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Vent Here is the place for you to vent off anything you have on your mind, get help and give out help to those who vent. Anonymously. Vent using @vent_here_bot For any inquiries and ads, contact 🦄 @MoiPlus "We rise by lifting others"

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi am 22 M and a have this eshue. You see I have never been in a relationship I have tried to be in a relationship but I always get rejected. this one time I loved this girl so much I was scared to tell her how I feel because I didn't want to get rejected and never see her again we were friends I didn't want to loos that. well so I did small things like buy her lollipop and send some one to give it to her and stuff. to make it short we were in high school like in G10 this an old story by the way. she knows I like her but she didn't feel the same. this one time I saw her close friend and sucked up my fear and asked her about how she felt and is she interested her friend was nice and told me to give up and that she had a boyfriend and to save my efforts (what a bitch right). I was crushed I loved this girl it hurted me so much. from that day on I've been protective of my emotions I hide my feelings and tell my self that I was not interested in dating anyone even if a girl approached me I used to be formal and shot with them now I just feel nothing I've tried to talk to girls but it's not me talking to them it's like some one else is talking I feel nothing i just talked to them with smart words but am not feeling any thing inside. I think I've lost that sense of rushe . I think I'm subcontiously rejecting this feeling. don't get me wrong when I see gorgeous girls am attacked to them but once I start taking to them I don't feel nothing like am shut down nothing gose in I some time go back and see my messages with some girls and i don't recognize my self In those messages I just say stuff that look like they came from some one who's interested but I wasn't it's scary some times to be honest is something wrong with me has any one felt like this


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So the thing is. I. A useless teenager that spent her day sleeping. daydreaming. Reading wattpad. And scrolling through her phone all day. Feels like she's going crazy.
Awo mabid eyemeselegn new. Mamen alfelekum neber gn lerase meyaz alchalkum.
Be samnt ande new kebet miwetaw siweta demo hulum slene kifu neger miyawera new mimeslegn. Kesew gar eyaweraw aymroye lelaga yihedal i can't focus befitsum.
Yehulunm sew chgr mesmat selchitognal ke and sew gar awrche misemagnin hulu baswegid des yilegnal.
Wede ebidete simeles beka menfes yayew yimeslegnal bichayen sihon betam new miferaw miyayegn sew yimeslegnal i'm not diagnosed yet but ye schizophrenia symptom new tebiyalew ena cure kalew alawikm. Amakari gar bla bla endatilu geter new minorew family demo ayamnugnm idk bicha tsife malchersachew negeroch alu. sometimes i feel like i'm exaggerating malet simple new aa bezi edmeye yemn mefrat new hule endezi biye lerase enegralew gn temelshe ezaw firhate ley negn enesum erasachewn masayet ayakomum enem enesun mefraten altewim. Gn koy if i was meant to be crazy kemejemeriyaw lemn tefeterku i mean eshi le tariku teblo new enbel gn lemn tolo ayaswegidegnm bicha gn if u guys have any cure Please ngerugn


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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random thought About country am i wrong because of thinking there is no "yager fkr" now a days i am felling like that because they are using Ethiopia as a brand name yemeta hulu besmua yengdal everybody should stay away from Ethiopian Army because they are using this Army to satisfy their interest at the end of the day they will cheers their glass of whiskey after the death of millions why we would die for thier interst no one will remember the name.of poor soldier who died at the battlefield ego's of politicians is beyond everyones life stay away from Military live your own life, work hard , support you family Worship your God life is all about this in my perspective


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Part 1:
Hey guys, I want to let these out. Five years ago I met a girl. Smart, kind hearted and so beautiful that I couldn't ask for more. We started chatting and the Convo got more intimate with in a week. We did all things that couples do but without the title you know (we told each other we're "friends"😁). We've talked on the phone and chat every single day for years but only met only 4 days in person so far within these 5 years (crazy huh?😁).We fall for each other but we don't even talk about it, we just care and check on each other. Years passed, we got older, she got more beautiful 😁, I fall for real😁 and shit happened and we stopped talking(actually none of us's fault) and we lost contact. She changed a number and since she was living in another city and she just deleted all her social media accounts there is no way I could contact her. You know I missed her but couldn't do anything about it. So last week (after 2 years), ...
to be continued.

