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Vent Here is the place for you to vent off anything you have on your mind, get help and give out help to those who vent. Anonymously. Vent using @vent_here_bot For any inquiries and ads, contact 🦄 @MoiPlus "We rise by lifting others"

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey so am 19M
So am a matric taker and like recentlythe social science students went to their exams and came backand they were telling us about their stay there and stuff becha they also mentioned that when its dark out around 4 and stuff alot of girls and dudes make out and have sex and shit it spots they cant easily be seen and stuff bechaaaaa i have this friend group we are like 8 and we were just chilling and stuff becha at some point every single guy there was talking abt what they wanna do how many girls they gon bang and started making bets and shit who would get more .... i was sitting there thinking "what the actual fuck is happening" like i thought ppl still valued relationships and emotional connection and shit i understand if it was some boys its every single dude ik ... i was just sitting there nodding my head like an idiot????.....but then i got to thinking am i the problem like i understand they wanna have sex ... every breathing guy does to but like to forget everything else like the relationship the chemistry and stuff feels weird to there smth wrong with me.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I was deeply in love with you but I was always feeling like am not good enough so I left I closed the door of my heart and i threw the key in the ocean. After a years you found the key I don't know how you got it but I felt happy for a moment for you to open me but then I found out you are a collector and you just like to collect those keys so you put them inside the box cause watching them suffer is what satisfied you ????

#Melancholy #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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🧄 23
I wanna ask you something guys i haven't been in a relationship for so long time last month i become in a r/ship with my ex and i thought that i loved her but know i don't know how i feel i have my girl best friend and i think i have true feelings for her and i don't know what to do should i tell my ex or should i tell my best friend i love her
Its been 4 year after our break up that we have been together gn am afraid that she gone get broken

#Friendship #Relationship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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22 yo male ....i've been swinging back and forth and was trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel ....i am scared for people for my mother especially .....but,I cannot live with myself anymore....I've tried and I have been degraded to the lowest level possible.....i dont like myself and that is my fact........soon,is extinction....soonis oblivion


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Okay ,here I go again ,I'm2nd yr aait stu and this social anxiety thing is eating me alive,I'm kind of good one when it comes to studies yet this one thing is draining me ,I can't relate to anyone, it s getting worse day by day,people tend to misunderstood me in every single way ,there was one person who truly knews what I was dealing with,my bio teacher he once said hey you have to reach out to someone ,even a therapy or smtg this is not healthy,I took his advice and moved on .yet I'm still here suffering on daily basis have you been through this at all?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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ymnorew adama new ena first time venting here so be nice  wiz ur comments 🙏
There is this guy ke 8 grade jemro abren new yetmarnew ena yehone time lay i think 10 lay wede relationship lnjemr belen komual( just high school thing) and now we are at the same collage even in the same class and that's fine normal nebern like erstenewal friend nen abren wede bet enhedalen menamn ke high school behualam esu relation west neber betam endemiwedat menamn akalew gn they broke up😬 ena 2 year temariwoch nen ke class senwetam wede bet mnhedewm
One day endtlemedew abren eyhedn he just kissed me 🤐 i was so shoked cos i didn't expect after all this year i have seen him like a friend i shut my mouths 😖 and keep woking next day he tried it again😫 but he didn't touch me mn madreg endalebgn alakm yetfetrewn eresche normal lehun or just ignor him or block him i don't know what to do pls help 🙏😢


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just met her last year at school and it seem like i know her for years we became close very close i just love her with my heart like sister and we usully hang out togther

We usually go to club we somke and do other sihts she is like me so we hang out togther every day at club drinking somking and etc

So one day we were at club and i was with my bf and we were just kissing and i wasn't comfortable so we stop and we start dancing and that time she and her bf break up and we were taking like normal friend
Let me clear it for u
We have a group 5 or 6 we share a boy we date it was normal to date a boy that out friends date and they broke up we talk menamen we were about to start real thing but she ask him to his gf and he say no am dating ur friend and i really love her so i say nothing because it her ex it my fault to date him and i say sorry and we go out .(she was the only one who knows we talk )

