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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Idk what to do the thing is I fart unwanted 😔 I mean its so cringe 😬 hoping I never do mnamn begging God to stop .I hung out really well but it's so annoying .idk what to do I go toilet before going out pray and clean up it doesn't give sound but idk if it smells too but it gets me down if there is a doctor or something what should I do


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Dontcare
I need to vent
ሰላም እንዴት ናቹ። ከዚህ በፊት ቬንት አርጌ ነበር ግን ደስ እሚለው እዚህ ቻናል ማንም የትኛው እንደሆንክ አያውቅም አሁን አይዲ ከተባለው ውጪ። anyway ከሀገር ውጪ ነዉ እምኖረው እና ከወጣው አሁን ሁለት አመት ሊሞላኝ ጥቂት ወራት ነዉ የቀሩኝ። የሄድኩበትን አላማ አሳክቻለሁ ብዬ አምናለሁ በቅርብ defense አለብኝ ከሱ ውጪ ፣ ትልቅ ካምፓኒ hybrid ስራ አግኝቻለሁ ቺል የሆነ ላይፍ እየኖርኩ ነዉ። ግን ብቸኛ ነኝ ከ Q ጋር ከተጣላን ጀምሮ ሴት ማመን ከብዶኛል በተለይ ሀበሻ ሴት to be more specific ውጪ እሚኖሩት ደሞ ይብሳሉ። አለ አደል ከሀገር ወጣን ብለው ካገኙት ወንድ ጋር ነዉ እሚጋደሙት ለሀገራቸው ልጅ ያላቸው disrespect አይጣል ነዉ 😏 በተለይ ፍሬሽ የሚመጡት በዛላይ እኮ የተሻለ status ካላቸው ወንድዶች ጋር ቢሆን እሺ ከተመቱ ከተመቱ ወንዶች ጋር እያደሩ ጥጋባቸው መከራ 😂 ያስቁኛል። እሚሰሩት የተመታ ስራ ሆኖ እኮ ነው ደሞ ወይ ሀበሻ ሴት ብያለሁ ብቻ። ትንሽ የቆዩት ደሞ ሁሉም ወንድ በየተራ የተጠቀመባቸው ናቸው በዛ ላይ life goal አብዛኞቹ የላቸውም እድሚያቸው ጤጣ ነው። ደሞ የሀበሻ ወንድ እያሉ መሳደብ ነዉ አብዛኞቹ ስራቸው ይህን እምለው ተዋውቄ እቤታቸው ጠርተውኝ ከጨረስን በኋላ የረጅም ግዜ እቅድ ያወሩኛል እኔም በውስጤ ስትንዘላዘሊ ከርመሽ ማንን ልታዝጊ ነዉ እያልኩ አይ አሁን committed relationship አላስብም ስላቸው በቃ ይዘንቡብኛል not only my experience. ውጪ እምኖሩ ሀበሾች ካላቹ ምስክርነት ስጡ አብዛኞቹ ደሞ single ማም ናቸው ኑሯቸው depressing ነዉ። እና ብቻ እዚህ ከመጣው የሀበሻ ሴትን ካራክተር ታዘብኩት እና አንድ conclusion ላይ ደረስኩ እሱም ሀገርቤት ሲሆኑና እዚህ ሲመጡ ያላቸውን ባህሪ በቶሎ ይቀይራሉ ከ ካልቸራቸው ውጪ ዴት ማረግን እንደ ትልቅ ነገር ነዉ እሚቆጥሩት እኔ ማንም ማንንም ዴት ያርግ አያገባኝም ግን this is an honest observation. ከዛ እድሚያቸው ሲሄድ ሀበሻ ወንድ ይፈልጋሉ ይፀፀታሉ መሰለኝ ስላልያዙ አይ እንደ friend ነዉ የቀረብኩሽ ስትላቸው ሾርኔው አይጣል ነዉ 🙏። እና አሁን ሀበሻ የማግባት እቅዴ እንዳለ ሰረዝኩት ውጪ የወጣች ሀበሻ መጥበስ ለጠላቴም አልመክረውም። ሀገር ቤት ያሉት ደሞ እንደ ገለፅኩት ካመጣሀት በኋላ እሷም ላለ መቀየሯ guarantee ምንድነው? እና ምን ትመክሩኛላችሁ snow 🐰 ጠብሼ ልገላገል እንዴ እነሱ ጥቁር ወንድ ይመቻቸዋል በዛላይ ነበሩኝ ሁለት ግን control freak ናቸው። የተሳሳትኩ observation ካለ አይ ኢሄን ተሳስተሀል በሉኝ። እባካችሁ generalize አታርግ ሁሉም ሴት አንድ አይደለችም እንዳትሉኝ። ኢሄ majority observation ነዉ።

#Relationship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
So my sister's wedding is like after a month and a half. Yaw ke wechi new yemtmetaw along with her bridesmaids. gn andua be sira mknyat atmetam.which putted the bride in a tight situation and now she wants me to be her bridesmaid.

