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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 missingrainbow
I need to vent
hey My story is one filled with uniqueness and challenges, for I was not only a lesbian, but I also possessed an extraordinary bond with animals. And to add to my peculiarity, I embodied the Ethiopian currency, the Birr.

Since a young age, I felt an inexplicable sexual and emotional connection with the animal kingdom. I could intuitively understand their needs, and they, in turn, sought out my companionship. It felt as though we shared a secret language—an unspoken understanding that transcended words.

But my love for animals went beyond mere companionship. There was a deeper, mysterious attraction that stirred within me, an emotional and spiritual bond that I couldn't quite put into words. That connection to animals made my own journey of self-discovery all the more complex and challenging. Yet, I never wished for it to be different.

Growing up in a society where diversity often faced resistance, my identity as a lesbian added layers of complexity to my struggles. I yearned for a world that would embrace my sexuality and my profound bond with animals instead of questioning or condemning them. Even though the path ahead seemed daunting, I resolved to forge my own way forward. I refused to let anyone's judgment or ignorance dim the light within me.

Embracing my true self became an act of defiance, an unwavering display of self-love and self-acceptance. I understood that I possessed a beautiful and unique essence that set me apart. Through the strength I gained from loving animals and honoring my true identity, I discovered the power of authenticity.

Despite the hurdles, I persevered. My love for animals led me down a path of advocacy and conservation. I used my connection with these magnificent creatures to speak up for their rights and well-being. In doing so, I hoped to change the very fabric of society, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation for both animals and the LGBTQ+ community. and I am planning to have kids with the animals..

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Melancholy #HealthComplications #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ene becha negn class west bechegnenete ymisemagne like guadegnoche alugn gene I feel like eza bota lay yemalefelge sew aynt ngr nw ymisemagne

Lela guadegna lekeyere Idk gera gebetognal?

#School #Friendship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I am 20F here. I guess I am asking for advice. This has been weighting down on me. I met a guy through telegram 5 years ago. We started dating few months ago, but I have been loyal since I started liking him. It is not in my nature to lead on anyone so I ignore every guy for that one person. I don't like that about myself btw. For once, I want to be the stone cold girl I pretend to be. So anyways I love him but he started demanding sexual stuff. I was so uncomfortable coz I know unless we're married it wouldn't be right. Making out is the farthest we went though and he claims to be so religious it really changed my view of him when didn't even try to stop. And lately I grew a conscience and started praying a lot, took a week fasting and prayer and remembered all of my values that I had set aside to make him happy. But I still wanted this to work. I want to love him forever so I told him to start anew, to pray to God and make our rlshp holy. But he was outraged. I didn't even understand. Oh and for context he is soon to be theologian who is lutheran protestant. I am just a protestant. He told me that he wants to break up right after I said we should pray if God wants us to continue this rlshp. I pleaded with him to understand where I am coming from but he didn't listen. I am truly lost. His words say leave me alone but I don't know whether I should give up or fight. Anything would help. Should I really let him go eventhough he is my best friend and the man I still love?

#Melancholy #Relationship #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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i get scared and am scared... i pushed everyone away and i made a pretty big wall over the relationships i have with my friends that makes me incapable of telling them my true feelings... i feel alone and cornered in a small dark room that is so cold and gets colder each time i try hugging myself for a solution... i could feel scared in the middle of a class out of nowhere which is so stressing idk the reason for the fear i feel through my body and in my bones but ik i need someone to hug sometimes just a hug thats all if i wasnt so paranoid about ppl
21 F

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hy every body 1st time venting and shi
So there is this gurl im orthodox shes Protestant is it a problem date bnareg like we r both Christians ✝️ soo Bible mikelekil aymeslegnm
So the thing i wanna ask u is is it a problem??
i need yo Advices yall

