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Veganic TareCk

Due to excessive walking without shoes or in winters causes Padadari due to vitiation of Vata. Feet turn dry, coarse, rough, cracked and sometimes painful due to fissures is called Padadari.
Simple treatment-
1. Dip the affected foot in Luke warm water for 15-20 minutes, dry it thoroughly and apply Til tail (sesame oil) on affected area.
2. Pre-melted Madhuchhishta (Bees wax)- 20 Gms., with Yavakshar (Lixivated ash of Hordeum vulgare)- 20 Gms., and Mustard oil- 20 Gms. together, mix thoroughly and apply on affected part or whole foot.
Pathya(to follow) -
Wear proper socks.
Keep oiling your lower limbs frequently.

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Veganic TareCk

Seatbelts are mandatory even when you are pregnant

The picture illustrates How to use Seatbelts and how to tie it while you are pregnant

Safety in your hands and child safety too

Safe driving.

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Safety Tips/self defense and overall safety


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Knowing what to do in an emergency could mean the difference between life and death. Here are some basic #FirstAid tips for INSECT STINGS.

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Veganic TareCk

Dr. Axe
6 Ways to Improve Scleroderma Symptoms Naturally

Scleroderma  is a rare and difficult disease. Also known as systemic sclerosis, it affects about 75,000 to 100,000 people in the United States. It can be a severe condition that can cause significant physical distress, disability and shortened life expectancy. Many patients with scleroderma are uncomfortable and self conscious about their appearance. This leads to... Read more »

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Veganic TareCk

Dr. Axe
Omega-3 Supplements Can Help Kids with ADHD

If you’re the parent of a child with ADHD who’s looking for a natural treatment approach, you may have heard about an ADHD diet and how, in particular, omega-3 fatty acids can improve symptoms of the disorder. Now, a recent meta-analysis published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology is lending even more credence to the claims. (1) The Study... Read more »

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Veganic TareCk

Health Benefits of Jaggery:

1.Purifies Blood:This jaggery purifies our blood very well.So daily intaking of jaggery is good for health.

2.Improves the digestion:Jaggery reduces the digestion problem.If one want to eat any sweet suddenly,you can have the peice of jaggery.It makes us healthy.

3.Reduces joint pains: This jaggery reduces the joint pains.Daily eating the jaggery with a peice of ginger decreases the joint pains and makes your joints strong.

4.Increase beauty :This jaggery makes the skin smooth and healthy.By eating this jaggery hair becomes healthy.It is also used to cure pimples and acne.

5.Cures Menstrual problems :Many of the ladies suffer with stomach pain during and before periods.By taking 1 tsp of jaggery daily can releive the premenstrual symptoms and pains.

6.Prevents pregnancy anaemia:Jaggeryreduces the anaemia that causes during pregnancy.Anaemia means lack of red blood cells.Due to the anaemia the pregnant women feel tired .This problem can be cured by taking jaggery daily.

Uses of jaggery:

Someone feels difficult to eat jaggery directly.So the milk can be made more tasty by mixing jaggery with milk.There are many uses and benefits of jaggery.

1.For Asthma and bronchitis ,make the laddoos of black sesame and jaggery.

2.For weakness,eat a tsp of jaggery twice a day.

3.For muscle strength ,drink the milk by mixing jaggery with it.

4.For tiredness take a 3tsp of jaggery a day.

5.For menstrual disorders take a tsp of jaggery a day.

Many of us feel that intake of sugar increases our weight.But instead of sugar everyone can take jaggery.There are many health benefits of jaggery.Daily every one takes sugar by mixing it with milk.Instead of that taking milk by mixing it with jaggery is very good for health and beauty.Daily we drink milk to make our bones strong.But it can be made more useful my mixing with jaggery.Health Benefits of #Jaggery:

1.Purifies Blood:This jaggery purifies our blood very well.So daily intaking of jaggery is good for health.

2.Improves the digestion:Jaggery reduces the digestion problem.If one want to eat any sweet suddenly,you can have the peice of jaggery.It makes us healthy.

3.Reduces joint pains: This jaggery reduces the joint pains.Daily eating the jaggery with a peice of ginger decreases the joint pains and makes your joints strong.

4.Increase beauty :This jaggery makes the skin smooth and healthy.By eating this jaggery hair becomes healthy.It is also used to cure pimples and acne.

5.Cures Menstrual problems :Many of the ladies suffer with stomach pain during and before periods.By taking 1 tsp of jaggery daily can releive the premenstrual symptoms and pains.