I would love that.but i am trying to protect my peace here.i have self harm scars on my hand.i'm too insecure to wear a tight sexy dress.ቅድ yalewm libs bechirash melbes alchilm due to some obvious reasons.those sexy baddies + me would be such a disastrous and degrading moment. plus i have no idea how i am going to keep up that day.yemr i would fall apart.i don't even leave the house due to my stupid social anxiety or whatever it is.ena i told my mom that i don't want to.and she keep asking me to be good for once in my life.and you know i can't explain all this information to her or my mom or anyone. bicha i tried concealer on my scars and its not working.

mn abate felge vent eyarekugn endehone alawkm. gn tinishm bihon endtredugn new be hasabachihu betam chegrogn new.


#Family #Melancholy

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
So I grew up always being told
ወንድ አትመኚ , ዉሸታም ነዉ🤷‍♀
not just that some of my family members were affected by boys who lie and still live in regret
But now i know that it's not the guy fault to ruin her life , i mean for some amnt it is but not 100%
My question is why is it always endeza ?
Ignore syaregsh ignore argiw
Sigodash gujiw mnamn
Tgab newe eko endi myaregew
Eee.....wshetun newe atmegiw mnamn
Yaw bezaw lk demo there are the OMG boys who are like an actual angels🙏respect

Why eko endezi gn ye bezaw setoch against the guys ?????

Or am i missing smth , ye hone yalteredahut neger ale ?
Or am i not mature ?
I mean am almost 20 so...?


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
ፍረዱ guys fr

I'm a great bf. I literally bought her flowers the other day, she was happy. The next day as she came from work, I was playing a game and I was in the middle of a great game which I was winning. She got in, Selam neshhh I'm in the middle of epic game ande ande alkwat..shes like chereseh anagregn (knew she was upset)
Finished it, lost (cause distracted)...then tried to make amends. I loved on her and stuff, said sorry enetareq, she said altetalawuhm, kept tryinna make peace, wasn't int he mood for melemameting, I was tired from a long day...she stayed upset told her if we mekoraref I don't care I can keep myself entertained you'll feel the pain more still nothing, stopped talking to her...we slept facing away, next day didn't even look her way ( im really good at mezgating and cutting people off) she left said bye said bye

Like she should've chilled right it's a fucking minute before I got done and we greet eachother, be and tefat over miyakabdu keza tolo maytarequ sewoch ayanadum, like who's at fault?
Like in relationships, there's always gonna be fault people just have to work around it and be peace that's the essential point here, I'm not saying I'm totally without fault gin resolution resolution, mekorarefing heavily erodes relationships that's my point, she mostly goes with makurefing

So feredu


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Sutinaaa
I need to vent
Wtf is wrong wiz u ?like ለምንድነው እያወቀ እንዳዳላወቀ የምትሆነው ?
ለምንድነው አብዝቼ እንዲፈቀርኩህ እያወክ የምትገፋኝ ይሄ ሁሉ አለሁልሽ ለወሬ ብቻ ነው? ባንተ እኮ ነው የጠላሁትን ማዕረግ የወደድኩት ላንተ ብዬ እኮ ነው ከግትርነቴ ፈቀቅ ያልኩት 😭አልገባህም እንዳልል ሁኔታህ አይመስልም በግልፅ ንገሪኝ ካላልክ እንጂ🥺
አላፈቅርም ብዬ ምዬ ባንተ ግን ቃሌ ታጠፈ
አሁን አሁን አንተን ለመርሳት ብዉ ወንዶች ማውራት ጀምሬያለሁ ኧረ ምን እሱ ብቻ በግ ተራንም ተሳልሜያለሁ ግን እኮ ሃሳቤ እንዲህ አልነበረም ቤ/ክ ተጋብተን ከብረን ወልደን ምናምን ነበር 😭😭😭
አሁን ግን እርግጠኛ አይደለሁም እውነት እዛ ላይ አድርስ ይሆን አያይ አይመስለኝም
Am fucked up ባንተ ምክንያት i wish አስተውለኸው እንድትመለስ 🥺🖤