#School #Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi unihorse
I need to vent & advice
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I am 21 yo male
I am an introverted person, and i do businesses what i need to vent is about a girl 21 yo, i knew this girl since elementary grades and we weren't friends back then but she was good to me that she remember every detail about my family that i talked during childhood and after almost 4 years we met  in my work place two years ago  we maintained a friendship and do businesses together but after that we decided to have business partnership put all our money together and open up a shop during this time she became overly nice that she gave all her money that she recieved for thr business from her family  to me and we also taught of moving out as roommates and during this her support and closeness make me attached and i think i fall in love, but during all these times we  knew we are more than friends but we havent talked anything so we are both free to date other people and i know she go out on dates with rich guys chat other boys and acts player infront of her friends but she never told me about her dating life she don't even pick up thier phone when shes with me even though i have no right to say anything. and recently she got sick i was all around her until she heals and she got fine and got back to work and she stops calling daily and her reason was that she was busy but i am so insecure about her and i think shes ignoring me but after saying she ignored me shed call and tell me how her day goes and more, and it is almost a year since i got feeling for her and i think she notices my intentions changed romantically and i dont know how long we would go this way and with all this uncommitted on & off situation my half mind thinks to see where it is going, mt second taught is to tell her how i am feeling and risk our current  connection if she dont see me my way and third taught is that we are too young to have commited relationship(concerning her teenage/player/ behaviour) and i really got confused here what do you guys sugges?

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there is this girl wich has a crush on my friend then he say no then she send me a letter say that she have a filling to me then i don't say any thing to her now she start with new guy and i fill like jealously i don't know if i have a filling for her or no can you help me

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hi y' all i wanna make it too short here is the case my gf had sex with 4 guys before me n' the day before today while me n' her were agreed to get into room n' have fun and started finding cheapest room she mentioned out 1 place damn! guess where z place where she had sex with her Ex then i disappointed and bark on her. So know i get in confusion is she thinking about him? Guys what do u think ltm know inbox now 👊

#Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey i am 23 years old guy i have agirl best friend probably met her before year or so we talk alot and hangout alot like a friend she told me every thing about her life every conversation that she make with other guys same to me too and we both said we are heartless cause of or last relationship one day we go out to have some fun and she asked me if we can have some drink and we get drunk idk we both are new for alcohol so we drunk so fast and she asked me if we can have a nap in her car so we go to the parking and we sleep after 5 min every thing changed and we started kissing it was insane she was on top of me we kissed for 30 min she gave me ride to my house and again she give me a-good bye kiss that night was confusing for me and we started taking on social media we flirt alot any ways we agreed to meet the next day to finish some work we were sober but we dont hesitate to makeout again that was not enough we had sex for the first time i was trying to control everything but i cant it was amazing and she was very happy and she was glad that i was her first and she want to do it again. And i cant talk this thing for any one what should I do should i continue to hookup with her or should i change the friendship into relationship


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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supp fellas here is 22 years old man thing is i really missed her i fuckimg missed her(first time in distance r/ships),,its been 3 months since we saw eachother we talk tru phone mnamn gn i cant i mean don know till when this continue don know when wll i see her cute smile, listen beautiful voice, hug her bla bla..n i wonder what is she doin rn, does she see other man, what if i wont see her again some shit happen idk..maybe but please dont judge me saying how can you say this while we are through a gadamn war goin on,,many peoples dye every day innocent people killed,,ik i understand i fuckin want an end to all of it,,.just sharing whats on my mind peace to ya'll

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello am M21.i don't know how many of u felt this feeling anyway am in the situation that am losing control over my mind lately am fighting with ma self and don't know what i'd to ma self anyone who have dealt with this shit i rly need ur help!


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello 22F
So there was this dude we were FWB then by the moment we had nice time so after almost 7 or 8 months he came back and say am in love with ya so at first I told him am not going to be with him but he tried to convince me and I was like okay let's see wat U got n I have back packs BC of ma past there were Lott's of shits happened after and before him also so I have history
Trust issues, psychological issues stuff like that so he is not that much in to my attitudes n am being like that is BC it's not boasting or being ignorant or sth the reason am being hard on him is BC I wanna see what he got, how far he will be able to go U kW and like how deep is his love will he be able to resist me on my worst n stuff like that so then after few days I started seeing some attitudes idk maybe its my interpretation so he said " I don wanna invest my time, energy, and emotion for the person who push me on purpose and tentionally who will not be able to open up so either try to be more open stuff or I shall stop trying I guess" and I was kinda mad cause he was saying your worth to try hard n stuff like that and my expectations for a person who says am in love with you he should do whatever it is to get me that's what I think so
I wanna ask U guys
1, Is he worth to give a chance?
2, How could I Kw his really in love with me or not?
And if U have additional advices am open to accept.
Thankyou guys

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello, its for 2304.
You are right .I am a very bad person.I betrayed people that cared for me just because I am unstable mentally and Because I love adrenaline surge and because am stupid. And because I am fucked up .

The irony is I died for people that betrayed me.everyone here
thinks I am awful.I dont mind zat.