The next Saturday there was a party and i left early 4:00 at night and she know i go home they so goes she don't like it they monday we have school and she start a rumer that i had sex with her bf and everybody was taking about it . I didn't give a shit about them it was normal am not good with half of the student people told me she was the one who start it but i didn't believe them because she waz there she knows i didn't do it and even she my best friend she not like ther rest of u she know what friendship is that is what i though and we don't stop hanging out together

The next Saturday there was a party and we go and she have a video of smoking and her phone was hacked and everyone saw it at our school and she told them that i make her smoke and did everything that is illegal people told me this i didn't believe them because like i told u she my best friend i didn't believe them (i didn't make her start this when i meet her she goes to )
So we didn't stop hanging out together and one day it was new year eve and they was a party (we were 7 our friend were coming to )we were going and we party it like a wild and i go to rest room and 3 of our friend phone was stolen menemn and we didn't find it and then we go home so the next day our classmate callme and say why did u do this she ur best friend i say i didn't and they didn't believe me and i didn't care that much but my other bff call me told me everything she say to everyone that i stole there phone menamen they i didn't say anything i ignor here and she came and ask me what happen and i say i stop going out mene then she call me i didn't pick it up menen and ignore her like 4 month mene we didn't talk

Last week i was live in instagram and she join she talk me like nothing happen and we have a friend and told me to forgive her

Should i forgive her

#School #Friendship #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey guys so ama M 20 and I'm a uni student and I highly suspect i have ADHD , well I show at least 90 percent of the symptoms and its absolutely ruining my life It did not used to be like this all the time It started a few years ago . My attention span is fucked , I am distracted easily resulting in my inabilty to study for a long period of time and since I'm a uni student thats such a disadvantage and my grades are also fucked . I am easily forgetful i cant remember how i got to my dorm or even who i passed along the way , I lose my ID , money and dorm keys frequently and its freaking me out . I feel so bad everytime i lose something so i wanna ask you guys if there is ADHD diagnosis in ethiopia and am i able to get the help i need here .
Tnx in advance

#School #MentalIllness #Adult #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey, I’m 18 male and I just have a question for those of you that figured “who you are”

So I’m constantly having conflicted emotions and thoughts.
My brain tells me to do something but usually my heart wouldn’t allow it, usually those things are what most of us call “sins” like steal, use women for my own pleasure, do all kinds of harmful things and I don’t know what to do. Of course any rational person would pick the good side in these types of situations, and I’ve done that so far but I can not continue. I feel like I am the odd one in this whole country, I don’t have a problem with being the odd one but, it’s just been too long that I’m starting to feel like I am wrong about my decision and actions in life…I wouldn’t say I’m the most religious person and yes I do admit that I am weak when it comes to my religion, but I am still a good guy for some reason. I tried my best for over 4 years to not be me and still nothing, I am actually wishing that I’d fall in love with some Angel looking girl so she can break me into thousand pieces and leave me in the dirt so that this weak heart of mine would change.
Enough with the chit chat, my question in short it, am I odd in the wrong way?

#MentalIllness #Adult #Agitation #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey everyone it's been a while since I vented and dumped all my life shit here....well here we go....

I have been suicidal for starts I've been like that for half my life I always feel like I'm an outsider in everybody's life including mine.

I tried to end myself 2 or 3 times (not including the cutting I used to do every time I felt pain) that's another story to tell...
so the reason I am here is because I'm having thoughts of ending it all for good this time the cuts on my arm are not enough to ease the pain and the panic attacks...if i have the balls to do it today ..well.. this is gonna be my suicide note😂 ig...have any of thought that u don't deserve to exist in this world??

