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⚠️ Uncensored Truth. ⚖️ Truth Seeker. 🕶 Critical Thinker. 🤍 Omnist Channel's group: @VeganicTareCkGrp Can't access my Instagram, contact me here

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Now that it is holiday and people are travelling, eating different foods, different climates, it would very very wise for all to take some sort of emergency first aid kit until you reach a doctor.

🔹 *PROBIOTICS*, especially anyone travelling overseas.
2 capsules in the morning empty tummy and if you wish again before supper or lunch take one.

🔹 *COLLOIDAL SILVER* in the plastic bottle for travelling and start it if you get a bug. (Available from most pharmacies.)
Natural antibiotic
Colds & flu
Eye infections - apply to affected area and drink as directed

🔹 *GINGER & GARLIC* available throughout the world I'm sure is if you forget to carry above. Have ginger tea, eat chopped garlic with meals for vomiting, diarrohea, upset tummy, fungus.
Make a paste with ginger powder and water and apply to sprains, with olive oil for toothache or on the forehead for Sinus Clogged forehead.

🔹Take *BICARB* sachets with you for a heavy indigested tummy.

🔹 *CALENDULA CREAM*/ointment for cuts, insect bites, wounds, sunburn.

Insect bites
About the only essential oil that can be applied directly to skin.

Stuffed nose
Colds, flu
Heavy chest

🔹 *ACTIVATED CHARCOAL* tablets or powder to kill
Tummy bugs
As it absorbs all the poisonous bacteria from the tummy.

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Anti-Inflammatory Spices and Herbs

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of inflammation, so adding anti-inflammatory herbs and spices to your diet might sound like a good idea. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), though, there's not enough evidence to support the use of particular herbs or spices as effective treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. 

“I think we are a long way from making a recommendation to people. We are not quite there in terms of efficacy, safety, and the right dose,” cautions rheumatologist Beth Jonas, MD, director of the Rheumatology Fellowship Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

Still, a number of herbs and spices do have anti-inflammatory properties, and, at the very least, adding them to your recipes will liven up your meals. 

Here are seven herbs and spices worthy of your consideration.


Gingerol is the compound in ginger that gives it flavor and some of its anti-inflammatory properties. Elements in ginger were found to reduce the action of T cells, immune cells that can add to systemic inflammation, in an analysis published in the July 2015 issue of Phytotherapy Research.

Try stir-frying with ginger or eating fresh pickled ginger. Galina Roofener, a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist at the Cleveland Clinic, agrees that ginger can be a beneficial part of your plan to control arthritis symptoms and recommends working with a trained herbalist. 


Animal studies have shown that essential oils of turmeric have anti-arthritis properties. In a review published in January 2013 in The AAPS Journal of curcumin, the active ingredient that gives turmeric its yellow color, researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center found that this natural remedy may have antibacterial and anti-cancer properties, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that could help with rheumatoid arthritis.

“Both turmeric and curcumin, two parts of the same plant, have very strong anti-inflammatory activity and can be used for treatment of inflammation, especially joints,” Roofener says. But she cautions that turmeric is also a blood thinner and should be avoided in large doses if you take a blood-thinning medicine.

Green Tea

Green tea contains polyphenols, says Dr. Jonas, which could aid in reducing inflammation and protecting joints, according to research published in December 2014 in Arthritis Research & Therapy. Evidence from animal studies suggests that polyphenols, which are rich in antioxidants, may suppress the immune response. That could be important because rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the dysregulation of the immune system leads to inflammation in the joints, causing pain and swelling, Jonas says. And you don't have to stick to plain green tea either — next time test out this recipe for iced mint green tea.


In China and India, cinnamon bark is used to make natural remedies such as medicinal powders and teas. "Cinnamon may have some properties that fight inflammation," Roofener says. "Cinnamon is a hot herb. It’s very useful for aches and pains, especially when they are worse with cold or cold weather." Researchers who published an analysis of the phytochemicals in cinnamon that help reduce inflammation theorized that cinnamon could be used for inflammation if the right concentration is determined. The findings were published in Food & Function in March 2015. 

"Although fine on your cinnamon bun, if it’s overdosed, it might not be safe for pregnant women," Roofener warns. Larger doses of the spice could interfere with blood clotting and blood thinner medications. For RA inflammation, cinnamon may be a good option, but in moderation. Powdered cinnamon can be added to oatmeal, or even oranges for a delicious and healthy dessert.


Fresh garlic can liven up any dish and may help ease rheumatoid arthritis pain. A study published in August 2013 in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology noted that garlic has significant anti-inflammatory effects because it inhibits the producti

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If you are anemic, all parts of your body will not get enough oxygen.
It definitely is a big reason to worry but before you spend your hard earned money in getting supplements from a medical practitioner, you can try some of our home remedies to control anemia:

1. Apple- beetroot juice – Perhaps most of us are already aware about the high content of iron in apples and this makes it an apt ingredient for controlling anemia. Beetroot is full of various minerals such as folic acid, potassium, calcium, sulfur, fiber and vitamins. It is highly nutritious and it also has a cleansing action in the body.
Tip – Blend an apple along with a beetroot in a juicer and drink this juice every day. You can also add carrots and other fruits and vegetables to your juice for more value.