But she hates me.fuck. it feels like a nightmare.not having her in my life anymore.

she moved on so fast. She is happy.I dont hate that . She deserves it

She will never forgive me. She assumes am dead.

If its her by any chance reading this know zat I have experienced everything u experienced.not feeling good enough.not feeling loved . feeling lonely in the midst of crowd.being cheated on . being betrayed.and heart aches .i am not complaining.I just want you to know I am dying inside. You are currently not feeling all this I know .
I meant, I felt everything I ever made u feel when you used to love me .I miss u calling my And my heart aches non stop for reasons I dont know of.I wasn't like this.I hate being weak .but I am the defination of it right now.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I can't act normal infront of guys if Im interested in them. It's very annoying and I have to know how to get over this. Whenever he walks by I look down. when he's in the same room I can look anywhere but at him. when i accidentally peak at him and he happens to look at me my insides go crazy and my mind turns to mush. it's as if he's got this frequency surrounding him that messes with my brain. All I can think about is how to talk to him but when he asks me something I can barely manage to nod. And through out my life I've had a few crushes here and there but the most I could do is get to the level of making small talk. But here's the catch..I don't want to date them or have a relationship. I keep telling my brain that but it seems to have a mind of its own. And now yet again, another guys walks in and takes my attention again..and I just want to....shut my mind of. I don't want my voice to go small and quiet. I don't want to feel so swayed by stupid emotions. I want to know how to face him, smile and be able to talk to him like I do with my other guy friends.

#Relationship #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I Don know wat to do guys am so fallen in love with my bestfriend and idk if he feels z same way ena am afraid to confess cause I Don wanna lose our friendship pls Don tell me like u lost this friendship when u start to having feelings for him mnamnn ik eko esun gen negrew Totally from my life degmo erase endihon alfelgem bcha idk like latawm degmo alfelgem bchaaa esti mkerugn thanks tho


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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so i met this guy a couple of months ago and we really hit it off. he is exactly what I'm looking for in a guy. he is very mature, has great sense of humor , very attractive and he has all the qualities any girl can need. it was very easy falling for him. But the problem is he has 4 kids 🙄 from his previous relationship. he has good relationship with his baby mama and i can see he is a very good dad to his kids.. in any normal circumstances i wouldn't even think of dating a guy with kids but i have never met someone as amazing as him. I'm confused on what to do . is it possible to date a guy with 4 kids?

#Family #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This week was really hard It's just alot of things are going around me, makes me overthink with jobs and life sometimes I feel I got everything correct and am on the right path but also this thought comes to mind where it tells me something is wrong that somehow am not sure on what am I doing at the moment and for the future .. not sure what exactly lead me to it but there are things I can't mention it's a combination of small events in life that dictates how I feel random memories and regrets keeps flashing back and as you know being by myself in the house these days is making it worse idk I'm in a weird state of mind lately.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Being the older sister is not easy. You literally have all your younger siblings responsibility on your shoulder. Ena i am so tired of it. U always feel like u r the one who should take the responsibility and has to fix every problem ya demo it will make not to enjoy eveything by only foucsing on the negetive side.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello everyone 22 years old female
Ngrun sasaterw i met him here in this channel and we chat betam silkem enidewawelalen and after few months he told me he kind in love with me and i felt the same way ngerkut but he told me he has difficult bahri sw siyatefa yan tefatun ayengrwn yesheshal enji lelaw demo yegodawn sw mebekel enidemiwedem ngregn and yhen bahriwn mastekalel enidalebet bezu erasu lay meserat enidalebet lene perfect hono lemekereb mnamm ena b akal memegenagnet ye zare amet mesekerm 2 lay teketateren and beka keza buhala sile minoren life bezu ngr nw hule minaweraw enem bezu ngren negrekut ena family ga betam alemegebabat al b birr guday k family ga yalwn chgr bicha ngrw case alenegrekutem bcoz asefelagi meslo silaletayegn esum yalangrekut kale enidengrw teykegn yelm alikut then zare negrekut b birr guday enidetetalan mnamn mom ene bussiness enidejemer bila yesetechgn birr nbr esun mnm salserabet atefahut ena she was disappointed beza guday nw hule enitala nbr yeah i know its not right thing gn i thought it was my money and i do whatever i want with that biye nbr and yhen senegrw betam over reacted hon lene yalw bota enidekenesm negregn i dont understand balfo sehetete lmn judge yaregegnal im heart broken now

