴ 10,000 ሶስት አራቴ ሲከፍል ስታይ ፣ ቢችል ኖሮ አክሱም ሀውልት ራሱ DV ይሞላል ነው የሚያስብለው።  We all want to leave ... and I really meant All.

I'm all done. I won't be venting for long don't bother throwing your tantrums. 😂😂
Love ya'll for your good words too!!


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
20 አመቴ ነው
በፊት ለሀይማኖቴ አልሰንፍም ነበር ፀሎትም ቤተክርስቲያንም መሄዴን አላቁአርጥም ነበር then ጊቢ ስገባ ቢዚ ብሆንም ብዙ ግዜ እሄድ ነበር but now ቤት ነኝ አልፀልይም ቤተክርስቲያን ለመሄድ ሳስብ ሠበቤ ብዛቱ እግሬ ማጠሩ 🤦‍♀ በቃ ምን ልበላቹ ከየት እንደመጣ ማላቀው የተከመረ ስንፍና ባንዴ እላየ ላይ ይደፋል
የበፊቱ ሰላም እና መረጋጋቴ ጠፋ😢
እባካችሁ እህታችሁን ከመጥፋት አድኑኝ😭 ምን አባቴ አድርጌ የበፊቱን ሰላም ልመልስ ሀይማኖቴ ላይ እንዴት ልበርታ?
ኦርቶዶክሳውያን ብትመልሱልኝ ደስ ይለኛል🙏 አመሰግናለሁ


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Well here goes my story so i think im a lover but always get end up getting hurt i tend to fix broken people and when they are doing well they leave leaving me with scars and wounds i love too much care too much and i cannot see some one suffering and do nothing i just cant help it but now a days its really getting lonely i have mental problems (bpd or borderline personality disorder ) but im on meds its aight but i wish i could find some to hug or say goodnight at the night and say good morning at the start of the day btw my name is kalu and a male at his 22 thanks for reading wish you all a blessed day love and peace be upon you


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just hate the fact that am stubborn and naive ... it's just the way that i grew ale adel my dad used to be abusive (not physically btw gn kalatochu they hurt as hell .. ina whenever a guy approaches me mnamn i just can't control myself bka all i think ahout the way my mom have passed through.... bca it suuckksss


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey Unihorse 🦄
I need to vent
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Hi guys i am 24M years old and am univ student at (AAU) እና ዛሬ my first to vent እንዴት አድርጌ እንደምገልፀው አላውቅም😭😭 ምን መሰላችሁ አሁን ላይ በቃ life የሌለ ትርጉም አልባ ሆናብኛለች😢 አሁን ላይ እዚህ አለም ውስጥ ብቻየን ያለሁ እየመሰለኝ ነው, አሁን አሁን እንዳውም እዚህ አለም ላይ መኖሬ ስህተት እየመሰለኝ ነው, ምንም ሰው የለኝም( the one that who understand me ማለቴ ነው) best friend, girlfriend ምናምን እሚባሉት ነገሮች የሉኝም😢

በተለይ ደግሞ አሁን ላይ በጣም የሚያሳስበኝ ነገር ,የ girlfriend ነገር ነው, አብዛኛው ሰው ማለቴ የኔ ታናናሾች,ጓደኞች, እኩዮቼ etc ሁለም girlfriend አላቸው። እኔ ግን 24 አመት ሙሉ girlfriend ኖሮኝ አያውቅም😢( በዚህ እድሜዬ sex አድርጌ አላውቅም, አረ ጭራሽ kissing ራሱ እስካሁን ወፍ) እየቀለድኩ አይደለም ማሪያምን ውነቴን ነው። to be honest አይን አፋር ነገር ነኝ,ሴት ልጅ ማውራት አፈራለሁ, ግን በቃ ይሄ ነገር በጣም እያስጨነቀኝ ነው። አረ የኔ ነገር ስንቱ ተነግሮ ያልቃል( ማለቴ ህይወቴ ባዶነት እየተሰማኝ ነው, በጣም በብዙ ነገረር ተጨንቂያለሁ,)

in general, ማለት የምፈልገው ሰው እፈልጋለሁ የውስጤን ላወራው ምፈልገው ሰው( በተለይ female እህቶች ድረሱልኝ, አድኑኝ,ርዱኝ የምሬን ነው ከፍቶኛል😭 በተለይ ደግሞ AAU የሆናችሁ please) ስለአነበባችሁልኝ አመሰግናለሁ🙏🙏

