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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
So ... hmmm. I hit a girl. And no, I didn't hit on her. I hit her. Smacked her right across the face. Not sure if I feel guilty about it. Not sure if I should but I don't feel great about it either. Here is what happened. I was walking home holding a takeout food in my hands. And apparently this girl was walking right behind me. I had my earphones on so I didn't hear her. She was on her phone and holding coffee. And because I had a lot in my hands I accidentally dropped my keys and abruptly stopped walking to pick them up. She walked right into me and spilled the boiling hot coffee all over my back. Shit hurt like hell. I looked back and looked at her. She was fuming with anger. I sincerely apologized immediately. But that meant nothing to her. አጅሪት አካኪ ዘራፍ ማለት ጀመረች። It was technically her fault. She walked into me, but that didn't even matter. I didn't raise my voice, I apologized a second time. And a third time too trying to justify her action in my head. May be ሰዉ አስቀይሟት ነዉ before this. Maybe she is on her period. Or just a bad day. Didn't matter. I was starving and tired after a 36 hour shift at the hospital, and my back pained በተፈላ ዘይት ሻወር የወሰድኩኝ ያክል። I just wanted to let it go. But boy she was livid. Seeing red. ለቀባሪ እንዳልተርፍ አድርጋ በስድብ አገላበጠችኛ! Like that wasn't enough she smacked my dinner out my hand sprawling it on the sidewalk. My patience was running low. And then she swung at me. Landed right on my left eye. That was it. እኔ የሃይልዬ ልጅ ታዲያ ብልጭ አለብኛ። I didn't have the time or the will to process what had happened. I was seeing red. I turned around spread my palm up turned my hip in and በጥፊ ጆሮ ግንዷን አነደድኩት። And I walked away disappearing into the crowd that was starting to form. My point is with this is, እባካችሁ ሰዉ አታሳስቱ። Always remember, when you hit someone, you must always be okay with being hit back. I am not proud of what I did. If anything, I am embarrased. Even ashamed. But not everyone's patience is limitless. Don't test people just because you are having a bad day. And the girl I hit, if you are reading this, I am sorry. You had it coming to be honest. But I am sorry all the same.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Devil on ur shoulder
I need to vent
idk how to get out of my head. it's getting a bit serious nowadays. got a bit real after i ate my own cum and thought it was okay because i had no tissue or towel lying around anywhere near me.
all my friends look at me funny and i just cant tell what exactly is they're really looking at when they see me. im depressed, alone and most likely to be in the autistic spectrum.
this is one of the many days i feel like im mentally stuck at the present. like time just goes so slow and i cant find anything worth diving into, my disintrest in life and anything outisde my head has been growing and growing everyday. im not the same person i was when this year started.
Guilt, shame, sorrow and pain is all i feel almost all of the time. It's like my heart can only feel pain or is just incapable of happines.
i just dont kmow what to do anymore, i just wake up and hope the day ends well without feeling drained after saying hi to people. i just want to live a normal life but it feels like a dream now. i want to die, hopefully something quick like a car accident or falling from a tall building (to keep shit realistic that is)
I've thought alot about hanging myself and i either stop myself half way or someone calls me hangout and forget about it. It honestly sounds like a good idea to me. I cant not live my life like its my last. because frankly speaking, it's like a job for me. i have to constantly convnce myself to go home instead of wandering the streets and starving myself to death. or drowning in some river or shit. its like i have a death wish or sm but i dont really know what that means...
good night or good whenever time you're reading this.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys, I'm kinda of in a dilemma rn. So the other day my bf of 6 months said something that left me confused and really shocked. We were sitting at this coffee place and I was scrolling on my phone when I came across those pictures of Rihanna you know the one when Chris Brown beat her up and I never saw the pics before just knew the story. And the pics are so fucked up he really hurt her. And as it was my first time seeing it I was really shocked and showed it to him saying how could he do this to someone he loves.... and he shrugged it off and just said what's the big deal they got in an argument and he hit her, it's no that deep. I was like whatttt What do you mean by that and he was like, we don't know the full story so we should forget it, and started talking about something thing else but it has never left my mind. He's a very nice guy never even heard him shout before. But then again what he said was something I never expected to hear from him. Am I making a big deal out of nothing or am I justified to be worried? Advice please