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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19F Hey guys, idk have you ever felt alone? That's literally what I'm feeling ahun, highschool eyeneberku I had a couple of friends (ahun college kegeban behuala teleyaytenal). Highschool ly I wasn't really a sociable person gn still I had some good friends and it didn't really matter to me yan yahl but after getting into college I'm finding it very difficult to make friends I promised myself I'll be more sociable this time but it just didn't work even the teachers noticed ena one of them asked me if everything was okay and why I'm alone all the time mnamn seriously betam nw miyastelaw guys. Anyway, how do you befriend someone? Ena how to not have awkward conversations?... That would be my question.

#School #Friendship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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21F, here.

So, there's this guy (I feel like this is the most cliché opening to a vent). I saw him for the first time two years ago when we were both freshmen in college. He was cute, and he looked shy. He was in my class and I kinda developed a crush. Then, I stalked him a bit before reaching out to him, made sure he fit the right criterion, then I contacted him, and like 3 months later, we were in a relationship. Fast forward a year and a half, he is like the perfect bf any girl would ask for. Very smart, exceptionally attractive, such a nice human being overall, typically shy but at the same time the kind of man you'd talk to for hours straight. Idk when in our relationship, but I'd already decided to give him my V card.

So my birthday was last week (on a Saturday). It was the same weekend where no one would be at home (both my parents live abroad, I live with my older sister, and she goes out to field work every last weekend of the month for 3 days). It was the perfect day to do the deed for the first time. So, I convinced him to come my house so that I could cook for him.

I cooked a nice meal, I bought wine, I took the TV to my room so that I'd suggest to spend the evening in my room, I bought condoms (which was one of the weirdest experiences of my life), I researched and chose romantic movies on Netflix to watch, I chose suggestive but not provocative clothes to wear, I bought new underwear and new fragrances, I even shaved (yeah, I was that determined to have sex).

So, he came, we went into my room to eat, we ate sitting on my bed, we watched a movie kinda leaning against one another. He then put the necklace he bought for me on my neck, he kissed me and eventually we started making out. I was nervous and also glad this was happening. ኤልፓ እጁ ይባረክ, the light went out, and the room was dimly lit with the evening sun. I couldn't have asked for a better scenery and a better moment.

The thing is tho, I was the one making all the moves. He was kinda restricted. He kept his hands to himself (although my hands were literally all over him) and when I try to push my chest against his he'd lean back slightly ምናምን. But things got intense at some point. (Excuse me for my language for the following part) I was wet (I'd been horny before, but this time was different). Frustrated by his lack of actions (and as a last resort), I then took one of his hands and put it in between my thighs. (I feel ashamed saying it now, but it happened).

He then all of a sudden stood up and said "We shouldn't be doing things we would regret". In my mind I was like "What the actual fuck did you just say to me?" (I didn't say it tho). He then went to the bathroom, and I, sitting in my bed with a fever like temperature, tried to cool down. He then said he wanted to leave. I was visibly deflated. I was mad at him. He saw that, came to where I was seated, kissed me goodbye, and left.

Yep, my self confidence took a dive. He, along with every man I know, told me I was beautiful and hot all the time. Does he even really find me attractive?

I still want him (probably more so after the incident). He pretended it never happened when we talked after that. But for me, every time I see him, I'm dripping wet inside my panties again (Again, excuse my language). And now, I repeatedly found myself intentionally avoiding him in order not to confront my desires. I literally can't concentrate on anything, to the point my sister called my friends to ask if there was anything wrong.

On the other hand ደግሞ, he's the nicest person I know, and I think I really am in love with him.

Self-righteous members of Vent Here, commence judgement. ሌሎቻችሁ ግን I really need advice, I'm going crazy.

Thanks for your time.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey 25 nd M
i am here just to find some one. Some one who can i talk with ..whom i can express what am feeling inside without holding things .normally am lonely person who is surrounded by people i just  some one who can understand me  because i really feel lonely these days and am having some thoughts.  I feel need help. i want a real friend.

Thank you.  Stay


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Sup y'all! I'm a grade 12 student n I've a crush on this girl for like a year now but it wasn't that deep since she wasn't in our school mnamn n bruh this year she joined our school and things are getting worse n worse like she's all I'm thinking bout lately but I have entrance exam in front of me and I've started reading n I'm trying to focus but bruh! I can't and I don't want anything with her so I'm looking for ways to lose feelings for her. any ideas?