#Friendship #SexualAssault #Adult

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I typically prefer not to discuss or vent about my problems, but lately I've been struggling with a lack of discipline. I find myself surrounded by individuals who either have a fraction of my potential or are much older and have already accomplished what I aspire to achieve. And mostly, there are times when I struggle to focus and be productive, often feeling satisfied with only a few hours of work when I could have done much more, meaning, I only use 5-6 hours of my day. This feeling of inferiority is really taking a toll on me, as my journey towards self-improvement is proving to be challenging. If there's someone out there who shares similar potential, or perhaps possesses better discipline and a desire to improve, please reach out. I am a 20-year-old female pursuing a major in software engineering, with other varied interests as well.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Adult

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Hello guys.........well here is the thing i live with my sister she is 14 and im 20 i'm here to ask ya'll some advice cause idk what to do. so i think my sister is hitting puberty bc i see her like caring too much about her look, she tries to look like others and stuff which is so normal because yaw it's just nature i wont judge her at all.... but like there is some bad thing she does i mean her aura tells and she never gives me her phone plus i see her jerking off at night i mean her movement and stuff tells and its making me uncomfortable a lot becuse ik its not a healthy and moral thing to do. so what do ya'll think i should do shoulld i talk with her or its just a teenager thing and she will stop it eventually? im not judging her tho because i've also been there but it was just for short period of time i stopped it after reading some book that book taught me that i was in a wrong path my mind also wasnt good (ofc who feels good by doing such unhealthy thing) becha ive stopped it long long ago but now idk what to do chenkognal betam i dont want her to be someone who doesnt have a self control, i dont want her to be a bad person(im not saying people who does that are bad just saying someone who doesn't care about their inner peace) please tell me what i should do. im female btw

#Family #Teen

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Uhmmm hey y’all how r u ?
Am good🙃idk how to explain the things that’s happening in my life😪am just tired of everything and everyone am not happy at all
Chnklate west bzu ngroch hasaboch alu lemenager sasbew gn ytefabgnal gn andegnaw mknyate rasen mekebel alchalkum uk kebad new esu betam kemnm belay sewoch kerbew sirkugn bka mimeslegn balegn look wym physical appearance new mimeslegn bzu ekuyochrn say kenesu yanesku meslo ysemagnal kenesu yetlyew yehone yegodelegn ngr yale yemeslegnal ik am not konjo wym dmo konjo akuam yalat set adlhum gn at least beka wellahi ene betam yewah negn sewn mekreb felgalew betam bezaw bemfelgew lk sew yrkegnal mnamn bzu ngroch yglougnal bka I don have a real friends … alawkm endzi lemn endasebku gn bechalkut meten takalachu le hulum tru lemehon mokralew le hulum desta mehonn felgalew lene gn endza mihonlgn yelem ene sfelg andm sew ke gone aynorlgnm yhe yaskefagnal betam yemr kremt lay destegna mehon meslogn neber gn alhonkum bekaa i mean 😪 eneko rasen merche altefeterkum aydel … bzu negrm adrgiyalew sewneten lemastekakel (am underweight)gn beka hulem besumknyat bully medereg selchgn wellahi bzu gize hakim bet mulu checkup adrgiyalew beshta kehone bye bezu gize slememot asbiyalew mokriyalewm wish I wasn’t like this sooo bzu lefelefku am so sorry🫶🏽
Sooo i just want a real bestie (am gonna be 17 bzignaw arb)

