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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I think too much I feel too much. I dnt know how you do it but all it takes is your voice to brighten up my day. I think I channeled all my love into you that’s why no one can brake my heart but I also know you won’t let your self do it so you won’t really hurt me. All I have with you is time space and memories and I’ll cherish it I’ve never broken any laws. Our hearts are together just leaning on one another but we can’t physically be together which is fine I dnt want to reduce you to just a body. Your multi dimensional. I’ll let you do what ever you want but I can’t do the same I trust you not to break the rule but I dnt trust my self I can’t look into your eyes for too long I’ll get drawn into it you pull me like a siren. Your eyes kill me they make me weak I cant control my self so I look away avoid looking at you I scoot away. You are on my side of the car you are damn near no my lap but all I can do is look out the window and distract myself from how I’m feeling. You talk but I can’t concentrate on what your saying. You are cruel because you know how you make me feel yet continue to do what you do. Leaning on me saying things that stop my heart. I dnt think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say I love you. It took a while for you to finally say it but I want to here it every day. I can’t be with you but I like being next to you. Guiding you I want the best for you and the messed up part is I’m not what’s best for you. I dnt even know what you see in me to be honest. I’m not rich I’m not cute I’m fat I’m lazy but you still say you love me. I love you for obvious reasons but your my number one no one compares to you but im wise enough to not attempt to keep you to my self I fear I’ll Dim your light. Shine bright like the diamond you are worth more than gold I love you enough not to ruin your future I love you enough not to be the reason you miss out on life


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Why do we have to live this life? I don't wanna upset the big guy but this life really sucks. I always want someone to really care about me but theirs no one even if I think there are the next day I see that they don't want their friends to know about me. Why? Are you ashamed of me? Okay no problem if it was just one but almost all of you, I thought you love me as much as I do but no I was wrong. I'm sorry for those of you who loved me and I happened not to see it, I'm saying sorry because Incase I was blind to see that cause I never felt it, I don't wanna see or hear anything bad but no matter where direction I turn it's their, I wanna be committed and do some freaking work, I can't why???? Why does this have to be this why? Why can't I get my ass of and do the freaking work? Why can't I love myself, be confident, strong??? I know I wanna be someone's little panda but that someone is not here so I have to be that freaking someone for myself but I find it hard why? Yea I'm always happy the truth is I'm not. I can't be cold I don't why I'm always open, smiley. I don't know why I can't be cold and emotionless, I don't know why I always want a long bear hug, I don't know why I'm the way I'm. I don't know why I always give to the full but I love that cause I never wanted to give less, I give full all none I don't do in the middle and I never wanna do that cause you know that's what I think the right thing is doesn't matter where we are, even tho it's hard to be good in a full of bullshit at least that's what I can do good. Sometimes I think this all can be fixed if I get that one person if he ever exist cause one: he's make me strong two: he will be my shelter no matter what. But I'm always thankful for my parents cause they tried the best for me. Thank you 🥰 and I love you. And thank you my friends even if I don't feel like you're giving me as much as I give you, I would have been at worst without you, so I love you.

Don't laugh at my grammar or something. I just need to let it out

Thanks for you too 😂😘

Hugs for all of you who need it 🤗


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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i have vented in the past about my problems at school. since then, 6 of the girls that used to intimidate me have either dropped out or transfered. i know this is a big deal but the feeling of lonliness is still there. there are still some girls that hate me at school and i dont know how to escape it. i've tried to ignore them, pretend they aren't there but i can't. they purposefully sit next to me so that i could hear them intimidating me and making fun of me. school itself is hard enough without ppl at school going out of their way to show how much they hate me. ppl at home dont understand. they think i'll get over it soon and just act like its some minor inconvinience. but i am constantly feeling lonely and empty everytime i go to that school. plus am worried about my futur. i cant concentrate at school, am worried i wont be able to graduate. i wanna die. i just wanna die. i hate that school. am just so sick of everything. am constantly feeling empty, like the whole world hates me. there's no one that can save me. there are some people that want to help me and give me what i need but they dont go to school with me. they dont know what am going thru everyday. they give me great advise and make me feel supported but then i go back to that school and forget everything. all i see is that everyone hates me, and i dont have any friends. i dont know what to do. plz help me.