#School #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey am 21F ena this is my first time venting I don't know mn bye endemjemr bcha semonun betam yemiastela smet wst negn ena I have no one yeminegrew ena yemiredagn am this kind of girl betam meweded mefeker mnamn yemfelg betam attention ena treatment yemfelg ena that's why bzu relationship wst gebchalew gn lemn endehone alawkm andachewm altesakulgnm guadegnoche yemigerm afkari alachew gn ene yemtewawekachew wendoch endalu lk lihonulgn alchalum am Muslim ena 3 yrs ago mnamn new religious mehon yejemerkut ena nikabist negn(fiten eshefnalew) ena keza bhuala ke relationship lemerak ena yemfelgewn sew sagegn nikah lemaser neber hasabe gn yemfelgewn magignet alchalkum idk why metfo sew aydelehum betam bekelalu yemideset betam tegbabi keftognal mawrat efelgalew lalegn sew Hulu balawkewm enkuan ategebu yemhon sew negn gn I can't get my man betam afkari negn tamagn negn ena at this time tkiklegna afkari new mfelgew nikah asro yerash yemiaregegn or demo committed yehone relationship new mfelgew


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am a m and 24 and story of my life is am a virgin for 24 years . that so fucking hard .i am not ugly or anything.girls wanna talk to me but when it comes to that am introverted and have social anxiety as the same time .so it’s hard for me to connect and get girls .i don’t know am gonna die virgin i guess


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey everyone
Is there anyone here feels different about this world like you are a different to this world and like feels alone to this world

#MentalIllness #Melancholy #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello there just needed some quick advice specially form people who are associated with health centre and men’s who have been through this or is it normal ?
For context I have been with my bf for a year and a half, so here is the thing my bf has a small blister (wound) on his privet area and it’s my second time seeing it within 4month, I asked if by any chance if he zipped on it my accident but he said he didn’t even notice it till I pointed it out & said maybe have rubbed it when it was itchy or some.
I don’t won’t to seem rude or make him uncomfortable by saying you need to get checked without any clues of how it might be caused or is it normal ?
Help please is it normal or should I make him get tested? Cause I’m feeling overwhelmed right know I don’t want non of us to have any health issues.

#HealthComplications #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am a 21-year-old male, and I have been in several relationships, but none of them have lasted long-term. Typically, after being in a relationship for 3-4 months, I find myself wanting to break up and start a new relationship. However, I am currently in a relationship with a loyal girl who has given me everything, including her virginity. We have been together for 10 months now, but I have come to a point where I want to end the relationship and focus on myself.

The challenge is that when we started discussing the possibility of breaking up, she expressed that if we were to end the relationship, she would harm herself. This has made it incredibly difficult for me to proceed with the breakup, as I genuinely care about her well-being and don't want to cause any harm.

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey I am 20 year old man and I'm addicted  I want get out to
This thing I don't remember how I got addict but I'm not same person as I was I lose energy to talk people most the time I choose to be alone quite sometimes I ask myself what happen I choose to hide in my addict b/c I don't wanna trust people and get broken I have trust issues but I wanna change that and go to talk people build trust and get out of my addict
    Thank u for the time

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am (tg://user?id=6340812770)
I need to vent
Where the heck does one have to go to meet sane and interesting people? A bar? A concert? Prolly won't meet the sane criteria and that's of utmost importance. A library? Better but that's where everyone is required to keep to themselves. Run out of ideas.

A wise man by the name Tyler once said everything is more fun as a shared activity and he ain't wrong. Scenarios are more joyous when remembered by not only you but by others as well. Stories of your past journey narrated not only from your perspective but from other's vantage point are more memorable, I believe. Enough reasoning given for my vent. Now I repeat my inquiry: where does one have to go to meet level headed, down to earth and adjusted people?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi guys. I'm just gonna jump into the main shit. So I'm a 12th grade, 18 year old male but I DO NOT look 18. I'm very short and I have a baby face. I swear if u see me in person for the first time you will definitely think that I am 12 or 13 years old. Even random people in taxis and stuff treat me like a fucking kid. I'm very unattractive and I don't talk to girls or try to flirt with them because I think they will judge me of how I look. People don't take me seriously. My mom is the only person who takes me seriously (I don't know my dad so she raised me by her own). And I'm very sick of it, really. What's gonna happen to me when I join college or university? I feel very insecure about myself especially my height. I basically hate myself. So guys please answer me these two questions🙏. What should I do about my height and how can I learn how to love myself? And do all girls want tall guys? (cause I'm losing hope on romance). Thank you very much for reading all this🙏

#School #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Zare tyaqeye lesetoch new , 1 case lingerachihu ena . Wend gadegho binorachu ena malet betam mitiqerarbu best friend abirachu new mitiwilut beqa ,siteghu bicha mitileyayu malet new gn r/ship ayidelem. Keza and qen samesh or tesasmachu ya neger tedegageme bicha ena gn menim alawerachihubetim ena beqa sataweru qere ena friendshipu qetele malet if he shows you sign he doesn't want to kiss you ena beqa anchi ehite nesh vibe men yisemashal ??