#Family #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Amlake !!!! Am I doing the right thing or not.  This is feel not so good..... this was nothing for the couple year before but now seeing my family acting like this it feels so wired idk that's so strange for me I mean I am a grown woman I know what I am doing am 22 years old and I can rule and decide what is right and wrong in my life ....I didn't say I Know fully what life is I know I don't but at least I can differntat the good and bad . Look what can you say if your family tells you your so wrong just because you get home  before 2 o'clock I mean that's not even so late and also am finished school nothing is bothering me it's my right time to meet with ppl , to hang out with friends and I got it so funny when my family told me it's not acceptable for them if I want to late I can but I have to get out from their house 😂 who say that for their child and am definitely sure when I get 24 mnamn they will say  get Marry mnamn lol how am I supposed to marry when I don't even have the right to get out and meet ppl if I don't have the relation right now how am I get married then bcha is this only me or what ?? It feels so strange I thought things will better after I graduate and have a work but lord it's getting worse endewm ere give me some advice am I wrong? Is my family right? Just give me an advice and if you don't have ntn to say just pass instead of saying negative words just pls don't...........


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey unihorse🦄
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Debression wst negn 🙃techenanekuko beka ene alakm hulum negr yastelagnal zemenen mulu matnat matnat beka no one loves me beza lay beka yiselechal ymr🥺gn uk hule sikalew endiw sisk nw miwlew eko gn wste beka 💔 larg u think am overthinker how can I stop thinking huh? .....beza lay ke sw expect aregalew gn mareg eko alfelgm Idc level lay medresn nw mifelgew endet larg ???

#School #Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Im 20 F
Why do people just lead you on. Make you think they're interested in you. Then says you deserve the "best", just not from me. Or says you deserve much more than me.
My question is, where exactly is this "best" thing i deserve, cause I've heard it quite alot. And where is this thing that is much more that i deserve? I genuinely want to know. 🙂 where the hell is it at?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I’m 25M
Everyone in my friend group is in relationship or either married, and sometimes I’m like is it wrong to be single? But like I’m truly happy for them and my friends would ask when will I be in relationship that’s like it’s not a choice what people don’t understand is ,that relationship takes time,connection and finding the right partner, I don’t know why they make it seem so easy and simple like shopping lol , and the other thing is that I have feeling for someone, that person had crush on me for long time and after talking awhile a year ago we met , I was instantly attracted to the person and was ready for something serious but before meeting up we both agreed for one night stand so after we did it that day the separation was eating me alive ,my body was telling me I may not meet this person again so I’ve kissed my person for last time to say goodbye even though the person said we might meet up someday, we didn’t, it has been a year and 3 months now,I still have feelings for that person and I’m still interested so a week ago I’ve talked with my person and that person is in relationship, there was a part of me that says this person might come back to me but still I’m holding to that hope, and the thing is how can I be so much in love with this person after one date , like it wasn’t even a date , a one night stand? How can I move on from this first? Or sometimes I wonder it’s worth to wait but I’ve waited for long time I think but if it’s meant to be it will be, right

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey I'm M 18 and I've been lonely my whole life.
Esum bcha sayhon people always be hating on me and bullying me, which led to me having low self-esteem and think  everyone is better than me. So I worked on myself, gym, skin care and making money. And when I joined 12th grade I had a great upgrade in literally everything and people started to notice me. girls would look at me and smile and guys would respect me. But keep in mind I Still Hate Myself Inside so I didn't know how to handle these great things. So things never go my way. Guys start disrespecting me after knowing the real me, Girls stop looking/chasing me after realising I'm awkward...

Bcha being more interesting than I look is a hard task I could never do. and I hate myself just the way I am no matter how much effort I put into myself :)


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello yall

I'll be 20 after some days. But may last relationship was 3 years ago at the age of 17 and At that time I dated around 4 girls at the same time. The unforgettable one is the girl which is older than me by 1 year and I found out dating an older girls is such great thing to do as a man and I don't know why the society keep telling us that dating an older woman isn't appropriate... its such a wisdom and I wish if I could date another older woman...and my last relationship was a girl who is such horny and even force me to do sexual contact. Ugh ngl even her voice drive me crazy. One day we got a date and accidentally I had a call from home to get there early due to emergency. And I told her that I had to go home but she doesn't wanna let me in fact she wanted me to have a sex with her....I was afraid coz it was my first time but she did it multiple time... she want me to rethink about that by talking dirty like even she told that she would give me blowjob and many more...But what I didn't understand and even what I ask myself today is that how I refused her to have a sex... at this time I need such self respect but at the same time I need somebody who makes me happy and kept me alive. Coz after that I haven't entered in any kind of relationship with the girls...most of the time I'm not sad That I'm single however I feel so empty and unfulfilled and the fact I live alone in house made it worse....So what Should I do...keepin single or findin my girl


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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To the boy who broke my heart,

How did you do it?