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Melancholy #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone ,so i have been dating this guy ena we meet ye religious bota ena beka migerem connection nw yenebren be achre gezi relationship jemeren ena btam aref nbr communication lay bedenb enaweralen menamn gn esu bzu des yemayel life asalfuwal ena ke sw expect yargale ena sensitive nw family trauma alebet mawerat kalebet selegudayu deep gebto yenagral ena yehon gezi lay be hone guday tetalten zegagn yaw tefatgna negn gn seatu aletgebabanem nbr yekrta teykugn meknyatu gudayu kebad ayedelm gn esu ande sament zegagn keza bemkra aweragn lmn zegahgn bey setyekew mawerat alefelgem ahun lay lila gezi enaweralen alegn ene negeregn belewem derk ale keza eshi bey zem alekugn keza kes be kea wede normal metan mawerat jemeren keza gn endebfitu medewel kense malet sanawera welen anakem keza ke 2 ken bohala dewelku amogn nw ale keza eshi alekugn gn telemno nw miyaweraw even dena neh wey teshaleh lemalet ene weseti teyaki tefeter keza wede 1 sament beyal tagesku selamemew nw bey gn alchalkum keza mnden nw bey txt alkulet malet relationship makom felego endehon teyekut gn txtun alemlesem yehew 1 sament hone enem gera gebagn mn barg yeshala?? by the way this age is above 28 .

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys, am here to ask you ppls some advise, am 21 M, been relationship for 2 years and a lot happened within these two years, we met when we were freshman students it was all sweet for like 3 or 4 months until it wasn't. unfortunately she cheated well technically she made herself available i guess that is the right way to put it in her words, it was her so called "guy friend". i forgave her and after that asked her to stop contacting him and she refused she dont want to be mean or she claimed he is just a friend, it was horrible one and half year for me i started smoking and pills, sometimes i used to regretted forgiving her, i dont want to say i was this or that for her all i wanted was the same thing back, fast forward at the end of our relationship her guy friends becoming a lot and they started to filrt with her and i was still forgiving her again and again, finally we broke up, and I was broken for long time, but at the time goes i become good and get over her completely, the thing is we still talk and she is becoming dependent on me and she started like she is in relationship and she does seem real, what i wanted to ask you guys is how do i know if this is real that she is showing me and even if it is real how do i stop this i dont want to be with her again.

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I met a guy, he is good in almost everything. It's only been couple of months we met verious times. He is husband material. The thing is am confused, i mean our intention is for marriage technically but we never talked about what we are. Is it very early to worry about this? I mean i don't know how things will go or what we exactly are. But i know we have not started a relationship.
Anything u may say?

#Relationship #Adult

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እንኳን ለጌታችን ለአምላካችን ለመድሀኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የልደት በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ።

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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33 F
So here is a thing, as a grown, single women, እንደ አብዛኛው 30ዎቹ ውስጥ እንዳለች ሴት i don't feel rushing to get married, ማለት በቃ ምፈልገው አይነት ወንድ ካላገኘሁ for the sake of my age ማግባት አልፈልግም, እንደውም lately የማየው ነገር ሁሉ ለትዳር positive POV እንዳይኖረኝ እያደረገኝ ነዉ... I just need gentle, calm, slow and genuine love... መፅሐፍ ወይም ፊልም ላይ እንዳለው አይነት ፍቅር ሳይሆን በቃ የእውነት ፍቅር :ስወድቅም ስነሳም ተመሳሳይ ፍቅር : ሰላም የሚሰጠኝ ፍቅር... I don't think that's a lot to ask...
I just want to know... ጤነኛ አስተሳሰብ ነዉ አይደል? ወይስ አብዛኞቹ my friends እንደሚሉኝ odd ሰው ነኝ?

#Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey i am x and high school student and in the last ages of teenagers and even idk why am writing this shit but i hope it will make me feel better anways i have a good acadamic status in past years but still thats all tries never bring a change in my life. Right now my fams want me to read for uni entrance which will be 6 later but idont want to read cause i am sure that i will pass that birhanu negas shit i just want to have a relationship then what you suggest me

#School #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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here to vent
Am 24 m who often finds himself chatting with and talking to women who are older than me.
I'm not sure why older women find me attractive, but I wonder if I'm giving off certain signals. We talk about life, their past experiences, and sometimes sexual things. It's been a long time since I've had a normal relationship with anyone, so currently I'm thinking about giving it a shot and dating an older woman to see where it goes.
so this is what I'm dealing with for now
but if is there anyone who had
the same experience like me i really need your advice.
Thank you in advance👋


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi... want some answer from girls

I am graduating this year and she is mid half way, from the same university. We now talked for more than 6 months I think and it was like deep talking, but we have never dated, i met up with her at the library or on the road and something like that.