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
hi am back , i just wanna share something on my mind for boys the thing is, በሂወትህ ምንድንነው ቅድሚያ የምትሰጠው ነገር ? lamenkbet ena ergtegna lehonkbet neger mehon aleber alebeleza emenegn yane wedkehal wetat saleh sra kalefe buhhala ykochal so yemtasbewn hiwo lemenor kahunu jemr yane hulum neger (sket, hlmh) wedante ymetal

tnx 🙏


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello my fellow reader,I am typing this while i am having a mental breakdown i dont even know where to start , when my dad died he left us in some horrible shit on purpose (financially) since then shit got harder ,yaw when he was alive he wasn't a good person becha now
we don't have money to buy food we are struggling, my mom is  telling me that she cant take it anymore,  mariamn me too man i am in college le erase ye taxi yelge endet enmhone alkeme just imagine yalhubte stress magine men abate large? I dont want to tell my friends what is  happening in my life cuz it is family thing ,and i was rasied like not tell the "geben" of the house menamn ena  becha  i just dont want to live i swear to you i am so fucking sick of   seeing my family suffer beacuse of money and knowing i cant do anything about it hurts so much and make it 10 times even more hurtful .

Ayyyye ,it is very hard becha

i am having a mental breakdown but  i will try my best.  i started to think about killing my self but that is  some dumb thinking,that will only  make shit worse for my family , i dont know i just i think i am in need of a help i am crying everyday and I can't take it anymore please  help me out.

#Family #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
22 F
Okay here is the thing I say I don't want to be in relationship but deep down I even love the person I don't know if he exsit to be my future husband. But for real I can't be in relationship cause my father cheated on my mother many times but she forgive him for my sake and ma siblings. When ever I talk to a guy my mind be like "so specific day you will cheat on me ? " 😂 like every time. and I know my mom is hurting more than anything that why I always sayed I don't want to get married. I don't deserve the love my mom couldn't have. That's what I believe. And it's funny that am hopeless romantic person I always laugh at my self. I never been in relationship and I don't think I will be in one.

#Family #Relationship

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey everyone it's the medical student girl😅(i vented here before and it was rly useful) so i came back.
This week specially this 2days it was rly rly hard for me. Yesterday and today i was feeling sick my tummy hurts(ik u might say u're about to be doctor and u should heal urself but i have no time to do that) we are on practice for 1 month and we have test every week which is exhausting but it's not only about unvi and stuff rn i'm struggling with family issue recently i'm noticing uncomfortable things. First do u know most of our family(mom and dad) are together not because they're or were inlove it's just because they already have kids(us) or they think one of them did a big favour (welta albgn thing)? One day i was talking to mom (dad has rly rly rlyyyyyyyyyy difcult behaviour which me mom and bro hates it but we get used to eat eventually but uk sometimes it rly gets annoying i personally understand him he's traumatized from his childhood and everytime he tells us about his story i just feel sad and think how he handle it and he has anxiety but he tries to hide it one of the things he hates is shouting but he do it most of the time even if he's talking good thing he shouts and when other ppl listen they think he's angry or smtg) back to mom, we were talking on some issues and starts to talk about their relationship and she start crying i always tries to defend my father because i understand his situation and whenever we talk with mom i try to make her the fault guy cuz she's stronger but that day she starts to cry i was shocked ik she's been hurted for long period of time but i didn't expect she will cru infront of me i try to calm her but after that day it keeps getting worst. On the other week when my aunt came we were talking about the past thing(when i was achild and somthing like that) i didn't hear the full story but i clearly heard the part when mom said he was so mad he came and slap me i never thought he would do that i try to forget it cuz even mom did and said it's just story but surprisingly today on the morning something happen(not that much important ) mom have a fault but dad was crazy about it he throw his shoes on my mom and she was laughing(he was not joking he was so serious about it and the thing was not a joke) and running trying to escape from him and he throw the shoe while following her God knows what will happen if i didn't came right at the time she kinda hides behind my back and he stops when he sees me and shouts and went to his room. I tries to defend her but he was shouting on me(the worst thing is i'm scared when anyone shouts at me i will just stand there and cries dad used to shout mostly at my bro when we were a child and that got me rly hard that i'm so afraid of ppl who shouts) ik and i understand that every couple of wife and husband life is not always the honeymoon part but i never thought mom amd dad have this kinda relationship i always make my self busy with other thing and it's been 4 year since i try to make a time and have a family thing but it's horriable