2. Spinach – Include this dark green leafy vegetable in your diet to derive various vitamins and minerals, especially iron. It helps to boost your energy and is a great cure for anemia.
Tip – Try and include spinach in your salads and soups. You can prepare a spinach only soup for maximum benefits. This also helps to decrease the oxalic acid in spinach, which doesn’t let the iron get absorbed in the body easily. Spinach juice is equally beneficial and if you find it bitter, just add a teaspoon of honey to it.

3. Sesame seeds – Sesame seeds are tiny seeds that are an important ingredient of so many Indian dishes and they have a crunchy taste. They are very beneficial for people who are anemic. They contain many important minerals namely phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, calcium and molybdenum. They also have a high content of Vitamin B1.
Tip – Just soak two teaspoon sesame seeds in water or about two hours. Now strain them and crush them to get a fine paste. Add a teaspoon of honey to this paste and mix it well. Consume this mixture twice daily. Black sesame seeds are also very rich in iron. Soak one teaspoon black sesame seeds in lukewarm water or about two hours. Strain the seeds and get the emulsion in a cup. Add a cup of unpasteurized milk and a teaspoon of raw honey to the cup. Mix it well and drink it every day.

4. Pomegranate – This super food is not only very tasty and refreshing; it is also very healthy or your body. It is packed with calcium, iron, copper and potassium and nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugar. It helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood and also increases the number of red blood cells.
Tip – Drink one cup of pomegranate juice daily. Alternatively, you can eat a pomegranate on an empty stomach daily. Yet another way is to eat two teaspoons of pomegranate seed powder with a glass of lukewarm unpasteurized milk once daily.

5. Dates – Dates are relished by people of all ages and they are known for their healing properties. They contain various essential minerals and vitamins. They are great for reducing iron deficiency and controlling anemia.
Tip – Eat a couple of dry dates every morning on an empty stomach and drink a cup of warm milk after that. Just soak some dates in unpasteurized milk overnight and eat these dates the next morning along with the milk.

6. Banana – Bananas contain lots of iron along with many important enzymes which are really helpful in producing hemoglobin and forming new red blood cells. Bananas also contain lots of magnesium which facilitates the production of hemoglobin
Tip – Mash up a banana and eat it with a tablespoon of Indian gooseberry at least twice daily. Eating a ripe banana with a tablespoon of raw honey two times every day can also do the needful.

7. Fenugreek – Fenugreek has a very high content of iron, which is main component of hemoglobin. Not only does fenugreek help to maintain sufficient levels of iron in the blood, it also helps in the production of new red blood cells. The seeds and the leaves of fenugreek are very helpful in treating anemia.
Tip – Add fenugreek leaves to your salads and soups to make them more nutritious. If you’re fond of eating rice, just add two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds to one cup of rice while

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The Top 10 Best Home Abs Exercises – No Equipment - The Health Science Journal

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Message from the Ambulance Service
We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending to us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign. The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As mobile phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE' ( In Case Of Emergency).
The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents there were always mobile phones with patients but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as 'ICE'.
Please forward this. It won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one's mind at rest. For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 ,ICE MOM , ICE DAD and ICE3 etc.

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Veganic TareCk

on of pro-inflammatory substances known as cytokines. But the study found that heating garlic extract significantly reduced its anti-inflammatory properties.

Garlic can be added to many types of foods, including roasted vegetables, stir-fries, and sandwich spreads.

Black Pepper

Peppers are widely used to fight pain and swelling in traditional natural remedies. For instance, capsaicin, the substance that gives hot peppers their heat, is used in gels and creams as an arthritis treatment, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Research published in August 2010 in the journal Natural Product Communications found that many of the anti-inflammatory properties found in capsaicin are also found in black pepper.

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cooking and eat these everyday for 2-3 weeks.
If you experience any of the symptoms of anemia, you can get a simple blood test done to confirm whether you’re anemic or not.


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Signs of A Clogged Lymphatic System and 10 Ways To Cleanse It | Healing the Body

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🌷 The real benefits of lemon water come from EVERY part of the lemon, not just the juice. This includes the oil and the fiber in the pulp. To make proper lemon water takes a bit more time than you'd expect.

Here is how it's done:

Step 1: Cut the lemon into thin slices. You'll use 2-3 lemons per pitcher.

Step 2: Place the lemon slices in a 2-quart pitcher. (It's best to make a large quantity at once)

Step 3: Fill the pitcher with water, and place it in the fridge.

Step 4: Let it sit in the fridge for 3-4 hours to ensure that the maximum nutrients are extracted from the fruit.

🌷 IMPORTANT.from personal experience, for sensitive teeth do the following

Drink lemon water with a straw.
Rinse your mouth right after drinking lemon water.
Avoid brushing teeth for 60 minutes after.
Use soft toothbrush and avoid aggressive brushing.

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