I'm fucking exhausted of existing, tired of living, i want to end everything I wanna end the cycle of acting fine,laughing too much coz i don't anyone to see me sobbing, then be alone and cry my eyes out , the after few month or year of suffering i become NUMB and start cutting, i wanna end that cycle by ending it once and for all.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 26 and studying in Europe now. Honestly, I feel pretty good about where I am in life because each day I'm a bit better than the last. But I've got to say, socializing isn't exactly my strong point. I seek true love. The whole idea of just messing around in relationships isn't for me. Yet, I wonder how I'm going to find my partner when I'm not the type to be out there, mingling and posting about my life on social media. What worries me more is that in chasing my dreams, I can feel myself becoming less sensitive, less openhearted. There's a part of me that knows she's out there a woman with a kind heart looking for real love. And I'm scared that by the time our paths cross, I might have lost that part of me that can love deeply. I just don't want to lose my capacity to love before I get the chance to meet her.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I miss you...a lot
I fucking miss you eshi Gn idk endet approach madreg endalebegn...I thought I would get over you by now but it just got worse.
I know we will never be together but I can't stop thinking about you. I like you a lot gn nothing will ever happen
I am trying to forget you gn I see something that reminds me of you and am suffering btam


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y'all. I'm 3rd yr university student. The thing is I used to study good dero(mega dereja aldersem) then around 2nd semester I got F ena my life has been upside down ever since. All I'm thinking about is how I'm going to be staying in campus for another yr. My parents think I'm doing good temert lay but honestly I'm getting worse by each semester. Ahun lay hula Lela F metobegn another yr saychemerebegn aykerem. I'm really getting pissed of by my self. I believe I could do better gn menem yakel baneb wetet likenagn alchalem. After my first F the highest grade I got is C+. Keza befit biyans A-, B+ alatam nbr. Le temert yalegn felagot is decreasing each day. I'm trying to be optimistic about it but I can't. If anyone had same experience (especially if U are in a good place ) yehone neger belugn. I really need some positive things(I don't mind if it's -ve too ). I just want to hear endet endalefelachu yeha hula time

#School #Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey Guys I'm 20 M, the thing is i was player a year ago i wasn't happy about that and i was thinking to stop things like this and finally decided. Then 1 day i met girl very beautiful and hummble girl we started to talk n catching feeling to eachother she's so connected to spiritual things, n now we're now in a relationship ship, gn beka ale aydel esuwa ke tedar behuwala new even kiss endrg yemitilew but i can't cuz ik such things before her how can resist i do promise for my self lela set gar endemalders please guys tell me what to do...

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello people this is my first vent.
I am a 20M. I am an agnostic who enjoys questioning everything because i am a bit socially awkward and different only ever had 1 relationship and she was so toxic(not saying i was clean tho) she used to ignore me for weeks and doesn't pick up my phone. And it made me feel like i was too needy or something but we broke up and after that it has been almost 2 years but i never had somebody it just feels like i was supposed to be alone cuz every girl i was trying to start something with gets into a saviour mentality trying to pull me back to religion so fuck em all. I just want to meet someone as an outcast as me. Someone who understands that she doesn't know and comfortable with it an absurdist to get stoned occasionally with.

#Relationship #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey 19M
So just got back from matric i wanted to clear smth up for all the ppl out there saying we bitch abt uni after 5 days and stuff ok u mfkas lets talk abt it????firstly the food is shitty ik ppl bitch abt this alot but so do u ...u were the same as us the first day secondly u wanna know why we bitch and moan the most its not SAFEEEEE u guys learn with students the same as u there are an insane amount of fights here guys (usually from public school)literally put u through hell cuz they got a nunbers advantage going to ur room and banging on it threatening to kill u if u dont give them money and breaking the door and shit thirdly we dont sleep ... at alllllll .... fyi this is from a boys point of view i was at civil service university and during the 4 nights the 3 days i slept 4 hrs and ladt night was 2 hrs cuz it got worse .... they allll shout not how u think like every 5 mins u hear a scream owww no the whole block is full of screaming throughout the night ppl running by ur dorm singing banging on ur door daring u to go out so they can beat u up...finally the mother fuckin federals they said shit like we will protect the children....fuck thattttt they leave us to defend ourselves against alotttttt of students trying to rob us come at 7 oclock at night bang on every door and if u so much as get one word wrong ur fucked they drag u out beat u up make u do impossible amount of sport and shit till 10 make it almost impossible for u to walk literaly beat the shit out of u and send u on ur way they literally broke down the door of a dude stay next to my dorm beat them up so bad that he couldnt walk for 4 days so before u talk shit go through it urself and see how it feels also they hit a federal last night(students) so all hell broke loose and we didnt sleep at the girls who hit on us when we(boys) walk by leave us in peacee it makes us awkward..

