صرلي ساعة ببحث عن الرابط
الموضوع مسرحية لتكذيب منظري المؤامرة
بالمناسبة، الفيديو عمره سنتين
رئيس أقسام الرعاية المركزة في أحد أكبر المستشفيات الألمانية، والذي شهد العام الماضي بقوله: "القسم عندنا مليان فقط غير ملقحين"، مات.
صديقة من الأردن تقول أن الاهتمام بموضوع إنكار كون الأرض مسطحة هو شغل الإعلام الشاغل عندهم هذه الأيام.
هذا يدل على حركة يقظة جماعية مخيفة للحكومات.
بالنسبة الوصف الأهبل أعلاه عن كون الأرض المسطحة لن يوجد لها مجال مغناطيسي، الصورة في المنشور التالي تنفي ادعاءهم.
وقال لك الإشعاع الخطير القادم من الشمس يسبب السرطان وتلف الحمض النووي 😂
وحركة دوران الشمس والقمر فوق الارض المسطحة نشرتها من قبل هنا في القناة.
شكرا هـ
ال Influencers بحالة إنهيار جماعية 😂😂😂
عطل مفاجئ في "إنستغرام".. خسارة متابعين وإشعارات تُفيد بحظر حسابات
الماء بالمعنى الباطني تجسيد للمعرفة
لهذا السبب عصر الدلو = عصر المعرفة
#العلوم_الباطنية #EsotericKnowledge
Best exercises that burn fats more than running
Many people consider that running is the most efficient fat – burning exercise. At the same time, running is an excellent cardio exercise, and stimulates the heart to pump more blood. Still, it comes to high – impact exercise which applies too much pressure on the feet, thighs and knees and that actually is big disadvantage.Moreover, …
Know your chest pain (evaluation by history, examination & relevant investigation)
Chest pain is a common presenting symptoms of disorders that can range from trivial to life threatening. Causes: Cardiovascular: (Angina, Myocardial infarction,Acute aortic dissection,Pericarditis) Gastrointestinal:(Reflux esophagitis, Peptic ulcer disease, esophageal spasm) Pulmonary: (Pneumonia, Pneumothorax, Pulmonary embolism) Musculoskeletal: (Chest wall injuries, Herpes zoster, Costochondritis, Secondary tumors of the rib) Emotional: (Depression) Evaluation by history: Character: The …
UN Environment and WHO agree to major collaboration on environmental health risks
UN Environment and WHO have agreed a new, wide-ranging collaboration to accelerate action to curb environmental health risks that cause an estimated 12.6 million deaths a year. Today in Nairobi, Mr Erik Solheim, head of UN Environment, and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, signed an agreement to step up joint actions to combat air pollution, climate change and antimicrobial resistance, as well as improve coordination on waste and chemicals management, water quality, and food and nutrition issues. The collaboration also includes joint management of the BreatheLife advocacy campaign to reduce air pollution for multiple climate, environment and health benefits.
WHO Director-General: invest in health to end plague in Madagascar
The Director-General of WHO has outlined his vision for a Madagascar free of plague epidemics during a three-day visit to the island nation that started on 7 January 2018. "Madagascar can make plague epidemics a thing of the past through strategic investments in its health system – including better access to healthcare, improving preparedness, surveillance and response capabilities, and implementing the International Health Regulations," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Dr Carissa Etienne elected for a second term as WHO Regional Director for the Americas
The WHO Executive Board, currently holding its 142nd session in Geneva, has appointed Dr Carissa Etienne for a second term as Regional Director for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO).
جميع اشكال التكنولوجيا "الحديثة" التي ترونها حاليا في المعارض وغيرها عمرها مئات السنين ...
Читать полностью…هل تعلم أن الاسم الآخر للادرينوكروم هو "الأرنب الأبيض؟"
أمر مثير للسخرية خاصتاً أن الحركة/المنظّمة آتية ممن يشتهون الاطفال.
عرفنا شو القصة
الموضوع كله من أجل تأكيد الهوية
- بريدك الالكتروني
- رقمك الشخصي
- صورة سيلفي
وسيعود الحساب
حصل ذلك معي في أول "الجائحة"
طبعاً لم أقبل بشروطهم
النتيجة: توقف حسابي
يحاولون التضييق على منظري المؤامرة
Читать полностью…تحدثت في التسجيلات الصوتية عن المغنيسيوم والتيلومير Telomere وهذه تكملة... اضافةً لما سبق، السونا مفيدة جداً للمدخنين والتخلص من ادمانه.
Читать полностью…Nutritional value & health benefits of eggs
Eggs are foods that are highly nutritious and they provide numerous health benefits. The best thing about them is that they are cheap and can be prepared in many different ways. Some of the nutrients that eggs contain are iron, amino acids and antioxidants. It is very important to always choose organic eggs because they …
WHO Director-General: invest in health to end plague in Madagascar
The Director-General of WHO has outlined his vision for a Madagascar free of plague epidemics during a three-day visit to the island nation that started on 7 January 2018. "Madagascar can make plague epidemics a thing of the past through strategic investments in its health system – including better access to healthcare, improving preparedness, surveillance and response capabilities, and implementing the International Health Regulations," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Dr Carissa Etienne elected for a second term as WHO Regional Director for the Americas
The WHO Executive Board, currently holding its 142nd session in Geneva, has appointed Dr Carissa Etienne for a second term as Regional Director for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO).
UN Environment and WHO agree to major collaboration on environmental health risks
UN Environment and WHO have agreed a new, wide-ranging collaboration to accelerate action to curb environmental health risks that cause an estimated 12.6 million deaths a year. Today in Nairobi, Mr Erik Solheim, head of UN Environment, and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, signed an agreement to step up joint actions to combat air pollution, climate change and antimicrobial resistance, as well as improve coordination on waste and chemicals management, water quality, and food and nutrition issues. The collaboration also includes joint management of the BreatheLife advocacy campaign to reduce air pollution for multiple climate, environment and health benefits.
Eight Common Causes of Breast Pain
Women of all ages report having breast pain, also known as mastalgia. Pain can occur both before and after the menopause. However, breast pain is most common in younger menstruating women. While nearly 70 percent of women report breast pain at some point during their lives, only around 15 percent require medical treatment. The severity and location of breast …