When i think this thing is not gonna work and stop contacting her, she is the one who restarts everything. And when i get back to her thinking she might be interested in me, it is the same bullshit. I treated her the best way a man could treat a girl he loved and i never intended to show unnecessary sexual desires, but I have made it clear I am into her.

So girls, if a guy makes it obvious he only talks to you, and chats with you every night by a , gave you a gift and mixtape on your bd, everybody knows he wants you... but when he wants to met you, or started to talk about the things between you two and you didn't want to talk or date...BUT you still drag him back to your life when he leaves you alone ..are you interested or not interested or what the hell is goin on ???

Should I just ignore her and move on or what do you suggest?

#School #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey all , just wanted to know your opinion . what kind of impression would u get of a 24 year old woman if she tells you she never been in a relationship ?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Thinking about your future in ethiopia on this time is really hard I'm 20 years old but I'm not even 1 year uv student due to the war and other kinda things now I'm really feeling hopeless I saw other peoples my age ena mn lay nw yetlalfnew enalku hule echnkalhu some of them started working some get married and having a child most of them are women also social media is the main problem i always say its fake that's not there life but deep down ik i don't believe that and here is me doing nothing ik God lene kalw endemalataw awkalhu but I'm so tired of waiting
Advice please 🙏🏾


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, F uni student
i will be graduating this yr gn coz of tornet alteteranm and i don't know mech endemntera

I've lost hope on everything my mom is telling me i'm 21 and i'm old enough and she's saying kebete wechilgn while i literary got nth she's telling me sekuar beshtegna yehonechiw bene endehone ke ergeznaye eskahun endaschegerkuat and she insults me everytime heartbreaking words and asekaki sedboch too while mariamn anyone can tell i'm not aschegari kid betemertm betsebaym endesua hunu yemibal aynet..i am not good at neged or anything ke bet endanota argew slasadegun my social life is yetemeta i can't even communicate beserat kesew ga..the only thing i'm good at is in academics which i now understand bemerekm life changing endalhone bcoz internship keremt lay neberegn eza bayehut..i was thinking of suicide gn when i search ways google atsenanagn fr..i don't actually wanna die wedefit yalechiwan me mayet efelgalew gn endetabate arge ahunen lelefew kezi miyawetagn esu becha hone.. bet endematfelegu endetwetu eyetenegerachu meheja gn saynorachu


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I wanted to let things out here cuz I can't say these to anyone i still love you even when your saying that you found a girl who makes you happy I still smile and wish you all the happiness I know I messed things up I know 😭 were never gonna be together I know I deserve what ur doing right now and at the end of the day I still hate myself B I still hate myself for losing you for ruining our future I hate how bad I want you but live like I don't I love you soo much that I stopped talking about my problems so I won't worry you I miss you everyday and still see ur pictures just to feel something I regret everything I did to you B but u won't forgive me and I would understand next week it would be our 1 year of breakup but am still that girl who fall in love with you deeply am still that girl who would show up no questions asked whenever u need me I will always be with you B even when things are hard and u won't let me in let me know what happened I will still be there waiting for you too come to me I miss you soo much but u won't say it I miss being in ur arms but I won't say it either I miss kissing you I miss hugging you I miss how you hug me and sleep on me when ur feeling sad I miss how you let ur anger go when ur with me I miss our silly jocks or how we talk without anyone knowing what were talking about "engedadelan " I miss how we treat each other even if we fight I miss ur kisses and I miss me B i miss some part of me when I was with you but things ended but am still here for you until my last breath I love you soo much B even if u won't get to see these I always will and I will always be there for you no matter what life puts me into am here for you I just needed to let these out before I cry 😢 myself to sleep


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Me and my boyfriend start relationship before 3 month l know him for one year l love him so much he loves me too but the thing is l need special treatment we met once in a week because of our job he always call me we talk always and he always tell me how much he miss me but we were together he didn't even hold my hand he don't want do any thing in public and now I'm feel like he Don't love me and l asked him why he do this he says he's shy to do anything in public did this happen or he don't love me