#School #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ugh, being a 20-year-old female university student and wanting financial freedom is so frustrating. I feel like I'm trapped in this cycle of uncertainty. I see people around me who seem to have it all figured out, effortlessly achieving their financial goals, while I'm still struggling to find my way. It's like they have some secret recipe for success that I haven't discovered yet. It's disheartening to witness friends and peers starting businesses, traveling the world, or making significant purchases, while I'm left wondering when it will be my turn. It feels like I'm light-years away from that level of financial freedom. Seeing others achieve success at such a young age only amplifies the pressure and self-doubt. I start questioning myself, wondering what I'm doing wrong and why I haven't made as much progress. It's easy to fall into the comparison trap and feel like a failure . I'm aware that everyone's journey is different but it is disappointing to feel like your falling behind or destined for failure. No matter how hard I work or how much effort I put in, it never seems to be enough. It's like no matter what I do.
Thank you for your time


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Am I the only one who lost in life confused don't know what to do because im out energy people don't understand me now i just met my new personality but people don't i used to do have energy ,plan,focusing on myself i was too worried abt my look now i don't give shit what look like i just feel halfway to death like im already finish my goal nothing goes right for me im in my late twenty do you think is that because of aging phobia or not be successful i don't get why im like this

#Adult #Agitation

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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For real guys is it okay if we don't got "kechn wegeb" like we're here starving ourselves to death just to be perfect for ur fucking standards like it's kinda fucked up u wanting us only if we have the perfect body shape this is sum bullshit man.......we all have our insecurities and u guys are pointing it out idk if u guys also worry about such things but this ain't fair


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I have vented before my mind is stuck with the girl i loveee the most and also want to avoid the most, i never felt love, jealousy and fear of losing for noone ever, now i am feeling it whole at once she used to be sweet now she is toxic, we dont know What we are she just wish a silly incident to happen to call me, and i just need some reassurance i am damn sure i never loved someone but her, but i dont want her to call or to come by my office, because i wanted to leave her bestfriendship or call it situationship. Gn demo she puts fire in my dead heart she shows me i am a human that can be considered to we even used to talk about relationship and i was like it is scary she used to convince me it is not gn i taught we were just chatting 😭 i weren't in love then so ena we were talking generally en she was pushing me to date

(u know when did i decide to not leave her?
Not when she invites me to her Birthday or not when she buy me a gift for my birthday '
Or not when she offers me to moveout
it is when she calls me to go hospital with her and made me buy her period pads man my heart cried she was on emergency room and she  wakes up and check me if i had snack or if i sat she knew damn well i wont leave her for a beer or a cigarette that night she was damn safe to take her clothes off infront of me i didn't even felt sexual that time, coz do u have any idea what it feels to be considered a guy that can be there for the one he loved?
All her friends be amazed when i mention her workplace or home or her private things, like how in the hell sisbshe tell you this she dont even trust us bla bla man she used to be open an vulnerable with me while
She damn knew what a lost guy i am, she damn well know my clothes aren't cool enough(i am not a look guy) for her  fancy friends but as i know she was never ashamed to introduce me she make her friend call me and cheer me up when i am at my lowest, she respect my whole circle how can i not love her, how can i leave despite the reds flags that i am going to list

She is a clubgirl, who have been in many dates, she is open when someone tries to flirt also she wants to have a space for the guys that she talks casually, and yeah she prolly(only god knows) has a lot sx experience( like most of us dont need  wife these girls)
Plus she got 100.guys in a rooster driving cool rides and ready to buy her one, 100 damn choices and i only afford a cool date maybe or a ride trip but not what they offer.