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyy guys endte nachwe so this is about family my dad has been divorced with mom for 23 years and ahun korbwale esu without mom esuwam ahun tekorbalch . So my dad meet another women korabe nat and they decided to get married and nebrte minamn bizu new yalwe so she gonna sign prenaptual before getting married and my fam yelel new yetchnankute like we dont who she is like he even knows like 2 months minamn she has no kids too so what we are fearing is what if this women want money ,what if she is a bad person like we wanna know about her identity but couldn't figure anything and if anyone knows someone who learn about their background minamn like if u pay them plsss if u know pls let me know Thank you in advance


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y’all
I need to vent
To contemplate the evolution of relationships is rather bizarre. At first, one may feel that these bonds are forever, only to learn that a disagreement can quickly dissolve them. This is the way life is. Overcoming obstacles is a necessary part of the path, and while events occur for a reason, these causes may appear inconsequential. The plethora of beloved memories contradicts the idea that a single trivial incident can destroy a friendship. Estrangement develops, discussions dwindle, and an odd sense of humor pervades everything. While I won't pretend to be hurt, there may be an underlying aching. Our mutual affection, sometimes motivated by an underlying attraction, deepens our devotion to our friendship. However, life goes on. Lessons emerge, and despite both happy and sad events, the tendency is to focus on the positive. The agony you created does not require me to hold resentment; your value as a true friend outweighs it. Regrettably, I believe our paths will diverge since I lack the desire to attempt reconciliation. I wish you safety and a happy life ahead. Oh, and an early happy birthday to you.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need an advice on how to treat the 'GIRLS' ( not a WOMEN ) right....
What's going is that when I care and try to be uk the good guy they kinda disrespect and after a couple days I turn into a TOXIC mf and.... I get their love and care but at the same time the stress is real like ...homie if you don't pick up the phone till the 3rd beep, your day is gonna be fucked up fr!!!!

How can I balance things? 👀


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Emebeten i am so irritated right now, And i actually had a fucked up day today.
I met a guy in vent here because of a vent he did back in may but we started taking in July like month ago.
Bcha we agreed to meet today (its Friday aug 11).
But a lot happened today.
- A friend of mine tried to outshine me in a group project. (Unexpected but ...)
- i was mistreated(a nice way of expressing it) because my full name is not Oromo enough for my OROMO ID.
- The usual taxi, i had to take the long way
Bcha endemnm i Got back home ena even though I was soo tired i wanted to meet the guy so i didn't cancel the date. Bcha i got ready as quickly as I can and went out so on my way to get a taxi i was talking to my friend telling her the day i had when two guys came behind me and tried to take my phone but i gripped it so tightly and couldn't take it but i dropped my bag and they took the bag instea(Btw people just watched nobody tried to help). Bcha i run to a safer place and called my date, he just said "so u are not coming?" Tf.
I was expecting are u okay or did they hurt you bcha anything but what i got was being treated like a lier.

Malet algebagnm ketewat jemro yeneberew ngr.

The selfishness of the friend tebye

The ethnic discrimination by the officer

The "minagebagnet" of the bystanders who watched while i was screaming for help

The trust issues of my date


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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22 M what i want to vent is...
I don't understand why it's so hard to find someone who wants to be with me. I'm a good person, I have a lot to offer, but it seems like no one sees that. I'm tired of being the third wheel, of going to events alone, of feeling like I'm missing out on something. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only person in the world who doesn't have a partner. I don't want to be alone forever, but it's starting to feel like that's my destiny.
I hate feeling like I'm not enough. I know that I have a lot of great qualities, but it seems like none of that matters when it comes to finding a girlfriend. I've tried online dating, going out to bars, even asking friends to set me up, but nothing seems to work. It's like I'm invisible to the women I'm interested in. I just want someone to see me for who I am and appreciate me.
It's not fair that some people get to be in happy relationships while I'm stuck here by myself. I'm so tired of feeling lonely. I just want to find someone who makes me feel loved and appreciated. It's hard to keep putting myself out there, especially when I keep getting rejected. But I can't give up hope. Maybe someday I'll meet the right person and everything will fall into place.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello Peoples, I am a 25M and I met a 22 old girl on Snapchat. We had planned on video call to watch a movie together last week, and I arrived on time.