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Heyyy everyone, F 20, second time venting.
Someone replied and asked how I am doing now since time has passed. Lmaooo the answer is worse. I feel so lonely. Most of my friends or people I went to school with has already figured out their life’s and dreams. Every time I hear something about my classmates and schoolmates they tell me someone opened their own business, got married or left the country. On the other hand me, I withdrew from college cause I couldn’t get myself to study even if I wanted too. I still don’t talk to most of my friends. The only man I ever loved in my whole lifetime left the country and he didn’t even say goodbye. I wanna be a better Christian (orthodox) but I am a sinner. I smoke hookah and weed. I mostly spend my days at home even when I can go out I don’t. I tried to kill myself but it didn’t work. My depression is hitting bottom and I don’t know what to do about it. Nobody knows that I get high so sometimes that helps but sometimes everything just gets worse whenever I get high.I wanna tell my friends what am going through but I don’t cause the voice inside my head keeps reminding mr they don’t care. It says “ they will listen to you now but forget about you once you love.” “ you’re not that important” “ they have their own shit to worry about” “ what do u think telling them will change they will probably laugh it off” and I believe the voice I know of it’s not wrong.
All I want is a female friend, that can roll some weed and we smoke, we go to church and learn some bible, we go to school and chill. I want a female friend that is the same as me. A girl that won’t judge because I smoke, a girl that won’t try to change me, a girl that won’t tell me how to feel. A girl that understands what ever feeling we feel is valid. Please don’t tell me to stop smoking cause am a girl.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #HealthComplications #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello there
Ik this might be weird gn and and gize i feel like am death bezu geze behlme yayehut Hulu yehonal like ande saw tanko simot kayhu keza kenekahu enam seatun kayehu bezaw seat saw tanko yemotal and and gize demo menged lay sehed weyem bemalakew sfr salf saw yemotal( mostly blood blood keshetetegn ) maleresaw agatami nbr and gize eka mekebl wede shiro meda akababi heje nbr be earphone zefen eyesemahu denget zefenu kome kezam kome slken eyatekakelu endale demo dem shetetagen kezam kena sl kehonech setiyo ga teyayen benegataw ke guadegaye ga ke class seneweta bezaw sfr salf yayehuachew setiyo motew lekso tekemetew ayehu
What do you think
Am I Death????


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have a condition called (horizontal nystagmus ) i can't control my eye movement. (It moves by itself side to side )It stated when I was a kid, now am 21
I have never met someone with similar conditions. I am not sure if most people even have it


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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What's happening to the world right now is very scary. Not only is the end coming but it is going to be chaotic so I say we ride on our proud horses have one last feast and a fuck fest and we leave this world on a proud note!!! Hurray


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Lost poet
I need to vent
Odd to say, but I've found my solace within my void. The void I always tarnished, the things I hated about myself ended up becoming the only things that stayed. We hate our scars, but they're the roses of our past. We own nothing in this life but our scars, love, and hope. The love I yearned to have, the one I never had, maybe just maybe, I loved... for I couldn't love myself.

Sometimes everything inside you cries except your eyes. And that's been the case; my eyes stayed dry, rich with famine, reflecting my soulless void. Tears are beautiful, a sigh of relief, for your soul, a chance to live. I've always longed for tears, but nothing washed my pain.

I'm in a mess. No, I'm a mess. When will my soul seek freedom, or was it always in search? I've been in search for freedom, my soul to be free, rather became a slave to the one thing my damaged heart desired. An ocean exists within me; its depth filled with my thoughts. I'm going insane, or maybe on the road to sanity, glee, or enlightenment. Ephemeral or forever, what am I? For what do I exist... Was I born to suffer? Will a provisional smile heal my mind, or my withering candle of a soul?

Will I be smiling when my book comes to an end? And why do my eyes water when I conceive my last moments? Do I want to live this life? What do I ought to pursue in this life? I swim within all the questions.