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Part 2
So last week (after 2 years), I started searching her on some database (which is confidential 😁) and got her new number. I hesitated and called her, when she answers the phone she recognized my voice before I even told her it was me. Then we decided to talk about it in the night after work. So that night when we are talking she was in tears 😭 and told me she missed me so much and obviously me too😁. We talked till 5 am in the morning 😂. We kept talking on the phone for 7-9 hours a day. While talking she told me the shit between us is getting complicated and we both were sure it wasn't friendship or so. We both agree it is love but she told me she's not supposed to feel like that cos she's engaged to some MFing diaspora, at the same time our emotions got out of control. So guys here are the chances:

1. I leave her to her new fiancee no matter what we feel
2. Be friends with her (so dangerous for both of us)
3. Fight for her against all odds (the second dumbest idea😁)

What do you say?

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello there I F23 have been Dating my bf for a year and plus, so here the thing i been feeling insecure since i start dating him, you might wonder why it’s Because at the beginning of our talking stage he used to brag about dating models (ex gf), yes ik this was a red flag i ignore secondly 3month in our r/shp he point out how I dress modest and I should wear more revealing dress and mumbles( you should have seen how my ex gf used to dress)and he been frequently commenting on my looks as a joke, And I been losing weigh rapidly that I had to get checked but came out everything clear,I’m losing my spark and happiness day by day but I can’t let go I love Him so much even tho he puts me in difficult situations , y’all might think don’t you have self respect or some I do but I love him what should I do ?

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Hot
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selam indati nachu
Sorry for my አፃፃፋ
bandi negeri hasab bitisetugn desi yilegnal mindinew ina irasani yemayew ina sewochim indemilugn melkemelkam ina arif akuam yalign wendi negn gini isakun virgin negn iskahun sex adirga alwikim gini madireg ifeligalehu lesu demo ሴት yasifelgal ina mini lemalt feliga newi ina bezuray bizu satochu alu besiram be class bota ina kenaziw wistim 3
4 seatochi approch arigewignal ahuni layi malet newi gini they are not my type minamin gini ina demo mifeligati ሴት kenagari beyanis wehoni similarity binorat biya asibina ignore arigachewi newi ahuni layi yalehut ina degimo lelaw negeri date lemewita genzib asifelagi newi biya asibalehu ina isuni indati newi manage yemaregew genizb yeleginm biya iskahun tekemichalehu gini degimo gizawi iyehade newi ina mini timekirugnalachihu guys


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I started school when i was 4 years old and learned for 4 years (Montessori, Nursery, LKG and UKG) after that i changed school but my family asdegemug😡 for no reason back to UKG so when become a grad 1 student i was 9 years old but the other kids were like 6&7 so i was always the oldest in class when i got in grade 5&6 they used to call me shebaw as a nick name but i hated that name i got puberty before the other students. fast forward i finished school when i was 20 years old and got in Gonder university after 1st semester i came back to adiss le reft gn melsew alterunem balew cheger meknigat miterunm aymeslem so i am going to start from the beginning😭 in a college and my friends talk about that they will finish university in there 23 and see other peoples graduate in there 23&24 even my best friend older brother is 22 years old and he is 4 year student and when i think about my self that i well graduate in my 26 years old and miss out 3 years i become so angry on my parents.

If you have a kid be gize temehert endigemru arguachew ena atasdegmuachew be enesu edeme mechawet new

#School #Friendship #Family #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Why do I always attract girls with daddy issues, this thing have been a mystery to me since I started dating. It didn't happen not just one or two time it happened 4 times , I feel like am too mature for my age , nonchalant or toxic . Is this thing normal ? Guys I need an answer ( I appreciate girls pov )

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So what do u guys really think about psychopaths? and what are the treatments like in the mental institutions Amanuel and others

This is not some delusional shit guys, I need ur help

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey. Y'all might think this is a joke but I don't care here it goes. Do y'all remember that movie where every girl this guy sleeps with goes to marry a nice husband? I feel like I am in that movie.