However, she canceled the plan. When I asked her why, she said that her older sister thought I was too cute guy and probably had a girlfriend, so she advised her not to meet me. I was disappointed and decided to ignore her.

Two days ago, her older sister sent me a dating request, even though she admitted to tricking her sister for her own benefit. Kebeteseb new meselegn both girls are very cute. I'm not sure what to do next.

What shall I do?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This is a question for women. Please answer me. I am very worried. When you had sex for the first time, it did not hurt?
Was the pain severe or not? I don't have any great friends around me, I can't consult them, everything I ask them says They say its easy, but when my boyfriend tries to insert his finger, it hurts a lot. Please what's wrong with me?🥹🥹🥹 akabje aydelem bzu gize mokrenal yamegnal batam demo his dick tlk nager naw esu rasu tchiywalash gn ylegnaal😢😢

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 NTL
I need to vent
Ok first time vent here.and i want to talk about ' what's the problem with being toxic? Its hurting someone before they are doing it.especially in relationship once you realizes she isn't loyal.nowadays most of women are not designed to be loyal,they are designed to find the better. So why not? Be toxic


#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm just here to give some little perspective to these bigotry people. So you guys think homosexuality is a feeling that comes and goes at will, right? I mean there are so many things in the Bible that are sins but when it comes to homosexuality you have a different kind of hatred for it. So you guys may say it's because it's a sin blabbla...but I think the hate is more than that, it's personal. I wonder if you guys fear you will catch homosexuality like some kind of virus if you come close to a gay person. Do you have so little conviction in who you are that you believe accepting a person for who they are is going to make you like them? Anyways I'm a woman who loves women. I have tried so hard to love men but the most I can do is tolerate the best among them. I have dated guys to seem "normal" and broken their heart looking for the smallest reason to end the relationship. There will come a day I'll have to marry, as a beautiful educated lady I have many options, guys who would die to marry me. Imagine one day having a handsome good husband to myself and secretly being disgusted by him every time he touches me. While he would want nothing but love, me I would secretly be hating him for having to live a life of unhappiness. He might love me but I will never love him. Since I can't be myself I would have to drag somebody else with me, what choice do I have? That man could've a happy marriage with a straight woman who can love him but he would have to be stuck with me🤷‍♀. You say our action will affect the society but your own discrimination towards us will affect your life zorozoro. How do you know the guy or girl you're dating isn't secretly in the closet? What if you're just a cover? What if you're married to one? What if your mother or father were secretly gay? What about your siblings? Do you think you really know people? Are you sure? I doubt that you even know yourself fully. Because I have siblings who would sign for my "straightness" with ten fingers cause I'm that good at hiding. I wonder if my brother, who swears to kill gay people, would he pull the trigger on me first if he knew?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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24 M
Life is getting hard still knowing my future is on Good hands of God ,, i loose the patience till better days come may God gave us all the strength

#MentalIllness #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need your advice on this guys

Okay so there was this girl (ye bet lij) and there was this boy (yeseferachew ድድ አስጪ) he started seeing her since she is grade 6 she was chewa girl....then he suffered a lot to get her obviously😝 then on grade 10 he took the first step to talk to her then they started he told her everything he had a gf for almost 3yrs but suddenly she told him she wanne break up ☹️ then got hurted like he spent 15k only on መጠጥ......he spend the year after the break up like that, then she saw how far he got from church (orthodox),so she took him to church with her (also she's so religious) then he gradually started to change....which led him to hardly fall in love with her. He got a job(on the reign of his ex "she used to force him n not understand him "well that's what he said). He started worshiping her as his master,he loved her sooo much just ever body could tell from his eyes. He changed,his change amused his friends(jemma). So my point is now did this girl changed him??(well thats what he say)
Is he wrong,she loves him very much she sees him like her baby boy and he sees her as his mother.

