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Your guide to good health


Want a lustrous mane?
Look to the diet‼

Most don't make the connection between diet and hair loss, but the link is strong.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that immoderate consumption of sugar is the main culprit of shedding hair.
This would explain why many suffer from the malady in greater numbers than most.

Even excessive fruit consumption can lead to thinning hair. Many who embrace a raw food diet have experienced this phenomena. On the other end of the spectrum, overindulging in animal protein and dairy also contributes to balding and weak hair due to acidic blood. Yet another offender, unhealthy fats congest the hair follicles -- encouraging hair loss.

Iodine deficiency and hypothyroidism along with dehydration are obstacles to healthy hair too. The best bet for glossy, thick locks is to adopt a whole food diet that is abundant in vegetables, healthy oils like coconut and olive, nuts, seeds, low sugar berries and seaweed.
Flax and chia seeds are especially beneficial due to their high essential fatty acid content.

Focus on hair-enhancing supplements like B vitamins (especially biotin), zinc, iron and calcium.
It is also important to inhibit hair thinning DHT which is derived from the hormone testosterone.

Natural remedies that block DHT include saw palmetto, stinging nettle, green tea, pygeum extract and pumpkin seed .

Shampoo is Filled with harsh cleansers and additives, hair doesn't stand a chance.
Even when natural brands are used, hair is stripped of natural oils and subsequently revolts against the abuse. Conditioner is then required to tame the disorder.
)Follicles are subsequently clogged -- triggering fallout.
To avoid this anarchy, a simple and cost effective remedy is available:
bicarb and vinegar. Hair settles down, loss is minimized and luster restored.
To cleanse the hair with baking soda, mix one tablespoon of powder to one cup of water in a squeeze bottle. Shake well and apply to the roots, massaging for a minute or two.
Rinse well. Next comes the vinegar wash which conditions, calms and boosts shine. Mix a quarter cup white or apple cider vinegar with one cup water. Pour over hair, avoiding the face and eyes. Rinse thoroughly with water.

A full head of hair need not be a pipe dream.

By choosing a nutrient rich diet, supplementation and shampoo-free cleansing, tiresome hair frustrations can be laid to rest.

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Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a host of chronic illnesses, including chronic pain. A 2009 study found that patients deficient in vitamin D require almost twice as much pain medication as patients with adequate levels, illustrating an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and pain. Supplementing with vitamin D and regularly exposing your skin to natural sunlight just might be the remedy you need for overcoming chronic pain.

SAM-e. A popular dietary supplement for treating osteoarthritis and depression, SAM-e, or S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine, is a compound naturally found in every human cell in the body. Recognized for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits, SAM-e can help ease pain, relieve stiffness, reduce joint swelling, and even rebuild cartilage. SAM-e is also known to help treat fibromyalgia, bursitis, tendinitis, and lower back pain.

Check at a pharmacy or health shop.

Magnesium deficiency is also a common cause and amplifier of pain, so simply supplementing with it can help significantly improve pain but better still soak in a bath containing Epsom salts or feet in a dish of Epsom salt water.

Turmeric. One of the most powerful known anti-inflammatory herbs, turmeric is virtually unparalleled in its ability to treat arthritis, gout, autoimmune disease, sciatic, and other inflammatory conditions. Systemically, turmeric helps quell disease-causing inflammation in all its forms, and may be the key to overcoming whatever pains might be ailing you.

Make a tea with turmeric
Spoon oil and black pepper and drink

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Lemon and garlic are undoubtedly one of the most beneficial foods we can consume as they are full of nutrients and provide amazing health benefits.

Their combination is apparently even stronger, offers countless possibilities as a natural medicine, and effectively helps you to improve blood circulation, unclog arteries, and lower high cholesterol levels.When the LDL cholesterol accumulates in the arteries, it raises the chances of heart attacks and other heart diseases.

People often use various medicines offered by the pharmaceutical industries to lower cholesterol and prevent heart issues, but these solutions are often loaded with chemicals and ineffective.

On the other hand, you can prevent and treat these issues completely naturally, using this mixture.


2 cups of fresh lemon juice1 cup of garlic juice1 cup of ginger juice1 cup of apple cider vinegar


Boil the ingredients in a pot for half an hour, then leave the mixture to cool down and add 3 cups of organic honey. Than add 2 garlic cloves and 2 lemons (cutted on pieces) and some water in a blender and blend it.

After you blend it add this into the boiled mixture. Stir well, transfer the remedy into a glass jar in the fridge, and take 1 tablespoon daily on an empty stomach.

When it boils, leave it for 5 more minutes, and then remove it from heat, and store it in glass jars in the fridge. You should have 50ml of this remedy daily for 3 weeks.

Then, make a week break and repeat for 3 more weeks. You should do this treatment twice a year

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What you can do for warts

• Cover the wart with a small piece of duct tape. Cut a piece that will just cover the wart. Stick it on and leave it there for six days. When you take the tape off, soak the area in water for a few minutes, then use a disposable emery board or pumice stone to file down the dead, thick skin. Leave the wart uncovered overnight and apply a new patch in the morning. Repeat the procedure until you’re wart-free.

• Grind up a few vitamin C tablets, mix with enough water to make a paste and dab it onto your wart. Cover the paste with a bandage or tape. Because the tablets are highly acidic, they can help wear the wart away and also fight the virus itself.