6.Prevents pregnancy anaemia:Jaggeryreduces the anaemia that causes during pregnancy.Anaemia means lack of red blood cells.Due to the anaemia the pregnant women feel tired .This problem can be cured by taking jaggery daily.

Uses of jaggery:

Someone feels difficult to eat jaggery directly.So the milk can be made more tasty by mixing jaggery with milk.There are many uses and benefits of jaggery.

1.For Asthma and bronchitis ,make the laddoos of black sesame and jaggery.

2.For weakness,eat a tsp of jaggery twice a day.

3.For muscle strength ,drink the milk by mixing jaggery with it.

4.For tiredness take a 3tsp of jaggery a day.

5.For menstrual disorders take a tsp of jaggery a day.

Many of us feel that intake of sugar increases our weight.But instead of sugar everyone can take jaggery.There are many health benefits of jaggery.Daily every one takes sugar by mixing it with milk.Instead of that taking milk by mixing it with jaggery is very good for health and beauty.Daily we drink milk to make our bones strong.But it can be made more useful my mixing with jaggery.

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Veganic TareCk

Having black spot on face,

What You Need

1 lemon1 tbsp fresh yogurt

How To Use

Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a clean bowl.Add 1 tablespoon of yogurt to it and mix well.Apply the paste all over your face and leave it on for 30 minutes.Wash off with clean water.

How Often?

Twice a week.

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Veganic TareCk

 Colds and Flu the 'Natural' Way

With no cure in sight for the cold or the flu, over-the-counter treatments can at best bring symptom relief or shorten the duration of those symptoms. Or you can take the natural approach. WebMD explores some home remedies that may help you feel better along the way.

No. 1: Blow Your Nose Often -- and the Right Way

It's important to blow your nose regularly when you have a cold rather than sniffling mucus back into your head. But when you blow hard, pressure can cause an earache. The best way to blow your nose: Press a finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other. Wash your hands after blowing your nose.

No. 2: Stay Rested

Resting when you first come down with a cold or the flu helps your body direct its energy toward the immune battle. This battle taxes the body. So give it a little help by lying down under a blanket.

No. 3: Gargle

Gargling can moisten a sore throat and bring temporary relief. Try a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water, four times daily. To reduce the tickle in your throat, try an astringent gargle -- such as tea that contains tannin -- to tighten the membranes. Or use a thick, viscous gargle made with honey or a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar, a popular folk remedy. Steep one tablespoon of raspberry leaves or lemon juice in two cups of hot water and mix in one teaspoon of honey. Let the mixture cool to room temperature before gargling. Honey should never be given to children under age 1.

No. 4: Drink Hot Liquids

Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, help prevent dehydration, and soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat.

No. 5: Take a Steamy Shower

Steamy showers moisturize your nasal passages and relax you. If you're dizzy from the flu, run a steamy shower while you sit on a chair nearby and take a sponge bath.

No. 6: Apply Hot or Cold Packs Around Your Congested Sinuses

Either temperature may help you feel more comfortable. You can buy reusable hot or cold packs at a drugstore. Or make your own. Take a damp washcloth and heat it for 55 seconds in a microwave (test the temperature first to make sure it's not scalding). Or take a small bag of frozen peas to use as a cold pack.

No. 7: Sleep With an Extra Pillow Under Your Head

This will help with the drainage of nasal passages. If the angle is too awkward, try placing the pillows between the mattress and the box springs to create a more gradual slope.

No. 8: Don't Fly Unless Necessary

There's no point adding stress to your already stressed-out upper respiratory system, and that's what the change in air pressure will do. Flying with cold or flu congestion can hurt your eardrums as a result of pressure changes during takeoff and landing. If you must fly, use adecongestant and carry a nasal spray with you to use just before takeoff and landing. Chewing gum and swallowing frequently can also help relieve pressure.


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Veganic TareCk


1. If walking by yourself, get off your cell phone. A lot of people think that being on the phone is safe because the person on the other line can call 911, but that rarely works out. Chatting can distract you; it's better to be aware of your surroundings. That said…

2. If walking by yourself, hold your cell phone and be ready to make an emergency call. Many phones now have a button on the screen to dial 911 immediately. Go one step further and preset one of the buttons on your phone to call the emergency number.

3. Look underneath your car before approaching it in a parking garage or lot at night.

4. If you return to your car and see that a van is parked right next to the driver's side, enter through the passenger side. Predators often use vans and will disguise it as a family car, even using "Baby on Board" decals.

5. You return to your car and it has a flat tire. Back away. Return to wherever you came from (restaurant, store, etc) and call for help. Once assistance arrives, approach your car. If someone comes up to you (even if they are a woman) and wants to offer help, politely say, "No thank you." If a man, he could be a predator. If a woman, she could be the lurer.