Well the girl is me, we're in very healthy relation i see our future in his eyes,i thank my God for everything
Thanks for a

#School #Melancholy #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Im 22 F. I just need someone to talk to. Someone who can be my friend.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Been reading vents about homosexuality recently. The comments are fucking brutal. I'm a straight guy myself but I don't get why anybody gives a fuck what they do in the privacy of their bedroom. Why you wanna kill them? You afraid you gonna be raped or something? Ain't nobody wants to fuck your ugly ass. If you're gonna talk about religion, why you care if they end up in hell?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
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Well it’s about the recent issues about homo sexuality don’t get me wrong I’m straight as an arrow but what’s with this kill them all making it an issue to feel good about ur selfs benesu kit enante mn agebachu tf like y’all don’t sin and don’t watch lesbian porn like we aren’t all cheaters liars deceivers this is a country where people get killed over their race why don’t u all give the same energy for the pedophiles for the racists for the rapist? Afraid of what happened to sodom and gamorah ? Worse shit is happening and happened than that we are a country facing a civil war this isn’t exactly country full of holy people y’all don’t really have the right to pass a judgment ruining peoples lives for things u secretly do and for the gays calm ur tits just cuz ur gay doesn’t mean ur special don’t make ur whole personality over it ur just gay nothing special practice ur sexuality in the modest way don’t ruin ur friends life and ur family life’s just cuz u got horny
Bring on the hate comments ;)

#Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I just wanna say that it gets really hard sometimes but I somehow manage to overcome it...people really piss me off sometimes but I always tend to forgive them like few days ago a person said something which really hurt me but I forgave him within 2 minutes people judge me when they don't even know me and I don't really mind it but sometimes it gets on my nerves they say I show off but I really never did that whenever I try to vent or day anything to my closest person they donot listen to me at all I think they get bored or disgusted..I feel lonely even though I have a lot of so called friends and family it's hard now a days and guess what even my own partner isn't interested in me I am sure he doesn't even know my favourite colour 🥲 it's distressful relationships are hard....

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyyy  guys
am 21 girl
To the point i met a guy year ago and we start dating. after that we  became couples. he was gd at everything he teach me alot of things...... Long story short we broke up months ago but now all am thinking abt is physical touch that i had with him🤦‍♀️god i love the way he touch me.... how can i forget that?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi All ,

a non primal love of anyone is the highest form of worship of God.
Because as One said it , you are now seeing others as God see them with out conditional expectation.
and what is better than that to show your devotion to the creator than savoring his creation ?
sometimes that love comes to us behind sneaking on us and grappling our heart and make it surrender
the more Enlighted ones command such love at will and that is the purpose of humanity
a mastery of love , a command on love , vanishing a self that is a contradictory in the otherness of others

#Friendship #Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Im just saying everyone has some history relationship history sexual history, Im not that cat...I've been single every single day of my life and a virgin. Ive never approached a girl in my life and never really bothered me until when now Im 22 and and its actually socially acceptable for me to be in a relation but planned to start dating or approach women when Im 25 26 years old and get married round 29 and 30, problem is Im so at home being single I dont think Ill ever go after a girl Im hella straight lets not get confused, its just that I dont ever feel ready for it that plus I got too many red flags assessing myself I dont even want my zone touched so I prly want someone so obedient does whatever I have in plan, feel me like they aligned with me not the other way around plus every now and then I want to be unbothered and spend some time alone, I dont share about my personal life even to my closest friends, and Im cold at expressing love its been so many years I can say I was 16 the last time I felt love towards someone It doesnt come to me easy, too many more details that would make me terrible but yeah I want advices to change and be able to start approachin under normal circumstances before its too late and I start damn dressing up on Saturday nights with perfume on going out to bars and restaurants and actively trying to hit on someone get their numbers and shit, It would really be a blow to my seld esteem.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ok Hello Dear Ethiopians and others

So there's this new wave against gay people recently. So personally: I'm not anti gay, I don't hate them, and I just don't care about what they do.