• Be sure to dry off your wart after you wash, to reduce the chance of spreading the virus to someone else. When warts are wet, they seem to be more contagious.

• Don’t scratch or pick at warts. You can transfer the virus when you scratch other areas of skin.

A natural boost for warts

• Apply freshly crushed garlic directly to the wart and cover with a bandage. The caustic effect of the garlic will cause the wart to blister and fall off in as little as one week. Apply new garlic every day, avoiding contact with healthy surrounding skin. (Smearing the area around the wart with petroleum jelly can help.)

• Apply a compress or cotton ball soaked in vinegar and tape it down on the wart with an elastic bandage for at least one or two hours daily.

• Pull a dandelion from your yard, break the stem and squeeze some of its liquid onto your wart. Do this daily as needed. The sap is mildly irritating, so it stimulates your immune system to take care of the wart. Don’t use dandelions that have been treated with herbicides during the previous few years.

• If a piece of birch bark is available, dampen it with water and tape it over your wart with the inner side of the bark facing your skin. The bark contains salicylates, which are found in many over-the-counter wart treatments.

• You can also make a tea from powdered birch bark, available from health-food stores. Steep a teaspoon of bark in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, let it cool, soak a cloth in it and press it on the wart.

• Tape a piece of banana peel, inner side down, over the wart before you go to bed. A chemical in the peel can slowly dissolve the wart. Or, try the same with a piece of lemon peel. An oil in the peel seems to discourage warts.

• Papaya contains an enzyme that digests dead tissue. Make shallow cuts on the surface of an unripe papaya, collect the sap that runs out and let it coagulate. Mix the thickened sap with water, then apply morning and night.

• A popular folk remedy is to rub a juicy, freshly cut slice of raw potato over a wart.

• Crush a fresh basil leaf and tape it over your wart with waterproof first-aid tape (or even regular tape in a pinch). The leaves contain virus-killing compounds. Replace with fresh basil daily for up to a week.

• Several times a day, apply a tincture of goldenseal, an herb that contains compounds that fight off bacteria and viruses.
I haven't tried any, I'm putting disclaimer

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How do you know if your cells are getting enough vital fat?
Dr Mark Hyman

Your body actually sends you signals when it doesn’t get enough good fat.

Never ignore the signs your body is giving you. Some signs include:

§  Dry, itchy, scaling or flaking skin

§  Soft, cracked or brittle nails

§  Hard ear wax

§  Tiny bumps on the back of your arms or on your torso

§  Achy and stiff joints

§  Memory problems

§  Attention deficit disorder (ADD)

§  Diabetes

§  Weight gain

§  Cancer

Dietary fats are absolutely essential for health.  Obviously you want to add more of the right fats to your diet. To do this, you need to know which ones to eat and which ones to avoid. 

Most people label all fats as bad and lump them all together in a box. The truth is that all fats are not created equal.

There are good fats, questionable fats and bad fats. Our government, media, scientists and doctors have advised us to eat the wrong types of fats for too long.

When you eat the wrong fats, you’re using cheap materials and the results won’t be good.

Most processed foods on supermarket shelves are made with poor-quality omega-6 fats from refined, processed vegetable oils. They are abundant, very cheap, taste good and improve texture.

The next time you’re in the supermarket, take a close look at the ingredient list of your favorite packaged food. If the list includes oils from corn, soy, cottonseed or safflower, you are getting a poor-quality fat.

You want to ensure your body has the fats it needs to construct high-quality cell walls.
That means eating more omega-3 fats. Cell walls made from omega-3 fats are more flexible, which allows cells to respond more quickly to messages.

These “good” fats also help your body produce prostaglandins otherwise known as the hormones that cool off inflammation.

Optimal sources of omega-3 fats include small cold-water fish like wild-caught salmon, sardines and herring, organic flax and hemp seed oils, walnuts, Brazil nuts and sea vegetables.

Scientists suspect that early humans ate almost equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fats. 

Our hunter-gatherer human ancestors got healthy omega-6 fats from seeds and nuts. They got their omega-3s from eating wild game and fish as well as foraging for wild plants.

As people began to refine oils from plants, the ratio became skewed more toward omega-6 fats. This created a drastic imbalance in the modern diet, making us more vulnerable to diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

When the human diet contained a balanced number of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, heart disease was almost nonexistent. Today, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world.

The more omega-3 fats you eat, the easier your body can cool off, which means less inflammation that forms the root of nearly every chronic disease, especially those impacting the brain and the heart.

The brain is completely dependent on these high-quality fats. In fact, it is made up of 60 percent fat.

High-quality fat boosts cognition, happiness, learning and memory. In contrast, 
studies link a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids to
bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and even violence. 

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An Advert in a Foreign Daily states fizzy drinks contains ASPARTAME and ACESULFAME POTASSIUM

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GLUTEN and PASTEURISED DAIRY are partners in crime.
Along with sugar n cooking oil they create war in your body.

Go on a rampage and it affects everyone in different ways.

High blood pressure
Colon problems
Skin issues
Weakens the immune system.


🔹Water deficient.
Drink lots of water for 10 days.

🔹Use pink himalayan salt. Has 84 multiminerals

🔹Deficiency in magnesium and potassium
Soak in Epsom salts and include broccoli , kale, spinach juicing.

Remember today's foods are not real foods on the market.
Everything has become chemicalised and causing us numerous problems.
Avoid all processed foods.

Prepare foods from scratch.

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What to Eat When You Have Severe Cough —

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