6. When leaving the mall late at night, ask a security guard to walk you to your car. Do not go up to just any security guard. Go directly to the kiosk and ask for them to assign an officer to escort you. Predators sometimes dress up like men of the law.

7. When the pharmacist asks you to confirm your home address, whisper it to them. Broadcasting your home address among strangers on the line could compromise your safety.

8. Ditto if you're checking in to a hotel room. If the person at the front desk says your room number out loud, ask them to give you a new room and write the number on a piece of paper. Or when you check-in, ask upfront that they not say your room number out loud. Your room number should be your business only.

9. Before entering your hotel room, make sure no one is lingering in the hallway.

10. Always immediately lock your hotel room door after you enter.

11. When traveling, do not walk with your map in your hand. It is a dead giveaway that you are a tourist. Therefore, you are an easy target.

12. If you call for room service, and you get a knock on your door, do not immediately open. Ask: "Who is it?" Make the person on the other side of the door tell you who they are before you open it.

13. When asking for directions and someone offers to show you the way by having you follow them, do not go. Just ask for them to point you in the right direction. Often, predators just want to get you to a place less crowded where your screams can't be heard.

14. If someone tries to grab you, twist your arm up and down and yell, "Stop!" Do anything you can to draw attention to yourself.

15. Always pour your own drink at a party and bring it with you everywhere...even to the bathroom. This will make it a lot harder for someone to drug you via you drink.

16. Don't put your name on your apartment buzzer. If you're expecting guests, just let them know which number to push. This way, only people who know you know exactly where you live.

17. If someone is chasing after you, run away in a zig zag pattern. This will exhaust your attacker.

18. Don't check-in on Foursquare or Facebook when you arrive somewhere. Instead, check in as you leave. This way no one will be able to digitally stalk you and know your every move or when you're not home. Along the same lines, avoid tweeting or Facebooking from vacation, especially if your account is public, as it's a way of letting the world know that your home is unoccupied.

18. When you move into a new place, check your smoke detector for a hidden camera. Your landlord could be spying on you.


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Veganic TareCk


1. Never go to bed with your car's fuel tank empty (No fuel). In case of an emergency, what if your good neighbour isn't at home.

2. Never employ a nanny you don't know her home. Some of them are child traffickers in disguise.

3. Never go to bed with your phone empty (No airtime). Most emergencies happen at night.

4. Do not stand or park your car under high tension cable especially when it is windy.

5. Do not attempt to start your generator with your phone torchlight as the source of light. As this could cause explosion.

6. Do not answer telephone calls in the kitchen when your gas cylinder is turn on.

7. Endeavour to crawl under the smoke if a house is engulfed by smoke, as walking straight could cause suffocation. Smoke mounts up.

8. If by mistake you swallow a fish bone, lick salt, and pull your ears while you cough out the fish bone.

9. If you are in any traffic or 'hold up', 'go- slow' as in local parlance, if you must remain in your car while it is not in motion, always apply your central lock.

10. Do not leave your children alone in the car with your dog or any pet.

11. Nowadays, never enter a lift alone if you must. So many are already gone through this.

12. Never leave your opened drink to take a call outside. It could be a plan to distract you. Many have been poisoned through this.

13. Never rush out to turn off the tap on hearing its sound in the night. It's a new robbery trick to wilfully bring you out. Remember, you didn't leave it running before retiring to bed.

Be security conscious! Don't be careless!! Share with friends and loved ones if you find it important and educative!!!

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Veganic TareCk

Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude
What Does The Color Of Your Tongue Reveal About Your Health?

“Any discoloration, lumps, sores or pain (of the tongue) should be monitored and evaluated by a medical professional if they don’t go away within two weeks.” – Dr. Daniel Allan, Family Physician at the Cleveland Clinic “Say Ah…” Ever wonder why doctors examine your mouth during a regular checkup? Well, when the doc asks you […]

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Veganic TareCk

Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude
7 Signs Your Partner Respects You

“The truest form of love is how you behave toward someone, not how you feel about them.” ? Steve Hall  Successful relationships are like buildings: you can build them up as much as you like, but the foundations need to be strong so that the construction can withstand it. Fulfilling relationships have two main pillars as their […]

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Veganic TareCk

Amazing Benefits Of Oranges (Santra) For Skin, Hair And Health

Oranges have many health benefits. They are rich in Vitamins C and A, flavonoids, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, potassium, dietary fiber etc. Oranges are one of the most favourite fruits in the world. Not only does it taste delicious and soar, it contains several vitamins.The most rich and powerful vitamin protects our body from many harmful diseases and illnesses while having a number of cures.