#MentalIllness #Teen

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Hi,so I met this guy that I really liked about a year and we started talking and all and it was going well i knew our energies matched but after after sometime he just disappeared and didn't even tell me why he really lacks consistency and even though I know what made him like this it just really bugs me to see how he treats others with affection and care
and when I decide to forget about everything he just appears out of the blue and be the person I wanted him to be. He said he doesn't even know why he does it. The worst part is like he would be honest and tell me everything I wanna hear except he'll be under the influence of alcohol. Next thing I know he's back to being a ghost. I really don't know what to do because I really like him.

#Friendship #Relationship

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Kind of my experience and how some decisions changed my life. (28M, btw).

So, freshman year of college. I was in Bahirdar University (I'm originally from Addis). My first semester was kinda difficult. I studied all day, I didn't have any friends, also, the courses were not easy. One of my courses was Applied Mathematics One, and to this day, I remember its final exam as one of the most difficult exams I've ever had to face. I was very angry atm, because I practically spent my entire fresh man semester studying for this course, and the highest grade I could get based on the exam was a C.

So after the exam, which coincidentally was the last of the exams, my dormmates convinced me to go out with them, and we went to a local liquor house. And there were like 4 of us, 2 guys I didn't know, and 2 girls who were friends of one of my dormmates. Anyways, we started drinking, and as the night progressed I got shitfaced. I was mixing ጠጅ and አረቄ and doing shots and stuff. (For context, I had never had even a sip of an alcoholic drink before that night in my life). I ended up talking shit and insulting my friends, wanting to fight other guys in the store, dancing horrendously, and of course vomiting. And most of that was caught by camera. The next day, while I was in a wrecking hangover, I regarded the previous night as my worst decision ever, and vowed to never be that drunk ever again.

I spent the entirety of the next week trying to find who had my actions on camera and begging (sometimes even bribing) them to delete it. One of which were the one of the girls that night (a friend of my friend's), so I got her phone, asked her to delete it, and after 2 weeks of texting and begging her to delete it, she did. A semester later I went to the technology campus to study Computer Science, and she went to another campus to study Architecture.

Fast forward 6 years, two of my friends and I decided to open a software company, and I was tasked to find an affordable interior design firm to do our main office. We were interested in two companies, one of whom sent the girl as their rep. I instantly recognized her in the meeting, but decided to keep my mouth shut. After the meeting she asked me "Do I know you from ካቴ?", she thought she knew me from Cathedral high school. I then told her the story, she remembered, we laughed about it.

Long story short, her firm ended up losing the bid, but the other company went on to rip us off, we decided to go back to her firm, I contacted her, we started meeting on a regular basis, and two years later, I proposed to her last Sunday, and SHE SAID YES.

What I am trying to say is that even decisions that you consider to be "the worst in your life" may lead you to the best things you could ever imagine. Our tiny minds cannot comprehend the extent of how mysterious everything is. Therefore, do not stress over every decision; do what makes you happy. And...yeah...SHE SAID YES.


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Hey y'all
Do you think day dreaming is normal? I do it a lot like it's my life I have my own story my own character, people and when ever I feel sad my brain will immediately starts to think about these fake world and fake stories where me is the main character I tried to stop it but I can't is there anyone who is relatable? And is this a sin? (Am Orthodox btw)

#MentalIllness #Adult

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Hello i am a 19f and i am in university and i am not okay some days it feels like it is it feels like i am happy but i am not i will laughing with friends but the moment i am alone with noone around i crumble I have suicidal thoughts and I constantly need assurance from ppl i like and there’s is this crushing guilt I feel for everyone I know I just feel so guilty for being clingy needy and impulsive i self sabotage the relationship I have with ppl i love i used to come back to their life but I don’t want to this time I don’t want to beg ppl to like me to understand me i am so alone I always feel unsatisfied I don’t love ppl i used to love I just want to dissapear into thin air be forgotten I want to build healthy relationships but I physically can’t I just recently ruined sth I had with this guy he was my favorite person i am not sure I even like it’s just I feel like my life will be better if he was in it or maybe not oh and did I mention i am paranoid I don’t trust men typically so I always assume the worst if him and I ever get together it will be hellNback but I think it was worth a shot i was better when he was in my life