And above all she brought  disrespect that anyone develop from bieng close i guess(which i hate) like she tries to order me like it is my damn responsibility(bitch u not even my girl yet)
She want every female friend to have their distance even when i get close to her friends she dont like it(again u not my girl yet)
She want me to join idir and play cards on every lekso(bitch i am only 21 and why tf am i join idir with her if i aint wife her)
She want me to think it is also  my advantage if she gain something so i gotta help her(we aint couples yet)

As u see there is nothing wrong with her the wrong in her comes when i ask her and she rejects adel?
Ene gn beka salnegrat merak feleku bcoz i am mentally unstable and cant handle unsure situations.
So should i leave my sweet girl bestie just because i have no guts to tell her and got rejected, Please tell me ways to make things clear with out asking her straight forward Please

#Friendship #Relationship

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Abdii
I need to vent
Hey how's doing 😊
I'm 27M and I such introvert person it's influence my identity 😭 to connect with community I'm alive family and but I haven't GF still it's very difficult to meet New people's or fear Girls . How to convert this behavior people and ways of meetings New people's


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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F 21
my last vent got declined so here we go again, why are u here yapping you might ask…and am gonna say Am here in search of this stranger,…so the story goes like umm not that long actually it’s a matter of 1 minute but it consumed my days and the majority of my mind so on feb 8 on Thursday I was on my way to meet my friend around bole ednamol and am in my mind like always talking to my self when suddenly I heard a guy saying እናት እናት and I snapped out of my thoughts and I got back and said yeah and suddenly he handed me a bottle of water saying “could you pass this water to”( there was a homeless father sitting on the side of the road) I wasn’t really thinking straight so I just took the water out of his hand basically snatch it and gave it to the father and then I was speeding fast I didn’t even look back but after that I couldn’t really stop thinking about the guy plus he was so cool and I was like wow that’s actually thoughtful. So the bottom line is if you’re here in this channel I would very much like to talk to you so reach out to me ( for the water guy).

maybe am being so delusional ik ik but I had to try.
Thank you guys.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 🐇raby
I need to vent
Hey 25F I grew up in a strict family now I'm afraid to be seen with a guy even when I'm with a guy I always feel like what if they saw me what will be my excuse?what will they say? ik by this age it shouldn't be an issue but here i am. never fallen in love I don't trust when a guy say ily but I want a guy thats gonna sweep me off my feet and if this continues Ik I will never have a family of my own and I'm very worried. help

#Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm loosing my hair & it makes me sad to think about it. I get depressed after every hair cut or near a hair cut days. What advice would you give me?


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Anyone else getting tired of these teachers who think they're top dog just because they're at the front of the class? I feel like since starting at AAU, most of the profs I've had are useless.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are some great teachers too. But man, it seems like most are either on a power trip or just don't care about actually teaching us anything. One student told me that he had one guy on the first day of class outright say "I am god in this classroom." Like bro, chill out - you're here to teach engineering, not act like you rule over us.

And don't even get me started on the ones who turn every class into their personal political soapbox. Look man, I came here to learn the course material, not hear your opinions on the latest government scandal. Last I checked, you've got a degree in math or physics or whatever, not politics. Keep that mess to yourself.

It's like these profs forget why they're even there. Most of them don't seem focused on actually helping us learn - it's all about piling on assignments and tests to give us bad marks. Education isn't about that, it's about imparting knowledge and skills to the next generation. But you wouldn't know it from how some of these guys act.

I know not all teachers are like this. But it really does feel like the good ones are getting drowned out by the self-important ones just tryna flex their authority over students. Something needs to change, or else we're not going to produce capable graduates who are truly prepared for their careers.

I'm just speaking the truth here - as an engineering student, I want teachers who will actually teach me course material without the attitude or irrelevant tangents. Is that too much to ask for my time ? I don't think so.

#School #Teen

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Starlight
I need to vent
It is all too much! Both my mind and the world are a chaos to handle. Too much excitement, as the same time there is nothing that new or exciting. It gets boring, to the point i just wanna let the the damn house on fire, with every one in it. I am alone in this void mess, even if i scream my lungs out, nobody will bat an eye. And yet i have a man, some friends and a family.

The worst part is that to every one else i am the collected one, the most organized, the funny girl who makes everyone laugh, the genius  who study 24/7, the one who reads  just for fun, the kind one and what not ?

The truth, I am a jester, i put up a show, to entertain every one, going their way, complimenting them,  so that they would like me ? Or because i don't  want them to find out that i am a mere fraud  in their life.

This is just pathetic!