On the other hand my unvi life isn't going well i have a fight with my classmate last week which was not neccersy but i was so stressed about my family issue and academic things so i can't not handle other shits. About my performance in school it sucks my grades are lower my friends(it's actually hard to call them friends cuz we always have arrgument with silly thing and it pissed me off)

Generally life lately feels so heavy and hard ik i will pass through it but i just felt to vent anyone who reads it i genuinely thank you💞

#School #Family

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
recently i started to do sh

and right now u can't really eat well


i js wanna kms without anyone knowing

I'm so tired of everything acting like a total bitch towards me

am i really a bad person?

how would i know

of course i am

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hey guys so i happen to be 23 and im having difficulties with intimacy,the thing is i kinda have a larger dick(7inches) ik its not that larg to cause problems but it happens to be a fat one and i tried to have sex with two partners and it never went past the tip of my dick and its really affecting me cause i feel like im missing out and making out is becoming more and more trigering this days.

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Is it good having best friend for more than 6 years?? And he sees me as a best friend and also my BF hates him a little bit because am too much cloth with my best friend.
Need advice!

#Friendship #Adult

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am natnael
I need to vent
its better to dig a hole, vent in it ,plant a bamboo and wait for a Shepherd to make flute and play your vent to whole world than venting to a woman


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi. How are you doing? Im good. Struggling just like you. I just want to say it will all be ok. I know you r going through shit u can't even word out sometimes but this shall pass too. I am sorry you have to go through this but you are so much stronger than you think.
Try to see the good in yourself. You are not a bad person. Just did some bad things. Maybe multiple times. But you are still good enough to know if what you did eas wrong or right. Never lose that.
Try to see the good in people around you and give them the love you would want to recieve from them. This might even be to that sefer shmagle you like but never say hi to. Just say dena aderu? Its nice.
As for you, know that you matter and have so much potential so take good care of yourself. And dont forget to drink water okay? I love you.

#Friendship #Family #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
So my name us unknown and I am 20 so I started talking to this beautiful sexy smart girl 6 months later we turned to best friends like family knew about it and all then I told her how I felt about her then she said okay let's do it
She ain't the type of person to do that like she only focus on her class
Then we kissed made out and all then a after 5th month of being together she said I don't wanna be kissing or making out with u
I need to be religious

And I could agree with it all but the kissing??
What's the difference of having a best friend and a girl friend if I can't kiss her


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have a issues with relegious girls. And it was also the reason I stop talking to them cuz I am an agnostic. And the part i hate is when they say if I pray all ma problems will fly away. And that somehow is the worst thing they can say to me.


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so i took matric this year and im waiting for results but idk abt it i mean mewedek enkuan aymeslegnm gn idk ena it got me thinking wth am i going to do after this i haven't been doing much after the tests . i was just volunteering and all but i dont even know what i want to major in . And i am going to die single. I've never dated before but inshallah it is for the best but idk if i can find the one i want to marry. i do like older guys but i dont mind younger guys as long as they have a mature personality (17 is the limit) but would i rlly marry the younger guy ? coz he is young and prolly not ready and still in high school. i want someone who is sweet,caring,tall,beautiful and who is obsessed with me. i am not gonna find him am i?
nobody dares to flirt with me.why? idk😂.maybe selemekosetater yehonal . nobody approaches me but i dont give them the chance as well. idk what is wrong with me 😂.maybe i should just go with an arranged marriage .

As much as i yearn to  get married i dread it as well coz my father will never accept my husband as he is going to be a muslim and my father is not. i cant even imagine my wedding bc my father will not be there and i will just be ruining the makeup i paid for.
i want a husband that gets me closer to Allah. someone who teaches me abt my religion, pray together,be lovey dovey, who wants plenty of kids but ofc economy eyetaye...the list goes on and on and on

should i just stay single?
should i just find a job now?
should i run away from this place to where no one could find me and it will only be me and nature?a husband would have been great for this role but mtsm never mind.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I used to be a person who ridicules people who complain about being in love mnamn. I mean it sounds stupid and a waste of time from the outside. But boy it really hurts when you love someone and you can't be with them together... and it really makes you wanna talk with someone who can relate.