#MentalIllness #Melancholy #Relationship

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Hello my beautifull people.endet nacihu?tenacihus endet nw?bezu ngr eyasalefacihu yalacihu,breakup yaregacihu,yetamemacihu,wedajachihun be mot yatachihu,yetamemubacihu,chink ena fetena wust yalacihu...hulacihum yetechenekacihu,ayzoacihu yalfal hulum,fetari layaschil aysetem,egziyabiher yatenekracihual becha enanete beye emnetacihu tseleyu,ke emnetacihu tekerarebu,be egziabiher emnet yinuracihu..mayalf ngr ylm,ahunm balachihubet huneta atamaru amesegagn hunu yebasem alena,amlakacihun atamaruu adera....ena beka ayizoacihu fetena yale nw bekirbu yalfal, yall❤️❤️❤️

#Friendship #Family #Adult #Teen

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Hey guys
19M campus 2nd year student my 3rd time venting here so is it just me or are people struggling to find their significant other. I mean like I’m really a genuine person caring, loving, ambitious, hardworking, financially thank to God I’m in a great situation the little bad thing about me is I’m picky i mean like I got this women of my dreams like white skin tone, so beautiful, long hair, short nails, lovable personality…..and I got this dream u know like having a family at an early age having kids spending some quality time with your mate and these days not even relationships are staying for more than a month. I have been going out on dates and the particular things I have seen was nobody want to take the long path of intimate relationship they all want that short fun path that ends you up getting naked on the bed Huh

Thanks for the advise🩶

#Relationship #Adult #Agitation

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hi everyone i really really need ur help ,I don't want to expose my identity i just need ur idea the case is "i think its 3 yrs ago i was in preparatory school ena there is someone who stare at me honestly i am not that much attractive but i saw him staring at me but bz of my shy behavior i can't keep eye contact ena immediately ezoralehu,but this thing liyakuart alchalem hule endafetete new.bzw he even try to approach me but not that much he just ask me normal staff and meleskulet anyways that wasn't a big the first time i really have no feeling for him but after time i really fall in love bekebadu i don't know why may be its bz lemndnw miyafetbgn bye lebzu gize selasebku yehonal about him.any ways bemekakelachn mnm sayfeter bzu gize alefe even the same uv deresen but still mnm neger aladeregem nbr so i decide to approach him instead but he reject me begeltse sayhon just didn't reply my text as i thought. i really get angry really bz i still think about him ,i couldn't get rid of him from my mind what shall i do people i need advice pls was he just joking i didn't get hm


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am a uni student I am stressed since I found out my mother is cheating on my dad and she is still doing it she even make that bitch close to us and also my dad besera mnamn arga as a friend nw mikerbew my dad. She had a phone call every night keseweyew ga tedebeka and she even texts weird thing to him and tell him that she love him and the like and act like she is the greatest wife in the world in front of my dad. I started hating her, every other people other than my dad, my life plus myself. I hide this for 3 years just because I know how my dad love her so bemehal I met a guy who I trusted a lot and love tho keza esuan mersat jemerku and focus on my studies to make my dad happy and this new guy (my ex) keza he told me that he wanted me just for my body ena I told him that I can’t do this then ended up breaking up (before 2 weeks akababi) today was our anniversary but it’s not God’s will so lihon alchalem gn still I can’t get him out of my head even tho I know that he is the worst person I have ever known ena wesebseb Yale neger west nw yalehut hule entoto kidanemhert sehed menegrat sele abate nw ena eyechenekegn nw help me out