I also see the opposing idea too. People don't want their society corrupted and their culture destroyed. Cool I support that.

However, do you ever notice the people "against homesexuals"? Like the HATE, the need for brutality and destruction? Do you really care about the culture or society? NO you don't.

You're a just a low life loser with no purpose, with nothing to be proud about in your life, so you use whatever agenda and story you can get to protest , scream and destroy property for no reason.

It's people who blindly hate like you, SHEEP, who go to war without proper thought and get their asses shot in the head. And they will tell you they're doing this for patriotic reasons, b/c they "love their country".

NO you don't care about the country or religion or any of that. It's just mommy and daddy didn't raise you well to have a direction in your life, not to be swayed by any movement, determined to "fix the world".

If you're a true Christian, protect yourself and your family from sin. Do not judge or show hatred against any type of race, or group of people.

Some of you protesting against this or that, I guarantee if we take a rough look at your family situation, I guarantee, you have a lot to fix about yourself.

So uhh fellas, "በራስህ ኣይን ውስጥ ያለውን ግንድ ሳታወጣ ስለምን በወንድምህ ኣይን ውስጥ ስላለው ጉድፍ ታወራለህ" sorry maybe no exactly, but jesus told u not to be all judgy.

Think before you act

#Family #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey so I noticed a vent the other day talking about anti gay stuff or pro idk he's confused in that regard. Whilst I'm not, clearly against homosexuality!!... But I saw a point he mentioned about our country not being so special and I agree with him. In fact we're special for all the wrong reasons. People say religious heritage. I can mention to you a dozen countries with Christian and Muslim history far greater than ours. People also say our great empire in the times of the kings and so on but there are again numerous examples of empires with reaches extending beyond our tiny minds. So people, please stop bragging or sulking just try to be better on an individual level cuz we are not special, we are just another country on a miserable horn.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I(f) moved away when I was younger so my childhood friends and I have been apart for 7 yrs. Recently I have the time and opportunity to travel and I'm thinking of reaching out to a few to see if they'd like to meet up, specifically one close girl friend of mine. We've kept in contact of course but as expected, the yrs go by and we don't talk as much as we used to. And of course we're all grown up now so I'm nervous about how different things might be since we all have changed I'm sure and we might not be as close as we used to be. I'd really like to see her again and I have hope we can be close again even if we're not as close as we used to be but I'm nervous. Especially since I'm not the same person I used to be. I think I'd definitely regret it if I didn't do it at least once before I die😂 but maybe I'm grasping for memories and still stuck in the past? I haven't talked to her properly for about a year at least and we just occasionally reach out to one another but everytime we talk it's like we never stopped talking. So should I still do it?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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26 M
I just realised something after i saw some of vents form my age Group ,,,, why are you guys loosing hope ? Which means your questioning the existence of God put your hope on God and everything is goin to b alright

#MentalIllness #Family #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm in distance r/ship about 7 months yhonenal ena I really love him so much ena I trust him gn kehone gize behuala esun mamen eyekebedegn nw ke tnsh gize befit slk alanesam ena textm almeleselgnm neber ena steykew he told me to give him some time ena hulunm negrshalew alegn keza behuala besnt mekera guadegnaw lj nat tgodataleh slalew lirkegn endasebe ena gn endalchale negeregn keza gn beka bzum sanawerabet tarekn ena ahun yhen le guadegnaye snegrat tnshm bihon tertri sewn endezi atmegni alechgn ena chenekegn lesu dgami yhenn guday mansat alfelgm gn still endewashegn ysemagnal idk why, esti what do you think guys esun mechem matat alfelgm


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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°°°ሳይቃጠል በቅጠል°°°
In USA(Or any other western Country).. Homosexuality Was Illegal and most people had the gut to stand against the idea until it legalized in 2003,
You know at this time ,(After 19-20 years) the increasing Rate of Homosexuals are Exponantially Growing.. and there are Millions now
Lemme ask you,  What changes america from that Conserved, mannered citizen to this Full of Clown people..
So let me put My Observations on the reasons that changes USA