Here are some of the health benefits for oranges.

Relieves Constipation

The dietary fiber in orange helps in stimulating digestive juices and relieves constipation.

Did you know that the dietary fibre ion Oranges helps your stomach stimulate digestive juices to relieve the stiffness of your faeces? It is recommended to take in 25-35 grams of fibre daily. Eating the flesh of an orange would be good for your dieting as it contains 3.1 grams of fibre.

Regulates High Blood Pressure

Hesperidin, a flavonoid in oranges helps to regulate high blood pressure. Magnesium in oranges helps to maintain the blood pressure.

Prevents Cancer

The high amount of vitamin C protects the cells from damages by free radicals. Liminoid, a compound in oranges helps to prevent cancers like oral, skin, lung, breast and colon.

Protects Against Heart Diseases

The high amount of vitamin C and flavonoids protects against heart diseases.

Fights Against Viral Infection

Studies show that the abundance of polyphenols protects against viral infections.

Purifies Blood

The iron and Vitamin B6 in oranges help in the production of hemoglobin and increase the oxygen carrying capacity. They also purify the blood.

Protects Against Skin Diseases

Beta-carotene, the powerful antioxidant protects the cells from being damage. It also protects the skin from free radicals and prevents the signs of aging.

Keeps Bones and Teeth Strong

The calcium in oranges helps to keep your bones and teeth strong.

Prevents Kidney Diseases

The regular intake of orange juice prevents kidney diseases. It also reduces the risk of forming calcium oxalate stones in the kidney. But take the juice in moderate amounts. Otherwise it can cause the decay of bones and teeth.

Helpful in Many Diseases

Oranges are effective in both preventing and treating certain diseases like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, rheumatism etc.

Use the orange peel for other health benefits!

You may have not known but oranges can be helpful for you and your home. Other benefits include:

• Orange peels are useful for exfoliating facial scrubs

• Orange peel oil baths is healthy for the skin

• Orange zest can flavour your cooking recipes

• Orange peels can be used to keep cats, ants and slugs away from your garden

• Orange peels can kindle your house fire

• Orange peels is a deodorizer

• Rubbing fresh orange peel can repel mosquitoes

 Thank you for reading this much now time to share this

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Veganic TareCk

Tips to keep Good Health

Take 10 – 30 minutes walk everyday.

#Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

#Take more of sprouts and salads.

#Drink plenty of water.

#Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.

#Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind yourself of mistakes of the past.

That will ruin your present happiness.

#Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control.

#Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

#Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.

#Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.

#Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

#What other people think of you is none of your business.

#However good or bad a situation is, it will change..!

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Veganic TareCk

First Aid Manual

🆔 @healthyadvices

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Veganic TareCk

What Helps Vs What Hurts When Dealing With Mental Illness

Mental illness is a very common problem, partially because mental illness comes in many different forms. Among the different types of mental illnesses and personality disorders are depression, anxiety, social phobia, schizophrenia, and plenty of other illnesses. While it is a good thing to be able to manage illness, helping the mentally ill is a very delicate matter that is best left to the professionals. If you try to help someone, you have to be careful not to make him sink worse into that illness.

If you have a friend, family member or someone you otherwise care about who is suffering from a mental illness, the natural response is to want to help him fight his order. However, you have to be careful not to cause him to fall even deeper into this pit. The best thing you can do is let him know that you are there for him. Offer a listening ear and support. At the same time, you have to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and not neglecting your needs for him. Also, suggest that he talks to someone who is qualified to help him through this. Helping someone with mental illness is not something that should be taken on alone.

There are a lot of things that do more harm to the person that is suffering from a mental illness. One thing that wouldn’t help that person is if you are criticizing him. The person with the mental illness already feels bad about himself depending on the illness. To throw criticisms at him will only reaffirm his feelings about himself. Also, don’t go too far in trying to help him. If the person suffering from the illness sees you deteriorating in trying to help him, then that will likely drive him deeper into this pit of depression.


If you are suffering from a mental illness of your own, there are a lot of natural reactions to this illness which may not be healthy. For one thing, it is not a good idea to isolate yourself. All that will do is prolong and intensify your mental illness. The better thing to do is to seek the support of a friend that you can trust. You can get the help of a professional. It may also help to get the help and support of people that have gone through the same illness that you are going through. One thing you don’t want to do is diagnose yourself. Mental illness is a tricky thing to deal with. However, if you feel that you might be facing some kind of mental disorder, then you should consult a professional for a diagnosis.

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