#Family #Relationship

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Hello everyone am a 25 years old female living in Addis.Life has been a bit grumpy lately.I live with my mom she is a single mom and younger brother.My problems arises from the conflict I have with my mom.She earns a good amount of money, has a house and even rents and a car.(She is somehow financially stable)But the problem is she wants me to contribute too.Meaning she wants me to buy things in the house(groceries),use it for transportation, Provide myself with anything I want as in cloth and stuff,Provide my brother with his transportation money and somehow save up as well.Mind you I work two jobs Trying to survive(they pay me yaltekabede birr nothing big)and it aches my heart to see my brother and I stress about money.So my question to you guys is do you think it's right??I mean usually but myself clothes and blah blah , pay for transportation and even buy her things she needs somehow.But as a person who is getting paid a minimum wage do I have to be stressing in such a way???I feel like the parent sometimes.I need your honest opinions on this cause am struggling.

#MentalIllness #Family

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Hey guys. Do you ever consider the bher of the person you're dating? I used to never care...but lately I started choosing ppl same bher as me... thinking what if we get married.
I know it sounds a little bit racist but that's just a personal choice.

#Family #Relationship

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I haven't vented in a while but here it goes. So I'm 25 M and ever since I can remember dating and women have always come easily to me. I'm not super attractive or anything but i think i have a lot of qualities most women find appealing. So naturally I've had a lot of rps but I've never been the "player" although most ppl think i am. I hear the rumours around campus and my guy frnds also assume a lot of things about me but anyone who's been with me will tell you that I'm a wholesome guy who values emotional connection more than sex. And after i got out of a 2yr rp with a truly amazing woman i was looking forward to what comes next as ik what i want now. Then I started going on a few dates to try and get back out there but i slipped up and let lust get in the way of a lot of connections i could have had. I don't regret it exactly cuz i was fully aware of what i was doing but in hindsight maybe i overindulged in that short amount of time but since the girls didn't mind just keeping things physical, I don't have any negative emotions associated with it. But after a while i stopped all of that i stopped going out all together cuz i needed to focus on other more important things in my life. Thats when i met someone. I could tell right away that there was smth bn us and before we knew it we got rly close. She opend up to me about how she has trouble trusting men and the one rp she had in the past started from frnds. So i decided to just be frnds with her for now but not even a week later we started hooking up. But I could tell that it was bothering her that she was hooking up with someone that she wasn't committed to so i told her about how i felt about her. And that i want us to be more than frnds, she flat out told me that she doesn't want anything complicated rn and that she wanted to remain frnds. Eventhough i was surprised that she said that i just accepted her terms. She also brought up my colorful past as to covince herself that it was me who wasnt ready for a rp. But I'm ready as I've always been. I just want somone who isn't afraid to feel smth, to fall for someone with no reservations. And I  realised that will never be her. So i told her i couldn't be her frnd and that i had enough frnds, she agreed and we went our separate ways. Then she reached out sometime later to aplogize for mistreating me the way she did and to tell me that she still wanted to be my frnd "for now" but after she acted so poorly in the past i don't think i can trust her with my feelings anymore. She's a kind and loving person but she's made me jump through so many hoops with me trying to prove myself to her it and feels like there will be more of that to come and I honestly think i deserve better that. So I've just decided to tell her no. Am i making a mistake?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey y all
This is for the boys in this channel.