It starts from little things.. ''ቀስ በቀስ እንቁላል ወደነብስ'' ሚባለው አባባል ነው እንግዲ...
ግብዳ አድርገን ምንሸሻቸው ድርጊቶች ቀስ በቀስ እንለምደዋለን። ዝሙት፣ ሞት፣ ጦርነት ወዘተ...  ሁሉም ነገር በጊዜ ሂደት ይቀላል።
Social Media, Hollywood Films ደግሞ ዋንኛዎቹ መሣሪያዎች ናቸው።
So, Being homosexual wasBoth accepted and Tolerated In the community, even Church leaders Accepted it...

ድርጊታቸው እንግዳ ነገር እና ኢተፈጥሮአዊ እስከሆነ ድረስ መቃወማችን ልክ ነው። ስትቃወም ደግሞ Homophobia, Bigot hateful ምናምን ትባላለህ፡ then most Celebrities And ሌሎች ሰዎች እንዲህ መባል ስለማይፈልጉ ነገሩን ያቀሉታል then no one Could stand against them...

They call it Love, Freedom, being yourself, Enjoying, Life choice
መልከ ጥፉ በስም ይደግፉ ማለት ይህ ነው።

እነዚህን ሰዎች accept and tolerate ማድረጋችን ሚያስከትሉት መንፈሳዊ፣ ባህላዊ፣ ሰዋዊ  እና የጋብቻ ስርዐት ላይ የሚያመጡ ጉዳቶችን ለናንተ አልነግርም። just See What is going on In western Countries and inside their church...

እንግዲ መፍትሄው፣ በተቻለን አቅም ይሄን ነገር Normalize ከሚያደርግ ድርጊት መቆጠብ፤ መቃወም
homophobia ምናምን ብትባሉም እነሱን እና ድርጊታቸውን መቃወም አለማቆም። here they may say Who are you to judge? You are a sinner too... እኛ እኮ ሀጢአተኛ መሆናችንን አንክድም። ግን ሌላው ሀጢዐት ስለ ሚሰራ homosexualነት ይፈቀድ  normal ይሁን ማለት ምንም ውሀ የማያነሳ የ ቂሎች logic ነው።
እና መግደል ምናምን ሚባለው ደግሞ ማንም ማንንም የመግደል መብት የለውም፤ ሀይማኖትም ህገመንግስትም አይፈቅድም።  ግን ድርጊታቸውን የመቃወም የውዴታ ግዴታ አለብንን፤ አይናችን እያየ ሀገራችን የልክስክሶች መናሃርያ አትሆንም!!!!!

Finally ብቻህን ተወልደህ የወንድ ቂጥ እየከካህ ብቻህን መሞት ከፈለክ እና ይሄ ከተመቸህ የራስክ ጉዳይ። ግን እኛን ለማስለመድ እና ህዝባችንን ለመመረዝ ስትሰራ ግን ቆሞ ሚያይህ የለም። አንቺም እንደዛው።


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Recently I met a guy ena while we talk he told me that every friday or Saturday he will have sex with different girls ena set lmasamn endemaychger ena yan seladerge destgna hono endminor aweran endezi metadergu ejeg betam bezu wendoch endalachu awekalew pls ene berase way lerdaw mokre selaktgn enante asrdugn mnu nw endeza maderg miyasdestachu setoch lenante agelglotun sichers awetetachu endemtetlut eka nachew amruachu erfet alew esti honestly tell me what is ur psychology mndnw mismachu miyasdestachu yhen kemaderg mtagegnut erkata mndnw?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Lmao first time venting. As most of y'all do am not here to vent about family problems,bf or some situationship
How the hell do y'all ladies get over the embarrassment of first day at the gym it's about to kill me. I just started today i was clueless i did unexplainable exercises. please drop your exercises programs


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
I need to vent here

I am 27F I had my Masters  degree in Public health but I never had a job since then my families are tired of me I am really Energetic and passionate girl but currently I am feeling so low think of suicidal sometimes

#Family #Adult #Agitation

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