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⚠️ Uncensored Truth. ⚖️ Truth Seeker. 🕶 Critical Thinker. 🤍 Omnist Channel's group: @VeganicTareCkGrp Can't access my Instagram, contact me here

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Veganic TareCk


There are some exercises that you just can’t get enough of. Three such examples: wall slides, thoracic rotations, and single-leg hip raises.
Unusual names, yes. But while you may not be familiar with these moves, chances are, you should be doing them every day.

Why? Because they help offset the toll that working on a computer—or even a mobile device—takes on your body.

Specifically, that toll is poor posture, which frequently leads to neck, shoulder, and back pain. And because sitting and slumping as you type, surf, or text can consume hours of your day, the more frequently you perform these moves, the better.

The best part: You can do these no-weight, no-sweat exercises anywhere.



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Veganic TareCk

Daily Exercise keeps a doctor away!


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Are you or yours suffering from hypertension? Then these vegetables are huge help to lower it.


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Veganic TareCk

♦️Living as a Pescatarian ♦️

Becoming a pescatarian was one of the most important and life-changing decisions that I’ve ever made — and I made it at age 12. I have not eaten meat since then except for fish, and I don’t plan to for the rest of my life.

You may be wondering, “What is a pescetarian?” Pescetarianism, or pesco-vegetarianism, means being vegetarian while still including seafood in your diet. One still cuts out red meat, pork, poultry, etc. from his or her diet like a vegetarian, but does not cut out fish and other seafood.

Many people ask me “How did you do that? I could never give up meat!” What a lot of people don’t realize is that over time your body’s unnatural craving for mammal and poultry meat disappears, and a healthy body will get sick from beef, pork or chicken if eaten again after a period of a pescetarian diet. This is because land-animal flesh is filled with toxins, uric acid and fecal bacteria.

And frankly, I believe that the human body should always reject these meats, but we are feeding it to our toddlers and convincing them — as we have been convinced — that it is natural and normal. But consider this, do natural carnivores have to cook their meat in order to not get sick and season it so it can taste good to them? Would a human baby kill and eat raw a live chicken out of instinct as for example a baby lion would? No.

Here’s another thing to think about — can we eat raw fish and seafood if it’s healthy and clean and not get sick? Yes. Do we always have to season fish and seafood for it to taste good? No. Are there the same health risks from eating healthy, fresh fish as there are from eating land animals? No.

The only reason the human race started to eat land animals was back when cavemen had to survive in the wild, and berries and vegetables were scarce and killing mammals was their only way to survive. I would say we have definitely advanced since then — everyone could survive on a vegan diet if they chose. That’s all it is. It is making a decision to not only improve your health and extend your life, but contribute to saving our planet and natural resources — and our animals — who deserve to live a free and happy life as much as we do.


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An omnivore who excludes poultry, beef, and pork from their diet but includes fish ( or shrimp, oysters, scallops, etc.) They're not vegetarian bc consume meat.

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Members we have formed a new channel. Please feel free to Join it and we hope it saves a life😊
Link to join👇

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♦️Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Meat♦️

✳️Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Meat. They speak for themselves, so without further ado, here they are.

✳️1. Help the Poor
While there is ample reason for indignation at the 100 million tons of grain used for biofuels, more than seven times as much grain (760 million tons) is fed to farmed animals so that people can eat meat.

✳️2. Stop Cruelty to Animals
On today's factory farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy windowless sheds, wire cages, gestation crates and other confinement systems. These animals will never raise families, root in the soil, build nests or do anything that is natural and important to them.

✳️3. Save the Environment
A recent United Nations report entitled Livestock's Long Shadow concludes that eating meat is "one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global". The report finds that eating meat causes almost 40 per cent more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, ships and planes in the world combined.

✳️4. Avoid Bird Flu
The World Health Organisation says that if the avian flu virus mutates, it could be caught simply by eating undercooked chicken flesh or eggs, eating food prepared on the same cutting board as infected meat or eggs, or even touching eggshells contaminated with the virus.

✳️5. Prolong Your Life
Vegetarians live six to 10 years longer on average than meat-eaters do. Healthy vegetarian diets support a lifetime of good health and provide protection against numerous diseases and the three biggest killers – heart disease, cancer and strokes.

✳️6. Avoid the World's Number One Killer. The risk of developing heart disease among meat-eaters is 50 per cent higher than it is among vegetarians. Drs Dean Ornish and Caldwell Esselstyn have used a vegan diet to prevent and reverse heart disease. Dr Esselstyn's book documents their 100 per cent success with unclogging people's arteries and reversing heart disease.

✳️7. Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, "Vegetarians are about 40 percent less likely to get cancer than non-vegetarians, regardless of other risks such as smoking, body size, and socioeconomic status".

✳️8. Fit Into a Bikini
Vegetarianism is the ultimate weight-loss diet. About 31 per cent of urban Indians are either overweight or obese, but only 2 per cent of vegans are obese. A vegetarian diet is the only diet that has passed peer review and taken weight off and kept it off.

✳️9. Create Global Peace
Leo Tolstoy claimed that "vegetarianism is the taproot of humanitarianism". His point? If we want to sow the seeds of peace, we need to eat a peaceful diet. Eating meat supports killing animals just to satisfy humans' acquired taste for flesh.

✳️10. Discover the Joy of Veggies
Vegetarians report that when they adopt a vegetarian diet, their range of foods explodes from a limited selection of centre-of-the-plate meat items to a wide range of grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables that they didn't even know existed.

Sir Paul McCartney sums it all up, "If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do. It's staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty".


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Try to do at least twenty minutes of activity everyday. @healthyadvices

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To fight the evil you can use all the help you can get.
To fight Cancer every little thing counts!

Mind quality of the food you consume on daily basis at all costs.


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What other countries feed the kids for lunch?


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Veganic TareCk

List of Foods That a Pescatarian Can Eat
Fish are on the menu if you're a pescatarian.
Pescatarians are semi-vegetarians that focus on a plant-based diet with the inclusion of fish.

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BBC Knowledge - February 2017

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Cooking Light Magazine


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