Whats wrong with you specially in relationships you guys have to learn about giving a closure Just say to the girl you wanna broke up and you wanna also move on. Whats wrong with that.
Is it that much hard for you guys..
U give us mixed signals. When u r asked whats wrong with ya u guys say i was busy blah blah...but if you lose interest or no need even to explain just say i wanna broke up. Am not feeling this relation ship..its okay to lose one is gonna hold you and beg you to stay

But it is hurting us.. showing mixed signals,replying late, saying am one is busy for calling or texting if u really want..getting angry out of nowhere,being treated as a shit. We dont desreve it..
You guys have to believe in communication
Am not putting all the blame on you we also have bad sides am not trying to cover our sides.

but in that case

Silent treatment is dead try to communicate,talk what u feel.dont give us a hope which doesnt exisist
Am not generalizing. I know for a fact that there are guys who are really amaxzing am just talking. To those of you who does this


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Ye addis ababa hizb gin lemndn nw yetegnaw kezi amerar mote ayshalewm gedayn megdel lemn kebedene dont call me raseist but ahun yalenbet sera bektay sikeyer ye oromo hizb amahara balargew wenjlo nw ahun sikeyer gin bzu debt oromo hizb lay yenoral yane mn liwetachew nw


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I don't know how to start, Im M and i've been feeling suicidal for about two years now, it's been gradually getting worse throughout those 2 years. I feel alone both inside and outside my house. I live in a family of four, my father is extremely quiet and all we do is exchange hello's usually. He's turned extremely grumpy as he's gotten older,tinish neger new miyanadew and he has a rude tone when he speaks to everyone. He used to be the life of the house when we were kids, honestly the best dad I could've asked for gn nowadays I don't know what's wrong. sometimes i wonder if he feels the same way and is just hanging on for us. My mother always reminds me how much she loves me, and i love her too but it's hard to connect with her since we are so different. Not in a bad way different gn we are different, the generation gap shows. We have a normal mother son relationship and that's that. My older sister is the person i am the closest with, or i used to be at least. She has a nice personality and we are similar. We grew up doing most things together but now we're both getting older and she has her own life,jema and interests and it's hard to connect with her. Usually she's outside and when she's not out she's texting,calling etc. Yk when you try to talk to your older sibling and they're too busy on their phone they don't even listen to what you said😂, it's basically like that 24/7.I know she's not pushing me away on purpose but yea i can feel the distance grow.

No one from the outside world has tried to get close to me. I also tried taking initiative and tried making friends gn that didn't work too. I spend all my time in university alone. You'd think that would make for better grades but no my mental health has deteriorated so much my grades have taken a nose dive. I think I'm just boring to be around or something. Everytime i think about doing it i think about my parents crying how they do in funerals and i could never do that to them.Today i was really thinking about suicide the whole day then i saw this tiktok where a mother was told her son died. The way she screamed sent chills down my spine, honestly i didn't know feeling pain to that extent was even possible. I really want to end it but can't. I feel trapped.

I just wanted to let this out it's been eating at me for a while now. Thank you to whoever created this platform.

#MentalIllness #Adult

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Ene bcha negn mnm neger beka no reaction lemnm neger yehonkut 🙄Relationship,love mnamn stuff feel maladergew ene bcha negn koy?

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications #Relationship #Adult

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Hello peps endet nachu? I'm in my late 20s and had best friends back in school but i think i acted so carless about the meet ups minamin so all the relations gets colder like they r still friend gin never meet up in almost 2-3yrs becha we called once in awhile for some info or littles helps but rn i need some new good friends who is around my age with diffrent background (i am in health field)who can motivate me to go out n chill, experience new things and do adventures and so many more but the thing is i don't know whr i could meet such a friend or whr to socialize yaw i get good advise from thats why i come running here


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I just finished matric ena I don’t think wutet mimetalgn so birhanu nega endalew kehone degmo i cant even learn in college diploma mnamn ena these days I’m getting depressed betam like I’ve no idea mn endemadrg kezi buhala so do you guys have any idea lemarachew mechlachew courses and leserabachew mechlew bedenb😭 help ur sister out


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I need to vent
Selam guys mn meselachu i broke up with my girlfriend friend two weeks ago cause she said we are toxic for each other because lately we were arguing a lot, ena we agreed to meet in a few days gn she said she doesn't want to get back together mndnew madreg yalebgn i'm confused

#Relationship #Adult

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