I'm in a happy place, a happy relationship and my life is finally starting to make sense. And yet you still linger at the back of my mind. It's not the "What if?" But the "Why?". Why didn't you feel the same way? Why did you act like you did? Why can't I leave you in the past? Why didn't you stop me from leaving? Why was I not enough?

I don't know what closure is. I've been trying to move on for years now. And maybe there was a time I did but you came back. We talked for a little and you said you wanted to see me. Why? Why don't you want me to move on? Why are you always so nice to me?

These are the hardest types of people to move on from, the "nice" ones. I didn't know I loved you then, and I know I don't love you now. But I can't help but feel guilty for carrying this baggage. The guy I'm with is a lot like you in some ways and very different in others. He's my happy thought. But I don't know how to love him. Is it because you still have a hold on my heart? Is there such a thing?

I don't understand what I did wrong and maybe I never will. I've tried to move on but every time the thought of you crosses my mind I feel like it'll never go away. Maybe it's something I'll carry for the rest of my life. I don't want to be with you. I just want to know why?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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How do I start reading bible am orthodox I have no idea what to do , do I have to buy the bible or church yastmralu from the start ? Men mareg new yalbegn


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Oh man I miss her, I thought about this time I would forget abt her but no she just keeps coming into my head. And all of y'all don't tryna be a sigma on me , only a lover can judge me(ik how insane I sound). She made me a better person and I felt like I did the same for her. When I read books and they explain love , they describe what we had. I inspired her and she inspired me. The moto we had to inspire each other 😩. And wiz her success was the only option uk. She made a man out of me even without intention even with out both of us knowing it. I miss helping her , I miss her helping me. I didn't love her because we fooled around or used rizz. I loved her for her femininity, kindness, sweetness. I started writing a book just because of her, she made me put this stupid ideas I have on my mind to paper and made me see what I didn't see, she made me see what I lost, she unlocked my potential even if my potential might be no bigger than a void. I saw the kindness of my mum in her. I saw a best friend in her . I saw a wife in her . I saw God in her. And I saw a future with her. I miss her , I soooo fkn much miss her.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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selam guys, 21 M here. 
i never thought i would vent here but cant stay quite like nothing happend plus its killing me insiude out so here i am. Lately i am drowning with our past i love the memories gn the real situation is quite different to this.

To start with, we were in the same school but i had no idea what she looked like till i met her. ofc i approached her through text only ena things started to get along mnamn ena bzu koyen eyaweran mnmn then things started to shift mnamn. Then after i noticed we were on the same page that's when i experienced an odd feeling towards her ena i mentioned that to her directly gn gguees what? she was having that too. To be honest i had some girls and classmates whom i knew had a crush on me and approached me gn mnm meslo nbr yemaytayegn gn for her alawkm mn endehonku and the thing is she was 2 grades lower.
I never thought i be thinking about some one every single time when we were together gn after that i couldn't tell more of  what i was feeling towards her because of my ego but i am sure she knew because i knew hers too. Then things got easy we started seeing each other kind of dating mnamn and that was sweet.

it has been long since we broke up like years  years ena kesnt ande enkuan sngenagn like we feel that mnm endaltefetere ena we keep talking like normal andande she mention that it was me that got us into this situation and blame me for not caring like she does for me and so many things that she felt i wasnt giving her(which was basically true) and i know i made a mess. By the time i couldn't be serious about the relationship because it was my first time to get into relationships and i didnt know how to handle things mnamn. So ahun wedalenbet situation smles, sngenagn the feelings get mixed up i know she has a thing for me and also i know she's been with several guys whilst the time since we broke up ena sha has explored so much ena i get the fear that she is having this thing for me cuz of the memories we have had enji for nothing more. Recently we are kind of having a conversation and am struggling with the memories ena i dont rly know what to do should i shoot my shot or let everything slips away.

Ladies especially I rly need some points on this.

#Relationship #Adult

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