I am 4th year in uni. I met this girl like 9 months ago... and long story short.. she became my first love.... yes, First Love. We just sync.. got nothing else to say. Now the problem is we follow different religions. I am christian by birth and she is Muslim. I have told her how I feel. But she says we can't be together because of our difference in beliefs. I accept that. I agree with that. But it hurts to be constantly in friendzone with her.. and it starts to hurt more when she talks about other dudes she meets. I have tried to cut her off and forget about her but she also has attachment issues and gets hurt when I try to be distant. I don't want her to be sad. What to do?? I am confused. I can't get anything done... my life is being a mess. I got no friend except her who I can talk about this. Helpp

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey evrery one edet walachu this is my frist time venting and i am so exahastud like i want to kill myself so bad but i have a child ena eswa bechawn nw yemthonew beye asbena etewewalhu i am deppressed for a long time 9 amet mulu and i devloped anger issue to tolo nw yemnadedew tinish ngr yabsacheghial menamn becha i need help please ebakachu

Befetriye 😔


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone I need a little advice I am 21M. So here is the thing I have the ability to gain a scholarship to a different country and increase my education I mean there are a lot of scholars that even accepted me but the thing is I was raised by a single mother and I can even imagine leaving her to go to another country I know she always annoy me and we argue a lot but I still love her and she really wants me to try scholarship like all her friends kids but I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her while am gone. So I need your advise people I am struggling

#School #Family

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Will it ever end? Should I always question this? Will it ever all really make sense? Will I find peace and contentment with myself? Will these nights ever end? Can I end this? Can I not die again? Can I let my inner child be happy? Maybe proud?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So here is the thing am into older guys like from 30- 35 until I realize those dude have so many experiences like come onnn 5 ex just for 1 person 😂 like do you even have a place in your heart. I thought since that age is considered matured I thought my type is in that age but they are being called matured because they finished there "what ever life" they had in there 20's. I don't like the fact the person I like used to be with so many girls like he even had sex with how many of them and how many times 😂😂 I may sound like jealousy type but hell noooo am not even giving a chance to this kind of guy. I mean no disrespect but I will not be touched or kissed by this kind of person since I been keeping my self for the so called" matured age" guy.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I saw this vent about his ex told him he has a big D. And I got reminded of the question I had some years ago. So the thing is back in high-school(10th grade i guess) while talking with friends they kind of started talking about size of a D and they insinuated size matters Ena I never heard about size matters idea before and when I got home I started searching about what the average size is & other stuff and I stumbled up on a post on quora website about a girl having trouble during sex. She was having pain while penetration because her husband has a big D. And they are about to get a divorce. Which I found hard to believe. The weird thing was there was bunch of the same stories there but I couldn't be sure if that is true or not. So my question is for the girls have you experienced this before or do you know anyone who has or heard stories like this.

Lastly I'm not saying I have a big D or average D or small D. I just want to know if it's real so don't start bashing me on the comments.

#Relationship #Adult

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"ጀግና ወንድ ልጅ" የሴት ልጅ ጀግንነት መገለጫ አይደለም
"ሂድ ፈሪ ሴታሴት" የወንድ ልጅ ድክመት መገለጫ አይደለም

ወንዳ ወንድ mugesa aydelem
ሴታሴት sidb aydelem.🙂


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y'all, 24F here.

So here's my thing. I have a bestfriend (25M) and he has a younger sister (17 years old). Our families were tight, so we basically grew up together. I even sometimes refer to them as my brother and sister (and they do as their sister as well).

The sister recently went to a university to take her matric exams, and she has not been the same since she returned. You see, before she went she was just a sweetheart. She was your typical የቤት ልጅ. Also, very religious and smart. Her whole life was ቤት to ትምህርት ቤት to ቤተ ክርስቲያን. She used to be very sweet, always smiling and everything. But since she came back, there is no sign of that girl. She became very isolated, doesn't smile as much, trying not to converse with anyone. She even stopped leaving her room unless completely necessary. She basically became depressed, by any extension of the word's definition.

I heard that things happen in the universities (like sexual assaults and even rape), and I hope to God that's not the case, but I'm fearing that it might be.

Two weeks after she came back, I tried to talk to her, and she said nothing happened, and avoided the topic (also, I'm not that good at confrontation). I then asked her mom what her problem was and she just said "ያው ፈተናው ከብዷት ይሆናላ". I also tried to talk to her brother (my friend), and he was so oblivious to the situation that I couldn't even talk to him properly.

It's been almost a month now, and the situation is worsening. I don't know what to do. Any advices?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am J
I need to vent
I am matured man and this is for teens, girls and woman who suffered.

Ladies Sex isn't enough...
It's possible for any man to ask for sex in a relationship, but is left for you as a lady to know that sex, can't keep him..( Sex isn't enough)
There are two major factors ladies complain about sex in a relationship:

√ After giving him my body he left me..
√ He left because I refused to have sex with him..