All i want to do now right now is that

Tell my boyfriend that things won't  work no matter how hard we try. That i am fed up with his reasons not to meet. I would love him more if he  just told me that he doesn't  want to hang out with me. ( i am sure i would spend Valentine's day alone with our made up plans. My guts is just ... I know you promised but i trust my damn guts more) 

I want to tell my family, as soon as I am done with class i want get the hell  out of their radar, far far away to the point, visiting for holidays is just impossible. Because they are two faced snakes, coaxing.... No, no ...This a bit too much. In simple words I want me out of their normal life.

Tell my friends that i really don't  care what is going on with their life. I want to tell them " life is hard, get a helmet".  I am not happy just because they got a whole new outfit or they had a date. I don't  want to hear their fucked up sad story, every one got one.

And to that one person who suggested that i should read " longer a human" by Osamu Dazai. Damn you to  the pit of hell😂 that book was just not relatable, it is  horrifyingly relatable.

I just wanna  hide behind my books and read nonstop. At least then i am not a joker, I am not in reality. And i am the fucking main character


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey I'm f as there is a guy and we started off as a friends/coworkers I like him but i don't want a relationship idk why gn.he told me he likes me and want to pursue into a relationship, at first I want to end it gn demo zm zm mebabal demo siyastela ena yedrown vibe i did want to ruined it and somethims he insists that we hangout and I always say yes  mind you he always calles me late-night and I always answer now I think I got myself into a situationship what should I do am I attention sicker cuz I feel like one and i can't fully trust a guy specially when they tell me they like/love me please help

#Friendship #Relationship #Adult

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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Believe or not my heart is aching nights and days from what I made u in my life.
I Loved you from the day I started seeing you to the day I saw u for last time.
My breath brings me with odor of urs.
I'm not perfect at being who I really am. Specially when I had the chances...
But despite this all... I kept you a very pure of my soul... A very private virtual being of my heart.

I'm sliding back in time to a place we first met and imagine myself telling you never meet me.
I wish all these.
I wish I've never brought any attention of ur being to my soul.
I wish I've never had that beautiful night we sat in the dark and talked as we ever be together.
Though I heard rumers of u being with other guys, I still couldn't insist my mind from stop to think about you.
I just couldn't stop loving you.
It seems I can't never love anyone else as much as i love you.


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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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This country, I have never liked it. The one good thing about how shitty things have gotten is a lot more people agree with me.

I have felt so out of place not for lack of anything I didn't have but because there wasn't a lot for me to relate to. It's only recently that I realized I am an emotionally fragile person, I didn't even have a chance.

I turned 23, I was supposed to spend it with my girlfriend who went out of the country recently. She got me a cake, booked a nice place for me. In the afternoon though, she had to work. I spent the rest of my birthday driving around. Until I found a nice place with a view. Had 2 beers, smoked 4 cigarettes, watched the sunset and made my way home.

I couldn't help but be mad at her for some reason, I felt lonely. Something I had never really felt before. The next day it was like nothing even happened. I went to class, I went to work. Just got to it, putting out all the burning fires in my life. I barely remember all the things I do now until they need my attention.

It's only a matter of time until I burn out myself, and truth be told I don't even know why I do it. It's not like I have anyone I need to support.

That being said, all my instincts tell me I have at most 10 years to do something I can be proud of. To appease this unyielding desire to prove myself.

Most people I think have outgrown this mentality, of needing this kind of validation. For me, it's the only real feeling I have left. And it's why I want to stay in this poor country I have no love for. Because I know it's the only place I can make an impact.

I have long since stopped believing in God or purpose, but I can't help but want make my existence worthwhile. I don't just want to be happy. With all the new tech coming our way, I truly believe this is likely the last few years we humans will get to feel special. And I want to make that count for myself somehow.


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Vent Here

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Christian
I need to vent
Does everyone think highly of themselves or is it just me?

I don’t think average life is worth living, so I aspire to live extraordinarily.
I don’t even have a house in Ethiopia but a house in LA sounds a good plan to me.

Not just materially but in every aspect of my life, I expect myself to achieve ceilings.
Am I being delusional? Someone called me delusional 😬


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