Every girl I slept with goes on and finds an amazing and caring husband within few months. I didn't really make much of it until one of the girls who's about to marry in few weeks confessed about it. She was in my circle of friends and she told me she slept with me to make in a hope that it works.

We were kinda close and she knows some of the women I selpt with and she reminded me where they are now and she slept with me with the sole purpose of getting a husband. And to your surprise she is engaged to a good dude now.

When she told me that, I went down memory lane and tried to remember and she was right. Whether it was one night stand or a relationship, every body has a good marriage.

Am I trippin?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I neee to vent
Hey everyone M 18 I have porn addiction, girl friend yelegnm i want to stop it gn mnm alchalkum ena esti guys yehone neger belugn plsss

#MentalIllness #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys so my cat just died from a car accident,I was too attached and the pain I'm feeling is too bad. My question for pet lovers is, is it wrong that I don't want to raise a pet anymore cause I know they'll die some day and I'll feel all the pain over and over again? and anyone who raised a cat after losing one do you just forget the first one? Are they replaceable? and finally how long did it take for y'all to get over their loss?i love them but I'm an emotional person and know the pain is unbearable if I keep losing them. I never thought I would get this much attached with him this quick. pet loss is a whole different level sorrow 😔

#Family #Melancholy

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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It's not a vent

The reason Why a lot of relationship fail is we have to be willing to give someone what they carve and need not the thing that we really like giving because it's really easy to keep giving the thing that we're comfortable giving. Like sometimes you know if we give love through food or if we give love through coming and giving someone affection not whatever it may be that may be the thing that we find it really easy to give and so we just keep giving it to me the key to relationship is listen well enough that you know what it is they're absolutely craving and then give them that exact thing

#Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey guys, I just got my matric results back and I did pretty well. so after this my plan was to learn medicine and all that. ever since I was a kid I've wanted to become a doctor and help people. I was passionate abt the human body so I thought medicine was for me. but now I talked to so many people(doctors,nurses, med students) and they speak of it as if it's hell on earth. I got advised not to get into it for money. And they say the most depressing thing about their lives and financial state then sugarcoat it with "but it's good work at the end." All this got me rethinking everything. I haven't said this to anyone but I'm actually kind of scared of going that path now. I wanted to switch to something else but I need a good plan b if Im going to tell my parents that I changed my mind. Do you guys know any other field i can purse that won't make me suicidal and also get me money(other than cs)?

#School #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Eyemotk bihons ?
Slh mot mot sayhon lelagaw mot eyetenefesk newe gn beka you are useless, numb human being that makes stupid decision.  you know what you must do but you don't do it because you have become so stupid and that is because u never challenge your brain because all you do is sleep and cry and tiktok
But deep deep down you know you are great like you are created by God and you are capable of great things
and then 1 day you get inspired n all then you set goals and plans.
But they will last only for a while
then you are back in to your rut
This never ending tiring but terrifying cycle
that was with you for a very long time and you adjusted yourself to that cycle because you know nothing new other than it
You can't get inspired because you don't know life other than this cycle , it's like you are best friends because you don't know something that lasts for that long other than your rut
You don't even let God in because you are always tired and carless to even go to church or pray even
but the truth is it's killing me inside out like eating the life inside me slowly
of course I am breathing and I have good environment but the joy and excitement and the life inside me is decaying like fading into ashes and one drastic unexpected life changing moment like loosing someone might blow the ashes away then i won't exist anymore but at the same time i don't want to exist at all


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Feb 04, 2022
''Dear diary,
It's been a long time since I saw these sappy romantic movies. Mixed feelings. I've been diving into them lately, and I guess I just came to realize that what movies sell is not life or reality. Movies tell moments. Fairy tales sell moments. I guess as a young girl, i though there was more to it than just that. But movies and books and music, they just enact the wonderful parts of a relationship. yes, battles and conflicts aswell but battles they ended up winning. That is far from the truth I don't think you can always love someone like a 'love song', you know? And it's weird that we are filling our mind with these crazy tales and having weird expectations. I don't know what reality is but it's not perfect. It's not butterflies and rainbows and sunsets. It's also caterpillars and lightnings and sunburns too. Hehe, I guess I am a grown up now.''


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