NOTE: Both those who gave and those who refused to give are complaining...
( Whats the difference)
Ladies Listen, Sex isn't enough, its not the only thing you can offer a man.

If You Don't Have Anything To Offer A Man Outside Sex, Please remain Single...
A man can't stay with you because his having sex with you....
Relationship is not buying and selling.

There are much to life than Monkey style, Doggy style, Missionary style, Apple n juice style, step pillows style, etc ...
Are you sound intellectually? Spiritually? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally?

Men love intelligent ladies...

Men love ladies with ideas..

Men love respectful ladies...

Sex is very cheap these days, anybody can buy it.
You need to build yourself beyond sex.
Leave make ups and be a productive lady.

Men are looking for ladies with ideas and solution not those who paint their faces with different colours.
What a man wants is beauty with brain not make ups with boobs or hips...

If you have any questions about relationship. Inbox me.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Can’t believe I Waited so long to say this… Hi am a F in her mid twenties and I am lonely AF. My life usually revolves around work and sleep…growing up I always dreamt of having a big circle of friends that are ride or die soo I think it’s time for a little adventure. I am in a mission to find new friends who are willing to keep up with my bullshit and that have no problem with finding and being together with other people as well(being in big circle)…must be 25 and above and must must currently live in AA … Thank you for your time

#Friendship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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19M Uni student
So genuine question for everybody that has been heartbroken.
How long does it take to recover?
The fkng thing is I didn't even love her and we didn't even hangout in person. We didn't even talked on the phone. We just texted, we just did that. And I don't fucking know how I still miss her. I think it's been 2 months. I think about her day and night. I did some stupid things like write a poem for smo just to make her mad. Ik it's stupid ik ik. I wish I could write one for her but what's the point she ain't even gonna see it. Bcha now am starting to feel lonely which I have never experienced. Lonely in a way u don't think. I think I know why Shakespeare created it of all the people. The word lonely I mean. Am lonely in a way only you could complete me li.
Sometimes I just wish I could be in those moments when we just started talking.
Sometimes I wish we could have stayed as each other's friend.
But what I don't wish is never meeting you
It's like this:
I feel bad for my alternate selves in the multiverse that didn't get to know you
And also jealous of that who's with you


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone i'm 21 b,
I have something on my mind that I'd like to share, and I'm seeking your advice.
So, my vent starts from here
At this time, there are some individuals who seem to be quite persistent in staying connected with me, no matter where I go. While I appreciate their interest, I've found that one particular person has not quite made a significant impact on my life. When I say this, I'm not passing judgment on her or him, but our interactions haven't been fulfilling for me, and I often feel like I'm spending my time in ways that don't resonate with me.
So the thing is, I have friends in school and initially, when we started talking, we seemed to be on the same interest. However, as a year went by, I began to notice that she talks about me a lot to others and expresses that she likes me. She has even mentioned multiple times that she used to have a crush on me and she always asked me about being in a relationship.
Additionally, she tends to share a lot of personal details about her life that I'd rather not know. She frequently seeks my advice on various matters ena mesmatem, maweratem, memkerum dekem selchet alegn. Becha 1 ken, she told me that she made out with one of my friends, and she explained that it happened unintentionally and that she didn't want him. Ena lmn lene endemtenazez gera yegebagn nbr mallet 2tum lene friend selhonu esun meto ene gar mamatu aslfelagi selalmeselegn, ena beka ene lay cheat endarege sew meta lene nw metnegregn.
After some time, they repeated the same thing, and she came to me once again to share the details. This time, I expressed that I didn't really care about the situation. In response, she asked me what she had done wrong and what her faults were. So, this made me realize that I should stop talking to her and instead, focus on finding other friends.
So, I'm looking to develop a friendships with individuals who better resonate with my values and interests. ena my efforts to distance myself from my unwanted friends is not easy, she remains quite present in my life be ig, tg and school mnamn . So I find myself in a situation where I'm uncertain about how to proceed. My intention is to handle this softly without explicitly expressing my desire to end our connection because I fear it might come across as awkward or hurtful.
I'm seeking advice on how to handle a situation. I want to avoid causing any hurt while expressing that I'm not looking for a deeper connection, whether it's friendship or a romantic relationship. I don't want to waste my time by getting into something that doesn't align with what I need. What I'm really looking for is someone who is mature, responsible, and can be a supportive friend. I would greatly appreciate your insights and suggestions.
Thank you.

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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