I understand now; I only exist within myself, all of me, all faces of me. I belong to me, and so does my future. But what will fill the void? Thought love is an ample matter, though I seem to be mistaken. Will a lifetime be enough to figure me out? The only question which the answer within time resides.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Erenyeager
I need to vent
Hi guys i need to vent i am 20yo F i slept with this guy over a year ago it was one night stand it happened really fast i mean i am not the type of girl to sleep around I've not slept with anyone since then the thing is I've been thinking about him too much lately at that time i didn't even try to approach him because i didn't want to stress him out to thinking we have to be something else because we slept once and he was the type of guy who wouldn't like to be in a relationship and i didn't want to be clingy but in the other hand i didn't wanted him to be just one night stand i really liked him but now he has a girlfriend but i couldn't stop thinking about him and part of me thinks i want to be with him because i don't want to sleep with somebody new like body count matters to me idk why but it disgust me when i think of having to sleep with different guys i atleast have to get married with the next guy i sleep, but i really like him  tho what should I do what's your advice for me?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi guys urgent ye gwadegna bf nbr ena teleyaytewal ahun lay keza ene dmo mawarat jmrku esun yemawkew k eswa befit nw liju betam arif tsebay alew ye gwadegnayen ex mntek yehonal plss amakrugne


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I don’t want to live to be quite honest but whenever I have those feeling I try to hide them because why the fuck show them adel demo my eyes are fucking hurting because I cried myself today and yesterday and I feel like when ever I have mental breakdowns I feel like I am going to kill myself and at the same time I feel like I am ungrateful bitch for the things i have one of which is ofcourse the wealth that everybody wants which is health and thanks to god my fam hasn’t been sick so I am grateful for that mariamn cuz I now when member of the fam is sick bro shit gets hard for me like I said I am a very sad women btw I am 20 years if that is something you want to know I am financially fucked doesn’t know what to do I am in college btw I literally cant even tell you how much of an attempts I did I am a sinner ena besu becha I blame myself ,I am disappointed in myself betam gen the situation I was in or shall I say my mum was in because of my father put me through hell seeing her like that for 20 year since I was a baby and now I cant even support her errr I cant even support myself not even for school ,shit I cant stop school that is the way out for me I cant start a job cuz I have school becha bro the stress I am in bye if I keep venting I am going to cry

Bro I literally wrote what I was thinking

#Family #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi!  I am a guy who have moved to abroad for studies before 6 years and I am graduating next year got several scholarships during my studies due to good grades also have a work experience while studying and now my visa will expire soon after I finish I am planning to move back to my home country since i cant stay more ,have you ever saw or heared successful stories in reintergrating back??

  Considering the country's political and economical situation please your information can help me and others the same who are planning to do the same.
Missed my people and sense of belonging to my roots.

The Habeshan people i have met here have negative attitudes towards moving back.
So please share with your experiences kindly.


#School #Friendship #Family

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, so I have a question. Do you guys know any rehab centres in Addis Ababa? Please let me know if you know a good place to treat drug addicts.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone, how are you?

I am M 24. Recently graduated. Let me get straight to my points. I truly believe that changing every part of my life will involve sacrifices, but I'm willing to make the necessary efforts. The problem is that I don't belong to any inspirational circles. All of my friends are similar to me, and I am aware that I don't inspire them either. How do I acquire a better circle in life so that someone wiser than me can advance me? Because it is very important. How can I get that? Please inform me.

Many thanks ahead of time.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone, I'm a bit insecure about my size... I'm average but I kinda believe size matters even tho ppl say it doesn't. I wanna ask girls, is the best sex u had (like the one u orgasmed the most), with the guy who had a bigger dick than the others u had?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hello everyone!
I don't know what to say but its like Im losing my self Metenefes eyakategn nw right now!ahun erasu eyalekesku nw yhen vent metsfew I love him so much I do everything he asks me but in return disappointment and heart break nw magegnw Idk why his doing this to me he keeps confusing me yewedegnal wys aywedegnm? milw teyake hule ayemeroyen eyebetebtw nw gn meles lagegnelet alechalikum my brain tells me that he is not the right person for me but my heart keeps saying give him a chance what if he is going through bad situation? And i always listen to my heart and get back to him gn mnm mikeyer ngr yelwm he keeps manipulate me selamen atahu 😭

#Relationship #Teen

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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent
Hi everyone
I started living with my bf recently because I wanted to know how things can be between us before getting married . I don’t feel like he puts as much energy as I do both for our house and his works . I also realized he was raised to be independent on his own and that affects me a lot as I was always raised to be my things on own. I feel like he doesn’t have much masculine energy like I am ambitions and passionate about my future and he tells me he is too but very small energy not just the energy even thoughts . How do I solve this ?


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